The Citizen, 2011-06-09, Page 18PAGE 18. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 2011.Promotion and Award day held at church We ventured east this past week- end. Not out of province east but definitely east of Toronto. Mr. Ford may have been a man of vision when his car replaced horses, but I could- n’t help thinking that the man would be astounded if he could see the cars and highway systems of today. For those of us used to the ease of ruraltravel the number of vehicles inurban areas can be mind boggling.But in travel both ways we saw noaccidents and experienced no seri-ous traffic slowdowns.Sunday, June 12 is Promotion andAward Sunday for the SundaySchool at Londesborough UnitedChurch. A strawberry social will fol-low the morning service. Everyoneis invited to enjoy the children of the congregation and be part of the time of fellowship later. Incidentally, the Sunday School is looking for a superintendent for the 2011/2012 church year. If you think this is a way for you to contribute to the church life of Londesborough United, give Carmen Drost a call at 519-523-9017.Yes, Canada Post is on strike as oflast Thursday at 11:59 p.m.However, at present, the mail is stillbeing sorted and delivered.The union has organized a seriesof rotating strikes. The first plant togo on strike was the Winnipeg plant.It was the first plant in Canada to gomore fully automated. Perhaps theunion is concerned tha as all plantsacross Canada have similar machin- ery installed there will be job losses and is looking for job security in its contracts. The second walkout was in Hamilton. What this means is that the mail may just be slower reaching its destination. Although activities at Hullett Central Public School are winding down for the school year, they willbe considering the character attrib-ute of “integrity” in June. Integrity isdoing what is right and honourable,something children and adults alikewould do well to remember.If you enjoyed Hullett’s springconcert, you will appreciate know-ing that monies donated at the doorthat evening will enhance studentlearning in both the music and bandprograms. On June 9, I expect many children will be arriving home in the afternoon just a trifle wet. All grades will participate in a water playday. The regional track and field meet was held on June 7. The district meet is scheduled for Tuesday, June 14 – so there will be some young folk still out practising. By BRENDARADFORDCall 523-4296PEOPLE AROUND LONDESBORO NEWS FROM LONDESBORO Local students enjoy their co-op work placements Each year the co-operative educa- tion program at local high schools provides students the chance to get a glimpse of what the working world is like. Whether the job they take part in is one they’re hoping to have for life, or simply just as a learning experience, the time spent job shadowing profes- sionals leaves a lasting impact on students. Two local students, both from Central Huron Secondary School, shared their co-op placement experi- ences with The Citizen and explained what they love about the experience. Aaron Popp Londesborough I love co-op because I’m the type of person who doesn’t like sitting in a classroom all day, so to be able to go out and work all day and get cred- its is very useful for me. My placement is a farm and trans- portation business, Howatt Bros. Transport, so I do a lot of farm work. We also put in a lot of hours and kilometres on the machines and vehicles so they need to be serviced a lot. I like this placement because I know and get along with everyone very well and I get to practise using heavy equipment on a daily basis. The tasks I usually do are scraping and bedding barns, feeding hay and spreading manure. In the shop, I do a lot of servicing on trucks and other machinery. When we service the machinery and trucks and trailers we wash them clean most of the time, then bring them into the shop and grease all the moving parts and check all the nuts and bolts. If it is needed, we change the oil and check the radiator and transmission fluids. I have learned a lot about driving the equipment and the little tech- niques involved in working with the machinery. I am going to attend college in September in the heavy equipment operator course. Being able to drive and learn more about some of the equipment is going to be a big help for college because I will have a head start on the operating and main- tenance of the equipment. This placement is very useful for me and my future. Larissa Jenkins Blyth I am a Grade 12 student at Central Huron Secondary School. I’m taking a four-credit co-op to learn more about the field of work I am interest- ed in. My co-op placement is at Blyth Public School and my time is split between two classes – Kindergarten and Grade 1/2. I spend half of my day in each classroom. I get to work with the stu- dents one-on-one or in small groups and I get to assist the teacher by helping to make sure the class says on track. I have recently been given the chance to work every Wednesday morning with the students in the Reading Assistance Program (RAP). This program provides a variety of strategies to children who are having difficulty with their reading. I am really enjoying working with all of the children. This placement is really helping me to make sure this is going to be the right fit for me. I need to decide soon since I am enrolled in a pro- gram in college for this September. I really believe co-op should be a mandatory course even if it’s only two-credit course, because it gives you a good idea of what the job entails and you don’t have to pay any money to parrticipate in this pro- gram. If you went to college and then decided that the job is really not for you, that would be a waste of a lot of money that you could have spent on something you were really interested in. If you take co-op you won’t spend money on something you don’t want to do, because you will have a good idea about the job before taking any college courses. So don’t hold back, take the course, it will be the best thing you will have ever done for your future. Aaron Popp of Londesborough Larissa Jenkins of Blyth LESLIE H A RRISTON  WALKERTON  WIN GH A M Musical Muskrat Festival 2011 Come to the Mighty Maitland June 10, 11, 12 in Wingham, Ontario Music & More on the Mailtand Shore! 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