HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-01-07, Page 3jf* rr A f J «• WHITECHURCH / **a. ► ►' ► ► ► ► the will Fri- LOCAL COUPLE MARKED SILVER ANNIVERSARY 4 ■ ■ .. , ■ •. ■ ■ ♦ • ► ►' - ► Clearances on Men’s and Women’s Coats i : ■: , • ■ .m.: “Amos—The Herds- man Protfifei0*.Advertising doesn’t cost—it pays! THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO— W. S. McLeod WEDNESDAY, JAN. 7th, 1953 kinloss couple FIFTY YEARS WED l Mr; and Mrs, Thomas Moore of Whjtechuxch observed their gold­ en wedding on New Year’s Day when they were, at home to many friends who called. They, were ' ma?r^4 Qri N^’Year’sfifty years ago- at-thfe home of the bride’s parents at Langside by ’ the Rev. G^ M. Dunn. They farm­ ed on the third concession of Kin-, loss.uhtiljtetiring fo Whitechurch seven years ago.— T^Mrv-Mooreis-a-son-of-the-late Mr.- and Mrs. Isaiah Moore and Mrs, Moore was formerly Mar­ garet Doleria,daughterof the late Mr. and' James McGregor. Both are enjoying good health at the resective ages of 78 and 71. 4 The attendants fifty years ago were his brother, the late Wesley Moore, and her sister, Mrs. Jas. Moffat, of Lloydminster. They have two children, Mrs. Harold Sparling (Irene) of Wing­ ham and a sori Millan Moore on the home farm. A sport enthusiast, Mr. Moore played soccer/for many years and until recently ^as a familiar fig­ ure behind home plate as an; umpire, Hard work and good liy- Mng habits make up his formula for a good old age and happy married life. Mrs. Moore is active in church arid Women’s Institute ' Work... ' ’ ■“ ■■./■’-• Mr. , and Mrs. John Kilpatrick observed their 25thweddirigrari^ ' riiversary on Tuesday, December / 30th.: They* were/ married at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr/ arid Mrs*. Wm< Robinson of Don- nybrook; by Revr W; R. Alp. • A family dinner was held that evening when, dinner guests inr eluded Mr. and Mrs. Ross iCar- T~ton of Marathon; Mrs/ Herman Vpaden, Toronto; Miss Pauline Cowan, Wingham; Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wheeler and Mrs. William Robinson, Bly th; Bob Armstrorig, Ljucknow; Mrs. Bremner, Dr. and Mrs. J. T. H. Robinson and fam­ ily, Cam-pbell,. Sylvia and Ann of Walkerton. / Mr. and Mrs. Kilpatrick; have four children, Noreen attending ’ Western University and Keith, Gladys1 and Marilyn at home. ’ 'Mrs. Kilpatrick’s ^mother, who is in her 91st year, is still enjoy* ing remarkably good health, with a keen memory and a highlight of the gathering Was/her recita­ tion of a 28-verse poem which "^’^hi^’had coriHTutted™7/to ~ rtfembry man^ ybar^t’ago., .///. y Friends called during .the ev- ening to> extend congratulations • rind best wishes. ;< Holiday guests of Mrs; G. H. MacDonald were" Rev. and Mrs- R; D. MacDonald of/TillsOnburg; Mr. and Mrs. James Brisbin and childrenofBelleville/andMr. and Mrs- Alvin Mundell of Glen- nanon. Holiday visitors at the home ~of—their^parents, Mr“and~Mrs/ Charles Steward, were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Steward Of Ailsa Craig; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ste­ ward'and son Bruce of London; Mr. and Mrs. Charles' Henderson and son Brian of Toronto. The regular “■ "meeting ' of Lucknow Women’s Institute be held in the Town Hall on day, January 9th at 2.30. Host­ esses, Mrs. Wm. Douglas, Mrs. McCall, Miss Tena MacDonald. Theme, “Canadian/Agriculture & Industries” by Mrs. Philip .Ste­ wart. Program, Christena Car­ rick. ■ DUNGANNON '/' ..;?/Lii.cl<rtpW'/// Presbyterian Church Rev, C. A. Winn, B.A., Minister. .. j s : SUNDAY, JANUARY 11th .11 a.m.:’ Series on Presbyter­ ianism. 12/15- Bible (Jlass. . <. ' f' /I.’".1,- 7 p.m.: 5th of Series on The Psalms. . . Wednesday Evening Prayer Meetings resume ./• Janiyiry 14th — 8 p.m., — ‘ /, * ” . - ■ / ..... J LUCKNOW | UNITED CHURCH > I z^’././- Minister: .. | Rcv./G. A. Meikl^john, |p ■/'•■’../ BA** B.D. /■/'/. ■ 1 •'/■■“'. ' /'/.; ■ j SUNDAY, JANUARY 11th I 11 a.m.: “Believing lii God0* : f1'.’ r'" ■112.15 pari*: School. - Sirs. Jos/Hamilton has gone to spend a fe^v weeks with her dau­ ghter, Mrsf Violet Farrish, Blyth. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Kidd arid family returned to their home at Islington after spending the. Xmas vacation, with Mt.'and'Mrs. J? J Ryarri ■ .■'./'1 ./ ■</. Mrs: . J. Hamilton received wprd at New Years of the death of her only sister, Mrs. Jas. Tews- ley, long Beach; California^ who was . f o r m e r 1 y Margaret Ann Straughari, daughter of |he late Robt. Straughan and, Jariet. Watt of Colborne Township. Deceased was .i’n her 85tli year arid iS/ sur-- viyedn^' her ‘ so'ri Stewart also of ;Long- Beach, Cal.' Mrs; Hamil- „ tonspent last winter with her • sister, who was in failing, health with a paralytic stroke. We ex­ tend ’ sympathy, to. Mrs. Hamilton in the loss bf her last, member ibf the family., ■ .’/ '? ■/ *Mr.Robert Durnin' received word” last Week that his brother, Dr. Brown Durnin of Great Falls, Montana, had ..passed away very suddenly with a heart attack; He I was a native of* the Dungannon district and full particulars will be given for the press later. . Mrs.. Nel,lie Stewart, ha's with ^^“foi^a"wirtle~MTS7^11enrShac?k-^ ietori, Who had been staying witn Mrs. Hamilton till she went to ’’"■'/ ' •' ’v". ' ■ ■■ Visitors with Mrs. A. Morris on Sunday were Mr. , and Mrs. Harold Mugford and little sons, Dohriy arid Wayrie and Mr. and Mrs. Russel Drennan s and family of Brights ^Grove.-^—* r : Mrs; p* M« Johnston and Ruth visited in Toronto for ,a few day a .last week. 1 Mr, 'R^dt^^hqtt and son Frank of JLariesTs^ent a week with/jhis4 brother, Mr. John’Scott, London. CpKDoug Clark bt the RCMP at Ottawa, spent Christmas week­ end here. \ ? ' . Mr, John McRae spent" the Christmas and New^^a?s holie -duy~—m—-London—w'-ith—Judge-r-and- Mjs. Ian McRae. .. ’ ' Mr. and Mrs. Russel Clipper­ ton, Lynda and Raymond of Lon­ don. spent Christmas with/ her; patents, Mr. and Mrs* Sam Reid, Mr. and Mrs. R. J, Brewer and Jimmy and Mr. and Mrs J. J. Ryan of Dungannon were New Year guests of Mr. and Mrs. Burt Roach,- ’• ■ ■ Mr. and Mrs. Jack ^Campbell of Point / Clark are spending the winter in Mrs. Alex MacLennah’s residence, while the latter is in Toronto. Wilsbn Irwin is able to be up again after being ill with pneu- monia. :Mrs. Irwin had a similiar illness checked-before it develop­ ed-. . ■' Mr. and Mrs. N/E. Bushell ahd Mrs. Russell Robertson spent the holiday In Hamilton, returning on Sunday. They were accompanied by Mrs. Ed; Franks of Hamilton, who visited her sister, Mrs. IL J. Cameron in Wingjiam Hospital. Mr. and/Mrs. W. A. Johnston and' children Paul,'Bruce and Marian,spent the week-end with her fajther, C Mr/and A•Mr, and /ivus, T. A. Leishman, John, Grant nnd Neil of I^nddri spent the/ New Year’s holiday i with ' Misses Christina Carrick and Dorothy Douglas. . . Mrs, Gordon Montgomery, who "has been a patient at Beck Mem- orial Hospital for several months, spent Christmas week-end at hdr home. here. ’, Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Rouse and children Judy, Sydnejr arid Doris of CampBordenandRoseKnight of London spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Whitby. /' Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McQuillin returned to Point Edward after spending Christmas and New . Years witli Mr, and Mrs. \ Robt. Scott andz Mr. and Mrs. McQuil­ lin. ■ ■■ ■. •’/••'■/ '■ Mr. and Mrs. Art Yahbee, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hamilton arid fam­ ily, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gratten ahd family of Teeswater and Mr. (Bert Bush/ of Sudibury wereT^holiday visitors at Watt Hamilton’s. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Boak and Rickey -of Toronto were holiday visitors with Mrs. C. Shadj&ck. Ray Boak of Toronto also spent the holidays with relatives iri the community, ; Holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. MacMillan were “ Mr, and Mrs. Miles MacMillan, White- chUrch; Miss Aibbier Clifford/ of Stratford; . Jim MaeMManrA St. Catharines arid Gajf-^and...Patsy MacMillan of London. ■ ’■ I.'*’ . L ■’ • ’ > ■ • .■ ’ . • ■ • Christmas visitors at Orillia with Mrs. T. S. Reid were Mr. and Mrs. Austin Reid of London, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Reid arid family- of Orillia and Mr. and /Mrs. D. C. Patmore. Mr. Patmbre lived in LUckriow many yeais ago and was-employed for a time in Mr/ G, A, Siddall’s private bank. His father worked in Lawrence’s hardware store/ / , • Holiday visitors at the home of Mr ’ and Mrs. -Philip Stewart were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stewart of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wifcon of Stratford, Miss ‘ Jane Chantier of London, and Mr. Al­ lan Stewart and Miss Winnie Stewart, of London. Allan was guest soloist at the New Year’s morning service in the Presbyter­ ian: church... ' L.D.H.S. NEWS Hail The Victors! ! ! ! / The Lucknow D. H> S. team made its hockey debut on Mon­ day evening; against “The Out­ laws”;. „ The “stars” headed by . captain/ / Morley Chin, defeated their opponents by a big sebre, ilj-5. . : The play was rough and “scraimlbly” (blit very humorous. Despite tfib lack of ice markings, linesrrfbn, time keepers and goal j udges, Referee J ack Henderson kept the game well under con­ trol by handing out 12 penalities. Our, boys never lacked .the fight­ ing Spirit and xye’re sure Referee Henderson wished they did! . Goal-getters for the D. H. S. vteam_were/Jack_aridjCharlie/Chiix four each; two by Don £nd Ken McNay .ahd/RossM^I^riagh ;• Mpr* ley Cljin and Clark Stanley ac­ counted for orie each. , . ’ ' The D.H.S. line-up: goal, M- McDonagh; defense, D. and K. McNay, E/ Gibson, K.: Hedley; forward line, Morley, Jack and Charlie Chin; 'bench warmers. R. Graham, C. Stanley,R/ Mc- Doriagh; B./?Hackett. : ; / / We won! and so' consplatibris to those ‘‘Outlaws’’!' There were a few sports mind­ ed supporters at the game but where. Was that cheeririg section, girls!/ ’ ?3ye never claimed to knaw the “rules” but many neW ories Wet.e made that night / \ \ Both' goalies,, .McDonagh and Richards, received a “puck’ in the eye’—otherwise no casualties re­ sulted besides some “hUH prides”. Questionnaire: We wonder: 1. - What happened to Ruth J., in To.’ last * week-end/ . 2. Why Clark S. arid.,Alvin B. are . so “palsy-walsy? . of late. 3. Was it only relations' Norma /S/lA^ sebirig nip: north; - / 4. ‘ Those "first two goals -r-were they /Michigan style”, Jack and Chuck? (IVe were informed they were Offside). / , ' .5, Why everyone looked so wide riwake (arid disillusioned) on Monday morning, Januafy 5th. We are sorry to report the ser­ ious illriess^of Mr. Fred Newman and hope he will soon be much .improved.'' t.:y / Mr. Wm/Fisher and Miss Mary Foster 01 Mitchell spent Mhe7 week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs; George Fisher, , ’ ■ ' • • ; ■ v * 7 ,* , . .... ■ • ‘ i ' ■ 4 Mr. and Mrs Walter James sperit New Years at Kincardine; ’ The annual meeting of Chal­ mers Presbyterian church will be held on Tuesday, January *13th at 2.00 ,p.m. * Mr. arid Mrs. Thos. Moore cele­ brated the golden anniversary of their wedding, at their. home on New“Year’s-day.'Sixteeri sat’down to; a noonday family dinner, in thOv afternoon arid everiing Mr. and Mrs. Moore were “at home” to. their.. relatives . and friends. Mrs., Jack Henderson, Xuckndw, sister of Mrs. Moore, arid Mrs. Arthur, Moore poured tea in the afternoon and were assisted ?by Miss Marie 'Sparling (granddau­ ghter) and Miss Donna Chittick., In "the evening Mrs, (Rev.) W. J. Watt and Mrs. .A* Moore .poured tea, assisted in serving by Mrs. Ed Moore arid Phyiiis. Mrs. Har­ old Sparling iand Mrs. Millan Moore assisted their parents in rrcceiving.^the_many_guests, Rev. Currie made a trip to Lohdon on Monday to visit Mr. WeMjfrod ^t Westminster arid sev­ eral others at Victoria Hospital. Mr. Kerry,: Mr. and Mrs. Mel­ vin ; Kerry „ of Paisley spent. New Years With Mr/and .Mrs, Albert Cotiltes* \, *• \ ■ <■ ■ Mr: and Mis. Norman Coultes spent Sunday at the home of Mr, Albert Coultes. •' Mr/Atehie Watt of Toronto vis* /L • '* TEA & COFFEE ► • '► ►' ► ► ■ Sanderson LADIES’ AND MEIf$ WEAR CLEARANCES GREATLY REDUCED! J 7 25c* i ■j 69c * .... .. $5.95 4 $3.95 1 99c - KNITTING YARN—nylon and wool, assorted, colors for sox, sweaters,-etc, Reg, 50c RAYQN PANTIES—small, medium, large, briefs and pantie style;'white and colors. "Reg. $1.25 SKIRTS—assorted materials,, 38 to 44 SKIRTS—assorted £ 12 tp ,20 ......... HOSIERY—NylonS] Reg. $1.75 r: - Sub Rayon Crepe, Reg, $1.65 Service Weight, Reg. $1.50 /. BOYS’ SOX—wool and nylon, 6 to 10 ...... GOLF HOSE, for 'boys and girls ..v.‘..t..,...,... ..99c ... 89c ... 63c i.. 45c SUGGESTIONS FOR WARMTH: Penman’s Combinations Stanfield’s Underwear Work Sox and Shirts- Heavy Trousers v Station Wagon Coats Caps, Gloves, Mitts Wool Hose—9 SnUggies and WoolW^Tests . pverhose, Underhbse LislejHose Wobllbn - Gloves / Sweaters ' CHURCH CHANNELS At this time of year most churches will be holding annual meetings. Financial' and; statisti­ cal reports will be heard on .the work of the past year. New pro­ jects will be° discussed; Officers for the New Year will be elected. There will be an expression of ~ 4hanks^t6-thbse-who-have-assum-M'’ ed the responsibility of leader­ ship in the. past year. Some of­ ficials have been .in office for many years. They have served ably for a .long time, but who will;take up the position when they are gone? There should bp a gradual working in each year of the younger men and wdmen. In the consideration of the fin­ ancial side of the past year’s Work the personal spiritual side often .takes second‘"place. How many souls were won for Christ? . How many people became mem­ bers of. the .church? How many ‘ baptisms? How many members - J °t the church vron other members , to their fellowship? Hoy/ many members visited the” shut-in, the ' „sick,. fhe^eed^uri-. the^name-6f™--- the church? Is the church mak- ing any’ attempt to reach, those in the community with nd church affiliatipri? Is the quality of our membership likely : to attract others to our. church? Or is the /church just.' another organization in the community; fulfilling a' ■ routine duty, conducting regiilar-/ worship,- arid self-satisfied that .another fairly Successful yea^t has .’been reported’. For those good * people who are not niembers of any church arid consider themsel- _ves/lChnstlan,__we--_woulcL-like—to point out that .there is no sudh. thing as ;an. isolated Christian, Christianity is a fellowship /of workers in - a great crusade against, evil in all its forms. ' ’; '• ‘ ... r J- * /- * • ■ ” " ■ . - Church of the Air, CKNX /; At 16.30 a.m.: Jan/8th, Kev. C. Smith, Arthur;, Jan. 12tK, Rev. \ G. MacLean, Neustadt; Jan. 13th,• ' ' —— G.--MacLearirNeustadt; Jan. 13th» ited with his parents, Rev; arid I Itev. J. Hutton, . Pine'River; Jan* MtS/vWi J. Watt.. - ■ ■ 7 14th, R«m D/. Archibald Paisley*