HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-01-21, Page 6PAGE SIX 1 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO I f fllOTO'nlRSTcR Orlslnal ■ IWil”1""* ■ I MUFFLERS and PIPES- I at prices ihai save ap to | MOTO-MASTER MUFFLERS AND* EXHAUST PIPES are built far -lohfler life, for S greater safety, quieter operation, increased gas mileage and power. Engineered i for every make and model car. Replace defective equipment, with guaranteed I ■ f quality MOTO-MASTER. ; 1 / MUFFLERS I Chevrolet . 1929-32 . 4.45 1933-34 Master 5.35 1935-51. (most) 5.50 to 1936-41 (most)------- 1949^51 1935- 33 (mart) 5.25 1939-43 / 1949-51 (comp, ast'y) 1932-51 1936- 50 (most) 7.35 (many models) ) Chsyrolet 4.45 •.SO 10.40 "<3 9.50 10.40 7.53 5.30 :: '7.^3 •.so tAIL and EXHAUST PIPES 1 Tail Exhaust 2.35 1933-51 (most) 2.98 1935-39 (most) 4^25 1940-48 1949-51 1935-50 j : Chevrolet 1929-32 Dodge 1 y- ' ■ Your Favorite Food . In A. Casserole Ladies, in this Sunday’s? (Jan, uary 25) issue of The American Weekly, exclusively with Detroit Sunday Times, look for time-sa\> ing meat, fish and .poultry casser- : ole recipes. Prepare these dishes in the morning or the day. before, and be free to do what you please. See The American Week­ ly with Sunday’s Detroit Times. Kinlo^s W.M.S. Meeting ' The January meeting. of the Kinloss W.M.S. was held at the Ijome of the president,” Mrs, Wm, Campbell, who presided, The theme for January was “The Beauty of Holiness”. The scrip-' tore lesson was read by Mrs. R. W. Leeson and Mrs. R. J. Kaake >nd prayers in the Missionary Monthly read in unison. The roll call was answered' with a verse pn Grace and payment of fees. Reports were read bydthe various secretaries. It was decided to hold the World’s Day of Prayer in the church. Mrs. Purchase, Mrs. Dean Hewitt, Mrs* Lome Hodgins ’ and Mrs. Harold Ban­ nerman gave readings appropri­ ate for the new year. Mrs. Mabel, Campbellgave the™ chapter in the teyibe -held -At—the hpme-of7M^sv study book, “The Healing Min- Lynn Geddes with Mrs. ^Villiam istry”« The meeting closed with Stanley .as convener. ! ,1. I,!,.,}1.. 111. '."I. ■ ■ '!■ • SPORT... ARTIFICIAL ICE LIVE SUBJECT IN S0MJ2 CENTRES , The failure of Jack Frost to co-operate has the* operators of natural ice arenas scratching their heads. This season has been par­ ticularly mild to" date, Ibut, the last ’ two or three winters all have been on the mild side gen­ erally. ■ This problem has given im- pdtus to the artificial ice ques­ tion, which is to the fore at Pres­ ent in both Mildmay andPaisley, Information as to cost has been received,.; by promoters bi. .the proposition in both, centres.■ On the other hand last week’s Milverton Sun was decrying (the empty seats in their artificial ice palace,, despite the fact ithey have an O.H.A. team good enough to win selven straight, although now. in a slump attributed1 to lack tof support.," ’ So there’s , both sides. Jack Frost is giving the natural ice arenas a “kick in the pants”, and at least one artificial ice centre is getting it from lack of enthus-, iasm on the part of the fans'. ^CfoUlditbefthatJohnPublic lack of interest is a result of the long drawn out hockey season in these artificial ice centres? . TIMBER TIPS J Painting Paparlng • Sunworthy Wall Papers Interior and Exterior Spray or Brush STEEL ROOF PAINTING Sanding A Finishing Estimates Without Obligation . .'-.-• v-......1. - y ...... Emberlin & Machines Wingham 654-J2 bronchial cough Are you kept awake by a nerve-racking bronchial , cough? Is phlegm eo tightly packed in your bronchial tubes, noamount of coughing seems able to dislodge it? Templeton's RAZ-MAH capsules are especially made to loosen phlegm, so it comes away easily and you are relieved of coughing and wheezing. Get Raz-Mahiot quick relief. 65c. |1.35 at druggists. R-5< a hymn ^hSjrayer by the pres- idenfi The February meeting is 2.H 3.30 4.20 4.10 3.03 4.33 3.00 4;20 4.10 4.55 4.25 (most) (3.05 3.75 4.45 (most) 4.55 Ford VO Olds 6 Plymouth 1935-39 1940-51 . For cors and trucks not luted enquire for prices 1940-51 ------- ‘I Phone 184 Robin E. Campbell CULROSS CORNERS- ■ 9 ■ .... ' . .■ , '7 Mr. and Mrs. Alex WKytock and family--Were_.:recent_visitors, with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stanley and family at'Kinloss. ■ . r Miss Marjorie Pettiplace of Wiriigham spent a few days with her friend, Miss. Lois Haldenby. M>. and Mrs. Lloyd Cornish and family of Olivet spent^Thurs- Electric Motors General Repairs, 7 Rewinding, Cleaning, „ Brushes, Bearings, 5 . . • Etc.' ' ELECTRIC APPLIANCE .. REPAIRS. ‘ Efficient service ReaSdnable Rates ’ • ’ ‘ .. : ' , * . T-—— 4), HAROLDHALDENBY . Kinlough Phone Ripley 18-20 l ( day with her parents,. Mr. and Mrs. ; Tom Stewart. Miss. Alice Haldenby spent the -past- week- with Mr.', and vMrs, Midford Wall and Donnie. (Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hodgins and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hodgins spent an evening with Mr. and Mrs. Art Hodgins. - . - Mr. Russel Stewart of Kincar­ dine is at present at the home: of his parents . Mr. & Mrs. T. Stewart. Mrs. Dune Keith, < Mildred, Muriel and David spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wraith and Gertie. \. z : . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown arid Reg were dinner guests .Sunday, evening with Mr. and Mrs. Mid­ ford Wall and Donnie. i*. r • _•4 • ' Gets All-Canadian Honors ■ 0 —_____ _______.__—__' , ■ ,—; - i . ' r .. Amongst the , six' , groups nofn- inated“for^All-Canadian-consid 7 eration in the produce of dam class, was the produce of. Maple Lea Mercena Colantha . Sylvia, owned ■ by L. B. Reid, . Iluron Township, that stood second at Western Fair in 'the Holstein class. ti *' Phone 73x, Brussels Enjoy Winter Motoring in any one of These BIG VALUE CARS 1952CHEV^STYLELINrSEDAN 1952 POOTIAC 3TYLELINE SEDAN 1.1951/ 'PONlrtAC.. STYLELINE/ SEDAN “ Variety Of 1951 CHEV. and PONTIAC SEDANS and COACHES ’ To Clear At’’..S-;$1595. 1950 CHEV. DELUXE STYLELINE COACH 1948 CHEV. SEDAN < 1948 CHEV. FLEETMASTER SEDAN 1947 PONTJAC COA^H » :X9^1 DOD^E cdACH^ ' : .'k TRUCKS r ‘.1937' »2-TON CHEV. FICK-UP-/• 7.' . ’ ■ >. & ■ * ■ ' ** •• ' ,'w, ■ ■ • * Brussels Motors f Iluron County's Foremost..'-Used Car Dealers 5/ Cash, Trade, Terms Open Evenings Until 10 § Cities Service Dealer X * # ’ . . - Bannister’s Wolverines served further notice last week that they are very much in the run­ ning for the silverware. This team got off to a discouraging start but :have; improved jince late in November. Last week their team score of 2965 pins was tops and good for the full count of seven points. And who were ’the vic- tiins? None other than those high flying Beavers—ouch! * In fairness to the Beavers wo are still well out in front, we might add that they still look like ihe team to beat. Their re­ cord speaks for itself—-almost as many full counts to their credit dS all other teams combined. ' Another; team which kept its ^playoff hopes alive last Week wasothe Chipmunks whe* took the Pole Cats! Other winners were Gophers, Cubs and Lions. Individual honors go to Wol­ verines Bannister, and Cook who lacked up flats of 650 and 550* Handicaps rail their totals up .near. ;the 700 level. Chipmunk Eva Black, Zebra, Gibson and Lion Coleen Eedy were the. most val- (u able - lady- ibowlers. Every game is a big one from here in! The Tigers, rPole Cats and-Zebras-seem-toJbe^riding^a slump arid must win soon or else,. r Two thirds of the schedule has been completed and the standing shows only one team fairly sure of a playoff Jberth? A mad scramble continues for the re­ maining fiive. . Team captains, dr acting cap­ tains are requested to complete totals on score sheet; In some cases it has not been done. This practise is not only a cross-check for errors (one occurred last week) ibut is definitely a help to the young lady who is dong such a fine job on pur records. Team Standing Beavers „ 55, Culbs 49, Gophers 47) Lions 46, Tigers 45, Wolver­ ines .43, Pole -Cats 40, Chipmunks .35, Zebras' 30t Coons 30. ; —-0-0-0 ; ■ ■ (Clinton. Here Friday Night'; . Clinton ahd Lucknow Midgets promise to give the fans . full value for their money when they meet, in a, schedule game in the’ logat. arena oii. Friday night.' It- , is—hoped that Charlie Chin, out. with a dislocated elbow, will be in shape to see some action in this;.game, / / z 'y^_^p-o-d~—•' /Walkerton Wins Here / About 600 fans "saw the Walk- l^^nJ^undkrbars yirim' Wingham Mohawks’ 9-5 in the. .Lucknow Arena on Tuesday night,■ in & game that lacked the' action"thef fans were looking fori Morley Chin bagged two of the Wing­ ham goals. " / . Teacher: “Johnny, wihat.are the three, great American parties?” • - Johnny.- ‘-Deniocratic, Republi­ can and cocktail”- i ■ * 1 ■ THE BEST CHICK STARTER IS A’FRESH-MIX MASH MADE wtffi NATIONAL CHICK MIX CONCENTRATE During the first eight weeks of a chick’s life, it needs a higher percentage of body-building , protein than at any other time. That’s why you should feed chicks from the start the National fresh-mix way—-on a tasty all-mash mixture con- taining a high percentage of protein and essential .. vitairiinsand minerals. Chicks love this tasty fresh-mixed feed, made with National Chick Mix Concentrate. They grow faster because it’s made with valuable meat meal, milk by- products arid vital pasture grass. See your NATIONAL , Dealer today— Look for the bright Orange arid Black Sigri. CONCENTRATE I QUALITY FEED-MIX" FOR POULTRY. TURKEYS. HOGS and C^lfLE. ................ ,tv ' i. . WILLIAM STONE SONS? LIMITED • INGERSOLL, ONTARIO; / Fertilize Your Crop yith’NATIONAL welbcured, Properly-Blended FERTILIZER ,9 • V’.’ 1 - tIJCKNOW. ONT.-.PHONE.91 . KM