HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-11-25, Page 4Page 4 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 25, 1948 * NOTICE WHITEWASHING Arrangements can be made Bill Watson Dashwpod Phone 35rl9 V-r.... ....J Quality J940 ,1940 1937 1939 1939 1933 1930 Plymouth Special Coach, only 28,000 miles, looks Chev clean Ford clean Ford Chev Chev Ford like new Coach, car. Coach, inside Coach. Sedan. Coach. Coach. a very original finish JUKI out. eumville; Quite a number attended the film “Let There Be Light” sponsored by the Women’s In- stitue In the church basement on Friday evening. Mrs. Ethel Rutherford, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gee and fam­ ily and Douglas Rutherford, of London, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Johns. Mr. Laurie Stephen, of Lon­ don, spent the week-end at his home. Mr. Hai’old .Bell. Mr. Laverne Skinner and Mr Jack Delbridge and Mr. R. D. Hunter, of Exe­ ter, spent the week-end in Tor­ onto and attended the Royal Winter Fair. Master Harry and Miss Shir­ ley Jaques, of Zion, spent the week-end with Mrs. Harold Bell Mr. Howard Pym attended the Royal Winter’ Fair and judged in several classes. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jaques, of Zion, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Philip Murch. the Royal FOR SALE & FOR SALE1—-Small building, suitable for hen house. Phene 413J Exeter. 25* FOR SALE—-1947 Dodge half­ ton pick-up. Apply Chas. Diet- rich, phone 20r33 Crediton. 25* FOR SALE—M ale puppies, Phone 352w, SIMPLIFIED SKIN CARE fat Designed to do the most for the skin in the shortest mea­ sure of time. FOR SALE—M c C 1 a r y electric range, foui’ units, practically new. A real buy at $250.00. G. W, Layton. 25c Ward Fritz DODGE & DeSOTO ZURICH Ad in English paper: “Owner of tractor wishes to correspond with widow who owns a modern thresher; object matrimony; send photograph of machine.” Ardena Cleansing Cream, 1.25 to 7.00 Ardena Skin Tonie. 1.25 to 9.75 Ardena Velva Cream, 1.25 to 7.00 Orange Skin Cream, 1.25 to 9.50 Velva Cream Mask, 2.50 and 6.00 Pat-A-Kake, 1.25 FOR SALE—Upright piano, very reasonable; large size Quebec heater; Elgin small coal and wood range. D. H. McGregor, % Fred Kerr, R.R. 1, Exeter, phone 27r22 Crediton. 25c FOR SALE—Boy's tweed top­ coat, size 10, good condition. Phone 38j Exeter, 25c Taman’s Men’s Wear Scarves For the man on your list, here is a fine suggestion: We have wool tartans, smartly designed cashmeres and white silk mufflers. Shirts Two dozen white broad­ cloth shirts, sizes 15 to IT. Special Price — $3.95 Phone 50I FOR SALE—.22 rifle, automatic Marlin, in good condition. Ro­ bert Sout-hcott, Exeter. 25:2* FOR SALE—York sow due in Jan., also some weaned pigs. Lloyd Reynolds, phone 177r- 4 Exeter. 25* FOR SALE—Cement and road gravel, hauled anywhere. W. ‘ H. Hotson, Grand Bend. Phone Dashwood 52r5. 25:2:9* FOR SALE—Now available, a limited supply of toilets, ba­ sins and kitchen sinks. See us to-day. Traquair’s. M. B. and With Warm Regards KIRKTON Mr. and Mrs. Reg Paul and daughter Lyn and Mrs. Gallop visited with Mr. ■Mrs. Les. Barnes at Staffa. Mr. John Sawyer spent a days this daughter, London. Mr, and Mr. Eldon Robinson the funeral of the late Harvey Robinson (nee Davis, a former Kirkton at Blyth this .past week. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Burgin and daughter Marion, of Lon­ don, visited with Mr. and Mrs. G. II. .Burgin this week. of London, his home past Mrs. Mi’s. few his.week with O’Oallaghan in A. Robinson and .attended Mrs. Annie girl) A light-weight electric that will really express limited supply of these merely setting the dial ture throughout the night. blanket is a Christmas gift “warm regards”. We have a famous G.E. covers^ that by will maintain that tempera- R. E. RUSSELL Exeter, Ont. Mr. J. Mitchell, spent the week-end at in the village. Mrs. Truman .Tufts, LeRoy and Mrs. M. were Sunday guests and -Mrs. Edwin Tufts, of Lon­ don. ZION and Mrs. Tom Hern and visited on Sunday with FOR SALE—Clipper .combine 6 ft. with Scourkleen bin, pick­ up power take off, 5 months old, in perfect shape, reason­ able, any small tractor can drive this combine. Apply Ted Munn, Massey Harris Shop, Exeter North. 25* FOR SALE—193 7 Ford coach, in good condition 2 new heater. For information Exeter 25 8 between 6.3'0 8 p.m. tires call and 25* FOR SALE—Lady’s winter coat green with mouton trim, size 15, in excellent -condition. Reasonably priced. Phone 12'0 Exeter. 25* FOR Comodore toned, miles, will exchange coupe, 47 or Grenier, B.A. Grand Bend. Dashwood. SALE—1947 Hudson Six sedan, two- with only 17,000 like new throughout, for 5-passengei' 4 8 model. R. Service Station, Phone 50r5 25c Phone 109 O WX*"1 fir3 A Good Doctor “Let me kiss those tears away, sweetheart/’ he begged tenderly. She fell into his arms and he was very busy foi* a few moments. But the tears flowed on. “Will nothing stop them?” he asked, breathlessly. “No,” she murmured. “It’s hay fever, but go on with the treatment.” But when it comes to treating your car, try the boys at the South-End Service. They have the “know how” for all car ailments. South End Service RUSS AND CHUCK SNELL Exeter Phone 328 51 B Mr. family Mrs. Martine at Dashwood. , Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kerslake Bob and Patsy, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Webber, of Exeter, Miss Phyliss Kerslake, of London, ■Mrs. Chester Cornish and Ron­ nie, of Exeter and Mr. Garfield Nixon, of Granton, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ger­ ald Hern. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Snell, of Grimsby, visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Eph. Hern. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hern, Mrs. Norman Brock and Mr. and Mrs. Everett Miller attend­ ed the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto during the week. Mr. and Mrs. O. Jaques and family, of Kirkton, visted in the community on Sunday. Miss Irene Brock, of London, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs-. Welling­ ton Brock. A.Mc- Biddulph D rain Decision Held Drainage referee J. Nevin, K.C., of Chatham, Tues­ day reserved decision in an ap­ peal by two Biddulph Township residents over a municipal drain. Appellants were Daniel Ryder and James Morkin, assessed foi' nearly $300 in so-called “bene­ fits” from the Heenan Municipal Drain Project, structed under a township law passed on May 17. They asking the cout to quash the law. Both appellents said they Creek con- by- are by- did Doll Beds, Cradles and Baby Rockers t J FOR SALE--New and used C. C.M. skates. Several pair used ladies white Traquair’s. of skates. FOR SALE—19 41 Ford Tudor, heater, radio and many other extras, excellent condition, $1,100.00. T. M. Webster, 3 0 Ann St., Exeter. Phone 377W. 25* FOR SALE—Two wheel stock trailer, well built, 65 0-16 tires, good rack with Jarpau­ lin. Apply Warren Brock. R.R. 1, Granton. 25* FOR SALE—2 Durham heifers due in December, T.B. tested. William Thomson, R.R. 1. Granton. Phone-’ Kirkton 35r- 16. 25* FOR SALE—25 head of cattle, yearlings and 2 year olds; also 35 pigs including 2 sows in pig. Apply to H. J’owe, Centralia. 25* FOR SALE—-15 0 Barred pullets. Apply Steve R.R. 1, Clandeboye. Crediton 30rl4. FOR SALE—Man’s- or piece grey suit, $12.00. Cash or your books, novels, set of lamps, cheap; supplies, reduced; er items, around. A. St., West, The House Rock Tasko Phone 25* boy’s 3- size 36-38, trade for bicycle, electric many oth- No charge to look H. Daynes, Huron across the tracks, of Signs. 25c FOR SALE—Privately owned 1938 Ohev coach, good con­ dition, good tires. See E. E. Wuerth, phone 84 Zurich. 18:25* FOR SALE-—A dinette set, ma­ hogany; also china cabinet and ironing board. Apply to Mrs. Stobbs, % -Mrs-. Lamport Centralia. 25c HIP® I w AH of sturdy construction and nicely finished with best quality enamels and. decal transfers. Will make splendid Christmas gifts. Call at our shop and sec them. Order now for Christmas delivery. B Phone 286j Exeter not derive any benefits from the new drain and that their farms were adequately drained before it was put in. They attacked the report of Engineer W. G. McGeorge which formed the basis -of the project, stating that under its recommen­ dation their properties were cut in two With no means of cross­ ing from one to the other. They further maintained they wore not informed of the Town­ ship Council’s intention to con­ struct the drain which they de­ scribed as “simply on open ditch”. The township maintained that it had given the two farmers sufficient notice of its inten­ tions, and that the drain was beneficial to their properties. Ralph D, Steele, of Chatham, appeared for Ryder and Morkin, and Elmer Bell, K.C., of Exeter, for the township. FOR SALE FOR SALE—Two good winter coats in new condition, one brown fitted .chesterfield, the othei- a navy blue fitted. Both size 16 to 1$. Twenty dollars each. Apply at Times- Advbcate. . 25* FOR SALE1—'Child’s three-piece beige winter outfit, size 2-4 years, fur trimmed. In good condition, Mrs, Jack Del- bridge, phone 15 Ow, Exeter. 25:2* FOR SALE-—Dresser, bed, mat­ tress and springs; baby’s crib; studio couch; 2 occasion­ al chairs; buffet; table; 4 kitchen chairs; must be sold this week. Apply at Times- Advocate. -25* FOR SALE—NEW SINGER SEWING MACHINES; Electric portable and Cabinets ma­ chines. Also treadle machines. For information, write Singer Service Representative, Box S, Times-Advocate. 11:18:25c Waterproofing Textiles LET IT RAIN! LET IT POUR! “Rainproof” all your clothes, Topcoats, overcoats, snow suits, overalls, work jackets, mattress­ es, sports jackets etc. etc. at home. .89c bottle will do three topcoats. At Traquair’s Hard­ ware. 9 tc FOR RENT TO RENT — Roomy country house. Apply at Times-Advo­ cate, 18:25c WANTED WANTED—A large size tricycle in fair condition. Apply at Times-Advocate. 25* WANTE'D—Two gentlemen boar­ ders, willing to share room. Apply at Times-Advocate. 25c URGENTLY NEEDED — One housekeeping room or more, or apartment, or room and board for married couple with good references, no children. Apply Central Hotel, Room 5, or Times-Advocate. 25* WANTED—Bachelor in forties, requires housekeeper, all .con­ veniences in the home,- no objections to one child. Clar­ ence Turner, Box 21, C-hesley, Ont. 25* WANTED—Garage or barn to store car foi- winter. Phone 152w Exeter. 25c WORK WANTED WANTED—Young .man desires steady employment. Apply Box B Times-Advocate. 25*- HELP WANTED GIRL WANTED for dining­ room work. Dominion Hotel, Zurich. Phone 70 Zurich. 4:11:18:25* HELP WANTED—Stenographer, able to take dictation, exper­ ience preferred, but not essen­ tial. Apply stating salary ex­ pected to Box “E”, Times- Advocate. 11c STRAYED STRAYED—From Lot 7, Con. 6, Hay Twp., one yearling red and white heifer on or about Aug. 15. Mark in right ear. Anyone knowing its whereabouts please phone 176rl3 Exeter. 18tfc STRAYED — Two-year-old roan mooley steer. Finder please phone Bruce Tuckey, 174r4 Exeter. 25:3tc LOST AND FOUND LOST—In Exeter Saturday night a single string of pearls. Fin­ der please leave at Times- Advocate. 25 FOUND—A pair of shell rim­ med glasses; pair black cloth gloves; 3 strand pearl neck­ lace; costume jewellery ship pin, Owner may have articles by proving property. Apply at Times-Advocate. 25* FOUND—On Main St., Sunday, lady’s wrist watch. Owner may have same by proving property and paying for advt. Apply at Times-Advocate. 25c MISCELLANEOUS CORN BOUGHT FOR HIGHEST market price and shelled at farm. See me while the price is high. H. Peterson, R,R. 3, Dashwood (formerly Lloyd Lippert farm, phone Dash­ wood 31rl5. 25tfc BABY CHICKS ORDER CHICKS NOW hatch December 5 th. ! weekly there- all breeds. Gov- Approved. Hatchetics London, Ontario First Hatching twice after. Setting t eminent NeuhatiSCr 81 Kings St., : BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BE YOUB OWN BOSS! Distri­ bute our 250 products: Toilet Articles, Medicines, Extracts, Spices, Floor Wax, Insecti­ cides, Farm Products, splendid assortment of Gift Boxes. Qur dealers make substantial pro­ fits! A customer in each home! For Catalogue and de- . -tails, write to FAMILEX, 1600 Delorimier Street, Montreal, P.Q. 28:4:11:18;25:2c Township of Stephen NOMINATION AND ELECTION Public notice is hereby given that a meeting of the electors of be REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—iFrame building 24x18. Apply Bill Elliott, Centralia. 18:25* FOR SALE—In Exeter, 2-storey frame house, roll brick siding, full basement, 3 rooms down­ stairs, 1 large and 2 small rooms upstairs, hydro and wa­ ter, Phone 365r. 25tfc 100 ACRES—9 0 "level, tillable; bank barn, silo, comfortable house, hydro at gate, $3,600. School bus passes. 100 acres, 5 Push, bank barns with water -bowls, silo, seven-room brick house, hydro at gate. $6,700. W. C. Pearce, realtor. 25* FOR ’SALE—2 house, Hensail, good basement, hard and soft Immediate Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. storey brick nice location, good roof, water inside possession.Wm. 25* $15 00.00 CASH AND Balance in monthly payments will buy a comfortable bfick house. Part of house could be .rented if desired. Immediate posses­ sion. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. 18c $9,000.-00 ON EASY TERMS will buy highway farm with modern house and good barn Hydro and water pressure throughout. Close to village. $14,000.00 will buy ,122 acres with good house and barn. House has all modern conven­ iences. Barn has hydro and water pressure. This is one of the best producing farms in the Exeter District. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter, Ont. 18c the Township of Stephen will held in the Town Hall in CREDITON on Monday, December G, 1948 at 1:00 p.m, for the purpose of making and receiving nominations for Reeve, Deputy Reeve, Couneilmen, and also for Trustees of the Town­ ship School Area comprising sec­ tions 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10 and Union 8, 12 and 14, three to be elected. And further notice is hereby given that in the event of more candidates being qualifying for any fice than required the proceedings journed until Monday, December 13, 1948 when polls shall be opened from 9 o’clock a.m. until 5 o’clock p.m. at the following places with the undermentioned officers an charge as fixed by Township by­ law viz: Poll 1, Polling booth—Mrs. Mill's Shop, Lot 28, -Con, 1, D.R.O.—W. B. Wille rt, Poll Clerk—-Gordon Wilson; 2, Pen- hale’s kitchen, Lot 20, Con. 2, Preston Dearing, Geo. Walker; 3, Council Chambers, Crediton, Th os. Trevethick, F. W. Morlock; 4, Town Hall, Lot 10, Con. 7, Alvin Baker, J. H. Gaiser; 5, O’Rourke’s kitchen, Lot 10, Con. 12, Pat Sullivan, Jas. ‘ ney; 6, Koehler’s Store, Con. N.B., E. G. Kraft, Gaiser; 7, Sweitzer’s Lot 19, Con. 17, John han, M. C. Sweitzer; 8, Pollock’s Store, Lot 40, Con. S.B., Mansell Hodgins, Wm. Hicks; 9, War­ ner’s house, Lot 1, Con. Bauble, Colin Love, Leland Desjardine. And all electors are hereby requested to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. FREEMAN W. MORLOCK? Returning Officer Crediton, Nov. 12, 19 48 18:25:2c proposed and particular ot­ to be elected, will be ad- Mawh in­ Lot 23, Chester kitchen, . Houla- TENDERS WANTED PERSONAL Tortured by constipation? Try proven FRUIT-A-TIVES, famous herbal medicine used successfully for 45 years. Brings relief quickly — tones up liver-keeps bowels -active — restores good health —1 RELIABLE. Tenders will be accepted at the Office of the -Clerk for snow­ ploughing the streets Corporation of the Exeter during the ter. Contractor is to with wing and ploughing of Village streets first responsibility. Tenders to per hour and later than 5 1948. of the Village of coming win- use plough must accept as be made at rate to be received not p.m. December 4, NOTICES c.V. Pickard, Clerk. 18:25 NOTICE—My wife having left my bed and board, I hereby give notice that I will no lon­ ger be responsible for any debts which she may incur. —Ernest Cooper. . 18:25* ■a lot of us of many taking -Marcia would receive the Insurance is a falsehood. To Whom It May Concern: We have heard stories accusing things including McDonald so we the money from and Estate. This We have not received one nickel from the Estate of Harold Mc­ Donald and unless these stories stop we shall demand a public apology from these parties. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith (Signed) CLERK’S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS’ LIST Voters' List, 19 48 Municipal­ ity of the Township of Usborne, County of Huron. Notice is hereby given that I have complied with section 7 of The Voters’ List Act and that I have posted up at my -office at Usborne, Ontario on the 17th day of November, 19 48, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Mun­ icipal Elections, and that such lists remain there for inspection And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate pro­ ceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law, the ing the 1948. Dated ember, 1948. HARRY last Sth this day for appeal be- day of December, 17th day of Nov- G. STRANG, Clerk Township of Usborne 18:25:2 CLERK’S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS’ LIST Voters' Lists, 1948, Munici­ pality of Township of Stephen, county of Huron. Notice is- hereby given that I have complied with Section 7 of The Voters’ Lists Act and that I have posted up at my of­ fice lat Crediton, Ont., on the 23rd day of November, 1948, the list of all persons .entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Municipal Elections, and that such list spection. And I voters to remains there for in- hereby call upon all take immediate pro­ ceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law, the ing the 1948. Dated this 23rd day of Nov­ ember, 1948, F. W. Morlock, Clerk, Township of Stephen, 25:2c last day for anneal be- 14th day of December. AUCTION SALES CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Lot 20, Con. 10 HIBBERT Twp. 1 mile west of Cromarty on THURS., NOVEMBER 25, 1948 at 1 ,p.m. HORSES: 3 horses. 15 Oxford ewes, supposed to be in lamb. 1 Reg. Oxford ram. Quantity of hay. Full line farm machinery. Household effects. TERMS—CASH ANDREW McLACHLAN, Prop. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk. HAROLD JACKSON, Auct. 18:25c- AUCTION SALE OF REAL ESTATE Stephen Township School Area has instructed Wm. H. Smith, auctioneer, to sell by public auc­ tion the following on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4 at 2:00 pan. sharp 1U miles south of Crediton Brick school, 4 2 ft. long 26 ft. wide; wood shed, 16 long, 12 ft. wide; half acre land; 6 storm windows, 5% high, 3 ft. 10 ins. wide; electric fixtures and appliances; chemi­ cal toilets; 20 desks, etc.; bell; pump, new; box stove; many other articles. TERMS — CASH A. A. AMY, Secretary WM. H. SMITH, Auctioneer Crediton, Phone 43-2 25:2 by ft. ■of ft. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Henry John Waldron late of the Township of Stephen in the County of Huron ALL PERSONS having claims against the John Waldron late of the ship -of Stephen in the County of - who day are required to file particulars of the same with signed Administrator fore the 3rd day of December- 1948, after which date the Ad­ ministrator will distribute the estate having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Dated this 20th day of Nov* ember 1948. Laborer, deceased. estate of Henry Town­ Huron, Laborer, deceased, died on br about the 15th of June 1946 Intestate the under- on or be- Herbert K. Eilber, Administrator, Crediton, Ont. 25:2c