HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-11-18, Page 6Page 8 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 18, 1948 A young girl was taken to her first football match. All the way through the game the onlookers raised their voices, criticising or complimenting the two teams. When the girl returned home her father asked her which side had won. "Well,” she answered brightly ’"from what I could hear ‘Rotten Foulers’ defeated ‘Dirty So-and-So’s’ 2 to 1,” the the Lon- ' NOTICE WHITEWASHING Arrangements can be mado -x Bill Watson Bashwood Phone 35rl9 v.........................2________________ BUANSHARD Mr. and Mrs. Herb Langford and Shirley spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Hodgins, of Glendale. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan McLeach, of Arkona, were Sunday guests of Miss Thorpe and Mr. Harvey Parkinson. Miss Madalene Dann, of don, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dann. Mrs. Robert Chittick, of St. Marys, spent the week-end with her daughter, Mrs. Jack Thom­ son and Mr. Thomson. Mr. and Mrs. Gladwyn Hooper and family spent last Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ken­ neth Facey, of Belton. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. and Miss Edna Facey, spent last .Wednesday and Mrs. Gladwyn Hooper. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Hooper attended the Journal-Argus ban­ quet at Zion (Mitchell ,Road) on Friday. Mr. M. E. Hooper is spending a few days in Toronto and at­ tending the Royal Fair, Mr. Gerald Paul and Miss Norma Urquhart, of Kirkton were Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs, M. E, Hooper. Channell of Picton with Mr. Winter Tune-up Get instant starting in cold wea­ ther. Complete auto repairs all makes of cars. on Bob Cook MOTOR SALES HENSALL boy“Why do you call your friend ‘Pilgrim’?” "Because every time he calls he makes a little progress.” Another Name for Want Ads? MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE FOR RENT rs REAL ESTATE CORN BOUGHT FOR HIGHEST market price and shelled at farm. See me while the price is high. H. Peterson, R.R. 3, Dashwood (formerly Lloyd Lippert farm). 18:25:2c BABY CHICKS ORDER CHICKS NOW First hatch December 5th. Hatching twice weekly there­ after. Setting all breeds. eminent Approved. Neuliauser Hatcheries 81 Kings St., London, Ontario FOR SALE Gov- FOR SALE—Baby pram in good condition. Phone 351J Exeter. 18c FOR SALE—Weaner and start­ ed pigs. A. E. Oestreicher, Dashwood. Phone 57rl0. 4:11:18c FOR SALE—McClary electric range, practically new. Apply to G. W. Layton. 11c M.lili.iniiiil.liii your garment. Combining own sample cloths with our Top line, we are able to of- you a fine selection. Don’t to see them now! FOR SALE—’33 Chevrolet stan­ dard, in good condition with good heater and anti-freeze. Apply to G. Bonnallie, above Fink’s Meat Market. 11:18* /■ Made.to-Measure SUITS You’ll be right in step with your new fall and winter suit if you drop in and let us measure you for our Tip fer fail FOR SALE—N EW SINGER SEWING MACHINES; Electric portable and Cabinets ma­ chines. Also treadle machines. For information, write Singer Service Representative, Box S, Times-Advocate. 11:18:25c HENSALL Ladies Church Bazaar of the Chiselhurstof will hold their in Hensail the school United December M en*s We ar Christmas Cake Place Yow Order Now Cream Puffs TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS Cream Pies on Order Try Our Wholesome Bread and Tasty Pastries! Brock’s Bakery PHONE 8 United annual room Church on Saturday, 4 from 2 to 5 p.m. Mr. Bruce Glenn, of Guelph, spent the week-end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John M. Glenn. The Legion are sponsoring a Bingo and Dance Hall, Hensail, on ember 19. Chickens, and geese are the door prize is a turkey, doch’s Orchestra the music for the dance. Arnold Mrs. hostess of the Auxiliary Mrs. Roy Bell assisted hostess. Mrs. Glenn Bell, dent, presided and the meeting opened by singing hymn „7‘Man of Sorrows, What a Name”. Mrs. H. Hoy read the Scripture a-fter which Mrs. C. Forrest led in prayer. Mrs. Roy Bell gave an interesting reading and il­ lustration on the "Formation of the Union Jack”. Hymn "From Greenland’s Icy Mountains’ was sung followed by the roll call, minutes and business. It was decided to invite Mrs. (Rev.) Sinclair, of Caven Church, Exe­ ter, to be the guest speaker at the December meeting. The roll call was answered by a way to make lasting peace. Mrs. Glenn Bell was re-elected President for the New Year by an un­ animous vote. Miss Jean -Mc­ Queen presented the topic “Looking Ahead” which was very interesting. The meeting closed by singin; Shall “ ’ in the Town Friday, Nov- turkeys prizes. The Mur- will furnish ■Circle Evening Auxiliary John E. McEwen was for the regular meeting Arnold Circle Evening on Monday evening. Bell assisted the presi- ■x Lay Away P/an A Small Deposit Will Hold Any Article Until Xmas LOTS FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE Diamonds and Wedding Rings Bridal Wreath BIRTHSTONE CAMEOS Forget-Me-Not SIGNATS EMBLEM RINGS the which The g "Zion’s King Victorious” after Lord’s Prayer was unison. Bell Murdock Bell, of Hay Township, was discovered dead at his residence, the Bell homestead, one mile and a half west of the village in his 80th year. He suffered from condition. The deceased was member family. Stewart, services home of of Hensall on Tuesday at p.m. conducted by Rev. P. Ferguson. Interment was Hensall Union Cemetery. Reign which the repeated in William M. William a heart a of a prominent pioneer Surviving is one son, of . Hensail. Funeral were" held from the his son, one mile west 2 A. in Lorie Elco Watch es Certina Girard-'Perregaux Silverware 1847 Rogers Kingsplate Community William Rogers Tudor Plate o — Good Selection of English Bone China Cups and Saucers Shop early and get the choice” Jewellery Lunch Box ideas 1. Vacuum bottle of tomato soup 1 buttered roll filled with meat relish 1 sandwich of cheese Carrot sticks 1 fresh peach 2. Potato and ham salad 2 sandwiches bread and butter 1 fresh tomato Package cookies Milk 3. Minced liver sandwich Whole cooked egg Buttered roll Celery and radishes Slice Of jelly roll, apple Milk 4. Scrambled egg and wedges in container Cucumber sandwiches Chocolate cup cake Orange juice 5. Bean soup Crackers and cheese Gtated carrot sandwich Fruit cup- in container tomato WANT AOS DO MORE WHEN YOU TELL MORE. PHONE 31w FOR SALE—19 46 Hudson se­ dan, air conditioner, chrome Wheel rims, fog lights, % leather trim, 1935 Chevrolet Master Deluxe sedan, heater, original -finish, 5 new tires and low mileage. 1935 Dodge sedan, tioned motor These cars condition and winterized. Bob Cook Motor Sales, Phone 54 Hensail. Open Saturday even­ ings. 18c FOR RENT—Heated, furnished apartment, no children. Apply Box T Times-Advocate. 18c FOR SALE—iFrame building 24x18. Apply Bill Elliott, Centralia. 18:25* re-condi- and heater. are in excellent FOR SALE—2 house, Hensail good hard and soft Immediate Pearce, storey brick nice location, good water inside possession. Realtor, Exeter. basement.roof, Wm. FOR SALE—Boy’s heather ov­ ercoat, size 15 ; girl’s coat, blue, size 16, worn one win­ ter. Apply at Times-Advocate. 18* FOR SALE—Lady’s pale green coat, grey Bombay lamb trim­ med, size 14, brand new, $30. Phone 375W. 18 FOR SALE—-2' young horn bulls, red in serviceable age, also fer 3 year old to shortly. Apply Fred phone 172rl6 Exeter. Short­ colour, 1 hei- freshen Dawson, 18* FOR SALE—Oil burner, in good condition, used one sea­ son. Apply Mrs. Lee Wilson, Exeter. 18 * FOR SALE-—-Hudson -Commodore Six sedan, like new, with only 17,000 miles, air condition, heater. Apply R. Grenier, B-A service. Phone 50r5 Dashwood FOR SALE—1934 Ford, in fair condition, will sell cheap. Phone 3 7W Exeter. 18* FOR SALE — Wine convertible baby buggy. Phone 846J Exe­ ter. 18c FOR SALE—1930 Ford coupe; 2 purebred York hogs. Mur­ ray Hamilton, Ailsa Craig, •phone 621r2. 18* FOR SALE — Baby carriage complete with mattress and snow runners. Phone 3 4 OR Exeter. 18 * FOR SALE—Beatty gas wash­ ing machine, in A-l condition. Apply to Ray Clarke, phone 84r4 Kirkton. . 18* FOR ket 12, ton SALE—Boy’s black blan- cloth overcoat, size 10 - nearly new. Phone Credi- 40r3. 18c FOR SALE—Coal and /wood kit­ chen range, Findlay Condor, all white enamel, reservoir and shelf, extra good condi­ tion. Could be seen at Har­ old Lightfoot’s, Centralia 18* FOR SALE—Rangette, in good condition. Mrs. M. Ryckman, Main Street, South. 18 * FOR SALE—Ladies black Hud­ son Seal fur coat, only ,one season old, size 38 in new style. This coat was left with me to sell and can be bought for less than half its value for quick sale. George Wright FOR SALE—Black seal coat, size 16, fitted, like new; suitable for short person. Boy’s overcoat, brown, 8 year size, like new. Phone 9 2 Lucan. 18* FOR SALE—Brown . chesterfield coat, size 14, good as new. Mrs. Allen Richard, phone 178r6 Exeter. 18c FOR SALE—Ladies black coat, size 18, Persian lamb collar, worn one winter. Phone 297J Exeter. 18c FOR SALE — Slightly used washing machine with new guarantee, at large reduction. One new large refrigerator with frozen compartment. We are cu. tors ery. Huron Street, East. expecting shipment of 6B ft. apartment refrigera­ tor Dec. and Jan. deliv- Crocker Refrigeration, 18c FOR SALE — Reg. Pekingese dogs. Phone 37 Exeter. 18c FOR SALE—Tops and standing mixed timber. Thomas K. Patten, R.R, 3, Lucan. 18* FOR SALE—23 stocker Apply to Charles 9 8rl5 Zurich. pigs. Bedard, 18* FOR SALE—Nine little pigs. Phone 36r32 Crediton.* 18* Sit­ heater, wind- driven, mile- TO RENT-—-Furnished house­ keeping rooms, private en­ trance. Apply Mrs. Service, Grand Bend. 18c FOR SALE—Hudson 19 4 6 per-Six sedan, radio, defroster, seat -covers, shield washer, Owner perfect condition, low age. Apply 370 Adelaide St., London, Lower apartment. Phone Fairmont 3051. 18c FOR SALE—Privately owned 1938 Ohev coach, good con­ dition, good tires. See E. E. Wuerth, phone 84 Zurich. , 18:25* Waterproofing Textiles LET IT RAIN! LET IT POUR! "Rainproof” all your clothes-, Topcoats, overcoats, snow suits, overalls, work jackets, mattress­ es, sports jackets etc. etc. at home, ,89c bottle will do three topcoats. At Traquair's Hard­ ware. 9tc TO RENT — Roomy country house. Apply at Times-Advo­ cate, 18;25c PLEASANT Accommodation in comfortable, warm home for quiet couple, abstainers, about Dec. 1. Phone 17. . 18c WANTED WANTED—Two or three un­ furnished rooms, no .children. Sgt. Ridley, phone Local 8. R.C.A.F. Centralia. WANTED—By reliable party, to rent or buy 10 to 100 acres with buildings. State price. P.O. Box 92, London, Ont. 18* WANTED TO BUY —Hudson Seal fur coat in fair condi­ tion. Mrs. N. Hockey, phone 239 Exeter. 11:18* WANTED TO RENT—A garage in the vicinity of Anne St. Phone 255W after 5.30 p.m. > 18* WANTED — Young couple, no children, require living ac­ commodation in Exeter. Apply at Times-Advocate. 18* WANTED—One or two rooms in Exeter by airforce couple, no children, LAC. Cuccio, phone R.C.A.F. Workshops. 18c HELP WANTED WANTED—Man or strong boy for Christmas rush at Post Office, eight .days, 59 cents per hour. Apply at once to M. W. Pfaff. 18* WANTED—Single man by the year for farm work. Apply at Times-Advocate. 18*. GIRL WANTED for dining­ room work. Dominion Hotel, Zurich. Phone 70 Zurich. 4:11:18:25* HELP WANTED—Stenographer, able to take dictation, exper­ ience preferred, but not essen­ tial. Apply stating salary ex­ pected to Box “E”, Times- Advocate. He STRAYED STRAYED —• Onto my premises Lot 13, concession 18, Town­ ship of Stephen, 5 head of cattle rising 2 years old. Owner may have same by paying advertisement and grazing expenses. Isaac Best- ard, phone 39r25 Dashwood. 11:18c STRAYED—Onto Lot 5, Con. 9, Stephen Twp., in June, 1 black steer and 1 grey steer. Owner may have same by paying for pasture and advt. Phone 47rll Crediton. 11c STRAYED—From Lot 7, .Con. 6, Hay Twp., one yearling red and white heifer on or about Aug. 15. Mark in right ear. Anyone knowing its whereabouts please phone 176rl3 Exeter. IStfc LOST AND FOUND LOST—In Exeter Tuesday mor­ ning a child’s Sunshine tri­ cycle. Finder please phone 3 42W. 18* LOST—At grass farm at Sodom a yearling heifer, red with white star in forehead. Fin­ der please communicate with George Frayne 84r20 Kirk­ ton. 4:11c LOST—Man’s dark brown gab­ ardine top coat taken from Exeter Opera House cloak room Saturday night, Novem­ ber 6. If not returned to or­ iginal place by midnight, Sat­ urday, November 13, legal proceedings will be taken as party is known. Coat has dis­ tinctive markings. 11* FOUND—A Collie dog. Phone Crediton 67. 18c FOUND—In Southcott Bros, store, a sum of money. Own­ er .can have same by proving property and paying for advt. Southcott Bros. 18c FOUND——In Exeter a costume jewellery necklace. Owner may have same .by proving property and paying for advt. Apply at Times-Advocate. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BE YOUR OWN BOSS! Distri­ bute our 250 products: Toilet Articles, Medicines, Extracts, Spices, Floor Wax, Insecti­ cides, Farm Products, splendid assortment of Gift Boxes. Our dealers make substantial pro­ fits! A < home! For tails, write Delorimier P.Q. customer in each • Catalogue and de- f to FAMILEX, 1600 Street, Montreal, 28:4:11:18:25:2c FOR SALE — An apartment house with modern conveni­ ences, all rented. The pur­ chaser could live in one suite good revenue Pearce, 11* and have a from others-. W, C. Realtor, Exeter. FOR SALE—100 acres clay loam with full set of build­ ings, phone, stores, church, chopping mill, handy. Hydro at gate. Some b ush. Full price $5,300. Early posses- Pearce, Realtor, 11* sion. W. C. Exeter. FOR SALE—-Brick 'house with three apartments, 3-piece bath and hot water heater. Price $4,500. Yields -over 15% on investment. Phone 379w. 11c $1500.00 CASH AND Balance in monthly payments will buy a comfortable brick house. Part of house could be rented if desired. Immediate posses­ sion. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. 18c $9,000.-0-0 ON EASY TERMS will buy highway farm with modern house and good barn Hydro and water pressure throughout. Close to village. $14,000.00 will buy .122 acres with good house and barn. House has all modern conven­ iences. Barn has hydro and water pressure. This is one of the best producing farms in the Exeter District. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter, Ont. 18c PERSONAL MEN! WANT PEP, VIGOR, VI­ TALITY ? Ostrex peps up weak, rundown, anemic, ex­ hausted men, women. New "get acquainted” size, ONLY 50c. Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets for new pep, younger feeling, today. At all duggists. Liver upset—feel squeamish? Try proven FRUIT-A-TIVES. famous herbal medicine used successfully for 45 years. Brings relief quickly — tones up liver—-keeps -bowels active — restores good health — RELIABLE. TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be accepted at the Office of the Clerk for snow­ ploughing the streets Corporation of the Exeter during the ter. • Contractor is to with wing and ploughing of Village streets first responsibility. Tenders to per hour and later than 5 1948. of the Village of coming ,win- use plough must accept as be made at rate to be received not p.m. December 4, c.V. Pickard, Clerk. 18:25 NOTICES NOTICE—My wife having left my bed and board, I hereby give notice that I will no lon­ ger be responsible for any debts which she may incur. —Ernest Cooper. 18:25* CLERK’S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS’ LIST Voters’ List, 19 48 Municipal­ ity of the Township of Usborne, C-ounty of Huron. Notice is hereby given that I have complied with section 7 of The Voters’ List Act and that I have posted up at my office at Usborne, Ontario on the 17th day of November, 194-8, the list of all persons . entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Mun­ icipal Elections, and that such lists remain there for inspection And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate pro­ ceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to day for appeal be- day of December, lastlaw, the ing the Sth 1948. Dated ember, 19 48. HARRY this 17th day of Nov- G. STRANG, Clerk Township of Usborne 18:25:2 CLERK’S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS’ LIST Voters’ Lists, 194 8, Munici­ pality of Exeter, County of Huron. Notice is hereby given that I have complied .with section 8 of the Voters’ Lists Act and that I have posted up at my of­ fice at Exeter on the ,5th day of November, 1948, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Muni­ cipal Elections and that such list remains there for inspec­ tion. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate pro­ ceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to ‘ / for appeal be- Of November, law, the last day ing the 26tih day 1948, Dated at Exeter ember 5th, 1948. C. V, Ontario Nov- Pickard, Clerk 11:18c COURT OF REVISION VILLAGE OF EXETER The first sitting of the Court of Revision, for the revision of the 1948 Assessment Roll of the Village of Exeter, will be held in the Town Hall. Exeter, on Monday, November 22, 1948, at 2 p.m, Dated at Exeter, Ont., Novem­ ber 10th, 1948. 11:18c C. V. Pickard, Clerk COURT OF REVISION TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN A Court of Revision of th& Assessment Roll of the Town­ ship of Stephen for the year 1948, will be held in the Coun­ cil Rooms, Crediton, on Friday November 26th, .1948, at 1 o’clock p.m. F. W. Mbrlock, -Clerk 11:18c. RE—INSURANCE Policy-holders of The Hay Hay Township Farmers* Mutual Fire Insurance Company who operate Tractors on Barn ,Floors are, according to recent regula­ tions passed by the Board, of Directors, obliged to attach to their Tractors an approved Fire Extinguisher. Failing to do this voids your insurance. Contact the nearest Director who has- a supply of Pyrene Extinguishers on hand. Price $10,00. H. K. Eilber, Secretary, Crediton. 4:11:18c Township of Stephen NOMINATION AND ELECTION Public notice is hereby given that a meeting of the electors of be proposed and particular of- to be elected, will be ad- the Township of Stephen will held in the Town Hall in. CREDITON on Monday, December 6, 1948 at 1:00 p.m. for the purpose of making and. receiving nominations for Reeve, Deputy Reeve, Councilmen, and. also for Trustees of the Town­ ship School Area comprising sec­ tions 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10 and. Unioh 8. 12 and 14, three to be elected. And further notice is hereby given that in the event of more candidates being qualifying for any fice than required the proceedings journed until Monday, December 13, 1948. when polls shall be opened from. 9 o’clock a.m. until 5 o’clock p.m. at the following places with the undermentioned officers in charge as fixed by law viz: Poll 1, Polling Mill’s Shop, Lot D.R.O.—W. B. W i 11 e r t, Poll Clerk—-Gordon Wilson; 2, Pen- hale's kitchen, Lot 20, Con. 2, Preston Dearing, Geo. Walker; 3, Council Chambers, Crediton, Thos. Trevethick,- F. W. Morlock; 4, Town Hall, Lot 10, Con. 7, Alvin Baker, J. H. Gaiser; 5, O’Rourke’s kitchen, Lot 10, Con. 12, Pat Sullivan, Jas. Mawhin- ney; 6, Koehler’s Store, Lot 23, Con. N.B., E. G. Kraft, Chester Gaiser; 7, Sweitzer’s kitchen, Lot 19, Con. 17, John Houla- han, M. C. Sweitzer; 8, Pollock’s Store, Lot 40, Con. S.B., Mansell Hodgins, Wm. Hicks; 9, War­ ner’s house, Lot 1, Con. Sauble, Colin Love, Leland Desjardine. And all electors are 'hereby requested to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. IF'REEMAN W. MORLOCK , Returning Officer Crediton, Nov. 12, 19 48 . 18:25:2c Township by- booth—Mrs. 28, -Con. 1, AUCTION SALES CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, FEED AND FURNITURE W. E. Nairn, -auctioneer, has been instructed to sell by public auction on Lot 10, Con. 4, Blanshard 2^ miles east of Kirkton THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25 Commencing at 12:30’ STOCK: Belgian horses; 22 high grade Shorthorn cattle; 46 shoats and store hogs. FEED: 35 tons of hay; 1400 bus. mixed grain; 20 foot en­ silage. IMPLEMENTS: A full line, including dairy equipment with DeLaval magnetic milking ma­ chine. ALSO household furniture. Positively no reserve as farm sold. TERMS: Cash. This sale will start sharp on time. Booth -on the -grounds. THOMAS NEAR, Prop. W. E. NAIRN, Auct. is CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Lot 20, Coll. 10 HIBBERT Twp- 1 mile west of Cromarty on TIIURS., NOVEMBER 25. 194-8 at 1 p.m. HORSES: 3 horses. 15 Oxford ewes, supposed to- be in lamb. 1 Reg. Oxford ram. Quantity of hay. Full line farm machinery. Household effects. TERMS—CASH ANDREW McLACHLAN, Prop. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk. HAROLD JACKSON, AUct. 18:25c