HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-12-17, Page 71 M-W m. n i.WWMB»i ....... <Z •-8* - ’'7- A.*s .£ Tr'1 UE / t" ■ I. -■ s ■ ■ft •s JI* X ■9 I £ •/* - r & «•» ’fete "fcl I Doctor Among I First Mounties Cna/ntecfev. CIGARETTE PAPERS 4 None Finer Made llfllB Important Hans For Farm Markets •* 1 Financial lashes Going “Piracticaf* ■fc ttlhe 31 PAINS ALL OVER HIS BODY 1 F13H z<; 'MBS K19 - s >WEVSf? BErre*’ UmXt KXHflK H3OT «■ *4 liliiC coal n ((JtaBufl Mijnotes,, uBgBetnaitnni® ifin ttflae Hfiterib ILafcft aareaL Jj&erttftsenii Wi.ninn-U fito&ffi, tneguoHitta gsstixtfiiawttafflr ffamr Xaraein^ IL®r ©if §3®i,O4 a me® ttfigfe ir®fwd! ff©ir ttS&e ffimfisssL, asuS a soiiliBSiaiiiltBBB . Sns- (tmeatfe <®wn tt&tfr iimB&fafiattfe pr®c®ffitoge nrasauttik T©!tail {praxtotuficim sfinw mmTIilm^g dsMHianaeaxBffitfl ®hd Anar ii to tfSne yntyj ©tf Love of Maine HAVE tnnttiiwo —' te ji&fe ffSartt? .saate —: Wel2U Ttey utoTtt. fteeai tnsny ywnna. Amfl ttte S® ffiwe ftfcufr cawy ttfiwwigftlt omfl teed Tflyy tywiljl- ueiittftii® ftlsollff tife SSffid Off ffuittrow** good -Ttofl ffuittajnt: IHHftdL Custtaorerr —-1 ¥cs; ttftrniUr itiS ttehtt tonntTW>_ SAFST JOfflX SL IL—TB» lh^M ‘ jjane tbi) .stantt ttesoftwflt tamsirc ®jp- Mrs. Meeteir — jHeuftatiiE® fe fts . toe wheafle. {BaanfM Mir. Meeker — Ye®, my desir- S. fflfcnfimy , F_BLCjO__ {puBffesSQBr aft ! Mns_ Meeker — interns a <Msmefi Mcmrtf AUEtenj' Cnfenfnsfttyn detehmd ytear [pay cftKtrk- WBatt <ffid ftaaie fin a ItetoH® am. “‘ffleilgang toe yw® ftt ff<nr? ‘ OsttenHtr t® ILtetem.’” Fuwn ®oi emirOy. age dfafflfirssB wfte rtefiwfttfihe 3®" imiuftn. aund my system H and yixitr. msmto ’ tosutL ’ Font eatfii® <4/* nuuHfit- megflen'toftg’CXe gpcefeiEttiitt) asfififfti was ir!MiimignOirt«,_ ihn lasstirScfdL AygcH.<.c:E3nm) msisEnft mw® tom ‘ • Ifitong rnmife. fflte ih®fl toe ffifirmi 't® aBfioiTwSane'” a? fiikaiftig a jntep - <0m spraHtorag amS ostomftt’ug nto Fite itwftifi tnctf te wfito>«m full] imtegFtamS'i®g. .Ptefcssinr . ffiftmiir stnessinfi' ■ tote gmratt ■ ’ dSfu-firamr^ tetwam feminag omfi Ifetffiftirig. ‘Tfcn utter- was asrtox®, TOquirftg toe tMH -cm-c-oisrftfeini vfi toe* utetofi .-as wE ass toe ear.' vSffie teur- 1 ' ' . .. arg -sras? fflMffC’.y griss^w “’J&say teeyutr- tessite’ te‘ itijp'’. anisur ttec*nth- . tow < ■xc.itori.fe' tefifea .ftf^ry*ftaiw.hiSi' a® ftjfirt" 1 finin.il adf. .., „ tmiG ass w-Z te teufes ' rf ntstrestt ■xftrr® isterfe.iii2 $htr trie erEjjciyaniiiii Tufi wro® toe' kfeornrrs gmferditfenrm. H Fan- smittm, tee^.yuatr eyas cpem ®JF-, gpapefraSU ne^erise ttte gw«®«s.. fi ” ‘ . :'H: ■*• ■ ■- „.,... .' ...- .' 1 Teteter - ((ha fiiswftkaepftig))—Wtett to oi dteiktefl-? * .Wntttty ^todtetiitt-i—A tnauu ato® anws -mntiHyu * ' ' , 1 Ttftai&Mftr -— Aajf .wftwtt aflT . Wftfiiy Stutemt — A totoite te to gcmg..,tt® g<fe to 'si uftedutt- Every ik^Sl an Me D®®te' BQ^ftier ttftam 3t neoflly fi%- as ®s sQanrf ait toe ’ fifttoszm—and Busk u^.' | . Lady —■ Ease limg w£D toe aoesft tarini B^, gfieaseT . ' 1 ■■ Pteteir ■—- ©tat CTgiitBe am£ tifttee Lady — Snanfe atoau’it yaw? .. ji Jjttmknnwj,, Itafly Shroifi fins' jastt gaae tenie t® ditenpr., H ■ ' . z * II. A warmth sunii ten BasSamd took mjp- astootaatny Jost si®, tout lie «®®RS ■ get «ratt Oltt miiyfttt. . |i 1 •f ■'■) Exira Wage CoispesKalisn- b Aimaunced For Ersgilojees t Of GesBsal Foodh Tte Board edf Edteatte® g£ PhuSv- cuMi iiUfj fsatBd fit toefixL far Etey ter©,. XJI-r Bats deeiiffid.to gree ®p 5®- i^re' eEcB«B^«sn^_to” e®jry“®ti g^mbo sttrseCteii :.int fforefgiE Bsstgusges- snR tetezKxry te*** There tes Been Li’tiiiwrffw®. 'rfr® yffffffltrfrB .■■ asff fits jm&Ec i qostte. a c®fen®e of ts^awni' rro ffiawar setefsB .system to fxtfiifsg'etodeiito flte* ;®f PiEB&aHsesS re-emeftnig a rr^gre- “*Wen’_ ohserenes rte BaDfiEn®re .ESehl i onne ®f toe fetei,,. adtooi toe bromnds TB& me2iG£« affieortfimg to toe Esorf ®ff Ecs Jiwftsffettes-. fit feafe been BeJ8 '<sd ’Eduncatoini--. ma&niBg Bettor tease- tos® toe federal1 petwer. eamsat. e®n> wfees of toe gfefe anxi Bsaare eSteses®, trail trade wfelrm toe pBicFTBnire®.. ®a® wfflAer? of toe beys- This crareftir to birfEig os a fct of ttal&4 mytrirawiy ' ife new fOWED ■ toisrtt ©&f arjraroeEit as to toe “‘garaetoaF toSe «>u toe' elfts&ses vchfito ws raging- 2lk years ag®' rctem the trevsfe' agaasst toe, ■ ifecfetiQinary f iimtow- of Latite • and Greek reacte-i Pffdeteread ■ ftsns- • poirtterLS.. Dtr. is proca.b£y true that toe Mto teteel. at; Phm&te&Ov can- ; ims • proraite . .ns-truKtoaa- 'as exras®!iese and (d&tersSied. as' tost encouffitefiei® at ©xterd- o® the FortMirase, but tost <&5€f? inc <£teMM=e of toie'fau.t tost ttBfc PtoifeBtMrO' sviM-wli ' auto /.totes «_____ eostent wiito a sonsewtet Emited deff- finfitefti of ‘*‘5iferr and ®ito a mat «x- octoy 'aE-entoratong toew of toe fam-'ttem of a fooasewiife or-a ®mfiter iftj' toe foxEoJl fe.dus&tes. '. ' '1 After- aiH toeze is ie® 'arta mw * Phtosteim- te-usewite-te®wfcg fiftatn- w* - ^9® -€Efe<?^y....toes^>leOijfees, . nf Framee they speak French.- eyem fif Marketing Act_ of. wferfr ’fii.ri’e sfee tears- toe teEguage spate® fey as.- 0. TTBseII ttfte Rjtotnfe rtlff TWiwinftTW^Ti S3 HI mm esttzseme^y sttrsnig' poasfissn) stcod fcffiS mSirftfaffiT* friar tl pwgwtj! fitte itwiemps. ffiiai If&att ttfte ewnEDfsmifir micttftwft- fi® fymairfai vranraiEte gfiesBUCT1 ecHiffi- fece ttfisaa ffw sewfrsl' yea®? pbbsC ■ weue- fff®Cunres' .ffnsu&sszai stt ttfee airffimisgJ! ■ sswKrtfijigr ®ff. oftareftifliStfeTs ttfo® fiinsfrfitafifwv fcdii recennly he M»»i®ur»faEL Ek5^fe.[ tfte ' weeg^enst; Sfir Cfcmfifes Gtsrt&iim. aauf JL Eszt- jwfiiE zetiF-raJ iHSEEsazer, stressed ttfie afijimfaaEu e^rfiSsnjce t&at erne- ffitnres epff; reeswery sure- sbcotst fi® tdbe assuu.d2z.t_ aad feieit: ®m tfie' fee?-' ir z fffflrrflnd'Profflfr 'ydHwfti tfogy SjXEffid we’tfaErtE'r fi® enety p&sse efi’ t&e ®tnrifinfin»T>a FctsTrfwiHHt' aetii^fey.. ■ Snr CTarfes' Goan&TE. {president. . fin &5s adfoess nrsBmred a® nEp® Siye fiitam •isneir&iL 'fftatnires ©oEstonid- fiyjr ' nr. CaassEda's . (fearfisr ttfie fifp* yeim ttfij® reetsnery he. mgr- . riferltjifee.. “fie esntaifitdfisajry aetfixi- .' tty fin iwifinfiiiy,. Tifry- sJH-^nnne1 ireecranJ fin EDCTrsnzrfijit nTOifiaitijffisi. tt&E- ztartti^. ' •. fyfirgr fer??2SF fis are- tourist ttnatfe. and tfce- sHrfibfery es^aiHsiiHE he ennr ®sTrpyirt tfirad®- EEe ■ drosfir . grfetiirallafe’y ■ esn fi&s ' mnfewyy' fiuftscry tefftinfffa,. • to a recent suitnnty &y tee fieaEfc. • wudM see??® to fie “t5® gsreatestl (nnufetfintroc- to tfte- ffedomE finssme tox.”’ EeOTer 'I&nrgs ALeaJ F«r CaBsafia Hte fiad a weed ®ff wmnEiEg' tr®- gmrtfizEfl? • {prtsxrtrnHgill riffyfffftwttfww' Tim- tre&Eunm to defitx. saying ft® re®- greett to tolk of ne^nrSsttfins ttftag Be * . ctjnfkfl attsC see ftcnr ttBra Ene ®ff ttftewgftti <nju2jd fie yrEESwed wiiSBtflut nfte (nwdftt ®ff. tfi®- ytosBe Hhnnfiaftn® enwriffijr fimto (fer^wS®.. Snr (Cfiafees aj®sed Be? tCTMrfe ., am am wfittmnstoE act® ssyftiigr: “We •■ stiSB ftrtw irtofi&HHis to. toffl® fimt. as re^iard^ ttfoese- Btefiterrs I stand ’manefy ona to® ®?p{p®HWe snfle ®f toe? ffentf® finro® to® rressfinfsto and F. fteffiepo®. toffift' wrfito' to® ewsraanie1 ' ■ zarined ft® to "{KBstt few yeaffiK w' ' fir ’ Coct®&i ' wiHi -sSe?B5nDy wmto ennr ‘ oray toward ■ BettW tonmasJ” fenftfs V*«miifffiini EvfhrwtBr 'Strtnwi® . E’irrawnifni^ toe ITSto antmiaP Ball-, sunn® sfieett 'off to® B®nfc. W„ ,A_ ©EX- <n® BeftaST' off BfenseFfT and.. ■ ■ Jafffttswwi EJkwSfe, B&f ffeWsw gsretoE ! nranaaw,, drew attenefim to to® : ffiartf. toret toe totoB jesses 'to® t frnurit Bad finCTesEsed frrnni SIBMWt- a y®Er ®e® to Se®O38b98# at ! 'to® {preseiifi tfim?_ 5Errd' nomtod ffGfi- 1 ttfejfi ■ to® essare meLy sttewnu pn®sfti5sn: ef to® Itetfe wes ’>ff®<rtted firn <gmto assttto , toto'Ufinr' W^OJWIffl. ■ b®- rrngSFTrftftyz ®®l7i7,r- ®f ml® ISaMSffies i to. to® pitoFrfe. 1&® fiaffiwai&nr. toe? ' ' Hiwestiinr wff toe? tayaassfieiF ®ff. TTUIGfl1.- ' ffWW to BPse3^® axrcrnnrt. Brniiminir' ( toSF.tEtr'to S39HWW’JWi .SCtr.. Eferpt i safld toot tof« .<rfin) to1 fte^d as sb > rjrtoteirto^ ffaf'’to® dewnsfe- . m.’ “THint fis to sor^J*' Bb> irenraHh- ■ * wL '“fi» rectijsn> ffetr dtenmti IS®- ' I BifBfes WF Borne not TOifir fir i armsFrrxstfweTy ’m>JUad osseto_ fiut j. i'n odiftrinr we* Bdte asset* nepres^ I . enftfefe ’tliWffiiili <rff ■ aimtaf atd - ■ 'RTU'rtnp’.fn’iJff' fe TO'ser'*® acrctfilt.'*' Swtftray Unterestt Esto.- . Mr.. Ek’tr esuretoeEf rpzrat tfint fe find fietiqT tomd necM'wray to to 1 "“■< fn^. s^Trr ipEtte et fir*- ~etesr fitted hit- w^rrz* -fpefistat. safe-- i •> err ami : rtfis ‘Uirfe - ’ dp'’~'r«i ;tt toe ,T '■'■ f “Ito Tito Bj'tteT 'Tf r’I'lTT>7 JxT'r? *r¥T'T*-’- it fe ftot cfepuEed toot toe- Iterafifeitew ZQwmiEeEt fees jksrisiftetfcnj ©^•r eacpoct trade- and concurrent enah- Eng Begfeitetoi>n' fey- toe proirfnees ns- terested, ste-toi arfciew toe desired resuilit- At toe. KMoaeBjt- toe Art is .he fere toe Pzfey Council with BtrttfefeT >.te tasdda argurng ©a its teteaff Howerrer- there have7 teen- erfe-d- i&fie rep®'2ts. ttet the present •• drtoi- fetratfen; -st ©ttaW fayowr' ful gov- errasBent trontrfil- of esnoTt 'E®ar.<et- fisg setemefe ratter--toa®.' nsere’y ■ set- ct-v-TTr ting liEp- 'unoehiftery. for toe- producers te appeimt' «or eLet't toefe g-tk rvr&- troi Boards. That setters: ’ in tote <Q^ reetteffi is under . c®nsT'Jeratten: ^ee-rrs to &e Endteated fey Mir. EfetevreC's renrarte. lit fe uasififeey that, tfee srsvermseEt wtSI fee <-*oatemt to-1 br.-n- _” _ |__ __________£_____21' __:: ton®? cece-feed jrens si .' sruppert.. fi® earnest tBarmaf-sefe!}^. gradusato wfa» ®te tet H^xise- ■' : ^. fras nejreu fieeni toere. ?&®r texild fit ■. uiLaEfflriiffilffly . fessen to® effiB-iaEny ®f i ■a. PkEufetesi® • wszfcar , to fct»e fieet® k rusted toanKfijft. Cscct®® “EX* Stases!, tofie^i, tosfis llesaarEfegr sdametoitigE noteei ateuX ©3d XgS^ Cftaai . te afft^fwiTryd t By s^ftfeg!. • mjB ■ few a® je®-1 step- Ptefefii5w> e®en) j etuy & tos> **<&njp b aurftifigiF t® 'te'tonlsfi® .; fir tfte fefi*fri seftffisl Wt tefiewHr to® li©rat ••fiSEDtefiBBes w&£eft atrceonit1 . ff<$r to® Pamlstete uteu eiff to® fftiaarEbtiffi etff p.uiri5ir edtz- ffatott®. fit is {pt'afty tont, fcad to® wtrtod Bee® ectstteiEE nriito) to® PtHafeBew ndEa aEE toes® <zaEtan3»s_ to® raff* w»mM tea® grot eniDy a SffiDeF way efisfi- ®ff to® SSB2HEgs_ , ?o~s ff-w&isat SBiasruBDu—®uul giw os after toe fest tens tnerre ft? a gtror- aUJ tumnib ■' wear ittw wtnt aim ‘aaasnur- 'anfiee of '.work utote- ttey eontpixitte la^R. BrewBr,. aee. wk aniliHit <tkas> autem -iu_. •-ffswnuB ne&I® drefeefi <f><sw Snr Ofitaffimee «*-. uiEe' uvsf- Etutnwre ffimnxHis. "&ni. <En® *9Mc_f ft- W pfenMed t® ffaims ■ efettees faw aBa“asi“ Fal$. types of' ^rogtets-; fi® toe Itetd Ftewdte. franc wseitera to. porters. ’Sdt: ■ r at &zes«t snlfi toe- eftefs and , , ©srurses are nr epernftteta. . ar ar Attetassnce at tire eai’ege totefi I3®”1 ■ werte oat pt 'three days a- -reek for •’36f weeks sf tire year.. Fees '.rr refer- . toial, ctnrraes mfetofed in toe tra.T'ug- ’. for toose is esrplnyrnent are jjatrf hy | toe- Hotel enrpk>y’’'t:g.-nte stferh^ste. and ■ all. stods' 's 'foes- m- wftrfen®' frmxrs ami.'trot' ox “ire «ta<-ieTt.?’ spare rferoa. Airy kfe/ireu hfe?- ,fJr .. teC-tey. •,sfr yowto .h>TO sg.. to -.stot surfi ft toa. wrajg ' t.f go torcugh <toe -toefof msur&e Tte jiwifei .fete “-r to*e*e he- . gismng to filtofife El er fe- By the unre. they .are ' T1^ 'they g iw fearmed iea-.-“ rhe I'aregu to.lv. ci.aite ,'5te oe fffiete. ' • TFiier! to>sy j-ta’r at rhe taste; or , hearting -ffiHu?e .th»i7 reterse a c ®- nntdatornj and ajeato ami a ’ ■xnguk. Aa, fetors eve- -vx- rtofetetl tofe" • F"'te“"tto •totr* jCe^pe"'-1 are 'T.n»rg ‘“fe* 'll -*■»-+ *’- j:-e. •* ?h- .ta az “.:e ^ ’de, .'■®*. to.. ~ j -"fefe* to r ± .- ■ te ’r.-. -tds ®3E#JEP’ SBTjSJSSEEEBfiSS jJjTt'.lJitaEEaiiSRi uliHrjtjRinngD.' ■ SKntB — Er**' 'ttnlpfiil: fiiwiigte WMltmrr' DBnrnwim. '.Ito (OKsSfiuB Stress. TTnrrintii. : • > jl . .- ’ (OSUTSSWEa _«3X WffFHB: TO SVkftS fiSXTffiSTliffil £Uhe '■•» Wsnw nrercons arirt Soil rertarnnttiHti sent teaa. T£i£. WS»t &unp>in®. •Jtthcttt' f»attsnC tovrtn>w. 23ft. Stea Street. Onawa. Carnutm - '•* , * I ■v ■ ■ . A nfeistoTus Oil em- grGryee? cd (Gen^tED Fcadfe -wtei ftarse tefiru wffiBt’ tte ir'inm^iiy grinr , to > JhiEnuny 1.' EiKML, wO fft&tete sto ets- ttrai wure ’ ®«n^wtettoTtr cd fifito weeter ;tey. s&ansrqEhH: to atm ajEff^trmre’TOnrS 1 By E.. IE. MitEntasife 'MainiRE&rm ’ tDfegir-1 . "tr tp? .’'le’rrewfe1' Ftefe- E amfeed_ Iter- ■ '0fe\, TTte t&rr.^tifinj'n' is* ftefitz arffite USenes ® 'fete ©m^steuttonB • I'cra® weft:’’? gay w3I! te shwtt to ail "efirpvryed tefiwetn .Ewuupy IL M<?tT astel' y<?«eariketr EZ, TTtese- esttrat ‘v.une ■ <<<Jfiffient!:i“:irns affSsxS aiB. (Gerreral Fctwfr- ter^&ryeejF <fin (R? ptertL and «&es cdSters . in. (.CaaraCtE thnd ttte1 Fftifcgvib Stotosi. Tte e-nrptcyee? ratrefetfirir x psirfe.-totfee ar ttte araasidtefeEite asrd sfiifi’ «d sterfr ■ wteyMsmWE fiafid as-lfeffi- (OL ’ MoxweS] fflcuHe> (&a.,ye>. ^iirteu Ftett Tatefeest. Ceutoi. Ciwaau _ Fateff"? .(Cte’toitete. Saute (Ceddee.. FchC"? BkaKfi • FuifesK. SirtraHr- Orrte Ctta, 'ffteteis- Eater"? (rcectnrB,. ,*'<Cteae-i&,.Et?r' PteteSu Mmuto Ta^rte- ■ •r.au ■ PBetote • and SWaaiff Etefitt. Cotte IFtefe'..' . ’ ,'••■. Tffie tetoa. nty ’ caotteaHatoar is ft® atfififcfets to - ttte, na» rsftt.ii w wisliy gray'" ffisfftelfed /ttiis 'yte? to att Saftftct ar«ytt<?s af “Fre ©t rm»aay.. tun® ' to&® fit fiiarftu' rytaz a.?' jret «7.em ff-str wftofi rpHte I!, fftny fiirff-fw yestteri&y <nEises " •*■*»«!&'nrt •arsEiry 'rrer.?em* to Oris? toe dgpecte- ■ I emttoetfis i ' .«f ite1 te. sou 11 A teem «®ir ^JiSd a wfet tii, tpr? r.fts’i1 •ieaiuKty .« ■&&- ' Ea4$urjg ffiiiri&e jftaani ffinwr diddy Ekganr uJfedttn) — ^Bitt dies fies 5ay‘I.\' Dhpiinr H&r «&i»-- HT^afe cetnu1 ^ar®, aiiii W'iW fie; tirugihgHL. ' Mfi® b* 'inxtjjeitsmjd^ difiein&nlt ie^- «*• -n. --ff v. ..n,.m aai gwaftanu fl-dtt a rmtoi"s wrifite cfe. om8 Bf yruar fi/tem caasn^ft a® <ran®^sa as s, „ _ _ _ _ n__ u . **... « ttwisr tore’h Jed Bxtrre at gwr ■■ . ... _„n. ■ v toot .essarjj fiufer. (tff turawsenx..jjifittai to ixratoi. ii ,_ • , ‘ ’■• ------ ------L—' —■—;t lady ■— I amt gafinp to sre® tny lh.iHfttEm£ ffiitr d&WtrtE’ a»4i. 0 ’tojaiffi. yjtb to tell tot® a&itis iiitF <rSo®nfixrttsar~ , —r We»X aiffirg!/ teafi) ■ awazid Fd tfaeii tie Biomes <i® !ili? fiffild. ■' ' r . ,. ” laxSy — Thifi wetttTi Ek® mffliessasy-' , Ufi® tem^JF are «t» ary 'laaxL' ;l , ’ .. - ■:........> fl Ute wny to araid to® ‘iteffigo ©it <?d ate ffirym® goat'fentir’ fifi 8s*. E. fifisn ■tn.. »ma*. ITimmin. 'tifr to t® i A—1 - KkittfiuB — EfdHi.nfe. Sf gar mihnittlieir ■ Btrilftfe —Yes;..' inifdhitf, <feHr.. ®ID ewigtt fien *®stF~' ' ' a./. to piamriftg t® tote- teattaai? ®f .aaffi OtaO ossncftfeinnH;- ’nz’ tte wfeetiiftrf’ te-i -r tiT. reewfiutato. arn 8 h “te- TtTlff" T.iH’: "T ’'j"*,4S ~to, *a ,ra , L'te - ,’rii, fi tut I'inat-tr .-;i’ te'4 ..‘..nvfir .i»et£ or !,'fetndii' or LiKPi- s- -escrnrotete ut as agnitafe.I.- WJW pnatfufij sir' ElKItJ- and JLfe<W_ (I9W gnidtate fin- TTte • decreased .grtatatiint this year ras &0e' fttf e^- oesfitoe teferi ditty tte tone of traar- vesttmii fit eastern. (tta-ttaaiii® naif test. xiiere grasnetfe-r flfcefflK gyfid for .t tor’xer cruft sorter fir tire sestons. Tie w<saterni Cttftifew yi»’ d '»ftie net&itiesi -i? sector* 'tana&r dkuftftft 'tte- S.;:mrrer' and F&X -terne _ seed aL1® ttftis- yeasr .‘n E'irfcVh and' EiraaiHsviMtK > Tita “•Co£- aflery Wer Suentr IW* «etra*»Uf fit alii idnmln is. ■tisttfiBohefi.' ait guam&v. '.vftlufi' wteai adkifed ar fiBjp yestifs jjyeiviikfiiiTTti ’Wx^ii &Tfcitl! illTHVFi.lWO' gotintiS1 tfiiore'sCfi?" *ee»t anoiitihfe as osniitst an. esr.msited an-, mtaS atHnKtirnrrtiistt at-eim-d ^iMOdfithT giHimfe.. • * 'A ■w i i j ■! I Vi II mi to .liBT —ninins -r .1 ‘ i -. 'feFierc hits' '■: tTH^T»L. -■■VTT2_ * r nii.rtv^ ’n f. r 't :i TiPHri/ ssfifcite cf Pratotaar Ase£ Aft^sEeiJ . ■x*- RADSQS $13 AND UP &>. — m ."'Lue«ir? tftHcrwut.ir «si*'** t? n’.un t» 5’f't tfT 1st or-tn» Tit A' r «»“■ r ■i..'1-n imt *.l ■ tfrirn.-t •nnwKS tinrw^''>r wentTta ,.-iif.:"» ■sfJ? tu — El'Frtrc rsitttw J-5 in •’i ?'.Tr .runr.' fem . 2S£ OtiijSF *r fi*Trt . ?. fi.-r-fir.x The I t.3:T ■lt}r? uizes .if tetnf raif*. aftfectiifsfii' de^ettTrnrreat .ft.' ■ftifie' rtf AlaertSE. Caaate. hW .ur.-KH-’ are 'satoaHy ■ 4 ^etr.nsi.fijr firaft ' Onr^'“ Ttficaf year’ •QI atrniStcte wt£ft fft’4 'tfsu'efiite • v, ■' V //