HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2011-03-03, Page 6PAGE 6. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 2011. Just under $50,000 raised by Alzheimer Society of Huron Drugs seized in Seaforth bust Westerhout clarifies comments On the ice Lucas Bergsma took advantage of the ice in Blyth as the Londesborough United Church Sunday School held its annual skating party at the Blyth and District Community Centre on Sunday. (Vicky Bremner photo) On Friday, Feb. 25 the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) Organized Crime Enforcement Bureau – Drug Enforcement Unit, with the assistance of Huron County OPP, West Region Emergency Response Team and the OPP Canine Unit executed a Controlled Drugs and Substances Act search warrant at a residence on Quebec Street in Seaforth. As a result of the execution of the search warrant, police seized cannabis marijuana bud, cannabis resin, and oxycodone pills as well as a prohibited weapon. The estimated combined street value of the controlled substances is $11,070. Dwain Shanahan, age 40, and Julie Shanahan, age 37, both of Huron East are charged under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act with possession of a controlled substance for the purposes of trafficking (cannabis marijuana), possession of a controlled substance (cannabis resin), possession of a controlled substance (oxycodone) and possession of a prohibited weapon. Any person with information regarding this incident should immediately contact the Huron OPP at 1-888-310-1122 or 519- 524- 8314. Should you wish to remain anonymous, you may call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477), where you may be eligible to receive a cash reward of up to $2,000. Traffic stop leads to arrest On Feb. 26 at approximately 1 p.m., a vehicle was stopped in order to ensure the licence status of the driver. The lone occupant, a female driver, admitted that her licence had expired. A further check into the ownership and plates on the vehicle confirmed that the plates did not belong. The driver was also confirmed to be violating release conditions that she was to follow. As a result of the traffic stop, Kathy Upshall, 36, of Huron East has been charged with two counts of Fail to Comply with Recognizance, one count of Drive No Licence, one count of Drive Motor Vehicle with No Insurance and one count of Use Plate Not Authorized. Upshall was held in custody pending a bail hearing on Feb. 28. THE EDITOR,I am writing to explain comments attributed to me in The Citizen’s coverage of a Central Huron meeting in January. The remark was made after discussion about calls received by CAO Kevin McLlwain from some Auburn residents wishing to have the former police village of Auburn put under the jurisdiction of one municipality. I believe that reading the report in The Citizen gives the wrong impression of what happened. My recollection of what was said would also include the discussion of the fact that it would take the political will of three municipalities to make consolidation happen and that this has been discussed before with no action taken. I did say the idea made sense and that I heard from Auburn citizens during the election (yes I did knock on most, if not all, of their doors during the election and was, for the most part, warmly received) about the issues that they were unhappy with – especially fire protection. In my opinion, the least we should strive for is that services within the villagebe supplied by single providers. I did say that they are an unhappy bunch of campers. When the discussion was ended, I also made a quip that maybe they should secede (to get the attention required to resolve their issues). I was not trying to dismiss Auburn residents or slam the door on their concerns. Reading the printed article does not convey the tone of my comment. I am sure that if you were in the gallery that day you would have known that this was what it was – a light-hearted aside near the end of a long meeting. I apologize to anyone who has been upset with my comment and I assure you that I take Auburn and area residents’ concerns seriously. I also share your concern about fire coverage. My family lives at the southwestern tip of the North Huron fire coverage area. Our house is 13.9 kilometres from the Blyth fire station. The Central Huron fire department drives by our house (9.7 km. from Clinton fire station) to the Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh portion of Auburn, a total distance of 16.3 kilometres to the nearest residence, while the Blyth station is10.3 kilometres to this same residence. We have a neighbour that has his house covered by one fire department and his barn by another. They are on adjacent lots though he drives down the laneway from his house to the barn without going on or near the road. At first glance this does not make any sense. Add to this that the dispatch system has had problems sending the appropriate fire department to calls in Auburn. This issue has and is being worked on to get it right. I feel confident in saying that the councillors of Central Huron are aware of the concerns of Auburn residents and take them very seriously. We are willing to meet with all parties concerned to address Auburn and area concerns and hopefully resolve them. I would encourage all residents to contact their respective representatives regarding this and any other issue. Again, I regret any distress that my comment may have caused the residents in Auburn. Alex Westerhout, Councillor, Municipality of Central Huron. THE EDITOR, The 16th annual Alzheimer Society Walk for Memories would not have been possible without the incredible support of our sponsors, donors, walkers, volunteers and the North Huron and area community who gave so generously. In Wingham, 54 walkers raised $12,200. Together with the other four walks in the county a record- breaking amount of over $49,500 was raised. The efforts of everyone involved with this year’s walk are to be commended for these outstanding results. Thank you for raising the bar and being part of the team that is bringing Help for today, Hope for tomorrow. My sincerest gratitude, Cathy Ritsema, Executive Director Alzheimer Society Huron County. VICTIM SERVICES OF HURON COUNTY Victims Need Your Support Are you interested in becoming a Volunteer Crisis Responder to help others and to work in partnership with Emergency Services? Victim Services of Huron County is a volunteer based organization that provides emotional support and practical assistance to victims of crime and tragic circumstances. If you are looking for a rewarding experience and the chance to give back to your community this may be the position for you. Requirements: 20 yrs of age + A valid driver’s license and access to a vehicle Ability to handle crisis situations Police check Can commit to 40 hrs training session and 3-4 on-call shifts per  month Training will be held on Thursdays from April 7-June 9th from  6:30pm-9:30pm and will be held in Goderich Application online at www.victimservices.cc          to be faxed or mailed at (519) 524.4108 We are accepting applications for our spring training until March 23rd, 2011 Application to: Shelley Dorey Executive Director Victim Services of Huron County 202" 2- :2/ $/  2˜y !ú±œ^œÇA¥ ¶‡ y±ïßA¥ ú߶± œã ^¶±ïœ±úœ±Ž ï¶ ïyãï «ú±œ^œÇA¥ kߜ±¤œ±Ž űAïyß ‡¶ß ¥yAkh Aã ßyÔúœßyk Rų $±ïAߜ¶ /yŽú¥A± ¾çŹÍ úRúß±h ¥œ±ï¶±h y¥¥ųh !^ ¥œ±^˜yųh 0!h A±k 9A±kyűyïyߜ±Ž «ú±œ^œÇA¥ űAïyß ãųãïy«ã Aßy Ryœ±Ž ïyãïykÍ ‡ ų¶ú Aßy ^¶±^yß±yk ï˜Aï ų¶ú «Aų ˜AŰy ¥yAk «AïyߜA¥ã œ± ų¶úß Ç¥ú«Rœ±Žh ų¶ú «Aų űœã˜ ï¶ ˜AŰy ų¶úß ïAÇ űAïyß ïyãïykÍ 2˜y ãA«Ç¥œ±Ž Ç߶^yãã ßyÔúœßyã AÇÇ߶Ųœ«Aïy¥ų ñŹ «œ±úïyã ¶‡ ų¶úß ïœ«yͱœïœA¥¥ų űy ű¶ú¥k ãA«Ç¥y ų¶úß ú±‡œ¥ïyßyk ¤œï^˜y± ïAÇ űAïyß Rų ßú±±œ±Ž ï˜y űAïyß ‡¶ß ‰ «œ±úïyãÍ:y ű¶ú¥k ï˜y± űAœï ñŹ «œ±úïyã Çߜ¶ß ï¶ ïA¤œ±Ž ÷ ãA«Ç¥yã ¶‡ űAïyß ‡¶ß ï˜y ¥yAk ïyãïÍ úߜ±Ž ï˜y ñŹ «œ±úïyãh ±¶ űAïyß ^A± Ry úãyk œ± ï˜y ßyãœky±^yÍ 2˜œã Ç߶^ykúßy œã Aï ±¶ ^¶ãï ï¶ ï˜y ˜¶«y¶ű±yß A±k ų¶ú űœ¥¥ ßy^yœŰy A ^¶Çų ¶‡ ï˜y ïyãï ßyãú¥ïãÍ ±ŷ¶±y œ±ïyßyãïyk œ± ˜AŴœ±Ž ï˜yœß ïAÇ ŵAïyß ïyãïyk œã Aã¤yk ï¶ ^¶±ïA^ï ï˜y !ú±œ^œÇA¥œïŷ Aï €²¦ƒséã¦¦ÛÁ <¶úß AããœãïA±^y œã AÇÇßy^œAïykÍ 2˜A±¤ ŷ¶ú "2/ 4/$" :2/ -/2!"2 Letters to the Editor ON $6.00 THURSDAYS Drop into either of our offices any Thursday with your word classified (maximum 20 words) and pay only $6.00 + HST (paid in advance). That’s $1.00 off regular rates. The Citizen