HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-12-10, Page 5THURSDAY; DECEMBER. 10, 1D36-ffHE LUCKNOW SENTINEL > ®rET".................................... ---- ---------------■■-,„.,.r,ll-^, , CEH-T^A'.MltE Romrf. Trip Bargain FAR ES ‘ 5CnMwm Fare» Adfaltg Tae Child 4(te; from LUCKNOW AND AM' ADJACENT €L N. IL STATIONS ,_j. ' Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanyiile, Port Hope, EwE» IMEnU® >• I® Cabourg, Belleville, Napanee, Kingston, Gan- anoque;, Broefcvilfe- Prescott, Morrisburg-, Cornwall, Uxbridge. IrindsajR, Peterhoro,,. Carnphellford, Newriiarket, Allaudafe Pene- tang; Cdllfugwoad, Meoford, Barrie, (,- OrilliUy Midland, Graveuhurst, Btocebridge-i. Huntsville; Callaudei*. North eBay, Parry Sound, Sud- Btoy^ AEE towns in. New Ontai-ia on line of Tenriskamfag & North­ ern Ontario RIy.; Nipissing, Central Rly.; Khpuskamuff. Longfee, Geraldton^ Jellieoe; Beardinore. ■fcEfc’0' TdWdtiim AIsa Brantford, Chatham,Mt 1W t® lUKUftt U Chesley, • Clinton, Durham, Efergusp Goderich, Guelph, Hamilton, Hanover, Harriston, , IhgeSssM Klneairiine; Kitehtmer, London,. Eostowel, MitcheR, Nfer garat Falls^ Gwen. Round,. Paisley, Palmerston, Paris; Port. Elgin, Sfc. ChtharmeS, 'Sto Marys, Samm, Southampton, Stratford, Strath- roy,. Walkarton, Wiarton, Wfagfajm, Woodstock. T1Q23D | $ PORT NEW S to ia, the out aid There is talk af present of Luck­ now entering a senior team fa the W.O.TLA. 'this.--year. . * * . * * If a grouping can be arranged * the Sepoys should, be able to ice a fairly strong squad,* * st # There’s a number of young fel­ lows who have just graduated from junior ranks, as well as some juniors themselves who should' be able to make foe team. '*■*'■ * '* . A person might have been blind ' -^°bg Cfer-ke, fest year with .the DUNGANNON Mcffood news for the Mdffiek^ have fust received 'word from Santa Claus that he k enuring, Dungannon, Saturday, Deeepiber at 3.30 pun.' AH the children m ; community are invited to came j at Oris time and- give foe Jolly fellow a good wdeamev Congratulations ’ to Mr. and Mrs, Ray Rutledge oh the arrival of a baby daughter, Friday, Dee- 4th- Mr. arid Mrs- Chas- Gillespie and family of Whiteehurdh, who have : beeri residing here the past year, be­ ing; engaged in road work,, have re­ turned home. CANADIAN NATIONAL • I _—.— ——————• December Si- 1936. ; The commissiaH^s met in the see- retards: office: an. the- above date at ■ 2J&1- pmE-''NmE McKay in the chair, j __ _ MemheES; presenX. Jbfair W. Colwell Thursday at the home of Mrs. ’apdi Dan D; MaeDonald- Movedl by Jahn. W- CaEweH, seeand- . effi By Nmli McKay,, that the minutes of .last- meeting fie adapted as remi. (earariedTi ' Moved' by Dan D. MacDonald, see- ontfeE By Jahn. W. CaEwell; that the fijHfliwmg accounts: he paid; DanafiE McKay. eEaSc EEurrnr Twp^. . ■ ^0.56; . AHati: MacAuIey,- treasurer ffiiron; Twp.,. SI235p Albert J- Brown, collector Huron. Twpj. IhLGS;. John Corhert, dsfe Kmeartfnie Twp., ^E2-- 15;, Harold Campbell, tress. Encar- dine Twpi. Elmer Arnold, col- lector KrTTcai-rfintx Twp.r John - EE. f.anpg clegfe ISnEass: Twp-, ^,06; . Thus. Gatmfc^. tress. Ktnloss Twp... DsizdE Stutters,, collector Kim Eassr Twp^.' $3JKE; Eugene F. Martyn. c-Ferk Treast,, Ripley S<O0; John Me- Lean;. euHeetor EEEpTey, S3.G9; Euekr ikhw and EEmfosg TeL System, pole rent Lake’ Shore Mutual Teh Git,, pufe rent |SE^5t Goderich Rural TfeU ©u EitdL pale rent .^EOJMl; Ross BR. Martyn,, salary' 545.00; Postage, Rosg EE Martyn, Ensutouee mt Sentrat 522Wt Jahn W. Colwell, meetings- eteg Dan D. Moe— , mgetfogir ekir,, ^3150;. Ned WrEC&f meQriTTgs ete- SEOfl; W. X - 'Friw^ ’’’salary, November 5135.00; Matt; GemmelL salary jNovanberi; yroftOQ; Operation^ ^S.QO; Strom- berg Garfsum TeL Mfg; Cou, Mdse, ffiwiew Gemmell, work on Tin^ 527.00!,. ^S.65,,.Dse effi car ’gE2-- (KL SBLSat Harold; Ennnerton, work on Ernes 52^00. ^EJKJ;. Gordon Gem­ mell, worfe on lines 524LG11; Duncan Di MeEedfe work cm Enes ^!X00, $8.00; A. <L Parteuu^. acctt, '$16.13; Rnss Martyn, ttmght charges on Mdse, $L50L (eaEjdedX Wived? by John W- Colwell, secon­ ded by Dan Di MbBonaEd;. that the rifcrirnian: .and secretary treasurer be- TOfomrized tn dcr-huMness with Bell Telephone Offipms resale of copper ST- HELEN’S NEWS) * About thirty ladies gathered on £- ■ Weatherhead for the December meet- i. ing of tile Women's Institute. Mrs- JiDurniin Phillips, the president, Pr&- sided over, the interesting pragram- The roll caLI “5Ey childhood' memor­ ies of Christmas" brought forth many interesting . responses.' Notes of ap- preeiation. for fruit were received ’from Mrs- ETwood Barbour, Mrs. -G. ’'McPherson and Mrs; Wright. The ; subject “Guristrhas." was in charge if Mrs. EarE Dunim, who read an interesting paper cm “The Origin of Christmas Celebrations." “The Star ; >f the East' was the1 title of an ar- xicle read by Mrs, John Cameron.; Laurine . Miller read a Cfrriynrias 1 rioeni and Mfs- W. A MEUer read an ’-’-rtiele- on “Tha.-First Gentleman-". :.Mrs. Ewart McPherson. , Mrs. Ed.- ; fhom, Mrs. F'. G. Todd and Mrs. ! lordon ' McPherson were hostesses jifor- the delicxous. lunch served. I' Many friends will be interested- to I’mow that Rew. EEL G. Whitfield, a i “ormer minister of Sit Helens and j;. uYhiteehureh, who for the past seven • -years J has been pastor of the North-, i'irille, Mich., Ehresbyterian Church, has accepted a. call to the Hibbing, [ tlinnesota. church and will' move to j his new charge shortly with his wife and family of two girts and one boy. The regular meeting of the Y. P. U- uras held on Sunday evening with ' the president; Miss Isohel Miller, in the chair. Grace Weatherhead, read the scripture lesson and Mrs. Jansen ■ favored with a solo. The topic was taken By . Dick Weatheriiead. The young people are busily pre­ paring two short plays to be presen­ ted in the near future. ' 7 Keep Tuesday; December 22nd in mind a*j« the date of the SC Helen's School, concert. ) J- }ami.; dea£r hut . on Monday night, if one had the use of their nasal organ they would’ have known it was elec­ tion night by the -smrfl p^efgar smoked Did your husband feing you home a. chocolate bar or all eigars? ? We are sorry to learn that Mrs., Chas. Elliott wasquite ill again, a relapse of. the induleht. fever she suffered, feom: some time. ago. Miss Pearl Erwin is assisting m the house, dnd Miss Erma Finnigan, RJJsk, is nursing. We hope Mrs. EHiott wfH soon be restored, to health agafn- Mr- and Mrs- Jas. . Montgomery of Ripley moved their household, ef­ fects to the village and took ov^r the general store business of Mf- Sani Swpn- Miss Nettie Sproule eon- , tinned- her duties as clerk. , ‘ Mr; and Mrs.' Thos. Dickson,. Sr; attended the funeral of. the latter's brother, Jilr. John Dieksau at‘Tiver­ ton on, Monday. with interment in Kintajl cemetery. - ‘ ; DEATH OF MRS-WHTTEEY Death claimed a former resident of Ashfield in. the person of Mrs. . John Whitley, at Elstow. SasK, where-- she had resided, wfth her, daughter. Mrs. Stuart Finlay for the past' ser­ ver! years. - She was-.. born • seventy- eight -years ago. to thq late Andrew Dreaney and Letitia Whdtefard, on the ferm now owned, by R. J. Barnin, on the 4th concession of * Ashfield. Her husband, the late John Whitley, predeceased het about 38 years ago.' Surviving members of her family are Mrs. Stuart Finlay of' 'Elstow, ’Saskdl*’ and Victor Whiffey ’ of Crewe; . also three sisters,. Mrs- ' EHeri Chuff and Miss. Letitia Dreaney of Dungannon and Mrs. Geo. Duram of Elstow. The remains were brought to the, home of heT’ sister,' Miss L^- itia. Dreaney on Saturday, whare on . Sunday a short private service was held before going on to St E*aul's Anglican Chureh where she had been a faithful life mentber. The rector, Rev. X H. Geoghegan conducted the service-at the church, and graveside. The fforal tributes were many and beautiful, showing the high, esteen in winch she was held. The paRkesr- , ers were Harry McQuiUin; Etocknow, Robt EL Jpurnin. Goderich; Libert Maize, *Huhh Midgets, is attending sehdql here and will likely be available. ; •■ , iW 9 9 r If a team is entered youth will no- doubt predominate: the squad, for any “old tfmers’T who haven't decided ■to quit the game might find it tough enough trying to get into shape; to ; keep pace with those' faririg-te-go- young fellows. 'A?severe arm' fracture, that. Bill i Henderson received '. this summer. i ! would,• we- expect, keep < him out -the game this winter. * *. * *■ »,■..• If roads were kept open, a group such as Ripley, Lucknow. Teeswater - : and. Brussels she old be. able to . op er- ! • ate at little expense and provide i 'sufficient and a Stir brand of the na- i . clonal. pastime. ... 1 sp , & . ■ Well then,: yrhat about a - hockey meeting? - - Chureh League hockey has been re-organized in Kincardine this year.'• . * ' * ■ « ' * Sixty players who can't 1__L- 2_ CL H. A. team, will • thus,..get a chance to develop their hockey ability. Robt EL ®urnin, Goderich; EL J. Durum. Albert Maize.’Hu^h Stewart and Thos. Stothers, Dungannon. fone tn. Lucknow ass Viitiined fry Bell FTfftt*f«Fc: fo conversatiuei with chair- mhiK secretary an Friday, Dee- emEtear 4th (carried}. • JfovedE by Jahn W. GolwelL seco nd- edEhy Dan D- Mefomalff that we pub- gsh only reprirei Gbvemmeit Aud­ itor's. report for- tfcet System for IS36 {conrrrpfEX Maying- tEten adjourned: to meet again January 5th, ISST, at the. usual Eiow and- placet. EL ff. Martyn. Secretary. DHOWNED A3T ^ONCARDENH . Harold: Efemrington, 27, was drown- eff fo Kincardine horfrot late Monday afternoon. He is survived by his •wife and tfire&. sriiall children. Pefariug- tenr slipped into the water while crossing' on am iee-eoated plank from the- dock to McGs.w's fish tug ‘‘0n- wardT. His body was recovered m 15 mnratess. S-. SL Nd. < Kinloss Sr; -W-Orville EKiott 7S; Howard F 73k Bernadette Cassidy 68*- Jr. V—Chester Robb 66; Bassilia Cassidy ®£. ' Sr. EW—Mary Johnston 77; Doris Eadie 73; Jack Ackert 12: Donelda Vafed 68; Edward Cassidy 67*. • Jit IV—Helen Valad • 72t Eadie 7L Sn HE-—Audrfeaue Csssidj Jr. LIT—Dorjs. Johnston 7j wood. Elliott, /Patrick Cassi ties; Leonard Legge 71; J Daniel Cas- sidy, David Rabb 68 V ties. E—Jimmie Houston (ungraded). Sr- Pr.—Harold Elliott 77; Lloyd Johnston 74; Winona Cassidy 70. Jr. Pr.—Jack Bair 75;' Doris Barr 75; Harvey Houston (.ungraded). Those marked with an * have miss­ ed cure or more examinations. K. Robertson. Lome 59. (EII- I' at WHITECHURCH can-, always be obtained promptly at any office • of .Canada’s oldesr bank. i make the ; . Wfagham and Kincardine O^EL-A. teams are. this year in group 11 with Owen Sound, .Walkerton, . Durham arid Palmer-stom BOUNDARY WEST • ' "V "'r; ’fo~" - ...- ......j.- The December meeting of the Par- , arftant EL F. W. O-' is to be held . the home of Mrs. James McDonald next Tuesday foe 15th at 2J30 o'clock The roll eaU is to be answered by ., an exchange’ of Christmas' gifts not I to exceed tfaa emits. The meeting is to be carried out. in the form of 3 ten cent tea. Vfefturs are welcome. ■ s ■ ' Mfo.: James T. Webster spent a few ’ days i fast. week. with her daughter. Mrs. James MeNafa of 'Am.berieyL ■ Mr. Garman , Hamflton returned home from Belgrave, where he has been engaged for the past summer. Mrs. James Valad and- d»ngfrter- Eileen of Holyrood.' visited last Wedi- nesday with Miss Grace Webster. Tnf-iLrTOW BraucfK S- IX WHALEY, MODERN. EXPERIENCED BANKING SERVICE Mr. David MeAUfeter .and ' Mfe Josephine- MeAIfister of -St. Angus- tine. also -Mrs. ■ Robert1 Hays of Moose Jaw, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Patterson. ■ Mr. and ' Mrs. Miles MacMillan - ffo-m the west are spending the win- te*'here- visiting with his brothgre f John- • Joseph and Pai MacMillan arid i other relatives-. ' H ____ _______ __ i .The Presbyterian Sunday school; t'eet. after the first of January when 1 concert will be held in the hasem-ent '■3:11 mechanics empioyed“ “m^ garage of the' efaureh on Friday Dec. 18th- must . secure a license and. give Everybody weleome ( proof rhat. he is a capable and .(jnaE- Mrs- John-Hohnei and Mirs. . Rfee '^ I LANGSFEE ' J ; ' Mr. and. Mrs. George Scott, Jessie and Walter, spent the week-^rid with foe fetter's parents. Mr. and 5fc. Deyell o-f Wingham. Mr. Johh Richardson r^urned the end of fest week from a visit with' his brother. George ‘of Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. John MacIntyre spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Tiffin. Mrs, Harold Johnson of Fmeknow returned-home on Friday, after spen-' ding a few Mays with hei»' mother, AMrs,. Wm. Conn- i The Langside Presbyterfen W. M. i S. met fest Thursday afternoon, at the hme of Mrs. John. Ricferdsmi. ' The president, ’Mrs. Win. • Simpson ' ' opened the ki'eetxng.with prayer. Scri­ pture reading; The Birth of Christ, was read by Mrs. Norman. RoR eaH * was ■ answered fry a . verse of ' fhris- ,mas poetry. A duet was giveri'by Mro. Simpson and Murdean and a paper by J&s. John Richardson. A number of hymns were suhg with their theme . Christmas. It was decided to bring cloth from coats or suits or won Ten' material, such as sweaters or fine hose to the next meeting at Miss' , Strome's to be held foe first Thnrs-, . out of his hand arid foe triggers: <fey in January. Great joy was felt striking a projecting rail discharged j 5°rfety. jin^Jxaving reached both barrels, the fiisilade completely * ~ ~ * *" ~“ CT shattering his right hand and knock­ ing out iri^ right eye and . tearing away part of the face around and above the bptit'. The for eap he was wearing was bio-wri off his head into a. tall maple tree, part of the cap being precipitated, into the topmost branch, while ,the rest of the cap was Iodged/into some lower boughs. The accident wirieh happened about' LH- miles east of Chepstow, was wit-, nessed by Mr. Joseph Schutofski of FMnard Chepstow, who had accompanied the eunm _ j ttnfo-rtnnate man on - the hunt and. ST • € t-, I standing about twenty im^s <fis-This Fnday will be(fent on tfae roaA ■ ta foe * side of his prostrate, bfeeding|j eom- ; panion. Mr. Schutofski realized that i death was near, and rushing to a ; neighboring phone promptly suimnon- „ . ed Dr.- Milne of Cargill and foe par- 'is sister; Mrs. Clifford Young. ' isfr priest. Dean Pettier, to the scene. The rommrinity join in deepest When the Cargill physician arrived. sympathy with, Mi ss Bessie Carno-! chan- at • this . time.. owing to- the death of her mother. ’’ ■ Tlte Institute met'at the home \of Mrs.' John Colwell on :t large I atterrd^hve. Mro. Aimer Ac­ kert the president W in the chair, j Miss- Hazel Percy was secretary. Af-■ ter the business meeting a good pro­ gram wn« enjoyed as follows, solo possession, fry Mis^ Breekles;' demonstration offi jerng Christmas cake by Miss HazeJ Percy; ctnrerir events by. Mrs. Erin-- est Ackert. followed ,hy Christmas Carols. Motto. Hi«s Kay Rohertsnn. 'The. topic, was taken by Mrs. Mac- Lenh, aft er sifrich a social half hour was spent aver (.he tea cups.. . Kav Robertson spent the .week amt with ■ her friend. Mrs. Orland . Richards. - ‘ Rar I doesn't min«t the long drives', at all. It must take grate to do it. ’■ . Mr and.Mrs. Harvey Ackert. spent Simday at Mr. Ernest A-cfcert*s; ■ ; HOIArW The Community Club held their program Friday evening with, a good attendance and splendid numbers. Mr. Alfonso Murray, the .presfdsit,- teted as ehainnan; Mr. Richard -Bak­ er. secretary, read foe minutes and gave the secretary's report- We start •ar New Year with. $25. on hand. Miss Winnifred Ackert was pianist far the evening. The opening number “A ship it Sea" with about twenty­ tire of,a crew, gave several splendid numbers. Several vocal choruses, ind Tom Sterrit's harmonica and zuitnr, numbers were very well pfay- ed. Step, dancing by Mr. Joe Ebner-1 on: , reading. Eav Robertson; “The Pilot i-f’ the Plains," also by Miss r.et>na White, a Christmas number, rite . Junior Marine Bsind, five coming tors. Messrs. Fraser McKinnon, Wil- faed White. Merle Middletp'n, Joe SmmersoT very euterrprn'ing. Mr. Rsynard Ac-, kert was chairman. Miss Blanche .McDougall, who had. charge of this musical number, was pianist, and ve must congratulate her- on her lea­ dership. This was follo wed , by a read­ ing by Kathleen Graham; solo, Mr. Robert McDonald; Journal. Ann Col­ well. . Doris and Lloyd Johnson, acrompan- ' led by their father, Mr. Mark John- i son and a short play, “Sanbo's i Trophies.** taken Ry three young lad- (! res; 'Misses Haze! Percy. Isabella CbE- ’ rroll and Mrs. Eevi EefcenswflTer. was ! very-frumarorrs. Mrs. Wes. Thompson;: w Will Eadie and Mr Trims are s-1 month. night. and Mrs. I Mr. Wm. E. Henderson has the hydro installed in Iris bam at the 2nd. . Mr. and Mrs. John Scott and fam­ ily moved to a pfeee near Wingham nit Saturday- Mr. Harold Stewart returned home •l^eceritly after spending the season sailing on the fakes. Mr. Dick McQuillin Jro is at home after working on the eounty rornfe; all summer. ,* I Mr. Frank ^ErN^l arid Jack Cham­ pion spent foe week-end in London. Our Christmas concert is held un .December 22nd. ■ , being Shotgun Discharge. Tore- Away Part Of James- Kritz 'Face During' Rah- hit Hunt Wednesday. Standing on a rail fiance while on ■ a rabbit hunt about 2 o'clock -fest i j Wednesday afternoon, Mr. James Krttz.- blacksmith of Chepstow, slip-1 ,, tt, ■’ . », t ' ...r’ Tped on a wet rail and• fa the eon- ( whieh followed the gun fell, solo. Mr. lb. DonaTdd Vai ad: duet by 5 Fi M< rhi i' < in nee , Mr. and Mrs. Will Eadie spent ’ Saturday evening at Mr. Robert Mc- ! Ffartaldfa. Mr. Reginald Broom js- holidaying I with his SL SL No. X West Wawaaiosh (JtnribF Efoort4 T^fXarfcs .' ' ' Sir EEE.-— Dorothy Webb* - Phyilis Gaynor* 65;. Marie Aitchison 64; Marie Swan 6X Ht—Shirfey Buchanan 71, Sit IT—EaH. MeDonaldT 321. Xt: -EE—Wilma Qaynorf 71; , Helen Gammie 54; Jean Wright 51. . Daily ' . . ' / Jfc. EE—Wilma. Gaynor* ■ 214: Jean Wright W; Hhfetfc Gammie ITS." ' Aitchisun!, 37H ' Mtt^eiSOn arid Mhr- gatet: McPherson tie® 1518;. Bobbie Lvoits’ Hbtothfea Swan* ■ I27D; Alice Buchanan* Ttterese Gay­ nor* 46T, . Those marked * missed one-naif day or? more. We are sorry to report ,Mr_ James Henderson, son of Mr. Thomas Hen- - ders-on. ■ got his hand cut and the end’ of. his finger, taken offi. while working, in r.Ioyd's factory, Wrng- - hhm. We hope He will soon be able to work again- • » - Messrs. Feter and George Kennedy i also. Mr. John Richardson and Hugh ( David MacDonald, attended ' . the Guelph fair last week- George Ken- ■ nedy bought a young herford . bull ■ there. ' • ■ ■ . menx and penalties are. provided for those who- do not obey the.- law. Every motor . vehicle repairer ‘with more toa-n, five years' ®q)erience and less than seven years' experienee • in ’the motor, vehicle trade at the time such trade became a designated trade and who successfully passed the ex- aminatiun prescribed by the Advis­ ory Committee, shall be .granted a certificate of qualificdtiori. on payment of the prescribed -fee. i f Cwu{sgim TITS - LAP i their olloeation of $28 within a. small1 margin and this was planned for so t | that the amount could be forwarded. . A: bazaar was held by the' United . W. MS. in Whitechurch on Friday ! afternoon. Home made baking.1 ! aprons, quilts. Christmas gifts, veg- ' etab les etc., were offered for sale. ! The society realized over $16 from ' this sale. r ' The Langsfde Rurafe^lub held their) J entertafuTnent Friday night fa - the . halE/Snlns were given by Mr. George ' BelT.. Orville Trffpi. Miss Reba. Mar-' shall and little Miss Riuby Court. En- ' strumentals, violin. 'Gordon "Walt; harmonica, Joe and Dan Tiffin; or- , i gan. Miss Arriyss Brown; readings. ■ 'Mr. Johnson'Cptfa gave “The Ladies' i Meeting and Mrs. Victor Emerson ’ gave “Kate SheJTey". r . ' Miss. Rose Cdskfaette of 4th. con.. V spent foe week-end at her frame here.'' __ _ ■ Mis? Leofe Wraith spent the week-, the victim of the accident was breath- en<^ with foiends in Lucknow. • • ; ing his fest. ’ - - ' Mrs. N. • Crnwstbn is knendfa.g' a ■ -few .weeks with her daughter. Mrs. . I Wm. Kennedy of Wfagfram. The' Langside Club are, holding a.' 1 dance- this Friday evening. Then foeir 1 next ‘ enteriafarrient is Dec: 30th; he. did on-' DHATH GF JAMES- STUART ■ ,. „ have in Eos/ Death entered this community on -—--—■--—j and exposing to public, Saturday evening an(F cfeimted Mr j view obscene ‘ arid indecent pictures. Tames Stuart of Sth con- Kfafoss. tending to. corrupt public .morals, Otto. Death was (Sue to pneumonia, which Koenig, young Hanover man, who -develnped from a fall down staiffi ' came out from Germany some time on Wednesday last. The fete- Mr. . ago was found trinity by EZ C. Spere- Stuart was eighty-four years'of age. man and sentenced to the county jail and wMTe able- was a very regafer fop orie month. , Sunday atterider at the Presbyterian.,1 •, , , , - , , ' chutrfr at Lanpsidie. He was' known' ___u ....... ' i for his friendlfaess and neighbor!! -. YOU WON'T FEEL THE COLD •ness fa life own- chmmurrity. He .»—‘ . . leaves to mourn his Toss, frfc brother i ■ When you,,step out of a worm < WiTHam.- with Whom he lived, two - Bouse into the cold outdoors-, take S sisters,. Mrs. George and John Grean- I deep breath through your nose aud^fi. Twd- brothers. Hrarlie and Gen. 1 hW your breath. This serves to drive- and three- sisters. Elsie. Mary and the blood to the surface of the body., Kate have’ lived5 in foe West. . preventing the initial chill. Keep your’ mouth closed. . Do not talk i Thuredny with SHOWING INDECENT PIC TUBES JLN*. J^LELBROUGHT MONTH ■ Facing a -charge that lawfully and knawfagfy 3YEM5TOPAY! •Etfe very nmcffi to ymxr advau.toge to-put your order fa for RIB-ROLL or Ti'l'E-LAP metal roofing right sw^r—- this, week. Bz the fest pface, steel prices are , gmngup. You. will have' to pay .ntore x£ you wait. But the Gcvernmeixt's ' Home Improvement Efian now lets' you do much-needed roofing and repairing; - w£t& tiiree years to pay-for it! An' opportunity yuu should not rmss! WE COOPERATE TO, PRACnCAUT ELIMINATE CARRYING Of ARSES 1 ^4- 55 dfectxcctxfc. on ativstnees by the- basri®. Eastfeax Stfeel Prodtacts Ltmittsd i9 ’heipmg:it& ■ cnHtcimera- td'-Hbntogt'-WTpef-dXit titfw ebsttge. We tete cniofitesi tx t^h-wi£h'^ori£gr' pl&rt. ’Sto buy rtaw-. Get & taxat, cfceBbfe, ri<Tn-Iea&h±E. tfrarnngiily •westfrer'-p-rocritT rocif oS t&eaSs- e^ry. niazEey^arCcn-g- tatonw. Save, eSstta mosey' by ortfexng befbre- jnsixtSf steel prides force tobf-' Wei utge yon -wfitb sfl suxeeril-y tn take arfcsttt- agS of tide re-nterfcable apporoxamy. put 'cbSt. eHtiniate by teruply settdaxtgrusf rwife^- usd ■ EHfi3EWTnesstizferae£Xtw. When you get. ttasi co'stt ■eas&oiitei,. gzt to yOVr bszdiet.. Hie tsdll show- ytin Btowyasxcas t^et itterttciney for yn.rr re-rndfina needs wider 'the Hottie Etnprbvenien® - .Tbe1, wireJe .Jaspisaxrtidii can be completed , in H&init otdefi. . THAT ROOF WOULD HAVE COST ML A LOT MOKE TF ID WAITED' RIB" roll t &n RIB-ROLL OR TTTE-UIP METAL ROOFING . .. . ®. These two roofings have features developed excfasrvely by . Kastern. Steel Products Limited. They ore- Canada’s, greatest roo&ie* values. R3B-R0LL and lll'ii-LAP do not warp, bulge or leak., They are -positively weather-proof durable, good-looking, permanent Cab be laid quickly over sheeting or right over old shingles.: RIB-ROLL and lllh-LAP arewidely but unsuccess- fully imitated, 'So be sure you do riot get an inferior hr and If your dealer.does' not- handle RIB-BOLL and TTIE-LAP- roofing, he is -wot an Eastern. Steel Ehoducts dealer. \ <• f Jefhjtr—They '<uy that absence makes- the Heart .grow fodder. I '1 The ftrnetai was ■ held. to Tiffin*-’. until -cemetery-on Tuesday affornoon. •O'itfe 1 BfehtriCe McQuillin. three br' four months ?•■ ua,: - , w . . ' ,_yudr budT" has adjusted itself to the’ Rev. X Pollock, their 'pastor. nffirfat- Violet—Then why not try. it tor i change in temperature. ingmg.i HONKERS dKObMPA^-BtnXT BAHNS A® iOKRfeS 'OF THE SOLE MAJsEFFACTriaERS AND- ..............................................•■''-■;■............................-..... <W JA&ffiSWAX P^ULiEy’fe ............ nr' nr I'wtju STEEL THI7SS fiAH& KENT OF ALL KTNCSL