HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-12-16, Page 11the TIMES-ApypCATE, -EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 16, 1948 Paag© 11 ROBERTSON’S Condition 3 lb^l.00 9 lbs.-$2.45 Guaranteed No Filler Results considered, will find this powder equalled as a tonic all farm stock. you un- for Your Drugs at i ROBERTSON’S Phone 50 Exeter The Jeweller - Zurich has an excellent stock of Bridal Wreath and Bluebird Diamond and > Weddirig Rings Fine Silverware Royal Doulton Figurines Semi Porcelain and China Breakfast and Dinner Sets 33, to 96 pieces Butova, Elco, Rolex, Certina Watches SJ Drainage Problems Discussed -at Usborne Council Meeting The Council of the Township of Usborne met in regular ses­ sion on the afternoon of Dec­ ember- 6 in the Township Hall, Elimville with Reeve Hugh Ber­ ry presiding and Councillors Os­ car Tuckey, Wellington Brock, James Simpson and Verne Pin­ combe present. The minutes of the last meet­ ing held on November 8 were confirmed, as printed on motion of Councillors Simpson and Tuckey. At 2 p.m. the Taylor Drain Report submitted by Col. Archi­bald - - with ratepayers, discussion Council agreed to file the “ ’ time meet with the interested land­ owners in the area of Lhc pro­ posed drain for a further dis­ cussion of the project. The Township Road Superin­ tendent tabled correspondence showing completion and ap­ proval by the district highway engineer of the concrete bridge on the Exetei- side-road, and ad­ vised the return of the guaran­ tee cheque to the contractors Looby & Looby. Council agreed that the cheque should be now returned. Mr. William McDow, repre­ senting Col. Archibald the Township enginneer, interview­ ed the Council and tabled certi­ ficates showing the satisfactory completion of the tile portions of the Wurm and Cann-Mitchell drains and recommending that the contractor be paid the bal­ ance of his contract price. He also tabled a progress certificate on the Elimville drain recom* mending a hold-back of $600 on the contract price until comple­ tion; and a progress certificate on the Stone drain ing a satisfactory completion tile portion and the basins. Council agreed to the contractors according to Engineer's recommendations. R. L. Beattie, contractor recommend- hold-back of $500 until of the catch­ pay the was the read and discussed assembled interested Aftei* considerable Report until after as the Engineer such could on the tile portions of the Wurm and Cann-Mitchell drains inter­ viewed the Council asking for an increase in the price agreed on for the installation of the head-walls and catch-basins, sta­ ting that these items cost more than the price agreed on in contract. the al- his Sell with Confidence Highest Prices Paid for Live Poultry of All Kinds Weigh on the farmer’s scales at his door. Riverside Poultry Co. Howard Ferguson, Manager THAMESFORD Council, agreed to low him a further $100 on contract price. Mose Bechler interviewed Council asking that if and when the petition asking for an ex; tension on. the upper end of the Down drain is- acted on that the south branch into the south side of his Lot 26 be included in the scheme. Request filed pending the tabling of the petition. The following correspondence was tabled and dealt with as follows: Frohn the County of Huron By-Law No. 35, 121° and trees in ing the former By-Law. ' Also Huron providing for a Bounty on foxes in the County and establishing rules and regulations nection therewith. Filed. From N. W. Miller, 'Clerk of the County of Huron, a copy of a Resolution passed at the last session of the County Council, recommending that Reeve Hugh Berry be returned by the Town­ ship of Usborne foi' term order benefit ence as Filed. From School Board’s the current year. Filed. The Township ported receipts since November * .......................... the mill the 19 48 regulating­ restricting the cutting of the County and replac- Filed. from the County of By-Law No. 39, 19 48 in con- a further in the County Council in that the County might from h is year’s experi- Warden of the County. the Exeter District High Board a financial copy of Statement Treasurer ONTARIO the for re- Phone Kintore 17r9 Collect j-The importance of-Teen-age Regularity — By helping to stimulate the action of the bowels, kidneys, liver and stomach, B.B.B. aids teen-agers over those unregulated periods. It aids in the elimination of wastes and impurities from the body. The result is often a smoother, clearer skin. Burdock Blood Bitters—sold at all Drug Counters. Ask for it to-day. BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS Business Directory DR. H. H. COWEN L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Main Street. Exeter Office 36w Telephones Res. 36j Closed Wednesday Afternoon ELMER D, BELL, K.C. BARRISTER and SOLICITOR Successor to J. W. Morley EXETER. ONTARIO DR. J. W. CORBETT D.D.S., L.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Bell Building, Exeter Telephone 273 GLADMAN and COCHRANE BARRISTERS - SOLICITORS EXETER, ONTARIO at Hensall, Friday 2 to 5 p.m. FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER P.O. or RING 138 A JOHN WARD Cliiropractor and MAIN STREET, Open Every Week Wednesday Optometrist EXETER Day Except Phone 348 ARTHUR FRASER ALVIN WALPER LICENSED AUCTIONEER Specializing in Farm and Purebred Livestock Sales PHONE 57r2 R. 1 DASHWOOD Income Tax Reports, Bookkeeping Service, etc. Ann St., EXETER, Phone 355w WM. H. SMITH LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron add Middlesex Special training assures youSpecial training assures you of your property’s true value on sale day. Graduate of American Auction College Terms Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed Credlton P.O. dr Phone 43-2 E. F. CORBETT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Terms Reasonable Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER. R.R. 1 Phone Zurich »2r7 USBORNE and HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Exeter, Ontario President ........ Wm. H. COATES Exeter Vice-Pres........ANGUS SINCLAIR R.R. 1 Mitchel) DIRECTORS JOHN HACKNEY Kirkton, R. 1 WM. A. HAMILTON .. Cromarty MARTIN FEENEY ......... Dublin MILTON McCURDY Kirkton R. 1 AGENTS ALVIN L. HARRIS Mitchell THOMAS SCOTT Cromarty T. G. BALLANTYNE, Woodham SECRETARY-TREASURER ARTHUR FRASER ....... Exeter SOLICITORS GLADMAH & COCHRANE Exeter 8 of $3,741.08 including Province of Ontario one subsidy for 19 48, The Road Superintendent led vouchers to the amount of $2,887.22 for payment. The Tax Collector ..reported tax receipts to date of $2 6,705. Orders were drawn on the Treasurer for current bills, pay- uients to drainage contractors, and all allowances djie on drains collected, to the amoxint of $9,768.96. Accounts were passed for payment on motion of Coun­ cillors Brock and Pincombe. Council adjourned to meet again on the afternoon of Wednesday, December 15. Harry Strang, Clerk. tab- Elimville Institute Holds Christmas Meeting The Elimville Institute was held at the church on Wednes­ day afternoon^ of last week with Mrs. ess. the the was Made foy Christmas”, nine members and six were present. The minutes were read and adopted. A Baby Shower was held for the Child­ ren’s Aid Society. A decorated baby basket was filled with clothes. Mrs. Alvin Pym and her committee took over for the program. Mrs. Pym read a story “And it Came to Pass”. A Christmas Pageant was pre­ sented by Mrs. Mrs. Grant Ford, Earl and Mrs. “Away in a M’anger’ the sung Ruth ner Mrs. reading Stocking' a solo Mrs. “My Mrs, man ing Christmas”. Verne Pincombe as host- The meeting, opened with Institute Ode followed by Lord’s Prayer. R611 call answered by “A Gift I ! foy Christmas”. Forty­ visitors Alvin Cooper, Mrs. James Thomas -Bell. 1 and “Hark Herald Angels Sing” was in the background by Miss Skinner, Mrs. .Ross and Mrs. Norman “The . This was followed by “White Christmas” by Harold Bell and a reading First Christmas Tree” by William Johns. Mrs. Nor­ Jaques gave another read- “I’m Going Home for A demonstration for making chocolates was giv­ en by Mrs. Allen Jaques and Mrs. James Earl which were real appetizing. They served them at the close. The meeting closed with the National An­ them. A dainty lunch was ser­ ved by the hostess and her committee. Skin- Jud Dykeman. Jaques gave a? Sermon in the Russell Bolton H eads Huron Health Service Russell T. Bolton, McKillop township, a past president of the Huron Federation of Agri­ culture, was elected president of Huron Co-Operative Medical Ser­ vices, at the annual meeting of the board of directors held in the Department of Agriculture office at Clinton, Since the plan put in effect August 1, it was reported at the 1,200 families have was 1947, meeting, signed up, and 3,800 people are participating. Harvey Johnston, Walton was elected vice-president, and Derr Irwin, Seaforth, secretary-treas­ urer. WHALEN Mr. Thos. Pullen, of St. Marys, is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Milpe Pullen Mr. and Mrs. George Squire are spending a few weeks at Dutton, Mr, William Currie Ogden and Miss Elizabeth Mae Grimes, of Eston, Sask., were united in marriage at the bride’s home on December 4th. On their re­ turn east Mr. and Mrs. Ogden will reside in Woodstock, Mr, and Mrs. George Parkin­ son and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Foster visited in London on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Don­ ald Marshall. Mr, and Mrs. Ronald Squire visited on Sunday wit-h Mr. and Mrs., Bob Fitzgerald, of St, Ives and Mr, and Mrs. F. Squire with Mr, and Mrs. Sid Mills, of Lakeside. Mr, and eMrs. Ernest Foster are moving this week to reside in St. Marys. We are sorry to lose them from our midst. Mr. Robert More, of Kitchen­ er, was a visitor on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs, John Hazel­ wood. M'rs. Frank Parkinson and Glenn were ■ recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell, of London. W.M.S. and W.A. The December meeting of the. W.M.S. and W.A. met at the home of Mrs. Wm. Morley on Thursday afternoon with thir­ teen members and four visitors present. Mrs. Duffield presided over the W.M.S. which opened with quiet music by Elva Mor­ ley. The theme of the meeting was “The Christian World at the feet of Jesus Christ”. Mrs. Hazelwood read the scripture lesson. Mrs. Ogden, Mrs. .Hazel­ wood, Mrs. Khlare, Mrs. Morley and Mrs. Hodgson took part in the Candle Light service. .Sever­ al Christmas carols were sung. A short business meeting was held. During the offering Mrs. F. Squire sang a solo Mrs. Duf­ field closed the meeting. BRINSLEY Keep the date open for Brins­ ley United Church Sunday School concert “ on Thursday evening, December 23. Mrs. Levi White (nee Beatrice Watson), of the West, has been visiting relatives in the neigh­ borhood and attended the funer­ al of her brother, the late Wm. Watson. Mr. Harvey Morley, who has been a patient in st. Joseph’s Hospital, London, has returned to his home here. Miss Betty Allison spent the week-end with friends in Toron­ to. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Morley and Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Hod­ gins spent Saturday last in Toronto. Mr, and Mrs. Roland Neil en­ tertained a number of friends on Thursday evening. The sympathy of the commun­ ity is extended to Mrs. Thos. Lee in the death of her sister, Mrs. Thar, of London. Mi-, and Mrs. Frank McLellan of Strathroy, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Gower. Rev. Harold Currie, of Credi­ tor addressed the W.I. at West McGillivray Hall on Wednesday afternoon last, Mrs. Geo. Mercer entertained a number of ladies to a quilting on Thursday afternoon last. Mrs. Clover Lewis held a social evening on Monday last, in honor 'of Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ bert Lewis, who were recently married. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Watson, Eddie and Bonnie spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Ken­ nedy, of St. Marys. Former Exeter Resident Dies in Stratford Thomas Henry Newell, of Stratford, a former resident of Exeter, was found dead in his ! car at noon Wednesday of last week, at the home of his bro­ ther, 15 6 Birmingham street. Mr. Newell, who was 73 years of age, had not been in good health for some time and was subject to fainting spells. He had been scheduled to un­ dergo an. operation this week. A physician called to the home attributed his death to one of the spells. Mr. Newell at one time con­ ducted the old Commercial Ho­ tel in town and afterwards a garage, He was united in mar­ riage with an Exeter lady, Miss Jean Hawkshaw, who predeceas­ ed him five years. For many years they lived in Stratford where the deceased was a car salesman. He is survived by one son David, of Brookville, two brothers and five sisters. The funeral was held Friday afternoon with interment in the Avondale 'Cemetery. Buy it, sell it, find it, tell it, d o i t,—w i t h Times-Adyocate WANT ADS. “OWat40,50,60?” — Man, You're Crazy Forget your agc< Thousands are peppy at 70. Try pepping up" with Ostrex. Contains tonic for weak, rundown feeling due solely to body's lack of Iron which many men and women call "old." Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets tor pep, younger feeling, th It very day. New “get acquainted" Blze onlv 60c. tor sale at all drug stores everywhere. Mrs. Wm. Morley was in charge of the W.A. The Lesson Thoughts were given by Mrs. Morley. The scripture lesson was given by Mrs. F. Squire and prayer was offered by Mrs. Wm Hodgson. A few items of busi­ ness were discussed and the meeting was turned over to Rev. Weir- for election of offic­ ers which are as- follows; presi­ dent, Mrs. Wm. Morley; first vice-president, M'rs. Wm. Hodg­ son; second vice-president, Mrs. Frank Squire; secretary, Mrs. Wm. French; treasurer, Mrs. Melleville Gunning, pianist, Miss Elva Morley; Good Cheer, Elva Morley, Mrs. Alton Neil. Lunch was served by the hostess and her assistants. CHESTERFIELDS and OCCASIONAL CHAIRS .ft Repaired and Re-covered *Free Pick-up and Delivery Stratford Upholstering Co. 42 Brunswick Street Phone 579 Stratford Enquire at Hopper-Hockey Furniture Store Exeter FARE AND A HALF Good going:—Tuesday, December 21st, to noon Saturday, January 1st, 1949. Return Limit:—Leave destination not later than midnight Monday, January 3rd, 1949. BUY TICKETS EARLY-.AVOID CONGESTIOM Ask any Agent for complete information. sf 1 A New ephone System for HENSALL Hensail’s telephone system will be changed to the “Common Battery” method of opera­ tion next spring. At that time, you will reach the operator simply by lifting the re­ ceiver, instead of turning the crank. The introduction of this new system in­ volves alterations to our building, installa­ tion of entirely new switchboards, re-rout­ ing of cables and lines and, in many cases, replacement of telephones by a new, more compact style. It is all part of our vast development program now under way to extend and im­ prove telephone service . . . especially in rural areas. All this work is bringing more tele­ phones to more people and providing faster, more dependable service — always at the lowest possible cost. It means greater tele­ phone value to every user. J. M. GOODWIN, Manager THE BELL TELEPHONE pl )§