The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-01-28, Page 3WEDNESDAY, JAN. 28th, 1953 ARNOLD ALTON HEADS J. F. GROUP The Colwanash Junior Farmers met in the Parish Hall,. Purigan- non, on Tuesday, January 20 with an average attendance. The roll call, was answered by the amount of fertilizer expected to be used Aon the member’s farm in the spring iwjiich fringed from. 20 lb& to J 2 tons, A mew idea of having a draw for those in attendance by 8.45 was tried fairly success­ fully with John Graham the yrin- ner. It ;was decided io increase ‘thiTnembership^fee-from50 75 cents -because of a 25c increase in the provincial fee. . ? John Clark, the Resident, re- ported.on the ’.meetings, of the County Junior FEirmers, There is agoing to be a hockey tournament with the' games to be played in Blyth and Hensail arenas. There is to be a games night in Clinton on February 20th and the annual meeting to ibe held in ,March.’ Thd annual At Home will be on Apr. 17th in Seaforth. Rev. George Watt, Dungannon, assisted iby Ken Petrie; a past president, conducted the election of new officers’. The treasurer’s repprtr showed a successful year with $34.Q0 on hand. The results of the election were: past pres., John^Clark, R. 5, Goderich; pres., Arnold Alton, R; 7, , Lucknow; vice pres?, John Feagan, R. 6,. Goderich; sec.-treas,, D. A. Hack­ ett, R. 7, Lucknow; directors for. Colborne, Fred Durst, R. 2; Clin­ ton; John Clark, R. 5, Goderich; . for West Wawanqsh, Donald Mur•> ray, R. 2, Lucknow; Gordon Fin­ nigan, It 2, Auburn; for Ashfield, .Chester Hackett, R. 7, Lucknow; Joe McGee, R. 3, Goderich; aud- .itors, Ken Petrie, R, 1, pun-gan* iion; Elmer Hunter, R; 3, Goder- ■......i L.D.H.S. NEWS Hoot Mon! The Bobby Burns Literary meeting was. held Friday after­ noon at 3.30. The chairptah was Donald MacNay. The hymn,“pn- rtp the Hills” was sung and the scripture; psalm 121, was read by Mary MacIntyre, The hymn; “Jesus keep me near the Cross” was sung after which the Lord’s prayer was repeated to close the first part of the meeting. A quintette of Scotch singers was introduced by Don. (They were Jim Hackett, pan Rose^ Geo. Richards, Ken and Don Mac- Nay). They sang “Road to the Isles” a<5compahied by Shirley Burden^. Then. at the height of the •' . • ' " ? - * ■' this, Afestive celebration, .a most famous Scotch soloist, Donald MacNay, favored with “Waitin’ Tae Welcome Me Hame”. He was accompanied by' Ruth Johnston. Mr. MacDonald, (who performs annually) brought out ’his broad accent to rqad a poem of Robert Burns. He also told a Scotch joke; Gladys Chin read a school paper. The program was closed with the national anthem. __ ?’____■ \ —O— : ' ’ ' On Th ursday. and Friday even­ ings, the D.H.S. will present their annual concert in the Town Hall. For months the students have been working hard ito produce an evening’s entertainment that will equal the : reputation achieved during . previous yearsi The wor­ ry, hard work and numerous de­ tails that we never know of un­ less we have worked ‘‘behind the scenes” have to be contended with by the teachers. We are certain that a. variety program has been arranged and that it will be greatly enjoyed. . .. . JChi/’'' . The Junior Institute officers are: pres., Doreen Lamb, R. 4, Goderich; vice pres,, Dorothy Mc­ Cabe, R. 4, Goderich; sec.-treas.,' Sheila Feagan, R. 6, Goderich. | The girls from Ashfield and West | Wawanosh were, noticeably ab­ sent. . ' ■ WILLIAM THOM PASSES The death of William Thom, 80-year-old resident of the Aur . burn district/ occurred in God­ erich Hospital on Monday night. The funeral service wasiconduct- ed on Wednesday at Knox Pres­ byterian Church; Auburn, with interment in Wingham Cemetery. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO T Presbyteriah Guild? The third meeting of the Pres­ byterian Guild was held on Jan. 26th. The' call to. worship was Tead-by; Glark^-Stanleys-Hymn 553 was sung fol 1 owed by the - scrip-. turMe read responsively. Mrs. ,Jas. Little very ably took the topic. Ann Petersen led in prayer. Charlie Chin favored with a. trumpet' solo. A reading was giv­ en by Ray. Stanley. Hymn 569' was sung and the mizpah bene­ diction was repeated by all. •j/ . .____________ -~ ..—., . ' DUNGANNON y*v "yy v y y PAGE THREE LADIES' AND MEN’S WEAR Local & General Mr, and Mr$* J. M. Greer spent last week in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs, Eric Edmanson. . . Mrs. Mercy Taylor 'of Edmon­ ton spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Taylor. . Mrs. Wilfred Sherwin and son Keith of Orono spent the week­ end with relatives in the com­ munity. . Mrs. Isaac Andrew, octogenar- ian Zion district resident, is im^ proYing following her recent ill- ; ness. : 'M^,;and. Mrs. Wm. Blue and daughter Margaret ■ oj Detroit spent the week-end with Mr- ^d Mrs. J: D. Anderson. ” , -. Visitors on Sunday with Mr., , and Mrs. Charles Congram were Mr. Harvey Dobson, Mr. and Mrs. °Roy Hair and Jewett of Ethel, also Mr, and Mrs. Ellwin' Hall of Listowel. Lawrence Bower of* Toronto spent the week end With his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bower. Lawrence is a first-year student in chemical engineering at Toronto University. . Mrs. Douglas Clark arid child­ ren Ann and Tom have gone to Ottawa to reside. Doug, is station­ ed there with the RCMP and Mrs. Clark and children rvisited here until housing accomodation was available. . Mr. and Mrs.- Stewart Cameron and children Mary Ann and Rod­ dy of Port Coliborne, who were called home prior to his mother’s death, remained here until after the funeral, and returned on Wednesday. ~ • Miss Florence DeGruchy of Montreal visited -in-town, for a. few days with her parents, and also her sister, Mrs. Bruce Mc­ Kenzie and family. She had a picture of Bob Mowbray deliver­ ing his papers on his ipofiy wfficlT appeared in the Montreal. Daily Stan ’ Last week’s, visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Busbell were Mr. Orah Crawford, London; Mr. and Mrs. Donald MjcCosh,, Mary and Dickie and Roselyn Swan, Purple .Grove; Mrs. J. W. Colwell, Kin- lough; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Col­ well, Shirley, Gwen, Bill and Jack and Mr. and Mrs. Ardill Mason, Ripley; \ v .. Friends from a distance attend­ ing the funeral of the late Mrs. R. J, Cameron included Mrs, Del­ mar (Congram) Webber, Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Van Hooser and -daughter---of--EaM-^Aurora/JN.Y.^ Mrs. Wm.. Black, Espanola; Mris. Mae Franks, Hamilton; Mrs. Ani­ me Taylor, Clinton; Mrs. Luella Phillips, Mitchell; Mr. and Mrs. Ti A. Gagari; London; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Youn, Chesley. : Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Mac­ Donald and Garry were Sunday Visitors at Seaforth with Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Smith and his moth­ er, Mrs; Janet MacDonald who observed her 91st birthday that day Lome MacDonald of .Peter­ borough, who travels, fpr the Great West Saddlery Co., also spent the week-end there and on Monday night provided bagpipe music' at; the Lions Club Burns Night dinner. Too Late To Classify HOUSE FOR SALE Modern frame dwelling in gdod“condition. . Three-deck . poultry, house -on property. Apply to Ernie Craw­ ford. ► ►' ► ► ' ► ► o ► ► ► ► ► ■ The E r s k i n,e Presbyterian church held their annual meet­ ing in the church with, Rev. C. A/ Winn, the minister,. presiding. Reports were given by the sec­ retaries of each department. Of- -ficers~~ele ct edf o r-195 3- ar-e.^-care-, Church of the Air /CKNX, 10.30-11.90 am., Jan. 29th, Rev. W. E. C. Vol- rlick;—Kincar dine™Febr^2n dp^Rev., C. S; Baulch, South ,Kinloss; Feb. ’ ;ta]<ei.) Mrs. Frank Jones;- congre- 3rd, Rev, D, A. Brydon, Ripley;'; gatiOnal secMrs. Hugh Bennett; Feb. 4 th, Rev. W. A.-Jones, Sea­ forth. 'Lucknow Presbyterian Church Rev. C. A. Winn, B.A., / Minister. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1st 11 a.mi: Communion of the. Lord’s Supper. , : : 12.15 p.m.: Sunday School and ' “Bible Class. 3 p.mJ Erskine Church, Diirt- - garinon, Communion of the Lord's Supper. w /' 4 . • • * 7 p m. ^TsSierbf serriibw ' from the Psalms, No. 8. Preparatory Service, Friday, January 30th, 8.0Q p.m. No. prayer meeting next week. I LUCKNOW ■ j UNITED CHURCH| 1 r? Minister: ‘.budget treas., .Mrs- Allan. Reid; organist, Miss Barbara Wilson; assistant organist, Miss Norma Murray-;. Sunday - School treas., Douglas Reid; S.S. supt., Donald Murray; assistant S.S. supt., Jim­ my Reid; auditors, Arthur Stew­ art and Robt. McAllister; Sun­ day school organist, Miss^Norma 'Murray. _ The Ladies Guild of St. Paul s .church held a progressive euchre party" in the Parish Hall on Thursday night. There were ,11 tables. Prize winners were Mrs. H. - Eedyr Mrs.Lor^ the men’s prizes, Fred Young & John Finnigan. . • The annual Vestry meeting.Pt St Paul’s Anglican church was -h^d-a-t-the^alish„HdL priT Thurs-_ day afternoon... The meeting opr, ened with prayer by Rev. H. L., Jennings. Various reports were •given -by different-organizatioiis, ’ also a letter was read from Bis­ hop Luxton, London, bringing ’! greetings and best . wishes to the followed: ^minister’s xVarden, Wm. Foundation Garments : for all figure types — we haive them! Fjtted to your posture while you wait. CORSETS, CORSELETTES, GIRDLES, BELTS, ; ■" : BRASSIER^ ■■ ■ r. i ”7 ’ --------...........................................—--x-.- ■—: —------------ New stock and styles at moderate prices . for every budget. ' .. Broadcloth, Nylom Statin ip all’ sizes. f PLAYTEX GARMENTS most popular,, comfortable, wearable girdle on r < < < < '■< < -'i .4 r. • . 4 . 4 '4 4 The ______ market. Ask for them—yop, too, will want One for " that Spring wardrobe. — Please phone or drop in for an appointment ).Permanent Waving Modern Hair Styling Dandruff Treatments ?• > the o /< 4 < 4 ,4 I I --i- Hair Conditioning _ Manicuring 4/ OPEN TUESDAY and FRIDAY EVENINGS Salon In Breckles’ Block Lucknow, Ontario — ’Phone 115 United Church Young Peoples" The first regular meeting of (the New Year of the Lucknow United Church Young Peoples was held on Tuesday, January 13th with 19 present. The meet­ ing was opened with a lively sing song which was led by Shir­ ley Burden. After a. short prayef the meeting was turned over to Ruth Treleaveri, the Stewardship and Training convener. After ri hymn the scripture was read., We enjoyed a very interesting talk on "Leadership Training by Miss Margaret Rae. After the talk, •questions were answered by Miss. Rae, A piano solo- was given by Shirley Burden. The president, Kfenneth McNay, z again . took charge. The minutes were read ;by the new sercetary, Marilyn Kilpatrick. The business period consisted chiefly of the discus­ sion about a skating and .tobog­ ganing party which „are soon to be held. We then enjoyed some games provided by Carolyn Gib­ son and closed with “taps”., Make Donation. To C.A.S. The January meeting of the Paramount Women’s Institute was held at Mrs. R. Reid’s with 14 ladies present. It was decided to give the ..Children’s Shelter at Wrilkerton a donation of $10 and also a bale of clothes. Mrs. O. Richards gave a very interesting talk and demonstration on sew­ ing. The program consisted of a reading by Mrs. ; Webster,, con­ gests by Mrs. Irwin and Miss S. Gibson. The meeting closed with in'I.ca<lershipTrainingbyMissTheQueenafterwhie,-.a-dainty. lunch was served. “Skinny”Girls Get Lovely Curves Gain 5 to 10 lbs. New Pep Thousands who never could gain weight before, now * have’ shapely, .attractive figures No more bony limbs, ugly hollows They thank Ostrex. It pats, flesh ah bodles sklnny because blood, lacks iron. _ Peps yoti up, too.. Improves appetite, digestion so food nourishes you better. Don’t fear getting too fat. •• Stop when you gain, figure, you-wish. Introductory or •‘get-acquainted” size only 60jl Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets for new pounds, lovely curves, new pep, - today At all druggists. rii Rev. G. A. Meiklejohn, i B.A., B.D. x j SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1st | [ congregation. Election of officers si,:. » . ’tl i : iU7m, Caesar; people’s warden, Thomas Young; delegate, to the Synod, R* j>.’ Durniri; substitute, Elmer II 111 aim: “Believing in Man”. Il2;15 p.m.t Sunday School. i 7 p.m.: “Negro Spirituals’’,, , I “{iSpMial rfeaae^gs v ! Junior Choir). ■. I i i v ► . ► ► ► High School Debentures ■ v t v f-Tvy y "ir v'v."y tvv <r w ▼ v"T v V'v.'w . DISTRICT ( & * • 4 v' * ", ? St. Helens W. I. Meeting National and International pay is the theme for ,the; St. Helens Women’s Institute meeting to. be held , in the Community Hall on Thursday, /February, 5th. Roll call, , “One advantage of living ’-;-topic-by—-MrSv John Cameron’; hostesses, Mrs. Gordon Macpherson, Mrs. Fred Mc.Quillin. <K* uui xnii> 4s , Milt* cLU-vai ^raff^Mr^merrr^P'aU1“^a^^-ii^^^eihncracy” Robt.‘ Mole, Jbck Caesar &y Ben, Mole; board of0managementv Wm. Caesar, ThoS. Young, K J, Dur- min, Elmer: Black, Mrs., Wm. Cae­ sar, Mrs. Gladys Rivett, ^1 Ste­ wart;. caretaker of P,ar.Ifh-Han, dharles ’Fowlen A vote of thanks was expressed to all who had heldiJOfficW the.pravious year and Rev. Jennings closed With pray* er. ’ < ■ .■ ./'■ ■ ’■ BORN JAMIESON—in Wingham Hospi­ tal on Sunday, January 18, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Jamieson, . (nee Donalda Hackett) , J:dati|ghr ter, Sharon Louise. I KT rwa-mMpiaiiWMCixiMtu wsttsawM Available Through Bell Qouinlock and Co., Ltd v“^25^int^St7T'VVes^Tdronm^ J- H. AGNEW, REPRESENTATIVE LuckhbW, Ontario • ? 1 ' /