HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-01-14, Page 6•»/ J* • • 15 • »AG®SIR WEDNESDAY^ JAN. 14thi 1«J3 *...........................................................* V ■WE liUCKNOW SENTINEL, LIJCRNQW, ONTARIO X>' KIN LOUGH ; . ■ * ... V Mr. Harry Bell was moved to Kincardine Hospital' where he is ■ receiving: treatment. ' Deepest sympathy is extended • to .Mrs. Jack Hodgins in the sud­ den passing of her father, the late Wesley Thompson. The funeral held on Friday afternoon from the McLennan funeral home at Ripley. . Mr. and Mrs. J. RLanere- "turnedhomeaftervisitingrela- ... fives at Fonthill and Toronto. „ The H.WJ, met at thfe home of Mrs. - Jim Smith with Mrs. R. Eckert in charge. A New gear’s poem, the ode and the Mary Ste ­ wart Collect opened the meeting. After the visual opening and cor­ respondence,--plans .. were made ‘ for a> card party; also an At Home. Household problems was the roll call. Mrs. Howard Harris had charge of the following program: community singing, a paper on " Celophane was read by Mrs. Tom Hodgins; Mrs. Wim. Wall read-a New Year’s poem; Mrs. William ’ Eadie gave the motto, “Worry is / like a rocking chair, it won’t get you anywhere”; Mrs. F. Thomp­ son read New Year’s resolutions; . Mrs. Jim, Smith gave a reading, “Domesticitis”; current events Were read toy Mrs. Frank Maul- den; a bran muffin contest was judged by Mrs. Win. Eadie/ Mrs. R A. Murray and Miss Edna Boyle. 'Mrs* R. Elliott and Mrs. R. Ackert won the prizes. God Save the Queen closed the' meet­ ing and a dainty lunch was ser-~ ■. ved. Mr. and Mrs. 'Frank Colwell and Huston of JBervie, Mrs. Walt­ er “Forster and children of Rip- ’ ley were recent visitors with I CULROSS CORNERS Miss Helen Haldenby and Mr. Pop Cameron of Wingham were recent visitors with Mr. Howard Haldentov and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Morland of .London spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs; Weir Eckenswiller. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Pollock and Kay Of Ripley were Sunday visi­ tors with Mr. Howard^ Haldenby and family. - The sympathy of the commun­ ity is ’ extended to Mfs? Mac Thompson and Mrs. Jack Hod- gins in the death of their father/ the late Mir. Wesley Thompson. We are sony to report Mrs- Whitehead to again be a patient in Windham Hospital. We hope she will soon-toe well again. Miss Elda, Beverley and pdris Wall were supper guests of Miss Helen Schumacher Tuesday ev» enihg. ■ • ■ Mrs. Frank Brown and Reg Spept Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wraith. ■ Miss. Alice Haldenby spent the week-end with Mr; ^and ^fs.- Midford Wall and Dpnnie i • ’’ K ‘-I__— —Mr. George Schuler has, purr ' ^.VyacF^'Mir. Bob Scott s farm and moved there last week. “Mr. Albert Harris of .London spent 'the week-end at his .home here. Miss June Harris returned to London the first of the week to resume her work' there* - Miss Joyce Little of Lucknow spent the week-end with Miss Helen Schumacher. s Mir. and Mrs. Jack Schumacher spent -Sunday with Mr. andiMrs. Melvin Zettel of Walkerton. LO LA LE CLUB MEETING Misses Phyllis Grtbson arid Mar­ garet Phillipsori were hostesses on January 7th. Seven members were present. The minutes of the. . last meeting were read and ap- - proved. Plans Were madefor our annual pot-luck supper which is to be field at Dorothy Gammie’s on January 23rd. It was agreed to give $2.00 for . the TB seals. Lunch was served by the host­ esses and a social half , hour was enjoyed by all. . * t, * I Mrs. J. W. Colwell. ~ The Anglican vestry meeting and pot luck sUpper was held on Saturday evening last — Mrs. Gertrude Walsh is spend­ ing a while at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Osborne, Concession 12, Huron. ’ Advertising doesn’t cost—it pays! i. want to •r< A Statement by CANADA'S FIRST k I LAND OF TttE VIKINGS (Continued from Page 5) The writer learned that in Bygdo Park the Ron Tiki raft andLFritzhof Nansen’s polar ship the t “Fram”, are on exhibition; this was much prized information. Professor Thor Heyerdahl, to prdVe his theory that , the Poly/ . nesian Islands were originally settled by prehistoric Americans, crossed with five others from Lima to . the islands.near Tahiti, where the raft of balsa logs was wrecked on a coral reef. It is a story of high adventure, and the Kon Tiki raft attracts. many sight-seers./ FritzhofNansen, a native of Oislo. and a scientist of marked ability, designed .the ‘Tram’*, a polar exploration ship of usunual polar exploration ship of unusual characteristics, and with Otto Sverdrop as captain, reached the point farthest north to which any ship* has attained. He was absent for four years. The Fram also .made a notable voyage to the South. Polar region^; and, except for an accident to the Panama Can^ would jiave Been, .the first vessel through?? that waterway* The Fram is also a leading at- ,< L traction., ofi Bigdo.. .. ■/. In the same park there;, are the Viking ships, and these are many centuries old. They are master- pieces of the woodworker’s art,, and are well worth, a visit. Near­ by is the Folkmuseum with, char­ acteristic old-time dwellings,- a, .. stavikirke,; Ibsen’ts workshop and arts and crafts of the olden time.. In” the grouh&s of -the Marine' . School is a statue in' bronze of -the devi on horseback “carrying, 'a man to.hell’’/An ancient belief* of the Vikings was, that if a man * did ■ not, die jn..battle. the, only' place for him was “hell”';’go the devil bore him to-the inferno./.. " . ■■ The reliability, ■ g 0 n i a I i ty , friendliness, the' diligence’ and the pefseverence of the peopie of Norway, in general, make .them highly desirable as immigrants; end they become excellent citi­ zens in ■ • the country of . thier ........adoption, arid muatty..ei*e. suc­ cessful. t would be-glad to visit . Nprway again. . ■ x ” ' ’ £ • » • ww ’ v * r 4. I 7 t I ■ .A, .WORKING It's good to go into debt. . . to yourself It’s the streamlined way to make financial progress. Some of our most successful customers use this system, it’s the very heart of Personal * Planning — the B of M’s method of faimly-financing wMdi Canadians ■ from coast to coast are finding practical and Stimulating. It means putting yourself oh your Owb pay-roll , / . making up your mi&d that you yourself have a claim on your income just as much as the landldtd, die butcher and the tax-collector. You’ll do this, of course, because you have a definite objective —a strong reason for saving. It may be a^genet^l goal like -family security • • / or it may be aomething specific like a new refrigerator, a house, or even a place in the country. ,■;.../.....................< .. -__ You can go into debt to yourself in two ways —by saving and by borrowing.; Saving comes first, of course... so much a pay-day owfiig io yourself, A bank balance gives you personal confidence as few other things can. It gives you a good’foundation forypur financial plans. . -and it ... . makes it easier for your B of M manager to lend you money when you Want to realize an objective sooner than you otherwise could. //•■ ~. VCfhen you have a sound financial program, but need money for some useful purpose, borrowing at the B of M is just as sound as systematic . saving. Indeed, it' is another form of saving. And it is the B of M’s business to lend you money, when it’s good business for you to borrow. z A B of M. Personal Loan simply enables you. to .enjoy. sooner; thfe£ things you plan for*...and you pay it off in regular instalments just as . .. you have built up your savings balance. / Why not make up your mind to get what you want /x'thiS“ streamlined way — and open your speciaLpurpbse ^savings account/at ’’MY BANK” tomorrow? And While ■ you’re in the Bank/have a chat with the Manager or /Accountant You. will find them ready and interested to m. discuss your plans and problems. . I < Jf Bank of Montreal i f. If I £ V i b I I I I ■' Ixl III -■ ■ ■ . TO A MILLION CANADIANS' v i- i s & ¥ Y 4 ' w , ’ ’ ' * * * ’ • Lueknow Branch: MURRAY COUSE, Manager ft > 4 r. < <w/* t v l V ’ . ,.r ., ? ttwtiaoeaiwwmiiwMuiw tw 8 17 p'™ ... r