HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-01-07, Page 8Nl I after’ attending service in thef i ’ •i i B . ■ ’A tv THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO -** * . r . . ■WEDNESDAY, JAN. 7th, 1053 ? January i >■;- 'i i ¥*$ a i7PT5ir Swap it! Sell it! Rent it! Buy it! Use Sentinel Want Ads. 1HAT Alyiri^ | cow. Death was due to i inch nail lodging in-the throat which caused infection. MaMMMiiMMSteMMhaMW- 1 1i ''"sty'IT 11 ItL-'iM. u —"I--- --r-;-'-....- :....................................i riT~'T~Tri~-s~'irirsSBi>»|Misiw PAGE EIGHT THIS WEEK . . • ■' I. . •. Stock Taking MEN’S. LADIES’ and CHILDREN’S WEAR Pfece Goods . and Wooden* (Continued from page 1) THAT owing to the Week of Prayer the- Clansmen dance end h prize, draw has been postponed until a later datei* ■/' TWAT pressure on the domestic water system was low over the week-end, while repairs were feeing made to another burned- out the secondary well. TOe pump was in opera­ tion again on Monday/and an official inspected thepumping _sbt-up with a yiew to correct­ ing the condition that causes this Ibreak-dawn periodically. Work on getting the new well into" operation is scheduled fqr >3 this month. ....: ' •• ► ► ► ► ►_______ ’ mEn’S-FELT SHOES, Reg. H®5- Clearing a* ’ Men’s 4-Buekle RUBBER OVERSHOES, Clearing > MANY ITEMS NOT ADVERTISED > j > s.c. OBITUARY ; MRS. JOHN MaciKAY Seldom -does death come with more startling suddenness than it. did to the tytacKay home when on Sunday afternoon, DecemW 28th, the beloved mother was stricken down. She just slipped away to ‘ holdT her everlasting tryst, when, on returning home Ashfield Presbyterian church she was''' seized with a heart attack. '--Mri. John MacKay was the for­ mer Annie Chmtepe MacKenziO, arid was’^born- on . the 12th Con­ cession otf Ashfield 72 years ago; where she spent- her happy youth* In-1904 she h^T lete; hus­ bands John MacKayi who died ye$rs ago. They settled on the farm oh the banks of Lake Huron down from Kintail. To them were born three sonS, John on the homestead, Duncan teaching? at Kintail school and Donald, DEC, who recently returned from Moncton, NJB. ' > During the last years arthritis:, arid other complications had caused much suffering which she bore with great patience. She6 was a true andtrustworthy friend, kind and. gentle, with un- asisuming wasls, and the com­ munity has lost a worthy citizen." The. funeral was held from 4he Ashfield Presbyterian ? church pf ’ which the deceased was a faith­ ful attendant when health per­ mitted- The impressive service Was conducted; biy her, pastor, Rev. J. R. MacDonald, who spoke comforting words that while they mourned, yet there was a spirit of triumph and victory. The flor­ al pieces and the largely attend­ ed funeral service were ^fitting tributes, of esteem, and/sympathy, -Interiii®nt - took place in the family plot m Kintail, cemetery With pallbearers being Messrs. Jack Bradley,, Neil MacKenzie, Waiter Brdwn, Colin MacGregor, Hugh Mackenzie and David Mac- Kenzie. ? ■ - ' , . / ■ A nephew,, Harold Johnston, who makes his home at the Mac­ Kay home, will ihiss his aunt’s kindness. SLIPPERS, MEN’S FELT SHOES, Men’s, Women’s and j RUBBER FOOTW ■ STARTING 3/ Friday, January 9 We have reduced prices up’ percent for this Clearing Sale. ZIPPER RUBBER GOLOSHES, Misses ®hd Child^en’ ~....;.......................... ............. ............. .... THAT Mrs. David^ Kennedy, who observed her 90th birthday bn October 1st, has found, it riec-. essary to give ."up*the duties as Whitechurch correspondent to The Sentinel. For oyer thirty years the Kennedy family has rendered valued service in this regard. Agries was the first ‘scribe”, arid upon her marriage Jean took over iriitil ?She? was married. Since then; Mfrs, Ken­ nedy apd Miss Annie‘Kennedy 'haVe’~^Med^6n;~ assisted by Mrs. Walter t James who will continue to send iri the- White-, church budget. . THAT the weaitlwrman crossed us up,, arid there JWs skating for New; Years: Ice maker Art Breckles had a fair sheet of ice for New Year’s night, with a fair crowd taking advantage of the first opportunity-to put the blades oil < Later acquiring this business along with mangership .of -the local Bell Telephone office. In 1940 the^Pateispn family-mo^ed to. Goderich and in 1947, Mr. and Mrs. Paterson moved to London, where they had since resided. Fraser was a past master of Old Light Lodge, Lucknow, hav­ ing served as master in 1938. He was a member of the local branch of the Canadian.. Legion and of Chalmers. Presbyterian church. London, Surviving; are his wife, form* erly Laura Stein; two daughters, Mrk George - (Doleria) Spong and Mr& Louis (Dorothy) Lane of London; one brother, Norman, of Waterloo, Quebec; two sisters, Mrs^ Joseh Elliot of Toronto arid Mrfik .Peter. L. ‘Bouck of Scho­ harie, N.Y. and four grandchild^ ren. ' The funeral service was held at* the Needham Funeral Home, conducted by Rev. Daniel_ Firth. Tallbeafers were“Mark”Herwin7 Arthur Eddas; Jos. SpiteripFraser Bouck, Louis Lane and George Spong. Honouirary pallbearers were John Hairies and Geo, Far- rish. •' Those who attended the funeral from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Bouck and Fraser Bouck, of Schoharie, N.Y.;4Mr. Norman ‘Paterson of Waterloo, Quebec; Mfrs. Viola Annis; of Tor­ onto; Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Gard­ ner, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. iome; Farrish, Winnie Farrish, Geotge and Jack Farrish, Mrs? Harvey Miller of Lucknow; Mr. Andrew Stein of Wihgham; Mr. arid Mrs; “Victor“Haines- of-Wingharii?—— The regains Were laid to rest in Woodland Cemetery, London. MRS. ANNIE DOYJLE The death of Mrs., Annie Doyle, mother1 of Mrs. Harry Anderson of town* occurred suddenly. in Si Whigham Hospital on Monday; B ~ ■ . . , -------"'2 December 29th. She was in her year. and ' had been a pat- THAT this is the time of the year when many district organs izations . are appointing new slates of officers, and we again stress the importance of press secretaries sending ^.reports of their meetings IMMEDIATE- LYafter they are ... . ‘1 THAT Gordon Stanley was re­ elected reeve of Ripleyby ac­ clamation. He is a/ candidate for the Bruce County-warden- • ship. Ripley councillors are Sam Pollock, Walter Walden, Walter Culbert and (Francis * Gemmell. z . • THAT we would like to remind rural correspondents that it is i not newsworthy enough fori the / paper when neighbors spend? an evening or Sunday afternoon ; together. Please omit such items. ■ - 3: THAT a Toronto ^subscriber in renewing his Sentinel, says humorously, ", “As. I am some- i what in arrears I am drawing on the meagre funds remaining after the Christmas holocaust to put "me in good standing again”. _ . 4 , 1 •.... . ‘ ~ .THAT Allah Stewart, who. took ■ a:corinnercial"~ aH; vcouis^iir London, is now erased in de­ signing store Adrits. for the ' Hobbs glass company. ■ .. JFRASER M, PATERSaN^ Fraser MacKenzie Paterson passed;away at his home MV 499 Griey Sts, London, early Monday morning/ December 29th, follow­ ing. a; five-year* illness Her Was? inhi»63rd year .being a^spn of the late Dr. Donald and Darlena Paterson. He was. born in Luck­ now where his father, practised dentistry for. many years< Fraser was a veteran of World: War I, haying served iri the 33rd Battalion.. He was wounded at Vimy Ridge and >■ invalided home, but laterreturned' overseas where he remained till the war’s end. ■ <Ie entered the drug business With', the late pr. A. M. Spence, BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBgBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB HURRAH! even bigger savings during IGA’s outstanding ■ DOLLAR DAYS a- STOCK UP NOW!/ •' ? •' ■ .2^'■ " It’s your Big Chance to S-TjR-E^r-C-H that Food Dollan ...i,..........................................................................lJ / .r: ■•’•’ ;' x, ■ ■ ’■ ■ ■ :j • s Watch for IGA Advt. in Thursday’s Free Press All Prices Apply At . , . . • SMITH’S (GA Food Market’ - ' ■ - - ' . . . . . . ■ • “ 1 1 L ‘ JUST ARRIVED . New shipment of Walker. Pants and Overalls, priced at.. $4.95 and. $5.95 ' ’ ■ NEW BATHROOM SETS .... * Unusual design in new Bathroom Sets. Priced at $3.98 a set . ' « ' 111'-y—' 1 11 ".....— . ient in ? Winghairi since suffering a fractuwid hip early iri October. However, she; appeared in heir iusual^heaith„wheri^Mr.^and/Nfe;' "■J Andbrsori had* visited' het not many hours before her. death. Mrs. Doyle was a daughter of Wm. King end Margaret Wilson and was bom ne^ ~ 7 4>n April 5th, I860; Ari a girl of nine years she moved with her parents to the Auburn district where Vslie resided for the rrh* ; mainder of her long life, except for the past four years which she spent at Lucknow with her dau­ ghter* She was/ beloved by all /" who knew her; Her husband, Thomas* Doyle, predeceased her 28 years hgo. They were? married 3; at Auburn ^61 years; agp. A dau­ ghter* Mrs. Wm.' Mairs (Zella) died in Lpndon two years ago, ;,. andnine brothers predeceased Mrs, Doyle. •. ■■". 3' - - The funeral service was held at the Arthur Funeral Home, -Aubumron-NewrYear*s-Dayreon—-— ducted Iby Rev. C. C. Wasjungton- of Auburn United Church of which she . was a member. ; . J Interment was in Ball’s cbm- 3 etery, the pallbearers being-Ed­ gar Lawson, Russell King, Chas. ; Asquith, Chas. Scott, Robt. Phil- I lips, Ralph Munro, all of Auburn. 3 . Mrs. Doyle is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Harry; Anderson (Marjorie); a sister* Miss Mar- garet King of Auburri, and a ■ granddaughter, Mrs. Erma Rich- *• man of London. Visitors , at the home of Mr. ? and ~Mrs/rWr J/Iiwin bn Sun^ December 28th; were as follows, Mr.' and Mrs. Calvin Irwin and. • their four boys, Allin, Iyan, David ~~7 and Terry of Orillia; Mabel and Laura; Campbell of Toronto;; Mr. and Mrs/ W. J: Clark of Wing? ham; .Miss Gretta Hudson; Mr* and .MrS; Charles Wilkins , and ? Mr. and Mrs. Robert .Campbell,. Douglas and Carol Anri. WE NOW HAVE IN Ouir long awaited dupmint of 2 and . 3-ply Wheeling Yam, various coi- 4 c’urs. !4 lb. -- ' .. 3i:«9c2