HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-12-02, Page 12I <a THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 2, 1948 Mr. Oliver Davis of Fort Brie spent a few days last week in Flxeter. He was accompanied by his mother, Mrs. Sidney Davis, who will visit with him until after Christmas. Birth, Death and Marriage Notices are inserted free of charge. Card of Thanks 50c. In Memoriam Notice 50c for single verse. 23c extra for each additional verse, gagements 50c. BIRTHS . for —— Mr. and Mrs. Ray McCurdy FARQUHAR HALL %. Tues. Dec. 7 HOWE’S ORCHESTRA Everybody Welcome a- * -v • Wings Parade OF COURSE NUMBER I F.T.S. CENTRALIA will be held at 3:30 p.m. FRIDAY, DEC, 3 R.C.A.F. STATION CENTRALIA Wings will be presented by Group Captain “ ~ B. Hodson, E., D.F.C. Instructor Staff College The Public Is Cordially Invited to Attend K. L. O. B. Chief R.C.A.F. i Leavitt’s THEATRE Previews its Coming Attractions WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, December 1 and 2 TWO FEATURES ‘Stork Club' ® Barry Fitzgerald ® Betty Hutton and An All Star Cast ‘Return of the Whistler’ - starring - ® Michael Duanne FRIDAY, SATURDAY December 3 and 4 ‘Berlin Express’ ® Paul Lucas © Merle Oberon © Robert Ryan “T’- .................. 1—————- MON., TUES., WED. December 6, 7 and 8 ‘Homecoming’ M-G-M SPECIAL FEATURE ® Clark Gable © Lana Turner © John Hodiak © Aline Baxter ALDON THEATRE GRAND BEND PRESENTS FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT THE FOLLOWING ATTRACTIONS FRIDAY and SATURDAY December 3 - 4 ‘Two Guys from Texas’ — In Technicolor —• ® Dennis Morgan ® Jack Carson © Dorothy Malone A laughing, rioting, technicolor rolindui) of song and spectacle! Short subjects, ‘CELEBRATION DAYS’ and ‘SUN VALLEY FUN’ MONDAY and TUESDAY December 6-7 An Enormous Double Bill ‘Sport of Kings’ A thrilling tale of young hearts, fast horses and big money. Plus a mystery. ‘CRIME DOCTOR’S MAN HUNT’ By STANLEY'i DEATHS THE OLD HOME TOWN Town Topics— Items of Social and Personal Interest in and Around ‘Exeter The Times-Advocate is always pleased to publish these items, We and our readers are interested in you and your friends. Phone 31w Mr. Thomas Tapp of Detroit+ ...• TENNANT™-At Mrs. Hunter's nursing home on Sunday, Na­ ber 28, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Tennant of Exeter, a daughter. Joanne Marie. spent the latter part of the week visiting with his sister, Miss Mary Tapp. Mrs. R. and Joyce, ... ____ _ at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Tinney, Mr. Hubert Hunter is carrying his right arm in a sling, suffer­ ing from blood poison. It started from a small pimple. Fitzgerald/ Peggy of London, visited Tinney, ABBOTT In Granton on Tues­ day. November’ 23rd, 1948, .at the residence of Mrs. Kew. Jane Abbott, the late Leon dear sister of Mrs. Dickens., of London, 67th year. Interment St. James > Vemetery, boye. KNOWLES—Suddenly toria Hospital, London, Wednesday. November 194N. Thomas Albert Knowles beloved Jane Mills, of Albert, St. Marys; Usborne r Blanshard, Interment Cemetery, KYDD—In London, her 26, 19 48, Jonathan Kydd, in his 87th year. Robert wife of Abbott and Alfred in hei' was in Clande- husband of Martha and dear father Ernest, Twp.: Wilbert, of in his 83rd year, was in Granton Saturday afternoon Victoria Hospital, on Friday, Novem- WILLERT — .Suddenly at his late residence in Dashwood, on Friday, November 26, 1948, Reinhard Willert, be­ loved husband of Amelia England, in his 60th year. THANKSCARDS OF the late Jona- to thank the relatives and lasf Resting Place for R.C.A.F. Man Is Polish Military Cemetery The family of than Kyd-d wish many friends, neighbors for the kindness and expressions of sympathy shown in their recent bereavement. Special thanks for, the floral tributes. ’ * Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Skin­ ner and Beverly wish to thank all those who .remembered Beverly in any way while recov­ ering from his accident with special thanks to everyone who contributed to .the benefit dance on Friday night last. * Mrs. H. J. Kellerman wishes to thank all those who have so kindly remembered many ways during illness. her her in so recent c friendsmy remembered - 4I wisn to thank and relatives who me while I was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, and also my neighbors and friends who so kindly gave their time to do my fall plowing.—Harold C. Bell. * Mrs. Jesse Jaques wishes to thank kindly ■cards, in St. all her friends who so remembered her flowers. and treats Joseph’s Hospital. IN MEMORIAM with while c HACKNEY—In loving memory of Thomas passed away one year December 2, 1947. O for the touch of a vanished hand, And the sound of a voice that is still. —-Ever remembered by his sis­ ter Alice. . * Hackney,who ago, PENWARDEN— IN memory of Mr. Albert Penwarden, who died December 8, 19 43. , Not now but years It may be in I will read the tears And then I will understand in the coming a better* meaning land, of my ghter, Priscilla Mack. So I will wait dear And pray to God Dad each day, That when he calls me Home to him Your smile will guide the way. —Ever remembered by his dau- RADER—In loving memory of a deal’ .husband and father, Harry Rader, who away one year ago, her 1, 1947. When evening shades are falling And we sit in quiet alone, To our hearts there comes a longing, If he only Friends may gotten When at smile, But they little know ache, Our smiles hide all —Ever remembered Jessie and family. passed Decem- Mr. Henry M. Brown, of Crediton, has received the fol­ lowing letter from the R.C.A.F. at Ottawa, referring to the death of his- son, F/O Harold Leonard Brown, and shows tne splendid care and attention that is being given in the case of those who gave their overseas. Ottawa, Canada, Nov. 3, Mr. Henry M. Brown, Box 27, Crediton, Ont. Deal* Mr. Brown: It is with regret that I to the loss of your son, Flying Officer Harold Leonard Brown, who lost his life on air opera­ tions against the enemy August 5, 1944, but a report has been received from our search and Enquiry on investigation a t Tarnowska, Poland, firmed that your son and the members of his crew had all lost their lives and were buried’ in a Communal Grave in the State Cemetery. In accordance with the agreed policy of the Nations of the Bri­ tish Commonwealth that all Bri­ tish aircrew who had lost their lives in Poland would be moved to British Plots in Mili­ tary Cemeteries in Poland, your son and his crew members were moved to the Military Cemetery at Krakow, Poland, and are rest­ ing in the British Plot in Collec­ tive Graves numbered 1-7, Row D, Plot 1. Most unfortunately, individual identification could not -be obtained of any member of the crew, and the graves are registered in the names of your son; Flight Lieutenant A. _ Blynn; Flying Officer A. G. Liddell; Chapman; B. Wylie; Wenham (both members of the Royal Air Force). Your son’s resting place in the Krakow Military Cemetery will be reverently cared for and maintained in perpetuity by the Imperial War Graves Commis­ sion of which Canada is a mem­ ber), and the Commission will also erect a permanent head­ stone at his grave. Unhappily, there are great numbers of these headstones to be erected, and it will quite naturally .take con­ siderable time. It is not neces­ sary to write to the Commission as you will be contacted by them before the stone is You will recall letter of February was advised that a mony had been conducted by the local priest. Our Missing “ search and ’Enquiry Service terviewed t his gentleman, thanked him. They were formed that those who partici­ pated in the secret funeral were subsequently maltreated by the Gestapo. I realize that this is an ex­ tremely distressing letter, and that there is no means of con- lives 1948 refer Missing Re­ Service that D a b r o w a it was con- R, W. A. C. G. Pilot Officer G. Flight Sergeant and Sergeants F. and J. K. Ashmore prepared. that in our 2, 1946, it funeral cere- Re- in- and in- could thing times come home, we have for- they see u.s the heart- the while, by wife Mr. Thos. Pryde, M.L.A.. in Toronto Monday attending a caucus meeting of the Progressve Conservatives re the calling the next Legislature, .was of Former Resident Dies A former resident of Exeter, Mrs. Isabella Farmer, aged 87, widow of the late John Farmer and for many years a resident of London, died Sunday in Windsor. Mr. Farmer at ohe time conducted a grocery and a liquor store in Exeter. They lived in the residence now own­ ed by Mr. Wilson Morley. There were two children, Mrs. B. Horne and Roy, both deceased. One grandson, Gilbert .Horne, of London, survives, veying this news to you which would not add to your heart­ aches, and I am keenly aware that nothing I may say will les­ sen your great sorrow, but I would like to express to you and the members of your family my deepest sympathy in the loss of your gallant son. Yourg sincerely, W. R. GUNN, Wing Commander R.C.A.F. Casulties Officer, for Chief of the Air Staff. of Mr, Charles Hackney, of At­ wood, spent last week renewing acquaintances in Exeter. Mrs. Valeria Armstrong,Mr. Ir­ vine Armstrong and Mr. and Mrs. Orville Webber attended the fu­ neral of their cousin, Mr. Geo. Wardell, of Kincardine, on Tues­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Frank MacKen- zie and Ian, of Lucknow, and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Rowe and Johnny, of Sarnia, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil «Rowe. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Ander­ son and family, of Kippen, ac­ companied by Mr. and Mrs. J. Caldwell, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fry an e in Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. W. J. of Clinton, returned of last week after their son-in-law i Sarnia on Plumsteel Thursday a visit to and daughter, Dr. and Mrs. J. M, Kingston at Seattle, Wash. They visited with Rev. H. J. and Mrs. Snell be­ fore returning to their home in Clinton. Mr. and Mrs.' W. H. Pollen are now comfortably settled in their new home on Huron St. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Mode have moved into the residence Andrew Street vacated by Pollen and Miss M. Brown moved into the apartment Mrs. Howey, vacated by Mr. Mode. on Mr. has of M ess Bowling News In the Mess League howling tournament at the Airport Tues­ day evening, the leading Hot­ plates’ team added a single point to their standing while the Fry­ ers and Toasters moved up one point closer to the top, the Fry­ ers a*nd Toasters being locked in a 17 tie. For t'he ladies’ high and la­ dies’ triple Ollie Essery carried off the 'honors with 261 and 5 60 In men’s high, Dennie Jee tum­ bled the pins for a 26 8, and in the men’s triples Frank Davis scored an even 600. draw went to Marvin Climaxing the 200 Frank Davis 277, Jones 209, 205; Ed Anderson 236; Harold Lightfoot 220; Bob Cutting 218; Ed Spooner 218; Ted Pooley 217; Ronald Eves 215; Cal Preszcator 201. The standing is: Hotplates 19, Fryers 17, Toasters 17, Hash Slingers 14, Vegetable Pealers 12, Kitchen Ranges- 5. The lucky Wein. mark were 207; Ken Stephen Council The Municipal Council of the Township of Stephen met in -the Council room, Friday, November members present. Lawson presided. Minutes of the meeting held on November 1st were read and adopted on mo­ tion of Councillors Gill and Beaver. ___ ______ _____ The following correspondence | and family and Mrs. Taylor and Crediton, on 26th With all Reeve Elmer last regular DASHWOOD Mr. and are visiting in Windsor Mr, and of Toronto, __ .. _ . ___ with his mother, Mrs. Bender. Mrs. E. R. Guenther, who spent the past few weeks with her lister in Florida, has return­ ed home. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Klumpp Mrs. L. H. Rader relatives and friends and Detroit. Mrs. Archie Bender, spent the week-end was tabled and dealt with as follows; Appeal from the Child­ ren’s War Memorial Hospital, Filed; Victoria Hospital re Charles Cham. Filed; Bell Tele­ phone Co. re proposed construc­ tion and accepted the part sion: Moved that the amounting to $1,426.25 be paid. Moved by .Swartz .and Morris­ sey that the Road Accounts amounting to $1,696.46 be paid. Grand Bend Police Village Road Account: Twp. of Stephen Grader rental, 6.00. On motion of Gill and Mor­ rissey, the meeting was adjour­ ned to meet again on Wednes­ day, December 15th at 1 p.m. F. W. Morlock, Clerk. I repairs to lines was with the exception of under County supervi- by Beaver and Gill General Accounts Anne spent a few days in Wind­ sor and Detroit last week. Mrs. G. Weiberg and family, of Waterloo, are visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. II. Rader. -Mr, ; Detroit, spent the with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Jack of Detroit, spent the with her mother, Mrs. and Mrs. Geo. Maier, of Week-end Raschke, week-end wun 'uur xuuLiier, mis. Mernor. Mr .and .Mrs. Howard Klumpp have moved home which ithey summer. Miss Gloria „ week-end in London. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. of Detroit, and Mr. Clayton Wildfong, into their hew built this Kraft Schroeder, and Mrs. Clayton Wildfong, of London, attended the funeral of their brother, tho late Reinhard Wil- lert. Exeter Girl Happily Settled in Yukon Mr. Charles Godbolt returned home Thursday of last week af­ ter visiting for a month in the west, Mr. Godbolt left Exeter in company with his daughter, Mrs. Dyck (Pauline), hound for Ed­ monton, Alberta, where Mrs. Dyck took a plane for Watson Lake in the Yukon to join her husband. Word has since been received from Mrs. Dyck that she is very happy and comfortably situated in the R.C.A.F. camp there, where there are a number of married couples like themselves and they have a very pleasant timer Mrs Godbolt after leaving Ed­ monton visited for a time in Winnipeg and then left by air for St. Paul, Minnesotta, where he spent some time with his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Russell, Leaving St. Paul he- travelled by air to Detroit where he spent a few days before returning home. Mr. Godbolt says he has lived two lives-—one of them during the foui’ weeks he was when he saw a great deal country and was royally tained. x Mr. and Mrs. Norm Hockey and Wayne visited on Sunday with Rev. and Mrs. N. ‘ and family in Thedford. Mr. and Mrs. Harold McKay, ot Blanshard Township, were guests with Rev. and Mrs. James Anthony oji Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Perkins of Estevan, Sask., are visiting with the forjher’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Perkins and other relatives. Mrs. Gilbert, Dunean, of Thames Road and Mrs. Arthur Gardiner, of London, spent .a few days last week wtih Misses Ethelene and Eilene Johns, In the report last week of neighbours who assisted in the fall plowing for Mr. Frank Wild­ fong, who is ill, the name of Melvin Prouty was omitted, Woods COMING EVENTS EUCHRE — The T.M.C. Club will hold a progressive euchre in the Parish Hall on Monday, December 6, at 8:15 p.m. Spe­ cial prizes, door prizes, and lunch. Admission 35 cents. DANCE — to the music of Eric Scott and his Band, featuring Miss Joan Pekham, vocalist, 'At Looby’s Hall, Dublin, Friday, December 3. This popular baud has just completed a season's contract at Rosslynn Grove, Kit­ chener. Dancing 10:15 to 1:15. Admission 75 cents. * Nominations away of the enter- Held in District Lucan Village Reeve, Harold Corbett Council, U, F. Stanley, Mains, Lome Langton, Alex Bradley, George Thring. Hydro .Commissioner, McVey (accl.). School Board, Harold Whyte, (accls.) George inated but withdrew. Seaforth Mayor, Reeve, Council Norman Russell H. W. T. Teall, E. H. Close, Dr. E. A. McMaster, James A. Stewart, B. F. Christie. School Board, North ward, John Stevens, South ward Ralph McFadden, East Ward, Clifford Broadfoot (all accls.). McLean (accl.). SWINGBILLIES — The Seaforth Young Progressive Conservative Association presents the Western Swingbillies, new style western rythm group direct from U.S.A., Saturday, December 4, Cardnp’s Hall, Seaforth. Stage show 8:30 Jtil 10, dancing 10 ’til 12. Fea­ turing champion yodeller from Iowa, champion fiddler from Deleware, Bob -M a s o n, radio’s tallest cowboy, and other enter­ tainers. A. Beattie, Young, (accl.) T. G. Jack Melvin Walker Erie Haskett, Douglas Lucas Paul also nom- J. E. Keating (acl.), Frank .Sills (accl.). (six to be elected), Stoins, Wallace Ross., Sproat, Ed Smith, P.U.C., A. Y. Ailsa Craig Council (four Charles Garrod, School Trustees, (three to be elected), None. New nomina­ tions to complete council and for trustees. to be elected), Earl Rees. Roy Francis Dies Following Crash -—Continued From Page One in charge of C. Barryfield, con­ ductor, and J. Cunningham, en­ gineer, both of London, was in collision with -the light truck driven by Mr. Francis. Mr. Fran­ cis was returning to his home in Kirkton at the time with a load of 'hogs. The truck was demolished. Mr. Francis was taken to the R.C.A.F. hospital at 'Centralia, then was removed to sepli’s Hospital, London, suffered serious head and shock. Mr. ro, a Mrs. lived life. 1929. store been trucker. He was a member of the United Church. Surviving are his wife the former Miss Rose Belle Gray, and one son, Lome Francis; also two sisters, Mrs. Ted Poo­ ley and Miss Ella Francis, of Exeter. There are three grand­ children. St. Jo- He had injuries Francis was born son of the late John Francis, in Perth County all his He went to Kirkton in After selling liis general a few years ago, he had a livestock dealei' and in Mun- Mr. and, and had Reinhard Willert Reinhard Willert, .60, found dead in his bam Saturday af­ ternoon by his wife jwas victim of a wife Dora Sons, Milton at ihotae, Alvin, .of .Stephen Townshp, his mother, Mrs. Levi Hamacher, Dashwood, two .sisters, Mrs. William Schro­ eder, Detroit, Mrs. Clayton Wildfong, London, and six bro­ thers, Arthur, Simon, Herb Wil* lert and Edward Hamacher, all of Dashwood, Elmer, Grand Bond and Otto, Stephen Town­ ship. The funeral was held from the Hoffman funeral home Monday afternoon by Getz and interment Dashwood Evangelical heart attack. Besides liis he leaves 'two daughters and Ada at home, two Rev. H. was in Cemetery l.O.O.F. Social Evening Members of Exeter Lodge No. 67 l.O.O.F. will hold a social eve­ ning, Wednesday, December 8 at 8 o’clock. All members and Re­ bekahs and their partners and Oddfellows’ widows are invited. Ladies Please Bring Lunch E. L. GIBSON, N.G. E. A. HOWARD, SEC. Z I; Community Night Hyrondale School Friday, Dec, 3 A special speaker will give an address on a subject v of special interest to farmers. All ratepayers and former residents are cordially invited! “Your Favourite Band” Adam Brock and His Orchestra will be playing 'at LUCAN OPERA HOUSE Sat., Dec. 4 and 11 SPECIAL ATTRACTION $10. G iven Away Each Saturday Night Dancing 9-12 THREE-ACT COMEDY Aaron Slick from Punkin Crick* will be presented in ABERDEEN HALL, KIRKTON by the A.Y.P.A. of St. Paul’s Church /Won., Dec. 6 at 8 Al 5 pan. ADMISSION 35c and 15c DANCE EXETER OPERA HOUSE Friday, Dec. 3 FLANNIGAN’S ORCHESTRA Reception for Mr. and Mrs. Ted Jones * 9:30 to ? ADMISSION 50c Legion Bingo EXETER OPERA HOUSE Thursday, December 2 . 15 ROUNDS OF PICNIC HAMS 10 ROUNDS OF GEESE Admission 35c Public School CONCERT Exeter Arena Friday, December 3- at 8:00 p.m. ADMISSION 35c IT’S COMING The CKNXI Barn Dance Broadcast EXETER ARENA 8:00 p.m., sharp, on Saturday, December 4 ----— Featuring ..— STARS OF RADIO AND STAGE Adults 75c Children 50c Dance to follow, 9:30 to 12:00 Sponsored by the Athletic Society of the Exeter District High School