HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-01-21, Page 8•S3 WEDNESDAY.JAN. ^®5S I,-SEP BYTHE SENTINEL wwiariitmo.i THAT in renewing their Sentinel Mr. and Mrs. Ewart D. McKeith of Vancouver, extend to The Sentinel and their many old and ribs in a motor accident on Christmas. Mrs. Bqrberis a sister of Mrs. R. H. Thompson. THAT W. J. Barber of Vancou­ ver suffered a fractured nose (Continued from page 1) THAT at the Legion Auxiliary "Shoot party the high lady was Mrs. Mae Irwin and the high ipan Mrs. Bill Stanley. Prizes 'WeredOnated by Mrs. Bob Hamilton arid Mrs. MacFar­ lane. There were nine tables. PAGE EIGHT 'SlpLJP AT20PERCENT DISCOUNT Wools,Corduroy,Tafettas,NoveItyWeaves PRICES—SEE THESE ON OUR SPECIAL DISPI A Y COUNTER-iTHJS-WEEK ONLY " —~ " THAT 15 fatalities during 1952 .set a new record of deaths in Bruce .County according to ProvincialPolice, who all told investigated 282 accidents dur­ ing -the year. One death was the result of an air crash near Pinkerton. GIRLS’CHENILLE HOUSCOATS 2 to 6 yrs.—$2.49 : 8.to 14 yrs>-’-$3.49 CLEARANCE OF GIRLS’ COATS Sizes 3-6x— 8 to 14 years PRINT DRESSES’, reg. $3.98. Reduced Price $2.98 ~■■ . large sizes only; . BOMBER JACKETS Bomber ja^kets^.yairi^stp 42.75 ’ For. only $9.95 • • lor »•>'/ -• FRIDAY and SATURDAY .•Z;’--•.Ontairib ' POTATOES 75 lb. bag - - . • ' $2 75 THAT Alex Stanley has spent the past couple of weeks or so with Joseph Johnston, since his re- turn home from Baker’s Priv­ ate BEospital. Joe suffered a fractured knee cap and Other . injuries; in a motor accident some time ago arid just recent­ ly had the cast removed. Mr. Johnston has riot been so well -jarid was taken to Wingham Hospital on Tuesday. the ’ Wm. Kempton farm west of Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs. Mil­ ler have a large, family and several of the children Com­ menced attending school ait Lucknow on Monday. Mr. Mil­ ler is employed as a truck driver at the Lucknow Saw­ mill. Orange &Grapefruit MARMALADE 24 oz. jar 29c Frojp Now Until January 31»t everything in - A nw.Y A FEW OF THE SPECIALS CAN BE LISTED BELOW • Homey ’• GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 48 az. tin 25c Yard Goods Special . During our anniversajpr sale ' there will be Oft All Yard Goods THE LUCKNOW SENtlNEL., LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WORK«OCKS Waste- A#-.SPBiil H Better Hose. brqken sizes, vyalu«s Special f •„•••••••♦•• V • e ’■****•**•** ^/* * • • * • • F j . U- • j -A-". X‘i ' -w'-vr i 10 Percent .Qff All Men’s (derails,-Bmocks, Pants, p ; Underwear, ; ■ -.si^K^ Men’s Stotiori /Wagon Coats 1^ 20% DISCOUNT -Boys’ Station Wagon Coats values to $17.95 Fbr $11.05 Five Roses FLOUR X/-— .Ladies’ Silk/Panties, sizes S, M, 'L. . Anniversary , Special ....... LADIES’COATS . A Few Ladies’ Coats Tp CW Al 4^ >Frice. Ladies Station'Wagop Coats 20% Discount Ladies’ & Children’s Wear ^ NYLONS ’■■■ :■ An .assprtenent of 45 '.and 51 t . «auge, d5 4«nier a 5 Two Pair • Market FREETROU^ ; Ejcirri trdusers ifrrie^is inonth’^ .(with qiErf.xnep,5i. v’ " ~ ” “■^m^qe^o^eq^e^sin't^2— GOOD DRESS CREPES and FAILES—Now 69c yd priced up to $1.98 yard' ' Watch for IGA Advt. in Thursday’s Free Press Air Prices Apply At WE INVITE A COMPARISON OF PRICES SEE FOR YOURSELF EVERYDAY—LOW PRICES—EVERYDAY CHECK OUR PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY PMkte* .®®<t Station Wagon Coats ' from $<L95 -1 . SPECIAL SALE OF ALL-WOOL PULLOVERS and CARDIGANS GROUP 1—Sizes 2-14, some travellers’ samples, to clear at $1.98 GROUP 2—ladies’, youths’, children’s, exceptional valpe, at $2.98 Indies’ LONG SLEEVE PULLOVERS, value $4.95. To dear ..— - $3.49 LADIES’ BLOUSES. !*’radt of Crepe Blouses .Toclear ..1... - tL98> ^PRINT SPECIAL table *»f i$9c values. It will --4^y/ypu/to over -our ,_„_X-^e®iiniantxTable.^—-1L— oiiTym HIPS. THOMAS HARRIS x Ripley and district residents mourned / the .passing of 'Myrtle E. Harris, beloved wife of Thos, Hciris, in Kincardine General Hospital on January 12th, 1953, after illness of a. Bom in Kincardine on Sep­ tember 18th, IW, ahj was^tbe daughter of the,late,M, ,T. Huff­ manand Emmq Cronk. She Jived in Kin^ardipe ii^til- her rparrlage to . Thomas $aiw 3n ?June^l913 aad tspont w pf h0r Predeceased hy & Beverley, age Ih 1923,. a afeter Alice in W .and a brother Charles id by her hWhan4, a daughter Ade­ line (Ws.7^ A- merstdfi, two 800% WWm pf Bi^y> Huffman of Toronto and three grandchildren. • • She was a ni0plbeV of St. An- drawls United Ch^h.ahd yftrile her health prevailed was an ard­ ent church worker. Keenly in< iterested fh music she never faiL ed to recognize the efforts of the choir. Always thinking pf others she was highly respected by everyone who1 knew her. . ^W®e\^Khiaffdin<e >she wris an active participants organized sport ^d i-l^r-- ried Jife Wflis a f^fpls^riPOrter of lpcql and district hockey . and Wi teams.. ':■< ■■ / Many fiends edited to pay their ^efpqcta At W^nnap Funeral Home prior to the fun­ eral service. As repairs were be­ ing! ||||0>W W^’ Church the funeral service was held in Knox Presbyterian church on Thursday, January l5th. Rev. J. MacDonald <rfficiated due to the bereavement in Rev* Bry- don’s family. Pallbearers were Ro^iR^j^Brr JnA; /J^c^pnr ; liilcLlleg Moo^ <Riple^ and Thomas Leakey and Glderin Buttle of .Kincardine, Iri« terment was made in Ripley cem* etery. .Friends And relatives were present from Toronto, .Hamilton, London, Mitchell, ^Palmerston, Blyth, LAicknow> Port EJgin. Eur- ham and Kincardine. \ THAT Biil~Hewat has been ap­ pointed chairman of |he JSlmira Public School Board of which he has been a member for the past few years. ■ 'A ■" Al-.1.1’ . CQrOP ANNUAL (Continued from jpage 1)- ectdrs know their Co-op merit and .all the answers dto it. That the Board while settling on policy, should riot ‘^take over” management. . Membership should ibe avail­ able only to those who can use the Co-op, and these should have a sense of ownership and rer, sponsibility and above, all fo pat/ ronize their organization. He mentioned 'collective act­ ivities of the Norwich Co-op in­ cluding the sponsorship of minor sport, scholarship awards, Board room facilities open to all civic groups, and their biggest public relations event a monster gar­ den party that -was adopted when their annual banquet outgrew its britches’, and the Crowd couldn’t be accomodated., -xte Barbell L t&.riked_. Mr. Decide Now To Buy Ymir / - ‘ : -j. CURTAIN MATERIALS FOR SPRING Mid^takie advantage of this wonderful offer. Good quality materials, now selling at remarkably low price D. R. Finlayson PHONE 91, LUCKNOW e tl I’, tl c r a i 'a