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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-01-07, Page 4
4 -b * /s I 9 J i f J if 5H- /■» / .«■ . * ■J •fl ft < PAGE FOUR I r ■ ■ ' 4 v.1 ♦. 1 j $ I j y « •i ? i ,4? A ' I V .e dh SHELLED CORN FQR SALE— Phone ^ettson^, SKATES FOR SALE^ Girl’s - ; SentineL Office. '' •- , .4 ; 7. . BOARDER WANTED7/4 elderly <. •' person preferred. .Apply at Seri- tiiiel 6 Office. '' , 7 > ■ FOR SALE^rearn, enSmehkitch^ en range, burns wodd.. or *coal. Mrs. ShirleyLucknow. HF.T.P WANTED—domestic help wanted, Apply at Baker’s Private • Hospital. , '. ■. ,, ' ,' , '_■■■ ' PIANO FOR SALEciin good con dition, with bench. Apply at Sen»‘ tinel Office. ■ ; * . 7 n < •;/• .SLEIGH FOR SALE — apply to ™ ^ir.yine'flHenry; Belfast, .jphpb?, 84rl Dungahnori.' ■ FOR SALE--49 pigs; old. Apply to Mervin Ritchie, R. 3, Lucknow, phone, Dungannon 61-r- I ■© •X . ■ • • THU LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO CLOSING NOTICE ~ The office of G: Alan Williams, optometrist,. Patrick \St.,^ Wng- ,ham, will be closed on . January BRAY CHICKS for 1953. Hatch ery has ’ pullets, Cockerels.: Lim ited quantity started chicks. De- livery how^ or. when you Whnt them. Ask for particulars. Agent- ;1J.' R. FINLAYSON, Lucknow, 6 • ■ • .. --- - - - - IN MEMORIAM CHAMNEY in sad and loving memory of my dear wife June, who passed away Suddenly one year ago, January 9th. : r-rEver remembered by her hus band, Gordon? MEAT FOR SALE Good beef for sale by the quar ter.Beef killed under, license iron! the Department of Health.. Hind quarters, 40c a pound/ . Raynard Ackert, Holyrood. Phone 24-30 Ripley. 1 COMING EVENTS j ! DANCE ' In Whitechurch Community Hall on Friday, January 9th, Music by Tiffin’s Orchestra., Lunch coun- ter. Admission 50c. proceeds for Women’s Institute. ' » * SHOOT PARTY FRIDAY , The Ladies’ Auxiliary weekly Shoot Party will be resumed; this Friday, January 9th, in the Aux^ ^aryH£ooms--aU^ Everyone welcome. ■ / 4 COAT FOR SALE—Lady’s blacks Electric Seal coat, size 40, in ex cellent condition. Phone122-X, j Lucknow. F^R SALE—10 cords of 14-inch dry maple &' beech (body ' wood. Eugene Conley^ R. 5, Luck-: v' now- \ ■ . .;,x ■ ' ■ ' - -------------r—■—— FOR SALE—Good Cheer furnace ^in~ good ycohdition,—needs-mo^e=_ 'pairs, piping included with furn ace. Griarit McDiarmid, Lucknow, phone 49-w. ' . WANTED—Man for steady travel' among consumers \ in , Bruce County. Permanent connection with large manufacturer. Only reliable? hustler considered. Write Rawleigh’sr Dept. A-271-131, Mon- treaj. 'I' ■/ ’/ '■ WANTED — Housekeeper and -compariion to stay in Detroit un til Jurie and then at Bruce Beach until September. Write and send referenced to Box 435-, 1553 Vine wood Ave.® Detroit 16, Mich/ .7 ,. .. NOTICE''; The' regular -meeting of the Ladies’ Auxiliary to thez Canad ian Legion will be held in the Auxiliary . Rooms on Monday, January 12th at 8.00 p.m. Install ation of officers.; ?. ? ....< NOTICE OF COURT OF REVISION The Court of Revision .of the' 1953 assessment roll of the Towri- —-x—_shinu_Qf_Kinloss will be held in a. the Township Hall, Holyrood, on Tuesday the 13th day of January, 1953 at 1,30 o’clock in the after noon. Appeals received'on dr be fore January 2nd, 1953, only will be considered. All ratepayers <; govern themselves accordingly. ; : J. R. LANE, Clerk Kinloss Township. A ;77;1. NOTICE -A Annual Meeting and Banquet The Lucknow District Co-op erative Incorporated a n uUT meeting and banquet Will be held in the Recreational Centre, Luck now,. on Thursday, January 15th. ’Tickets“-available:-at—the~-Cd,-op- ■ Off ice or from directors. Dance aft^r. .... •' ' ■ TENDERS TENDERS WANTED — Marked, sealed tenders- will be received jby the, undersigned until January. 12, 1952; for caretakers for all schools in the Ashfield Township .School. Area, duties to commence February 2^.1953. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. R. T; Kilpatrick, Sec.-TTeas. " : R.R. 7, Lucknow, Ontario. . THE VOICE OF TEMPERANCE Among good ' resolutions for 1953 this^deserves a place. “I will have sense enough and gumption, enough to say ‘No thank you’; whenever I am invited to take a drink”. This was one of the res olutions passed by the Boys’ Parliament meeting in Whitby last week It is one way to safer highways and happier homes, Moreover the only adequate ans? wer to the menace of strong drink is »a definite * act of will on the part of the individual — every individual. Start the New Year" right with .the fixed purpose to say^Nb” to ;777'7TEN®ERS?7/'--’ TENDERS WANTED — Marked, sealed tenders will be received by the Undersigned until January 12> 1953, for wood to be delivered, split and piled to any or all of the following schools in the Ash field; Township School Area by June 20, 1953. Two^cords of . dry 12-inch cedar ,to each school ex cept No. 12; also for approximate ly equal pants maple and beech 14-inch- ix)dy. woodias.^ 4 cords .each at No. J, 4 and 11. 15 cords each at No. 5,76, 7; 10» 15, 16 and 17. .25 cords _ea6h at No. 9 and 13. 40 qords atNd/8 No blocks under 6 inches or over 10 inches. Lowest or any tender noUjiecessarily accepted. R. T. Kilpatrick, Sec.-Tyeas.,. Lucknow, Ontario, R.R. "7;, ' I• ', •• ' /• < ■■ • . . r.TENDERS TENDERS WANTED ~ Marked sealed tenders will be received ^y 'the undersigried™untfl Janu- ary*17.th, 4953, for caretakers for all schools in West Wawanosh Township School Area. Duties to commence' February 2nd, 1953. Lowest or any tender not nec essarily accepted^ W. A. Stewart, sec.-treas., Dungannon,. Ont. TENDERS TENDERS WANTED — marked sealed tenders will be received by undersigned until January 17? 1953, for wood to. be delivered', split and piled to one or all of the- following schools in. West Wawanosh Township school area. This wood to be hard maple or peech, 14” long and nothing smal ler than 6” or over 10” in dial meter, said wood tobe delivered to each school riot faterTjthah June 25th, -1953. No. 4, 25 cord; No. 2, 25 cord; No. 3, 5 cord; No. 12, 15 cord; No. 17, 25 cord; also 2 cords of dry cedar 12” long for each school. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.. y A., Stewart, sec.-treas., . ' Dungannon, Ont. ————’■— ---------- - -------r r rmr ii . ■ i7 .7. J ' 77771 ■■ 7>' 1 j i I 7;; ■ j ?■..i -7 i I ' ■ i . i • ■■i :L: ' -i ■ " ' ■/O';....'- . . . x... ; :■ -■ • ;-v......- fl I FOR FULL INFORMATION DROP INTO OUR OFFICE Lucknow District Co-op ' v . ..... y ’ ’■ ■* ;PKohg '71 “j*—... t- > ’* * I (cojo Quality Co-op c® -—rra 4 ! 5 7 i —■ i ORDER YOUR SUPPLY NOW AND SAVE $ $ $ ><»■ -4 , - ’ a. ? i -..7-'-.—... Lucknow, Ont. '■ 17 ' ■ -•■ ■■■;■ ' ■ ■ ", • ■ t . ■ ■ , . ■ ■: . : .. . ‘ : . -7 < y ■ ' • ?7. . 7/ ; ■ »a^KCi9iMttMii£a£abaaiNwto*ntoitoaMmM /* Y r. I /• , ’ WEDNESDAY, JAN. 1053 a. ' - ; •■■ ; - 7 •” *. ~.... i . ,;ii». & ALAN WILLIAMS ; Optometrist Office oh Patrick St., just off the Main St. in WINGHAM Professional Eye Examination. \Optical Services . Evenings by appointments ' Phone: Office 77Q; Res. 5. T JOHNSTONE'S FUNERAL HOME • ’Phone 76 ' 9 ' ■ ■ _ Day or Night Ambulance 'Service USE OF FUNERAL SOME • At Nn^xtra .Cost „. • / Moderate Prilces r. MxLENNAH aid MacKENZIE - FUNERAL SERVICE Services conducted accord ing to your wishes at. your Home, Your Church, or at Our Memorial Chapel at rio . additional. charge; : ambulance service ’Phone 181, Lucknow, Day or Night Asnews’Agency Howard Agnew —- Jos. Agnew MEMBER Qf Ontario Insurance ” Agents* Association , I ' .. . 7, . .7. ' GENERAL INSURANCE Established Over 30 Years Ago 'Telephones: Business ' 39—- Residence-~138 INSURANCE ^CtFOperative-LifewInsuranceT- Co-Operative Automobile insurance Mercantile*^ Farm Fire Insurance Economical and'Reliable. r ‘See .. ..... '■ T. A. CAMERON LUCKNOW / Phone 70-r-10 , Duhgannon Kenneth J. Mackenzie '<■■7'/'.: R.O. 7 Optometrist ? , LISTOWEL, ONT. Will-be-at-Wroria’sJewellery store, Ripley, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., Wednesday, January 21st and every Second Wednesday. Eyes examined - Glasses fitted For appointment ’phone Roy Mackenzie, 96-r-24 Ripley. I “I" I I ASHFIELD ’ ■ ’ -T—. ’■ V *The annual meeting of the Presbyterian church will be. held -OnlThursday afternoon of this week... ■, ,. . Mrs. K. Farrish has be^X a pat- ibnt in.Victoria Hospital, London, receiving .’treatment for... one^of her eyes. - . to. and Mrs. R. Bissett have received word of the death of their uncle, Mr, David Johnston in Chicago, Mr. Johnston Was a ston* Snj who were pioneers this community. . . v * . ■ ■ son of Mr; 5 - * ; S-^Ti Tjijjj'i in DR. T. B. CLELAHD VETERINARIAN^ * ■* I . Havelock S|;» south of Supertest Garage 7 ‘ tUCKNOW F?*". • • . . \ ’ Telephone 175 - BUSINESS inct TAX SERVICE MONTHLY AUDITS For The-, . Small Merchant, Professional man -and the Farmer. S. J. PYMM x P.O. Box 74 - Lucknow, Ont. Office in Kilpatrick Blodr - . ’Phbne 23-w «r*. JF. T, ARMSTRONG ^’7":”7O^O^TRIST FOR APPOINTMENT x ’Phone 1100 7 Fof ' ' Appointment or. Information , See Wm. A. Schmid, 7. ’Phone 167-w Lucknow X INSURANCE FIRE, CASUALTY, AUTOMOBILE AND LIFE To Protect Your Jack, Insure With Jack Today. J. A. McDQNAGH R. R. 3, Lucknow, Ont. ’Phone 61-5, Dungannon R. W. ANDREW^ Barrister and Solicitor , LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ■ Office; in' the Joyrit "Block ~ Telephone: Office 135 ; Residence 31-J P. Stuart Mackenzie Barrister and Solicitor WALKERTON, ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW Each Wednesday . • . I I • , ' 1 . • ’ ■ ’ * OFFICE IN HENDERSON BLOCK R. S. Hetherington, K.C. Barrister, Etc. - Wingham -and Lucknow v IN LUCKNOW Each Monday «. and Wednesday Locate^ o’n the ground floor, in the front of, John Kilpatrick’s Building ’Phone Wingham Office 48 Residence 97 ey-g ■' » ...I.. " ft • ' “r Insure With The XuIrbssjMutull? FIRE INSURANCE CO. . • for: ' Reasonable rates, sound pro tection & prompt, satisfactory * settlement of claims. FARISH MOFFAT ' '■ R. 3. Teeswater. ... • 5, •• ’Phone Teeswater57-ir-41 . ..................... m , , .^.hii, i ’ I A {I I*-. A ...7 - . ■'. .; L ? * 1