HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-01-21, Page 3WEDNESDAY, JAN. 21st, 1953 G> . . THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW/ONTARIO PAGE THREE (■ 5«. ? ' IS YOUR MONEY OUT OF WORK? If you yourself were out of work— not making any money, you’d consider yourself something of a , failure, wouldn’t you? By the same tokens—MONEY should be working?too.makingmore money ; ' and, making it safely. < 4<«j^GuaranteedJrustJCerfificates Unconditionally guaranteed as to principal and interest. ■ Pay 4%, payable half-yearly. Short term—5 years. Authorized investment for trust funds. No fluctuation in principal. IN 5 YEARS $410-18 ACCUMULATES TO $500.00 STERLING TRUSTS R ■< *, 4 DONNYBROOK , «• . The W.M.S. and W.A. met on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Norman Thompson. Mrs. Edward Robinson was" in charge of the meeting. Mrs. Wm. Hardy read the lesson, Mrs. E. Robinson, led in prayer, followed by. the Lord’s ; prayer, in unison. Mrs Norman Thompson gave a read­ ing. Mrs. H. Jefferson gave a .reading ) on Christian Stewards .ship. Mrs, Sam Thompson sang, “It Is No Secret”, Mrs. N,. Thomp­ son . read an article on Africa; The chapters - in - the study: books were takers by Mrs. Morley John­ ston apd. Mrs. H. Jefferson. The treasurer’s report ‘showed that our allocation ■ of $70 had -been forwarded and. a donation of $30 sent to1 the chairman of the cam­ paign committee for the new Un­ ited Church training school at : Toronto. A -life membership cer­ tificate. has been1 presented to a former member, Mrs. Thos: Bam­ ford of Goderich, Hymn 90 was sung in closing;and Mr. Washing­ ton pronounced the benediction. Former Kingsbridge Lady Passes; The death occurred at Pitts­ burg pf Mrs. Peter Mdrtih of that ~city;~She’ was fomierly "Margarer O’Keefe of Kingsbridge arid taught school there at one time in St.' Joseph’s Separate Schoot Besides hef husband she is sur­ vived by two sons and <one dau­ ghter, all, of Pittsburgh. Local & General Patricia Thompson1 spent the week-end ip Walkerton, with Karen ^Carnegie. Fred; and Goidie Martin are. at­ tending the Crop Improvement Association convention in Tor­ onto this week. ’ , , Mr. »ahd Mrs. Eric ;Edmanson of Toronto spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J, M. Greer, Mr. and Mrs, Wallace Twamley and Miss Hilda Twamleyof-Lon- don spent the week-end in the community. ■’/ Y ' W. J., Davison returned home "from Wingham Hospital the lat­ ter part of the week. He had (been ill with pneumonia. ... Mrs.., Alice . McKenzie is in Glamis attending , the . golden wedding ahriiiversary Of her®lj?b- ther; Mr. and Mirs; Wesley Hed­ ley. ■/' : ' ■ - Mrs; Robert MacAllister of West Wawanosh was a recent patient in Wingham Hospital where she underwent an emer­ gency operation, and speaks most. highly of the care and attention V 4a • 4 A. *'■Hi ri \ •k X CO R P O HEAD OFFICE. ;37$ Bay,St. Toronto ■ •—r—/ received there. , : Mr, and Mrs, Jack. Campbell spent the week-end at Kingston with Mr. and Mrs. Ai G. Aitchi- son. They were accompanied toy Mrs. C. H. MacDonald who (visit­ ed at Belleville with Mr. and Mrs. James Brisbin and, by Mrs. IRussell Robertson who visited at. Kingston with her brother, Gor­ don Johnston and Mrs. Johnston, A T I O N BRANCH OFFICE L3 Dunlop St.-_ Barrie’ 2.3 .» ----—. ■ OBTAINS JOB IN TORONTO. Peter Thomson left on Sunday for Toronto where he has obtain- : .ed a position with the E. S. Rob- . inson papet company at Leaside. -Peter, who came out from Scot-.; . land several months ago Was pre- ’ Vi ou si y employed w i th this s ame firm in his homeland. Since coming, to Canada he had .made his home.. here, with Mr. and. Mrs. Jim MacNaughton and was employed at Shelton’s wodd- Working .plant. / Lucknow Rev. C. A. Winn, B.A., , Minister. SUNDAY, JANUARY 25th 11 a.m.: Morning Service. - 12.15 p.m.: Sunday ; School and Bible Class. , 3 p.m.: Erskine, Dungannon. 7 p.m.: Evening Service. , Prayhir Meetings Wednesdays, 8.00 p.m. Annual Congregational Meet- 4ng^0n”Thursday,-Ja;nuary-22ndL. at 8 p.m. Social time after. L—,"....... ' —x------------ ------------------" ■ I ii LUCKNOW 4 j UNITED CHURCH '.■J ' ■! ' 1 I SUNDAY, JANUARY 25th | 111 a.iri.: ^Believing in' the Holy | | Spirit”. • - ' ■ j I . (Ih0allatiQii of Sunday j .„^|^-_School^woxkers).....;;..., l 112.16 p.m.: Sunday.School. j i I 1 Congregational Slipper and __Ahnual Meeting, ....... . I Thurs., January 22nd, 8.30 p ut , Minister: Rev. G. A. Meiklejbhn, B.A.,B.D. „^L_Schdol^wj^ <7 p.m.: “Isaiah—Prophet of j the City**. ' t j (Presentation of Leader- j ship certificates). ’, j* -.tu Annual Meeting, /■*\ r CHURCH CHANNELS Recently we read an interesting religious editorial under .the title, “God and Satan March with His­ tory”.. We quote excerpts from the article. Our interests are on the sur­ face, arid this isn’t-enough to make us masters of the events in our time. The masses, fearful, immature;, ignorant, /nd . undis­ ciplined are On ; the move. They .are waiting .to be picked up. by any vagabond, .any iriari On horse­ back,who can appeal to their pas­ sions. We have boasted too much about our .progress, assuming (that material riches were a guarahtee ■Of spiritual growth. The alarm­ ist in religion is in error when he says that modern man' is more Satanic than his predecessors. It ,would--be^mbarer _„ihe.u,ifcu.t:h-^.t.o„ say that we. progress in evil as Well as in goodness. The capacity for evil is greater in our day. We believe that if man has in­ finite capacities for. evil, Ke also has infinite capacities for good­ ness. If Satan marches with his­ tory it is equally true that God marches with' history top. The opportunities for evil, may be frightening. The opportunities for genuine growth are greater than they have ever , been, We are \Vorse today, in that our power to destroy' is greater. Greater ef­ fort/is ’how required to; save us. The challenge, for Christians is greater than it has ever, been. It isn’t enough to recover the oldT time religion/ We must be pion-' '..eers, /crealjye^^ pie who are/prepared to launch out into the deep. The peoples of our time are in expectant mood. They are ready for challenge^ The ' whole . creation groaneth and is in travail.. It is waiting for cre­ ative and dynamic leadership. If the Christian church rises-to t'he occasion’ there-is every reason to .believe that man-can lookYfor-^ Ward to. the future unafraid. We can take Browning’s lines and ap­ ply them 'to a Whole people/ “Grow old,along1 with..-me ■ The. last, of life ' . . Fdr which the first was• made . Church of the Aii\ CKNX, , / 10.30 a.m. ' Jan.,22nd. ftev. D. S. Campbell, Seaforth; Jan. -26th, Rev. G. D- Watt,-Dungannon ; Jan. 27tn,- Rev; W. Henderson, Walkerton; Jam 28th7” Rev,^Rr-Scholta/ Gowans-, r "foWil; ‘ ' . • I I DUNGANNON Aid Fire Victims The Sunbeam Club, a group, of neighbors southeast of Dungan­ non who organized during , the Second World War to dp patri­ otic work, apd since have been active in their community, took up a Worthy cause last Week— helping Mr. and Mrs: Clifford Sproul, who Jost their home and contents by fire. Quilt tops were donated and soon four quilts will be completed. A card party was held at the Diggins school on '"Tuesday right. .Prize winners were Mrs. Russell Brindley and Allan Reed. The receipts for the evening, exceeding; $30, will be used for clothing “Tor the'child­ ren. ' Mi<_and Mrs. Stanley Thomp­ son, Kincardine, were visitors last Thursday with their aunt, Mrs: Charlotte Reid and also their uncle, Mr. Alf Errington/Carlow, Mrs. Omar Brooks was hos­ tess on -Friday* evening for <tihe January meeting of the, United Church Women’s . Association.’ Mr§/ Everett Finnigan, the 1953 president, led and; opened Ithe . meeting with a hymn : followed by the Lord’s prayer. Mrs. Robt. Stothers read the scripture lessbn and Mrs;, Robt. Irvin offered prayer. The roll call Was ans- swered by 23 members paying yearly fees. The treasurer’s rex­ port and copper fund report were given by Mrs. Mel , Reid? Mem­ bers were "appointed to have charge, of the Juhior congregation for the next month. There was a ' discussion on the' bazaar Td' be” held next spring. Mrs. Dawson .gave Ithe;,topic,J‘No_ dust_pn_ihese family Bibles’’. Mrs. Harvey Mole gave a reading. The meeting clos­ ed with a 'hyhin and benediction. The hostessed . Were. Mrs. E,. Er­ ring-ton, Mrs. Will Petrie, Mrs. H; Alton and Mrs, John Finni­ gan./ ," .. •/ ' ‘Visitors with Mr.; and Mrs. Ben' Mole on Monday were a" motor party of .Westerners^ /Mrs. Abe Evans, .Silverton, Man., and sbn Hugh; of Leduc, Alta.,; Mr. David Cuihming ,and two -children of Unity, 'Sask.,, and Mr. David Lake, Sask. . s > - • ►.; ► . ► •.►' / ►'► ’ ■■►—►. ■► '■ ► ’ .. ► k-2 • ■ X A A A X. A X A I Bailees Be J, •/;/ ./U I Permanent Waving .1/ I i I ■■ i i i i i ■ i; J:. 1 g "V v’y ▼ yv y ▼ yv"rvr ▼ v ▼ ▼ v y ▼'▼'.▼"vr’y.'r Iri FAPIMC. r- JANUARY MARKDOWN SALE COATS Grey and Black, Reg. $45.00 $24.00 7 /,A X BOUNDARY WEST Mr. and 'Mrs. Pete Matheson,' who have been visiting ht Pete Parrish’s, have left for their horrie in Calgary. - • jack McIntosh, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. P. Maitheson, visited Tn Goderich ;with. Mr/ arid :Wrs; X ■4 ’ ■K i DRESSES only, B Greatly reduced, Reg. to $25.00. All sizes & colors. $0.98 SPECIALS! Golf Hose ,.......a.;,.,... 79c Sox for Men/..................79c . Work GlOves ..................50b Ties 2 for $1.00 Work Pants ....... $4.00 , Broadcloth Shirts .... $2.98 DRASTIC REDUCTIONS on Boy’s Jackets and Station: Wagon Coats. . /. - -.. < '' < - < < . < < ■< < J ■ < . •- < Slips ..............................$1.89 ' Skirts ........... $4.99 Panties......69c . Nylon Hose ....................99c Crepe Subs .............../.. 89c Tea Towels>....79c Aprons'**29c' Headsquares ............... $1.00 Towels v...7 a./; 1 83c ’Snuggies ........................ $1.25 A A ‘Jk 'Ai'~ A X X < < < < < • < « 1 .! Modern Hair Styling Dandruff Treatments Hair Cpnctitipning Manicuriiig gw ! i ! i□ ! i OPEN TUESDAY and FRIDAY EVENINGS Salon In Breckles’ Block : ' Lucknow,Ontario — ’Phonell5 !•••/ Broken Sizes Women’s Dress Shoes Men’s Oxfords A SAVING OF $2.00 T0 $3 00 A PAIR in bpth Women^ and Men^ Shoes. I 1- a I I i T 1 ■ < '-.J ■ ’ ■/ < TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE SAVINGS During Our January Sale. < S. C. Rath well a Son; Tom. Sandy apd other old ac- ''■qUni-ntanees--*of—the-Hen^-loek’-C-it-y- district. ;, Ah enjoyable evening . was spent at the home of Mr. & Mrs?; Alvin Hamilton at a progressive enchre’party in honor of Mr./and' Mrs. Sam Gibson’s 26th wedding anniversary. / ‘ • Mit and Mrs? Max Harina of London and Mrs. Harvey McQuil- jifTof iPoiriCEdw^ Mr. and Mrs. R. • Hamilton. T^Mi^ahd^-FS^-HerbrM^iUei^^ind^ family of Belmpre have moved onto the. Kempton farm. Mr. Mil-- lqr-drives the ,truck for the Luck­ now Sawmill.* 1 Mrs., TL Ensign visited \with Mrs. Ed, Dexter who. is ab be up again after her illnesj. ' Miss Susie Gibson is wor at Mrs. Fred Anderson’s of —------..... , * ■A 1