HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-01-21, Page 5*1 WEDNESDAY,JAN.21st, 1953 4 A A I r ' «inAr 4* • >* - — -- --’ • ■mh '4 Z >()«■ I •V ’ * *■ discussion was “What training is best in de­ leadership”. It .was the opinion of nearly all ■ ' U . . ' HARDWALL PLASTER Lyceum Theatre WINGHAM Two Shows Each Night FIRST SHOW AT 7.15 Wednesday, Thurs., J^an. 21; 22. ^GORDON MacRAE, EDDIE BRACKEN —• in e-i . Friday, Saturday, Jan. 23, 24 ROBERT CUMMINGS, ' - TERRY MOORE — in — The Barefoot Mailman MATINEE SATURDAY Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 3 DAYS—JANUARY 26, 27; 28 DEAN MARTIN,___ ' '' ___ 5 ; -... ■ < JERRY. LEWIS ’ — in — JUMPING JACKS WHITECHURCH Mr; and Mrs’ Wm. Caslick and family of Culross spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.yEarl Caslick. /: .'7 Muriel Conn returned home’ from Wingham Hospital last Thursday where she underwent “ ’ fToperatioh^ fOT^apperidici’tisTT-7 \ Wendy: and Donald Watt of Dungannon are spending' a few. days at the home of their grand­ parents, Rev. and- Mrs. W. J. watt. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Gillespie & family spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Farrier. Mr. and' Mrs. Ed Marsh of Wingham spent Sunday at the- home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Casemore. ..It is 25 years since, the WpJ . men’s Institute was organized. v There will be a social evening held in- Whitechurch Memorial Hall on Friday, January 30. Mrs. McKeliar will speak/All are cor­ dially invited. Ladies are, asked to please bring lunch;* A dance ' will follbw to Tiffirfs orchestra. There willJbejhb_admission.-^L2\; . Mr. Pete Kennedy went to Lon­ don on Monday where he got a very satisfactory report on his eye. Mrs. Harry Tichiborne is spend-' ing a few days with her mother, Mrs; Kennedy. - . \ . A TOE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PLAN TO REMODEL KINLOUGH^ HALL (PURPLE GRQVE NEWS) The Orange Lodge at Kinlough was the centre of* activity last week when three lodge meetings were held in succession. On Tues­ day afternoon the\ Kinloss Dis­ trict Lodge held ^their- annual meeting. County Master Claude Dore presided Over the meeting in the absence of the District Master. On Tuesday evening the Kinlough Lodge held their reg- ular meeting with a good attend­ ance. It was decided at the meet­ ing to ga ahead with the remodel­ ling of the-hall. A- committee was appointed to look after the bail­ ing of the lumber/the following day, consisting of Fred Guest, Clark Needham, Wesley Guest & James Hodge, the* lumber being donated by Past Mlaster Alex Percy. The work: on the . hall is to commence; in the spring' and when completed will be one of the most up-to-date lodge rooms in this district. • . \ ?• . .4 • George Haldenby Heads Royal Scarlet ? _^OrL.Wednesdayjevening. a meet­ ing of the Royal Scarlet Chapter was held with an attendance that wais quite convincing. proof that Orangeism is quite alive and act/ ive. One .feature ^of the meeting was the installing, of Mr. George Haldenby to the office of Wdf- shipful Commarider. Mr. Charles' McDonagh of Zion presided over the installation. A lengthy dis­ cussion followed including re­ marks for the good df the . Order j by the Master of Kinlough lodge, John ^Emerson, Wm. Haldenby, Bert Alton, Mr.. Kingsbury, Al Irwin a> Jim Ketchabaw. It was the general opinionr of .the .mem­ bers that the Lodge should be more active in remembering.' brethren who* are indisposed or in the hospital. The next meet- ing is to5 be held at Maple Grove Lodge in May. • . : 1 The Purple Grove Farm Forum held their weekly meeting at the home .of-Mr. and Mrs; Frank Dore with, a good attendance. The sub­ ject for kind, of veidping general Forum members that leadership training courses and leadership schools have their places but these are no substitutes' for in­ dividual , effort. The next meet­ ing will be held at the, home of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Gawley; The Purple Grove Women’s tri- Ff^ncis Boyle. stitute. held a euchre party arid dance in the school on Friday evenipg in. the -form of a birth­ day party in observance of the number of years ‘Since their In­ stitute was organized. Ben Scott won the gent’s prize in euchre/ 'the lady’s prize goirig to Mrs. For Your . . . PLASTERING NEEDS V FINISHING LIME GAUGING BLASTER GYPROC LATH Also Newly Arrived . MASON’S LIME -7 < ..... 1 I JOHN W. HENDERSON LUMBER LIMITED .[ Lucknow. .... Phone.iSQ.............I..._ ■ . ’ - I—'ll—<1 — 11—0 «■ I — II ■■■ II MUIII ■■ II — II —111 — " *"* ** OBITUARY MRS, R, J. CAMERON/ The/many friends* of Mrs. R. J. Cameron paid their last trib­ ute of respect on Tuesday* after­ noon hy overflowing the McLen- nan-MacKenzie. Memorial Chapel fdr <a touching funeral -service conducted ' by the Rev.. Gr:. A. Meiklejohn who referred to Mrs. Cameron-s uncomplaining pat­ ience during her lengthy hospital confinement, as an inspiration and a challenge. _Mrs.„ Cameroripassedawayon Sunday morning jn’; ‘ Win^rafif 7 Hospital about forty-eight hours after she had. suffered a heavy stroke, She had been hospitalized since .suffering, a fractured ’ hip in ( a.'fall at her home on October 21st. ' . " . Mrs. Cameron was in her 74th year. She was forririerly Sarah Essie Janet Fluker, daughter of William Fluker and Jane Stew­ art and was born at Auburn on March 27th, 1879. In August. 1909 she married R. J. Cameron and' during the more than two-score yeans she had liv­ ed ip Lucknow, Mrs. Cameron en- deared herself Ito a host o£ friends By^her friehdly,Tkindly .manner that marked her as a good friend arid neighbor. Mr. Cameron pre-, deceased her in Mlay of .1943. ' Mrs. Cameron was a member “Of the United Church, the' W.M.S. and W.A., the Wqmen’s Institute, and the Ladies Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion and was'an in­ terested and active member of the various organizations and for six years was leader of a W.A; ' Group. Members of the Legion Auxil-; iary held memorial service on Monday evening at the Funeral Chapel, conducted by Mrs. Philip MacMilian~an dRev.Meiklejohn. At the funeral, on Tuesday, Aux­ iliary members formed a guard of honour and .acted as, flower bearers.;— Interment was in South Kin­ loss Cemetery, the pallbearers being J. L. MacMillan, Jack Hen­ derson, Archie Robinson, Stewart Taylor, Barrett, Taylor and Rob­ ert Simpson. / x Mrs, Cameron is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Nelson Bush-V ell (Arabelle), Lucknow; two sons, Kenneth of Lucknow and Stewart of Port Col borne; two sisters, Mrs. Annie Taylor, Clin­ ton; Mrs..Mae Franks, Hamilton, and three grandchildren, Barbara'; JVIary Ann and Roderick James. i Mrs. Victor. Gawley received week Of • • th^death of her" aunt/ Mrs. Emberey and her uncle, Mr. John Gossel of Los Angelas.; Sym­ pathy is extended to Mrs. Gaiw- ley in her bereavement.' Miss Winnifred . .McFarlane of Whigham was home on Friday. Swa$ it! Sell it! R.ent it! it! x Use Sentinel,, Vfant Ads. Buy / KINLOUGH . */ ■■,. _—- .Mr. Harry Bell who has patient at Kincardine Hospital,. been" a celebrated his 88th birthday last /weeki His death occurred on :Tuesda<. • - Mr. Ben Hbdgiris of Strathclare,. Manitoba, visited recently with relatives here. . * . ; Mrs. J. W. Colwell spent a few days with. Mr. and' Mrs. Currie Colwell, Con. -2< Mrs>;ChMriie Hodgins of Wing­ ham .visited on Tuesday with Misses Edna and May Boyle. /The W.A. meeting .Was held on. Thursday afternoon at the home Of Mrs. Jim Smith;. The president; Mrs. Tom Hodgins,'was in charge and. the meeting opened with the hymn. ‘‘O Master let me walk With. Thee”.. AfteV the scripture -lessOii/ohd^prEty^rs-rthe-rqll^eaH- was answered with the word “Re­ pent”. After the business period a quilt was' quilted and several duilt blocks were made. • The meeting closed/,with’ the litany arid, a dainty lunch was served by th‘e hostess. . . ; • Mr. and Mrs. Orma Pollock Tommy of Clark's, visited. Sun­ day with: Mr.’ and : 'Mrs? Clark* Needham And family. I The PLAYHOUSE Thursday, Friday, Saturday, January 22, 23, 24 It> a honey of a picture and with your favorite girl, JUDY CANOVA; in “HONEY CHILE r-_ -'z . ^Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, January 26, 27, 28 . Loadsofiaugto A doggone' good show—and the star of it.all, a cute little dog— with Shelley Winters and Farley Grainger, ‘ TIMKEN OIL HEAT FREE SURVEYS AND ESTIMATES, OIL BOILERS • WATER HEATERS HISELER and SON, Phone 426, Wingham MURDOCK MacLEOD— News of the sudden death of Murdock MacLeod on Saturday morning, January 10 th, came as ^ shoclTTd”the whole community. He had not been in his usual good health the last month, but suf­ fering a heart attack, he. slipped away quietly. > Murdock MacLeod was born cm February 17, 1873 on the farm on which he died. He was the son of the late Margaret MacDonald and Duncan MacLeod, pioneers of the. Kintail district, He ' was a man whose. personal worth and benevolent spirit” commended himself to everyone; His habits were good and character sound. His friendly interest with those about him earned in return the esteem arid affection of a wide circle of friends. ^He was cheerful “and^"^..of humor. His was a church-loving home. He was a member of the Session of the Ashfield Presby? terian Church, a faithful support­ er arid constant in attendance at worship. < He is survived by ^/sister, Mrs. A. A. J. Simipson and several nephews and nieces. A private service was held at his home on Monday conducted by his minister, Rev. J. R. Mac­ Donald, after which a public fun­ eral-service was held in the Ash- “fiel'd Presbyterian church where a large gathering of friends had assembled to pay the last tribute of respect to the departed. His ministerspokeinwarmterriis of "7 the life which had just ended, arid of his loyalty to his church and to his ministers'. The pall­ bearers were Will MacDonald, Donald MacLean, John S. Dal­ ton,. Joe O’Keefe, Bruce & Bain MacDonald. Flower bearers were Jack Gould, John MacKay, Hugh Simpson and Jack and Bill Col­ linson. Interment took place in the family plot in Kintail Cem-& etery. Relatives presentfrom, a dis- “ tarice were Mr? and M& Milton Martin, Sault Ste. Marie, Ont.; Jack Allan, Capilachie; Mr. Will Simpson and Hugh of Teeswater. DEAD CASH PAID FOR CRIPPLED & DISABLED HORSES, CATTLE, sftEEP & SWINE. Call 37-r-12 Atwood collect for prompt ^service day or night. - or Contact SID GARDNER. LUCKNOW Incubators NOW IN MOTION ; Eggs set only upon receipt of a fii^n order " f , - .' ■' ".' 1 ' *' ......... ..... !. 4 / For early pullets and larger egg receipts order February Chicks from Crawford’s Hatchery ■ ' . ■ • -0——. ;■ 0 Pick-Up Twice Weekly By GOLDEN GLOW, RIPLEY For real feed value buy SEMI-SOLID BUTTERMILK