HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-01-14, Page 8PAGE EIGHT T1 * 4r 1950 1949 1948 1948 1947 SED^N " FLEETMASTER sedan Enjoy Winter Motoring in any one of These g / IN THE ARENA ■ - ■ ";~t ■ . . . .. ; • ■ for PARENTS WITH CHILDREN BIG VALUE CARS ’ ' '/•-;■ '. • . •' u/. - ■ ' ; ■■■ ■ ■. ’ ■ J LUMBAGO (Lame Back) When your balck is stiff and very painful and it’s an effort for you to stoop dr bend, take the remedy that has brought swift, safe relief to thousands—-Templeton’s T-R-C’s. Don’t suffer from the nagging misery df.Lumbago a day longer than you have to'. ■ Get T-R-C’s today/j55c, $1.35 at drug counters. . . ' . J*840 *•»•*!*? ft * THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL; LUCKNOW, ONTARIO s P ORT -/ * .V i I W.O.A.A. Intermediate MB” HOCKEY WALKERTON WONDERBARS VS. WlNGKXMT^OiVM^WKS^ io the Arena LUCKNOW I. Tuesday, Jan. 20 In case of no icie in Lucknow, game will be played in Wingham. DON’T MISS THIS ONE! J Admission: 50c and 25c ■■ FREE _• SKATING ^ THURSDAY AFTERNOONS Weather Permitting And Except When Hockey Is Scheduled For That Night. OBITUARY DAVID H. JOHNSTON The death of David H.John­ ston, a native of Kintail, occur­ red at’ his home ,at Homewood, Illinois, ,on Saturday; January 3rd. J He was in his 82nd year and a son of the late Janies Johnston and Grace Campbell, and was born in Ashfield, near kintail, where his father farmed. for many years. : Dave was in the implement business in Ripley at one time, and sold the business to Thomas Kempton. He left here some. 30 years or more ago; ■/• The: funeral service was . held in Homewood,^ which is; near Chicago, with Interment in Hazel­ wood Cemetery. Mr. Johnston is. survived by his widow, formerly SpbUrse RutKer^ ford of this” community; a sonj Elmer; a sister,. Mrs. Harry Treat of Western Springs, Ill. and a brother Alex of California. Russ BiSsett of Ashf ield is /a nephew. MIDGETS BEST GODERICH 7-5 IN SEASON OPENER .................■ i : Lucknow^ Midgets displayed a pretty classy brand of hockey to open the season last Friday night w-ith a 7,-5 win over the Goder­ ich lads. . /Lucknow took a 3-1 lead in the firet period, had it paired to £-4 in/ the second, arid then stretched it to. 7-5~in/’the“finaF canto. \ ' ' The defeat irked the Godericb kids a bit, and they tried to. blame Referee Kenneth Cameron; who took on the job at the last min­ ute, when the Club was stuck for a ref. * ■ ■ . : /■ ~J " Lucknow: goal, George Rich­ ards; def., Ernie Gibson, Kenneth McNay; centre, Jack Chin; wings, Ron Graham, Charlie Chin; alt., Alvm Baker, Roy Stanley, Ross McDonagh, Allan MacDonald, Kent Hedley, Gordon Fisher.. Goderich: goal, Goddard; def./ Walters, Bowra; centre, McLean; wings, Jewell, Whetstone; alt., Allisony “ J/ - Buchanan, - Masse, Hicks, Alexander, F. Buchanan, Chisholm. / First Period- 1— LUcknow, Graham (Gibson) 12.15 2— Goderich, McLean, 14.35 3— Lucknow, Hedley (Stanley) 17.00 / ’ 4— Lucknow, J. Chin (McNay) 18.30 Second Period 5— Lucknow, McNay (Graham) •/: 5.50 /■ . ’ . - ■• 6— Goderich, McLean, 6.05 7— Gbderich, McLean, 9;£5‘ 8— Lucknow, Graheun,. 12450 ■ . :9—Goderich. F. Buchanan 17.10 Third Period 10— ^-Lucknow, C. Chin, 2.10 11— 'Goderich, Walters, 3; 12 12— Lucknow, C. Chin (J. Chin, /Graham) 14750“"“ —^_o-o-o-—- midgets Trimmed ripley ON MONDAY 24 TO 4 J the record set by Cub Donna Young who racked up 177, 271 and to set not only a high flat for the ladies but; $ new • mark for .all- to shoot at. Her flat of 719 plus handicap gave her an astronomical total of 833 pihs. " . _ , / Two ipatches, Beavey^Zebra & Cub-Chipmunk, were close and only steady bowline by the Beav-. ers rtogether—withr- Cub _ Ypung s sensational - mark kept the win­ ners out iri front. . / One of the hjgh flats of the Season Was scored by Copper Anderson. ^43 bettered, other highs of; teammate Greer and Beaver. McKinnon. , , Four baskets of fruit were, con> iributed by the management to bowlers with high averages to Christmas. Winners were Ticat Sanderson 203, Cub Park 198, Chipmunk. Anna Johnston 168 and Beaver Marion McKinnon 156. Better start holding those Bea­ vers, folks! How is,the air up tJhere?LSeems that nobody wants to take that- second rung from the Ticats., They hav? been limp­ ing along for some time Winning only four out of a possible 14 points yet none of the hot pur­ suers have, taken over. Isn’t ito sad? ; - ■ ■/'* ■•••■•' uTeam Standing Beavers 55, Tigers 45, Cubs 44, Gophers 42, Lions 41, Pole Cats 38, Wolverines 36, Chipmunks 30, Coons 28, Zebras 28. ----O-O-O-^— .. WINGHAM GAME HERE the record set by Langside W.M.S. _ ! . The Langside W.M.S. met at the home , of Mr. and Mrs. Neil MacDonald for their January meeting/ The president opened the meeting with the call to Wor­ ship and three verses of hymn 697/were sung, The scripture waS read by Mrs; Bert Moffat. Th<? meditation,. “Yesterday* today and tomorrow”, was read by Mrs. Gordon Wall.. Mrs. Neil McDon­ ald led in prayer. The offering -was received with prayer by Mrs. Elnier Scott.' Mrs. Parish Moffat conducted .the- business part, of the meeting.™X readmgr*‘‘Kirlg“ out the old—ring, in - the new”; was given by ‘Mrs. Lloyd Moffat/ Miss Emma Richardsoh read Acts,. chap. , 10,. which was followed by .the- starting of our .-hew study, book on Africa. Hymn 606 was --sung. Mrs. Farish Moffat Closed, the meeting with prater. \ 1952 CHEV% STYLELINE SEDAN •" | /i952. PONTIAC..STYLELINE SEDAN , /’ .PONTIAC si?YLELIN<E "SEDAN . ■ Variety Of ~ CHEV. SEDANS and COACHES To Clear At $1595. •; DELUXE STYLELINE COACHCHEV. CHEV. 5-PASSENGER COUPE, fully equipped CHEV* CHEV. PONTIAC COACH , <77.' trucks //Y.7 ' ■ 1953 DODGE %-TON PICK-UP, selling at below list 1948 CHEV. -TON PICK-UP Brussels Motors Huron County’s Foremost Used Car Dealers Cash; Trade, Terms -r Open Evenings Until 10 Cities Service Dealer < “ Phone 7 3x, Brussels Lucknow Midgets chalked up a high-scoring 24^-4 victory over Ripley in the local arena bn Mon-, day night,; in a game that Cost Lucknow Charlie Chin’s services for ten days or so. due to- a dis? located elbow. Jack ,Chin led the parade with 8 goals, Charlie Chin 6, Ron Gra­ ham 4, KCn McNay 3, Roy Stan­ ley 2, Allan McDonald 1/ . - Although outclassed the Ripley lads w^rc battlers Ml. the way. Bill Elliott got three of their ^oals.„-„and£jioy_J_G.ollinsmJ;^While_ 24 beat him, John .Gamble .stop­ ped, a flock of rubber and was the busiest man on the Ripley squad^f Referees were Chuck. Webster and Ken Cameron/. \ Lucknow: goal, Richards; def., McNay, Gibson; centre; J. Chin; wings, C;'Chin, Graham/alt., Mc- Donagh, R. Stanley, Hedley, Cup- skey, McDonald, Morton, S,- Stan­ ley. /■ ■ • Ripley: goal,, John Gamble;' def. ’E). ,A. McDonald, D. J. Mac­ Donald; centre, Clair Thuell; wings; Mervyn Courtney, Ron Ir-‘ win; aft., IRoy Collins, Arthur Collins, Jack- Campbell, Bill El- Tiott;XlMk’Fe^ Kenzie, Donnie “Blue; Rod_ Mc­ Donald- ■ . ——O-O-O-^-------•' TIMBER TIPS / - Hockey-hungry fans in the Lupknow district will have the chance to< see. a W.O.A.A.; Iriter- mediate game iri the local arena next . Tuesday/night - when the Wingham Mohawks and the Walkerton Wbnderbar’s tangle in. a scheduled fixture. Ab and Morley Chin and Hap Hall ; are performing this year with the. Mohawks. ' \ ' / In event bf mild weather and the ice ..not being . in conditionj the game will be played in Wing­ ham. o-o-o Beavers, Gophers, Cubs, Cooris and *Lions came, through with wins last-' week as hostilities were resumed on the Goderich timber­ lanes. . ••. ■' . ■/'/// . /.. A feature of the evening /was ■, LOST AT WALKERTON Lucknow Bantams opened the season iart Friday night in Walk­ erton, but were, no match for the powerful, well practised squad from the County. Town who ran up a 14.-2 victory. . - The Bantams have had little -practise-this- season- and-as—well” lack the strength of last year’s Ontario champ ionship squad. Nevertheless they’ll give a .good account ; of themselves in their own company,Walkerton being a higher category team. U. • ■ • ;------O-O-O—------ BANTAMS SCHEDULED TO OPEN HERE WEDNESDAY Lucknow Bantams are grouped with Walkerton, Kincardine and Wingham and / are scheduled to play their first home game Wed­ nesday night/These lads are iri charge of Bob MacKenzie and Ab Chin. ._■■■/.;k ■ •. •’ /. ■ ‘ Dec/22—Kin~ctMinri“ ab • 27—Walkerton at Kincardine Jan. 9—Lpckriow at Walkerton 10—Wingham at Kincardine 12—-Kincardine at Wingham - ^14=WiiTglranrarWalkerrdh' 14—Kincardine at Lucknow • 19—Walkerton at Wingham . ~ ■ 21— Wingham at Lucknow . 23-^-Luckjiow, at Kincardine 26—Lucknow at Wingham Feb, 4—Walkerton at' Lucknow FORMER ASHFIELD COUPLE MARK 45TH ANNIVERSARY Mr* and Mrs/.Thomas S^ndy celebrated their 45th? wedd ing ‘ an - niVtJl bdrj av~ ci 'QTTIUu 'I’HTTITI’V/ Qin*' net at .their home in .Goderich on New Year’s Day* Present were their two daughters, {Beulah) Mrs. Ben Homan; (Pearl) 'Mrs. ■James Naftel, with; their hus­ bands ; their ?spri,:, Fred, and. six grandchildren. ■ ' '. . ’ Mr. and Mrs. Sandy were, mar­ ried at B.ervie on January 1, 1908. Mrs. Sandy- is the former Ruby Glahn of Bervie and Mr. Sandy ’ ■ ' u ; * , WEDNESDAY, JAN. 14th, 1953 LUCKNOW GIRL MARRIES IN WESTERN CANADA Emberlin & Madnnes Lucknow 194-m . / k f Wiiigliaiii 654-J2 -I- IS YOUR MONEY *1 / ■ ......../ If you yourself xycre out of work—- not making any money; you'd consider yourself something of a failure, wouldn’t' you?. By .'the sam e etoken ~MONEY sho u Id 1 •>e worki,ng, too, making mote money and making it safely. ■ / 4% Guaranteed Trust Certificates • Unconditionally guaranteed as« to principal and interest. Pay 4%, pbyable half-yearly. Short term—-5 years. Authorized investment for,trust Painting Papering Sunworthy Wall Papers Interior and Exterior Spray or Brush STEEL ROOF PAINTING Sandins & Finishins Estimates Without Obligation ■ • _______ . From the December issue of the Cooper Store News, a depart­ mental store in Swift Current, we clip the following item, which refers to a former Lucknow girl, Miss Leea. Smith, who learned the printing trade at The Sen- / tinel Office and left for the West a few weeks1 after the present ;; publisher was first introduced to the mysteries of printer’s, ink. “At the end of this month we shall be saying au revoir to an­ other old friend. Miss Leea Smith will, be leaving us at that, time to be married to Jack MeRobb and to make her future home in Vic- toria, B.C. “Leea, a native of Lucknow, Ont;, came to us in November 1928, joining the staff of bur shoe department. She had been trained in the printing ?trade so that it •was not surprising to find her within • a short time , assisting “Mac’’ McMorran in our print­ shop; Then , followed thirteen years irt our furniture, and drap­ eries ■department/ a^ 1945 Leea returned to her/first lover—printing. Since Mr. McMor- ran’s retirement last year she-; has been in complete charge- of air our printing operations. She has done an excellent job of editing the last three editions of our “Store News”. < “During her many years in the store Leea’s Channing sincerity has endeared her to all who have known her —. fellow employees and customers alike. We shall rn.iss you; Leea, but we'aje happy in your happiness”. Mrs. George Sandy of Ashfield Township,. The couple have lived in Goderich for the past 35 years, during which time Mr. Sandy has been a prominent contractor. A Special Souvenir Section for You! ' * The American Weekly presents to its readers a special souvenir Section for Ike’s, inauguration with exclusive color portraits of important scenes of Ike*s life f from birth tri Presidency. Get The American Weekly with this Sunday’s (January-18) ’issue of The Detroit Sunday Times for ■«.* ■V ' hit fund s..-; No . f I uct u a fibn i n principal. ' IN 5 YEARS $41048 ACCUMULATES TO $500.38 STERLING TRUSTS c p R O R Al ION HEAD OFFICE /-—BRANCH OFFICE./ 372 Bay St . 1-3 Dunlop St - Torbnto ,'\ * Barrie s-V “ " ...- ......