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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-12-16, Page 12
’T'T.........—I— WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, December 15 and 16 4 J - starring © James Stewart © Helen Walker FRIDAY, SATURDAY December 17 and 18 ‘Black Gold’ Color by Cinacolor* - starring - « Anthony Quinn • Katharine DeMille j Wood-Whitten In a double ring ceremony in New St. James Presbyterian Church, London, the wedding took place , of Annie Whitten, daughter of Mr. .-a nd Mrs. John Whitten, of Goderich, and Des mond M. Wood, son of Mrs. Harry Wood, of burg. Rev. Rd. Stewart ed. The _ length dress of lmrgandy wine with . . „ roses and baby mums. For veiling she donned a green with winter white hat. couple were attended by bride’s sister, Mrs. U.’-L. brook, of Goderich, and Mr. Wm. McLean, of Exeter, friend of the groom. After a short honeymoon the couple will re side in Exeter. Previous to her marriagd” the bride was honored at a shower held at the home of Mrs. Frank Gunning. About thirty friends gathered, some of them friends of the bride from Goderich. The bride was the recipient of many useful gifts. After con tests a dainty lunch was ser ved* Miss Whitten is chief op erator at the Bell Telephone Central in Exeter. bride wore a MONDAY, TUESDAY, December 20 and 21 All Proceeds from this Picture’to Be Donated to the Local Hospital Fund ‘The Black Arrow’ • Robert Louis Stevenson — Stirring Tale of the Fifteenth Century - starring - ® Louis Hayward ® Janet Blair ® George Macready © Edgar Buchanan — Admission — Adults 412c, Children 25c ADDED ATTRACTION "Canada Carries On’ * featuring - © The Leslie Bell Singers in ‘Its’ Fun to Sing’ S’ THE T1MES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 16, 1948 ............. .. . ..............................in.! Ji- ........—.... ,, „„ . ..........., My Lady of Cleves ........ Barnes | Animal Friends Story Booh Portobillo Road ..... M. Dickins' Yonder Shining Light.. M. Keith Unconquered ............. Sevanson Moore Town Topics Items of Social and Personal Interest in and Around Exeter The Times-Advocafe is always pleased to publish these items, We and our readers are interested in you and your frjends. Phone 31 w *r Mr, and TiUson- officiat- street- corsage of Johanna Hill tra- coat The the Wm. West- and Elimville Farm Forum Discusses Movies The Elimville North Farm Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Benson Williams in Exeter. The theme of the meeting was “Let’s Go to the Movies”. Dis cussion took place and the Foi'- um thought that the type of shows, such as “wild-west”, were leaving their mark on the younger generation; therefore, more juvenile crimes. The For um thought that the National Film board was doing a good job and liked its variety and choice of moving pictures. There were twenty-six mem bers present. A few rounds of bingo were enjoyed. There will be no meeting next week. The next meeting will be held on January 3 at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Ed win Miller, “I won’t have Mr. Jones kiss ing you like that, Mabel!” “But, Dad, give him a chance. He’s only just beginning.” 4 Watch Mr. J. W. Powell spent Sat urday and Sunday Victoria Street. Rev. D. R. and are spending a Toronto this week. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Davis, of Kincardine visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Clark Fisher. Mr. Wilfred Weido, of near Zurich, is now able to be up and around after his accident. and Mrs. Victor Kestle week-end with Mr. Milton Hodgert, of at Ms home. Mrs. Sinclair few days in Mr. spent the and Mrs. London. Mr. and ick, Joyce week to spend Arizona. Mr, Carl and and two sons, of London, were guests of Rev. H, J. Mahoney on Sunday. Mrs. W. J. Horney ing a few weeks with and nephew, Mr. and nold Gackstetter, at Kippen. Bill Turkey has been visiting the past few days with his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. James Mich. Mrs. home where with her daughter, Mrs. Wm. G. Post. With mild weather the fore part of the week the snow all disappeared. On Wednesday a nasty sleet storm has covered the streets and sidewalks with a slippery sheet or ice. Mrs. and Russel Broder- Jerry left last the winter in Mrs. Loughery and Mrs. is spend- •her niece Mrs. Ar- J. W. Powell returned last week from Windsor she spent four weeks Announcements Birth, Death and Marriage Notices are inserted free of charge. Card of Thanks 50c. In Memoriam Notice 50c for single verse. 25c extra for each additional verse, En gagements 50c. -88 Messrs. W. C. Alllison, W. G. Dinney on Cochrane and R. C. were in Toronto last week business. Mrs. F. L. Grieve, of Angeles, Calif., is visiting sisters, Mrs. T. Coates Mrs. S. Williams. Mrs. Amos Wildfong received word recently of the death of her brother, Mr. Richard Aid worth, of San Fernando Valley, California. Mr, and Mrs. J. H,, Harrison and Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Har rison were at Clinton Friday attending the funeral of a cou sin, William Merrill. Mr. Carol Passmore, Ward Fritz and Mr. Garnet Jaeobe motored to Windsor on Thursday. Mr. jaeobe drove up a new car for himself. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Fisher, Bennett and Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Fisher and Yvonne spent Sunday with Mr, Mrs. Amos Warwick, of Huron, Mich, Mrs. Simon Greb, who Los her and Mr. and Port has been visiting for the past three her and has weeks in Toronto with daughter, Mrs. V. J. Payne, sister, Mrs. T. L. Munro, returned home. New Books at season New Year’s Eve in the Exeter Arena. Spon sored by the Exeter branch of the Canadian Legion. . . for advertisement of the biggest dance of the Leavitt’s Theatre ★ JANET BLAIR The Black Arrow** DANCE BIRTHS AYOTTE—Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard Ayotte (nee Frances Campbell), of Dashwood, are happy to announce the arriv al of a daughter, Marion Ar lene on December 3, 19 48. BOWMAN—At Mrs. Hunter’s nursing home on Tuesday. December 14, 1948, to LAC and Mrs. Lloyd Bowman, of Clandeboye, a son, George William. GACKSTETTER—-Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gackstetter (nee Ir ma Ferguson), of Kippen, are happy to announce the ar rival of ' their daughter, Gail Ann, in Clinton Public Hos pital, on Thursday, December 9, 1948. JOHNSON—At Mrs. Hunter’s nursing home on Saturday, December 11, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Johnson, of Grand Bend, a daughter; Lilly Mae. LINDENFIELD—At Mrs. Bat ten's nursing home on Satur day, December 11, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Linden field, of Exeter, a daughter. RHUDE—At sing home ember 14, Mrs. John a son. Exeter Library Classed Books Truthfully Yours ........... Hau go Laughing into Glory.. Eagleston Youth Speaks its Mind Davies Sarah Sinks ............ Hqilest Ice Capped Island ......... Radell U.S. Camera 1948 Alaska Beckons ........... Babeau Gathering Storm ..... Churchhill Cotton in my Ears .... Wakefield Do your own Thinking.. Scharf The Varsity Story .... Collaghan How to Stop Worrying and Start Thinking ....... Dale Carnegie Cornelius Krieghoff .... Barbeau Frof Smoke to Smother D. Reid World Almanas 1948 The Plague and I B. MacDonald On Being Canadian .. V. Massey Civilization on Trial .... Toynbee Family Circle ................Skinner Champlain, The Life of Fortitute ........... W. Bishop Summer with the Eskinmos .. C. „ H. Hancericks Red Choice and ^outh.. Stringer In Unconquered 7.....7...... The Fire Saloon ...... Girls and Boys The Dear old Brier Bush ...... ............ Two and a Bit .......... Bamby ....................... The White Rabbit .... Lifty ........................... Grey Squirrel ....... Long Horn ................. Bun ............................. Silver Wings for Vici Spurs for Sussanah ... Freddy the Pied Piper The Red Riper for Dogs, Blackie Child’s Gasden of Verses ................. Wind in the Willows .... Peter and Wendy ......... Master skylark ............ Unhappy Forgetful Kings in 13 Bears Picture Dictionery for Children .... Waters & Curtis Adventures of Mock and Bun ......................... Tucker When it Rained Oats and Dogs ......................... Tamer Gorden the Goat ............... Leaf Johnny and the Monarch ........ Frisky Surprise for Mr. Bunny .... Lang Mickey and the Bean Stalk ........................ Disney Call of the Wild ..........., London Tramp the Sheep Dog ...L Lang Eskimo Summer ........ Leichman Down River Lies the World ...................... Greene Canada and Her Story .... Bower Made in Canada ............. Bower Little People Who Became Great ................,..... Large Adventure All ............... Wilson The Land and (People of Canada .....7................... Ross Canadian Romantic History ................. Wordley The World’s People and , How They Live Beautiful Jois Paridise ............. Sanders Canadian Nature 1948 Whitepaw Goes North A Qiri Grows Up .......... Redder Red Fox ....................... Roberts The Feet of the Future, Roberts Stevedove ....................... Fulton Pan’s Mood ............. Hayland My Pepelo ...................... Credle Positive Pete .............. Strong Burges „ Stokes Disney Dupleax Revise Lippicot Lippicot Lippicot .... Nulls Cavana , Brooks In .Searth of South Africa ............. Morton Pastures Green .... McArthur, McNeil Wells Month was May E. Eaton Speaks out on Citizenship and Recreation and Health Ilkn Chase Sitwell Buston EXETER OPERA HOUSE Saturday, December 18 Clayt Steeper’s Orchestra A Good Time for Young and Old Through the Courtesy of The entire gross proceeds from the showing of •— featuring ★ LOUIS HAYWARD — with an added short "The Leslie Bell Singers Mon. and Tues. ■ Dec. 20 and 21 Will Be Donated to the Rabbit Bear Exile . Stevenson Gauton Barrie Burnet Raymond Raymond ., Roberts ... Roberts | Animal Friends Story Book Book of Cowboys Book: of Indians Raggety Ann in the Garden Four Young Teachers .... Chose King of the Stallions ...... Tracy On Wings of Cheer .... Campbell Billy Top Sail & Co...... Dprican Flip ..... Dennis Little Gems ............. Kimhdart Gup ...................................Serluck Skitter Cat Book ..... Youmans The Fosyths of Femesoft ......... Golden North ......... Kristie’s Trees ....... Little Black Sambo A Touch of Parsley ......... Ellis Your Manners are Showing, Betz Builders of the Old World Hastman and Saunders, Men of Valour . Good ......„ ■ . mmm—- —— Mrs. II. T. Rowe is quite ill at her home on Andrew Street. .... Marling M'cPhedron N, Dunham . Barueman MONSTER WOODHAM ORANGE HALL Under auspices of L.O.L. 492 18 Games 50c , With Feature Games A GOOD DOOR PRIZE SOCIAL EVENING — There will be a social evening and drawing for prizes in Mount Carmel Hall, Monday, December 20. c Mr. and !? School Concert Th ames Road School December 20 at 8:00 p.m. ADMISSION 25c AND 15c I Exeter Hospital Fund Sponsored by the Lions Club The public is asked to show its appreciation of this Splendid gesture by patronizing the theatre on one of these nights. -81 Mrs. Batten’s on Tuesday, 1948, to Mr. R. Rhude,of nur- Dec- and Exe- At Oil Ae Sat- Every Youth Youth Youth Free Admission Great Morning Brighton ......Sitwell and Patrick Calls me Mother Basley Canadian Almanac 194 8 This is Knitting1* *........... Fiction Paris Mitchell of King’s Row ............ Ballman The Foundling ............... Hayer Within^ the Harboi- ..... Bassett Shannon’s Way ............ Croneu The Great Blizzard ......... Idall Undercover Girl ........ McDonald The Pulcipice ..............McLellan District Meeting Evans Sugar Beet Growers TOWN HALL, EXETER Thurs., Dec. 16 Black Laurel ................. Jansoik Bulldog Drummond Stands DANCE, — Don't forget to at tend the big pre-Christmas dance at Exeter Opera House, Decem ber 22 (Wednesday) featuring the CKNX Ranch Boys. Dancing 9:30 to 12:30, ALSO, it’s danc ing this Saturday, December 18, to Adam Brock ancT orchestra at Lucan Opera House. Ten dollars given away each Saturday night. Dancing 9 to 11 % C a- EXETER for Mrs. Ed Pollen ■ " V OPERA HOUSE Dec. 17-•/ FLANNI GAN’S ORCH Dancing 9:30 to ? ADMISSION 50c Christmas Concert ELIMVILLE CHURCH Wed., Dec., 22-8 p.m. Consists of Dialogues, Recitations, Monologues, etc. Come and receive some useful advice on child train ing1. If you have any serious problems, come and see many ways you might be able to solve them, ADMISSION 40c AND 25c Admission 35c Legion Bingo EXETER OPERA HOUSE Thursday, December 16 PICNIC HAMS 10 TURKEYS DOOR PRIZE — A CHRISTMAS TURKEY MARRIAGES FISHER—HEWITT — Thames Road Manse urday, December 11, Muriel Margurite Hewitt to William Arthur Fisher, both of ter by Rev. Wm. Mair. DEATHS COOPER—In Kincardine Gener al Hospital, on Saturday, Dec ember 11, 19 48, Josleph Coo per, of Lucan, in his 83 rd year. LEWIS—At his late residence Ailsa Craig, on Sunday, Dec ember 11, 19 48, Joseph Coo- Lewis, beloved husband of Isabel Campbell, in his 71st year. ROSS;—In Exeter, on Friday, December Id, 1948, Elizabeth Towers, beloved wife of Sam uel K. Ross in her 82nd year. CARDS OF THANKS Frank Wildfong, Marie and Bob wish to thank all those who remembered them with flowers, cards and treats during their illness, with special thanks to all the neighbors and friends who so kindly finished the tur nip harvest and the plowing. * Mr. Earl Deitrich wishes to thank his many friends, rela tives and neighbors for cards and treats received and those Who visited him while a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital, Lon don. « Exe- Audrey Mason wishes to thank all those who remember ed her with cards, letters and flowers while a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital. * The family of the late Wil liam S. Watson wish to thank their many relatives, friends and neighbors for the kindness and sympathy extended in their recent sad bereavement. Special thanks to Rev. Currie, Mr. Frank Taylor, Mr. Stevenson and son and the R.C.A.F. bug ler from Centralia, also for the many beautiful floral tributes. * Tempest and Sunshine* at 3:00 p.m. Members of the marketing board will address the meeting. All growers are requested to attend. W. H. ESSERY, Director, Huron County A Two and a Half Hour Three Act Play Walton United Church Players (includes cast of 12) JAIMES STREET UNITED CHURCH Monday, December 20 8:00 p.m. ... Fairlie Emerson Hamilton Streilfield Caldwell Reywald ... Nathan .... Raine , Haycock Standish McCouet ..... Child Roberts Post .............;.... Good Crop ............. Young Doctor Glenn Grass in Piccadilly... Melissa .................... Earthbound ............ The Bishop’s Wife .. Courage Storet ....... Action by Night ...... The Small General The Flaming Hour The Village of Souls Eight for Eternity , Tomorrow will Better ...... Fair Wind to The Garreston Chatterton Square . Miss Susie Slughes The Iron Gates .... Ravenswood .......... No Highway ........ My Lord of Weybourne., Farnol There is a Tide ....... The Cleft Rock ...... Sailwaker ............... Toward the Morning Lace Curtain ......... The Secret Thread . No .Son of Mine ...... Crosswinds .............. Something’s got to Give Hargon Arabesque ........... G. Household The Flames of Time ............... B. Keadrick Black Ivory .................... Collins One Clear Call ....... N. Sinclair The Running of the Tide Forbes The .Story of Induraja Weruber The The ALDON be java ...... Chronicle. B. Smith Rourk Bruce Young Tucker Miller Dover N. Shute A. Christie ...... Hobart R. Howard ........ Allen ...... Berlin .. E. Vance ........ Stern . Cheavens Heart of the Matter.. Green Big Fisherman.. L. Douglas I Heard Adventure Calling ... Catalina Young Mrs. Savage The Tower of Terzel ......... P. VanPaassen A Country Lover ..... II. Guiton The Sky and the Forest ......... Forrester Storm on Sable Island.. Galliger Bridie Steen ................ A. Crom River to the West ..... Jennings I Capture the Castle .. D. Smith Last of the Long Horns Ermince The Feathered sombrero .... Fox w D. ....... Loring S. Mangham E, Stevenson THEATRE GRAND BEND PRESENTS FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT THE FOLLOWING ATTRACTIONS FRIDAY and SATURDAY December 17 - 18 ‘Tarzan and the Mermaids’ © Johnny Weissmuller © Brenda Joyce © Linda Christian ON THE SAME PROGRAM ® Tim Holt ® Nan Leslie © Richard Martin © Richard Bowers in MONDAY and TUESDAY December 20 » 21 ‘Winter Meeting’ © Bette Davis • Janis Page ® James Davis • John Hoyt The screen’s queen in a magnificent performance. paramount newsreel I Sponsored by James Street Young People’s Union ADMISSION 40c AND 25c Everybody Welcome Grand Opening New International Harvester Building to take place in Dashwood, Ontario Tuesday, December 21 2:00 p.m. Prominent Speakers for Opening Ceremony Free Movies for Children at 2:30 p.m. EVENING PROGRAM To be held in new building at 7:30 p.m. including Ideal talent, moving/pictures and speakers DANCE TO BE HELD FOLLOWING PROGRAM Everybody Welcome V. L. Becker & Sons DASHWOOD, ONTARIO