HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-01-14, Page 2Baker’s home. fire. Centre-Fill Fueling makes fi|ling-up easy from either side of . the gas pump ... prevents damage to finish and gas spilling on fenders. 53 FORD ? . ‘ »• WEDNESDAY, JAN. 14th, 1953Jtwc LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNQ^ ONTARIO Zi’ItThSat ttito^g^ W*.*** **'** Silver- .«d at. Thor Old at tne open-uj, v* „ amateur- : cracked the ie W- ^ice ; <’ W^e Sun Oil Company took .up District High land leases in the Dickies’ Hill Kerry -—^^e-Doyle was-92Tand4^^ Mrs. John UttieM . C- Ba^hwell, Al Deaths: puncan McIntyre, Mj^ fi^ H»3de^< ’ Ganbutt Maltby, Mre. -Midiped . {Little) Siddall. • " . i>ar-a hreak-in within a "April 10th , jweek thaewes. blasted: We-safe at A brawl in the Town Hall ] Qreamery but the broke up the CKNX barn dance,:.! W was Twentv-four were received into f Announcement' was made that membership of the United chunml Dr. W. J. Mumford was going 4b at a Palm Sunday service of re-(Fergus, . . _ . caption and confirmation. - -Justice was signed to vie accepted an invitation, as pas­ tor of Lucknow United Church. Andrew Ritchie bought the late Wm, Baldwin’s fam.' ■ Deaths: Wesley Greer, V Ma/ 15th Jack McDonagh took oyer the insurance business of the late -John Farrish. . • ■ FO. Lloyd Henderson and two daughters Adrise and1 Lilias, age 8 and 5, were rescued from the St' Lawrence River When a motor boat capsized. A 9-year-old girl, Anita Heuson, lost her life in the mishap. R^raWMso vi^^the op­ erator of the boat. ' ’ < Rev. C. B. Woolley accepted a call to Dobbinton. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh MacMillan Were enroute home from For­ mosa. • ' ,Mrs. Wm. McNall and son Michael sailed for England. "Deaths: Mrs. John McKinnon, ‘‘Culross; Dr. John R. MacRae of pitch for Lucknow and it looked as if “the trophy was op the mantle”. Deaths: Joseph Mallough, Mrs. D. A. MacDonald, Wm. MacKen- zie, Langside. , ■ ■ ' May 1st Ross. Gammie bought Ed Thom’s.farm y-. . : • •/,- In a tumble down a stairway, Mrs. W. R. Hamilton escaped with ■a fractured left arm. 7 . Mr. and Mrs. George Oryis re­ turned to Wingham' to resided Deaths:R.J. Moore, Mrs.An­ drew Hamilton, . John ;S. /Wall, Waiter D/M^do0h. / , / May 8th . ♦ Fanned by a stiff gale, fire de­ stroyed a barn at Mary McLeod’s residence/ . "j- Council was requested by the High School Area Board to pro­ ceed. with issuing debentures for $270,000. Rev. G. A. Meiklejobn of Ber- , . S - ■-1 \ Ji 1 'yOjBjjEfl ■ fl1 1 r if •'r «rafo-Sfcr V-l 110-Hp,. Engiee vi ith higtj compres=ion perfor- , mance,- Advanced desigh backed by experience in build* inmore V-3's than all otbfcr > tnantffacturers'TOtnbinedL > Power-Pivot Pedals, suspenaea from above, work easier and eluni* nate floor holes—provide more floor apace for the driver! „. • . GMAW NAMt M MOTOtMG bility that really lets you see ... a car that handles with effortless steering, braking and parking . . . with proved V-8 power and brilliant performance. See it... check it... you’ll find the. 1953 Ford gives you so many things you need and want. Test-Driye Ford—you’ll know It’s here . , the new, pace-setting, style­ making *53 Ford—presenting for the first time—the sensational new Miracle Ride! Now, feel the difference in the *53 Ford— . with the entire Suspension System com­ pletely-balanced for * safer, smoother, , ■ quieter ride—that gives a brand-new concept of comfort on all kinds of road. , Agan^ Fmd steps ahead with all the f why, more than ever, before, the swing features you want .. .Full-Circle Visi- is to Ford! *Fordonafic DrivB, Overdrive and white sidewall tir*« optional at extra cost. Fordovnatie * Drive ie the finest New Miracle Ride that takes all the auWtnati'e .drive on the road. . factors of ride, engineers them into a With Ford you can choose from completdy4>alariced.combination for Fordoma tic*. Overdrive*, or ’a ride that's truly a revelation^ Synchro-Silent Shift, - ■ ' l'< '*’/• 'V ■. '■//■ ''1 SEE YOUR FORD DEALER... TEST-M/Vp the new FORD - MONARCH DEALER MOTORS ’PHONE 40, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO * California. May 82nd Lucknow j- Fire Co. saved a dump truck owned by Fred Tout from complete destruction by fire. „ •' • Gordon Brooks bought- Ed Baker’s hottie. Kinloss Council opposed the awarding of • the High School- contract at a figure some $13,000 ' . B higher than the lowest bid. Ardonna Johnston was A mem- Jber of the Victoria Hospital class of> graduates^ . Tn Canada only two weeks, the Dutch family of Riene Hoek lost all their (belongings hi a fire that razed their farm home own­ ed Jby Stewart Brooks. The fam­ ily’ later returned' to Holland. Deaths: Wm. E. Kilpatrick of Saskatchewan, Thomas Reed of Vancouver.: May 29th Mary Porteous graduated with ai Bachelor of Science degree in (i Home Fconomics from Macdon­ ald College, Quebec. Rev. A. S. Mitchell announced his approaching retirement from the ministry. Margaret Treleaven and Bill McKinnon graduated at. Western University,, Missjfirel^ven sailed on a trip to Europe and the Bri~ • tish Isles. /,-• ' Deaths: Jim GtahO^Wfe Wm. Robinson. /.... . June 5th ’:y • At a banquet, Lucknow Ban­ tams were presented with the Ontario “D” championship tro­ phy, ■ ■'■?./ A. Wi Hamilton was elected president of the Luc-Tee-Win fclub, ■;/<:•'/'•//•/• /'• /? George Alton had his back broken when a roll of wire pin­ ned him against the steering wheel .of the tractor. ., 1 • / A Watch was presented at Loth­ ian School to jet aircraft pilot , Jim Barger. ' Deaths: Miss Agnes Griffin, Mrs. Wm. iDr Toye. June 11th From a legacy left by Mrs. W. j. Spindler the Presbyterian Church W.M.S. vpted $500 for famine reliefin India. ; / Lavergne McMillan graduated from the University of Detroit. Dr. W. V. Johnston was -feat- ured in an article in Macleans of the general practitioner. » Village . Council main street hydro pole removal program. Morgan King, of nosh, was seriously hurt in a 35- foot fall in his bam. Deaths. Dean W; L. Armitage, Alexander McDonald. . june48th-/~™m^,i A disastrous fire destroyed the- Anderson Flax Products- plant. Steve St others received his master- of science degree at Mich­ igan State College and Donald McLennan his bachelors of laws , degree. Deaths: Adam McQueen; Mrs. D. S>. Campbell, a native of Holy - rood. f approved; a West Wawa- I WOLF CUBS Last week was party night at / Cubs with, the Pack. ushering in' the 1953 season with an evening . of games, toppedz off by a treat., of chips arid freshie: It’s hard" to \ say ’ who enjoyed theriiselve* more; the Cubs or the leadersr ' nevejrtheieis/it was an Interest*. ing way of; getting activities un; . derway for the New Year.; . It promises to be an interesting * -; as well as busy year in the Pack . with lots, of tests and badge work ", on hand, and of course our usual period of . games. -So let’s havt everyone, out each meeting, gr ■ • ing your best’to make your Slx . ,y the' best, . •. ’ . y . A. - . We’rp -cdunthg on ybUj ’ ■ for a little extra help too.- ’La.-t'. November your lad , approacht. ■ ' ..you' fpr? 25 cents, for , bis anhu ' membership, fee for - Cubs’Lun' . . . ■ November 30, 1953.. S'fnc.e- -tiv; . your Cub’rpaster has been..advise . •».. by* the Bocal Scout "Assogiat'A . that Wolf Cub membership . were raised to 50, cents by Pr . ''vincial Headquarter's as of 1/ ' ’ June, - TThis . leaves / twenty-Py/ • • cents still, owing on your boy. menlberShiprand- your cotoper-x'.. ?/ tioh in seeing that this is paid «. ■ Soon as possible will be .greatly appreciated. ■ -