The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-01-28, Page 7A <» •F 4 the l b * c * *. doh. High prizes went to Mrs. Don. Martin and Charlie Martin; LoW was wpn by Mrs, R. Ross. Lunch was served. a- .»i f'; inawaawwa ’T •a ■ WEDNESDAY, JAN. 28th, 1053 GOLDEN WEDDING WAS, CELEBRATED On January 21st, Mr. and Mrs. .Wesley Hedtey celebrated the 50th anniversary of theit Mar­ riage rit their home in Glamis, when their family gave a dinner in honor of their parents. On January 21st, 1903, at St, Mathew’s Anglican church, Kin- garf, ReW Bice, assisted by Rev. Hall, united in’ marriage Martha Ellen Gibson, daughter of George : Gibton and the late Mrs. Gibson of Con. 7, Kincardine and Robert Wesley Hedley, sori of John Hed­ ley and the late Mrs. Hedley of . the 6th of Greenock. They were attended by the groom's. sister, Martha Jane Hedley, now Mrs. . MacDonald of Kincardine, and James Stringer, cousin of the • bride; now of Olds, Alberta. Fol­ lowing their marriage the bride . and groom resided on the groom’s farm, Con. 6, Greenock township (where their youngert son Clar­ ence now lives) until ten years ago when they moved to Glamis. They have a family of three sons and one daughter, Mervyn .• ; of Glamis, Marietta (Mrs? Jas. , Husk, of Kincardine Twp.J Chas, of Bervie, Clarence of Greenock. Mr. Hedley Is 75 and Mrs. Hed­ ley 74. They both enjoys fair health. Mt Hedley is very act- — ive arid raises a large garden every year. One of Mrs. Hedley’s pleasures is riiaking fancy pieced quilts 'but her eyesight is failing which is quite a handicap to her. : They have a great love .for v church and- -enjoy company and . take an interest in all community .affairs. ' For. the dinner a three-storey / wedding cake with. gold trim- boundary east BORN—to Mr. and Mrs. Car­ man ,W. Farrier at St. Joseph’s Hospital, Toronto; on Janu. 26th, a daughter, Colleen Marie, a sis­ ter for Brian, Miss Winnifred Farrier of Tor­ onto spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Far­ rier of Whitechurch. Mr. Ken Patterson attended the funeral of his sister-in-law, Mrs. Pqttersdn at Leamington on Thursday. < ~ . Mr, Bill Fisher of Mitchell spent ithe week-end at his home. ? The Whitechurch Farm Forum held a progressive euchre in the hall on Wednesday night under the direction of Mrs. Bob Pur- l‘ mings was in the centre of the • table anti the room was tastily 1 decorated in gold and white. ’ Twenty-eight were present, at I the dinnerdncl tiding Mr-. Hedley’s sisters, “Mrs, Martha Jane Mac­ Donald of Kincardine and Mrs. Alice MacKenzie of Lucknow; a sister-in-law, Mrs. Hattie Hedley of Greenock;^ a brother-in-law* Mr. John Gray of Toronto; Mrs. Hedley’s sisters, Mrs. Laura Lew­ is of Kincardine,'Mrs. Alice Bell, of Pinkerton; her brothers, Mr. J. G, Gibson and Mrs. Gibson of CanningtOri, Mr. Albert Gibson . of Owen Sound, Mr. Fred Gibson and Mrs. Gibson'of Paisley. Also present were Rev, P. F. and Mrs. MJcSwean of Glamis and Mr. and , Mrs. Hedley’s sons and their wives; their daughter arid her husband and grandchildren. -"-~7™A‘bout“bneThuridred^and--thirty friends called on this highly es- , .teenied couple. Many beautiful gifts arid cards, of congratulations were received, among which was one from Donald Blue, M P. arid . one frorn Prime Minister Louis St. Laurent. Three former neighbors, Mrs. George Kerslake, Mrs. George Young and Mrs. Albert Young served at the dinner and during the receiving hours Mrs. Joseph Wrightson, Mrs. Alice MacKen- : zie/^Mrs. Alice Bell , and Mrs. Martha J. MacDonald pourOd tea. local red cross branch CONTINUES GOOD WORK ■■ • ■. ? The annual meeting of the Lucknow; and Vicinity Branch of the Canadian Red Cross Society »—~was-held-onT-JanUary-20th in the Town Hall, The following, officers were elected for 1953: hon. pres., Mr. J. R. McNab; hon. vice presidents,; Mr. T. Smith, Mr. Stewart Rob­ ertson; pres., Mr. W, R. Ander- sori;' vice - pres;, Mr, Janies. Hen­ derson; sec.-. Mfrs. W. B. Adder-; son; .trees., Mr. M. Couse; cha.ir- man of campaign committee? Mr. : ‘ ' J..Henderson; treas. of: campaign , committee, Mr, A. E. McKim,. . Reports of the year*s work wei‘0 .given. The women’s work -room committee, reported 434 articles of sewing, and 133 knitted articles were- sent • to Toronto. Eleven, blood transfusions Were provided. Rit local patients during; the year. The Branch,has fOpr wheel chairs * -which are in use'all the time. Tj.*e.treasurer_reporfe.d...a Successful campaign last Spring .and $980.00Zwas sent to’Head\ tiuarters with ithe balahoe of the luhds being held for local use. It was a worrying time . . . when it should have been a happy one. . The stork was flying, our way,, but* we didn’t have the money neededto welcome our new baby. After going over our finances for the umpteenth time, we decided there was nothing for it but to cash our bonds. There had been too many ’surprise’ expenses. Luckily for us, our B of M manager other ideas. -‘Here’s a real chance for you tohad < $av.e, and you’re fnissing jt/* he smiled. “Save? At a time like this?” we nearly shouted. “It’s not as hard as you think,” he said* u. a few of my. customers-do it. “First, you have to plan yourself a budget.., You. need a road map, if you’re to know where yqu’re going with your money. Here’s a little booklet called ’Personal Planning’. Read it caretolly; It shows you how to wptk out your owh way of getting ahead, saving regularly?' -r •v' pMtNStttN Mgg2*25j22I2S2SS523J^B6il 5 ’ . THE Lucknow sentinel, lucknow, Ontario ' PAGE SEVEN wolf: cues A- • • ■ ■■ iiw • The /‘Jungle” echoed to howl of 26 Cubs last Week under the leadership of Akela arid his assistants, Baloo, Bagheera and Kaa. Sixer Bill Andrew conduct­ ed the qpenihg ceremonies,’ All. .•Sixes fell down greatly on spec- ial-inspectionof7‘‘claws”^An-am- bitious program of instruction; for First Star tests was begun with the leaders being assisted by Scout Bill Ritchie. Tn the open-, ing game of . the floor hockey schedule the Whites defeated the Grey Six 3-0; ; Final payments of membership fees are coming in well (but a few boys, hayte' still neglected this ' matter. Just a final reminder, Cubs. ‘ ’ ■ ' : ■ . a • Congratulations to Scout Geo, .Webster bn winning the Saugeen District badge design competi­ tion. 1. ■ . Is * land Richards, Mrs. Orville Jones, Mrs, Wilfred Drennan,* Mrs. Grant MaeDiarmid, Willard Thompson,. Mrs. Vernon Hhnter, Mrs. Meijde- john, Stuart Collyer, Mrs. ’Russell Button and: * Rev.. Meiklejohn. Floyd Wilson has since been add­ ed fo the teaching staff. a Qn Sunday evening Rev. Meik­ lejohn presented certificates to seven members who successfully completed the leadership train­ ing class held, last fall. Mrs.Yer- non HunterjmdWin soneachgaveoneoftheir~assign- nient .papers sut the service. Cer­ tificates were received by Mar- •■•garet ■ Rae, Ernest jBlake, Mrs. Wilfred Drennan, Mrs. Vernon Hunte;, Mrs; ’Meiklejdhri, Mfrs. Orville ‘ Jones and Willard Thompson. ■■ > ,i ■ ...................-........................................ INSTALLED OFFICERS, PRESENTED CERTIFICATES At the morning service * in the United Church Rev. G. A. Meikle- john-conducted—the~installation of, Sunday School teachers, arid expressed appreciation of their services as well -as; those of the superintendents, assistants and musicians, « v \ / The staff of teachers include Mrs. George Andrew, Mrs.Or- <“* financially—and how to save regularly from now on. "But how can we save in our present pickle?’ I ashed him. ..'' ..i.' . ^Borrow against your bonds,” he said. ”You’ve got a steady job. After all, if you cash your bonds now, you’ll have the money you need, but you won’t have any savings left. If you use your bonds to borrow, you *get them back by paying off your loan instalments. In other words, you're saving your savings. This is one of theJ times when borrowing is really saving.” * - . ‘ ‘ Our story has a happy ending* because our financial worries went out of the window before the stork quite flew in. Yes, our baby had a happy welcome; We paid > back the loan.. Now, we still have , our bonds, we’re Jiving on a budget suited to our needs arid "aims’, AND we’re ....................... "" • V .. r Saving is the only way. to move ahead of your worries, and stay ahead. And — sometimesborrowing at the B ofM is the best way to save. Find out how to save: despite today's high prices. Ask for your copy of ‘‘Personal Planning” -at your neighborhood B of M branch. It’s, yours for the asking. 70 ANUUON CANADIANS i* Lucknow Branch: MURRAY COUSE, Manager ! 18 17