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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-12-10, Page 4
ffafiff TlaiiHCTygr ^act < ■ .'■ .. 1Iffil j,-,-. yr,. * ■>*£-. -X*S e*fite inwtrailtfll ^amsfi Sum anti int GaatedteT. TSte irornnmnigsr eammiEtEee Ssnu^htr •jtei d&, regaru tearing*' tite bateiiEESSS ues- iodi. Boas tife* missimE stmfiy tofjfc? USte i TO EW3W SM38E Iwrem! aaidd prayem. ' j .ffimeeE dteefe E.. B J JSL ' : TSee rEEexiEEgg eaaigiiwg: rate; Smpferggp odff fcfeg. fUrrisin^w- EeSEsss^.j Sag:) eaammEtees.. tife ’{■-wtiirogp1 panarrtspfg.. .ttfee serFfidUtEBe gas«- ji s"-ge-- raxsE ceueB Misss Jfeyy Hmtezr . IWisss. MeELeesB ^scee tefite» Rsmee -■ teteraeten..' JSisitaaa. Misss MSsh^aHjeti, jffey. cft-nrtrrtlbiUted'i' aa cratnr?;' B’&arfOjgiB "Oss- . fcraaidErr aa gEtesat) Hwstcnanaghtitil add. ’.. ptraa. nfeateidd ■ T^teferveaEy safe. Max ' |WL EL. ‘ - 5It**Se?TE- gsEree tite tutetir ftfeter .rtEpe^Ss' mee-tiiTst wiiD See SeJffi <me ;’ |J!teidifeg- coTFStteug' as: RterEatioiteE gmgrasm cowfegtedB. Kw Mi- ' FfemfiiH H&eeee^e- off HwteHiw. ■ InjtifeeeE WL SKL SL ■. . (U&BEE& wass fej^"asm Wfedtesdstey | StegiEBg-.'. aa gESgErr . ffimsa. . Wrss. Mw'iireatv rtte^jri tife • m^fessgm. May?. Wtilesrifi eo®Ee j ■tSE tfee tenr bdngss cfc Jetete ’ tnee- WeSbterr ste^ aa irfeasSigi; .-hatey, fiezscfe’ own tite L’Xttvig.i T HURQN COCMW COUNCHL ■. ; Ol’l’OSEDTO EL C. AL ACT_ Urge Repeal Qf Act Which Hailed Tu Bust Owe Supporter A'raunff 2& Rfeeves* Many Of Witiure. Are From:: Rural yriuneipalitie» Lyceum Tfe •• WOAB Show Starts at lLUtt PX if -.SSHBBI^* ■ OE!e*nWfiBtI£I3^ ' £ sws»' 4 Igynwfi rwfiirc^ i»u»tun:mg; uMj-lvh'irtgg • twwiiTsa. -. ■....:.. . «qngg~ ' *' ■• jwjn>l.. t jj-1 ijfm > /rr-r~' CSiT»frlEa^R3«4cTR^mF.rTioTtf»‘. ' "'• AnHM-sgP HteotE County ComieiFs- qwetey-txiiie reaves* t.w .eariventiott.iast week,, prate of them front ftmil iniin- 'tepalities- them rate trat one sup- porter- oF qhe Farmers’ Cteditoite Arntiigement. Act. X* ■^.'. ' ' ■ tbuureil tested, ’its.- name to the. list • .' of1 mtinieipalities retpresting: amend? teete to. of repeal o^' tire act which' they .holti' has: ti'i^teued investors* - anx£ .iteni'et iittte tiupn- values-. Efuron ■ CoEmfcyte rfesolBEtiptt referred: to* ifc os- ■ ’ . ■ hatengi. ‘to most: LitebrtanKEte efieet , oie the Gumers.-, of Ontario. Trie validity te tire ae.fc'te trow be-1 • •■ tegi-.determinetf by. the Privy Cotmcil. HL £ Deat-hman., M. P.. told, the Caipi- •’teL ted sfeouitt it be proven: to exceed legal- power; -ifc would immetS&tely be repealed, but the, settlements- ofretey ■ made woted. hold; he.teffed; ■ ■ GENE RAYMOND : ANN* SOTHERN . HENRY STEPHENSON' De "Wattinj Oe Air” ' .A GAM 'GOMto® ROMANCE ■ ■ TWO REEL COSIEBW ‘ . SPOKEN REEE AND' EQS. NEWS- . j LEE1 "UnimieF Maiintah** ow|L . - ’ ' . ---- - 4---------------—- -----; .-. ------- --------- ------- -- ..1IW4WMHMR SOT EE® mUNGIIl. ’ i 'ASS HPPffX^W iffi® TH) WOHK bJaeliu ■ G E ISE KAL ' MOT OR S' 6 F2 AKKODKCES ' <^WBt 0 ft. m MigRi ; -. Mpvtitsxjgrram, bisy aa. rtexedH aaaxtottee. TEfe : ttersem aaafc te trite. fajgy Pter;:. FFteter ' te? was? ^vesn ;5®" SEsss Efearfl Ffee- uati3 .Whamam Mtedltatiffi was.1-, teng-; •Efite. ■ Hittite SixoEeda ra£& mi vteHm saEk' aaeO'EffiUteffiedd tem titte gitenKt ■ Eiyy Rew-- r&Etfc OterxuBfer. Mass? Mte*-; titean eeffiriEtemdB aa Hsbite CfHE-t t tofty. tow? teSefiri .-rll.i rateae (feme® riwfttet: :' I {grtHiW?. Tfite meetitey etefedd vtititb as .. f-fejuam-aatel' Ster;. MteHteEaiF" | tite m-eetiiiwy witfe: mraxen.' ' Si^fe ESkSSsss WL ML S. Rto tiwHtmnnsp t-iitttiASES T&jo Farm*- rrfT nBjtitefen® . The? irte j eawrpiHte mgrofcw»jMt»ifti'»iitei.ft:t 'odE SShpoi- , ' lays?. XVhnsfc eaasn ‘fe-.dEare? tte control •.SSteaicE? ’ ■ ‘ • ■_,'■• S ' WTfrte Hwy. agjrerwgy, o£' tire? schools:-. Efc ’ ajtoiw,i„ txtoetifefes sm feesfa: ofc ssfiaoB _ ' aetjuirts. mfeiEntesg . tee. vuar- ' rtnte EStefeg., colds*. rffeasEesp, scurf ec: .jfewKif,, ..wtteagmg®: ctrngS^. etet. They ■ 'canyy Stage HEfifefannss Efamee tte other- ifeidtaE' fiin tite fitenafe- aaufc.. mates.- . ... ’ • •three corrTMuuifcEr beerunjess fevolvete." <&§: §5. ygrur Mean pg Tfe? g^- ^’; THee. niiEEtiQJiss ' diteses:- sgreaxi: n‘" U-WEI geZSEHE tSK> ^£=SEHE EgT geESOICEl' ■ tewtffc ■a-nsaefc..' FFr tSaree issaa g^teE asite ILte- ■ brpg^;. See aa <PPfrfrMv;. seme? per— • EEbaste-' 5nu^cS333mEErfereteH^®£*the~setont ‘ e : %efxh jTpmeeedrngg jyg. trfT mx. vnime- -IE. “ta .sfhietAerta-Ite^'titeschnaEaMXKr srnee • EE: gtdibnKl titeeste g^tesi; sEtgezrfsEam. Ee^t.aati E&kbsk^ tite. cHI®ire*ir tTTTroylp- ipbtffiljbre- «j®:i tfias sfcreetes '■reinnMxt: sup^ ^reisiABri aiaEtife n.Trfrfirpfrfcr- sgrefflfei ' ■ TFtega aarte tSsoo gEEEoaiiens- cidr' eke! u-spimqe. '.mr, tt®!? £WTxCTMTtnn.'n^. rrgrrfr: COnETflL Sf: ticfc inSetKius:- dJseHSesi Tte ©ref zs| =131 iff tfcte nxSsefciiju®. ■< & ■lite- tfcte stefe Friter tfite- wefi?^ That" tSc tectite Hast! rEasujtces? oF tite hesifth id § ' ' ,'teAW^ ^hfctoriita'WL WSL pFCTsmdfisi. toKfei.pmati-eggsi. rmiife.. Tite tmnnsti. - meetimr oe tite 0r*es~- vegetoiiles-aKEffuifc- ttej- niatter : hyteerair. Wi was? tete with? 3&s*- tetmti rteree coc&Ltier oil. amt seen- 5Eir£Iomii*. mrtedtey Tte tesp-tionitS' •:*&&. titeu^muy terprog^tamry Miter exei'r’ts-es- 'were* eomdtieteefc .hy Rtex :[ *-*-— — iSte HetestE After -ter^dirr oe mto- ii inres ata^.cpsrespiomiteB,ei_.tte seere*--.' taxies .istie? toair; reports- toy time g^fc" •' year. MfcSi W; Etousias-. -m-Tes' rite lisy ■ <n§~ 'eieetedr fitir 123.7?. wntoir ' Ws btees? pmwaarwfc ' by timt .nnmmati- i . "tee. '-tonntetEtee*; Efbm. Ptosis Mrs?. Ewer i; MteStesse* amt Sts- 'Tnesmit: &6hk ■ Mrs/ C. EE XEteHoiKtifti L___. Mitos H?' AEditrE: ±i3xfc Wce£ Mfis*. Wsti . sons -ftifc. Mrs. EE * Aitoitisarc: Sfcfyi? Mrs. 'Ai F-’.fit&wnrr; Him. Stey.Mte, .L W. EffeadfetsatE; Ti^fasu Mfes J2 ,’M J Teddes; Htaae* Efsdperr' Ser$>^. 3E£si. RL Vt. S^eEeazte *Ttotc TFdtnms^ Mrs? \ Jas.’ iSaitte Weieorte azte . Wefi&ze ’tiBafi Scfc. CjQiu. Miss 5E MteHtesoir ‘ atofc Mrs. 'PriiTSS'is; Stippiy' Sfeeyi- Mte Win®. Mteffitetej* unto 3®sp ALC? 1 v<rtew» p’rasnss., Mte E&- ■ve‘nse. ’ Mrs. £ Si MteStexie-t Eress - Rteortor <wtfc .£2dteiWtefe' 3$®:* -------------------■---------------:—?---------- - ” r-Siehazit-sens P’fttorttoiL Mfe EE Atarite- Wfaateww-'. ,‘< .. EU2EL ^JSSWIIIATION'' fc' [£ assed; byf tite cntormazir. too jwrrErn wte-- ^astfiEjt-teiit Miss Pfefixt Sfete- —*—— -£rre* your -npxmopr ..w same?imnortosm 'terseir **'oKtitHi®dr her ;.idd'teHs-.-'«>iir. tte L He® t*' :cw to ‘te meeting''. EC ■ 'ttaitfeffi- teO tan® - yow hmre* on^nyy too V,'’I?rrt“ . ‘ "'&irK}^' - yj»a.d& *amet ,<■$■£&&*■ JtSfe ■ £ .' 3E" “hte weather 'taeeusT <mr. Smb, dteti titrate ■ X ir.” your, -to astamti £ nmetitosi *Skk fteit: ratif tizte «»®te oC o-ifiKeES? amfc Jtter -TEEsnsessia.. Mteer secaafe aft. . ati ite> .tetfc mrsedfishtiy ttoes- 'titer px^dfetodi rto*. tite ttetetosg • Wrt&y** to 'rrtiatze* rifem to dd* tfitepfe tefiufey to tefcfc ’Tasters? teinsg; .hnstirl thoe- totter tfctt .tetetf Neyezxtesesst osfe: ore*:- nite titter “W« .isscoia.tio5r tetegy nmt by* W-rmixsitem-; -.wuhfc tete* tia> itiMteeh' rate , . _____ ___ _________ _______ osmteteEte to- ih eosnsratitee teti 17^* ' (Sasuite * -t» Sitae aea'teste? Btor 'i&etfcti ’Tfeir^^taF ?te seem te smaifer .,»^A.nM;a»1^.6fcc«rtaSto«S.. " —' --------- iffita— rnTTP-'. : ” 45WeHo«sji^I-ette »ir nra.yvrr TRfe* W. 3K.' "^a?> . . ' g. .feeidetfc t» htey» *< nteisgmaa-. play : 'if tta- nreeamgr esTaEj^nss nreeert&tfc: in? Oite QaaefixeEtfr:. -dfe « few, dftasst .ffliHi: 5» i dim rtunrtt « 4» nm- Mte tlfraie teeiy sneeeaSaayj' 'but w&&. afcferr . ‘" —“—“—• ■ . ■ .meaiheES: roit '.tpi rhete stesreteasaM "'’fe IE »'F WfiWdiit. ' EE* sec . titer•s? sate? ? tran»* susfirfSte 'treatment: tor imSSniE frrraz". thefe respective •h TEbs vai&iet ced&St^: oSE asufc sete '.isiE '.tnr. tfeie nteiatess dte: consists1 irr ' f fe piteen-tharE riefctete hr ter Baby •AIo-reawET sucfc. ae dzeti ensures: gnod:! ? ’ones? anrE teetir he tite cfcoEJ". iintreas- I.sec VEcefc i|w tiba^'ntestteHte te ittfpg*ir<w ’ .ijrtfc. «s Ltmiiiy.. vigpnute beuy I Tter®£ ans: otter 'raiutehfe pre-pHrtas .foores? cxE iirfieetiote Ehr the? first jtet* ‘pF Irffe e¥eES3' chSefc. sinmEdt taiiqte cod?* ■•J'wnay oiE firaum Qctaaher trs 3&y Tte i-lft-OmTgy simuffi te smteik to: the-- ..vea.- i’thest. auifc nett to® hstey te tte teurs ■ 'nS '6Sb®5 Eli teat to .eontzmie- gEth^jr wiitfe tete wfterr tte frost’ I'to-iffitos TTtgpate. 'im rmt vatoe fbr this 'prsetiseE-' after* ^^testeE?- few®rer jpdaaifiet iter 'may bfe tor • tte summer' - ■ .1 Tfite'-a6feSaEiiio»®Bfc praetttrei lett- ■ • ingg tfite cifi&fc tete measles? rtorit otter ‘ « mtetdauae-d&featesi- tfeey witll te*. 'jionte wiiife. tteter is? outd Obi 1 ev^y pnssi&Iei .way rite cinM steuidl hei pire-sraEEtof&i.fitonrr htetogr tte tttfee'- ■ hiotUF-. (feeasesi. Tfiss childteocft trrfie-e-- ti'onsi. sane* EEnytoCEEtrre?- oE? teate dte eaaet arthritis} te otter d&eases off ^j0te4ite ■■'...* •■ , { Efe tte seteote cities* amt tte1 jaxgey townsc thfej jaaetitef oF teviite tecteofc dtetors? aasrifc nurses:- to scrtitite • - rife tte chiMtetr daily tes: done1 as. gtrod I. deai to Itedti tte spread: oF tofeetwrc | by iirfc efflrfy dtieovery amfc tte ap> ■pei&totiam oti pteemiti&nairy measurerT. Ifc costs: nmuey htttr. tte • ffitote'. siite ■ ‘ *_____ ____ ___Z“_ .2____i Itillbu & W i ...... ........ . ............ 1 fteinw Cbiz-pe) ■ Master- DeEiirce ■ .£XWiw<tete. .*'» fdWfaiA. ■■ > dfasf1 CZ-ivwrr.*- . i ra»4as taiHM. tfnriii WKiJSasi '■*.... •...... ......- —............. Brakes-y. imgrovedi *Knee^stionfc .gfxe&ig: ride;. Safety glossf iir every window- Eister >o4JiSiffc. Veaitifa- tioEBv-^HwJ; niaiiy ottersa. SeetEenew(5ievTOlet----‘‘TEe-Cot^- plete Carc:inGHiigtfeteiy iSFewT"—ar our showrooms. Monthly terms?- dbr f|,! suit your pinrse; oa tfie ^eneradi , .Mptarsf- htealment Blam <£5-nGZ *&ttn Hastev EFe* Euxe> * • ' Ri ./ 4