HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-01-14, Page 3WEDNESDAY,JAN. 14th, 1953
Miss Marilyn Newman was
rushed to Wingham Hospital on
Thursday evening for emergency
apendectomy. She expects td be
home Monday evening,
Don’t forget the play, “Betty
Girl of My Heart” in the White-?
church memorial hall on Thurs-
■* day, January 15th, presented by
. the Kincardine Y, P; Pro^eds go
to the Women’s Institute. r
Mrs. Irene Paterson.. spent a
few. days last week at the home
. ? Mr. and Mrs, Clifford Heiffer
of Turnberry spent Friday at the
home Qf Mrs. E. Welwood.
/ Miss Elsie Langley of Toronto
spent the week-end at tiie home
of Mr, and Mrs. Tom Morrison.
Orville Mitchell of Toronto
spent the week-end - at his home
• . here. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Roddy. Inglis &
family of Forest spent the week
end ait the -home pf his parents',
Mr. end Mrs. T. Inglis.
• . Tiffin’s orchestra are playing
. for a dance in the Whitechurch
memorial hall- on Friday, Janu
ary 16th.
- “Mrsr~Er^^
to London last week, one on
Wedn<^day with Mr. arid Mrs.
• ;'>-jJ^k-lS^l0Ck’ 'ehd family and on
; Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Rhys
Pollock. Mr. E, Weilwood’s con
dition Is just about the same. Mr.
Rev. Pollock is slightly improv
ed after having underwent a
major operation about two weeks
'• ^gp-
• Married in the North Battleford
church in "Saskatchewan, were
Kenneth Ross, R.C.M.P., son of
Mr. and Kobt. Ross and
Helen Adeline Pozbrowski.
The regular meeting of the
W.M.S. will be held at the home
, of Mrs. E. Scholtz on: Wednesday,
January 21st. Everyone welcome.
Congratulations are in order for
Clay ton Scholtz who - has been
promoted to travelling .salesman
in this district for Central Chev-
rolet . and Oldsmobile of London.
Word was received here of the
passing January 12fh of Mrs. An--
drew Michell (nee Laura McCar-
rell);. of Sault Ste. tMarie, Ont.
She was. a daughter of the late
. Annie* Kennedy, Whitechurch
John McCarrell who wi’as .born at
Lucknow and wiho. after their
marriage lived near the. Soo,
Laura will 'be remembered by
many;here as she came down (be-
.fore her marriage) to spend some
years looking after her aged
, grandmother,, the late Mrs. A.
■Kennedy: Her death came after
a Jong /and serious i'ITriess arid she
- was in her 57th: year. Surviving
. are her husband, son,, daughter.,1
two brothers and four sisters.
s *
i. Lucknow
Presbyterian Church
Rev. C. A. Winn, B.A., '
Minister. ■.
il a.m.: Morning Service.
712:15 ,p.m.: Sunday School and
J 1 Bible Glass.
, 3 p.m.: Erskine, Dungannon,
p.m.:26lh_in,Scries„dri Tlie„
Prayer Meetings Wednesdays.
8.00 p.m. ~
. Annual Congregational Meet
ing On Thursday, January 22nd
. at 8 : p.m. Social time after.
... ...s.
■ i
■ l
.:j. ... .....,.
i\.’7. pain: ftosea—-the Prophet of,
• | . X the North;
Rev. G. A* -Meiklejolin,
Local & General
„ FREE—-An Extra Pair of Trousers—FREE
. *
■» ■
Made-to-Measur£ — Expert Tailoring.
High Grade Fabrics by Cambridge.
Appointments any /hour.
■ ■■ ■ . ... f . • ■ .. . ...
PurchaseEarly for the Best Selection.
Blues, Greys; Browns in all materials:
' <* • • • ' : ' * y.77-
Superb Value — Top Notch Savings In
► HEAVy WORK TROUSERSr-Clearing at Z,
PAGE qnfflRE®
Si *
A tworstorey frame house, the
farm home of Mr. and Mrs.. Clif•-
ford Sproul, three miles south
east of Dungannon* was; complete
ly destroyed by fife about 8.00
o’clock Saturday night, /
Mr. and Mrs. Sproul and their
family of four children, ranging:
in age from two to sevehyears,
jwere away^ when the ‘fire broke
out. Cause, of the fire was uncer
tain.^ It appeared- to start in the
upstairs and the ' house was
enveloped in flames wheri^dis-
covered about 7.00 p m. The God
erich fire brigade was called, ibut
it was of no avail as the conf lag- ,
ration was beyond control; No
thing was saved, There is insur
ance on the building; but the con
tents, including > clothing, are a
total loss. The parents of Mr. and
Mrs. Sproul, Mr. and Mrs., Jas,.
Sproul and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Godfrey, respectively, who live
nearby, are giving shelter jto the
unfortunate family for the time
being. / ' ■ '' '■
Neighbors said at fir^t they
thought, the fire was a reflection
of the rising moon,- Louise Sproul
turned in the alarm from her
home across the road. A, tractor
and a tank of gas were moved to
safety from near the blazing
hpme... '■
Dr. R. B. Durnin Dies
Mr, Robt. J.. Durnin received
word last week that his brother,
Dr. Brown Durnin had passed
away. The following is a copy
of the clipping from the Great
Falls' Montana, daily'paper: ;
~ Drv- -Richard : -Durnin, -70r
pioneer physician and surgeon
and one of the four founders of
the Great Falls Clinic, died Tues
day at a local hospital. He lived
at 720. Fourth Ave: North. A uni
versity pf Toronto graduate, Dr.
Durnin came to Great Falls from
Minot, N/D./ May L 1910. In 1917
he and three others organized, the
Great Falls Clinic. Dr. - Durnin
was born May 10, 1882 at> Dun
gannon, Ont. H$ studied as an
interne at • the" Post-Graduate
School of Medicine in. New York
and before coming to Great Falls
practised, medicine in North Da
kota, The model T Ford.which
he drove here was the 1.70th car
in this city. The doctor was also
known for -his work outside the.
practise of medicine. In June 1932
he '.and Virgil Proctor of Great
Falls purchased the Louis Heit-
It wa£ one pf the> best equipped
livestock plants in Northern L^W-
is and .Clark, County. They
bought the / Levi' La Chapelle
ranch in the Augusta area in
-May 1937. The 11,920 acre Dur
nin arid Proctor ranch was; sold in
1946. A veteran of World , War I,
Durnin was a member of , the
American Legion and was one of
the original members of the
Meadow Lark Country Club. Iri.
addition'he was a member of the
Masonic lodge, the Great Falls
Consistory and the Helena Al
geria'. ghrine Temple. Honors re
ceived in his medical profession
Mr, land Mrs. John G. Moore,
Jean and George pf Bervie visited:
Jsst week with Mr. and Mrs. Wm;
B us hel l ; , . - • f
Mr; Wj Jr Davison developed
pneumonia the latter part of last
week and was taken -to Winghaih
:■ Mr, S. C. Rathwell is not Ken<
joying the best of health and
the winter in Toronto with Mr,
arid Mrs. Orm Mpffat. /
The Paramount W. I. will hold
the January 20th meetihg at Mrs.
R$bt. Ttcid’s. Roll icail, New Year’s
resolution^; current events, Mrs.
H. Ensign; topic, Short-cuts in
sewing, iMrs. Oi Richards; pro
gram, Miss Susan Gibson’ Mrs.
J; Ketohabaw.
C, E. McDonagh returned home
last week after visiting over the
holiday in London with Mr. and
Mrs. E. iC. MacKenzie, He accom
panied W. G. Webster on a visit
to Windsor while Mrs. Webster
.remained inLondon--tp-Visit- her-
daughter, Mae.
Voter: “Whyr I wouldn’t vote
for you if you were St. Peter
himself!” .
Candidate: ‘Tf I Were St. Peter,
you couldn’t vote for me —- you
wouldn’t be in my district”.
included ■•trie-rpisPs-iden6y-''-’Qf:-iha
MEN’S SUITS—ready made—on hand 10 percent oft
... S5.00 each
Station Wagon Coats and Lined Jackets
10 Percent off All Garments in Stock. .
differ Good Until End.-Of- January
i*. A A A. A A'k A Eh' A Jbi A. A A a
Lord’s prayer. The scripture read
ing was given by Mrs. William
Caesar; The roll call was answer
ed by the paying of fees arid
showed an attendance of <six
members’ The treasurer’s report
was read arid adopted, The min
utes of the last / meeting were;
read by Mrs. Elmer Black, The
rector, Rev. H. L. Jennings, voic7
ed i a vote of ^ppreciaiioh to the
ladies who were responsible^ for
the Christmas party for the child
ren of the. Parish. A short dis
cussion period followed after
: Which Mrs. R. J. Durnin gave a
1 eading entitled “Aijnual Meet
ings”. The election of officers for
the coming year followed with
Rev. H. L. Jennings, presiding drid
resulted as follows* hon. pres.,
Mrs. R. *J. Durnin; pres., Mrs.
Wm. Caesar;: 1st vice, Mrs. Thos.
Young; 2nd vice, Mrsf. H. L. Jpnr
nihgs; . sec.-treas., Mrs. ° Elmer
Black; treas. Flower Fund, Mrs.
Gladys Riivett. Rev. H. L; Jen
nings closed the.; meeting with
prayer. Afternoon tea , was served
by the lunch conveners, Mrs,
ThoS; Park and Mrs. “Wm. Cae-
.^sar. /T'.■■■'7'.
The sudden death of ReV. Fathr
.’er H. Chisholm of Maidstone on
Saturday’ was a shock to rela
tives and friends in this district.
Mr. arid, Mrs. Jack Chisholm and
Mr. and* Mrs. Albert McGee at-
terided the funeral of their bro
ther on Tuesday at’ Maidstoriie; A
more detailed account is expected
•latei*. ■ ;
The Week of . Prayer was ob
served in St. Paul’s Anglican
church on Friday night in charge
of the rector;,Rev. H. L. Jennings.
He was assisted with- scriptural
readings and: prayers by. neigh
boring clergymen. Rev. ''CL A.
Wi nn ,
church and Rev. George Watt of
the United church.. Avoluntary
choir. - from. the. churches led iri
th0‘ hymns with' Mrs. L. Stingel
presiding at the organ. Rev. Jen
nings. gaye an arousing address
on prayer taken from the Book
of Daniel, chap. 6 and 8 with'a
challenge, -‘Do we. have family'
Mrs.'Harvey Anderson has been,
appointed leader of a newly or
ganized; C,G.I.T«. Giidup at' the.
.United .chiircli; 7/hfey were guests
a week ago Monday night .at .the
Benmiller 'Branch’ where Mrs.
last Monday, they met in the
United church and officers were?
installed by the, pastor, Rev. G/
Watt. *
• Miss S. Miller.of Windsor, tea--
"eher of the blind, who also has
very little si'ght, is teaching Miss '
Mabel Thompson, blind mute,
praftSi 4s making: rdbiber mats;
belts "’arid other saleable ar ticfes,
She is boarding ’ with Mr; and
Mrs. Robt: Irvin.
In The Recreational Centre
Thursday, "January 15th
Commencing at 10.00 p.m
Henderson’s Orchestra — Everyone Welcome. I
Cascade County Medical Associa
tion, . memliership in the Amer-.(
ican Medical ■AsS00iatipn" and ;the-
American College of 'Physicians
and certification- bv the..Amer
ican Board of InternarMedicine:.
He also was ari^active member
and.'.served on. many committees
of the Montana"'Medical Associa
tion..•'.S.urvivoj’s include? his ,wid-.
ow, Bessie "Louise and son James*
both of .’this city; a daughter, Mrs.
Gail Burleigh, Wolf Creek;/ two
brothers, Robert; of Dunganrion,
Ont/, and Charles; Pasadena, Cal.,
arid ax. sister, Ellen P.urhin* Dtiri-
/gannon^ Funeral* ser vices for Ur**
' Durnirn were2 HeldJ at/me • Firsr
Presbyterian church with. Dr.
John Pressly officiating. Crema
tion followed private Committal
services at the Great Falls Maus
oleum. ’’
The-Ladies Guild-.of St,. Paul s
Anglican'Church held their Jan
uary meeting at the heme of Mf&
4L.X2 Durnin ./Friday . afternoen.
Mrs. (Rev.) H. L. Jennings; vice
pres., was in charge. The, meet*
ing opened with a hymn and the
11* a;m.: “Believing in
. When yoti nerid help in a hurry; you reach
for your telephone . . Think, of the difference
it makes —- just knowing your telephone, is
, therfy ready to serve you- in any /
emergency. Wo price can ttieasure its usefulness