HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-01-07, Page 3jf*
4 ■ ■ .. , ■ •. ■ ■ ♦ •
►' -
► Clearances on Men’s and Women’s Coats
i : ■: , • ■
.m.: “Amos—The Herds-
man Protfifei0*.Advertising doesn’t cost—it pays!
W. S. McLeod
WEDNESDAY, JAN. 7th, 1953
kinloss couple
l Mr; and Mrs, Thomas Moore of
Whjtechuxch observed their gold
en wedding on New Year’s Day
when they were, at home to many
friends who called. They, were
' ma?r^4 Qri N^’Year’sfifty
years ago- at-thfe home of the
bride’s parents at Langside by
’ the Rev. G^ M. Dunn. They farm
ed on the third concession of Kin-,
loss.uhtiljtetiring fo Whitechurch
seven years ago.— T^Mrv-Mooreis-a-son-of-the-late
Mr.- and Mrs. Isaiah Moore and
Mrs, Moore was formerly Mar
garet Doleria,daughterof the late
Mr. and' James McGregor.
Both are enjoying good health at
the resective ages of 78 and 71.
4 The attendants fifty years ago
were his brother, the late Wesley
Moore, and her sister, Mrs. Jas.
Moffat, of Lloydminster.
They have two children, Mrs.
Harold Sparling (Irene) of Wing
ham and a sori Millan Moore on
the home farm.
A sport enthusiast, Mr. Moore
played soccer/for many years and
until recently ^as a familiar fig
ure behind home plate as an;
umpire, Hard work and good liy-
Mng habits make up his formula
for a good old age and happy
married life. Mrs. Moore is active
in church arid Women’s Institute
' Work... ' ’ ■“ ■■./■’-•
Mr. , and Mrs. John Kilpatrick
observed their 25thweddirigrari^
' riiversary on Tuesday, December
/ 30th.: They* were/ married at the
home of the bride’s parents, Mr/
arid Mrs*. Wm< Robinson of Don-
nybrook; by Revr W; R. Alp.
• A family dinner was held that
evening when, dinner guests inr
eluded Mr. and Mrs. Ross iCar-
T~ton of Marathon; Mrs/ Herman
Vpaden, Toronto; Miss Pauline
Cowan, Wingham; Mr. and Mrs.
Cecil Wheeler and Mrs. William
Robinson, Bly th; Bob Armstrorig,
Ljucknow; Mrs. Bremner, Dr. and
Mrs. J. T. H. Robinson and fam
ily, Cam-pbell,. Sylvia and Ann
of Walkerton.
/ Mr. and Mrs. Kilpatrick; have
four children, Noreen attending
’ Western University and Keith,
Gladys1 and Marilyn at home. ’
'Mrs. Kilpatrick’s ^mother, who
is in her 91st year, is still enjoy*
ing remarkably good health, with
a keen memory and a highlight
of the gathering Was/her recita
tion of a 28-verse poem which
"^’^hi^’had coriHTutted™7/to ~ rtfembry
man^ ybar^t’ago., .///. y
Friends called during .the ev-
ening to> extend congratulations
• rind best wishes. ;<
Holiday guests of Mrs; G. H.
MacDonald were" Rev. and Mrs-
R; D. MacDonald of/TillsOnburg;
Mr. and Mrs. James Brisbin and
and Mrs- Alvin Mundell of Glen-
Holiday visitors at the home
~of—their^parents, Mr“and~Mrs/
Charles Steward, were Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Steward Of Ailsa
Craig; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ste
ward'and son Bruce of London;
Mr. and Mrs. Charles' Henderson
and son Brian of Toronto.
The regular “■ "meeting ' of
Lucknow Women’s Institute
be held in the Town Hall on
day, January 9th at 2.30. Host
esses, Mrs. Wm. Douglas, Mrs.
McCall, Miss Tena MacDonald.
Theme, “Canadian/Agriculture &
Industries” by Mrs. Philip .Ste
wart. Program, Christena Car
rick. ■
'/' ..;?/Lii.cl<rtpW'///
Presbyterian Church
Rev, C. A. Winn, B.A.,
Minister. .. j s :
.11 a.m.:’ Series on Presbyter
Bible (Jlass. .
<. ' f' /I.’".1,-
7 p.m.: 5th of Series on The
Psalms. . .
Wednesday Evening Prayer
Meetings resume
./• Janiyiry 14th — 8 p.m.,
— ‘ /, * ” . - ■ / .....
> I z^’././- Minister: ..
| Rcv./G. A. Meikl^john,
|p ■/'•■’../ BA** B.D. /■/'/.
■ 1 •'/■■“'. ' /'/.; ■ j SUNDAY, JANUARY 11th
I 11 a.m.: “Believing lii God0*
: f1'.’ r'" ■112.15 pari*: School.
- Sirs. Jos/Hamilton has gone to
spend a fe^v weeks with her dau
ghter, Mrsf Violet Farrish, Blyth.
Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Kidd arid
family returned to their home at
Islington after spending the. Xmas
vacation, with Mt.'and'Mrs. J? J
Ryarri ■ .■'./'1 ./ ■</.
Mrs: . J. Hamilton received wprd
at New Years of the death of
her only sister, Mrs. Jas. Tews-
ley, long Beach; California^ who
was . f o r m e r 1 y Margaret Ann
Straughari, daughter of |he late
Robt. Straughan and, Jariet. Watt
of Colborne Township. Deceased
was .i’n her 85tli year arid iS/ sur--
viyedn^' her ‘ so'ri Stewart also
of ;Long- Beach, Cal.' Mrs; Hamil-
„ tonspent last winter with her
• sister, who was in failing, health
with a paralytic stroke. We ex
tend ’ sympathy, to. Mrs. Hamilton
in the loss bf her last, member
ibf the family., ■ .’/ '?
■/ *Mr.Robert Durnin' received
word” last Week that his brother,
Dr. Brown Durnin of Great Falls,
Montana, had ..passed away very
suddenly with a heart attack; He
I was a native of* the Dungannon
district and full particulars will
be given for the press later.
. Mrs.. Nel,lie Stewart, ha's with
ietori, Who had been staying witn
Mrs. Hamilton till she went to
’’"■'/ ' •' ’v". ' ■ ■■
Visitors with Mrs. A. Morris
on Sunday were Mr. , and Mrs.
Harold Mugford and little sons,
Dohriy arid Wayrie and Mr. and
Mrs. Russel Drennan s and family
of Brights ^Grove.-^—* r :
Mrs; p* M« Johnston and Ruth
visited in Toronto for ,a few day a
.last week. 1
Mr, 'R^dt^^hqtt and son Frank
of JLariesTs^ent a week with/jhis4
brother, Mr. John’Scott, London.
CpKDoug Clark bt the RCMP
at Ottawa, spent Christmas week
end here. \ ? '
. Mr, John McRae spent" the
Christmas and New^^a?s holie
Mjs. Ian McRae. .. ’ '
Mr. and Mrs. Russel Clipper
ton, Lynda and Raymond of Lon
don. spent Christmas with/ her;
patents, Mr. and Mrs* Sam Reid,
Mr. and Mrs. R. J, Brewer and
Jimmy and Mr. and Mrs J. J.
Ryan of Dungannon were New
Year guests of Mr. and Mrs. Burt
Roach,- ’• ■ ■
Mr. and Mrs. Jack ^Campbell of
Point / Clark are spending the
winter in Mrs. Alex MacLennah’s
residence, while the latter is in
Wilsbn Irwin is able to be up
again after being ill with pneu-
monia. :Mrs. Irwin had a similiar
illness checked-before it develop
ed-. . ■'
Mr. and Mrs. N/E. Bushell ahd
Mrs. Russell Robertson spent the
holiday In Hamilton, returning on
Sunday. They were accompanied
by Mrs. Ed; Franks of Hamilton,
who visited her sister, Mrs. IL J.
Cameron in Wingjiam Hospital.
Mr. and/Mrs. W. A. Johnston
and' children Paul,'Bruce and
Marian,spent the week-end with
her fajther,
C Mr/and A•Mr, and /ivus, T. A. Leishman,
John, Grant nnd Neil of I^nddri
spent the/ New Year’s holiday
i with ' Misses Christina Carrick
and Dorothy Douglas. . .
Mrs, Gordon Montgomery, who
"has been a patient at Beck Mem-
orial Hospital for several months,
spent Christmas week-end at hdr
home. here. ’,
Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Rouse and
children Judy, Sydnejr arid Doris
of CampBordenandRoseKnight
of London spent Christmas with
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Whitby.
/' Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McQuillin
returned to Point Edward after
spending Christmas and New
. Years witli Mr, and Mrs. \ Robt.
Scott andz Mr. and Mrs. McQuil
lin. ■ ■■ ■. •’/••'■/ '■
Mr. and Mrs. Art Yahbee, Mr.
and Mrs. Jim Hamilton arid fam
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gratten ahd
family of Teeswater and Mr. (Bert
Bush/ of Sudibury wereT^holiday
visitors at Watt Hamilton’s.
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Boak and
Rickey -of Toronto were holiday
visitors with Mrs. C. Shadj&ck.
Ray Boak of Toronto also spent
the holidays with relatives iri
the community,
; Holiday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. J. L. MacMillan were “ Mr,
and Mrs. Miles MacMillan, White-
chUrch; Miss Aibbier Clifford/ of
Stratford; . Jim MaeMManrA St.
Catharines arid Gajf-^and...Patsy
MacMillan of London.
■ ’■ I.'*’ . L ■’ • ’ > ■ • .■ ’ . • ■
• Christmas visitors at Orillia
with Mrs. T. S. Reid were Mr.
and Mrs. Austin Reid of London,
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Reid arid
family- of Orillia and Mr. and
/Mrs. D. C. Patmore. Mr. Patmbre
lived in LUckriow many yeais ago
and was-employed for a time in
Mr/ G, A, Siddall’s private bank.
His father worked in Lawrence’s
hardware store/ / , •
Holiday visitors at the home of
Mr ’ and Mrs. -Philip Stewart
were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stewart
of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Wifcon of Stratford, Miss ‘ Jane
Chantier of London, and Mr. Al
lan Stewart and Miss Winnie
Stewart, of London. Allan was
guest soloist at the New Year’s
morning service in the Presbyter
ian: church... '
Hail The Victors! ! ! !
/ The Lucknow D. H> S. team
made its hockey debut on Mon
day evening; against “The Out
laws”;. „ The “stars” headed by
. captain/ / Morley Chin, defeated
their opponents by a big sebre,
ilj-5. . :
The play was rough and
“scraimlbly” (blit very humorous.
Despite tfib lack of ice markings,
linesrrfbn, time keepers and goal
j udges, Referee J ack Henderson
kept the game well under con
trol by handing out 12 penalities.
Our, boys never lacked .the fight
ing Spirit and xye’re sure Referee
Henderson wished they did! .
Goal-getters for the D. H. S.
four each; two by Don £nd Ken
McNay .ahd/RossM^I^riagh ;• Mpr*
ley Cljin and Clark Stanley ac
counted for orie each. , . ’ '
The D.H.S. line-up: goal, M-
McDonagh; defense, D. and K.
McNay, E/ Gibson, K.: Hedley;
forward line, Morley, Jack and
Charlie Chin; 'bench warmers.
R. Graham, C. Stanley,R/ Mc-
Doriagh; B./?Hackett. : ; / /
We won! and so' consplatibris
to those ‘‘Outlaws’’!'
There were a few sports mind
ed supporters at the game but
where. Was that cheeririg section,
girls!/ ’
?3ye never claimed to knaw the
“rules” but many neW ories Wet.e
made that night / \ \
Both' goalies,, .McDonagh and
Richards, received a “puck’ in the
eye’—otherwise no casualties re
sulted besides some “hUH prides”.
We wonder:
1. - What happened to Ruth J., in
To.’ last * week-end/ .
2. Why Clark S. arid.,Alvin B.
are . so “palsy-walsy? . of late.
3. Was it only relations' Norma
/S/lA^ sebirig nip: north; - /
4. ‘ Those "first two goals -r-were
they /Michigan style”, Jack and
Chuck? (IVe were informed they
were Offside). / , '
.5, Why everyone looked so wide
riwake (arid disillusioned) on
Monday morning, Januafy 5th.
We are sorry to report the ser
ious illriess^of Mr. Fred Newman
and hope he will soon be much
.improved.'' t.:y /
Mr. Wm/Fisher and Miss Mary
Foster 01 Mitchell spent Mhe7
week-end at the home of Mr. and
Mrs; George Fisher,
, ’ ■ ' • • ; ■ v * 7 ,* , . .... ■ • ‘ i ' ■
4 Mr. and Mrs Walter James
sperit New Years at Kincardine;
’ The annual meeting of Chal
mers Presbyterian church will be
held on Tuesday, January *13th at
2.00 ,p.m. *
Mr. arid Mrs. Thos. Moore cele
brated the golden anniversary of
their wedding, at their. home on
New“Year’s-day.'Sixteeri sat’down
to; a noonday family dinner, in
thOv afternoon arid everiing Mr.
and Mrs. Moore were “at home”
to. their.. relatives . and friends.
Mrs., Jack Henderson, Xuckndw,
sister of Mrs. Moore, arid Mrs.
Arthur, Moore poured tea in the
afternoon and were assisted ?by
Miss Marie 'Sparling (granddau
ghter) and Miss Donna Chittick.,
In "the evening Mrs, (Rev.) W. J.
Watt and Mrs. .A* Moore .poured
tea, assisted in serving by Mrs.
Ed Moore arid Phyiiis. Mrs. Har
old Sparling iand Mrs. Millan
Moore assisted their parents in
Rev. Currie made a trip to
Lohdon on Monday to visit Mr.
WeMjfrod ^t Westminster arid sev
eral others at Victoria Hospital.
Mr. Kerry,: Mr. and Mrs. Mel
vin ; Kerry „ of Paisley spent. New
Years With Mr/and .Mrs, Albert
Cotiltes* \, *• \ ■ <■ ■
Mr: and Mis. Norman Coultes
spent Sunday at the home of Mr,
Albert Coultes.
•' Mr/Atehie Watt of Toronto vis*
/L • '*
► • '►
► ■
25c* i
69c *
.... .. $5.95 4
$3.95 1
99c -
KNITTING YARN—nylon and wool, assorted, colors
for sox, sweaters,-etc, Reg, 50c
RAYQN PANTIES—small, medium, large, briefs and
pantie style;'white and colors. "Reg. $1.25
SKIRTS—assorted materials,, 38 to 44
SKIRTS—assorted £ 12 tp ,20 .........
HOSIERY—NylonS] Reg. $1.75
r: - Sub Rayon Crepe, Reg, $1.65
Service Weight, Reg. $1.50 /.
BOYS’ SOX—wool and nylon, 6 to 10 ......
GOLF HOSE, for 'boys and girls ..v.‘..t..,...,...
... 89c
... 63c
i.. 45c
Penman’s Combinations
Stanfield’s Underwear
Work Sox and Shirts-
Heavy Trousers
v Station Wagon Coats
Caps, Gloves, Mitts
Wool Hose—9
SnUggies and WoolW^Tests
. pverhose, Underhbse
Wobllbn - Gloves
/ Sweaters '
At this time of year most
churches will be holding annual
meetings. Financial' and; statisti
cal reports will be heard on .the
work of the past year. New pro
jects will be° discussed; Officers
for the New Year will be elected.
There will be an expression of ~
ed the responsibility of leader
ship in the. past year. Some of
ficials have been .in office for
many years. They have served
ably for a .long time, but who
will;take up the position when
they are gone? There should bp
a gradual working in each year
of the younger men and wdmen.
In the consideration of the fin
ancial side of the past year’s
Work the personal spiritual side
often .takes second‘"place. How
many souls were won for Christ? .
How many people became mem
bers of. the .church? How many ‘
baptisms? How many members -
J °t the church vron other members ,
to their fellowship? Hoy/ many
members visited the” shut-in, the '
„sick,. fhe^eed^uri-. the^name-6f™---
the church? Is the church mak-
ing any’ attempt to reach, those
in the community with nd church
affiliatipri? Is the quality of our
membership likely : to attract
others to our. church? Or is the
/church just.' another organization
in the community; fulfilling a' ■
routine duty, conducting regiilar-/
worship,- arid self-satisfied that
.another fairly Successful yea^t
has .’been reported’. For those good *
people who are not niembers of
any church arid consider themsel-
point out that .there is no sudh.
thing as ;an. isolated Christian,
Christianity is a fellowship /of
workers in - a great crusade
against, evil in all its forms. ' ’;
'• ‘ ... r J- * /- * • ■ ” " ■ . -
Church of the Air, CKNX /;
At 16.30 a.m.: Jan/8th, Kev. C.
Smith, Arthur;, Jan. 12tK, Rev. \
G. MacLean, Neustadt; Jan. 13th,• ' ' —— G.--MacLearirNeustadt; Jan. 13th»
ited with his parents, Rev; arid I Itev. J. Hutton, . Pine'River; Jan*
MtS/vWi J. Watt.. - ■ ■ 7 14th, R«m D/. Archibald Paisley*