HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2011-02-03, Page 2PAGE 2. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 2011.
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Going for a skate
It was costume time on
Sunday at the Brussels
Skating Club’s annual
carnival as costumed
skaters took to the ice. The
annual event, called
Holidays on Ice, held at
the Brussels, Morris and
Grey Community Centre,
honoured the club’s
skaters and gave them a
chance to strut their stuff
before being awarded later
in the afternoon. (Vicky
Bremner photo)
Brussels Agricultural Society
Friday, February 4
at the BMG Community Centre
Social time ~ 6 pm
Potluck supper ~ 6:30 pm
• Award ceremony
• Unveiling of 150th
Anniversary Souvenir Poster
• Guest speaker ~ Paul Nichol
• Slide presentation
Everyone welcome
January a great month for winter activities
January slipped away on a lovely
note, sunny, bright and snapping
cold – an ideal winter time. A good
memory was left of January 2011
with all the outdoors and sports
people as a month that was made to
celebrate winter. Good use wasmade of the beautiful days by theskiers, the walkers, the sledders andnaturally the folks on the snowmachines. Enjoy the days to come.
With many days below zero lately
the bird feeders are popular spots
and in need of frequent refill. The
rewards are worth it as stories of
terrific visitors of the feathered kind
are shared by the hosts of the
feeders. Pairs of cardinals, little
hawks, various woodpeckers, pretty
juncos, lots of doves as well as the
wee chickadees have all been
discussed. Part of winter for bird
lovers is sharing the food and stories
and everybody is happy.The Peanuts Gang is here. A smilewill spread over your face as youdrive by the home and business ofJames and Lynn Jutzi as you head
for Jamestown. There proudly
guarding the front flowerbed is the
gang, in all its glory. You need to
slow down just to appreciate the
sculpture of this thought-provoking
bunch. The comic strips and books
of the Peanut Gang by Shultz always
made you see the world from a new
view and end with a smile. My first
glimpse of the Jutzi Gang was at
night with lights behind the figures
giving them a very realistic look. So
check them out, think about thecharacters and give yourself a smile.Thanks Jutzis for a fun view.High school exams are finishedfor this term, so the students can
relax a little except admission to
college and university is now on the
Be good to yourself, cold and flu
season is in gear so eat well, sleep
good and wash your hands properly
many, many times each day.
Bye now, Betty G.W.
By Betty
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The Citizen
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541 Turnberry St., Brussels
Donations approved for community groups
By Jo-Ann McDonald
The week began at the Brussels
Legion Branch with the Cadets
meeting on Tuesday evening and the
executive of the branch meeting
The executive dealt with the usual
business matters and responded to a
couple of request for funds.
Donations were approved for the
Brussels Figure Skating Club and
for the Victim Services of Huron
County. Committee reports were
heard from chairmen in attendance
including Nevada, canteen, track
and field, catering and fish fry
events. Reports in absence were
heard about poppy, sports youth and
veteran services.
The Nevada account is positive
with monies going to the PeeWee
hockey team for Young Canada
Week. and the two requests passed
earlier in the meeting. The track and
field chairman Deb Caan reports that
there is one athlete going to Toronto
to participate in the indoor track and
field competition. A donation to help
with the expenses was approved.
Adam Cousins will be high
We found that Adam did very well
and finished third in his event. He
participated in the high jump and he
jumped 1.6 metres, which Adam
reports is not as good as his personal
best during the 2010 year. He
enjoyed his day and is happy he
The catering reports a successful
meal for the Huron County Beef
Producers and February has one
booking for the Dairy Producers.
The summer is looking busy with
four banquets booked. Bookings for
fish fry events are beginning and
there are already a half dozen
confirmed. A request for a fish fry in
Owen Sound was discussed and the
members felt it was a little too far to
travel. The youth report included
that public speaking will be held at
the Branch on Wednesday, March 2.
The Thursday night darts had 11
darters taking aim at the boards.
Winners were: first, Deb Burch, Tim
Harrison and Kaye Smith; second,
Alice Clifford, Roger McHardy and
Marlene Rutledge; high shots, Gord
Jacklin - 117, Tim - 103, and
Marlene who finished with 140.
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Continued on page 19