HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-12-02, Page 6Page 6 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 2, 1948 ’■s' NOTICE WHITEWASHING Arrangements can be made Bill Watson Dashwood Rhone 35rl9 MALE OR FEMALE were Mrs. Shir- were and CLASSIFIED RATES 25 words or less.......35c (additional words l^c) Succeeding insertions lc a word (minimum charge 25c) Classifieds will be accepted to Wednesday noon up Stenographer Required: ® SHORTHAND ® TYPING ® GOOD PERSONALITY AND APPEARANCE This is a permanent position. Our staff knows of this vacancy. C.CM. We are now able to sup­ ply our customers with C.C.M. hockey equipment Buy Early While the supply lasts SKATES SHIN PADS GLOVES SHOULDER PADS ELBOW GUARDS TMflUAirS Hardware BLANSHARD Mr. and-Mrs. Kenneth Lang­ ford, Walter and Donald Sunday guests of Mr. and Herb Langford. Mrs. Gladwyn Langford, ley and Edwin, of Kirkton, Monday visitors with Mr. Mrs. Herb Langford. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thack­ er and family spent Thursday with Mrs. T. Waugh, of London. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parkinson of the Baseline, were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. Hooper. Mr. ami Mrs. Nat Ogden, of Exeter, and Mrs. Will Jones spent Wednesday with Mrs. Jas. Mossey. Mr. and Mrs. Donald King, of Uniondale, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jones. Mrs. Fred Pattison spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Or­ ville Langford, of Centralia. Master John Langford returned with her for a few days. ’ Mr. and Mrs. M. Hooper, Mr. and Mrs. M. Liebier and Mr. and Mrs. E. Saakel, of Mitchell, spent part of last week at Tor­ onto and attended the Royal Winter Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thomson and Anne spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George .Hopkins, of Mitchell. Recruiting Officer (examining man for the army): “How is it you are so small, my man?” Three fee six, “I wras brought up on shortbread and condensed milk.” BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BE YOUR OWN BOSS! Distri­ bute our 250 products: Toilet Articles, Medicines, Extracts, Spices, Floor Wax, Insecti­ cides, Farm Products, splendid assortment of Gift Boxes. Our dealers make substantial pro­ fits! A < home! For tails, write Delorimie? P.Q. customer in each > Catalogue and de- i to FAMILEX, 1600 Street, Montreal, 28:4;ll:18:25:2c PERSONAL “OLD AT 40, 50, 60?” MAN! You’re crazy! Thousands pep­ py at 70. Ostrex Tonic Tablets pep up bodies lacking iron. For rundown feeling many men, women call “old”. New “get acquainted” size only 50c | At all druggists. 2 0 WANTED WANTED—Would like full or part time work in store until Christmas. Phone 247W. 2* WANTED TO BUY—Good house in Exeter, modern conveni­ ences, at least three bedrooms (one downstairs), possession April 1st. Will pay cash. Apply at Times-Advocate. 2* AUCTION SALES CREDITON COMMUNITY AUCTION SALE Under Cover (SAT., DECEMBER 18, at 1.30 p.m. We invite you to bring live stock, furniture or articles to sell or come to buy. If you have anything to sell phone 43r2 Crediton. WM. H. SMITH, Auct 1018 your other AUCTION SALE OF REAL ESTATE Stepjhen Township School Area has instructed Wm. H. Smith, auctioneer, to sell by public auc­ tion the folio-wing on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4 at 2:00 p.m. sharp 1 miles south of Crediton Brick school, 42 ft. long 26 ft. wide; wood shed, 16 long, 12 ft. wide; half acre land; 6 storm windows, 5 % high, 3 ft. 10 ins. wide; fixtures and appliances; cal toilets; 20 desks, etc. pump, new; box stove; other articles. TERMS — CASH A. A. AMY, Secretary WM. H. SMITH, Auctioneer Crediton, Phone 43-2 25:2 by ft, of ft. electric chemi- .; bell; many A .GIRL WISHES Employment as clerk or, secretarial work. Apply at Times-Advocate. 2c Scarves Shirts Two dozen white broad­ cloth shirts, sizes 15 to 17. Special Price — $2.95 For the man on your list, here is a fine suggestion: We have wool tartans, smartly designed cashmeres and white silk mufflers. AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction on MAIN STREET, ZURICH on SATUR., DECEMBER 4, 1948 commencing at 1:00 o’clock p.m. sharp the following: Westinghouse electric stove 4 burners, in perfect condition;' two burner electric range; .three piece chesterfield suite; couch; walnut bedroom suite, like new, Philco cabinet electric radio; Edison phonograph including 50 records, kitchen match; ious dining oak rocking chairs, wicker rock­ ing chair; large extension table occasional chair; chest of draw­ ers; small telephone table with chair to maitch; beautiful tri­ light floor lamp; various elect­ ric lamps; cuckoo clock, in per­ fect condition; walnut base; magazine stand; mahogany parlor leurn rug, 8x10 robe; spring felt let set; feather quilts, pillows, utensils; fancy < ware; various kinds of flower pots; tub; various garden tools and numerous other articles. In case .of bad weather sale held in. the Evangelical shed. TERMS—CASH WM. .TRUEMNER, STADE, Clerk. like new; drop leaf table with chairs to dining room table; var- room chairs; two deer head with large trunk; oak table; congo- buffalo toi- bedding, kitchen china- all end table ft.; mattress; tick, mats, dishes; antiques; sealers; jardineres; step ladder; wash! and Taman’s Men’s Wear Sorry This Christmas season the demand for gift portraits has been so great that we will be able to book No More Appointments Until January 3, 1949 (except weddings and emergency sittings) will be Church MRS. R. F. ALVIN WALPER, Auct. Prop AUCTION SALE OF DURHAM and HOLSTEIN COWS and HEIFERS T.B. TESTED " W. E. Nairn, auctioneer, will sell by public auction on Lot 15, Con. 10, Blanshard (3 miles north-west of Granton) on MONDAY, DECEMBER 6 Commencing at 1:30 CATTLE: Hereford cow, in December; Durham cow, in IFeb.; 3 three-year-old stein heifers, due in Jan.; 2 stein heifers, 2 years old; Holstein heifers, year Holstein heifer calves; stein heifers, ‘21 years old, vac­ cinated; 4 Durham and Hereford cattle, 2 years old. IMPLEMENTS: M.H. ,13-hoe drill with fertilator attachment; 2-furrow Cockshutt tractor plow; rubber-tired wagon. NO RESERVE. The proprietor is overstocked. TERMS: Cash. BERT NIXON, Prop. W. E. NAIRN, Auct. due due Hol- Hol- 2 old; 3 5 Hol- ! 2c AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned has received instructions to sell by auction at ELIMVILLE on ICEMBER 9 public Your Generous Patronage Is Greatly Appreciated MEMBER aTOG# PHOTOGRAPHER Phono 343w Exeter W I., Dl< p.m. the following beds ; mattress linoleum; ! rocking parlor rug; s; pictures; small ironing THURS at 1.30 Two springs; mats; : stiiffe; stand; ; curtains ding; table; i Pat kitchen stove 6 kitchen rugs; pans; pails step tools. of coal toaster; dishes. TERMS—-CASH MRS. SAMUEL GEORGE LAWSON, Clerk FRANK TAYLOR, Auct. 1948 dresser; com ode; i; toilet set; 5-plece parlor chair; small roun^l table; bureau table; board; 1 couch chairs; congoleum sealers; dishes ; glass cupboard; ; stand; knives; ladder; lawn chair; ; carpenter electric crocks; bed­ kitchen Princess i; clock, tools; iron all PYM pots; ice box; forks; ; garden quantity electric kinds of Prop FOR SALE STRAYED FOR SALE— Pekingese Red female, 9 months. Ideal! pet. Reasonable home. Mrs. Exeter. for good H, Anderson, 2c Reg. | STRAYED — Two-year-old roan mooley steer. Finder please phone Bruce Tuckey, 174r4 Exeter. 25:3tc FOR SALE— Reconditioned Ol­ iver 70 tractor, Standard. Murray Elliott, Centralia. 2* FOR SALE—19114 Ford, in fair condition, will sell cheap. Phone ,3 72W Exeter. 2* FOR SALE—Large size Quebec heater in A-l shape. Apply Box P, Times-Advocate. 2* FOR SALE—Pierce Arrow auto­ mobile, 1933 model, $25 0.00. See Len Harvey at Bed and White Store. 2c FOR -SALE—.22 rifle, automatic Marlin in good condition, $25. Robert Southcott, Exeter. 2* FOR SALE—Cement and road gravel, hauled anywhere. W. H. Hotson, Grand Bend. Phone Dashwood 52r5. 25:2:9*------------------------------------------- FOR SALE—-Two good winter coats in new condition, one brown fitted chesterfield, the other a navy blue fitted. Both size 16 to IS. Twenty dollars each. Apply at Times- Advocate. 25* FOR SALE—A cutter and a gentleman's black, winter overcoat, both in good .condi­ tion. Apply to W. Hackney, Hay P.O. 2* FOR SALE—Coal and .wood heater. Apply at Times-Ad­ vocate. 2 * FOR SALE—Christmas gift sug­ gestions shell, sewing, Gordon one block north of the Unit­ ed Church, Hensail, Ont. Phone 5 6M, Box 11, Hensall. , 2:9:16c ■of hand work of sequins, crocheting, .etc. Apply to Mrs. Schwalm, Queen St., FOR SALE—Large size electric ironer, floor reasonable. Apply at Advocate. Beatty model, Times- 20 FOR SALE—Twin poster beds, walnut, complete with coil springs and spring filled mat­ tresses in excellent condition. Also 3-pieee used chesterfield suite, a real buy. Apply at Dinney Furniture. FOR SALE—Two Tamworth hogs, 12 young pigs Tam and York Allen, Kirkton. .thoroughbred 4 months old just weaned, crossed. Geo. 2c BALED HAY FOR SALE— Mixed Alfalfa and Timothy, only a few tons left. H. Peter­ son, R.R. 3, Dashwood, phone 31rl5. 2:9;16c NEW SINGER SEWING MACH­ INES—Cabinet also Treadle pairs to all Sewing Centre, Stratford. and Electric, machines. Re­ makes. Singer 78 Ontario St. 2t£c FOR A BETTER CAR get one of the following reliable win­ terized cars: 1946 Mercury 114X Sedan, 'heater, deluxe side mirrors, fog lights, white rims, low mileage; 1946 Dodge Five-ipassenger Coupe, heater, chrome rims; 1946 Hudson Super-six Sedan, fog llghtS 41 4 F4 Ann quarter Ford, mechanically good, $85. Bob Cook Motor Sales, Hen­ sail, Ont. Phone 54 days, 63 evenings. chrome rims; 1946 air-conditioned, three- leather trim; 19 28 LOST AND FOUND LOST—-On Main St., Exetei* on Friday, a sum of money, two teii dollar bills. Reward. Fin­ der please leave at Times- Advocate. 2c LOST—Between farm 1% miles east and Hensall, packing box containing towels and other valuable articles. Finder please notify Mrs. "William Pepper, Hensall, Ontario. 2c FOUND—A pair of black cloth gloves; 3 strand pearl neck­ lace; costume jewellery ship pin. Owner may have articles by proving property. Apply at T^mes-Advocate. 25* BABY CHICKS ORDER CHICKS NOW First hatch December 5th. Hatching twice weekly there­ after. Setting all breeds. Gov­ ernment Approved. Neuhansei’ Hatcheries 81 Kings St., London, Ontario MISCELLANEOUS CORN BOUGHT FOR HIGHEST market price and shelled at farm. See me while the price is high. H. Peterson, R.R. 3, Dashwood (formerly Lloyd Lippert faring phone Dash­ wood 31rl5. 25tfc REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—In Exeter, 2-storey frame house, roll brick siding, full basement, 3 rooms down­ stairs, 1 large and 2 small rooms upstairs, hydro and wa­ ter. Phone 3 65r. 25tfc 100 ACRES—9 0 level, tillable; bank barn, silo, comfortable house, hydro at gate. $3,600. School bus passes. 100 acres, 5 'bush, 'bank barns with watei’ bowls, silo, seven-room brick house, hydro at gate. $6,700. W. C. Pearce, realtor. 25* FOR SALE—2 storey brick house, Hensall, nice location, good basement, good roof, hard and soft watei’ inside Immediate possession. Wm. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. 25* $1500.00 CASH AND Balance in monthly payments will buy a comfortable brick house. Part of house could be .rented if desired. Immediate posses­ sion. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. 18c $9,000/00 ON EASY TERMS will buy highway farm with modern house and good barn, Hydro and water pressure throughout. Close to village. $14,000.00 will buy ,122 acres with good house and barn, House has all mqdern conven- iences. Barn lias hydro and water pressure. This is one of the best producing farms in the "Exeter District. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter, Ont. 18c NOTICES Lot 19, Con. 17, John Houla- han, M, C. Sweitzer; 8, Pollock’s Store, Lot 40, Con. S.B., Mansell Hodgins, Wm. Hicks; 9, War­ ner’s house, Lot 1, Con. Sauble, Colin Love, Leland Desjardine. And all electors are hereby requested to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. FREEMAN W. MORLOCK Returning Officer Crediton, Nov. 12, 19 48 IS;25:2c NOTICE TO CREDITORS FOR SALE—A child’s blue doll buggy. Apply at Times-Advo­ cate. 2 c Township of Stephen NOMINATION AND ELECTION Public notice is hereby given that a meeting of the electors of be FOR SALE—-Princess Pat range in. good condition. Apply Box W. Times-Advocate. 2* FOR SALE—-Weaner pigs. Al­ lan Westcott. Phone 176r3 2 Exeter. 2* FOR SALE—19 40 Ford coupe, excellent condition, new 194 6 motor, tires, carburetor and battery new, privately owned. Priced to sell. W- C. Oestrei- •cher, phone 12J .Crediton. 2c FOR SALE—A good collie pup. Phone 24rl2 Orediton. FOR SALE—-About 120 New Hamp, pullets, starting to lay Alton Isaac, Clandeboye. 2* FOR SALE—White enamel oil 5 burner, 2 under used only 3 .months. 27r31 Crediton stove, oven, Phone Dunkin Don CEMENT FOR SALE—Centra­ lia Farmers Supply. 2c Waterproofing Textiles *! LET IT ,POUR! all your clothes, snow suits, mattress- etc. at do three *s Hard* 9tc LET IT RAIN '’Rainproof” a Topcoats, overcoats, overalls, work jackets, es, sports jackets' etc. 89c bottle will !. At Traquair [home.1 topcoats, ware. the Township of Stephen will ■held in the Town Hall in CREDITON on Monday, December 6, 1948 at 1:00 p.m. for the purpose of making and receiving nominations for Reeve, Deputy Reeve, Councilmen, and also for Trustees of the Town­ ship School Area comprising sec­ tions 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10 and Union 8. 12 and 14, three to be elected. And' further notice is hereby given that in the event of more journed until Monday, December 13, 1948 candidates being proposed and qualifying for any particular of fice than required to be elected the proceedings will be ad When polls shall be opened from 9 o’clock a.m. until 5 o’clock p.m. at the following places with the undermentioned officers in charge as»fixed by Township by­ law viz: Poll 1, Polling booth—Mrs. Mill’s Shop, Lot 28, Con. 1, .. . J. Will er t, Poll 2, Pen- , Con. 2, Walker; Crediton, Morlock; 10, Con. 5, 10, Con. Mawhin- Lot 23, Chester kitchen, DiR.O.—-W. B Clerk--Gordon Wilson; hale’s kitchen, Lot 20 Proston Dearing, Geo. 3, Council Chambers, Th os. Trevethiok, F. W, 4, Town Hall, Lot 7, Alvin J-Jaker, J. I-I. Gaisor O’Rourke’s kitchen, Lot 12, ney Con. N.B Gaiser; Pat Sullivan, Jas. 6, Koehler’s Store, E. G. Kraft, 7, Sweitzer’s CLERK’S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS’ LIST Voters’ List, 1948 Municipal­ ity of the Township of Usborne, County of Huron. Notice is hereby given that I have complied with section 7 of The Voters’ List Act and that I have posted up at my office at Usborne, Ontario on the 17th day of November, 19 48, the list of all persons entitled to. vote in the said Municipality at Mun­ icipal Elections, and that such lists remain there for inspection And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate pro­ ceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected accordin. law, the ing the, 1948. Dated ember, : HARRY In the Estate of Henry John Wahlron late of the Township of Stephen in the County of Huron, Laborer, deceased. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of Henry John Waldron late of the Town­ ship of who clay are required to file of the same with the under­ signed Administrator on fore the 3rd day of December 19 48, after which date the Ad­ ministrator will distribute the estate having 'regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Dated this 20th day of Nov­ ember 19 48, Herbert K. Eilberr Administrator, Crediton, Ont. 25:2c of Stephen in the County Huron, Laborer, deceased, died on oY about the 15th of June 19 46, Intestate, particulars or be- last Sth [ this 1948. g to day for appeal be- day of December, G. STRANG, ■ Clerk Township of Usborne 18:25:2 CLERK’S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS’ LIST Voters’ Lists, 19 4 8, Munici­ pality of Township of’ Stephen, county of Huron. Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 7 of The Voters’ Lists Act and that I have posted up at my of­ fice at Crediton, Ont., on the 23 rd day of November, 19 4S, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Municipal Elections, and that such list spection. And I hereby call upon all voters to ceedings to have any errors omissions corrected according to law, the ing the 1948. Dated ember, 19 48. F. W. Morlock, Clerk, Township of Stephen, 25:2c remains there for in- take immediate pro- or last 14 th this day for appeal be- day of December, 23 rd day of Nov- HELP WANTED WANTED—'Girl for office work in Exeter, to start immediate­ ly. Apply at ,Times-Advocate. 2c HELP WANTED—Full or part time help for waiters. Toddle Inn, Exeter North, phone 107. 2* APPLICATIONS received on «pr before December 11, 1948, for the position of caretaker for the Hensail United Churcn. Lowest or any tender* not ne­ cessarily accepted. Duties to commence January T, 1949. Apply to P. L. McNaughton or George R. Hess. 2:9c TENDERS WANTED TENDERS FOR WOOD ■Sealed tenders will be received by the Secretary until December 14, 1948, for the following hard wood to be delivered and piled at the listed school sections in the Hay Township School Area, on oi’ before April 1, 1949. Wood must be sound body wood, maple or beech or mixed, to meet jvith the approval of the board >befor< 12 4 12 10 10 12 10 8 8 4 S.S. S.S. S.S. S.S. S.S. S.S. S.S. S.S. S.S. S.S. ■e payment is single single single single single single single single single cords single cords FORD & MONARCH PARTS a SEKV8CE 17tli da$ of Nov- Car Values 1947 1940 1937 1936 1941 Ford Coach Ford Coach Dodge Coupe Ford Coach Ford Tractor, good shape TRUCKS 1946 Sudebaker Pick-up, motor overhauled Get Your Car Winterized NOW! Sandy Elliot PHONE 64W EXETER Hess... The Jeweller -‘Zurich has an excellent stock of Bridal Wreath and Bluebird Diamond and Wedding Rings Fine Silverware Royal Boulton Figurines Semi Porcelain and China I Breakfast and Dinner Sets 32 to 96 pieces Bulova, Elco, Rolex, Certina Watches Used Cars For Sale 1947> Ford Sedan, radio and heater, like new inside and out. Chev Special Coach, extra nice. Dodge Sedan, original up­ holstering, above average. and 1935 Ford Coaches. Chev, 1931 Chev — Buys and Sells — made, wood wood wood wood wood wood wood wood wood wood 11 3 6 4 8 15 2 10 12 7: Tenders will be received for entire, or partial amounts, or for stated sections. H. W. BROKENSHIRE, Secretary-treasurer, Hay Twp. School Area, Zurich, Ont. 2:9c cords cords cords cords cords cords cords cords 2* 2’ 2’ 2’ 2’ 2’ 1’ 1’ 1’ 1’ 1940 1940 1939 1932 Ward Fritz DODGE & DeSOTO ZURICH WE WILL APPRECIATE YOUR PATRONAGE House and Farm Wiring t ........-....-............. - ..................... ....... Corner of Huron and Main Streets Radios and Appliances SOLD AND SERVICED Gordpn Triebner and Donald Jolly PHONE 187W EXETER