HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-01-14, Page 2Baker’s home.
Centre-Fill Fueling makes fi|ling-up
easy from either side of . the gas
pump ... prevents damage to finish
and gas spilling on fenders.
? . ‘ »•
Zi’ItThSat ttito^g^ W*.*** **'** Silver-
.«d at. Thor Old at tne open-uj, v* „ amateur-
: cracked the ie W-
^ice ;
<’ W^e Sun Oil Company took .up District High
land leases in the Dickies’ Hill Kerry
-—^^e-Doyle was-92Tand4^^
Mrs. John UttieM . C- Ba^hwell, Al
Deaths: puncan McIntyre, Mj^ fi^ H»3de^<
’ Ganbutt Maltby, Mre. -Midiped .
{Little) Siddall. • " . i>ar-a hreak-in within a
"April 10th , jweek thaewes. blasted: We-safe at
A brawl in the Town Hall ] Qreamery but the
broke up the CKNX barn dance,:.! W was
Twentv-four were received into f Announcement' was made that
membership of the United chunml Dr. W. J. Mumford was going 4b
at a Palm Sunday service of re-(Fergus, . . _ .
caption and confirmation. - -Justice was signed to
vie accepted an invitation, as pas
tor of Lucknow United Church.
Andrew Ritchie bought the late
Wm, Baldwin’s fam.' ■
Deaths: Wesley Greer,
V Ma/ 15th
Jack McDonagh took oyer the
insurance business of the late
-John Farrish. . •
■ FO. Lloyd Henderson and two
daughters Adrise and1 Lilias, age
8 and 5, were rescued from the
St' Lawrence River When a motor
boat capsized. A 9-year-old girl,
Anita Heuson, lost her life in the
mishap. R^raWMso vi^^the op
erator of the boat. ' ’ <
Rev. C. B. Woolley accepted a
call to Dobbinton.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh MacMillan
Were enroute home from For
mosa. • ' ,Mrs. Wm. McNall and son
Michael sailed for England.
"Deaths: Mrs. John McKinnon,
‘‘Culross; Dr. John R. MacRae of
pitch for Lucknow and it looked
as if “the trophy was op the
Deaths: Joseph Mallough, Mrs.
D. A. MacDonald, Wm. MacKen-
zie, Langside. ,
■ ■ ' May 1st
Ross. Gammie bought Ed
Thom’s.farm y-. . : • •/,-
In a tumble down a stairway,
Mrs. W. R. Hamilton escaped with
■a fractured left arm. 7 .
Mr. and Mrs. George Oryis re
turned to Wingham' to resided
Deaths:R.J. Moore, Mrs.An
drew Hamilton, . John ;S. /Wall,
Waiter D/M^do0h. /
, / May 8th .
♦ Fanned by a stiff gale, fire de
stroyed a barn at Mary McLeod’s
residence/ . "j-
Council was requested by the
High School Area Board to pro
ceed. with issuing debentures for
Rev. G. A. Meiklejobn of Ber-
, . S - ■-1 \ Ji
1 'yOjBjjEfl ■
fl1 1 r if
«rafo-Sfcr V-l 110-Hp,. Engiee
vi ith higtj compres=ion perfor-
, mance,- Advanced desigh
backed by experience in build*
inmore V-3's than all otbfcr
> tnantffacturers'TOtnbinedL >
Power-Pivot Pedals, suspenaea
from above, work easier and eluni*
nate floor holes—provide more floor
apace for the driver! „. • .
bility that really lets you see ... a car
that handles with effortless steering,
braking and parking . . . with proved
V-8 power and brilliant performance.
See it... check it... you’ll find the. 1953
Ford gives you so many things you need
and want. Test-Driye Ford—you’ll know
It’s here . , the new, pace-setting, style
making *53 Ford—presenting for the first
time—the sensational new Miracle Ride!
Now, feel the difference in the *53 Ford—
. with the entire Suspension System com
pletely-balanced for * safer, smoother, ,
■ quieter ride—that gives a brand-new
concept of comfort on all kinds of road.
, Agan^ Fmd steps ahead with all the f why, more than ever, before, the swing
features you want .. .Full-Circle Visi- is to Ford!
*Fordonafic DrivB, Overdrive and white sidewall tir*« optional at extra cost.
Fordovnatie * Drive ie the finest New Miracle Ride that takes all the
auWtnati'e .drive on the road. . factors of ride, engineers them into a
With Ford you can choose from completdy4>alariced.combination for
Fordoma tic*. Overdrive*, or ’a ride that's truly a revelation^
Synchro-Silent Shift, - ■ ' l'<
'*’/• 'V ■. '■//■ ''1
May 82nd
Lucknow j- Fire Co. saved a
dump truck owned by Fred Tout
from complete destruction by
fire. „ •' •
Gordon Brooks bought- Ed
Baker’s hottie.
Kinloss Council opposed the
awarding of • the High School-
contract at a figure some $13,000 ' . B
higher than the lowest bid.
Ardonna Johnston was A mem-
Jber of the Victoria Hospital class
of> graduates^ .
Tn Canada only two weeks, the
Dutch family of Riene Hoek lost
all their (belongings hi a fire
that razed their farm home own
ed Jby Stewart Brooks. The fam
ily’ later returned' to Holland.
Deaths: Wm. E. Kilpatrick of
Saskatchewan, Thomas Reed of
May 29th
Mary Porteous graduated with
ai Bachelor of Science degree in (i
Home Fconomics from Macdon
ald College, Quebec.
Rev. A. S. Mitchell announced
his approaching retirement from
the ministry.
Margaret Treleaven and Bill
McKinnon graduated at. Western
University,, Missjfirel^ven sailed
on a trip to Europe and the Bri~ •
tish Isles. /,-• '
Deaths: Jim GtahO^Wfe Wm.
/.... . June 5th ’:y •
At a banquet, Lucknow Ban
tams were presented with the
Ontario “D” championship tro
phy, ■ ■'■?./
A. Wi Hamilton was elected
president of the Luc-Tee-Win
fclub, ■;/<:•'/'•//•/• /'• /?
George Alton had his back
broken when a roll of wire pin
ned him against the steering
wheel .of the tractor. ., 1 • /
A Watch was presented at Loth
ian School to jet aircraft pilot ,
Jim Barger. '
Deaths: Miss Agnes Griffin,
Mrs. Wm. iDr Toye.
June 11th
From a legacy left by Mrs. W.
j. Spindler the Presbyterian
Church W.M.S. vpted $500 for
famine reliefin India. ; /
Lavergne McMillan graduated
from the University of Detroit.
Dr. W. V. Johnston was -feat-
ured in an article in Macleans
of the general practitioner. »
Village . Council
main street hydro pole removal
Morgan King, of
nosh, was seriously hurt in a 35-
foot fall in his bam.
Deaths. Dean W; L. Armitage,
Alexander McDonald.
. june48th-/~™m^,i
A disastrous fire destroyed the-
Anderson Flax Products- plant.
Steve St others received his
master- of science degree at Mich
igan State College and Donald
McLennan his bachelors of laws
, degree.
Deaths: Adam McQueen; Mrs.
D. S>. Campbell, a native of Holy -
approved; a
West Wawa-
Last week was party night at /
Cubs with, the Pack. ushering in'
the 1953 season with an evening .
of games, toppedz off by a treat.,
of chips arid freshie: It’s hard" to \
say ’ who enjoyed theriiselve*
more; the Cubs or the leadersr '
nevejrtheieis/it was an Interest*.
ing way of; getting activities un; .
derway for the New Year.; .
It promises to be an interesting * -;
as well as busy year in the Pack .
with lots, of tests and badge work ",
on hand, and of course our usual
period of . games. -So let’s havt
everyone, out each meeting, gr ■ •
ing your best’to make your Slx . ,y
the' best, . •. ’ . y . A. -
. We’rp -cdunthg on ybUj ’ ■
for a little extra help too.- ’La.-t'.
November your lad , approacht. ■ '
..you' fpr? 25 cents, for , bis anhu '
membership, fee for - Cubs’Lun' . . . ■
November 30, 1953.. S'fnc.e- -tiv; .
your Cub’rpaster has been..advise . •»..
by* the Bocal Scout "Assogiat'A .
that Wolf Cub membership .
were raised to 50, cents by Pr .
''vincial Headquarter's as of 1/ ' ’
June, - TThis . leaves / twenty-Py/ • •
cents still, owing on your boy.
menlberShiprand- your cotoper-x'.. ?/
tioh in seeing that this is paid «. ■
Soon as possible will be .greatly
appreciated. ■ -