The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-01-28, Page 2• • ' i..’ ■ ' ■ . i f V* • I: 4 ( $ M . • A v k L •1 PAGE TWO It • • LUCKNOWDISTRICT High School Concert p V TOWN HALL, LUCKNOW w '.■.■■t-"'!—1 ',,.h t- r1- - •? .... ....... A: . . ; • two Nights Thursday and Friday . • Certain at 8.00 pan. . „J •PROGRAM INCLUDES: ' Glee Club Numbers; Gymusstio Exhibition; Two Plays— “THE BOBBY SOX BRIGADE” “DARkBR(«^i? “Dark Brown” produced by permission of Samuel French Ltd. Adults 50c • — , Reserve Seats at McKim’s Drug Store. • • • ■ - v:-- • . ’•• • ’ -1'. . • ' ■ • .' ‘w* . f” . * ♦ . : ■ From Eddie Cantor ’ ; Comedian Eddie Cantor points up a great message he learned fnom\a young show-off and a famous fighter: “When you help i 4 !* 1 —<- ' 7 n' •i ■ p others, you; can’t help helping yourself”. Read ’• Why Knock the Kid Out?”, by Eddie Cantor, in this Sunday’s (February 1) issue of The American Weekly, exclus­ ively with Detroit Sunday Times. ■ - r. ■' '. * -• •. r day... \ > . .... ... ,t ’. • ....., ?- , today,.. THE 'LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO .' * '■ ' V *» .. t - '.■?w 1 I - »-'-Hj L I.'■IT OBITUARY HARRY E. BELL The death of Harry E. Bell of Kinlough occurred in Kincardine Hospital on Tuesday, January 20 Sue to a heart 'condition- This esteemed gentleman was in his 89th year and had been a highly respected resident of' the xl£in- lough district since young man­ hood. - He was a son of William Bell and Nancy Dunsmore, and was born on January 13 th, 1865, in DownieCTownship in Perth Co. His wife; formerly Susanna Smith, passed away six years ago and a son, Albert, died the same 'year.'"' \ .• Mr. Bell was a member of Kin­ lough' Anglican Church. The fun­ eral service was conducted on Thursday afternoon at the Mc­ Lennan - MacKenzie Memorial Chapel by Rev. G. Benson Cox. Interment was in Greenhill Cem­ etery, the pallbearers; being six grandsons, Clifford, Chester and David . Robb, Harold Haldenby Lovell McGuire, Clare Sparling., Flower bearers were Lorne Bell, Russell Bell,-Earl Tyack, George Graham, Fred Gifest, Gordon Erb. Mr. Bell is survived by one son, Billie of Renwer, Manitoba and by three daughters, Mrs. Howard MIcGuire (Jean) of Hur- ........ r 4 VIEWS .ZION CHURCH ■. SUCCESSFUL YEAR • Zion congregation reviewed a very sd<»essful/year at the onr nual meeting held in the church on Tuesday afternoon. Rev. J..R- Dickinson presided ind reports were heard from all departments of the church. , Election of officers was held with the following officers ap­ pointed for the ensuing years Session, George Hunlter, Frank Ritchie, Jacob Hunter; Stewards, CharlesWilkins, treas.;William Helm, Lloyd Hunter, Chas. And­ erson, Peter Cook, Gordon Kirk­ land, Earl' Swan; Trustees, John Ritchie, chairman; Jim llunter, treas.; Allan Ritchie, Lloyd Hun­ ter, Nelson Raynard, Peter Cook, Harvey Ritchite, Marshall Gib­ son; Organist, Mrs. Wesley Rit­ chie; assistant organists, Sybil Barger, Carol Gardner; ushers, Russell Swan,. Douglas^ Hackett, John Hunter, Douglas Raynard, Mervin Ritchie; auditors, Wim. O. Hunter, Chas. Anderson; Parson­ age. trustees, Gordon Ritchie, Wm. G. Hunter; M. & M. treas., Thus. Hackett; recording secretary, John Riitchie.2_„ J___ on Township; Mrs. John • Robb (Annie) of Holyrood; and Mrs. George Haldenby (Violet) of KinloU&h.., . I ■S * I WEDNESDAY, JAN. 28th, 190 PASTOR DEPLORES SUNDAY TREND TO SECULAR THINGS - , t..~,..7^. v. •In his sermon at Krfbx Pres­ byterian Church, Walkerton, on 'Sunday morning., January 18th, Rev. W.A. Henderson deplored the present trend of so-called Christian people and members of. churches to5 forget to keep the Lord’s Day and drift away from church work even on the Sab­ bath. He further stated that the ' Walkerton Memorial arena was ~ open practically all day for hoc^ key practise, hockey game® and skating, as counter attraction to church attendance, The Walkerton ^erald-Timesi. commenting on this .secular, trend,Concluded by saying that it was hoped that others will take : up the fight to retain Sunday ob­ servance there. Hackett’sW.M.S. The January meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Alex Hack­ ett with Mrs. Andrew^ Ritchie, the president, presiding. Follow­ ing the opening hynin and Lord’s Dynes Campbell read ithe scripture lesson. Ws. Bert .Alton read a chapter from the study book and also gave- an interesting reading dsecribing the imprisonment and release, of Mr. Cunningham, a missionary in. Red China, who now lives at Three Hills, Alta. The ladies de­ cided. ito make some quilts this year. Mrs. Willkins moved vthat Mrs. Jim Nelson and Mrs. Geo. Alton be captains for talent money teams to aid our funds, The motion was ■ seconded by Mrs. Alex HacketV The losers are to provide a pot luck sup- per n,for the winners next Fall. A card of thanks was r<pd from Marie Cupskey. Hymn 585 was sung and Mrs. Wilkins closed with prayer. A dainty lunch jv^as ‘ served by the hostess assisted by . Mrs. Jim Nelson. . y \ } >9' t ,<■ 4. Z .1 I / MONARC > tomorrow... .c; ♦ r '<1 • through 20 years the Ford organiza­ tion has built more.V-8’$ than all other Manufacturers combined, i ..y '-‘C ' A (■~ ■ X I ERCURY LIN. 0 ment 1 t < t. •\ •’ • ‘I f < ■■ V • More and more manufacturers are swinging to V-8 Engines. , • ♦ More than 13,000,000 Ford*huilt V-8 ; Engines have been owner-proved. ' * The finest cars built in North America ; are V-8 powered, because there is noth- ’':'y ■' iiig finer. \ \ 1 7 ■ 5s t *>; r , V. 1," < ■ •;• •• • v ■.. • ■& <5 v ,i « / * ■ v iB'ttftii v. j)o\yer > * * r»- r- , K....I / United Church Evg. Auxiliary The regular meeting of the Evening Auxiliary to the W.M.S. was held January 20th at the home of Mrs.. S. Collyer with 36 present, Mrs.' George Joynt took charge of the devotional service and business. The scripture read­ ing was taken by Mrs. R. Black. Those assisting in prayer . were Mrs. R Johnstone, Mrs. W. Howey, Mrs. F. Wilson, Mrs. T. A. MacDonald; It was decided a box would be left in the church for clothes, etc., suitable for bale sh^ipping-andKcrea.Anycon^ ^ tributions will be much apprecia­ ted; Installation of officers for 1953 was conducted by Rev,' G. Meiklejohn and Mrs. C. Thomp- son. The new president, Mrs. K. Murdie, took charge and it was « decided the February meeting will be ait the church. The. offer­ ing will be a Valentine love gift. Plans were discussed for the new year after which Mrs. H. R. Al- lin took charge of the. program. The theme, music of African, peo­ ple, was very ably dealt with by Rev. G. Meiklejohn; This was fol- lowed by the topic prepared by ; Mrs. T. A. MacDonald and read by. „ number by Miss M. Rae was w. much enjoyed. Rev. Meiklejohn dismissed; the meeting. A social half hour followed with Mrs. H. -Webster—conducting a— contest The officers are: pres., Mrs. K. C....Murdie; 1st vice, Mr^. T.vMac­ Donald; 2nd Vice, Mrs. V. Hun- < ter; sec.,, Mrs., H. Allin; treas;, Mrs. Cs Webster; pianist, Mrs. • ‘ Lloyd Ashton; assistant tpianist; Meiklejohn ;\ Christian stc>». ’ ; wardship and finance, Miss Mar- garet Rah; Missionary Monthly s^C‘, Mrsy.Wm^ Humphrey; citi-V zertship ahd temperance, Mrs. L, . Ritchie; supply com., Mrs. Alex. "McNay; Mrs. “Jack-' Nicholson. Mrs. Cliff Crawford; Community Fnepdship sec;, Mrs. A. Wilson; ' Jan.,- Feb., March., Mrs. G. Joynt, Mrs. R. Button; April, May, June. Mrs.-. K,- Caiirieron, ’Mrst C. TlrohtP son; Juiyr Aug.; Sept., Mrs. Har- . • • Webster,• Mrs. 'Ll'byd, Halk ' Oct., Noy., Dec., Mrsi Alex And­ rew, Mrs. Roy. Havens; Leaders for Mission Band, Mrs. G. Joynt. MM Brock Cleland; Leaders for >x Baby Band, Mrs.. EtoydWilson, Mrs. Stuart Collyer. ’ " ■" ■ ■■.