HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-01-14, Page 6•»/
J* • • 15 •
WEDNESDAY^ JAN. 14thi 1«J3
*...........................................................* V ■WE liUCKNOW SENTINEL, LIJCRNQW, ONTARIO X>'
. ■ * ... V
Mr. Harry Bell was moved to
Kincardine Hospital' where he is
■ receiving: treatment.
' Deepest sympathy is extended
• to .Mrs. Jack Hodgins in the sud
den passing of her father, the late
Wesley Thompson. The funeral
held on Friday afternoon
from the McLennan funeral home
at Ripley. .
Mr. and Mrs. J. RLanere-
... fives at Fonthill and Toronto.
„ The H.WJ, met at thfe home
of Mrs. - Jim Smith with Mrs. R.
Eckert in charge. A New gear’s
poem, the ode and the Mary Ste
wart Collect opened the meeting.
After the visual opening and cor
respondence,--plans .. were made
‘ for a> card party; also an At Home.
Household problems was the roll
call. Mrs. Howard Harris had
charge of the following program:
community singing, a paper on
" Celophane was read by Mrs. Tom
Hodgins; Mrs. Wim. Wall read-a
New Year’s poem; Mrs. William
’ Eadie gave the motto, “Worry is
/ like a rocking chair, it won’t get
you anywhere”; Mrs. F. Thomp
son read New Year’s resolutions;
. Mrs. Jim, Smith gave a reading,
“Domesticitis”; current events
Were read toy Mrs. Frank Maul-
den; a bran muffin contest was
judged by Mrs. Win. Eadie/ Mrs.
R A. Murray and Miss Edna
Boyle. 'Mrs* R. Elliott and Mrs.
R. Ackert won the prizes. God
Save the Queen closed the' meet
ing and a dainty lunch was ser-~
■. ved.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Frank Colwell
and Huston of JBervie, Mrs. Walt
er “Forster and children of Rip-
’ ley were recent visitors with
Miss Helen Haldenby and Mr.
Pop Cameron of Wingham were
recent visitors with Mr. Howard
Haldentov and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Morland of
.London spent the week-end with
Mr. and Mrs; Weir Eckenswiller.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Pollock and
Kay Of Ripley were Sunday visi
tors with Mr. Howard^ Haldenby
and family. -
The sympathy of the commun
ity is ’ extended to Mfs? Mac
Thompson and Mrs. Jack Hod-
gins in the death of their father/
the late Mir. Wesley Thompson.
We are sony to report Mrs-
Whitehead to again be a patient
in Windham Hospital. We hope
she will soon-toe well again.
Miss Elda, Beverley and pdris
Wall were supper guests of Miss
Helen Schumacher Tuesday ev»
enihg. ■ • ■
Mrs. Frank Brown and Reg
Spept Friday evening with Mr.
and Mrs. Jas. Wraith.
■ Miss. Alice Haldenby spent the
week-end with Mr; ^and ^fs.-
Midford Wall and Dpnnie
i • ’’ K ‘-I__—
—Mr. George Schuler has, purr
' ^.VyacF^'Mir. Bob Scott s farm and
moved there last week.
“Mr. Albert Harris of .London
spent 'the week-end at his .home
Miss June Harris returned to
London the first of the week to
resume her work' there*
- Miss Joyce Little of Lucknow
spent the week-end with Miss
Helen Schumacher. s
Mir. and Mrs. Jack Schumacher
spent -Sunday with Mr. andiMrs.
Melvin Zettel of Walkerton.
Misses Phyllis Grtbson arid Mar
garet Phillipsori were hostesses
on January 7th. Seven members
were present. The minutes of the. .
last meeting were read and ap- -
proved. Plans Were madefor our
annual pot-luck supper which is
to be field at Dorothy Gammie’s
on January 23rd. It was agreed
to give $2.00 for . the TB seals.
Lunch was served by the host
esses and a social half , hour was
enjoyed by all. . *
* I
Mrs. J. W. Colwell. ~
The Anglican vestry meeting
and pot luck sUpper was held on
Saturday evening last
— Mrs. Gertrude Walsh is spend
ing a while at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. H. Osborne, Concession
12, Huron. ’
Advertising doesn’t cost—it pays!
want to
A Statement by
k I
(Continued from Page 5)
The writer learned that in
Bygdo Park the Ron Tiki raft
andLFritzhof Nansen’s polar ship
the t “Fram”, are on exhibition;
this was much prized information.
Professor Thor Heyerdahl, to
prdVe his theory that , the Poly/
. nesian Islands were originally
settled by prehistoric Americans,
crossed with five others from
Lima to . the islands.near Tahiti,
where the raft of balsa logs was
wrecked on a coral reef. It is a
story of high adventure, and the
Kon Tiki raft attracts. many
FritzhofNansen, a native of
Oislo. and a scientist of marked
ability, designed .the ‘Tram’*, a
polar exploration ship of usunual
polar exploration ship of unusual
characteristics, and with Otto
Sverdrop as captain, reached the
point farthest north to which any
ship* has attained. He was absent
for four years. The Fram also
.made a notable voyage to the
South. Polar region^; and, except
for an accident to the Panama
Can^ would jiave Been, .the first
vessel through?? that waterway*
The Fram is also a leading at-
,< L traction., ofi Bigdo.. .. ■/.
In the same park there;, are the
Viking ships, and these are many
centuries old. They are master-
pieces of the woodworker’s art,,
and are well worth, a visit. Near
by is the Folkmuseum with, char
acteristic old-time dwellings,- a,
.. stavikirke,; Ibsen’ts workshop and
arts and crafts of the olden time..
In” the grouh&s of -the Marine'
. School is a statue in' bronze of
-the devi on horseback “carrying,
'a man to.hell’’/An ancient belief*
of the Vikings was, that if a man
* did ■ not, die jn..battle. the, only'
place for him was “hell”';’go the
devil bore him to-the inferno./.. "
. ■■ The reliability, ■ g 0 n i a I i ty ,
friendliness, the' diligence’ and
the pefseverence of the peopie of
Norway, in general, make .them
highly desirable as immigrants;
end they become excellent citi
zens in ■ • the country of . thier
........adoption, arid muatty..ei*e. suc
cessful. t would be-glad to visit
. Nprway again. . ■ x ” ' ’
• » • ww ’ v *
■ .A,
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