HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-01-14, Page 7i ?f;'r WEDNESDAY, JAN. 14th, 1953 Lyceum Theatre WINGHAM Two Shows Each Night FIRST SHOW .AT 7.15 v.* " ...............yy-........................................ . ....... Wed., Thursday, January 14,15 TYRONE POWER, PATRICIA NEALE ■ . in —• Diplomatic Courrier ■ • ’ **’••:.* / *' " .• .• ■ • .* . \ ♦. .- . v ■ • . .' • • • * ... Friday, Saturday, Jan. 16, 17 FRED MacMUiRJRAY, ANNE BAXTER .. . — in — SMOKY MATINEE' SATURDA Y THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO *■ ■t" Monday, Tuesday, Jan. 19, 20 GLENN FORD, _....... RUTH ROMAN ■—•in — ■.• . ■ :• ■ ” Yeung man with ideas • ‘ ■ *1. \ • k '• </ !•»? Wednesday, Thurs., J,an. 21, 22 GORDON MacRAE, EDDIE BRACKEN • —r' in.^r-' ABOUT FACE HURON TOWNSfllP-NATIVE- PASSED AWAY IN TORONTO John Fowler, president, and . general manager of Flash Fast­ eners of Canada and well known in the* textile and leather trades throughout Canada *and U.S.A., died .Tuesday, December 30th at h(is home in Toronto. .< Born in, Huron Township; son of; the late^John and Mary Fowl- re, he. received his education at Ripley and Kincardine and for a /number ;.of years was. in the bank at Ripley. and in the year 1906 went7 tb:7 Toronto. He was a mem­ ber of Bloor. 3t. United Church. . He leaves his wife, the former Winnf red Grant;, a daughter Mary and. a son James; a brother Gordon .of Stettler, Alberta;, a sister,,Mrs. George Ferris (Alice), Ripley. A sister, Mrs, W. W. Ir- wiri predeceased him in 1912. Among those , attending the funeral were Mrs. Ferris of Rip- . ley; Dome McLelland of Bervie* Jean and Gordon Ferris of-Ham­ ilton. \ i Advertising doesn’t cost—it pays! 4 ! I i CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Kenneth Farrish deeply appreciates, and wishes to con­ vey her thanks to all who'sent cards, flowers, etc?, while a pat­ ient in Victoria. Hospital, London. The citizens of Kinloss Village wish to sincerely thank the Luck­ now Fire Company for respond­ ing to the fire call last* week,, Their timely help was much ap­ preciated. ' Mi's/ Margaret Dudley wishes Ip^mc^ely^thmik theLucknow Branch/of tjie Canadian. Legion for the Very lovely gift basket at Christmas ■ which whs ■ much ap* predated. . . Doug Emberlin.. wishes to sin- ; cerely thank, the Ladies* Auxil­ ary to the Canadian Legion for so kindly remembering him with gift (boxes while at Korea. They were indeed appreciated. I wish to <■ sincerely thank, friends and neighbors, Paramount Women’s Institute and the W. A. of,7 the United-Church; Lucknow, for their kindness to me at Christmas and during the . past year..;/7 IN MEMORIAM < FARRISH—in loving memory of John Farrish, who passed away on January 15th”’ 1952. God saw that he was suffering, The hills were hard to climb, So Jie closed his weary eyelids And whispered peace be thine. —Dearly * remembered ■ by/*his Wife.-, . . Z •f A ■tt—t .» X . PAGE SEVEN • V 9 Tfainclay, Friday, Saturday, January 15, 1’6, 17 You enjoy them on the radio, now see them on oiir screen. Funnier than ever. , IN MEMORIAM -RT ‘ , . - ' • \ ........... FARRISH—in loving memory of Mr. John Farrish, who passed away one' year ago on January 15 th. Nothing c sThe loye Fond me —Ever ily. , ever take away heart holds dear; ies linger every day, e keeps him near. . bered by The Fam- IN MEMORIAM . Losing memory ,>«<-Here Come The Nelsons’* . With OZZIE & HARRIET NELSON and Yheir Boys. r COihe out arid get a good laugh. /V/ ; ’ . SATURDAY MATINEE At 2.15 ;p.m.<--^Doors open at 2 pJft. Mrs. Arthur Cook. Mrs. EdwardVDexter would like to thank her relatives, neighbors and friends for the many acts of kindness shown to her during theHoliday Season and her fol­ lowing illness. The boxes of fruit, cards and flowers were very much appreciated. Special thanks to* the W. A. of the United church, and the W. I. of Lucknow, also to her doctors and minister. Thank you one and all. McMO —in _____ of Daniel C. McMorran .who pass­ ed away tHfee years ago, Jan.-, uary 12th, 1950. ; His memory is a keepsake With which we will never part;- Though God has him, in His keeping, ..... We still have him in our hearts. —Ever remembered by Madelyne, Mae and Jack. IN REMEMBRANCE McQUILLIN—in loving , memory of Flying Officer. George And­ rew McQuillin, who was reported missing while on operational fly-- ing over enemy territory, Janu­ ary 14th, 1943. ; —Ever remembered by Sisters and Brothers. ■ ASHFIELD The Presbyterian W.M.S. meets this Thursday at the .home of Mrs. Van De-Lay. T^Mrr^and-Mrs-^Peter . Matheson; from Alberta are • spending the winter with friends and relatives in this part of Ontario. , The people of this community were shocked on Saturday to learn pf the sudden death of Mr. Murdock MacLeod and to the rel­ atives we extend our sincere sym­ pathy.' /■ Mr. Duncan MacKay is home after spending: some time as a patient. in Goderich, Hospital. Mrs. W. Tigert of Port Albert is teaching • in Kintail school while Mr. MacKay is sick; Master John MacKenzie and Mr. Maurice Bowler also spent a- few days as patients in Goder- I Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, January 19, 20, 21 FRANKIE LAINE—the one and only in a dandy show . -called— On The Sunny Side of the Street .. With a host of stars. . r y •I TIM KE TV OIE HEAT "C i Hillbilly: “No, sir, I wouldn’t think of chargin’ yuh for the hard cider. That’d be bootleggin’; and praise the Lord, I ain’t come to that yet / . that peck o’ taters’ll be $5.00, please”. JUST ARRIVED • 1 ■' One Carload Of t • 2 ~ paper- enclosed - batts at ;5c-per .sq....-.f.t.. |_. ’ ' • . . ... 6i/2c per sq. ft. s - , ... .. ?>■ " •</’ Z ■ a I 5 cu. ft. bag of granulated insulation .. . $L25 I Special Price on T,000 feet dr more.. | M ji„ .3’L_pdper_-encldsedJ(^tts_at I i i i i - i i'.’ i i . jI JOHN W. HENDERSON I i 'Ah INSULATION PAYS FOR ITSELF in tWp to three years’ time through heat saved. FREE ESTIMATE requirements. / ’ I LUMBER LIMITED Lucknow ‘Phone 150 ■4 «*;<•** f i ; '< FREE SURVEYS AND ESTIMATES OIL BURNERS •. OIL FURNACES . OIL BOILERS • WATER HEATERS HISELER and SON, Phone 426, Wingham LUCKNOW W. I. VOTES $25 TO CHILDREN’S AID SOCIETY I _ The'January.. meeting . of- - the Lucknow Women’s Institute was: held Friday afternoon with a fair attendance. The opening exercises were conducted with the .presi­ dent, Mrs. R. J. Johnstone, in the chair. The secretary read the cor­ respondence which included many thank-you notes for- the ’Good Cheer boxes which includ­ ed about 50 boxes that were sent out at Christmas, to shut-ins of the town. The report of the Mc­ Kenzie-McKinnon reception / was giveiii .lt was passed to send $25 to the Children's Aid Society at Walkerton. The business of the *'■• w4-’ South .Kinloss F. and F. Group There was a good atteimance } at the January 11th meeting of the. Faith and Fellowship Group held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Collyer. The opening exer­ cises included the hymns, Sweet > Hour of Prayer, What A Friend We Have In Jesus, a ’ prayer by Mrs. T. Collyer and a film “The , , Ministry of} Christ”1. Following the business and a hymn, a read­ ing was given by Mrs. Lloyd Mc­ Dougall. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Steer favored the group with a /duet. Contests were conducted by Mrs. P. -Steer and Mr. L. Mc­ Dougall. The clpsing hymn, Neat­ er My God to Thee was sung and the closing prayer was4 given by Mr. T. Collyer. A vote of • thanks ; was moved by Mr. Wm’ Macln- tyre, followed by a social time. / L.D.H.S. NEWS '• • • ; —■;■»■■■» . .. —rThe- Friday-^assembly~;was jop> ened wiith the hymn “Pass me ndt O Gentle Saviour”. Barrie Hack­ ett read the scripture passage &’ the Lord’s prater was repeated; The hymn, “Tell me the old, old: story” was then sung. John Helm sang a ’■ vocal solo, “Poor little Robin”. A humorous reading, “A monkey’s viewpoint”r. was read by Edith Marshall;-Janet Camp­ bell arid Laurine McNain favored with a duet, accorhbanied by Don­ ald McNay. The school song was sung and the announcements made. ’ - Norhiiriatioris for the treasurer for the Literary Society was-held. This position was vacated by Charlene Smith. Carolyn Gibson topped the other candidates and sp w;e welcome you, Carolyn, to i meeting was. planning for the Co-, dur executive. —0— " ”"-TheTD.'^H7SF"Skating^Party^ be held at the arena on Friday evening. Committees have been named by President Don McNay and no doubt they will work hafd to. make it an evening of good fun. There isr a broom ball game on tap, as the first event between the girls arid 'boys. (The identity of the referee has been xkept secret, to insure fair play.) If you fake, the trouble to look up the past years’ history, you will. find that the majority pf these events have been' won by the fairer sex! / ' '<:i/ " When ds that raffle for - the panda bear- “ElnuWl coming off-?- He’s getting lonely (and dirty), sitting on that top shelf , in the lab; Poor -fellow! It- takes; all their energy for school work no time for;»attention to-himi^——■: •■■■— “To put it briefly—” ‘ Florist:, You want to say it with flowers, eh. How about: three dozen? . \ George R.: Make*'it half a doz- em I’m a man of few words. ■ / . <’■ ' -' —^0—. ’ ■ ; “That is the question—” Mr. MacDonald, annoyed by his clock-watching students, covered the face of the clock with this ^gn^J^T^me^Will^Pass^^-MYril- \YbU?’? ■. . • 4 ; ’. ..■ * , ■—"0"-■■■* ' ; Now you tell one! . ? ?Luckriowite: The winters . are so-' cold we have to put heaters under, the cows so* we can milk them.. ’ * , , , Strahgeti That’s nothing. Down south, (Mir - summers are so hot we' have tor<fe^ to keep them boiled eggs. op banquet which the Institute will cater for on January 15,th. $ *1 from laying hard-' *♦ r *-«A‘ Mrs. ' Philip Stewart gave a very good paper on Agriculture and Canadian Industry, Miss Dean McLeod gave a humorous reading on television. Miss Chris* tena Carrick ^ave. a paper on New Year s resolutions. A con­ test was conducted bv. Miss jJl.c- Ledd after which the singing of The Queen brought the meeting to a close. A social half hour was enjoyed the hostesses being Mrs. Wm. Douglas, Mrs. P. Mc­ Call and Miss Tena McDonald. : DEAD STOCK • (J ' ‘X CASH PAID FOR CRIPPLED & DISABLED HORSES, CATTLE, SHEEP & SWINE. _ L... 0 b * I •*» I ... . ............. Call 37-r-12 Atwood collect for prompt service day or night. or Contact SID GARDNER, LUCKNOW k X Eggs set only upon receipt of a firm order For early pullets and larger egg Receipts , order February Chicks from 7 LEAVE YOUR EGGS With US v Pick-Up Twice Weekly By GOLDEN GLOW, RIPLEY For real feed value buy- SEMI-SOLID BUTTERMILK ■ f V ) i