HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-12-10, Page 2"I I *1 IBr. T- IE- VWnlfepr,. (,(!tefb) off. TEeaguryls dirug.‘disposal (division, and JI.'AW. iMtilhmaid istevel ifieroin iinto ffurnaee .’in AWntohnigtan. iSeized (drugs waiueii sat i^lOlOOOl'GflD were ifed too fflames. JM* !vt ? •"fit- -u -—y1 XIFRS6TN W _ Uteceiriher 9E3 ’ Udhids 1¥iaHm am IPatnEEH. — (Revdla-! /Pnirrted 'Test — IRetefeffinn Hiif-SES (Gdfiben Text — ‘‘Tbar mat, S tote! Shst ianff tote Hast, umii tote divinglane. iRetetefimn Il-TI, H8. THEE UTSSSnST TN jTTS tSEEEnjSlG TEHEE —, Toward tote .close off tote Jffe off tote .grosfle ’ ffdhn, probably cahuot .96 AD. IHEACjE—The .island off -Patmos, iin tote AEgean Sea, /twenty Saur /miles gteffhwest tiff Asia /Minor. '^tHrHyn ton tohe uneven othurehes tohat jam iftt A^iw"’ Adin irefers tto tote pro-j .rmrsninr pruvinne\iff tohat 'name, in Asia. IMiniB:, oumsisfiing off lEhnygia, Wysia, dTniter /and ILydia, mt tote ewes^ ttenni crtlgp- off Asin iMinnr 'tornnfhig am tfifoe AiEgean ,'Sen„ Tte -seven ^churches gre totese (enumerated iin uehapteis, 12 imriLS- .. I ' S«.jf ETA ETAD ETA® ETAfilQA TGisane ito you /and/ peare, tomm tfiffn wte1 tos mnff winy was rmH who iis tto icnrnrt” (SrHBE I tented ton penm-. The manig off (God omri lEatter Hterp gi.vpn wigi ottfp: rrevetotnrf ton Wrnrrai Ijife (RjTH Tt teCGudSs cnneninria'I mame, gven tote seven Spirits tohat/are hhe/are this tob-romd." EEEere we ifaave lEeference too /seven. Snuiiis /tetriten tohe jEonnitete- ines \and universality -cf working df (Gads EEoly Spirit, : ms tote -seven cehuretes toypi^g /ami :indicate tote; ' whole oih/uriih. ■ '‘‘And!Trem'...iIiesim '.Ghrist, who tetotej . ■ finiaffiiL jwitaessi.”' (GSe/ Tfihn JEStXTi) (Christ was toaiffimiT iin totet. -te itever’ /adulterated >.ar w/eakened car thid ans^ rppfrt. aff tote firntfa which (.Gad seni,lhim tfa> prroilann. being ffaithful antto fhte mfisscan ceven itri death. '“Tte -ffrest- .. ihtirn/caf fihe deai”” «(See (GdL o.‘aM&) IHe te ifirte:*iff :aU' tohose Avte will tr -se rfc rm ttte dfete!, 'especially ias /regards rraiifc. ‘“And’ tote /ruler off tote things rdf tote 1 teurth-” i(See 'iPsilim -8totI7., iIiev iL&iffS)’ (Ginter ihte tohe aright tto ‘sovereignty, aiver gll tote, /kingdoms aff tote parth^ isome rdffy fte will -exercise tohat irigfat land' todte lali .tote -kingdionm iunto ifiim- ' seff too, ferule /forever “Tinto rhim tohm-. lluveth. ossi” Slutfce tote preftent.' Iptwp itere: tote (nve of iClhirst ffiorfiyou rand nte -s just ■ =s= (great iand.'deep ttoiiay -iffis-.Ete-afay When te fiied ffor ms-on ’.tte tcross. “And loosed ns- /from aur sms by uis niaod. ” The .i&ve^at :a parent ffior qtifffii. tote love at wfA ffor g teiHEanff, would.inoifertate tto iio eve^y it&ing; ffor tote tdveii intess. rtegrpirn^ss muff.welfare, that lit oeaa rnevef remand- : pare ffrom -sm. This aniy (Ghatet asm ate m fass redeeming -sanrffine -ffor as.. ’“Anri ‘he raaiie oes to tte m Uspngritem., to he priests’ unto this (Gaiimnd Eatter land too ifaim te tote jgliory mnff tote rirfa- .. imininm®ir ever .and everi” (Ghristians utegn m eunqireiniig toteir stenntuai sen- // eentes .and: token iin povressirm off tote : mitoEy tohat iwmrgmtefh tote woriiL ‘“AmenT That ife-ae ffiteteew word tohat ■ dfferaliy :means ‘*tto (teyn ipiin',” mud: ; ffrnnrlff. cenniEs tote word “tto ite&tel" ■ IB? saying ‘Amenrr in prayer,, we <ite- ■ uneap tohat. tote prayer -offered ffy as* arther te our prayer idteso. “fBefaoiii, -te cmneth with tote jcteuds. What ® contrast hetween tote ifaumilia- Ifiuu .and otecurity and poverty tohat attteiiued hie H?irst Advent, -and tote ggteny and universal , .visibility that '(will chatecterize fas Second Advent!' . ‘“And' -eyery. -eye shall -see. him, and. “they, that n/erred him.” (See Tofan T9:J57:; Zech. The persons /in­ dented in this expression ar. beyond driuht, those who( were his Pur tier ers. • “Anri alj.the tribes of the earth shall’ - -mourn over him.. Even»so. Amen.” dCf. Tl't*. There will tner. be two kun.- t>‘ mourning, the one due to th** r' .-L-rur ot an enemy' the otner to th’. '■ , to tie peniren." ”1 am :ne Alpha' and tte Omega. Hu :r. gt. Lord God.” These wo.words “A.pna anu “timega” fire tne names of -the first and last' letters of tte- | Greek aiphaftet. as though we stiould say tne A anti tne Z. ChrmL Is the hegmnmg ana the end. “Wnh' js and who’ is tv. come, the1 ■ Almighty." He is' almighty m . sus- •taining jus'- people, yet equally al- snigfaty in judgment an his enemfe*-. ' ‘ ' “Taian. your bro tner axin pawaker wffb^you in the trinutafipr. and' zirig dnn -and patience whien nr? m -lesus. was-in the rale tha. is called Patmos.”. Pazmois was a ifetie ratana m ■ the AEg‘*an Sea twent/y^faut niue- south west of-the coast of Asia JHntor. and. .about ten miles long and six broad.,, faaxren, and f j the moat part ■ very' - xocky “Ear tte ward pt Gca and the- testimony iff Jesus ” Th.s phrase pro- teMy indicates: that Jahn wa^ nafaiste ed to • tte Island cff -Patows becaure. cff preaching of the gospel of Christ ‘ff was in the Spirit ,on fte /Lord's -day'.” This is the only time Jta fte! 3S®w Testament mat we have the I "phrase, “the LorjTs day,” and we may easily beiiave that it refers to the "daiy.we now call Bunday. And J.teatd’ faeiiinri me a great vaine, /as iff. a trumpet.1 ("See also fib).. Tossibly , ■tohia was not the actual voice iff itet ■... ’I . 1 I (Lord, tout off some messenger off tohe I /Lord. ! ‘fSgying, -what fhou -seest, ••wi.ifeg in ra ibndk .and .send iff too tohe reven tteurches: unto /Ephesus, /and innto iSmyrea, /and unto 3?ergamum, /and lmtn .Thyatira, and unto -Sardis, -and mnto /Philadelphia, and unto ILandi- Eea.” These reven churches were .-ah located in tote proconsular province off .Asia, ;ond ;are -named Itere by 3/dhn ton ;a geographical circuit /heginning with tote .own ‘home ieifcy SEphesus, /then go- Img north top /Smyrna /and feeigamum, .then -southeast too Thyatira, and fted south too Sardis. IRliilarieiphia. rnid, ; r-pprircen- (Christ -himself iin verse *50i tells os^^t totese .hmrpstante -are tote revjn aihunihes. They are ilight-tear-^ tors too tote .world t.Olatt. /espec-. 1 telly too te wuflii tofrat /itself tedtafkness •“And ;in tote’ irriiHst, off tote ceandle- tetete cote ;Hte ontto sa ren. off nnani” Tte toifle Itere given too (Christ te ante ffrepuenfiy aiexurring iin Ezekiel tend Tlte-rteJ tend te rns»H' /more toten /eighty t/fin/HES Iin tote /'Gospete, tehteays, wifh tfcwo (/exreiitiDns, !igr Ontet ihimself. lit iis te tfiffte which teffe [forth tote liunnan tetapent off aiur /Eavimte naaraeter. ffootl” The garment too tote ffeet sig- gesfs tote might top govern tend too juifee tend iff te tote irebing off judicial /an- fftriniffy; nntt tote unking off tote preset. (Ghitet te rtere /-/seen ‘having, •sole /ri^ht tto pronGunce .verdiet . and rentenre. am] . tall tote /services’ tofaat '.tte .church red- j ‘ders. ' . ’ ’j ■‘tAnfl girt ’about at tote .breasts wtth'l at golden gntdte” iC-Ete tea. TLSt'; i©/an.. 1 -Iftmlj’ (Girt /loirs toell off .readiness -for lattfion, .'hut . girt breasts <af tote repose ijaf tonvereigniy /and off /inteiree nffee- toion.. -“And l-his 'h»od l.-and rhis ihair were white ,as /white wook white- asssnowl” -((Eee Hten. 72^; tea. gfirtoB) Site te tote ;agp tohat iff unit jaged, .and tote ./heautoy off itediiress which rare ^eternal. '“And!- rfte<eyes'were/as/aiflame . ffire”Tte' F toire Is 'symbolic off ffiodfe tpEesoffee, otff iSodis off jjiptemsff can tohe wek- «eSi, aff ^Beneteaffnn tahd rknnwfeiige. And mafhing cean me difii ffram tohat 'Sa®e- . . ‘ ■ “Anri to»ht ffefit junto hnniikhed egrass .As tff iff ihad Keen refined ton jsa ffumaee. IBrass iis -invariably tohe /type aff tohel gteeqgfih aanfl toffe ffnmace aff ffire lia m ^ynihril off /purity. ’^Wnd Pis .voice was ms tohe .voice off , -many waters.” '-The moise off tohe ssea iis .-as tohe moise iff iffresisfidle ^strength mnd /powerful, beep and majestic. •“ffind jffe Ihad ton this 'right Hia-nH «He- .ven. ?stars/’*Un werse 50 (Christ tells Us tohese jstare tare tohe mngdte toff " tohe /seven .churches, ipe., tohey /are (flhrtst-s /messengers" tset ffor witnessing in tohe resgaeetiwe /assemblies day this iapphhff- irg. ‘‘And niff toff -this rmsmth rprticeeil- eed. ta Afaapp towo-^dged ;sword7’ TEhe award off 'find xhtes :pawer to gienerrate tohrough aavery shield sand -iievice the-; ’hind 'Avhich man /attempts too ttifite ! /from 'God's =serutiny /and jjudgmegj. j "‘■‘Anri ibis ueountepaee .ms-'tohe mm! ! jdlffnefth iin -ffiis -strength?’ lEhis =samef • dazzling tglary \was maticed when torarj Usord toransf igured in toise aiays aff /his .eearthiy ■ ministry sCSiatt. sal /spectedle tohqt .Hahn, if he /author aff tohisi ILarik, -w/oiihl -well remember. , 1 .- “And .when U /saw ihim, U .‘fell mt iiifej ffeet 'tas ume /dead!” tSo after jgreat 'Servants off (Sod ihave been simiiafby .•affpeted iby /a revelation off /divine tglary, -as lisaidh fEzdktel (Cli28) mantel t@8U7I)>. ‘‘And the /laid diis irigfat rtenil apron ute saying, ®ear miffj 3 am ;tte ffirst mnd tote \What inffmite rniercy totere iis revested rtete! (Qfaftet does mot ’.want ibis aawn too the mfraiffi iin ibis presence, ibnt too worship .-ami; /adore rhim, and too wait ffor tote :com- rmands. ‘ . ' •“And tote [Living 'Oge; /and to was I tdead, -and tehold, to am ff’ive ffor ^ever- i more.” HEve^y man jeoriid rtt .one /tune 1 -say, 11 was living and uilive. tout'/this; 1 ate toad 'dived /and /had /died /and- was! j /alive /again. And .-not coriiy again, imti .te was /alive ffor /evermore. Be wasi -the /eternal /and .everlasting one. “And; toihavetote tkeysoff deate/and-dflHaitesi .and iff tote :khys off all tohe world —I .-supernal /and infernal, 'swing mt tote’ girdle off tohe Eon off (find, token we dto; •know mid .-knnv/. “far <cerSr.n. /that '<al£ tohose -kmgdoros wdl tee /aihriintetereii; iin /-aeeordanoe with tthe most rnnuacu-; late .justice omd -.the most perfect love. xA avoriH rof women -with ’iniaiwex- •f-vnet rrnrl -forgotten, te /ia wsiW off k ±he /future -/seen iby JErdtesam W, A. 3E. more om-Browne. ’president icff tohe dJoyal iMicroscqpical tSacifity, epgafe- tog •ntAVinsconihe. /Somerset, thing. aphis “'No Iffian /World” wii mat •rooter idtibse. Hiawevet', /until '.women ffinil ithev roan crip without tohe imaie /element. ” . • That rthn; will reveiitualiy roqme jabmit, tote professor ^asserted in mn /interview is! this aiuimtry thome there. •‘^S’ithen women udiscovei tohey rcan cdo, without, tmenl” the tsaid, “-tohey vwill ffind m way ,«ff getiiup rniil idf 'them, i tohmigh tohej’ vwantt rnujifder ’.them ms. i rhees iki‘11 .drones"” j ' ale ;pointe(f .ant -.the snniiarat. the- I toween unseats and ihuman. ■:item«s. j TPhf if ormer, the-die dared, diave bang den awn thaw top uontrpl birth, ihili.iit iis cohjb' dateiv .that 'human ’beings mre theginnihg' tto utansidei birth uantrfil iaii /important' ^problem. j . JSomt .insects. • flte rprdtessoi md- aied, utha\te {apparently fount! tout Ihaw ito ibreed -witnaut tfche iheip !£b tohe mm Ip. Consequently:, tohe rmate ihas ibetrome mmeeessa^y sand ia nuere I dirain cor tohe /resources red tohe unseat. ~‘3teeen£iy feapierrmeni 'rhas rShovEn tohot. tohe onammaiian eegg ohbbs mot rEequire tohe rmdie ^element ifor Sts ■! mormal dieueiapment .'” — 5aauit ihlaity Star.:I A--3 * lE^r'im ILaanBon i .■' $iY ‘MjCFBSA'N ' Hn tote (Ottawa .Uournal we reair: “The Moirmal /does mot believe -that fit ihas sa •-duty :io . iis readers go ex­ press sn adefinite ■'opinio/n can teverj” im­ port an ‘ ^subject .tohat /comes .into tote mews. There mre tnlany, rmany -things /about which we' /are mot -sureI”' Wire work, /brother, -says -.the fPeto- rofborough. ^Examiner. ^Vehi-e Tert tote ■ isame llrfpr za- dung-tonne. There, isre iso /many tohings’"■Sfoafit which we zare mot --sure, Jand ithere^are *so immiy . tohings moout which We bo pat /know. They ikeep (on learning :.up, /and we (find sit -necessary :to dry /ancl ikeeji con read-, fing /and mskpg (questions. Iff ssome- itfaing mew fin -tohe rnews :tell <df sa estrange malady ror^an /operation cdf sa peculiar ssort. we ladmit frank iy we have too go land last /the dioetor labout fit. .do mtrt tknmv. Iff -there te something which dieass with m' mire '/point off daw. we prefer “to go./and ; msk za daxv ver. There Pre tigs /about -which we ikno-w very little. SS» ’ aai ‘ ■ There:was _a .eiucneii Pomp cleahed am ithe ikitchen gable on p. tolatuiuiay might, /and is/rri were' aa mum her iff seggs. fEvidenlg ;the -farmer riiau ssed ibis guess fin hilling tohat rhen. The teggs were placed .-in m /dish m-nd fit wks ffound mext -day totete' wasg Title rhard euating oiver teach. iXfe - /asked .-questions off aiuctors gml toeachere wanting-.to throw fif *he unak- , j fing off tthe -shell .were ikiready an car ; am tthat ggg. car. dust when tohe ssfidll 1 was put am landi thaw fit was /done. ; ^tt .tevepy place off upguigy we received ‘‘jBeasotelEi day lEchestj BBreaariit ((The IBook ©am- ipany, ILtiL, Tnrontp) SsSifiO. H&aur- toeen testeys dc^- tote /author off •toEunma” ome off tone rtesfrteal- irng -niiy/te off iffst ;year. lit teems • tohis itesfc javBss iifes ffifte too iHarold '^icfrrferm, .who in reviewhg ame iff -Wr- IBffffauifte /hteks, rom- pfedneii, “There iis mb reason why i&5 which Jfc. BBrffEaidt replies, “Rnfemi progress Ifete iinvaiiafily /teen ~fhr- piifatriite off ranger ccalied i&rfh thy /ahuse.” Wtefher car mnt "Mr. ®r3fantt ffett rahnsed dgr ffir. Slidhbtemte remark rand '** flfeas- ons Hshr Angert’ .is tote result, we . . /ahe mot gertain. fflut we toertginiy do -rmprerferte tote Tact tohat te teas . .written tohese fourteen -essays dis- eu^iffg tote ‘Stupidity, of rman,f called, ISir. 33riSaiitt argues, teyi tte primitive vested interests, te- ...peeialiy -superstition, -evahtfioni-j " -xf^i into a formal religion. r Those who have read hrs classic! worte,. The 'Mothers, and ./Rational! • Evdiution, know him as one of' the great living anthropologists! to whom the proper study of num­ kind s man . Only - the first haff of' this book, presents the care' against / the hii-' »»inr. race—-toar instance we ..read: • “.Whiie . rational intelligence has gone ah increasing at compound mtere.tt. primitive stupidity -has remained to all intents and pnr- ■ pnses as stupid in 193d as it was at ’the dawn of time ... The venneranie institution which constitute the firm of JIa/n, Inc., preserve ithe virgina’ ■ < bloom of', primitive stun id it;,. while mtelte geuce goes on accumulating in 'in­ dividual men and women.” This ff one side of the question.,, then he gives us hope , by deciar-' ing—- . , 1 " ' ' "‘Today a .great natioi ■ whichl hits made momentous einttrihu- tums to civilization, has sunk mtoj .fiieerf, . unmitigated barba-tem— ff it bemot an. insult to the barbarian! to compare him to “Nazi Germany..! But-it is unlikely that mankind asi a whole will have tn pare thraughj such an nrdeall” ■3fr. iBrfffautt ..gives' his reason! for “this hope by stating—‘Tt tel unlikely because human inteUi- . genre .is unmeteirrabiy 'tetter! equipped more ' widely diffused,, ‘ more seoire and more resourceful' . than ii Was When, tote -first Euro- * pean .’civilization ffelK” . i Ode may not agree •— on first! reading — with many statement; ‘ " ■ 0 L /mate dry fiffr. IBriffaiilt — Unit sa second rand third treading ocimvin- vt=R tote reaiier tohat -.there /is rmore .intelligence prevalent .today—imt rt Write; aan -rndrerninri! gg; witeLT m2. 3ir. IBffffauit too point tohs rout. A -hook .rtroiigiy recanmrenitedffar those who dike reading rmatfeer .which yanses sa ceeriain /amount off. .cerebration. ‘“EEfae Won n'i?a fernn off flivilrzar- finn” :fay AVill UhiEant We4- tson iBook f2nmp?myr HdiL, TPmntm- tot») 351219, sxffiers ssxmze 'interesting ’Temjipg- ffnrr /mrefc m llrtov rprfwp. lEver -sinse :the first wrihnne toff Will IEhiranffs Stony off (Ghdlizdtettu wni’ rpufilisfeeii aa geear /ago, tohe gniiiliib- /ers rhave hheeh /asked tto reprint tote rfdESt- -section cff :tt‘ wrhieh wsas een- ‘fithed tffee Esiabiishnient uff (Eiviii- xatimi. lit -ks in response ito '.this ; widespread /demand “that fhe ipess- ; ent voiunn; is issued. ■ . About “twenty '.years ago, Will i Ihirant planned .to .write ra .histo^r ' df civilization in 'the mhteteenfh : ■ century. jjHe discovered, .as die . i proceeded, that his subject • could ( fee understood only in -terms df what- had cdtne before. Ess re- ( setorehes gradually • led hmi into the formation df a -plan ‘for writ­ ing a histoigr df all ^civilization, ancient and modern. ’ accidental and .oriental. IThe -present volume is a -preface to the complete -work which will be issued wtohin ’the next -fifteen ytmrs. dSigh praise is due Air. IDirrant, as he has, used a clear, hickl’ pie style—^an -excellent handbook for school “’libraries. ' ■ 1 . • * “Compromfee” ' by /Ruby AE Ayres (Tte JIusson IBook Com­ pany,'IfatcL Toronto) is,-.the safest offering from -this authof’s prali­ ne -pen, and ter readers will mot he . disappointed in ‘this tale df aa very modern girl and faer -battle for happiness. .',•■■ “Saint/ '©ver^->u rd” by liaise. ’Chart errs (Tte 'Miissan /Bqdk (Go;, ’T.imTtpri, Toronto) “rrecnmits title 1 latest adventure cff '/that /refoniiEfi -■character known fas ‘Tte S&ttdt.” ■We tear 'that -there ■was mttemiefacy •to slip from ‘tte paths aff iright- • eausness in ‘this ‘latest escapade, that die stands by ‘fte law, sat ‘the end. Quick, alive 'narrative. (car1- fries ...you along’ to fa smashing <6li- rnax, and you can’t lay ‘the hook down ffrttilyou -have /fmitted ‘thi- 1 latest “Saint” /adventure. ■ tohe ^excessive ./speed ,at Whifeb tobsy Women' and ,girls in iEutkey.AS well, as-boys, tare vnianiarlij tmaertaking.-nfflitaig /training IBheytoe ‘tailgiit military -and the jise <ff‘ /firearms, top /this picture m soldier is Showing TEutkibh ggiris jffow too bear /their toffies correctly. ' “ ■taught military -exercises mnd the TEimdly Oree off £ HFtorse's Ted ' Extremely Wcessrrry • ^arm lirorses wutd “he dieaithier if theif toeefii -were -examindf .and “treat­ ed, if “necessarg-,'/once sa jydart. 'A quali­ fied veterinary shbtild rhe .edUed iin ‘to make tohe "inapeef ibn. Himdiy <care toff • a 'horse’-s ‘teeth saves -many -times its co3t ton ffeed As well, fund increased the Efficiency df tthe^rhintel. .'As ;tte thorse .-ages,j ■‘teeth often be­ come ‘too ion® or irregular. The ■sharp points rent ;the -mouth vmd tongue and -cause -pain when tthei ■horse -attempts ‘to chew, /Buch toeeth; i fatten became loose mud ‘Split, /mid' diseased /conditions -suth aas -abscess­ es mt tote -roots sate quick too /develop? •A hhorse -with toeeth iin /such sa condi- toion -cannot eat properly, -anti -swal-' lows his ffooil whole -or -even devours less ‘than the wants laisd meeds. ; Common indications rdf 'bad ‘teeth -are: The roriimal /approaches “his jmaw-l ger with san sapparentiy ikeen sappe-j toite, ’but doses interest with ‘.the ffirsti ' ' ' t / M sand tohat cfeuestion remains mnanswer- aed- rBerhaps tohere xare ha igoail anany rpeapie wrho tohifik ame man xget xappie toBEfis its? “planting rappie sseeds. TFhat ixs, iff syuu /planted S&hffthern :Spy needs, rjum would ®et ^Northern iSpy utiidie It tees. 9cqu anight asueceen rm growing m “tree, toittt iit vwmiffl mat the sa 2Karthem sSpy. lEhe rehanmre sdii mgainsf. tot. dine -aff tthe tfinest fordhar- toiisto ton tthe jptoyineg toold ms. the -fem mot yyet ffouffd tthe Treason. IWte trafher diked tohe rcandid admb- ssion toff mhe JhaPmal writer ’ tohat tfchere mre rmany, rmany tohmgs Eabont rwhich the was mat ssure, And ithere- ffare ihesitaied too ccame ffor.th with adefinite mpmions. .As m mule at iis inceeksary too work *ifar 21 mumblin' .off' gteass ,‘bdfore -reaehrug ‘.that very tpre- Iper-mnd -sat is lac tor,', conciusion. rites , tee Jirocirvijfe’' jUeeorder rand Uumesr—vWhen xa community j<ff ZfOjttQD isauls radii -<say tas Ghiei <af 3?oliee .John -Brown rhas ,ust *said; tihdt tot thas mot than m :iaidl rmotoi mc- |. .'cident if or rihree ^successive Jyrea&j, tot ■ iis =samefhmg MWorih rbpasfoig tabunl. '■ UEhat, .it appears, ,iias been tohe dtappy fat -pf TsLrgckville roiid, rcapsid- ternjg tohe manner^ m wfaitf) tmarry ‘ iirivers^ perform run ‘town . -streets, • " , ’ *^r' operate toheir ^machines, ‘the rseaitt ■ ^attention -paid ‘ijy ttoany 'Cf tohem ito ' attest lifltersections mnd -stop ■csigns, t tot its rprovidenfiai tohat jsueh ui toecorp’ . sshmild rhave rheen te‘ upp. . • When rmdior ffatahiies mre toakmg ■ ; ipiaee djy tohe ihuiuixeds mmnnriljy . 3 tohr&ughaiit tohe ^piuvmee off tQnterip, 3Brankv:ille unay rconsider rherself <cx- itoreme|y fortunate up mitt thaviiig <oieb ‘head ton -one rsuie too mvoul msing fhe tohres ttendet rpart toff ‘his rmouth mini aspite ronod •iwik cut ffaalis aff ffood. iin essvere xkmri <adf -p rojtm h-fnoth ommt^or.itamnndt fhe^rd tohto&y Charge cff rpus /from tthe rhostfih. ^Ehe wvko difive li&er ttown ^streets miways animal ^passing -whole grain, -Ahnwing xonffuct ‘.themselves twith diue reegaiii a jpoor dMiJy .condition, and giving m *^ar ?PbbIic /safety. Mecid<a -evae^ee -<ff 'low an SMh. dte-1 g,^ign,ijfa spite t& large ffood 'consumption, mmy I well :he examined ffor jpoor toeeth. Jin rcodking. fare drying tto . mat why rpatatoes itnm rbiack * a 'i « t