HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-12-16, Page 8THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 16, 1948 Dorothy G. Reeder, prop. Tel. 71 Exeter Dot’s Beauty Shoppe (north of Bell Telephone) Naturelle Permanent Waving Lustron Cold Wave Open Wednesday Afternoon Page 8 read gifts and ; Phone; Oeaiton ISrll Exeter 357 al] sang '‘Foi1 by Ruby Stire, Bonnie Smith and Winona MacDonald and the wedding march was played by Miss Irene Beaupre. Three beautiful annual meeting of the Auxiliary of Trivitt Church was held in hall on Tuesday eve- a good attendance. Aceounts of weddings, church meetings and. other news items far the women’s page should reach the Times-Advocate by Monday if opssible or Tues­ day noon at the latest. A Page Devoted to the Interests of the Women Readers of The Times-Advocate EVERY TINY ATOM of rich, coffee flavor in Max­ well House is captured by <4Iladiant Roasting” ... a special process which develops fully all the delicious, stimulating good­ ness of this famous brand. 'HEW FROM MISERIES 0p\ •jf iPSA BRINGS RELIEF WITH |||||^EV,ERY BREATH You know what effective re­lief you get when you rub on Vicks VapoRub!Now . . . when you have a nagging, raspy cough due to a cold, here’s a special way to use Vicks VapoRub. It’s VapoRub Steam and it brings grand re­lief in a hurry! Put a good spoonful of Vicks VapoRub in a bowl of boiling water or vaporizer. Then . . . inhale the soothing VapoRub Steam. The medicated vapors penetrate direct to cold-con­gested upper bronchial tubes and bring relief a gawith every single w® S breath! Try it! w VapoRub . REC’ TRADE MARK ^/ Staffa Groups Elect Officers The Woman’s Memorial the parish ning with The meeting opened with an advent hymn, followed by prayer by the president, Mrs. Beirling. A report of the year’s work was given by the secretary, treasurer’s report was very tifying. zkll pledges have been met and a donation given to the church plies a ing for dential near were Service of Little Helpers. Rev. Langford the election of slate of officers Honourary president, Mrs. Chas. Langford; president, Mrs. Beirling; vice-president, Vernon Heywood; secretary, John Luxton; treasurer, Alf Andrus: Living retary, cial Service Crawford: tary, Dorcas Taggart. A Christmas hymn, ”0 Come was sung, af- is w\\ The gra- budget, complete a girl in School, Cardston, also given secretary, The W A. sup­ outfit of cloth- St. Paul’s Resi- Blo( d Reserve, Alta. Reports by the Social and secretary presided for officers. The is follows: Hy. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Message sec­ Miss N. McTaggart; So- secretary, Mrs. R. Little Helpers secre- Mrs. William Middlbton; Convener. Miss N. Mc-I 11 j j All Ye Faithful”. i which Rev. Langford closed the ! meeting with the Benediction, j Lunch was served, A large bale of clothing was packed for the I Mohawk Institute at Brantford; j also a parcel of infants’ clothing for the Children’s Aid Society at , Goderich. A churcli worker knocked at old Zeke’s door and asked for a contribution for the new build­ ing. Poor old give anything. "I ain’t got tested. “I owes body in dis’ town.” ‘‘But don’t you think you owe the Lord something, too?” asked the collector. ‘‘I sho* do,” agreed Zeke, “but he ain’t pressin’"' me like my other creditors.” Zeke refused to nothin’,” he pro- praetically every- A. CAMERA FANS SIZE NO, 22 SIZE NO. It SIZE NO. 5 GENERAL®EEECTRIC You can now buy as many , General Electric Photoflash Lamps as you want in these three popular sizes. SEE YOUR DEALER TODAY CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC HEAD OFFICES TORONTO 3 % 3 Don’t let a COUGH Annoy your Kiddies! The immediate use of Dr. Wood’s Norway Pine Syrup relieves spasms of coughing, helps to cut phlegm and mucus and soothes irritation. Dr. Wood’s Norway Pine Syrup contains no harmful ingredients nor habit forming drugs. A popular household cough remedy for nearly fifty years, Dr, Wood’s Norway Pine Syrup is on sale at all drug counters. Bit WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP Hello Homemakers! Come the holidays and you’re all set for plenty of food, plenty of com­ pany, plenty of fun but also plenty of work. However, assign the small jobs and errands to other members of the family and get them started early. Mon­ day’s not too soon with Christ­ mas one week away, because good deal of the shopping decorating can be some baking as goodies improve aging. Here are some menus and a brief calendar for Christmas week. With definite plans in mind .and helpers to de­ pend on, you'll be in* the mood to enjoy a real holiday with your family and friends. Christmas Eve Family Snacks . Chicken Livers on Tea Biscuits Celery and Carrot Fingers Cookies and Tea * * >i< Christmas Breakfast Cranberry Juice Sausage and- Srambled Egg Fruit Scones Marmalade Coffee a and done now, also many holiday with a bit of w o n d e r f u 1 V * Christmas Dinner Oyster on the Half Shell Cream of Tomato Soup Cheese Wafers Melba Toast Roast Chicken with Celery Stuffing Giblet Gravy Pickled Crabapples Gherkins Currant Jelly Glazed Sweet Potatoes Green Beans Harvard Beets Poinsettia Salad Plum Pudding Custard Sauce Coffee *$ Tongue Salad Cranberry Buffet Supper Cold Sliced Ham Jellied Potato Jellied Celery Assorted Relishes Sponge Cake Cherry Ice Cream Fruit Cake Tea * m A Monday— Order Perishables Check. Grocery List Clean Silver Tuesday— Make Mince Tarts Bake Holiday Cookies Make Steamed Pudding Wednesday— Mold Christmas Salad Prepare Pudding Sauce Prepare Salad Greens Cook Salad Dressing Thursday— Decorate the House Make Jellied Tongue Bake Sponge Cakes Friday—■ ■Clean and Stuff Fowl Make Potato Salad and Poinsettia Salad Cherry Ice Cream Order any Extra Supplies HOT CHEESE WAFERS 1 package snappy cheese % cup sifted all-purpose flour % cup butter Work all ingredients togethei* with your small balls, place on ungreased pan, flatten down with the palm of your hand. Chill a half 'hour. Bake in a moderately hot oven, 400 degrees, 7 to 10 minutes. Sprinkle with paprika. Makes about 12. These are extremely good and will keep (unbaked) In the refrigerator indefinitely. Very handy for these busy holi­ days. FLUFFY custard sauce Scald 1 cup milk. Separate 2 eggs, beat yolks with fork, add 2 tablespoons sugar and a few grains salt. Gradually add the scalded milk. Place in double boiler over ’hot water. Cook, stir­ ring constantly until mixture thickens, about 8 minutes; cool. Beat egg whites until stiff; into cooled custard spoon vanilla. CARROT PUDDING 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ¥2 1 Mix together and sift dry gredlents, then mix all together. Fill greased mold % full. Cover loosely with parchment paper, place In steamer and steam a Ml ?, hours. (You’ll find the petatees make ths pudding light hands. Make into with 1 fold tea­ grated raw grated raw chopped suet brown sugar raisins ■currants carrots potato cup cup cup. cup cup cup cups flour teaspoon baking soda teaspoon salt In- and the carrots give it a lovely rich brown colour.) You add 1 teaspoon teaspoon nutmeg, cloves if you like it spiced, add 1 teaspoon almond flavour­ ing, ¥: cupful chopped blanched almonds and % cup mixed For a still richer pudding, chopped candied peel, Yz Yz cup glazed cherries, Yz chopped dates. In either add an extra tablespoon of flour to the mixture, It’s a foolproof pudding so develop your special brand. CELERY STUFFING 4 may cinnamon, J 14 teaspoon or peel, add cup cup case own % 1U 3 iy2 iy2 % 2 or 5 slices baron 'Fine-flavoured dripping cup finely-chopped onion cups finely-diced celery cups coarse, soft, bread crumbs cups quick-cooking rolled oats teaspoons salt teaspoon pepper tablespoons finely-chopped parsley Poultry seasoning, if desired egg tablespoons milk the bacon 12 Cut the bacon into small pieces and pan-fry until crisp; lift bacon from the fat. Measure the fat in the pan, and if ne­ cessary, add more bacon drip­ ping or other- dripping to bring the measure to 3 tablespoons. Heat the 3 tablespoons dripping and add the onion and celery; cook together, stirring often, until golden. Combine the bread crumbs, rolled oats, salt, pepper, parsley and poultry seasoning if it is being used; add the cooked bacon; add the vegetables and the fat in which they were cooked; mix lightly. Beat the egg slightly and add the milk; add to stuffing and mix very lightly so paste. Use for 5 chicken. Annua I Meeting The United Church Woman's Missionary Society and the Wo­ man’s Association held their annual meeting at the home of Mrs. Russell Worden Wednes­ day afternoon. The W.M.S. pre­ sident, Mrs. O’Brien was in the chair for the meeting, and Mrs, A, H. Daynard took charge the devotional period. Rev. H. Daynard took charge of election of officers, which suited as follows: president, Mrs. Marshall Deering; secre­ tary, Mrs. Russell Worden; as­ sistant, Mrs. A. Kemp; er, Mrs. Les Butson; stewardship^ Mrs. C. Missionary Monthly, Smale; community Mrs. W. J. Fell; Mrs. C. Vivian; W. Reed. a The W.A. meeting followed with Mrs. W. J. Fell presiding. Mrs. O. W. Reed read the min­ utes of the previous annual meeting, and a Christmas pro­ gram was enjoyed. The mem­ bers presented their gifts for the White Gift service. Mr. Daynard conducted the election of officers, who are: president, Mrs. A. Smale; secretary, Mrs. 0. W. Reed; treasurer, Mrs. C. Bowman; organist, Mrs. Day­ nard; monthly vice-presidents, Mrs. O’Brien, Mrs. A. Jeffrey, Mrs. C. II. Dow, Mrs. A. Kemp, Mrs. L. Worden; auditors, Mrs. L. Worden, Mrs. W. J. Fell. decorated baskets of gifts were carried in and Mrs. Roy Couillard the address. After unwrapping the Muriel thanked her guests She’sthey Jolly Good Fellow”, a’ dainty lunch was served. as not to or make <a 6‘ pound you toAnne Allan Invites write to her % Exeter Times- Advocate. Just send in your questions on homemaking prob­ lems and watch this little cor­ ner of the column for replies. James St. Group Elects Office rs The Christmas meeting of the Evening Auxiliary was held at the home of Mrs. C. V. Pickard. The president, Mrs. W. C. Alli­ son, opened the meeting with a Christmas carol and all repeat­ ing the Lord’s Prayer. - The roll call and reports of the secretaries were then read, after which Mrs. Andrew Hamil­ ton took charge of the program. Scripture readings iby Miss M. Salter, Miss Greta Harness and Mrs. William Kernick followed, and prayer by Miss May Jones. Mrs. Carfrey Cann, Miss Ella Link, Mrs. W. Witmer, Mrs. C. Farrow and Mrs. L. Wein took part in a candlelight service. Miss Ella Link sang ”0 Holy Night”. Mrs, A. Hamilton led in prayer. Miss Trudy Pickard played a piano solo. Rev. H. Snell gave a Christmas message, “How Far Is It to Bethlehem?” This was followed by the elec­ tion of officers. The meeting ended by the singing of a carol and all repeating the bendiction. Lunch was served by group. Officers elected were as lows: Honorary presidents, John Rowe, Mrs Mrs. H. Snell; W. C. Allison; dent, Mrs. C. vice-pres., Mrs. retary, Mrs. M, M. Cud more; Taylor; Pollen; Miss May Jones; secretary, Miss Meta Salter; as­ sistant, Mrs. Art Cann; supply secretary, Miss Alice Handford; mit6 boxes, Mrs. K. G. Crocker; birthday box, Mrs. Eileen Mor­ ley;- pianist, Mrs. IT. L. Sturgis; assistant, Mrs. T. Coates; press reporter, Mrs. F. Creech; Com­ munity Friendship, Miss 0. Prior; Missionary Monthly, Miss V. Coates: temperance, Mrs. Ted Pooley; Mission Band leaders, Mrs. Carfrey Cann, Mrs. M. Cud- more, Mrs, K. Hockey; group leaders, Mrs. William Thompson, Mrs. Andy Dixon and Mrs, M. Alderson; Emergency Commit­ tee, Miss May Jones, Miss Alice Handford, Miss Stella Southcott, Mrs. IL H. Cowen, Mrs. T. Coates; Nominating Committee, Mrs. Sturgis, Miss N. Car< mlchael, Mrs, E. Morley. the Sharpe and president, Mrs. first vice-presi- Farrow; second G. Farrow, sec­ Sweet, ass’t. Mrs treas., Mrs. S. B. assistant, Mrs. W. H. corresponding secretary, May Jones; Stewardship V’s Beauty Shoppe Exeter and District’s Most Modern Shoppe Have you consulted us about the NEW RADIO WAVE ? All Types of Permanents, Cold,. Heat and Machineless All lines of Beauty Culture Vera C. Frasier, prop. treasur- Cliristian Bowman; Mrs. A. friendship. Baby Band, supply, Mrs. 0. Exeter For a Lovely Holiday Coiffure Naturally, you want your coiffure to be at its best for the holiday season. So turn this important problem over to us. Make your appointment now for a stylish per­ manent wave that will enhance the beauty of your hail*! Paris Beauty Shoppe Neighbors and Friends Honor Exeter Bride Complimenting Miss Muriel Hewitt, of Exeter, popular bride of the week, some bofs and friends home of Mrs. Wm, Monday, December sented her with a miscellaneous shower. A chair was attractively dec­ orated over which hung a bell of confetti which later showered the bride. Contests were enjoyed and a mock wedding was preformed fifty neigh- met at the Webster on 6 and pre- l (One Block East of Trivitt Memorial Church) EVELYN PARIS, PROP. I nourishing economical breakfast 856-0-8 Pre-Christmas Shopping Guide Gift Suggestions for Her Exquisite Evening Gowns, $18.95 to $24.95 Pretty Nightgowns, from $3.98 to $6.98 Attractive Bed Jackets and Housecoats Charming Underwear, Kerchiefs, Handbags, etc. Nylon Hose, latest shades, $1.40, $1.50, $1.65, $1.85, $2.25 Dainty Handkerchiefs, from .29 up For the Children' Sweaters, from size 2 to 10, from $2.50 up Blouses, also, from $1.89 up Corduroy Overalls, from 6 mons. to 6 yrs., $2.98 Sleepers and Pyjamas, in all sizes, from $1.39 up Small Boys’ Plants, sizes 2 to 6, from $1.75 You Will Find Many More Articles Sweet Christening Gowns, $6.95 (slip incl’d) Rompers, from $1.89 to $2.75 Blankets, in pink *and blue, for crib or buggie, from $1.49 up We have a variety of Toys and Diaper Bags EXETER For the Baby Which Will Sdlve Your Gift Pldblem If You SHOP AT Ladies* and Children's Wear ONTARIO