HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-12-31, Page 1CARRIED Bi E. S. A. San' Franeisen, on Shtatoay, Deeem- 53 X THIRTIETH WEDDING' ANNIWRSARY ©SERVED Mr. auid Mrs. W, R, Eaagter cefe-: ferated toar tofrtififh wgtMTrg amto y&rsary M "toefe- home to Wawsmsto 'em ' ©ay,. , . ■ • "They were- married to ,1906 at toeto prEse®ttojs®3je--fey Rev W. A_ Ftolay., . .tonsberiy toe WtoteefeEneh 'etoroit and have "lived ever sww& to toifr ' . 4 . -tube femFiy and grp^vts imtobered. "T ,®h®'spartofl^'-as a seeus- Nest between- toe' bau^s _ ________ of. gEriB srf ' five ©”«doeky Ixuekrww8 ^rty, .Eatep^ess wffl -.g© to toe pdfis to Christmas dirmeE/A toast to ■ sefect -toete p^Z jCOTnefiL They wifi feridegroam ■< - thirty ' have, five eandafetes to. eiwose. ftoah, agp- proposed, -to ’widto tow to be elected. Thg^ sgate Farrier fittmgiy replied. A very jgrised <$f ■ toe tour sitiing wfegimegs . - * - - gjsid a ycraniBg' rsewsteria" to toe muffls-_ Aral field, ®fc X C. McNab, mafeap' . gar _ of SfiverwacdTs' Creamery. Mr„ W, BL Anderses® rotates to One reseve’s toawr tor iris seecsmd ‘ ten®- by ■ affiESamaiti®!!!- At'. the irotoetasfen. . ef 'Monday teteifte sffiEsrimatom' meetfing, -Reeve Andersun and ■ CbnnpofiEffls . Ferguson, ^fedfearufid .amd MjEriDsmald <guafe- fiedL 'Gwrife Brisfedffi was marina­ ted tor both toe reevesirip and cws- tel .- , ' - j - ; . •■ ' AW gfeay Tuesday, .espeEtatosns. TrniTg, IWr Btiii~dfeEE fwfeld. aosEtest. toe' rEsvEshEp sw-ito X C- Mc­ Nab, Phwllilimi Stewart, R_- EL ■Mff’QwfflSn. Tgwmqplg -Oarfee arid X L, Mar-Milteini paruhabte •' raew (riMriesfatolfe tesr . the CeKiMMEffl ..Bejard. TgahTy. -to. -the.-evsring,. MR ..MeNab. jpaffiffied toar -toe CsurwriP, feet egpee- frafttomre toaf others wraM tofiluw. scrit’ toifef to iasteirmEze as toe finial hffinmr appnmaebed and jfest at toe It Mir RwysiteW ^gr^d up tor toe QrwiwmHI to geek' rEs-efectfem fte a fauirfh.1 'term. ( , . The1 toUb'winng wanSnafifems were resBCTFed:. toe bride and feridegraaem of thirty .-■POST OFFICE.'WAS . eldest daughter .frffMr. anri Mrs. Roy .feg -F^ffoffoTIy and -ably <4^^ Mundy, cff became toe ■ bride af Mr. Keatoefh Mowbray, of; ■ Laapfcramgj. san eff Mir. and. Mrs. Afex * Mowbray, eff' ISrievsEfe. Tte ceremony was performed by 3fev. X 3L' Greig. ■ The feide tess eharmiog in a brown, cEtugesthm to^t g'-niep prevails' diM- -firmg-'1 toe' The Espress-effiee, rlwwev<er, reportedE bsto’ fisssrnfng and outtguing egpress tonrmerrts, ‘liiMWs- .ingainiy’ s *- v . THREE YOUNG ORKS WEST CONTEST PRIZES person. <-—i"1^"11.-... —1 " '—'"'lit. t § H OLL YM AN ’S QUALITY BAOITY^ R THONE 36 WOraOW. i “ pwwapfc' T® MI Of Amo^ , R^neseaEted Bf Cs»ty Rates Of Thomas G, Gaunt,, treasurer iv -■■ ' Kwnifesw Tswnshin. gave aa enfeghte FOSSEETE .....,- '.- ,»„. emmug report ®n - the mumetnamsear ; W. B. a^. reefing . -ami DtanaH Fargnsasm-- _ sbj He Boimtea' amt «fat' ffi® ' W JSwfc-J- HL MBter mad E. T- BamsEss- - - j™^e dangers Jlibib tbe . B=-p^rtrren± ■ Ndtofflir EnEtefe—F- Efflfefin and .., ' " ' ir t__-F -or it-sm. ''TRe’19^'RsK wkfeh fe 'op' 0Hds W' '.a 2*®®^ W®®, stands at ®2922&8R i woBd C- SttewarzS. . . , aKEeosEfc. for ateest hzdf• FOR COUNCElXORS I- ggfi this w-nth -Qw» gcfeol ptees cif •D«alld, Fetgusun — Peter , MeCsE® i deluding toe -’TTtstepte and ihmd .Geftriro Tayiur ■ .|'griperal ' feyy. another big item. Alei MaeDiaradd—W. B. Amdeto®® , 53^^37^ te -One ^Twnimiri ■ f<m T®wn- amd Hfesnadd Fesgusun, ; teip, pjBHrpxuses. W.' Gamnit points chk ^CgastooBedi «■ Prige 4> I ' ^ilr•i^fx 32Bit toe Caiimty ‘Trtasui^-1 TROUBLESOME 'MATTER. THAT HAS REMAINED 'FOR LONG UN- . SETTLED. .AIRED AT MEETING— REEVES REPORTS 'SOUND ' -FINANCIAL POSITION IN ALL DEPARTMENTS — BO A R D; CRmClSED ON WAY ET HANDLED BOXING DAY 'PETITION ' " ' '' ' "' ' ------------------.■•—^ ' ' ■'* ' ' ' I WWe ' rnmommsEfiimi rmwsftimtg^ Era ' ferial' ffirwi storat $2M for labte yet LcbcSeeimw ip past yeans have seUdtem. there is^' 8110*0' usore ®zj hamsd in toe Ww weffl sttemSeX Mcsnsfay iright's Hydro aetowrii toan a. year ag®. nms^tog attracted probably a Krile In dealing wfto hydro and "®ater •fenry^Tr' gtoiherissg toa® esessL vrito- matters, ’ Mr. Amfeteun exptesEd' tweEBty-toffiir EKfflrizsatoHas kymug pre-, that the work nivolted fey these two- tor toe varisES' etos fef services, wau u anted pf-.-—?=■, msmariltorg amdi sefotoi trEEgte^s. ■ of & Ptabfic UtfSties CiAn.iimiistom. irW. sHnnm&ty weH that sffl ts- ' S^sffeens new - wfeter satoertoezs ' / __29® 224h0 . 22-Z75 "IQS^ __21500' __-®W- __ SSO0 __5400 __4500 YOUNGSTER OPERATED-ON A' ttoee-day ■“warm'" Tton' the end, so felrudlyr. u.-rto giftc <jq -dEristmas.’;Otter Nuauirattops Jteryjyed A-nd the week, saw .toe snow and itejl snrriy appreciated it/ / ■ Three- Retping Trsslees. iRoferi sappear from fields/ roads and , 'Wn-htogt <me .and aH Happy -told Rae,- GerH$e .3B0B^2s' "^®d' "Efete FeES/^as-jf by.magic. Rivers took '■ ^QSPeffc*as. New. JEeax.^ - . MaeKciizie.jfctECTnedT’oCSEeFar t ife appearance of toe ' spring •' . ■ - ■ . || Aantter 'Two-Year TWro—Ftatter esh-ste. 'tet stoekiy receedea with- { W1F1S ' ■ / Bate EsJoeitoa Fteecaal Fib- ^ssxi tfadr hanks. .No' -mow is to be *„ '.HE0LRY—=S± toe home cef Mrs,, Year. o ' . ^' ■ en in toe fields and praetoafiy aS 'David .Alton, an Christmas .'Day, . ' ' ---------- ' "" -J' , ads are totally bate. - Desmber Sth, to 'Mr. and' That^toe toteepayers / ■ .Mrs. N. H. Hedtey—g. son. I with- ida-b ptesenf Seb^ol- -Board, Mila weather last week, taroed to <• • .', - . , would be to ont by toe fact toat to <m: Gzristmas Day, wfctefa feH : 3fcTAVCT—To Mr. .and ?3te_ aright^ TTmwiTT^i^ are ar fess, omtiiiuany on Satautory - James MeTavfeh,, C-on. 3, . Huron ’ teg, terf tertgle nnteten- jd' Sunday. The ^eet w^ to 'Township, <m Sunday, Disinter 27to.| rp toe roads into a ,, glare ®f iee,(—a' daughter. ■ -rirmg afefels Ro-bert Bae 4feorgP st nsde motoitog.' an' Christmas I. . ' . —i — ' '.Douglas and fen. MarKfefe tehn ^y definitely hazmtoms. Hus eon- DOGS DESTROY HANT SHEEP returned te armthar two-vear <±25rS- ;P^ ytar, enst toe Towntoip pf Sn- • O&Er.'pESEtes iff toe'-SBotad are,, to spite of the'treacherous emMfi-i less a total of S2IK1D. This frHtories ’Dr. W. V. Jhhrtstrm 1?^.- tom. if tod not stop -a -JiaEge crowd, ;ffe'vafae of-, toe animals am! toe in-lC. H. Hugh Marfctesh many feam iteigfibaripg towns, atten- : speefem charges. ■ Mr. .Levi Rctyfe taXjand T. ,W. Sfrmffr The 'isiter. fcg -toe. Chri-tosas night jgstore in |toe1 greatest7 damage done to irisfkmk • -was1 apnrunfed fihha ygar 'jjy _^Tt----■ _X— J—_ sheep, iris ■ claim amganthfg to: 'Hoard, muRr toe ^sg^a&ons i toat camo into effect ppmi -toe -‘estah- —*—‘'-------'■---------r—' -------- -—] Tfeihing of a' High -Stoool .here,' J irrlamafUH ' 1 ’W* feltowfeg mmrinatoms were ■1^-1 P 3I im-nrmii r* - Ain «<■■■■■ G. H. Douglas—W. JJ. Anderson' jk sen Ratepayers ftieetHtg ----------’— Wm. MaeKenzfe—-Garfield ' The Me five-y^r^Ed dangfetef ©f vjHage, wigg sver 300 _ ..Mr. and Mrs. Bai McCeuaghan sf to ero^d, toe iraE. ■ fS66-00- ' ‘ uear WbitorihUrrh,. T^roier ui.en.!‘ tm pp- j ' ' ' ~ 1 ' ' ‘ ' Ieratom -in, Wtogfeam Hespitol on Sun- I i i day fte a^BeiHSefEis, an affcseat rare- i\ ' -ify-fcBEEnd to a Bittle teae so ywng. The j : youngster fead been iE stoee^fhe day i befiMe CtEristmas and on Sunday her icratio® stosrfiy perfbnEed. when toe s appendix .was found to 'be* rimptaEed..-I ■’ riTjafetog- tfae fettle tab's entefettori amte serieos.' The Btfife ftoe-yeartoid daughter cff I — ’ * r.......... ecwStton. -®as diagnosed and an op- ; ONL^f T?TGHT NOMINATIONS RECKiVED FROM WALL’ FULL . OF Ttonald amd W.. IB." A-rwtor-uin - - - ■■'••' 'RATEPAYERS—SINK HOLE ON TENTH msCHSSED—-j^IWF. ~i_ __ J___ 'CRITICISM OVER FAILURE. TO GET GRAVELLING JOB COM-, and 'Donald Fergsson. PLETED—MEETING OUITE ORDERLY WITH ' VETERAN FRANK HENRI PRESIDING. . _ _ _ _ Win.Hex MacDfarmid Robert Bae—-Donald Ferguson and Geo. TL Douglas. Robert Bae and "Dr. Jcimston -were spokesmen -for the SciiO'oI Board' and upon .toe' sugghstfem oF'TBpctp • Ander- ■son, -school matters were first i hearing1 on Mnmdhy ■^pjeenrog Why toe rate re&rfisn was not greater than Lis tnills,. in view of ~ increased .grants, azdl, ssfiary . tedne- ,0ver' shied ©ver toe orderly rn-p^ting tomt: zitojas. Mr. - R&e aAR, "was '."teasisy eX- ___ _ I teTIrrR^cri' toal bratsgdtf a drsgrtetom . plained". -332 ■gEants ‘ amonh- .' tog -sBEtHMi in two of toe sink fccie problem cm toe 18th'’tod to apprajrimatedy. ^8S£L. -with sal- ' ' - - * - t zry redmrttons znore toan S500. am- : SCART FT FEVEB- ' . J, Aitoough Kinfoss' Township , rate- ham and Peter Moffat .. -. ’ OUTiBREAK IN ASHF1ELD ! payers fifed 'toe Tou-nteip HaH at Peter Moffat, -by Isaac Graham and ■ ' . , ! Hohyrood cm Norniinaticm Day '■on Isaac "Pirife&H. An tastbreak of sr^-rite fever is; Monday afijernoqm there were only John McKinnon, by Arctee 'Macfc- -r^ntete to ■ AteteW to: tte koehafen '.eight earKSdates nominated fob office, tyre and Gecerge MrMiHrm. vfcini^y. Miss MargsEroE MaeKenzEe^1 and- these -were fifed pracfeaSy wito- . Mr. Frank Hex try, a .fectetto in toe \ tetter 'xst Hemfeek' CRy -stoobi has to toe last 'five -mutates ------ ' w’——— •BlSSlOga for a fiw?1 weeks-’' period of ^uarart- ' by .Cferfc John. 2- .IsEoe. I mains unsettled, tame in fimr Qtfete were added' 'during the ys^, ^fltosE^n TQe ■ 7 Aw /_/ ___^__ _ . - . . , . ian airing, while toe Bcsard was -eriifc- cse service especially, to toe ■ rest- Fridays commented arm* th^ ■, y^te. 'vringh TEtatoed the -Baard for Concession, and some' criticism, too. . _ _ , ; fessed f®r toe mariner . ite witoh to^ -tenxe ffif tbe late Mrs. James Ffetesr, 'Ckri^tinas entertainment in AsfefieJd Ater third tan, yas not definite he- tatoer taSd, of toe faSure to have toe 1 oUHiing to a sisn to’aExcess of Sl-SDO. : IharadBed toe Bosring Day petitom.: ®as so cnstiy it wifi take several p^SK.-h.^_tp^gn GhEEreh- was j ril the fmaT hour for ipsafefyipg on .gravefimg tontract frdfifed and fail- ■ The^te •'reaction accounted to- SCARLET FEVER. contracted tte malady which calls .'Jar mmiiuating feour ■ regs-' Township’s- municipal affairs, pre-. 'somewhat fess toan $700 with' var- iems otter items making up toe faaG 'ance. .Among these' were -items for' coal jtf.. about’®250.,' painting $Z7'._ , ‘new bosks $40^ while-the cost of artrnmistnaticirn .was’ np a little. Fur- toer. he pointed out, that Miss -Mar- garot McDonald had been -engaged t.- teach marie in toe school at & sab" ary of $130400- • z j Mr. Rae explained toat three eta?- two years. _ purchased- FOR RESVE' . ■■ Effiott, whp ■ remarked that "fifi looks j'this'year, .two, and toe eual. bin ' at ■ Piriwqri Eife&J 'by' 'Fred Hsdgtes as'if ’too' many, wpnld 'te gffittntg a.4toesent stands about .fuE. m cre- ' ! tad .Robert Dtaafeteu ', ,. ’ ■■ pnH tat of it, as-’weH'as many otter | pairisor. with practically an. enapty. ■David Criritatete fry fen. Cta-. tiring? that tore Up” ■ " ’ lfej a y€ar ptaittag ■ offer ■ gr^. and Leslie Ctagtam. ' Helped To Beta Rate *< $275 -was ato^ted' at about SH* FOR COUNCILLORS The enurm.'ou.5 cost of indigent pat-, i . "(Cwultested ®n Page S) Matarim Ross, by Fto®k Henry tests—$49U0$® not ntending those' ,■— and David Ctarrutters. ' - .. treated in 'bounty Hospitals, is one'Now -Gets 'The .Mttaps \ Arrtag Macintosh, -fry Artogr Gra-. reason for toe County Rate teing 'up-' It "a'a? tast about a year agn jhta He believed aS nufigents in Kinloss Provmrial Constable ' MdClevis the measles • _______ -j TTTecrfgy night', font -$ras .•Gtatoafiy as- ’fire of some pratrdtofen to ffistrrmxte t sured toertog, 'Mohday’s -v^pttag, 'jbs “toe' road, work more toiriy. WATCH' NIGHT.' .fihIRViCE j three new nominees, stated toey Reeve 'Efeintt was'toe first.speaker toe Twwfe Rr»JidegMEe, TSsEZsSay, • jjjjt jeaPse sn efertiren.,., while and dealt mainly with County Mat- ■■rage uiiiances- ■ JtrecE»®er'ISist, f.p*. to Midalgkt- ■ ptentoeto-eff toe preseta'body . In- referring to toe owe ra^EI-' in- “Upm® toas Reck I wiH baiSd , My. gjgujhed toefe -stentogm^s to .serve ■ CTtase in the tos’ rate, Mr. Anderscm ’ , Cfcarto—'^Matt. Ifitifi. agshi, 1 went into detail' eiroeernirig espeadL-’ Who is toe Rack'? .^Whst' is- toe . rggmrf enasiste- eff Reeve Rfcfi- , ■ . -^ ' ■ ’ ard Elfiott .and CoEncfficirs' Arthur '.haid paired expenditures to toe exteritj. 8L30* p®^. -Suraday, January 3rd. t Qrakam, A-nyns Maetoto^i, Afer ¥r- I iff 2 saving <ff sevesr-ttafc eff a toEEL' Norman Lowey. Speaker . ppte> ,j ‘ Ross*- i Mir.' Andersa© again maufe pfein iris ■ YOUNG JTEIiRLR’S KIGHT - ! reasons for not proefeinring Bearing j punu, Friday, Jaataary 1st. Xriy a- fejifeday, addtog ' toat Jtofe BIBLE' STUDY—7^1 ,pau j were two or toree who dfife’t fctaBd esuy, Jamaary fito., 'to cdfflse- >. Ylavsfse’s CritK-fcwi ; Mr. Wt®. Murdfe. nomtoateri jtihe reeveship. was r/eit -ealfed ludrito caused ham to' retaayk .it !.a dfrtersinn firfem toe'dtetom eff hear- ksgagmneto tff their elder daughter, jtag' first toe rmembers :cff toe GounciL Veto LiESan, to Mr. Guffie. 'Carter ,cff (He criririseri toe Ebmfi',for toe irita- Dmagsnncra,' eldest son sf Mr. Peter': ham rind' Peter $__ . _ iraer tn wfcfeh they ifealt with toe'B05X-';"€kErtar, 6to Conce^ion of Etoloss. Arthur Grahan^^by Richard Elliott were worthy'' of aid. but generally Wateertcm “got" the measles and itag Day ptertow, “One rrwafe a toe marriage to take ?rlace in a.znd Angus Madnteto. • . speakmg. too many,are taking advan-fnow he has contracted that patofiri J 'Ab Pate 4) .mcffito. ’ ■ ' Afex MaeKeitzfe. by Arthur Gta- ' (Cetotoaed c® Page 5) ‘infantile mafedy. the mumps. Ttere write. no ’“firewwfesi’ however. • years revenue to pay toe instzEttakm • sanud! toe ptatepai tairiress ®f toe ev- f costs. Finances of toe Waiter System j. wmmrngr to' Rpmpp- ArndersramL who , were in an' jiaipEoved CbStSiuWJn. csves- I rieadfi ubty weto a general resunffie of last year, which afe® -applies to wil—l ettKBidte surad village affairs. Mr. rAuririram ■ spofee of toe fefigh cost of .toe tatfuhtatetafehr of Jusfifee this' year and safe® ’®f "'toe'haCTKEsfcg . nmnnber rf OM Age peusteasrs which : totes stewing where actually they Ctertm? totals 623 atai fe tacreatoag about 150' a year with -a death toe * of about 75. There are in IfeKStauw. The ctoffitofer^s share, whfefe as ta&y Hi Last year. which afeo- applies to vfl- ■Hagte jwgrtCES- At Decorier Sist, 9 • tetafe between /SE2®0 "and 81§W n?y. Tfee eftst of to^safe PKt- . teats' off wfcwfe toete are nstjste fra^ mb to tofe i ItoictoMw, isefefeffy respousbfe' fe^ xh5H] > toy ■ increase to toe CcaMty rate. The W r-ti u fu JI I otosfczoffing debetutote dtot fc ftoEy fa to-.u'a ffe— - ®b®®6. $7@0S®. to toe best , • VaSage Afisxte' Mr. Andsrsorn ■ eutEne'd toe attests : fee « where tehry necessary hydro Eewir- f:tog bad been* deme, as well as toe;to- * stoEtotom ©f twM"'®ew taaaas£agn®a,ES ters. opening up with reviewing ssd-j arfes of County officials and capital- * tttp- that toe bnw session held at ! Tobermory.' east no •more than' toe-f natal , mileage to Walkerton. The | Road Insurance -was ■ fet at $632. ‘ ____ ________ _ _ ___ Auotoer FobcJ- giving simite ■ cover-j -7-30 .' Nominations were received, as fob sage was $5(50. and had the support'were burned etery ; l®ws: ■ fef six' reeves, to toe surprise of 'Mr. < test .. one car rvas Wed- WFP PUMWR Efficrft, vchp - rematoed tost 1$ 'V >;l I .............;..... ......... ... I ' ; . ■ . . : tor\ ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED \oftj 'Mr asd Mrs. George Rrvett of. was Etasgtenaa, wish to atasEcaanee toe i t