HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2011-08-18, Page 19THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 2011. PAGE 19. VACATION/TRAVEL ALL INCLUSIVE PACKAGES - Book Online at www.canadatravels.com and save more on your vacations. Use code NCA74327 for discount or call us toll-free at 1-800-563-5722. ABSOLUTELY THE MOST FABU- LOUS ORLANDO Vacation Homes specials for our Canadian friends! Plan your next stay with us now! Furnished weekly/monthly rentals available. www.globalresort homes.com, 1-866-966-6480. AUTOS FOR SALE 100% AUTO FINANCING APPROVAL - We can get you approved for an automobile no matter what your cir- cumstances are. Drive a little and save a lot. Over 300 vehicles to choose from. Apply online www.gabies.ca. GABIES AUTO SALES, 250 Springbank Dr., London, ON, Toll-Free 1-888-474-8815 / 519- 472-8815. INSURANCE PROBLEMS? NEW Drivers * Tickets * Accidents Claims * Convictions * Paying Too Much. FREE Instant Quote Hotline: Call 1-800-267- 7928 NOW! www.NeedCarInsurance.ca. BAD CREDIT? 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At the July 19 meeting of Huron East Council Ryan cited a recent meeting where a member of the Conservative Party said should they get elected, they would attempt to halt all wind turbine projects that don’t have a notice to proceed,which is an essential step in theapproval process.Ryan stated that if Huron EastCouncil could delay the approval of the St. Columban wind project until after the election, and the Conservatives were to gain power in Ontario, there would be a possibility the project could be stopped before it begins. While the project has a contract with Ontario Hydro to produce power, Ryan said, a notice to proceed has yet to procured, which, could prove to be a determiningfactor should the Conservative Partywith the October election.Ryan also cited the recent IanHanna decision where the court sided with the wind turbine developers. The judge in the case did state that there was the potential for problems with wind turbines, Ryan said. He considered this a minor victory for opponents of wind turbines and said this was a foundation on which HEAT and other groups could build their case. Ryan also claimed Huron East’sscheduled meeting with the PristinePower Corporation about potentialfuture development on August 5 wasinappropriate. Council had no grounds to meet with the company, he said. “What you’re negotiating, you have no grounds to negotiate,” Ryan said. “You’re negotiating our health. You have no more grounds to negotiate these finances than you do to negotiate with our health.” Ryan said that despite the alleged population decline in Huron County, St. Columban is growing and youngfamilies are moving into thecommunity, but they’re being put inharm’s way due to wind turbines.“You’re negotiating with our lives,” he said. “Put yourselves in our shoes. Slow this process down.” After Ryan’s presentation, council decided it would proceed with its meeting as scheduled. Several councillors stated it was essential to hear both sides and keep their options open in regards to wind turbines. By Shawn LoughlinThe Citizen Central Huron receives first quarter OLG revenue The Municipality of Central Huron received $162,884 for hosting OLG Slots at Clinton Raceway. The payment was for the host municipality’s first-quarter share of slots revenue (April to June 2011). To date, Central Huron has received more than $6.3 million in non-tax gaming revenue. Payments are made on a quarterly basis according to the government fiscal year, which runs April to March. OLG Slots at Clinton Raceway opened on August 24, 2000. Since opening, the facility has attracted more than 2 million visitors. “OLG Slots at Clinton Raceway has been a strong community partner and economic force in the Municipality of Central Huron since 2000,” says Huron-Bruce MPP Carol Mitchell. “Through this partnership with OLG, the Municipality of Central Huron has received more than $6.3 million in gaming revenue, which allows us to continually invest in this community and support important local programs and initiatives.” In total, OLG issued more than $18.4 million in first quarter non-tax gaming revenue payments to 23 municipalities that host OLG Casinos and OLG Slots-at-racetrack facilities. To date, OLG has distributed $778.1 million to these host municipalities. Each municipality hosting an OLG Slots-at-racetrack facility receives five per cent of the gaming facility’s gross slot machine revenue from the first 450 slot machines and two per cent from any additional machines over that number. Funds are used at the discretion of the municipality. Tracks and their horse people also share the revenue generated by the slots program, with 20 per cent of gross slot machine revenue split evenly between the two groups. Since the launch of the program in 1998, more than $3.50 billion has been shared between racetrack owners and their horse people. In 2011/2012, the province will allocate $120 million in gaming revenue to support charities through the Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF). Every year, the Government of Ontario allocates two per cent of gross revenue from slot machines at OLG Casinos and OLG Slots-at- racetrack facilities to the province’s problem gambling program for research, treatment and prevention programs. The amount for fiscal 2011/2012 is estimated at $41 million. Just over 50 years ago, on August 5, Margaret Anne Jamieson and John Keith Moffatt were wed in Port Elgin. Margaret, daughter of Moffatt and Ruth Jamieson of Port Elgin, and Keith, son of Burns and Ethel Moffatt of Bluevale, were wed by Rev. J.H. Slade and then honeymooned in Nashville, Tennessee. After their marriage they lived in Wingham where Keith worked at the Dairy and Poultry Co-op in Wingham as an engineer before becoming a plumber. Keith retired from his position as the Huron County Plumbing Inspector in 2005. Margaret was a teacher at Wingham Public School. The couple has two children; Sandra Schmidt and Greg Moffatt, and seven grandchildren. They celebrated their anniversary at the Bluevale Community Hall on August 3. To keep busy the couple are members of the Huron Pioneer Thresher and Hobby Association, the Wingham Sportsmen Club as well as the Bluevale Presbyterian Church. Celebration Keith and Margaret Moffatt celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary last Saturday at the Bluevale Hall with a group of their family members and friends. (Aislinn Bremner photo) Moffatts mark 50 years married Oops.. In the story Lions Exchange Students welcomed to Blyth, and corresponding cutline Michael Stadler was incorrectly identified as Michael Schroecker. The Citizen apologizes for any confusion this caused.