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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-12-10, Page 5
THURSDAY; DECEMBER. 10, 1D36-ffHE LUCKNOW SENTINEL > ®rET".................................... ---- ---------------■■-,„.,.r,ll-^, , CEH-T^A'.MltE Romrf. Trip Bargain FAR ES ‘ 5CnMwm Fare» Adfaltg Tae Child 4(te; from LUCKNOW AND AM' ADJACENT €L N. IL STATIONS ,_j. ' Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanyiile, Port Hope, EwE» IMEnU® >• I® Cabourg, Belleville, Napanee, Kingston, Gan- anoque;, Broefcvilfe- Prescott, Morrisburg-, Cornwall, Uxbridge. IrindsajR, Peterhoro,,. Carnphellford, Newriiarket, Allaudafe Pene- tang; Cdllfugwoad, Meoford, Barrie, (,- OrilliUy Midland, Graveuhurst, Btocebridge-i. Huntsville; Callaudei*. North eBay, Parry Sound, Sud- Btoy^ AEE towns in. New Ontai-ia on line of Tenriskamfag & North ern Ontario RIy.; Nipissing, Central Rly.; Khpuskamuff. Longfee, Geraldton^ Jellieoe; Beardinore. ■fcEfc’0' TdWdtiim AIsa Brantford, Chatham,Mt 1W t® lUKUftt U Chesley, • Clinton, Durham, Efergusp Goderich, Guelph, Hamilton, Hanover, Harriston, , IhgeSssM Klneairiine; Kitehtmer, London,. Eostowel, MitcheR, Nfer garat Falls^ Gwen. Round,. Paisley, Palmerston, Paris; Port. Elgin, Sfc. ChtharmeS, 'Sto Marys, Samm, Southampton, Stratford, Strath- roy,. Walkarton, Wiarton, Wfagfajm, Woodstock. T1Q23D | $ PORT NEW S to ia, the out aid There is talk af present of Luck now entering a senior team fa the W.O.TLA. 'this.--year. . * * . * * If a grouping can be arranged * the Sepoys should, be able to ice a fairly strong squad,* * st # There’s a number of young fel lows who have just graduated from junior ranks, as well as some juniors themselves who should' be able to make foe team. '*■*'■ * '* . A person might have been blind ' -^°bg Cfer-ke, fest year with .the DUNGANNON Mcffood news for the Mdffiek^ have fust received 'word from Santa Claus that he k enuring, Dungannon, Saturday, Deeepiber at 3.30 pun.' AH the children m ; community are invited to came j at Oris time and- give foe Jolly fellow a good wdeamev Congratulations ’ to Mr. and Mrs, Ray Rutledge oh the arrival of a baby daughter, Friday, Dee- 4th- Mr. arid Mrs- Chas- Gillespie and family of Whiteehurdh, who have : beeri residing here the past year, be ing; engaged in road work,, have re turned home. CANADIAN NATIONAL • I _—.— ——————• December Si- 1936. ; The commissiaH^s met in the see- retards: office: an. the- above date at ■ 2J&1- pmE-''NmE McKay in the chair, j __ _ MemheES; presenX. Jbfair W. Colwell Thursday at the home of Mrs. ’apdi Dan D; MaeDonald- Movedl by Jahn. W- CaEweH, seeand- . effi By Nmli McKay,, that the minutes of .last- meeting fie adapted as remi. (earariedTi ' Moved' by Dan D. MacDonald, see- ontfeE By Jahn. W. CaEwell; that the fijHfliwmg accounts: he paid; DanafiE McKay. eEaSc EEurrnr Twp^. . ■ ^0.56; . AHati: MacAuIey,- treasurer ffiiron; Twp.,. SI235p Albert J- Brown, collector Huron. Twpj. IhLGS;. John Corhert, dsfe Kmeartfnie Twp., ^E2-- 15;, Harold Campbell, tress. Encar- dine Twpi. Elmer Arnold, col- lector KrTTcai-rfintx Twp.r John - EE. f.anpg clegfe ISnEass: Twp-, ^,06; . Thus. Gatmfc^. tress. Ktnloss Twp... DsizdE Stutters,, collector Kim Eassr Twp^.' $3JKE; Eugene F. Martyn. c-Ferk Treast,, Ripley S<O0; John Me- Lean;. euHeetor EEEpTey, S3.G9; Euekr ikhw and EEmfosg TeL System, pole rent Lake’ Shore Mutual Teh Git,, pufe rent |SE^5t Goderich Rural TfeU ©u EitdL pale rent .^EOJMl; Ross BR. Martyn,, salary' 545.00; Postage, Rosg EE Martyn, Ensutouee mt Sentrat 522Wt Jahn W. Colwell, meetings- eteg Dan D. Moe— , mgetfogir ekir,, ^3150;. Ned WrEC&f meQriTTgs ete- SEOfl; W. X - 'Friw^ ’’’salary, November 5135.00; Matt; GemmelL salary jNovanberi; yroftOQ; Operation^ ^S.QO; Strom- berg Garfsum TeL Mfg; Cou, Mdse, ffiwiew Gemmell, work on Tin^ 527.00!,. ^S.65,,.Dse effi car ’gE2-- (KL SBLSat Harold; Ennnerton, work on Ernes 52^00. ^EJKJ;. Gordon Gem mell, worfe on lines 524LG11; Duncan Di MeEedfe work cm Enes ^!X00, $8.00; A. <L Parteuu^. acctt, '$16.13; Rnss Martyn, ttmght charges on Mdse, $L50L (eaEjdedX Wived? by John W- Colwell, secon ded by Dan Di MbBonaEd;. that the rifcrirnian: .and secretary treasurer be- TOfomrized tn dcr-huMness with Bell Telephone Offipms resale of copper ST- HELEN’S NEWS) * About thirty ladies gathered on £- ■ Weatherhead for the December meet- i. ing of tile Women's Institute. Mrs- JiDurniin Phillips, the president, Pr&- sided over, the interesting pragram- The roll caLI “5Ey childhood' memor ies of Christmas" brought forth many interesting . responses.' Notes of ap- preeiation. for fruit were received ’from Mrs- ETwood Barbour, Mrs. -G. ’'McPherson and Mrs; Wright. The ; subject “Guristrhas." was in charge if Mrs. EarE Dunim, who read an interesting paper cm “The Origin of Christmas Celebrations." “The Star ; >f the East' was the1 title of an ar- xicle read by Mrs, John Cameron.; Laurine . Miller read a Cfrriynrias 1 rioeni and Mfs- W. A MEUer read an ’-’-rtiele- on “Tha.-First Gentleman-". :.Mrs. Ewart McPherson. , Mrs. Ed.- ; fhom, Mrs. F'. G. Todd and Mrs. ! lordon ' McPherson were hostesses jifor- the delicxous. lunch served. I' Many friends will be interested- to I’mow that Rew. EEL G. Whitfield, a i “ormer minister of Sit Helens and j;. uYhiteehureh, who for the past seven • -years J has been pastor of the North-, i'irille, Mich., Ehresbyterian Church, has accepted a. call to the Hibbing, [ tlinnesota. church and will' move to j his new charge shortly with his wife and family of two girts and one boy. The regular meeting of the Y. P. U- uras held on Sunday evening with ' the president; Miss Isohel Miller, in the chair. Grace Weatherhead, read the scripture lesson and Mrs. Jansen ■ favored with a solo. The topic was taken By . Dick Weatheriiead. The young people are busily pre paring two short plays to be presen ted in the near future. ' 7 Keep Tuesday; December 22nd in mind a*j« the date of the SC Helen's School, concert. ) J- }ami.; dea£r hut . on Monday night, if one had the use of their nasal organ they would’ have known it was elec tion night by the -smrfl p^efgar smoked Did your husband feing you home a. chocolate bar or all eigars? ? We are sorry to learn that Mrs., Chas. Elliott wasquite ill again, a relapse of. the induleht. fever she suffered, feom: some time. ago. Miss Pearl Erwin is assisting m the house, dnd Miss Erma Finnigan, RJJsk, is nursing. We hope Mrs. EHiott wfH soon be restored, to health agafn- Mr- and Mrs- Jas. . Montgomery of Ripley moved their household, ef fects to the village and took ov^r the general store business of Mf- Sani Swpn- Miss Nettie Sproule eon- , tinned- her duties as clerk. , ‘ Mr; and Mrs.' Thos. Dickson,. Sr; attended the funeral of. the latter's brother, Jilr. John Dieksau at‘Tiver ton on, Monday. with interment in Kintajl cemetery. - ‘ ; DEATH OF MRS-WHTTEEY Death claimed a former resident of Ashfield in. the person of Mrs. . John Whitley, at Elstow. SasK, where-- she had resided, wfth her, daughter. Mrs. Stuart Finlay for the past' ser ver! years. - She was-.. born • seventy- eight -years ago. to thq late Andrew Dreaney and Letitia Whdtefard, on the ferm now owned, by R. J. Barnin, on the 4th concession of * Ashfield. Her husband, the late John Whitley, predeceased het about 38 years ago.' Surviving members of her family are Mrs. Stuart Finlay of' 'Elstow, ’Saskdl*’ and Victor Whiffey ’ of Crewe; . also three sisters,. Mrs- ' EHeri Chuff and Miss. Letitia Dreaney of Dungannon and Mrs. Geo. Duram of Elstow. The remains were brought to the, home of heT’ sister,' Miss L^- itia. Dreaney on Saturday, whare on . Sunday a short private service was held before going on to St E*aul's Anglican Chureh where she had been a faithful life mentber. The rector, Rev. X H. Geoghegan conducted the service-at the church, and graveside. The fforal tributes were many and beautiful, showing the high, esteen in winch she was held. The paRkesr- , ers were Harry McQuiUin; Etocknow, Robt EL Jpurnin. Goderich; Libert Maize, *Huhh Midgets, is attending sehdql here and will likely be available. ; •■ , iW 9 9 r If a team is entered youth will no- doubt predominate: the squad, for any “old tfmers’T who haven't decided ■to quit the game might find it tough enough trying to get into shape; to ; keep pace with those' faririg-te-go- young fellows. 'A?severe arm' fracture, that. Bill i Henderson received '. this summer. i ! would,• we- expect, keep < him out -the game this winter. * *. * *■ »,■..• If roads were kept open, a group such as Ripley, Lucknow. Teeswater - : and. Brussels she old be. able to . op er- ! • ate at little expense and provide i 'sufficient and a Stir brand of the na- i . clonal. pastime. ... 1 sp , & . ■ Well then,: yrhat about a - hockey meeting? - - Chureh League hockey has been re-organized in Kincardine this year.'• . * ' * ■ « ' * Sixty players who can't 1__L- 2_ CL H. A. team, will • thus,..get a chance to develop their hockey ability. Robt EL ®urnin, Goderich; EL J. Durum. Albert Maize.’Hu^h Stewart and Thos. Stothers, Dungannon. fone tn. Lucknow ass Viitiined fry Bell FTfftt*f«Fc: fo conversatiuei with chair- mhiK secretary an Friday, Dee- emEtear 4th (carried}. • JfovedE by Jahn W. GolwelL seco nd- edEhy Dan D- Mefomalff that we pub- gsh only reprirei Gbvemmeit Aud itor's. report for- tfcet System for IS36 {conrrrpfEX Maying- tEten adjourned: to meet again January 5th, ISST, at the. usual Eiow and- placet. EL ff. Martyn. Secretary. DHOWNED A3T ^ONCARDENH . Harold: Efemrington, 27, was drown- eff fo Kincardine horfrot late Monday afternoon. He is survived by his •wife and tfire&. sriiall children. Pefariug- tenr slipped into the water while crossing' on am iee-eoated plank from the- dock to McGs.w's fish tug ‘‘0n- wardT. His body was recovered m 15 mnratess. S-. SL Nd. < Kinloss Sr; -W-Orville EKiott 7S; Howard F 73k Bernadette Cassidy 68*- Jr. V—Chester Robb 66; Bassilia Cassidy ®£. ' Sr. EW—Mary Johnston 77; Doris Eadie 73; Jack Ackert 12: Donelda Vafed 68; Edward Cassidy 67*. • Jit IV—Helen Valad • 72t Eadie 7L Sn HE-—Audrfeaue Csssidj Jr. LIT—Dorjs. Johnston 7j wood. Elliott, /Patrick Cassi ties; Leonard Legge 71; J Daniel Cas- sidy, David Rabb 68 V ties. E—Jimmie Houston (ungraded). Sr- Pr.—Harold Elliott 77; Lloyd Johnston 74; Winona Cassidy 70. Jr. Pr.—Jack Bair 75;' Doris Barr 75; Harvey Houston (.ungraded). Those marked with an * have miss ed cure or more examinations. K. Robertson. Lome 59. (EII- I' at WHITECHURCH can-, always be obtained promptly at any office • of .Canada’s oldesr bank. i make the ; . Wfagham and Kincardine O^EL-A. teams are. this year in group 11 with Owen Sound, .Walkerton, . Durham arid Palmer-stom BOUNDARY WEST • ' "V "'r; ’fo~" - ...- ......j.- The December meeting of the Par- , arftant EL F. W. O-' is to be held . the home of Mrs. James McDonald next Tuesday foe 15th at 2J30 o'clock The roll eaU is to be answered by ., an exchange’ of Christmas' gifts not I to exceed tfaa emits. The meeting is to be carried out. in the form of 3 ten cent tea. Vfefturs are welcome. ■ s ■ ' Mfo.: James T. Webster spent a few ’ days i fast. week. with her daughter. Mrs. James MeNafa of 'Am.berieyL ■ Mr. Garman , Hamflton returned home from Belgrave, where he has been engaged for the past summer. Mrs. James Valad and- d»ngfrter- Eileen of Holyrood.' visited last Wedi- nesday with Miss Grace Webster. Tnf-iLrTOW BraucfK S- IX WHALEY, MODERN. EXPERIENCED BANKING SERVICE Mr. David MeAUfeter .and ' Mfe Josephine- MeAIfister of -St. Angus- tine. also -Mrs. ■ Robert1 Hays of Moose Jaw, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Patterson. ■ Mr. and ' Mrs. Miles MacMillan - ffo-m the west are spending the win- te*'here- visiting with his brothgre f John- • Joseph and Pai MacMillan arid i other relatives-. ' H ____ _______ __ i .The Presbyterian Sunday school; t'eet. after the first of January when 1 concert will be held in the hasem-ent '■3:11 mechanics empioyed“ “m^ garage of the' efaureh on Friday Dec. 18th- must . secure a license and. give Everybody weleome ( proof rhat. he is a capable and .(jnaE- Mrs- John-Hohnei and Mirs. . Rfee '^ I LANGSFEE ' J ; ' Mr. and. Mrs. George Scott, Jessie and Walter, spent the week-^rid with foe fetter's parents. Mr. and 5fc. Deyell o-f Wingham. Mr. Johh Richardson r^urned the end of fest week from a visit with' his brother. George ‘of Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. John MacIntyre spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Tiffin. Mrs, Harold Johnson of Fmeknow returned-home on Friday, after spen-' ding a few Mays with hei»' mother, AMrs,. Wm. Conn- i The Langside Presbyterfen W. M. i S. met fest Thursday afternoon, at the hme of Mrs. John. Ricferdsmi. ' The president, ’Mrs. Win. • Simpson ' ' opened the ki'eetxng.with prayer. Scri pture reading; The Birth of Christ, was read by Mrs. Norman. RoR eaH * was ■ answered fry a . verse of ' fhris- ,mas poetry. A duet was giveri'by Mro. Simpson and Murdean and a paper by J&s. John Richardson. A number of hymns were suhg with their theme . Christmas. It was decided to bring cloth from coats or suits or won Ten' material, such as sweaters or fine hose to the next meeting at Miss' , Strome's to be held foe first Thnrs-, . out of his hand arid foe triggers: <fey in January. Great joy was felt striking a projecting rail discharged j 5°rfety. jin^Jxaving reached both barrels, the fiisilade completely * ~ ~ * *" ~“ CT shattering his right hand and knock ing out iri^ right eye and . tearing away part of the face around and above the bptit'. The for eap he was wearing was bio-wri off his head into a. tall maple tree, part of the cap being precipitated, into the topmost branch, while ,the rest of the cap was Iodged/into some lower boughs. The accident wirieh happened about' LH- miles east of Chepstow, was wit-, nessed by Mr. Joseph Schutofski of FMnard Chepstow, who had accompanied the eunm _ j ttnfo-rtnnate man on - the hunt and. ST • € t-, I standing about twenty im^s <fis-This Fnday will be(fent on tfae roaA ■ ta foe * side of his prostrate, bfeeding|j eom- ; panion. Mr. Schutofski realized that i death was near, and rushing to a ; neighboring phone promptly suimnon- „ . ed Dr.- Milne of Cargill and foe par- 'is sister; Mrs. Clifford Young. ' isfr priest. Dean Pettier, to the scene. The rommrinity join in deepest When the Cargill physician arrived. sympathy with, Mi ss Bessie Carno-! chan- at • this . time.. owing to- the death of her mother. ’’ ■ Tlte Institute met'at the home \of Mrs.' John Colwell on :t large I atterrd^hve. Mro. Aimer Ac kert the president W in the chair, j Miss- Hazel Percy was secretary. Af-■ ter the business meeting a good pro gram wn« enjoyed as follows, solo possession, fry Mis^ Breekles;' demonstration offi jerng Christmas cake by Miss HazeJ Percy; ctnrerir events by. Mrs. Erin-- est Ackert. followed ,hy Christmas Carols. Motto. Hi«s Kay Rohertsnn. 'The. topic, was taken by Mrs. Mac- Lenh, aft er sifrich a social half hour was spent aver (.he tea cups.. . Kav Robertson spent the .week amt with ■ her friend. Mrs. Orland . Richards. - ‘ Rar I doesn't min«t the long drives', at all. It must take grate to do it. ’■ . Mr and.Mrs. Harvey Ackert. spent Simday at Mr. Ernest A-cfcert*s; ■ ; HOIArW The Community Club held their program Friday evening with, a good attendance and splendid numbers. Mr. Alfonso Murray, the .presfdsit,- teted as ehainnan; Mr. Richard -Bak er. secretary, read foe minutes and gave the secretary's report- We start •ar New Year with. $25. on hand. Miss Winnifred Ackert was pianist far the evening. The opening number “A ship it Sea" with about twenty tire of,a crew, gave several splendid numbers. Several vocal choruses, ind Tom Sterrit's harmonica and zuitnr, numbers were very well pfay- ed. Step, dancing by Mr. Joe Ebner-1 on: , reading. Eav Robertson; “The Pilot i-f’ the Plains," also by Miss r.et>na White, a Christmas number, rite . Junior Marine Bsind, five coming tors. Messrs. Fraser McKinnon, Wil- faed White. Merle Middletp'n, Joe SmmersoT very euterrprn'ing. Mr. Rsynard Ac-, kert was chairman. Miss Blanche .McDougall, who had. charge of this musical number, was pianist, and ve must congratulate her- on her lea dership. This was follo wed , by a read ing by Kathleen Graham; solo, Mr. Robert McDonald; Journal. Ann Col well. . Doris and Lloyd Johnson, acrompan- ' led by their father, Mr. Mark John- i son and a short play, “Sanbo's i Trophies.** taken Ry three young lad- (! res; 'Misses Haze! Percy. Isabella CbE- ’ rroll and Mrs. Eevi EefcenswflTer. was ! very-frumarorrs. Mrs. Wes. Thompson;: w Will Eadie and Mr Trims are s-1 month. night. and Mrs. I Mr. Wm. E. Henderson has the hydro installed in Iris bam at the 2nd. . Mr. and Mrs. John Scott and fam ily moved to a pfeee near Wingham nit Saturday- Mr. Harold Stewart returned home •l^eceritly after spending the season sailing on the fakes. Mr. Dick McQuillin Jro is at home after working on the eounty rornfe; all summer. ,* I Mr. Frank ^ErN^l arid Jack Cham pion spent foe week-end in London. Our Christmas concert is held un .December 22nd. ■ , being Shotgun Discharge. Tore- Away Part Of James- Kritz 'Face During' Rah- hit Hunt Wednesday. Standing on a rail fiance while on ■ a rabbit hunt about 2 o'clock -fest i j Wednesday afternoon, Mr. James Krttz.- blacksmith of Chepstow, slip-1 ,, tt, ■’ . », t ' ...r’ Tped on a wet rail and• fa the eon- ( whieh followed the gun fell, solo. Mr. lb. DonaTdd Vai ad: duet by 5 Fi M< rhi i' < in nee , Mr. and Mrs. Will Eadie spent ’ Saturday evening at Mr. Robert Mc- ! Ffartaldfa. Mr. Reginald Broom js- holidaying I with his SL SL No. X West Wawaaiosh (JtnribF Efoort4 T^fXarfcs .' ' ' Sir EEE.-— Dorothy Webb* - Phyilis Gaynor* 65;. Marie Aitchison 64; Marie Swan 6X Ht—Shirfey Buchanan 71, Sit IT—EaH. MeDonaldT 321. Xt: -EE—Wilma Qaynorf 71; , Helen Gammie 54; Jean Wright 51. . Daily ' . . ' / Jfc. EE—Wilma. Gaynor* ■ 214: Jean Wright W; Hhfetfc Gammie ITS." ' Aitchisun!, 37H ' Mtt^eiSOn arid Mhr- gatet: McPherson tie® 1518;. Bobbie Lvoits’ Hbtothfea Swan* ■ I27D; Alice Buchanan* Ttterese Gay nor* 46T, . Those marked * missed one-naif day or? more. We are sorry to report ,Mr_ James Henderson, son of Mr. Thomas Hen- - ders-on. ■ got his hand cut and the end’ of. his finger, taken offi. while working, in r.Ioyd's factory, Wrng- - hhm. We hope He will soon be able to work again- • » - Messrs. Feter and George Kennedy i also. Mr. John Richardson and Hugh ( David MacDonald, attended ' . the Guelph fair last week- George Ken- ■ nedy bought a young herford . bull ■ there. ' • ■ ■ . menx and penalties are. provided for those who- do not obey the.- law. Every motor . vehicle repairer ‘with more toa-n, five years' ®q)erience and less than seven years' experienee • in ’the motor, vehicle trade at the time such trade became a designated trade and who successfully passed the ex- aminatiun prescribed by the Advis ory Committee, shall be .granted a certificate of qualificdtiori. on payment of the prescribed -fee. i f Cwu{sgim TITS - LAP i their olloeation of $28 within a. small1 margin and this was planned for so t | that the amount could be forwarded. . A: bazaar was held by the' United . W. MS. in Whitechurch on Friday ! afternoon. Home made baking.1 ! aprons, quilts. Christmas gifts, veg- ' etab les etc., were offered for sale. ! The society realized over $16 from ' this sale. r ' The Langsfde Rurafe^lub held their) J entertafuTnent Friday night fa - the . halE/Snlns were given by Mr. George ' BelT.. Orville Trffpi. Miss Reba. Mar-' shall and little Miss Riuby Court. En- ' strumentals, violin. 'Gordon "Walt; harmonica, Joe and Dan Tiffin; or- , i gan. Miss Arriyss Brown; readings. ■ 'Mr. Johnson'Cptfa gave “The Ladies' i Meeting and Mrs. Victor Emerson ’ gave “Kate SheJTey". r . ' Miss. Rose Cdskfaette of 4th. con.. V spent foe week-end at her frame here.'' __ _ ■ Mis? Leofe Wraith spent the week-, the victim of the accident was breath- en<^ with foiends in Lucknow. • • ; ing his fest. ’ - - ' Mrs. N. • Crnwstbn is knendfa.g' a ■ -few .weeks with her daughter. Mrs. . I Wm. Kennedy of Wfagfram. The' Langside Club are, holding a.' 1 dance- this Friday evening. Then foeir 1 next ‘ enteriafarrient is Dec: 30th; he. did on-' DHATH GF JAMES- STUART ■ ,. „ have in Eos/ Death entered this community on -—--—■--—j and exposing to public, Saturday evening an(F cfeimted Mr j view obscene ‘ arid indecent pictures. Tames Stuart of Sth con- Kfafoss. tending to. corrupt public .morals, Otto. Death was (Sue to pneumonia, which Koenig, young Hanover man, who -develnped from a fall down staiffi ' came out from Germany some time on Wednesday last. The fete- Mr. . ago was found trinity by EZ C. Spere- Stuart was eighty-four years'of age. man and sentenced to the county jail and wMTe able- was a very regafer fop orie month. , Sunday atterider at the Presbyterian.,1 •, , , , - , , ' chutrfr at Lanpsidie. He was' known' ___u ....... ' i for his friendlfaess and neighbor!! -. YOU WON'T FEEL THE COLD •ness fa life own- chmmurrity. He .»—‘ . . leaves to mourn his Toss, frfc brother i ■ When you,,step out of a worm < WiTHam.- with Whom he lived, two - Bouse into the cold outdoors-, take S sisters,. Mrs. George and John Grean- I deep breath through your nose aud^fi. Twd- brothers. Hrarlie and Gen. 1 hW your breath. This serves to drive- and three- sisters. Elsie. Mary and the blood to the surface of the body., Kate have’ lived5 in foe West. . preventing the initial chill. Keep your’ mouth closed. . Do not talk i Thuredny with SHOWING INDECENT PIC TUBES JLN*. J^LELBROUGHT MONTH ■ Facing a -charge that lawfully and knawfagfy 3YEM5TOPAY! •Etfe very nmcffi to ymxr advau.toge to-put your order fa for RIB-ROLL or Ti'l'E-LAP metal roofing right sw^r—- this, week. Bz the fest pface, steel prices are , gmngup. You. will have' to pay .ntore x£ you wait. But the Gcvernmeixt's ' Home Improvement Efian now lets' you do much-needed roofing and repairing; - w£t& tiiree years to pay-for it! An' opportunity yuu should not rmss! WE COOPERATE TO, PRACnCAUT ELIMINATE CARRYING Of ARSES 1 ^4- 55 dfectxcctxfc. on ativstnees by the- basri®. Eastfeax Stfeel Prodtacts Ltmittsd i9 ’heipmg:it& ■ cnHtcimera- td'-Hbntogt'-WTpef-dXit titfw ebsttge. We tete cniofitesi tx t^h-wi£h'^ori£gr' pl&rt. ’Sto buy rtaw-. Get & taxat, cfceBbfe, ri<Tn-Iea&h±E. tfrarnngiily •westfrer'-p-rocritT rocif oS t&eaSs- e^ry. niazEey^arCcn-g- tatonw. Save, eSstta mosey' by ortfexng befbre- jnsixtSf steel prides force tobf-' Wei utge yon -wfitb sfl suxeeril-y tn take arfcsttt- agS of tide re-nterfcable apporoxamy. put 'cbSt. eHtiniate by teruply settdaxtgrusf rwife^- usd ■ EHfi3EWTnesstizferae£Xtw. When you get. ttasi co'stt ■eas&oiitei,. gzt to yOVr bszdiet.. Hie tsdll show- ytin Btowyasxcas t^et itterttciney for yn.rr re-rndfina needs wider 'the Hottie Etnprbvenien® - .Tbe1, wireJe .Jaspisaxrtidii can be completed , in H&init otdefi. . THAT ROOF WOULD HAVE COST ML A LOT MOKE TF ID WAITED' RIB" roll t &n RIB-ROLL OR TTTE-UIP METAL ROOFING . .. . ®. These two roofings have features developed excfasrvely by . Kastern. Steel Products Limited. They ore- Canada’s, greatest roo&ie* values. R3B-R0LL and lll'ii-LAP do not warp, bulge or leak., They are -positively weather-proof durable, good-looking, permanent Cab be laid quickly over sheeting or right over old shingles.: RIB-ROLL and lllh-LAP arewidely but unsuccess- fully imitated, 'So be sure you do riot get an inferior hr and If your dealer.does' not- handle RIB-BOLL and TTIE-LAP- roofing, he is -wot an Eastern. Steel Ehoducts dealer. \ <• f Jefhjtr—They '<uy that absence makes- the Heart .grow fodder. I '1 The ftrnetai was ■ held. to Tiffin*-’. until -cemetery-on Tuesday affornoon. •O'itfe 1 BfehtriCe McQuillin. three br' four months ?•■ ua,: - , w . . ' ,_yudr budT" has adjusted itself to the’ Rev. X Pollock, their 'pastor. nffirfat- Violet—Then why not try. it tor i change in temperature. ingmg.i HONKERS dKObMPA^-BtnXT BAHNS A® iOKRfeS 'OF THE SOLE MAJsEFFACTriaERS AND- ..............................................•■''-■;■............................-..... <W JA&ffiSWAX P^ULiEy’fe ............ nr' nr I'wtju STEEL THI7SS fiAH& KENT OF ALL KTNCSL