HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-01-07, Page 7WEDNESDAY, JAN. 7th, ilh T CULROSS CORNERS Mrs. Frank Brown visited on Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. . Will Hodgins, JBervie. *Mr. and Mrs" Tom Hackett and Doug df. Ashfield spent New Years day with; Mr, and Mrs. Midford Wall and Donnie, Mr.and Mrs. Frank Brown and Reg spent New Years with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Nicholson and family, South Line,. Kincardine Township, Mr«._ and Mrs. Jas. Wraith/arid Mrs. Bob Stobo were , dinner guest^, Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Midford Wall and Don­ nie, / , ; /■ ‘ The Girls’ Sewing Club met at the home of Mrs. Frank Thomp­ son on Friday; Mr. arid Mrs. Alex Whytock, Carman and Harold spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Mid­ ford Wall and Donnie; ’ Mr. and* Mrs, Torn f5tewart>riad most of their family under the parental roof for New Years. Mrs. Mary Wall and her grand-, sons, "Jim and Orville \ Wilson were dinner guests Friday even­ ing with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ste­ wart,rBud^and“Haroldr/; Mr. and Mrs. Chas? Wall of" Kincardine spent Sunday even­ ing with his mother, Mrs. Mary I Wall, Jim and Orville Wilson; ------r~~'"~—J'-—,,. • egg arid about one-third curi chopped cooked J pimento. Re­ member /the. red , cabbage and ^pinach salad I told you abriut last year? It’s still good! * « / this ’n’ that rosemary thyme Here we are starting on a brand new year. Have you shade any resolutions? The Consumer ' Section of Canada Department of Agriculture Suggests .the follow* ing four for homemakers v • 1, To resolve to follow Canada’s ” ’ Food Rules arid- to serve nutrit- ious and well-balanced meals. ' 2. To resolve to follow market * reports more closely so that money can be saved by using foods that ate plentiful and in season and^.at * smallest, cosri 3. To resolve to learn more about goveinment regulations concerning/food so as to. know what the grade marks mean and to buy by grade. 4. - To resolve to make more at­ tractive and appetizing meals by - using, ingenuity and knowledge and to make less expensive foods look and taste like luxurious _Right now foods which are . easily stored like carrots, turn-: ' ips, parsnips, apples are good buys. The cheapest eggs are not always trie j(best buy ; . . if they > are quite pmall, so that you must use two instead of one; If you can get fresh-cracks you are very fortunate. We used to live in a town which was surrounded by poultry farms, and the egg-grad- ing. stations -always had; plerity of cracks. Now I am staggered by • the price of eggs, ^lthough, I be­ lieve they are iriore reasonable right now. However eggs have — such^good food value that /they | should not be left out of your /menu. Nothing quite takes , trieir place, and if you feel a bit ;; -draggy” and lacking; pep, try an eggnog with a teaspoon, or more, of molasses in it. If you do this . regularly it is a fine thing to keep your Iblood frorii thinning * out,..as it w^e. Isn’t it sort of nice; tp settle down to daily routine again after the long holiday season? Even though it was such a nice holi­ day. We will appreciate having meals at regular times again, not to speak, of going to bed at more . seemly hours. “ “ - - -I- always—get^very—ambitious- r about January 3rd, arid resolve not to waste the shining minutes. I even begin to think of making next- December’s Xmas gifts; plan on hooking many rugs, doing the / summer sewing.. Never have I realized my ambitions. v By now you are doubtless com­ pletely surfeited with tupkey and dressing and mince pie and plum pudding; Qur John, like the little boy that Don Fairborn told about in Neighbourly’News this morn­ ing, demanded harilburger when* I was buying meat ,syesterday! ' ./ “Papa” came iri with an order for pdrk chops and fl yeatried for salmon steaks, so they are all reposing in the frig,- waiting to be dealt with in turn/ / HamburgeR might be a meat loaf with lots of chopped onion' some sage df poultry seasonirig, • grated, bread and a couple eggs and enough water or gravy to " . .keep It' a nice degree of moist­ ness.,* With me a. meat loaf de­ velops acceding to. the leftovers • . in the frig. I have eyfen been . known to crlish the/last couple ginger cookies and acid them. . Arid that, reminds me / . . did. you ever thickeh gravy vwith gin­ ger cookies. ..Moisten first with /warm water until thoroughly dissolved, arid stir irifo the, liquid. Another tip for gravy making <. . if you think it isn’t going to be be-brown enough to suit you, try ' t^ri^ipg in pRtle7.^rd^i^MU^liL: Until it carmelizes, before you ‘add any water. Helps to brown . ajjd adds a nice flavor. Salmon steaks will be good, baked in the1 oven, in a covered , Pah with a dab of butter on toj), and served witK a white saucp, into which has been stirred a . generous amount of chopped par- 7 ^lelyii/ch-. a clear sauce - is - riice.- Atsing Water. instead of milk, and when it is thickened, remove froftAeat and add 1 well beaten TEABAGS 15’8-^ lc per box 30’s — 2c 4c 120’s —8c I 5 A V Is <<»• ♦ ■< V I % •t t SEE BELOW' * /»■ ■ H THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO. -. -PAGE SEVEN i . • / ......................................... / ■' \ BORN ' \ .. McDONALD—in Wingham Gen­ eral Hospital on Thursday, De­ cember 25 th, 1952> to Mr. & Mrs. Norman McDonald, R. 2. Luck­ now, a son.' . FINNIGAN—in Winghajn Gener­ al Hospital, on Wednesday/ De­ cember 24th, 1952. to Mr. & Mrs. •Chester Finnigan; Dungannon, a son. RHOD Y—-in Kincardine Hospital, oh December 23th.1952.to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Rhody, R..R.1, Holyrood, a son, Allan Gerald; MEYERS—at Alexandra Hospital, God<erich, ,on December 27, 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Meyers, R. 1, Dungannon, a son. . DeBOER — in Wingham General Hospital, ori- Saturday, December 27th, 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. John DeBoer, R. 2,. Lucknow, a daugh­ ter.'./ ; .••/ .. . LIPPERT—in Wingham General Hospital ori Tuesday, December 30th, 1952, to Mr. .and Mrs. Jer­ ome Lippert, R. 1, Lucknow, a daughter? , ± HUSBANDS! ? (From The Glengarry News) Husbands are things .that .wives have to get used, to living witlL Girls are never happy until they get one, and never happy after they have landed him, Husbands are things that keep the house mussed up, they leave newspap­ ers, books and. magazines strewn all over the place, never think of emptying an ash tray. They are a nuisance when they hang around the home ~’-arid ;a“<wOrry when they stay out half the night. v They forget birthdays and an-' riiversaries and when told about *it think they can smooth every­ thing over with a kiss. They are. almost indifferent to the ailments of the person they haye prom­ ised to honor arid cherish, but the minute they get a touch of the ’flu or a stomach ache of their Own, you would ithink they were going to die. They will ttamp for miles play­ ing golf, but’ don’t ask them to run down to the store "for any­ thing; ^ey^wiir stand araThoc- key match until they are nearlyoutstanding’ Norseman Dick Treleaven,son Of Dr. R, L. Treleaven, received congratu­ lations by the score at Woodstock last 'week following the sweep made by his. Khoranett at the Toronto Junior Horse Show. .. , The four-year-old, « with Tre­ leaven riding, took first in the conformation Hunter class, to win the Peilsticker trophy; first in the Hunter Hack to Win the Bar­ rington trophy; first in the green Hunter class and second in the working Hunter, and also was on the team of three which took the Unicom event. . The Price REBATE ON STOCKS PERMITS YOUR GROCER TO RASri ON THIS REDUCTION TO YOU TO THE GROCERY TRADE:- Rebate fonns are in.the mail. • Fill in your stock on hand and return the form to SALADA. . . I V • • V . ’* • , r e TO THE GROCERY TRADE ORANGEPEKOE ■ NO CHANGE \ frozen stiff, but you would think to hear them grumbling about . shovelling snow off trie walk that they were going to perish with the cold, ’ \ . When you are alone« with them they let you wait on yourself and r ignore rill the minor courtesies, ’ but when /there are a lot of pec- , pie around they hand you chairs, .. ash trays and sandwiches, they bow and scrape and make such a fuss over yoif that you feel lil& > -smacking them. Husbands are a self-centred, irritating lot of moy-., ' tals. for women to have to go. through life with, yet strange as it may ‘seem most of them are ■ deeply rooted in the.affection of their wives. DONNYBROOK The W.M.S. and WA. will meet at the home of Mrs. Norman Thompson on Tuesday afternoon, January 13. The'president, Mrs. - Edward Robinson, will be in charge of trie meeting. . Mrs. Verna Doerr of Niagara Falls ™spent2-.last™week-ehd^withT— her parents, Mr. “and Mrs. R. Chamney. Eleanor and Jim Charriney have returned to their home a^: Wind­ sor after spending the vacation with their grandparents, Mr. arid Mrs. R. Chamney and in Goder­ ich,- ■ •; . ■ < Advertising doesn’t cost — it pays! ; BROWN LABEL lb. pkt. 4c per pkt , 4(2 lb. pkti 2c : w” % lb. pkt lc ■’ YELLOW LABEL 1 lb. pkt. 11c per pkt.- ib. pkt/ 5c I 2 oz. pkt. no change . • . . ■ .z . , t'/'. ' ...... ■ ■ /••■ '■ _-r.-