HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-12-10, Page 6■■ '■"'rj*‘ta- . ..... ..J....^.,... „ ... . ..........;.......................... '!; " """ ■ 1 ' ' ;; w eTi' * .Look! vMDNi^Y ..JZiTnyniT- TOY -whispered ‘to Haven It ^at repried an of- ■we/re ready Miss Petit now Supp ose pieces, -2-3 nnp milk, 72’ iafoie- butter., -2 cups sugar, dash of teaspoon vanilla.. id chocolate Id milk >-anti place low flamm Cook. .mrtiZmixture as about , ■ ol a A> ell.-.. 1111’.“ It- ••. Ill :.a n Aery .dated .during : tiro'' many ■1^R' 4, but because ... ■release dapm [feirai ’WfflteBB. i ■ ■ ■' I . . — ' tian dicrate 'Music Anion v Lwtifii5 ; tier ’World's Couiirrv-tiulK 1 ■11 “^Didn’t you tell me Mattetyn thought her husband was the thief?” ^ccl^es. I wish .] didtii’t have to go." The .purse was Lola’-s. Site opened tit. Everything'’ was thete except her money amte . , T®ly keys'!” cried LAa. “Why o»- .earth would anyone •want t<- ' kee,j my keys?” ‘Thieves often do, figer; ‘They might have planned to ■ ransaek your apartment later, .Fvet have a robbery ??’ . '“NoT-' -said Lota Tou’re .lucky." Well.,' for the. rogues .parade te pi the line-up room you come alixng.” “Boor .’Mad/’ Lota ■Jerry. Tl tope' they itarm’ They ^tood tin ia idar',: room, be* hind an iron rail, while ta - parade bf men went oast undei the mereh teas glare of wnite iighte. Loin ssto&d ■close to Wadelyn, watch?ng the dam eer more closely than the parade. Suddenly Mad -stiffened -and clutched Lola’s arm. ‘They've gbit him, Lo. Tharpes my husband.” Lola (looked, titer merves ed fike twisted wires. She again to he sute there was take.' Then she grasped: Aladelyn’-s shoulders and -swung iher -300-1^.®*, ‘' Tola want tight cn- tcoked no mis-. xiasted. itomJgfedpngptieg, iddhrirans ffrom $he ifmest land ‘pxraBEt -rngre-" EfiiEnts,- 'C-tryim-ie.’rs JLrrma m4rpsh ■HpIrght. ’Ruyzit-rm.d ■■piy,iitdxniay- -Alldheifamjiy will 'llke'it.rmdjyonr jguesta" • ssaW3ike>itctQQ. Off afeEffl jhaMisa Wheessr /Eby ' tiiural women of tee ■uurl-. have beep ^te-hring tin, ’Dubrovnik, Jugo­ slavia, do discuss teeir affairs. Jfo*spite tee fact teat teey gather­ ed TO'OO fotiong/tuhrier tee auspices -of tee Associated Country ’/Women ..of,tee Wurid, m ’WAshingnm, UL'Q, uniy a few- :inoitesago, tee .mige 10 aneet pgmp .was iso ansistent tifoat tirey terne IpgAiim -al tee anteaMm bl tifee IKatiDiiial Council -of tWomeii iff .teoyvteraia.. -which' has been '■,giving, .sho^italiiy do tee urUernatlotial IGoimeil -uf Women dimng uts tei- annial anegting, sags o stery teem titebrovnik tin tee ’Christian -’.Seienre .Sfinnitor, , ■' The country -women’s oxganixatem ■uwjs "its ctrjgin 10 tee. .anernatiorai ’Gnuncil of »W.opien, .foatiim' been drawn- tegeitei tin tee-' r.k4 instance 'when tee tetter foody feet ,^»^y-eai's -ig<> -jii Yfoema. ''-Itefore "that time, -rm-n" women had' been oigai,iaed tin mutw-nn/groups, bui. t .-.ere had rieen no link toenteen -counrrv and -rouirtTy. 7Ln.ny teings wei <• ten; cere xLe asalue i<> ,the ruia v.cmer. .teowtedge ■ of iiaudicia^to. Jiaxeiidaie of Great Lriiai “■hand \.ork ■ Is like ar tur.-c desert,” an .l not, amy liecuus-.' ; derinit.te' gives outlet to 'tile •) term' woman, worlang jony •winter, evening-: in dart: northern ecourrtties. ft. otters, lop- n welcome ■jjfoe weight of teose hnare urgent -nTyrrto-T-s' which tell ,ao . tee lot of-dll ■rural women But -hrm ri wrirft. tis ahot tee only out- Jet ter 'country wnnmn, Thau IBeria’ liipfe tedtia ’pointed '©nt. te her nnw tend,' Emu ®ipin 'thas ter dong teena.. member of tee terttianTarte- ■Ti.rppt — handicraft plays a usefu p-m-f, font tecii'e aare tether ■mutters Which -are uegaided as ■definite . rivah ■ it tit.' ,■’.'.■ In' Latvia, ishe tetidr'itere as-music . and tit -is .largely foecause tee «fitesanl Woman sang ter tsongs during tin days of tebjugacion foefere tee .ronm- ■"try 'obtained its freedom from Lliss- • .;sia, teat , teis /Latvia iaday ■ songs. Timii India . and .afmost tint jini IBeshjLted : tei; tee tedian woman, tseems te^Str • io oieaseu SBte sshe teld, tiro, -of taw, feeBatee tee women ©f aJ '-tee wink ■ are .waking -up. indan women ■^~ despite teeir illiteracy^—Jire begin xring tio -ask ©nestinns. Women who tiare tet rentnries 1 sever' bad ta ittengkt beyond titei termes. tee ratid, are mow foarmtehi t cto ■peep <out iand do ask why titei i place .tes foeen $0 iciia2imscrihed,.an< t tegy itteusehaes ®o teoall. tlisispar ( of. tee ^general ‘ tqajest'gnrmg '-iff te- '. wntixL . ■ ' - ■ can he made rm the same occasion. '■ Chocolate Fudge can he made plain - —with mute, jwith coconut, nr made t into Tutti^rutti EEudge. 1 . ' ‘ OiOTiiiate gFmrige 71 'S'" squares mnsweetened' xdipcmare, j cut in. spoons -salt, J ' Add over low flame) Cook, mqtij mli<t___ A ■smooth And blended, ’ s&ring seori- ■stantly, Add sugar mpd salt cand stir until s^igar as?-dissolved mud mixture , bails. Continue cooking, without stirring, until ja small, -amount of mixture boils. Continue cooking, •without stirring, unfil-a small ?rmnnTrt of mixture forms tvery suit Pall, ■m cold water (232 deg. TL) iRemuve ; from fire. Add butter '-and vafnlla. Cool to dukewarm fUD -deg. TL) then beat until mixture begins tp tbirken 1 -and Jotes ite -gloss. Pour ut unee tinro greased pan e8 jx -4 inefaes. iWhen .cold, ] .cut tin squares. -Wyfcps T8 wgp pieces. '■OiDco3ate.3faft^ad^e '■ To make Dhocoiate INut .^Fudge, j i .add .1 cup -broken innt meats to Chocolate tifudge just hefiare^poirrii^ ? it into pan. . = '^CxKoaxptiSaK^B 3Eo tinghe Oorinint iEudge, asbidke Chocolate 5£ndge to 1230 rteg 3E. th- i ; stead of232 'rieg.2L Aflfl ~1 aym iGneo-.‘ nut iSinithern tiStyie,. ~pist hdfrrrn pouring tit tinto yrin. ■ ItafiSnaiflHi tEnitee To make ’TidtiTTntf.i Phdge, aadd 4 tablespoons «ach. candied sherries, candied pineapple, ftigs -and ■wfaniK, finely cut, .rinsed send bmrm;£% dried pnd 4 Tablespoons ptetmdno meats', blanched, to Chocolate fridge just h^ore .ponriqg tit tinto pan.: Al­ so makes L8 -large pieces. . When p. dear friend receives an afteaetive box' of randies made fey yon m yuur own home, it is eerrainiy a real inbute io your briendshte- ^oh could ^send sanything jfiuffl would r’a-rry -TPrrrp personal wishes. Just to know ihat you made idem yourself, thought of the lovely varieties land fashioned them with your own care gives “them -extra glamour. They can he so .delicious -and look so in viting. You van haveps much fun and grat­ ification making them and arrang nrg them -attractively in a pretty box as your friend veil] have in unwrap­ ping them -and tasting them. There lare so many .delicious vari­ ations of chocolate candid that look different/.and taste -different :and yet Wade of- but ,lwo identical pieces with an extra patch for con- on hfe tepp. and piece ter -ids ipng -tei). with tee -trousers tep- Sateto. of course, -you’Jl find teat/youngsteer -or -grown-up will p'o. ter- him. „ Odds .and lp-nte from yoi^rescrap teg—n-a.tew -spare moments . follow tee simple dfredrions, and. you’re a idy teat will .go '©rer big .Stitch him up, then stuff him and use wool ter tiaair .and tea- teres. Taitern 1335 contains a pattern bf a monkey; directions ter'' making ti±4 material reqxriremenis. 5Ssiidu22D teaoiips ,3DT arofe. benfe vpfefehred) terr tfliis ipa±- jfoera cto IBI^eHl>eEraft Jlepi., WIGlsisnlEn., ~33 ,®5test AifefcaSde fSlied, Ticrrtmto- • ’ ’ ' ' J. ■' music there -£20330■^You want to tiiate him?” | demanded. ‘‘You iare hure you to tiiate tfaaif man?” ■ 1 rtt ktis me to love .tirim,"!’ ) etym moaned. "Then, irsten. That man Js Chase Wii^y. titers my nusband -as well bs' ycursi ' Wait until 1 tell you what the , bid to me.” , Jeny ^arranged mu interview with. ‘ Chase ,‘^Piley without benefit ? press. A bored officer fdodd tin m idoorway. . * : Ukase bowed, elaborately- TKy wivra,” tie fiaid. '!My lovely, rirmger- xhes wives, i wandered how tong it would take Typo two to natch up with meT Jerry gpoke to tidadelyn. ‘^ay what ycufve got to uay to the. f eL tow before 1 lose my temper arnirf gunefa tins face ” I’ve got lo say .is' that 1 am through with yob/* ^Madelyn cried to Chaise, her -eyes blazing, her love­ ly titead titefd tiiigh. T loathe yon. f never want to tee you again.” ;. Chase laughed "flow you’ve changed T’ve eiyn «napp Lola wants gvidenee that will. prove; her marriage void. Ctee us both what we want and weT not prosecute you for bigamy/’ r/ “Bigamy/' murmured Chase Wiley. '‘What nasty word?” . ' "‘Did you steal my parse?” demanded, speaking for the time. “I needed your addre; key, my dear. The purse was lincidemtal. You see. you’d given me the slip. I meant to tearrh you nor to do it again.” Lola clutched Jerry’s arm She giddy. What 'if Jerry hadn’j come •■home with her from Madelyn’s party?. Tlease.. Jerry. I want to go/.’ she whispered. Summer in New York. lomaTrow, the orchestra would scatter >to the four winds Jor a . month’s' rest, “Or-D a year." thought Eola, as ■he teppod.’up v, tne microphone to -,ng. h^r la-: “Only a year ■;ird-e I ran, awg^, from the shanty/' Hh''- suddenly tour-ned. Toe orehe? .. .. va- not p.ay ir.g . • er number.' Jt • .. '.Maying Come toe L. ide" Jeff'.- ri'-egurpnone v,a- up. rated to ■ our rharmirg'0 ' rr>„ Lola Brew.'lei, who today Mr;..''Jerry Hugh,?.- /’ '•In a ,state of rb-y confuaior., Lola accepted 'the storm of applause and friendly rhee.r.- 'which ’ greeted Jeff’s anrroan'-ement ' Her song 'was -the signal, for another ovation. When it. was ail, over, Jerry *rtsh- Had of the .guard ! The police? . . . Yau 'think .yaute: found my purse? . ; . The one stolen last fail . . . Fd forgotten fe” She dropped the instrument tizack * in-its bracket, and turned bo Jerry. “Rernember the purse stolen Trom niy dressing room test foil? The po­ lice think they’ve identified it in loot they got from a fenee. T”rri wp- posed to go to make sure’.’ Ulad- “*] 'want ury freedom. ered his bride into g ishiny mew saute- mobile, -und they drove nut into the country. /£Mad mid Jeff were wonderful to: stand up with us -at our wedding?’ Lola ■murmured'' dreamily. ■ “Perhaps tit -was *ia rehearsal -tor them,” -Lola mnswered. "‘fMhdelyn tis , on her -way to Beno. J tiinnk Pfeiff ; will be there by the time ber titivuree * •is granted.’”1 TLueky,.girL” Jerry mnmnentedj ffihe pan "have her busham^, iand m career itoo. The -wqy these people cheered you tbnigfrt, Lola, T guilty taking you tway” 0 Tola smggied tier head .gganst itis shoulder. TI wanted "M» come, Jerry. Theydd love*me tonight -and forget me tomorrow.?’ Jerry tins man mbout ter shoulders -and brew titier tight to him. 'titearest,"” -he said rhuskiiy. "^Tm ( going to love you tonigdit -and to- murrow, mud tiorever gnd •ever.7'' “Forever^’ Iola murmured con­ tentedly. (THE JEND.) 1 ’GhccdiHte Walnut tfhtttffis J. 4pgg white, ^2. iablespoDns audd wter, j2 squares xtesweetened ichoEo- j ! fate, !cut in queues, L teasponn im- ~ liia, sifted rairf-eciiniiers' isi^ar, (about ,1332 mips ) , batees si ’wamnt ’. i TUPflte . iBeat^egg whites slightly, jadd water, 5 ■ phirrnlpte, waiiHia, and jprmTigh erm- i : teciionsrs’ sugar bp imake. Tondafrt - “ ifhat xan 'be ishaped. iRoll ante fsmaH ’ halls. 93atten halls aand press walnut ' half into each. Wafces -32^ liIxieed I qstities. ■» I ■ ■ KE ■a. T Lola first and your ■quite felt <« «R 10S imS WINNER . aKDX^. | anexpejusHte. -d axis, stewxnp traaii, placed an ±ut water. sAIkyw xte j oiler dto Jiqin:,aadd 3mely leuth^j stables. About ia3f mn ifacnir hefure serving' cue quarter icup well- washed xiee. Uemove rmeat, .Acain nt and brown 'at bn pan nf baron ®St. Salt -and pepper. dServe bat with stew -poured over at.-----,30iss 2te- jorie .Switzer,. 'GraveninrEst, 'Dnt. One -40-cent itot tar ntteese ammms amp- ssuics fall qput rtwaflthy atrtl vity ttnto “rytnir tttlriiieysysnd ttitatlrtrr-— Piwh ~Jrgt ;iia r.iuful Waste qptrisans-rand cael'-yand rprtrve 3to you "Uiatiat Jast you ditrvie aigrand ;:dfnTBtlciimd ntimutant Wrat Will 'tEWiitly -caxffle dthese troubiea lo cease. . SBnt site anrr- amd rget GOLD U3EIULL '.Haarlem !01J Capsules-----=saie and term- ■dess —- "She original mud mernnne-----aighf -from .Haarlemph fHcilizmd. 3Mat a tfarvc ikidrreyrand t bladder -trouble rand merer tsus- epect pt — ssnme esimptams Ebbstides -visits tf& djaitiroom tat might tare :baclcaciie. unolst patms, .puffy >e'yes mud ’scanty wssagemat oirttmes smarts suit] .Imais. LADIES’APRONS 'Slad? f*1 ^awtitui jasatterus of tap fast pnr.te Two roverall styles, drie Sitaa.’o;* ftotoars. Rose, Blue, 1 dw. [teii Mauve, ^eliow. Sizte KmaL- .lledwa. Large O tor S3100 PfjVE- .t ,m „ A .— . Launbton 1 exlile Compatiy Onts-iq 'G^nfirosity ' of iPm WIi-*c ■ Permits Care 3Por All l^egardless of Mace. Creed or Orcnmstanee QUICK HOME ACTION COURSE 'Dedi r, Mcs became 5 6.45 XS5 16A5 3S;6» 3.45 . it, •“ -i*sto»f.”a rth»>ri?*> tn/ii. . •■■'.’ *<nr Wtr, aluwserti nrOTTwjWi>n, 1 ■* ’ ■! > r»* 'pfiA'tE MusrcAL. ex, (—OFFICE MENn gcr-lfiychrs 1'MJihaw Higher Acrortrft, ancy ■ Cntawp by mail. ha? been liftota; brtofekeeper51 tit, ti>- •ArrnimtaPts prt«i tens acn niv nCO bstper* aernantants testify tr. the “zraltenre. rtf the Shaw Oattrw Acrl Irnminar Wr>u 'at tJSr tacular* aftrl *d .'<rp The ‘Hospital for Hick ITildteen tn Toronto is surety an institution in which every citizen of •Ontario may -well lake real pride. Operated as practically one big Public ~Ward. it makes possible medical treatment and hospital care to needv children from every corner of Ontario. ‘Burin'? the twelve months fest ■ended, 8.245 cut rratients were’serv- led foT'a total of 139.747 patient days.. Over 8/100 rrnrratioris ’were perform- ifed. Over 600.000 meals were served. And th? Out-Patient ‘Department .gave 84.414 individual ■treatments. Every day dozens of doctors cume to the Hospital to donate their time, ted talent in the operating rooms, •fhrt cut-patient tetiit nnd’tn bedside aervice. ■ * ■ It is a notable '"fact 'that the ’Hos­ pital for Sick Children has one of the lowest ratios fof expense. per patient day among aH similar hos­ pitals fn North. America, despite fee . fact feat the 'cafre df -children m- 'vntves so much extra service includ­ ing, in marry cases, pre-school train­ ing. And despite the fact that the • many, many problem cases directed to this institution ernate-’extra costs •over and above or-irnary hospital renuirements. ' . Over 400 of ft - 420 Peds' -in fee Harp rial tee for those in very mod- rrate ■ ciwmstartres, or those who ar^ recrivmg muntnpal relief. rat** per./ day ' chargeable ’to pa. ents (if able to pay > or to their municipality, tis "fizEd sat S1775. There lare no extra Aiatges. The use of serums, modem Pealte ■apnliances mid many other xostiy Put vitally necessary 'titerns, tcannof ise proviiied for unt’df the fixed aliowmnes for needy patients. Ttor do "they provide for the medicinus, ■cnlhupaedic applianEEs^setcu, trqmlied in thousands xif xases. Despite the fact "that .kinHies m- -qiiire'’ ^specialty ^expensive hospital care, "the government allowancesstre the same us for those .caring chiefly for adults. The cost of ?servjng palieiits is therefore' SI .00 per .day more than the combined income from parents Cur ■ munichialJty), plus "the govern­ ment grant in suite of "the, low •ex­ pense ratio' Pud 'the free service uf the doctors. So. each year, the 'Hospital tor Bick Children nppeijjjs to you "tor a durration "to help meet the deficit resulting from its seNiee to the needy. This deficit xsannot foe --Elim­ inated: in tfatet, It must increase ti£ the demand for ter vice tio mute®nd pmre';childiEii'tis'tiofo^''^ri. i ■Dyeryuhe wiro rnTderstaxuls fthe fact must, want "this great work "to 'continue despite the. tiact tihat "the more patients who wre itreated tihe •gmamr the mnnnal deficit foecuntes. DtoiEnitjef, tita Mospifal receives nd support ifrum'feeTtrrontoT’eder- atiun for Community aseyvice, tbe- uguge. patients wre.’.PcaptBid- titrin. ti£U p^tts df the province. ‘NuverhielEss, tto Ontario rtiild .rhouldikbe denied ■■health if mere mtjney makes tshe difference. '. ' TEZEnal p donation xo-day to tihe ■Appeal Secretary. The Hospital ,5ta Sick ’ Children, W iCdllege Street, Toronto. . The -thanks of little tbiliteen ’will foe "ytsur’rfcwted* - F . ^Britain s airplane factorie.- 'will be busier bhis winter than at . any oilier tinig in "their history-. •Paul S&rnjf’? Ji art y fonrrv . i’cto K-ellv ] tavf hrrr Brw Wurteni *‘Aef” ’Bailey Art Ijeaictir J* rank Isotinhcr Mart v Burko Jkiex Jjsvuisiry A JGreat IBook 'sHnw ctoIBe- ’ rcomeablockeylSter r’byTrjP. ’ "'TTiQinm^^Gtnman+iTrianagEr iand ocoarh 'nf tthe ’Montreal ‘"‘WteraHjns’t, uprnfiiBely rilins- rtmteduand asjirrainingnmariy TKainalile jtip8 nn how xo'piay rtheqgame. . Miso 3GHEAT ^JLMXZaZS t^mnznrxid ^iir framing') „ Csroiip Morrtrfinr*'!MaTtKJii«” \ Ortiup “I;**' Cauatiieus’’' Oi- rntiniituul- pzctnren Of: Baldy Northcoti, Jjav^ 7 rrrttier ituss Binico Anri ln»bmrion v Bol> (rfiu'if- Gui. idarkpr Tbe IBracfctille Ttermte>r.amiTTrmp s.ygrites: .After nmafoy Shears--nf drat. I .{hearing .and ^seeing jrenpie teescrib 1 light Lineal vstinEh rangy be seiasei ; at -sny ibanr >iEf ifee >atey :bt nnjgbtisa ’■ b ‘Tunch'/’ wewinst toBarT-wts fa'-mm unrertahrty regarding tibe tpraperusq ' i plication bf tibe term. bJtrfbing as mure common “than x tirave-"‘bc®y” reach tins pHige, sespec tiaiiy from moral points, desciabm , a meal yibich lias been «serv.eddat mi c 'tight nr ulster, nr perhaps tin mti uftemoon, tis ji Vbmck/’ til tic foe a term mhich tis uomnriunly. an pertiraps noUoquteiiy, .applied to an collation; tegardiffss. »f •tiie tepe . which tit omay foe •iseiwed. ■ And ;ytit tifoe dictionary -speciifiraJ r ' yiy describes “tinncli”-as tte slight re. ; past between 'breakfast ian:! dinner/ land declares teat tihe term profoapi; comes team tin ®ld Tmglish ‘intron tighuh/’ tiie refreshment teloen mt mum IbtiiE^. ilafourers desist tetan l-wfork ■ shun "the beat. , If "the'dictionary tis tight, ^Ln-n-ch'. can npiy ncdn between forp.nites .and dinner, and a Uncal of atny form placed before people sat midtigfrt o later does mot tell with tiib r^fa* gory. fflSffi <' 3x«iie Wo. SO ^-r- t3B ’ 'Xf ' AWs2 •. I SJlnVtfj Morenz Johnny Gujewm* Wil/..Ciidf QtM5tKuA£antA« w Wourrciitjiceofrtiieiabtive^f ifior .a dahel train ilsc tin of 1 '‘GROVWRIL'iNir’ioT^IdLT tWHllE’” ’Syrap?—^Write ■im ftfaefiback yotirrMaTii'e and address—plainly—nnd ttfae-' (©nfebodk'drpictureforeirch .gabel). MailttfaedabMilothe uadxLresBiieiow. SO3WJEW33S0B20JEB ’A .A tiki?: roa< vmc':!.. .<■. r-rocii tint • •ihrougjt-u ” I ■ Here j sceir <f piimrose. nron 1 ' , ■stretch • ef wu< '.A gold gorse bash b.unmix’t’- fel •< • .hillcrest: / ' (These will J foe seeking whet I turr me "Wete I-A giiay mist lifting at a pait* xlamili break, 'A >krw(\vind crooning rdpnu !A ! itoroak, ■ rimmed, lake, seagull crying '■• ovrr ,immst;. These -wall. I be fPiding ' me ';We!Et. a reed- the ‘otten^r** when 1 turn •brown titaisk supm/ pT! a A'tta< 'risseeptey, daft stream <dahcihg •town da wind-swept, forac. 1 .blackbird nalimg throngl an Autumn phrtnri, '.A A i These will I he bearing ■ when I fan™ □ne diome. , , V.