HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-01-14, Page 10WEDNESDAY, J£>53 ; "■ ....:..., ./''..T <'''...... 35c 1 29c 1 ■ ♦ : ■ ’•" .’ft ■ QUAKER OATS Cup nnd Saueer. Pkg. 53c and Earl Harris, -Mrs. George 7 Elliott and - Howard Harris. •' night. ■ ■ - .. pRINLJSPl&iALi ■>7'7W WooUen Yiwd Qbods, R^ $M5 $U8 SPECIAL PRICE TO I G A. STORES FROM COAST TO COAST PAGE TEN w MOR£ THIS WEEK MEN’S, LADIES’ and CHILDREN’S WEAR Rece Goods and Woollww v . • ‘ . J 7-7 ;/1( •» , ‘ . ■ ■ ' • • . • ’ ’■ ■ ‘ 1 ‘ ‘ ■ * ■ - - . ... *«• ‘ v * ’ 7’ • . COUNCIL MEETING . (Continued from page lights./ ■ .A • ' Hydro Rates May Increase Although there has been no­ thing. official as yet from the H.EPC., it is regarded as; quite possible that there-may be ah increase coming in, local hydro rat6s/."?.; ■ ■./ Industrial DJsrassion Before adjournment the* Board infonhaUy discussed the indust-- rial picture at some length. Coun­ cillor Smith queried if anything could be done to advertise the Village, its industrial possibilities and the idle factory; -that was available. He raised the question , of the Council having a definite policy Of industrial, concessions to prospective new industries. .Reeve Robertson reiterated their experience^ with the De­ partment of Planning and Devel­ opment which had a prospectus on file in Toronto answering all questions about the municipality that industrialists might ask. The idle plant, he added,^was private­ ly owned; and the taxes were paid, so there was little the Coun- cil could do in this connection. Any industrial concessions would have to be approved by a vote of the ratepayers on a specific pro­ position.. ; t . “ / Councillor Mowbray asked if the Board could not find out what other municipedities.are.dd^ ing, to induce industries. He re^ ferred to factory sites TiHht might be available for building. Coun­ cillor MacSween suggested per­ sonal contact iyith the owner of the local plant Councillor Stothers referred to large centres having industrial commissioners, but he felt such a ptojectcbuldonlyibeattempt- ed on a district tbasis dutside the cities. He pointed out that some smaller centres were setting their sights on sriiall industries, as larger enterprises involved hous­ ing and public utility servicing; problems. 77. '•!77/.; i The discussion indicated that the Board will be alert to any possibilities of promoting indus­ trial expansion here, Presbyterian Guild^, The regular meeting of the P.Y.P.S. was held’ on January 12. Ray Stanley presided. The hyriui "“H^k-the^Voice^of^Jesus-Cali-- ing” was sung and the scripture; Psalm 113, was read by Wilda Reid. The :Lord’s prayer was re­ peated. There were 18 present. The report of -the (nominating committee was read by Gladys Chin. The new president called for an executive meeting to be held at the Manse,^Thursday-ev­ ening at 8.0Q p.m, 'Hymn 19 was simg and the mizpah benediction was -repeated. Officers lor 1953 are honorary pres., Rev. Winn; pres., Clark, Stahley; vice pres., Ruth Johnston; sec.-treas., Wilda Reid; pianist,. Ruth Johnston; as­ sistant pianist, Rev. C. A. Winn; Fellowship convener; Rev. Winn; Mission convener,' Mrs? Winn; Leadership convener, Mabel Stan­ leys (Service convener, Joyce -Mowbray. I. SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO £ ■ I SEE. BY THE SENTINEI. • (Continued from page 1) • THAT Setty Conley has joined ■the staff at . Baku’s Private .-'.'iiospital, THAT-from White^rse in, .the Yukon, Alex MacMillan; sends aJorik his Sentinel renewal, ««« adds that “the weather is grand out here”. Written on Decem- berv ^ih^jtti^^had rill then . on|y two sub-zero nights of .8. .7. THAT at. the beginning,of ;thc NeW Ve«ir; Mr. Harry Alton jer sumed his duties as principal : Of Walkerton /Public School. Mr. Alton had been ill for most of the fall term and underwent ah Operation in Victoria Hos- (.77 ^7 THAT Rev. Arthur S. Mitchell of Hamilton expresses regret that he and Mrs. Mitchell couldn’t • remain to visit their good friends here while attending, their son’s wedding. This they 7 hope to do in the not too dis­ tant future. Mrs. Mitchell had ““■"to retwrn fo^ ’m but Revi. Mitchell concludes the note this way. “You will be glad to know that my wife is making a splendid recovery. The doctor and surgeon/are ' both delighted with the pro- 7-gresS made.:}.'7’^;7 '...//' .7./;ti THAT in a note to 4he Sentinel, C. L. Smith Qf Blenheim says: “We ■ are / gradually settling down to our hew domicile. The furniture has been placed and replaced until we are all tired of moving it around. Our apart­ ment is very compact and com- ^fortable-although; muchsmaller- 7 than the one. at Lucknow., Charlene has started, to school here but so far ventures no opinion as to how die will like it. She misses her Lucknow friends very,much as do Hilda and I. I am enclosing a money -order for a subscription to The Sentinel. In this way we hope to retain some contact with our friends up there”. THATh a note from Will Lees at Tampa, Florida, says it gets cold there at times and recent­ ly was near freezing, although no plants have been nipped So far. When it drops down that low, Will says he gets out the hot water bottle. 7^ Cbild^a-buckleCLOTHOVERSHOES ■ «.i f 7-•■■■''• V?.:- --77^^ ........ I- L K. ■ * •. '77; 7MErr$;FriGHi:B0(^;77/;?7t Wool pile Kneel. Clearing at. $6.95, $7.95, $8.95 *7*7 FORMER ASHFIELD PASTOR WRITES FROM BALTIMORE Friends of Rev/W. O,r Rhoad, and in particular the (members of his former pastoral, charge in Ashfield, will no doubt be inter­ ested in the following letter re­ ceived from Rev. Rhoad, which accompanied the renewal -of his Sentinel 2450 Maryland Ave./ J Baltimore 18, Maryland ■ " \ January 7th, ^953. . . for ; FRIDAYand SATURDAY , .,8., . 1 ■ . . ......... — BORN ----—----—- MacMILLAN—Mr. and Mrs, Clif­ ford J. MacMillan announce with pleasure the birth of their dau­ ghter, Christene Elizabeth, on January 6th at ‘Hotel Dieu’ Hos­ pital, St. Catharines, Ontario. THAT Spence Irwin has reached (the point of decoratng their newhomeonCampbellStreet East, and expect to move in at the end of the month. THAT prize winners at the Shoot parties the past two Monday evenings were Mrs. W. $. Eadie ■ >. 77 ' ■■■7*! •.•7- “■ SHOP AND SAVE • • • «z. . . Shop where your dollar goes the farthest LISTEN TO ARTHUR GODFREY’S SALUTE ; Tune ln On Your Radio And Television Seta January: 15th to 21st. Watch for IGA Advt. in Thursday’s Free Press — All Prices Apply At . > , .. TENDER KING PEAS ■ ..■/-Ubby’s’-v. - 2—15pz.tin» "~ORANGEJUICE c Horsey 48 oz^ CARNATION MILK BYE DETERGENT Large .J.„7——-i- 29c Lucknow Sentinel, Lucknow, Ontario. Dear sir* - We have had a. nice winter so far. There has been for a few times a threat of snow but it is nothing according to your stand­ ards. If we have two inches it is a lot and we have not had that much yet However if we get any snow how there' will be no one to take it away. This city of a million is pretty well tied up by the strike of 3,000 city laborers. This . includes street sweepers, garbage collectors, school janitors, etc. The city gar­ bage is accumulating at the rate of a J,000 tons a day and in some sections of the city the conditions are frightful and dangefous. 109 public schools are closed because of lack of heat. The three schools "that our children go |o afeTkmbng those which are closed. The children report to school , every morning and turn in their home work and get their assignments and then come home. Their les­ sons are then broadcast on the television. The city water system is unmaned and if anything hap­ pens to it the . city will be* with- out water for there are no en­ gineers which are not on strike. The . •strike has been going since New Years and so far no pro­ gress has been made toward set­ tlement Our family is all well. My wife has made a good recovery from her serious operation which she had last May. I get to Washington quite of ten. Washington is ih/our Pres­ bytery and I go there to Pres­ bytery meetingr-eommittee meet­ ings, etc,, In < fact I expect to go there next week. I do not ex­ pect to' go down to the- inaugur­ ation' the , following week. There (SMITH’S IGA Food Market! ’ —— - 4 - 'T* ■" - - - J-- - - , I I fn 1 ( - --..J!-’ — . ^2 T^PRlNT'BRES^BSrregF^^^SrR^duced^Prii^^ x large sizes only,, ( / t ‘ . . ’ « • . Jf» ■. • , v I < ■’’ • V * / ’ ‘ b ■ * ! • —•' ': —1 ■. 1 -T ■ - . '■ ■ -----------------------; GOOD DRESS CREPiES and FAILES—Nd^ 69c yd. priced up to $1.98 yard ■ D. R. Finlayson ~ phone 91, Lucknow will be too many people then and I suppose one will really see v 3 more on the television than if heweretherevF..77"- 7 •"' , Yours truly, / Wm. O. Rhoad. Olivet W.M. S. The Olivet W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. Walter Roulston for their January meeting. The pres­ ident, Mrs. Oliver McCharles, opened the meeting With the call to worship. Mrs. Howard Henry read the scripture. Prayers were offered by Mrs/Doug Henry and Mrs. John McCharles. A chapter of the Study book was reviewed by Mrs. Oliver McCharles, assist­ ed by Mrs. Jas. McTaviish. ’Soitne cards df“thanks-were read/fromr ~ shut-ins who received remem­ brances from the Society at- Christmas.- ; Mrsr Jas.~ McTavish rendered, a pleasing solo. She was accompanied by Miss Evelyn Me—.■■ Tavish*. Mrs* Alex McTaVish clos­ ed the meeting with prayer. Lunch was served and a social time enjoyed: I CURTAIN MATERIALS FOR SPRING and take advantage of this wonderful offer. Good materials, now selling at remarkably low price # w .. 39c -yarj ' NUMEROUS BARGAINS AT VERY LOW PRICES-SEE THESE ON OUR SPECIAL DISPLAY CQUNTER^HIS WEEK ONLY