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Call Toll-Free 1-800-947-0393 / 519- 853-2157. Network Classifieds:Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country! • It’s Affordable • It’s Fast • It’s Easy • It’s Effective • One Bill Does It All • All Ontario $475 • National Packages Available! www.networkclassified.org For more information contact Your local newspaper Valedictorian remembers classmates, teachers Wawanosh 4-H group talks about infection control Continued from page 14months because she had a baby. Shewas the first teacher we ever had togo on maternity leave, and shewouldn’t be our last. After Mrs. Culbert left we had Ms Walper. We got along fine and having a new teacher didn’t bother us. In Grade 6 we had her again and for some reason a lot of us didn’t get along with her. At about Christmas time she left and everyone’s all-time favourite teacher came, Mrs. Tyndall or as we called her Ms Knap. She was filling in for Ms Walper who was filling in for Mrs. Elder who’d had a baby. Later in the year Mrs. Tyndall found out that she was going to have a baby too. I think there must be something in the water in the East Wawanosh staff room. In Grade 7 we had a split grade again. None of us had a teacher who was going to have a baby, thank goodness. The class had Mr. LeRoux. I was in the Grade 6/7 class with Ms Elder for the first half of the day and Mrs. B for the last half of the day. I’m not sure what happened in the class but in the Grade 6/7 class we had a new classmate, Justin. That year we went to JUMP. One of the best trips ever besides Camp Celtic. Except we had to get along 24/7. It was harder than you’d think, but wemanaged. The worst injury we hadwas a sprained ankle. When wecame back the rest of the yearseemed so boring compared to JUMP. No offence to Ms Elder or Mrs. B. Then there was Grade 8, our final year in public school. We were the big kids ruling the school. A new teacher had come to our school, Mrs. Coward. Right after Christmas break we found out that she too was going to have a baby. But by then we were practically expecting it so it didn’t come as much of a surprise. So of course we got another new teacher, Ms Hogan. We went with Ms Hogan to Camp Celtic and had a blast. But unfortunately since we just got back, we haven’t completely healed from all of the bug bites. They really don’t go with our dresses and nice clothes. But that doesn’t take away the excitement of graduating and going to high school. Speaking of high school, I have some advice. The first thing I want to tell you is don’t be afraid to make mistakes, just make sure you learn from them. Also, make new friends but remember your old friends too. And don’t stress. Have fun. Make it the best four or five years of your life. You may even find out what youreally want to be when you grow up.Or you may not. It make take a fewtries for you to get where you wantto go, but you’ll get there. There’s a quote in the movie The Haunted Mansion that I will never forget. It goes, “You try, you fail, you try, you fail, but the only true failure is if you stop trying”. I think the truth of it is what I won’t forget. And you guys better not forget it either. Okay enough of the serious stuff. Right now I would like to thank all of the people who made my 10 years at East Wawanosh as interesting as they were. To each of my classmates: • Arden for being the athletic one and making the boys happy he wasn’t at track and field. • Ashley and her famous shortie shorts along with her athleticism and her artistic talent. • Autumn for always being there to listen to what you have to say. • Cassi for being the queen of sarcasm. She has a sarcastic comeback to anything. • Chance for always having his hand up in class saving everyone else from having to answer. • Curtis for finding every different way of getting in trouble. • Dallas for being the class’s farm boy and making us sure weknew it.• Dustin for always having a penshooter on hand and occasionally missing his target and hitting me or someone else. • Emily for being the smart one in class and always being the first one done the work. • Jarod for always being the leader especially of student council. • Jeff for being Mr. Mexican and proud of it. • Judith for actually taking our plays seriously. I’m sure the teachers thank you too. • Justin for being the new guy and fitting in right away. • Lindsay for having the need to give me a smack on the shoulder every time she passes my desk. • Rachel for not being afraid to say what she thinks. • Shania for being kind and caring always trying to cheer you up when you’re feeling down. • Wyatt for always having to high- five someone no matter what time it is or where we are. To the staff: Thanks for all the memories, some more positive than others … • Ms Gardiner for always pulling out our teeth when we didn’t havethe guts to do it ourselves.• Mrs. Walker for reading “Holes”and letting us watch the movie.• Mrs. Culbert for all the life lessons she’s shared. • Mrs. Elder for all the memories from JUMP. • Mrs. B for embarrassing us at JUMP and other places. • Mr. LeRoux for “keeping his cool” even when we made him mad. • Mrs. Nicholson for rarely being seen without a water bottle. • Mrs. Watson for making sure everyone behaved in the computer lab. • The Custodians for having to clean up our messes no matter how bad they were. • Bobbie for organizing all of our reminders and calling home if we need it. • Mrs. Coward for being so kind and caring. • Mrs. A. G. for being incredibly supportive. To everyone, meaning parents, teachers and people in our community I would like to thank you for being who you are and making us the strong, independent and special people we are. Thank you By Reba Jefferson The Wawanosh 4-H Health Fanatics held their third meeting of healthcare on Thursday, June 30 at 7 p.m. at the Jeffersons’ home. Junior leader, Reba Jefferson, led a game of “Things in a Box”. President Sophie Jefferson then opened the meeting with the pledge and roll call which was, what is an infection? Leader Mary Ellan Foran then talked about what an infection is and the cycle of an infection. Emma Enders read the minutes from the second meeting. Jolande Oudshoorn handed out the club title page she had created. The members also talked about their home activity from the last meeting and their final project, a brochure. Each member was then handed a piece of paper with one of the modes of transportation in which a micro- organism travels and they had to act out the mode while other members guessed. Members learned there were six modes: contact, droplet, airborne, common vehicle, vector and parental transmission. Mary Ellen then led a role-playing game and members discussed what would happen if the chain was broken. Members also did a matching activity to become more familiar with the six different modes of transportation. Jolande led the club outside to practise the activities planned for the Port Albert Reunion, where Wawanosh 4-H is hosting children’s games on July 30 at 1:30 p.m. The club then enjoyed refreshments provided by Tina Drennan and Jolande. While eating the club discussed making a team for “Go For The Gold”, which is on July 20. The next meeting will be held on Thursday, July 14 at 7 p.m. Grade 8 students from East Wawanosh Public School were recently recognized for their efforts and achievements throughout the year with awards. Valedictorian Megan Stute was presented the English award. Stute also received the French award and the Academic Proficiency award. The Math and History awards were presented to Emily Meier. Lindsay Shiell was given the Geography award. Jarod Logan received the Science award as well as the Leadership award. The Art award was presented to Ashley Higgins who also received the Top Female Athlete award. The Citizenship award was presented to Autumn Wightman. Justin Thomson received the Most Improved Student award from North Huron. The Most Improved Student award from Morris-Turnberry was given to Dallas Coultes. Chance Smith received the General Proficiency award. The Music award was presented to Judith Hess. Jeff Hallahan was presented the Top Male Athlete award as well as the Spirit of East Wawanosh award. East Wawanosh Grade 8 awards