HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-11-18, Page 12THE T1MES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 18, 1948 Huron Teachers ** The Ladies* Guild of OCx’iv'itt Memorial Church will hold a Bazaar ijj. the Parish Hall on Saturday, November 20. There will be sewing, fancy work, toys, a baking table, white ele­ phant booth and tea common cing at 3 o’clock I terns of Social and Personal Interest in and Around Exeter The Times-Advocate is always pleased to publish these items. We apd our readers are interested in you and your friends. Phone 31w Thames Road United Church Tuesd ay Evening November 23 A well selected list of Christmas Gifts, Baking, etc. LUNCH AND PROGRAM Admission 35c Miss Evelyn Howard, of onto, spent the week-end friends. . Mrs. Reeves, of Exeter, patient in St. Joseph’s Hospita London. Ross Hunter visited with Mas­ ter John Pym, of Thames Road, over the week-end. Mrs. Edgar Sitter, of Detroit visited with Mr. and Mrs. ton Sweet on Sunday. Mr. Allan Hobbs, of spent the week-end with and Mrs. T. O. Southcott. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Luxton, of London, spent tlie week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Luxton. Mrs. Stanley Mosier, of Chic- spent several days father, Mr. Charles Tor- with is a Clin Mrs. Jean Ritchie Anderson, of San Frausico, .is visiting with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Anderson. Mrs. Anderson for many years was a writer of .Canadian His­ torical articles for the Family Herald and Weekly Star. Mrs. Hubert Hunter Leavitt's THEATRE Previews its Coming Attractions WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, November 19, 18 TWO FEATURES Mrs. have Exe- ‘Key Largo’ © Humphrey Bogart • Edward G. Robinson © Lionel Barrymore ® Lauren Bacall * ‘Mr. Reckless’ © William Eythe FRIDAY, SATURDAY November 19, 20 SATURDAY MATINEE at 2:30 TWO FEATURES ‘Bring ’Em Back Alive’ — Animal Picture - starring ® Frank Buck ‘Rocky’ with ® Roddy MacDowell (star of “Lassie”) MONDAY, TUESDAY, November 22, 23 TWO FEATURES ‘Summer Holiday’ A M-G-M Picture —- Color by Technicolor ® Mickey Rooney ‘Roses Are Red — Mystery Drama — © Don Castle 9 ago, 111., with her Schroeder. Mr. and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Nor­ man Knight of Seaforth over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. L. Taylor and boys, of Stratford, visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Ken Lampman. Mr. Elmer Dunn has returned to Toronto after spending the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. G. Dunn and family. Miss Violet Willis and Brown, of Marlette, Mich., been visiting in Hensail and ter and also in London. Mr. and Mrs. Lou Bailey were in Leamington last week attending the * allied Florists banquet and school of design. M’rs. Rose Russell is visiting this week with her daughter and son-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. A. MacKinnon in Richmond Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Alf Wuerth visited with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Long in Royal Oak, Mich., last Thursday. Mr. Bill Luxton, who has ac­ cepted a position with the De­ partment of National Revenue, London, spent the week-end at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ander­ son and Shirley and Mr. and Mrs. James Squire were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. La­ verne Stone, of Kirkton. I Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Neil en-! tertained a number of their! relatives to dinner on Friday evening last, the occasion being their tenth wedding anniversary Mrs. Chester Boyle, of Moose Jaw, Sask., visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Simpson, of Exeter, on Friday of last week. Mrs. Boyle is an aunt of Mrs. Simpson. Mrs. Fred Sharp, who has been ill in St. Joseph’s Hospit­ al, London, following an opera­ tion, is returning to Exeter to­ day and home of Down. Mr. L. ing the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto. Hq was accompanied as far as Weston by his daughter Carol, who is visiting with her uncle and aunt, !Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hewitt. Cpl. and Mrs. Harry Glover and wee son Billy, of Exeter North, were very pleased to have a surprise visit for a few days, during the past week, from her father, Mr. Wm. Havi­ land, of Kincaid, Sask. will recuperate at the Rev. C. W. and .Mrs. V. Hogarth is attend- / ANNOUNCING THE FIRST • Basketball Game OF THE SEASON!’ EXETER ARENA Wednesday, November 24 Commencing at 8:00 p.m. EXETER DISTRICT HIGH FINALISTS vs. EXETER MEN’S BASKETBALL CLUB Admission 25c Support Your Home Teams! s Annual Meeting of the Huron County Canning Crop and Vegetable Growers TOWN HALL, EXETER Friday, November 19 at 8:30 p.m. Main Topics for Discussion Will Be “Minimum Prices”, “Pea Grading” and “Uniform Contracts” R. E. Pooley, Chairman Past Grand Matron In st a Ils O.E.S. Officers On November 10 the Installa­ tion of Officers of the Order of the Eastern star took place in the Chapter Room, Main St., which was tastefully decorated with baskets of mums and ferns. The Installing Officer for the evening was Mrs. Esther Wilkes Past Grand Matron, assisted by Mrs. Barbara Sparling P.D.D. G.M. as Grand Marshal, Mrs. Catherine Smith P.M. as Grand Chaplain, Mr. J. Ferguson P.P. as Installing Grand Patron. Also assisting were Mrs. Mary Sanders P.M., Chris Telfer P.M. Mabie Ferguson P.M., Lillian Traquair P.M., Leia Kestle P.M. and Mr. Bruce Field P.P. In the Guard of Honor Mrs. Amy Etherington, Gibson, Freda Bierling, Hicks, Irene Lawson and Kestle. The soloists for the evening were Mrs. Elva Coates and Mrs. Reta Smith. The officers for the ensuing year are as follows: Worthy Matron, Mrs. Leone Motz; Wor­ thy Patron, Mr. Maurice Quance Associate Matron, Mrs. Ella Middleton; Associate Patron, Mr. Fred Penwarden; secretary, Mrs. Lillian Traquair; treasurer Mrs, Mary Sanders; Conductress Mrs. Nellie McCarter; Associate Conductress, Dobbs; Fraser; organist, Mrs. en; Ada, Mrs. Kay Cann; Mrs. May Easton; Marie Eva Irene Jennie Ernie McCarter. At the close of the meeting lunch was served by the mittee. were Gwen Olive Leia Mrs. Georgina Chaplain, Mrs. Vera Marshal, Mrs. Oda Love Marion Penward- Ruth, Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mr. Zurbrigg; Hodgson; Jensen; Lawson; Esther, Martha, Electa, Warder, Sen tinal, Hr. E. G. Pleva. associate pro­ fessor of geography, University of Western Ontario, and G. Roy /Fenwick, director of music for ■the Province of Ontario, were the speakers at a meeting of Huron County Teachers' Insti­ tutes, in the Town HIU1, Clinton, Friday of last week, attended by 200. Retiring President H. Shac­ kleton, Goderich, was chairman. •Dr, Pleva made various sug­ gestions in con nec tio n with teaching of geography and con­ servation in the schools, and of­ fered full co-operation of the University of Western Ontario in anything they might under­ take. He urged teachers to as­ sist in getting the next genera­ tion to conserve natural re­ sources of the nation. Asks Co-operation Mr. Fenwick discussed teach­ ing of music, particularly with supervisors, and declared that music in schools was now uni- j versal, He asked for co-operation in teaching. A, W. Smith, Dungannon, pre­ sented the report of the nomi­ nating committee for North Hu­ ron inspectorate which was ac­ cepted as follows: President, Duncan MacKay. Kintail; vice- president, Graham MacDonald, Lucknow; secretary, Miss Jessie Little, Brussels; librarian, Miss Verna McLaughlin, Wingham. The report of the nominating committee for South Huron in­ spectorate, as presented by A. W. Blowes, Exeter, was accepted also. President, John Blackwell, Hensail; vice-president, Russell Dennison, Hensail; secretary, Miss Fawcett Sturdy, Group Discussions Group d iscussions under the following ships: Seat Work Grades, Miss Helen Videan, Go­ derich ; Health and Physical Education, C. Trott, Seaforth; Social Studies (unit plan), Miss Edythe Bea.com, Hullett; Im­ provement of Oral English, Mrs. Dorothy Ball, Clinton; English Teaching in Junior Grades, Miss Phyllis Johns, Wingham; In­ creased Interest in Science, Vic­ tor Dinnin, Zurich; 'Crafts, A. W. Smith, iDungannon; Concrete Material in Senior Mathematics, Kenneth L. Ashton, Brussels Goderich. took place chairman­ in Junior Announcements Birth. Death and Marriage Notices are inserted free of charge. Card nof Thanks 50o. In MemPL> ^-Notice 50c foi singly 25c extra foreap«, ,, arcmitional verse. En­gagements 5Qc. BIRTHS BONNALLIE—At Mrs. nursing home November 11, and Mrs. Glen Exeter, a son, Gerald Elwood. BRINTNELL—At Mrs. Hunter’s nursing home on Monday, No­ vember 15, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brintnell of Exe­ ter, a son, Charles Frederick. CLIFFE—-To Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cliffe, Jr., of London, erly of Crediton, on be 5, a Joanne. Batten’i on Thursday, 1948, to Mr. Bonnallie, of daughter, , form- Novem- Doris RussellCLARKE—Mr. Clarke (nee of Brinsley, the arrival of a baby girl at Mrs. Batten’s nursing home on Sunday, November 14, 19 48, Patricia Anne. FORREST—At Mrs. Stephan’s nursing home, Hensail, on Thursday, November 11, 19 48 to Mr. and Mrs. Ward For­ rest, of Zurich, a daughter, Margaret Lillian. and Mrs. Audrey Williams) wish to announce KING—Isabelle and Russell King are happy to announce the birth of a son at Mrs. Hunter’s nursing Monday, Novembei’ Wayne Russell. McBRIDE—At Mrs. nursing home on Novembei* 11,* 19 4 8, and Mrs. Walter McBride, Usborne, ter, a brother for four sisters. home on 15, 1948. Hunter’s Thursday to Mr of a son, Douglas Wal- McCANN—Mr. and Mrs. Wm McCann (nee Mary Loretti Doyle), of Mt. Carmel, an­ nounce the birth of a son, on November 15, '1948, a broth­ er for Dennis. RACEY—At St. Joseph’s Hospi­ tal on Tuesday, November 9, 19 48, to Mr. and Mrs. George Racey, of Lucan, (nee Marion Elliot, R.N.), a daughter, Bar­ bara Jean. Ed ward Stone The funeral of Edward was held Tuesday at Hopper- Hockey funeral home, Exeter, with ficiating. Mr. in his 84th year, Oxford borne Township years of until retiring to Andrew twenty-nine years ago. He was a member of Main Street Unit­ ed Church. He was a son of the late James Edward Stone and Ellen Ellery and is surviv­ ed by one daughter, Mrs. Bert Fletcher and son William, of Exeter, and sons Edward and Percy, of Usborne, nine grand­ children and fifteen great grand­ children. He was predeceased by his wife Ellen Thomson and one son Wesley and daughter Retta. were Stone, McDonald, and Fred Cole, in Exetei’ Cemetery. funeral home, Rev. H. J. Mahoney of- Stone, who was was born in to Us- sixteen farmed Street, County coming when age where he The pallbearers acting Gordon Stone. Laverne Clarence Hawkins, Roy William Thomson Interment was On the Air The Zurich Lions Club slated to give a half hour broadcast over OKNX radio sta­ tion Friday evening of this week from 8.30 to 9 o’clock. The Lions Club will be assisted by a local quartette who sing. New Lighting System A deputation from the James Street Official Board were at Kitchener Friday evening in­ specting the lighting in some of the churches there. A start will be made soon on rewiring the James Street ' United Church and installing a new lighting system. The work is being by Thompson brothers. Stone com-RATZ—At Mrs. Hunter’s nurs­ ing home on Wednesday November 17, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Ratz, of .Cred­ iton, a son, a brother for Larry. SANDERS—In Exeter on Friday November 12, 194 8, to Mr. and Mrs. Warren Sanders, a daughter. DEATHS MAWSON—In Parkhill, Ont. on Tuesday, November 16, Moses Mawson, beloved band of the late Sarah ering, in his 8 6th year. STONE—In November Stone, in year. CARDS done Baptismal Service At the Caven Presbyterian Church Sunday .morning the rite of baptism was performed the babies baptised being J03 Ellen, daughter of Mrs. Wallace Seldon; Paul, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gra­ ham Mason; Robert Brian, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm, McLean; John David, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Pryde. Mr. and Donald 1948 hus Pick' Exeter on Sunday, 14, 19 48, Edward his eighty-fourth OF THANKS Turnbull wishes toMrs. Max thank all those who visited and remembered her with flowers and cards while a patient in Victoria Hospital and also the❖nurses of the Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. William wish to thank their EARL OP ATHLONE, formerly governor-general of Canada, is shown in London as he left Kensington Palace in full dress for the House of Lords and opening of parliament. —Central Press Canadian in the courtroomNo one seemed to know just what the case was about, themselves were mixed up. Then an important witness was pre­ sently asked to tell the court the total of his gross income. He refused; the counsel appeal­ ed to the judge. “You must ans­ wer the Question,” said the judge sternly. The witness fidgeted about, and then burst out: “But . . . but, your honour, I have no gross income! I’m a fisherman and it's all net!” . The “lawyers Bieber many friends and neighbors who re­ membered Mr. Bieber with cards and treats while ,a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital. * ■Clara Decker wishes to her many friends and Mrs. thank relatives who so kindly remem­ bered treats kind while pital, Mrs. Laverne thank all those ed her with cards, flowers treats while a patient at hospital. her with cards, flowers, and to those who were in so a patient London. many other ways, in Victoria Hos- c Wells wishes to who remember- and the* IN MEMORIAM WALPBR—In loving memory of a dear mother, Carline Wal- per, who passed away one year ago November 21, 1947. God took her from this world of pain, To let her tired body rest; We wondered why she had to go But God alone knew best. Her chair looks, oh, so empty, And we miss her smiling face; Words can’t express our lonli- ness Without her in her place, —Lovingly remembered by hex’ sons and daughter MOGGS AND SKEETER Mess Bowling News The Mess League leading Hot­ plates were shaken, from their first place slot iby 'the Toasters, who on Tuesday night tied the score with fourteen points each AU teams gained a few points, with the exception of the Kit­ chen Ranges who through the last few weeks seem to have blown a There excellent —ladies by Mary Spooner with 279; la­ dies’ high triple by Mary Brook, 5 61; men’s high single by Jack Sherman, 243; men’s high triple by Frank Davis, 6J5. The lucky drawn went ito Harold Lightfoot. Those bowling over 200 were Frank Davis (239, 234, 222), Mary Brook (230, 204), Cal Preszcato.r ('214, 201), Ross Par­ son (232), Harold Lightfoot (217), Heaman (209), nington ; ; (203), Lome Preszcator (201). Mess League Standing: Hotplates............... . Toasters ...................... Hash Slingers ............. Friers ........................... Vegetable Dealers ....... Kitchen Ranges ........... Mi’, and Mi’s. Laverne Stone and daughters, Donna, Marlene and Sharon, of Kirkton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Squire. COMING EVENTS fuse. was, as usual, some individual bowling done high single was bowled Alex Ellis (226), ‘. Russ Dorothy Cun- (203), Ed Anderson Pts. 14 14 11 10 8 3 an Hy- Jack Hennessey, who is employee with the Ontario dro Electric Power Commission has been in Toronto for five weeks taking a short With eight the same course ed to Exeter next five or six get . practical stringing lines general. course other boys taking he has return- wlxere for the weeks they will experience ir and work in HURON COUNTY Federation of Agriculture Annual Meeting CLINTON TOWN HALL Tues., Nov. 23 at 1:30 pan. New and Old Time DANCE Crediton Town Hall Friday Nov. 19 Music by Ducharme’s Orchestra Refreshment Booth in Hall DANCERS:—It’s mode r n and square dancing, Opera House, in Exeter, Wednesday, November 24 — Farmers’ Jamboree — Young and old, let’s igo, Ted Clark, caller. Admission 50 cents Euchre & Dance Town Hall, Parkhill Wed., Nov. 24 Euchre starts at 8:30 sharp Music by Flannigan’s Orchestra Euclire 25c, Dance 50c GOOD PRIZES LUNCH BOOTH Sponsored by the Altar Society of Sacred Heart Church ALDON THEATRE GRAND BEND PRESENTS FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT THE FOLLOWING ATTRACTIONS FRIDAY and SATURDAY November 19 - 20 ‘Caged Fury’ A compelling story of lives and loves under The Big Top . . . loaded with action & adventure. As an Added Attraction, ‘Mr. Reck’ess Hard-bitten oil field workers packing more wallop than a gusher! J MONDAY and TUESDAY November 22 - 23 ® Robert Cummings ® Susan Peters © Agnes Moorehead ‘Lost Moment’ ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Lost in a strange house of hate where no love had lived for a hundred years. NEWSREEL and ‘TEX WILLIAMS AND IHS WESTERN CARAVAN’ Legion Bingo EXETER OPERA HOUSE 10 ROUNDS OF TURKEYS Admission 25 cents ADMISSION 50c Thursday, November 18 15 ROUNDS OF CHICKEN DANCE Exeter Arena Thursday, November 25 9:30 p.m. - 12:30 a.m. ROSS PIERCE’S ORCHESTRA Refreshment BoothAdmission 50c □— BY WALLY BISHOP G-BYE JUNIOR!