The Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-12-17, Page 6tofaMlr »—<**>» / 5' 112 —£uke''2t 14. I by the fetrir-toaitescwnis wimmain- pb©to shows a ifiaibric-wfee lady ea^e 'ir'tte 'near'seat ®>f her ear iLESsau xm the: supross gift . (Clra*fei»» £es®asiy - E Joito Av Z-i® Printed Text .T 'Jbhd 7-19p . Golden Text:—dory to God to the-. ■ , highest, And . a®' earth: peace- * .- among ntai to whom. fife. is= well *', pleased ■ . Jfa maa® hath beheld'. God: at any .timer if we love one another,, God .abideth. ia us,, and His love- is- perfect- ?.edi fa...ass:—By the phrase “Has. fave’’' '.John 'means: “tee fave which ■ ^raRw^rsE'1! fa- Has- nature and: with, which. He 'has endowed usi 5Ean receives--tee' love of God. .and -makes fa his own.”'. ■ IFefaby we-fasow that we .abide.!® jffim. and; He in us, because He hath ^gjvea. us of His Spirit:-—r With, teas faerse'should!' be-emnfafad 14, • fai fa- tee Holy' Spriit,.- tee tejrfa Persdtt-! faf tee Trinity -fa. ms', who- makes-'w: -:aware'of our abiding in -God' -and' iGddfa abiding-- fa m. It is. not and '.■intellectual/ comprehension, .fa is. fa fasiriffadi apprebensfa®. "L - - ~i And! we bave beheld; and: hear wire mess teat rife Fateer hate- sea® t®e- ■Sou-1® be tee.Saviour of tee. Woridt; |—Tlfe wondfafM title'of Christ, “the jSavfaur of' tee world,fa faund efee- wfiere ofay.in John 4-r.42L If we do. not accept. Him:- -ss< tee ^vtaur,. we;; ■df course;- shall: never know, tee fave ■of Cod fa- our- hearts. ? Whosoever shall1 confess that Jesus. 5s: tee Son of God;. God: abidefh' in: :Him, end He fa God. " XM tee beM; .liever’gi confession; of tee Hord- Jesus fCfcfat,-- see. similar, expressions ■ ira . 2t :i*23s aud’-f^S; ■ The momeup we cewe fess- Christ as- our Saviour w are ac-: cepted: in Him, ■.. And we know. and have belfaf-ed Jtee love whfaif God hate in' .us:—~ l ■. .BTTiis; is the natural order; prrgres- ■'fefae .knowledge leads up-., to ffate, but .itometiimes’- faith precedes'' Imowiedge ddbtm .6:00);, ' far either case, each .completes tee other, Sound: feftt fa jfaitellertuai..; sound, .knowledge fa be- Ifa-ring: - '■■..- I God. is- fave;, and- he ..teat abadfah. fa* Iby^ .afadiste: in God,.' and -God ifafafah fu. him:—^To-ver tee . . no.uy /ibve pf Ofidi;: of tee, father sending was- dite-ted^. but m. ifa-fifatavers'-msi Soar to. be tee Saviour tee tee medium'' inff which, d. was--., refeeated. :ja«mJteeJmbitufa-4mme~of Tito Eesstrav to Eto Stottoi^ ' ' dd not know act d2is& W® death- .of apori^fe .' I s John;! teougis- to fe tebugtto to fisve ; -..’ been 'abwatt A.IE Jfeh® wrote iris : • '"Fast /E^ist3e?' ndt ® great, while fie*- ■ . -——------------------; Hacefe—. There to n® Evidence ,-to; find epistle te where . John, was when, writing to- It to )«5®ibfe that ■ .Be wa® st. Ephesus- ' Beloved;- c® love one fflusteem: fan love & of Gbdr atd every, on® ’ tent .loveth- fe b^otte® of Gfed- - Imnwet&i Osfiri— The fifat word off. ' ®w le^o® remfndsr- ud teat tfifa. err- .. rite, passage id nGt- fer uato^ievers; but ftor ^IbwMieJfevras;-.' An: uc?ev- ■•ed person simply cannot attempt-to- Ifae fifee liffe here portrayed- , . 'fife tfidt Ib-verif not. feweffi' ’.not . (Ssdb-riTf'yo® find- ® persop: who: iss dot characterized .Sy? divtoe Ibve . bearing: the name of Christian, - you* '. 'be reasonably sure that such- ® ’ one- has-- irever bee® bom again,. 0® ' teeote^ hanto- bd careful, about .map*.; jbdgnistte, lest you- yourself to- . manifest divine Idte-’” ,. ' For" God is lover-—fa those words . ■ we have me of -the most tremendous^ . statements- to' the Bible.. Ft. fa, the Bible, id mtoiatfae fifete.'to dll we ■' .want. , .Hereto- was? the love' of God mani- ffested to uxr-^“Nbt'simply 'towaras- ~”"us5T^"®te- nhjerte to/ whom tod-’ feve ands to1 which, it was” ^feetire. The Christes® sferep the life- of Christ,: becomes himself' & secondary"! sign, of God’s- fevo^” ' . ' .'. ■ -That. Go® hate, sent iris only- her gotten ■' iSmrri-This ^oribus- title;, “btey!' hegottfe® Sow”'.is- feandi to the ' Girevs 'ttenslateiw of Psiao® 22ri 20? and •isSk' 1’7i but to'thfe-'NteW 'Testa- n "’gr. fe- teupd onljy, to tee writtog® of the- apoStfe totto;- hes-p;. and', fijur fir es’ in iris- Gospel (Tn F4v- ISpfc W. . l Jff t . : - Ihtoi' tee-, wotei; teat., we might live terougfr--Binst—There was- nnrreaso® why God should send Christ into the wprtd tor,rs\except, teaa He. loved us . , -..•'' ■ Hfeiena- isr 'love;,, not teat we loved God' but that' Re loved- as, and sent H:s 'Snn- to .be.teepropitiation tor car ■sitoz:—The word “propitiate’’ “‘to- appease;” and,, from it, conies.. Beloved; if -Godk so loved us,, we dfe® ought to' love.one- another. This: is the sixth and last time we have tee word “’beloved” to. this epistle. ■'T’sese words are aimost a duptoatsmt of the sixteenth verse of the preced­ ing chapter. The little word if does net indicate ■ a -mere supposition, but is- to ■ be ttorew' as5 viaTaally equivalent., to the word “stor*e;”‘-' ... euir- hearts. ■'■ We remain';: ■ we abide'; jwe stay'fa. it. i . . That we. rpay. have boldness fa- C&& ;day '.,‘<sf judgment':: —-This- dees net. prefer to- any we-^artaruiar -day of ^24$ hours,' but to that' great period: i<jf, time .in: which a® .meh' wiii he . jud^dt,. tfccugh .this judgement lx be- lieved by many to. bet brokeir-^wp into number of different the judgment, ef tog' nations, the judg^ effleut sf believers,, the j.udgm®it of: !,t2je: wicked: dead,., ete, . ' ■ ■ . . ■ Because: s& Bte is;, even, so are we j'iit. th®- ■ wbridit— <aThe reference is:; prof to any 'one attribute;, as fever osr‘ .righteousnes, but to tie' whote.chsop- 'acter of as it is mi^fer known.. There:' fe no fear to fevet but per­ fect love castoth but fear, because fear' hath: puMfefeirent; and- he tSat feareto is- not made perfect in fevec-^- ?“Tfier thought of Bbidness necessarily' ■calls’ up that'of ite opposite;, fear. 'There is rear to' man. naturally; but love ever teuiis to expel it We 'feve;r because fife first loved upr — The omissioji^Gf tee pronoun '“'Him,” which 'appears- in.'the Auth­ orized: Version, .'should, be carefully noticed. It is- not so^ much teat - we love God, or His Son, Jesus. Christ, teto-' we love,- Love becomes: st- part- of our nature as it is a part-of God’s, nature ' JMywond Cat—Th® series sta»w^ fmg to 'te® most chiMreu tefe yew '$ tew® been tee sixeaflted 'adrilit films. ■ And s® H©Q3yw®od tea ’ effitsme to te® ,mwr-nimriffira filter watefetag mafiffiea nfficeapts,, tepit tere ®ffi advantage an uhalkmg parimres especMBy tar tea cMiflmenB- , ■ '. Tomngstars Usetweep tee 2S®s ® ■jsmHfl 15 prefer adrnUtt teroes and tera> .. graea., wite ,tee eweptenn off SMiritey- Temple, The West Coast /Tbeattr®’ .ffigpres present same nannexpected sta?- ttottiEs,' to tee. seoumd pljaee in <te£<4 popudarfity as "‘Tte Trafifl of tee Lfflsae- s©mev Hre," d^finBfitofly .adisOt enter- . ttaimmeutt. wi& HaroM. .LAffiyuIs -‘'Tha. Tursirpry' ■ Way" nmnunng. tefird. ““Stattmy ©m ifte. Saoramty”. feurto' anmdl ^Earte- wrinm / Tractor" . ffitfte- - - Other pictures that wene riP bin tee (lust meflude '‘Briaflwja^ pdy.,” "“T&q Big Bmateast,’’’ ““Mnyteim iiwm ttte iBawgjP.,*’ tee ChariSe Cham sen*- ■. tat-, -fafesas BSaimgers..’” ““Orina CSp- '- per^ amri ^A NSgthtfat tee Opera,'” . Ttamton Sargeant, a ifitoa ©ificsalU says., it 8s tee ©MDfiinen, nett tee ©an- . ssarp. wb® demamfl teat rirtee fee ,re- iwrinted anri riise pEmBsfeed. "“They want tee, "feeavy" .siwtslhe«a.,.to 'a pulp.'" says Sargeant “Tteey wamlt riee not ©mly ^atapaatrife. putt savage­ ly psmnsfeed Amytemg teat ©srmes- pomdls to ttfee raieSall period asff ttDarfeair- tsiffli,, wfeete toflaridrialls or ■ gronnsi have ttfa'p8it. teemseDw.es ' against maft- Enral (cfinsmrastamnfea.- appeals to-young mewfe-gHwers,”" ■- A •Seagulls sunriomnOmg A^e mother ship toff Cailiitornia’,’s newest industry •feflgfe seas sardine fishing.. A fleet of 129« put.se SEtisfas^woirk out of Safe 'Ftanris-©® tar sardimes which are turned. W© fish meat ©SI anad fertilizers, . -'■■-.• 1 . ■osMsoauuss ......... jAtme mother ship toff Cailiitornia'’s newest mdustry - — hflgh seas sardine fishing... fleet of 129“ put.se feinerstarodk out of Sari Franriseo for sar alines wMte are turned mtp fish meat ©SI and fertilizers. . 1 . Seagulils surromnielfi® •'H33S©. PLATS- WITH PETS—Ara. intimate, study of the King ptayins watfe three- -canine pets in- the garden, of the itoyu.1 (Lodge ait Great Windsor .Park. (Photo-by Studio Lisa, ’Copyright, 1S3S, by Acme?. STore atteEte->ii- is ‘being- ^id. teas-- year, to tee interior trim of tee rnewi models, to this, tee designers of up-! hsMstery fabrics have tafeien their cue from 'the ladies. To meet with teenr. approval, . 'ir,. wiroet fee smart -and simple,- be icPol and femg-wseartog and' at tee same time, rirfo-fepfeimg- apd ■easy to clean. Neutral shades of-ina®- hair velvet are hemming inrireasiug'- ly.. popular with wornaen. when they choose tee interior trim.. Neiittaii shades because they btend with must colour schemes and mohair velvet: ■ because it meets all tee standards, s^t n?jgjn ■ ’From' tee IFn-baimritall Pristtl) Same iimnpariienice ns eriidenntt md so®m- strutctaiffin amd Ihpuase, eqiripmeritt .oma-ltes regnrdliniag. tee ^owssess. wnte ’stench tee. geuerall puHA. ns arrepteng -..tee new 'bt»me mrodermteiffiron ’ poifiej. nsf' tee 'Nateuunail Etop'toyaaaenit tr.<nn>ninirai°B- sfen. There may have been- a few ©•teHrviers. wferi espertedl tee -tena&si wiaiiaM be . ffeextedl wath appErataoua rinmefiiatelly after tee. stebeme ww# iffiUfao force tefe nmwrite..’ ..... Srrih a sudifen m®venn3Emtt w?^ .hjus® pussilhfe, n®>r. wsualM fit have been affito* ‘ at ' -.geteer desarahfe Im matters -itBra-rersa- ___ ______ ____ ____ ____ _ Sfee . ring tons -feurne, tee average ©wiser ns is- wearing, a <riw>te <c®%t asad tee Ifoiag.' cwnservattSve., fa tens case fee os tdeaS- .fees ®ff tee csfeir gfae tee-earer am ' tag wate a ikamg-lerri ' -mwesttoepSJ afir ©f castuaii elegance -test is teep and ©me tealt csatareims every' menS^sr secret .-rim ■ ©m .all young vsnnsn .wh© ] . has family-. Ilfecfexeias iare made . want s'ffinw-temmo imdividtE’ail ip . terir ®nly after murin ctoxmsaiifleirataroEa- rityife. The eaat is. drill] black amd' tee The chief topportEmitees f®r btanae pfafniELm c©feds- in tee four aicrent-| jnnaxdernDnzateem <nxcrw firn tee eamy uate the. srina-riess bif tee figrine. A i toll and fete spriaag. They ©i®tarita' .tuny bfacSi. i X wfite fits” saucy frisrit' '^ite tee semii-aiiffliniinsill Ihaunse cfeammng. b®w and tee blrowse ®ff pfettfiniEim gtey Once tease pofeds pass tee average swteft are mutaceable fog- their ngunndt- famse ©^nueir. 'hesitates to tmafce fim- means- ‘“to render favorable;”’ our ’ word: propitious- better ■r»S S wing ci mpi 1.■■ag lbs.0.2 lbs.10 12-0 lbs.18 lbs.XO lbs. see teat is quite that ..may r not 'all the amount of Csually 10 acrqa .d r’av nO r.aj, n 'corn. and r irnips. al- '3 ng these, you will I would 'not. ad- yojir using this on your barley J ; 2'50 ixudds per I would recommend to he' is fav .much ‘COVPT The land ... Brant C wer.-lt ,i ,won«: - ' "Nitro- Conducted' hv PROFESSOR HENRY G BELL With the Cto-Operatiatt of the VaricMMF Departments of the Girtarict Agricuitoral' College;. 1, Question: “I have been think­ ing of buying some- manure- from . a 'local abbatoir - where-I deliver! frogs, ft :s the stiaw and bog" manure from the pens pl as al] the blood, intestines and some Hones from grease tank toiled .in the manure. • F wax- think­ ing’ of | trucking' it in , large piles1 on the ploughing and spreading beto-e ■KP-eding;' Won d this be'a balanced fertilizer? They suggested one dollar per ton. . Is it worth what , they pay far the baled straw they use?' Con- •' gidertog the Hauling and spreading;. would 150 pound use -pn bartoy" ;erpd .son 2-15M be _____ uur .land is, con in fair shape > rabte,' but we manure. on the jS- HL s difficult to to e. ,gr- ft- yr — I..K Ate at. .a definite ^timate of the ■food'content of the tankage you describe- n-n account of the variable factors girh as, whether js wr pr arrive p-tuflt- whirh many eater . hlr nd whether the pile is I ihsorbed; wh: er' is added; torted' from precipitation, eti. hare' tried to arrive at a 'reasonable extirpate. Baring- m'y- figures on 100 hogs, 200 pounds on-ch. I gore that the mixture of manure. Mood, tankage and water would give a' manure carrying approximate; the ton, 10 pounds' nitrogen; pounds- phosphoric arid (P^OS), 6-2 pounds potash (K20i rent prices, thi proximately Si. straw ■ y-m ly to. two and Aherns- i would: be v.'rili ap- ■ I T assume they pay about $6.00 per ton 'for baled straw. A- 100 ' hog run. would require about.'' 100' pounds,, tor 33,00 worth of-straw. This would constitute a litter for approximately •7000. pounds of the mixture, and the ■ 70O0 pounds of the- mixture, on the basis of the plantfood content' that r gave you., for a ton, would be worth 54.02, so that if the mixture were well taken care of and not exposed to. any great loss from precipitation,, drainage, etc,. it should be wojtte the ■price they pay tor. the baled straw, if this prcie ranges Between • ’ S'F-SB per ton. Regarding the using -o^ this mix­ ture tor bartoy op your" goM. clay loam sod, I- would point out the fol­ ic an tan’} carries "150 ibs. 2- carries Compar the ■ nitrogen of the mixture out of line with that of the fertilizer, and the phosphoric arid- of the fix­ ture is' just one-ftmth- -of what the fertilizer carries, rise crop. f y* am thfa Ton. would get' better .baric u would appl of 2-12-0. •you apply the -tankage mixture to the meadow though tor the latter crop you would do well ■ to supplement', it with about 250 pounds peg arM of superphos­ phate. • ' A—3 '... rife*';'-::.-.. fismuing a fiase®ai8 carcritt is a hohtey with seme of these deliegates — wash ©there it’s a .fnSB time, dertoas- ffiusmess, as exw’fessions itodf ' cate in. this picture taken in MicmtneaiL ■ They are Imteraaatioiiiai]'‘League criah-awajiera and ©fficialls Mktes stead grimly to a new season, (Front row, left to -right:, Jack Ogden, Balfimore;. John Geihu,. Etaffaito ITrant Shanghnessy, -Mtontreafl, president; WerJti®rj| EL. (Racine, JStaaatneal; J. P_-. Corbett, Syracuse; Jfoe' Cambria. Albany. Standing: Remeo Gauvreau, jahmtnsal; Ed Smite, yr_ Eectester; Arthur Leman, Tbmnto: IJfa Wk ■ter, Euffato;' Qajri Ftench, Rochester;. Clifford Oakley, Toronto; WSHfem ManBey, New Turk, secretary. Gay M-orean, MemtrosH; Kay Eea- ' ■ nedy and George Weiss, Newark. . .' ' . . ' portent cfeanages. This menus tee toft} . effect. Kiijf tee new Emtaennail. sHheme V.J01 nisi fee' feaf fefeire next (fafar-fo ©r April ■'■''■ fa tfe nue^mams: tee EmpltoymeiaS Cpmmii=ston fens arted wassefly to” jes­ ting its pfam into "pematfiffim ar. ©nce^;a ■ The mifiETveSitag " •' nmntes Mwwa now and spring wdilD alfew a mumcfli needed ©pptertfetoty ‘ for' faurfem®, faffife owners (and o®Eisarurtfem toxa equipment eompafimes f® "g©t Cirem- sefaes ‘ falDy femiifer vrite a21 -fetefife ' • of tee piam, Tbeire wfflll] -fee f'br minor rev-items, tee necessity - far w-fefida is never apparent; uaMfitl any toumprebenterie scheme .. ©f tens fund is fateaiWy applied. There «pH fee ampfe oppotanfify fat pfaEfemenitany dferastem .and nsaitflired approval. ■ The imdini^tries wtedh stand to fenetffit in wfeacfe to suntapge funds to finance a vfitoiniy peeded ptabfaniy caiEipangin- (Gearim-j teese borne improvements stariied aS ©nice should do m®dh to ensure effi- rie®t byetatoom am-i snafamum wot-. ume when tee irntara.1] time -.ctomes. ter ' ■esfemsive home (alterations meviE spring- ■ . - , ■ • . •The ions hoa^M-d r»y faw>' faoznau's fP‘n«rai Hnspitad to ttie.deatfe off Canon A;tah>. Staatfaa tottoer reri-or r.s st jfapo 'ifee Apfistle <"huroh in Montreal, was rera'inwl- when a brtmzn» inemoriafl tablet was anveJfad'to hns m*indry in ifhe eiffitanoe haJIil off the hw*wtoa fey Froff. . rt. HL RAri3«*.y pro^jdont .off -tho insthustoii. Prd. Reill-py is seen tnjvedi gg tee dmldnsriall. ffitsfep Farthta*, who oontoxted she dfrixsto-ry ®r-r vice, is standing on the extreme right. ‘ ’ ■■'•■.'■ t . • . ' vice, is standing on te-e extreme right. ^Syracuse. N_y..—>rx-yeair-©aa Chas, ffl&fcund Cfeyton fe faeofl ©f SEOmBSB*■qneracfe fa a gfed. *fa gfed ;Ctn a fas' now,’’ Ebe te&i am, mvestngatimg priatamam, .'5I tfcmTt IS&e to vettr dresses.""1 ■ f Tie chad's motxer. Mrit JiEfim 'cfay^ ten, tojfi jreffice she gave tee boy tee name ©ff riBbEly,-” ■ kept Jham 3m' ggtrtTtf <3:wtBimp- samce trite amd .-adaxme^ feria wfitfe Itfeg ferbwffij enris bescaitse tee fajmgHy was. nm poor rir tea some fartTs jdtotees ar^ St was -eas-jer to syfit more riPTs cletees . • item tey'-s.” «te expfefaed. -“fcsifas I ..waantefl p® .beep Jhfca a ferity mg Irmg as J cwuld.'” ■ The d*-ne^3cra was wthfa Edward L TiteL a irateoea' a rihgM te 'tteifahtt was a curfy teared atltfte rari pSaySmr ghto." ' Vfaal' saad tttet . «trnc5; ’fry toe’ yfittaptter's .apparent tnwd far warm' (dfetMte. be ttiaxbk ute dhSfl ti® -.jstieme and <®rderea 'am eadnre .-oxna^ft Two Wmeaa .cWhs'took tee. tefia into an- ■ titter room to (ctenx-e ifa dotlbes a. fawm-emt fettfcr metume'S teritedly, T"^ riSbe s faft a. fari. .tee's ,a tey,*” they e®'tifeaimed. A sfebrt i’afae fet.er. ffWtef mew ’dcitshntQg .attia -bfefam (fxo'ls taiJd the " wcxrld. 1 ‘ Foafap wte wfart to ite giottrotfl te^' farErmlj jfa[ 'C/’mipM'rity .a ttafe riktog Tfay stoner 'rxafei-ttltoc-' ®ffi ifawd rmddtog. ■ • rn 1^ feteer i^ira this WlF’A wags uwa dfa (jsifitiSI Mttfaday, ttibe poSfag 'tote: tsp at. ; rribrica sand WfaM a real! h-rFvfap- ■ d’tsan&t * I / ®SBswl^*§w Ti , ’’ •