HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2011-06-16, Page 16ONE-BEDROOM APARTMENT in Brussels, $425 plus hydro. Phone 519-887-9602. 24-2p -------------------------------------------- LARGE ONE-BEDROOM APART- ment close to all amenities, $600 all inclusive. Contact Brad 519-524- 3394. 23-tfn -------------------------------------------- FARMHOUSE, $500/MONTH, FIRST and last month, utilities extra. References required. Phone 519- 887-6875. 22-3 -------------------------------------------- RETIREMENT LIVING – OSTBEK Manor Senior Apartments, 274 Gypsy Lane, Blyth. Large two- bedroom apartment available, second floor, lift in house, great rates. 519-524-4680. 05-tfn SOLID WOOD KITCHEN TABLE (38"x60") with four chairs and matching buffet and hutch (Goettler’s) - $300; Pallister office desk (27"x60"), chair and matching computer desk (27"x32") and utility desk (27"x23") - $200; Magnasonic stereo system - $40; 24" Toshiba colour TV - $40; and a few miscellaneous items. Cash and carry. Call 519-887-6817 for viewing.24-1 -------------------------------------------- JAMCO BUMPER PULL LIVE- stock trailer in excellent condition, also 4x5 bales second cut hay. 519- 523-9486. 23-2p -------------------------------------------- FIREWOOD FOR SALE – CLEAN, seasoned hardwood. Discounts on 10 or more cords. Delivery available. Call 519-887-6219 or 519-291-8642. 04-tfn -------------------------------------------- BLYTH – A VILLAGE PORTRAIT history book special centennial edition, 1877-1977 available at The Citizen, 404 Queen St., Blyth for $30. tfn -------------------------------------------- OUR STORY FROM AINLEYVILLE to Brussels 1872-1997, 125 years of the history of Brussels available at The Citizen, Brussels and Blyth for $30. tfn -------------------------------------------- 2011 PHONE BOOKS are now available at The Citizen offices in Blyth and Brussels. Buy an extra one for your vehicle. Only $1.00 each. tfn BOVEN/DIETZ. Thank you to friends, family and wedding party for your support and organization of our Buck and Doe on June 4, 2011. – Kelly Boven, Brette Dietz and Tyler Boven. 24-1 -------------------------------------------- BYLSMA/STEPHENSON. A huge thank you to Kathy and Ann Stephenson, Shirley, Sara and Emily Baker and all who contributed in any way to our community shower. We really appreciate it! – Becky Bylsma and Brad Stephenson. 24-1p -------------------------------------------- MITCHELL. What a community we live in! Words just can’t say thank you enough to family, neighbours and friends for all of the help we received after the storm on Thursday morning with the cleanup and bringing in tractors and equipment to help out. It is great to see everyone just gathering together from farm to farm to help each other out. Thank you so much. – Doug and Janet Mitchell and family. 24-1 WILLIAMSON. Thank you to the Walton and Brussels communities who helped host and attended my bridal shower on June 7. I would like to sincerely thank those who contributed to my beautiful gifts. The support and generosity shown to me by the community has been greatly appreciated. Thank you. – Katie Williamson. 24-1 COMMUNITY COME AND GO bridal shower for Nicole White, fiancée of Mark Olson, Saturday, June 25, 10 a.m. to 12 noon, Brussels United Church. 24-2 -------------------------------------------- BLYTH AREA FARMERS’ MARKET starts up again on Saturday, June 25, 1 to 4:30 p.m., corner of Queen and Dinsley Streets. 24-1 PAGE 16. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 2011. Classified Advertisements – RATES –20 words or less only $7.00 + HST. Additional words 20¢ each + HST. 50¢ will be deducted if ad is paid in advance DEADLINE 2 p.m. Monday in Brussels 4 p.m. Monday in Blyth Phone 519-523-4792 or 519-887-9114 Cards of thanksCards of thanks Coming events ccommodation for rentA Articles for sale Articles for sale BUY? SELL? TRY CLASSIFIED BOOK OF THE WEEK MAKING AND USING DRIED FOODS Easy, economical and nutritious, drying is a natural, great-tasting alternative to canning or freezing. This book makes getting started easy, and even contains complete plans for building your own food dryer. ONLY $22.95 Blyth ~ 519-523-4792 Brussels ~ 519-887-9114 The Citizen Auction salesAuction sales Auction salesAuction sales Clearing Auction Sale Saturday, June 25, 2011 at 10 am for John Goldsmith and family 49 Huron St., Seaforth, Ontario (behind the Legion on the corner of Huron and Jarvis) Sale consisting of an excellent offering: Workshop Contents: Shoprider 4 wheel electric scooter, Pony cart, 2 western saddles, harness, Equine collectible figures, walk-behind snowblower, riding and push mowers, hand power and garden tools, tool boxes, stainless auto milkers, several balance beam scales, electric rubber finger poultry defeather machine, industrial stainless wash sink, harness vice, and several other hidden treasures too numerous to mention. Household Contents: Unique lead glass display hutch, crystal, leather fainting couch, 2 mantel clocks (Hermie and Arthur Pequenat), Evans Brothers piano, wash stand, ringer washer, walnut spindle bed, dressers, complete waterfall edge bedroom suite, 3 arborite tables, oil lanterns, books, spinning wheel, again there is something for everyone! Food booth on premises Auctioneers and Seller are not responsible for loss or accidents on day of sale. Terms: Cash or cheque with proper ID, no buyer premium. Verbal announcements take precedence over written advertisements. Contact auctioneers Greg Wheeler 519-440-2171 for more information Joe Zehr 519-291-9548 PROPERTY AUCTION Of 15.6 acres of land for Jim Charles Wednesday, June 22, 2011 7:00 PM 39935 Amberley Road Wingham, Ontario ¼ mile West of Wingham (Hwy 4) on Amberley Rd. (formerly Hwy 86) PROPERTY: known as Part Lot 42 Con 14 Part West Township of North Huron, County of Huron, 15.6 acres with approx. 8 acres of workable land suitable for a productive vegetable garden, etc. Property has its own well, drilled May 1997. Plan to view this scenic lot beside the Maitland River. A property to build your dream home on. TERMS ON PROPERTY: selling subject to a reasonable reserve bid with $10,000.00 down evening of sale by certified cheque payable to CRAWFORD, MILL & DAVIES IN TRUST, balance in 45 days or when possession is given. For more information and to view property call Jim Charles at 905-977-0159 To view photos visit www.billhorstauctions.com AUCTIONEERS BILL HORST-MILLBANK 519-595-2626 BRIAN RINTOUL-WINGHAM 519-357-2349 SATURDAY, JUNE 18 AT 10:00 AM: Trees and shrubs, diecast trucks, Shell oil bottle, collectables, modern oak furniture, antique furniture, and glassware to be held at Seaforth Fairgrounds Agri Plex Building. See www.lobbauction.on.ca for pictures and full list. SATURDAY, JUNE 25 AT 10:30 AM: IHC 884 diesel tractor w/cab (3800 hrs.), IHC 485 diesel tractor w/IH 2200 loader (only 2600 hrs.), NH355 mixmill, NH 488 9 ft. haybine, IH 4250 baler w/thrower, 2 bale thrower wagons, NH #8 3 beater forage wagon, forage blower, NH 3PT hitch forage harvester, 250 Bushel gravity box and wagon, Smyth 7x10 dump trailer, 2 Case combines, planting & tillage equipment, 1991 GMC 2500 4x4, 2 swathers, etc. to be held for John Wesselink. Go 3 3/4 miles north of Blyth on Highway #4 to Cranbrook Rd., turn right. 2nd farm on right. See www.lobbauction.on.ca for pictures and full list. RICHARD LOBB AUCTION CALENDAR CLINTON 519-482-7898 AUCTION SALE Of Bungalow House on a 1 acre lot, 16 ft. Portable Saw Mill, Garden Tractor, Shop Tools, Household, Antiques and Misc. Items for Russell and Pearl Fair Thursday June 23 2011 5:00 PM 5969 Perth Line 72 Newry, Ontario PROPERTY:consisting of a well maintained 3 bedroom brick bungalow house on a 1 acre lot. House has a kitchen /w newer oak cupboards, living room, dining room, laundry room, rec room, 4 piece bath. Attached 1½ car garage, paved driveway. House is heated by a forced air oil furnace, hydro throughout. Property has its own septic system installed in 2010. New metal roof this spring. Water is supplied by a neighbour's drilled well. SHED: 14ft x 44ft steel sided shed, 220 amp hydro service. TERMS ON PROPERTY:*IF NOT PREVIOUSLY SOLD*, property will be sold at 6:30 P.M. subject to a reasonable reserve bid with $10,000.00 down evening of sale by certified cheque payable to PEAK PREMIER REALTY IN TRUST, balance in 30 days or when possession is given. Plan to view this attractive property on a large lot, close to school and minutes from Listowel. Well worth your inspection. For more information and to view property call Russell and Pearl Fair at 519-356-2436 or auctioneers GARDEN TRACTOR, SAW MILL, TRAILER, SHOP & MISC. ITEMS: Case 446 hydrostatic tractor hydraulic remotes complete with mower deck, 4ft snow thrower, tiller, 4ft front mount blade, cab, & chains; homemade well built 16ft portable belt driven saw mill /w Champion 13hp electric start gas engine; 8ft x 4½ft steel trailer /w wood floor & sides; 4ft x 3ft utility trailer; 2-gas chain saws; Ariens roto tiller; small generator; air compressor; Lincoln 225 arc welder; 2-cut off saws; table saw; bench & vise; can crusher; gas cans; ext. cords; misc. lumber; electric motors; garden hose; power & hand tools; fishing poles & tackle, etc. etc. ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES:old wrenches; approx. 12 Collector Toy Trucks and 3 cabinets; childs' wagon; old dolls; older bicycle; set of dishes, cups & saucers, etc. HOUSEHOLD:pool table slate top with accessories; rocking chair; chrome table & 4 chairs; misc. chairs; mattress; Tempo tread mill; steel desk; small organ and other household items to numerous too mention. Plan to attend this interesting auction. LUNCH BOOTH For more information call Russell & Pearl Fair at 519-356-2436 To view photos visit www.billhorst auctions.com TERMS Cash or acceptable cheque with proper I.D. Proprietors & auctioneers not responsible for accidents, injury, or loss of purchases. Verbal announcements take precedence over advertising. AUCTIONEERS: BILL HORST-MILLBANK 519-595-2626 BRIAN RINTOUL-WINGHAM 519-357-2349 Read Rhea Hamilton Seeger’s Gardening column on the Huron Home and Garden Guide section of our website www.northhuron.on.ca