HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-01-14, Page 4A *1 A 4»* I» ■r , I / ♦ z ... - * THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW’, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, JAN. 14th, 1953 , *S PAGE FOUR VCEDAR WOOD FOR SALE—ap­ ply to: Wilson Irwin, Lucknow. SHF.TJ.ED CORN FOR SALE—• Phone Robertson’s,Carlow,15-30. FOR SALE; quantity of dry cedar. Apply ,,to John Mowbray, phone 21 dw. ' / _ '■ ' FOR SALE^good work horse 12 pigs, 6 weeks /olds Joe Weiler, R. 6, Lucknow. ' 'lu.’....' : ,-w— 3.1’1" COAT FOR SALE—Lady’s black Electric Seal coat, size’ 40, in’ ex­ cellent Condition. Phone 122-J, Luciui<nv? ’• ■ \v, w . . PERSONAL “SKINNY”; GIRLS’ GET LOVE­ LY CURVES! Gain 5 to 10 lbs., new pep. .Try famous health and weight— builder, OstrexTonic Tablets.. Introductory; “get-ac­ quainted” size only 60c. All drug­ gists.- • ■■■ MEAT FOR. SALE Good beef for sale by the quar­ ter. Beef killed under license from the Department of Healths Hind quarters 40c, front 32c, a pound, • ■ . Rayhdrd Ackert, Holyrood. ’ Phone? 24-30 Ripley. ’ FOR SALE—3. nearly new. horse collars, size 22 and 23. Apply to Andrew Gaunt, phone 87-r-12;’ Lucknow. FOR™SALE^Renfr'ew:Jcobk stove and Duo-Therm space heater, both in good shape; a quantity of dry hardwood,and. dining table and chairs. Spence Irwin, Lucknow. WANTED: Reliable man as Deal­ er in Bruce County, Experierwe riot riecessary. A fine opportunity to step into old profitable busi­ ness where Rawleigh Products -ha ve. Jbeen ..sold... for years. Big profits. Products o furnished on credit. Write Rawleigh’s Dept. A-271-163, Montreal. COMING EVENTS | DANCE In Whitechurch Community Mem­ orial Hall- on Friday; January 16th. Music by Tiffin’s, Orches- tre. Lunch counter. Admission 50 cents. / , BURNS B^lL , ' The Lucknow Fire Company’s annual Burns Ball will be held in the Town Hall, Friday; Jan­ uary-—23rd. -Willbee’s . orches.tra- Scotch piping ‘ and dancing. Ad-' mission. 756.' ' 4^ PLAY AT WHITECHURCH r “Betty’ Girl O’ My Heart”, a 3- act play, will be presented by Kincardine United Church Young Peoples in. the Community Memr orial Hall, Whitechurch, Thurs- day,’ January 15th at 8.30 under ■auspices of Whitechurch Women’s Institute. Admission 50c and 25c; HIGHSCHOOL CONCERT , Lucknow District High School Cdhcert in the Town Hall; two nights, Thursday, Friday, Janu­ ary 29ith, 30th. Program includes nunibersjby the Glee ClUb, phys- G. AL AH WILLIAMS Optometrist Office, on Patrick St., just off fne W1NGHAM / Professional Eye Examination Optical Services Evenings by appointment. Phone:. Office 770; Res. 5. JOHNSTONE'S funeral HOME ’Phone 76 Day or Night Ambulance Service USE OF FUNERAL HOME At No Extra Cost Moderate Prices i DR. T. B. CLELAND VETERINARIAN ’ ' *• ■ ’ . f. Havelock St., south of Supertest Garage lvcknow ,r ■ . ’ • ■. • ■ ' Telephone 175 BUSINESS mid TAX SERVICE MONTHLY AUDITS For The > Small Merchant, Professional man and the Farmer. S. J. PYMM P.O. Box 74 • Lucknow, Ont Office in Kilpatrick Block ’Phone 23-w j s SKIS FOR SALE — laminated, steel-edged 7-f oot, cable .harness, practically new. Aluminum ski pol<8s, ski boots, will sell together . dr separate. Lloyd Ackert, Holy­ rood, phone 101-r-4 Lucknow. ■- _ <a_------- FARMS FOR SALE—property of the late Edward McBurney; One lOO-acre. farm has .buildings; two grass farms, 100 acres arid 133 acres. Apply to Gordon McBurn­ ey, R. 3, Wingham, phone 602w2. NOTICE Annual Meeting and Banquet The Lucknow District Co-op­ erative Incorporated .a n u a 1 meeting and banquet will be held in the Recreational Centre, Luck­ now, on Thursday, January 15th. Tickets available at the Co-pp Office or froth directors;' Dance after. ■ ical culture exhibition arid two plays, “The Bobby Sox Brigade” land “Dark Brown”. Admission 50c.: Reserve seats; at McKim’s Drugstore? / / . '. !• .... JANUARY CHICKS. From Bray Hatchery. Pull e t s. Cockerels. Some started. Get your .order in for choice you prefer. Ask us for prices, particulars. Agent— D. R. FINLAYSON Lucknow. ' - .. WANTED Woman for secretarial and bookkeeping position in industrial plant. Must have business college or commercial training. Good salary to be based on previous experience. If interested please write P.O. !Box No. 388, Kincar­ dine, Ontario, giving full partic­ ulars. ' NOTICE j The aftnual2:’.ipeetin.g;. of the Lucknow and yicirrity Branch’ of the Canadian Red. Cross Society' will be held on January 20, 1953, at four o’clock in the Towrr Hall. This meeting,.is~open“torthe~pub~ lie and there will be interesting reports given bir the year’s work. Anyone interested is invited to attend. . : Norma Anderson (sec’y) ATTENTION LADIES! Would you like to make your own new dress for Easter? Your Singer Sewing Centre will in­ struct you in nine-easy lessons in dressmaking. This- course . will be taught in Lucknow. For full information and enrollment, phone 198 Lucknow or write Robert Armstrong, Box 166. MacLENNAM and MacKENZlE . funeral service Services conducted accord­ ing to your wishes at your Home, Your Church, or at our Memorial Chapel at no... additional charge., AMBULANCE SERVICE ’Phone 181, Lucknow, Day or Night F. X ARMSTRONG 7 “ OPTOMETRIST GODERICH FOR APPOINTMENT ’Phone 1100 ■ • For ; Appointment or Information See Wm. A. Schmid, ’Phone 167-w Lucknow INSURANCE FERE, CASUALTY, AUTOMOBILE AND LIFE , ' To Protect Your Jack, Insure With Jack- Today. J. A. McDONAGh R7R. 3, Lucknow,Ont. ’Phone 61r5, Dungannon ....TENDERS'" TENDERS WANTED — marked sealed tenders will be received .by^undersigned?untjlJanuaryl7, 1953, for wood to be delivered, split and; piled to one or all of the following schools' in West Wawanosh Township school area. This wood to be hard maple or beech, 14” long and nothing smal­ ler than 6” or over 10” in dia­ meter, ^said wood to be delivered to each school not later than June 25th, 1953, No. 4, 25 cord; No. 2, 25 cord;. No. 3, 5 cord; No. 12, 15 cord; No. .17, 25 cord; also 2 cords of dry cedar 12” long for each school. Lowest or any tender ndt necessarily accepted. W. A. Stewart, sec.-treas., Dungannon, Ont. s , Agnews’Agency Howard Agnew — Jos. Agnew fc 1 MEMBER OF Ontario .Insurance Agents’ Association I FARMERS! We are now operating our 1 special machinery for removing 'buckhorn and other noxious weeds from clover seed. By re­ moving these weeds from your own clover' seed before sowing you will not have to summer fallow your land so often, to keep it clean. This will sav^ you many dollars. Take advantage . ,of the cleaning service we offer. We have for- sale a tfull line of clover seeds, timothy and grasses at a great saving in-price because we are able to clean seed at home and same freight and* “middle­men’s” profits. / / ROY, CRAMM & SON Seed Cleaners and Dealers Pinkerton - Phone Cargill 68 w3 I TENDERS . TENDERS WANTED — Marked ^_sealedl_tendersi will be received by the undersigned Until Janu­ ary 17th, 1953, for caretakers for all schools in West Wawanosh Township School Area. Duties,to commence February 2nd, 1953 Lowest or any tender not nec­ essarily accepted. W.; A. Stewart, sec.-treas., ; Dungannon, Ont. KAIRSHEA COTTON CLASS / The eighth meeting of “The Daughters of the Kairshea” was held Friday afternoon, January 2nd at the home of Marilyn Car­ ruthers. The roll call was “show a worked button hole”. The "af­ ternoon was spent sowing. Waists and facings xVere^Cwed on. A de- r GENERAL INSURANCE Established Over 30. Years Ago Telephones: Business 39 Residence 138 R. W. ANDREW Barrister and ~ Solicitor LUCKNOW, ONTARIO »Office in the Joynt Block 1 J ” ¥ 1-21 IS '' ■ ' ' 7- rfi *1ri 11 F flr INSURANCE Co-Operative Life Insurance . /"'CoHO^efatiye^lllitdnwM Insurance Mercantile & Farm Fire Insuranee Economical and/ Reliable. . See : '■ . T. A. CAMERON LUCKNOW Phone 70-r-10 Dungannon Telephone:. \ Office 135_ Residence 31-J P. Stuart Mackenzie Barrister arid Solicitor WALKERTON, ONTARIO I Kenneth J. Mackenzie p i : i i v I ■ i J'. .1.- 1 . !<I i ORDER YOUR-SUPPLY NOW AND SAVE $ $ $ i FOR FULL INFORMATION DROP INTO OUR OFFICE Lucknow District Co-op ^L^^Lticknaw^ Ont. ■f- /. * iiloKMatarts n * Q 1 i <■ ■ ’. /! R.O. Optometrist LIST0WEL, ONT. Will be at Wrona’s Jewellery store, Ripley, 16 a.m: to 9/p.m., Wednesday; January 21st Eyes examined ?• Glasses fitted For appointment ’phone Roy Mackenzie, 96-r-24 Ripley? » I IN LUCKNOW Each Wednesday OFFICE IN •’ HENDERSON BLOCK /; * R. S. Hetherington, K.C 1 Barrister, Etc. ! Wingham and Lucknow ^ IN LUCKNOW licious dinner ' was served. ... The ninth meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Donald . Mc ­ Kinnon. Miss, ^Steckle, home economist of Western Ontario, was present. The meeting opened ^wit-lvth e-them e~s Utes were read, by Irene, and Gladys.AThe roll call was udis- play a bound button hole for our record book;/ ,Miss Steckle told about .achievement day. which is on February 14th. We were shown1 how; to sew^On a button. Some, alterations were made * on the of the girls mo$? elled and were- judged as tin‘ example fdr Achievement day. Adainty lunchwas served? 1 Each Monday ~ and Wednesday , Located on . the ground floor in the front of ' John Kilpatrick’s Building . « /Phone Winghan) ; \ Office 48 Residence 97 ; Insure With The tiArbsTMutual .fire insurance co. • for Reasonable rates, sound pro- tectidh & proiript, satisfactory, settlement of. claims. FARISB MOFFAT :' Ydiif LqcM Agent* 1 Ri 3, Teeswater. ’Phone TeesWater 57-M1 r 't f