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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-12-10, Page 1
...... ©nfiiedl Oh3tu& Masted Anntoeir -Wite- - stone Witte ESeihwed FornEeir Pasttmr Wftw Es Tfeerreig The 8W Matfe. Agtate Tllite - (guest Speater_ EjSWCAL. EMW WWKEBS . WiTO BKBnm ^TIIMBAY f£fl® A •VBMiSIMpi.mn M AWABfiCT—5Kte MTUKA TO U $.’A. ' Bh&d S&srtoite ' W1BIS»AML ©3ffT- > '' Omdk, JMH Hhfhss Ete® ITOhrttfaniteS, Jkuessiimietu WBUlffignh—A . sum off memay 1 iim .-. ttmrifaiwwR. AppftB’’ fe» SKigBi Wgrifofadh. HftEHL ffiALffi!—-Fftmtttty Efeifl Star WetoiHr isiifl Wmfegai;, liotoi im gmifl amuffiffiim. Agphy fei Stafttimdl Offiui®. EUHR SRAK JJF—M’Ttarft. Sttnaiw.. . Agpljy W_ A. M3Bht„ HL U, Lmritairwi, • Trhume 4UUr-1141. BftOM SJAME—Htatetofe pftmmggxpfe, and! SU nraraiRfe im pesifeaft aumfeifem,. Wolii (sitagte tor hay <fe Wundt - Apply aft SteritismH ©Shies. AffWESB AffffLESIf • : A v®oy spmfen pnm® Snr BID dhys am 2S Itampife^, anfty, 3to. 11 tetofts an? anarifenpg appfls:.—JJ„ (£. Amfimsam & Stan. . . WHlSH WAttk'lllffl® tor HtavflHgJh Hfextes off SOD© fomififfis. ffiteGfeHfe hws- toar ^hmflfl sdtaitt esEuaimg- !§Sh. wajesHy mnfl nmn®Es® rugiifiy. White ttiafey.. , HteraHHghi& Ifepft. ML-ZEB-S-fe, Mms ■ttamril : AHDCTBM SAEffi ffi.. X Maates- shag) am SEflamfiBy, IPteaemnHmr Baflh aft -fi aftrilra&.'n dfimpo- namm tetoife, (ii hmtoffir ®SEtefl afesfoaft II firikiiiag wmi-j tog- (fedg, vufti® h utafini. IWIffim w (CBSBMfflWS TErife nmtom tofe uffl prarrauis, 0my- mgy (diatom; ^gaitodt tfim ffsdfcEttte off toiifefi whw d&sfl am an* aBtoudt tote Titoi dhy off Stoweatoter HSSSBL asms , Hmtoiy utegumesfi tto sand! toeisr aflmnte dirlfe' wsni&xB By ssttEttotony cfedhinui- ffiflD tfa> WffiEfim Warc^mroiie,, EnBfen&v €B(dtonto, assefaritor off . ffite suaiii ffidtdte am air. Bteffisnte tom 2JRfih tfigy off ffitei.- ttadfe mstotte tomti iim- r torn stofl (fidtee tote ss- atotx (Hi tote efeatse wdll lie- dfettniftutfsil amumg tom«e efeilliinfl toBOtoto Brnwing rts^Einfl aniiy tta> tote (itoims; wftiidh limwe hesfm pnuTjmtBy fSfafl. Dtatedi aft Hamfenaw ttihir 7ito dhy off BtemnSaar AHte, 11S®S. WdOiEzm "WfadRffrroto, Essitenr.. fflsoH sEffiML ©ggsraaar Th® aannmft dtansttmas twin ffittm- any Trntelihg off ffi® Qandhmxw EEgfe Shfinnty, wiill lhe Ifadm im ttoe T^iram ^01 am Hhieenriieir UggiBv- adt S afldhirik. Ohp ©hib aftamraK^, gyrm- gmsaaritoiiinB off anim- Twiril ganfi Tifttonmijy rnnrrfhFmy asnfl at amn -aott gfi^y “TDhe (Diiiee-^IIIE. Adhri^ton 2Se~ ffhaniffigti, SBc. , . . I • , ' . i TEESWATEM C0KMEW WAS WELL, IPffiESSOTEE®) EffiBBMY >- .■■■—.■■— 6> “HbnTtt' foi-dtem My* IDkiuf ft Ptureed! Higfifty ®mnnar«us Anri! WasyWeflj EhmetetL ‘ - *... . HmfiaraoiiuiBlte ’ winter aomffinfans owtt dfawm to® atfiendtaMKe; .aft,, foe pfey,, “‘UDonftt ffitaxitem . 5$y' Efenr”’,, presented! j-by a staring‘oatett, offi!Teeswateir pBay- *eirs ,iim toe Touwm ‘HgUl here Fmifey.. 1 The ■ pfey w spxmHoredl By th® Luxt- |'&n®w efefife Cfein aairil was fofflowerii hy. jam ofei tain®' dtanee total was wefiD aitt- tenriWL The pihy,, ai tBrse-oct oomedy.. was ffiHJedl wiittlh fimmonraus seen®*, and! itou- • efefift memfeffis .off tog oast puravedl tan ‘He gm affl-sttar oampaMy,. eaten tafefer iffieiar. jjaaite very enediitai’iy.!. The ___ __ ” , . ffisdteeir Kotaf,, ai ■ gtaiims, JJofen MmJKtoufel ante! X ffij-mme fe th®. Ftarffitanent: BriMfegh,-'! JMasnft, off IRiwilm ami! JL BL. Lame Tanontaip ttsnnmnow^ wfiem ffmniiltiwre ®™<* taS HOima^te mete. Mis.. Hu. ©L ’ ami Mm BtaMB EMtaietts, we® ami i • msHBiil im srappHBft off the ataHL feastft JJfeim HfeBteoik was finstauidtofl to pra>- ] 'seauft® Wife aaffi Before the Stannite clPii®ifiytiiiny.. Temtattiive rmBrnngemenfe were marite flam toe mritarttman. > Htew.. Taung has to mafte ai ofeiiiz® i bettweem an® off ttw® aailte he hies Been tlem&rtHft, ante sunEy 'toas weefe, m® ward! ,0eks beinn neeffiiverfl im nsHpimE® to toe otall ten th® feetal tekauige. EfeSL uae tt® teettagft toe itevitatdism. to aranne hoKg, nnigfei meiiffiftetate toes® ttw® anm- gnsgtafens Iteming tanatoen- smites off tmimiFtetis amfl ift winmfel Be sparing ! HteGfeie to® pu^riit amiifel .Be aeuupiEdL --------------*----.,,—...3 . . ffiEFOESE ®AW ffiuram ©sunfty CBumrffl Itestt wetek < ttmnmte cBsram to® request finr m gnanft ~ _ - 1 - — By tilte Eitefemw Hriiffite UMnaaiy,. am 1 ^tadi ffia® BafiBste were tafo-j, Etem ite Ashfiefe!. .Mbs. HShfte- rads' to® ’gmaimfe total m® f&rmrriteB'"steite- tea dtadtaring wiiiuffli;. (fen to®,' fomnetiiy Stestem Mwi® MteCalmteS,. ai tnsift Hmfl berar. su&miitafi. ©natats off' Rote.. Leonard! MaLemfl. . Amun (feughtai- off ffi® fettg 3fc auft! Mis., <L. —~ “ Fiirihysani “‘ffitaft” Thompsug, Hipgfo W-, MaCbnneffl. , Same • twesaty-ffiae- I MaCi’wsti® and! ©andbir ’ Mtar raene years, agqv- Mis. JEfefe? was a ngsfefent 1 to® riiRe Bigfii sturitente.. Mffltea;, Me-' aff TateEunw,. after Beit BuBfiamft. w.ino» Chrasttite aarifl Thtanpffinn Rropr® ofimfoi-1 pnetfegeased! . Bnr ai few . yemn® ago*, tatafl im tote ffiidte- named! mgefl am tote’ had! BmigBitt to® ..Eivisiy SuHihess fironn feta! Buffett HtesnsEEtd! Mriteafl worn out to® family raff to® fete Adtenu Thainpv I sqm. ©aster t&ey netanmeEtfi to toefo- i'fornn iim As&ffteML ‘ : ' * ‘ I Mbs, Bfefte was ai mnanfigr off Ctewe ! Oitetfi Churehi ami! By Herr pfegstat . mtEHhiesr amfi fimteidff'tess vms rnmnhi 1 Befefeetfl im tlte tenrrnDunity;. She- is sumviiR&te By ttrao> sons Htenofe; i atari! (Ceaiil rtat • hnni®,, .mndi fev® dteugife- i tens,. Mbs.. - EL ©amfontt,, St. ©athearimes ' ttwifi- Mbs... Stainfey Fines.. Tqnqnfo- i A&m surRiiwihg mne' tram HrolStesis. BL £ McCkinntdll. ©ape Tawm,. Smith; >.Afoifea£ Wim. MaChmieffl.: AshfiteHL*: ... .._ EGewEy ©nggnEanfl Wnflt Skippinits THw- ThfcCLM YaungfOffiSfente HteU Bwteuy—Ehs TW» .. ©ffi®is Amflu MBmr ©ffimnife Em Tacunto Tae Wefffasr Qkr Swift He WH Ainiepft mxumuw Sbefting 3fe»- Wage Cad!e_ Lautal' Oange S?®tt Yett Knrowm. ,|| ' .. ■ -------—- " • - . I|' • A meeting off toe. featal Ftamfeuffl® . WBem to® fftedlytetty raff Wtaittfemfl j Waritete’ Wfeiinu was BeUdi -im tfli® wilL. usstt feaft’wesSk in IDnimndh^> aar uani3ih-| Hig®. qm .Shtaanfey aftenniMim. •.Theft inmus otall ifiiiiina toe pmsttaital (fe»n;;y- meeting was welffl atttendtedl; witoi sew- j off Sstato KTnfeHH; tanfl KMfeighi was ’®b»U off toe Wtaghanr menriieais pre- ' ptesintad! Hy. JJaikm Hrifeidh, toe: sentt. Tlkte meeting ffidferaedl up) ta Emteshte-MMfeitateai;, im ffiavraun- off Etex-.. ; meetoig- off toe- ffifettmiett (Chunife Hefei (ft Aft Mumg;, off” th® fftahm-Hsecdte i-™ Winghaimi toe weeff. prevjhus;. wmidl aftoaigg, -iiu toe -Starnigh FtesHy— wihan spetiital eimimfentankmi was gaiffitfei tftmy. Utt (rffferedl ai stipend! Off ipSESt ai new* wage amfi Baum- oisrite maaiH® auiril ffrauar wefefe. Ihsffifeys. Tha®- promised! eq.de was among- the, Thift o&unge IterS ftiwan wmtarft foffp' hus-ihf-iss (fetaltt witoi Bene am Statin-, to® (flqpmttim® ffigw. JJ.. IL.. Fimgraw-- wheni several! sew miaotH-'s werej im Tufty. . ■:. ' '. iieirafivedL Efforts to fiffinndhte m ^HfepresunittaiiiwJs ffiraim to® otmgnte, .. — giiuiiinift, dkiinn IMuinteiuiukii anrii w. ELL^, ■„..,.u..^l.tjL,^,, _ ■ , __ - .. . _MriLwift, off EnftiHs and! T, HL Lame Tanontov ttmmamiww„ wftem ffianriilttant K®fe. Bfe ■ Honunug® niece,. Mis.. HL. ©1. - * — - — —- - ■ - ■ '- —--------l.. ^.n ----------ft-n i HnmwKm-. Trarm (RJ«nm«4t Wtatwwiwnrnte eess nffiefc wiMh ttte Hfem. IDhiuikfi CidE!. j . Btgx. Foster ai 'Wlimbter- y-g- MeEKtaig, t® (ffitsou^s Tore mtaril, ■ Katoenijie MacKenizie;; Aites; muftter- ■''... Staftliihs,, Hippy’s (fevoted! swaite. ' Thg .qBagett off to®. Fumitane Wtenfe-ft J]bw Bffifeim-t & - wnfiteu ere’’ lEteiism is tt®, Beiram® stHtiiig Hwnmiutte,, Haamiet" Stnramep Louiteai samugBi ■ tai) present toteiji- diemamfe to1 FetadfainfeGme ami! Susie ffetailittHistaine.. the Fedtejaf House,, wiithi ai view to> tn^ifem fedfes»^pfeytefl. , By Mbs. ©.. : oetaBffefaihg- ai lrmiffinrrm was® 1 <radte hmaiE ami! Mbs.. ©. Ceaisom. ■* i Ii |i wiiieiirD eurife wffll B® mgdfe aft a oismSHi- i ptonuughauft ttfe lltamhiiim OBITUART.CetsOttwaTrip ILffianiEBdi ShnlLfifMft. ® pupiH oft. Hanr-j JUns. JJahm EUsfe andl a Lnuw ffligiii Stthmril Bas Beem edteftsstfl, fonnuar Hjudhnsw nasidfenft, (fiddl saft- By-xBite fefflsw sttuitoite as tote ante to ■ <&nfty firaxm ai ft®Entt aftitaidk ow Sunday WHffiaiwte ar fifaffis 'tarp) ft® OttawaB eaftDyl mmnmigr fe lhar Batsnig at ©rewei. Thu ijin’ tote.. Sew Yemy as 'tote guefe oft. ffiimnrail] sanviicte was Ibedkll St hen; fete (5ffir. aanfi Mhis. W„. HL ToniiSiiHbm.. ' nesiifemte am TTutesifiiy,, wiiffii mtsnnefe ; ffliffity-tonete. pupsife ' werg aBgiiife.' iir Wngtamum aemfeeffly. ' ' , . J ijMB Iirnr luimMivAv ...... yV|. for; tote taip) and! ffiwte HaOhte were ta&-j Hfem im .Whs. wts-'| tthte temaimfe torfft m® ffinEmEfeB "atite-; «» dtedfeing; a. wimitet. ©to tote.' fommailly Sfestem ISIIeCannteffi,. ai S2n. ywaite mmfe to toll' ffiinaEiHfes; ; ui nepuiitL. ©aumriil dtefetofesfl m'nffStohtiiim I iirg; totot tote aHft a^s praisiims «mm- 1 in=iiiHiiim mafie nnintolfe’ dtetfimtonns • ffiraim pmuMEUEsto’ aftetefes to, sdi upi m ?liumiuli fundi . . . '■ i SASinTA OKHII0K© SATIEffiBAY i Ws OrtfetoKBs ttiftne- agjmn, Bter ■Ifewte at mr waft, mnfl Steattn (Cliuus ! IltEs ftiis gfenm toll feiifi anil to azr- | nfote an Hunftinnw^ toils Stotnndhy toftftunmrtin fe IL31D aTallfflik Mtes axntoims to feoa® to! tote aftififiresn tfinr unfits iniuiimfl imidt Hiini Iteffi.' tout (fey wfiem BmTH Beew® :b Bgg Bnsg off sweete foir avenyanm. Sflinifca waanfts tom afiiufetgn to uneBsft Bism aft tom Taram Hitoil and] pimaife wfito tom IStonfl to tote (Clirfstimas;. - ttattte wftsnte to® aanrijy raSE ite? pffis®- , edl ainHimfl, HUS TIEIIEg SAllU RilDlAY MHSL JSgWS BLAKE # ©iwa^nrwAS FiL©wiEiEii®J(g; ffHASJUS—DRisit <nur (Siaeniknuif® and! mnfcp yiuir ehniii® aura:. HhnftE aftanffir an® Snr (Eferitettmus dkffiwjny-:. . Shilunum (QirafirihiiiH®. Titan® ®R. . BSE ©.. ML HL HMTEHL HfiBX ©. SE-.-HL any A JEWS’ ttJOOE Fteffliute oft .amr ntera^nnift tai tetrirroiwa Om <wdh«ftiBute ffamnsdl uh? tt» pniffisifa toiis iiteuif- m d*Ey Ifafe inigjtliffitingi vteny nnndh asiy iinnim- weariiimite ntt may aaaise- neuritens SANTA SAYS. F S I I ! 1 1 (fciHr’US (IMF EFDSREE JR HEW ' MWMF A3KB ffiffCffi S2LWEWAIEE ’ OttTC, OffiMEffi ffUEASEKE jr HI A Si ASftff ©TEfiEJE W MHf FACE . u • WJwbl ■, BO lashies® Attfiumn Amfi ©tengtanmni Vrfihgwv; Saving Vttiftiry ERnr Bfeeve? Stewart —©UH (GnxmriiDirs AID BteEfeatafi Amfi THumaite Welintterr Htemmedl After TBira® Msnite’ ADratHnr®. BfeteR® Wim. JL Stewamt w^s retetea1- tefl HeaiB off to® West "WtawHmsih GHumdii ffnr fete Tffti.teirni am Mmritey wBem Be was gjivem at uniiprtiifty off HIM Rates awen* Chnneiijkur .EaHm Me<®riffiim TH® tfiffie off Rfidkmy was dfetennined! By th® sttaung suppnntt M&t StewsEntt utneffliweafi im hi® “ftome;” polks aft Am- Hurnn asnfl Efengnnram. Hiring two> off to® Ilirgtefft Rutoig oenttaes im ffi® TaAvnftfeptt whiite Sff Haters fiaatefi ten gfo® Mr:. Me©tailim ffi® support on® might eEspuHtt. TH® maupniiiiy gitem Mir. Ste|iviaaitt aft Aifiupm was mill Rote^, to® essaet ammft Hy rafeidh He dhfieuteril Mr. Mt- ©tuffiiri. ©hngiamoni gw® Mr.. Stew art m TXD-vrrte, rngpmi^y.' ' «■- Mr.. Mafl&iiillm pwltefl m fete® vote aft fete Hom® puHl aft JI. Eh- Aniteasom" ©WSEES HIM®) to Wmgfenm, KmK®ndahte undl (M-' ®nii t®1131' 3®®- X_ ©to3h^Ete. eaiiifh,. foiilwe tai? seemn® nsafibi Ekenstes ' ® Sirs agtorn (rastt somte (fidSingnsits ■vaar-'' Sfas- S. mum Suhs <sS_femn saw Sh to_SH®.: Staaftfontfl. ffiaidh visift aF (fepatomiaiit ofifidtols im ~:—r’—“—'—. tom dSstoihtt senidh- some? hjotol unm- SOBW EfiBO&TWih ■ liiceeiserfl apeaiuftnis scimnyimg far- pen-j’ ©tftf PiOSE^T (ClLAESEj iriits. TTfeaite arg tons®,, however;, wfin. * -----...— u,-----1 sttffll ttaftte tote eftuaiBte off gefttorg lew-ay wiifiHUft ai feffi3HE“, amfl s® four mntmfss- ffiuHJy.. ■ _■, Utt.. wauHB suom nfemndl’' to esgteuft ttihrtt somm oft tods® ifeys dtepatomteuii aiffidiiEfe1wSB moafe- m tthunoughi surway <rfr tfttefte snutolteir pihees,. afefl when; „, _ __ . __BBI they dh> sm. ttfe^y may finfi ‘fousihESH^'i.fearchiight.. whiife pfriytedi to® tonne- Btettteir totem -im tote fengear eentreS' tot SuitetoU ane nigfe ea-nly hr tom wftniite toiey Bmo® Been aanftmittntotiiagr I, weefe ii? BefiawetB to> haw® Been totot tor-eft- afegolk np>. effontis. .1 (if to® Gutter,. ©UFF l?0.aM (CILAK3E A nriteihg straw whiiifii Thirafce- Draas® nutar. ffiirboir Etateki am Saturday. was; IivcrmtSenH' aflr Ifoahtt Cltarik am Tuesdhy. Hil was; Bihowm album (Bangs,. ffi® Hate. Ji second! straw,, ■ to® tw® vtahed ait. -WOjMl- idstUffl missing. A HE. S., omist"gauntaH ofettear and! 2® tarpfen® .jpinedi im to® seurffii. . A powerful!; T .■ Anniwaisainy ssrwiices wen® hedkfi iim n.nwfemr»w ■ ffniittedi ©HnnrttHi .0® Sin— day,, wiftha Btew.. ©ecmg® BL. Ttteig. off- TfflTrrCTirttni^, Engie Eg ■ to® pwlpiit off . the mf-yearHsldl ahamefti total' was Btailltt. (iiirimg Bfe ipaiEtamtaife .ini ■ LuidEHuw;. • WEttikte- ai ftaw moontos off Bfe Sfeffia?. biinthday,. ffiev., yhnrik ctiiDH netaiihs a- .I '■ uemauiifehlki- diegree off vii® and! vigor ' ' j winidki B® stSSl dtevutes to to® psenrlr-: life®- off to® Word! and! pairtiiiufiitoy ■ in.I ditatfeffingr tifte- eviife off .th® ffikpror- taaffi®' ( ' I ABtthmngih Bamfijeappedi By aa (feEii - Iwitefii ai weeff agai toe nam into eh.: Tsrouitto) amS . was .Egmsmg stat off iim 1 ■Liudta»fe„’’’. he (Mfivered! two? stffirmiing' I sannsms and! ,samng a ■ strik®’ tai eatoi jseavikie. His sfiugiigg is afiways a dte- i light te>> has Luii&now aangDegafeons.. i t,. The ’ iwmimg ssraiee was (sgaaedl, 'iXyitthi Itew„ S. T.. Tudfor- offering a-1 prayer' tsf EKteiine guiritaaoe for- His - MujisHty and! hfe .mninfetote -The ntai- itental amStem- was sung / . ' ••‘Th®ie;s m® pfeo® Elite fenng.”’ • said Hfey:.' Tuidfe, ■ hfe opening saiktatoa. to «Wt suppose ysm toeugfctt 'IFd! (ram® agaite VifefflL ymr to®uflfe’t haw® iimvitedl mg. toast’s adH],7' he stadl Th®, tfiigne .off fife nrommg service' was “The ffiasr mufti t3fe ETrnseen;,”’ fiironr. to® text “‘For- to® tofngs total am® seem are ttempuraiH a-ndl toe tomgs thtai are mwwn are' (dtaniafi..”' . to. asm sttanriteg ‘ among; the ..seen! iamfi the imseem her® tors mornihg..”’ she 1 said! im grf~enrrihg . to tons© vrito t j Bara®, gone «m ■ .tonie Bate pastorate here htaff ai eemttumy agoi. There, were: , 'eight taverns heosg tffiieni anril it was i“qpife a pfeae”' .ijnu ’these (Says he , (Staift, as lte* fffmfiiiiTiieft] 'tm,' taQI off toe- ' mrmy (tonw^sfons tonar foffimwed] toffir jttfte' Siiaae off (Chdi.. ■) Tlimie was- msi serviiae iim toe Hheft- ; byteariiani Cfewnfa iim the ewsriing, when; i Stew.. Cl. IBEL. MateEhnitakfl . im the g>nmmw?twgny saryiii®. ffiesy.- Timfc .spolte om toe test “dfesus Christ, to® .same yestesicfey,, today and! fose«eti;.”’l Hfe neconmienriedi ® netmnm to toe I dhfl nrettliotfc off preaching toe grasped!,. 1 fair Be- Befiewedl,. presgat 'metomfe 'liurae fitalkidL ffiviiH- frames (laumot dkaie- ;ingt®. us iff we follbte after- tonatt I w&iife is gaodi.' i SpernhiB am them wece rpmfrired! By. to® aliioin- -aft Bbtfii services,, toe ate- tenritairies at whuriii were taffeutedl By pamtiteuitaiiy unfaivorafite winter- aran.-. '(fitoms,. ■ I WAMY AS® SEBOCE ®O£ ^©TTO Let Hdlyman’s Bojfour Baking i JMSiCHWJEABT, aaar owns nuafite, aft 2 Ibte for 2Sg- is- reteHy de- EifeHS- -f '» ■ ft'HltiKESOflAS CAKES, ®rr(*wni njafie-v very meeEy {fieeuraftai aauf parked! negdy for ma®Lng,.' nuslfe- Heal ®fe- fem ®0d Upt CHKESF5UAS made feoni mm oIUl EngEsh: Bfec^e;, ‘one- mow ready., '■•,.. JEg ALU ©SITEL ODOIhS are- made- fiirmni to® Chomest zasd! Best - im- gnedharfls, aanfi maafe- an tog Ptaemniseg. . Stetiinfiafemni fttananarafteedL . 1H Oil ¥ MAM’S QUALITY BAKERyS twe asc . wtasww- SfflJW IS T@iE TTWR Far Al Tie Wy At >. H. AGHEW’S EWEF SiilOKE' ‘OLEIHL CTEKESOOS Eb$ EAmfs AhEc^iM 1—yi Us Abranf H-------. . ■ . ! A EhrafessilmaH 3®am—-“Wte auuffi&ijT • thirds off ® ttwnite divcniaedi woman: Ibemgi' queem. Iff he? ihftaidls to putt fitt. ■ dhrougfii -ift wouM be? Better- ten oh- ^dinatei.’*’• ' ! . Am Ihsuname Agent opinioned! tout 'tom Kihgr should! Be3 mihiffiull- offhih Be-~ gpxtupifiifey and! crantihute am toe- . ffinunm. hut shuulil; h® pens&t im toe- maanriage;; ft® touuiUi afidiuaite.. TH® gnuv® raartisttiiiuftmrmaD anisiff A BtariiiHss Ifiarr, vfevs the- ydintti- touft Has ffutedl tote' Ehtitodh Ehm- - oifonft- ag tenfihgr to Ihw.eir toe pres- pin® avoir to® pnogoHeril manning® off ’ttigte off' to®' tonanex. H® sympatthiaes F HEp; .Sife^sty* Kihgr HBwarrfl VlfflL. to wdSft to® King;, but dbesm’t ermradhn■ > Asf m affinniK he dhys off mnsinuH; umegrtiaaiiity.. tote aftfiaiaiiihm «ff ISB- wantfl WHIfij, EEjngr off tote BhiitfiHlfa Enn- piiite foir tote ffustt flam mantos^ was; aSnmumrifjfl toms 'Uftiuisdhy nniimngg. SL KI. HL Tfite Ma? off Yonfe wfiffl suntiuffitfl fi&s OmitoBsr ttr tote tonunu- amfi tote aimumfei'nm numnasHfings; wifll Tiu- aaanriinfl aiift as aJhemdfer mniasigedL . ffiirnim. But sfimri’dl hte persist iin tote puilfaflai UmgEE vote- — ________ _ ________ . Am&usunis and! was afeoi aa fe^mnii® By Bin votes aftt ' off _ „ _ ...aw ,ga»v® hiim anfe* amr- vote axear Mr.. [‘!1 Stteumitt and! aft Sit. Auggsttfe® H* W;E^' * ttft® Taranftfep) EHiill im_ffi® aentta® tflte munimpafifty. Si Hfepnttotihm Fnunn Cbnutfes Cdnueiniedl UEtodiigr AggQnatihm 'Em EBeer® THite towRumte 'Eadie- ©tour ffiatofi Fmnm AmfiEanitey Ea> (Cnefefii i- . ’ Caniofiarted! tofont is- to Be madia- By tthte (Tmnrtrites <-onueniiedi trishaw® toe? pnoviitae? tafia- ovear as; ai pnovniiiiito ■higlfaway the noadl fihomi ILafta Huron at ’Ambenley tferaugfo toi ©refefit. Iff itoa ©QwemnittHttt agates ■ to tote na- Gfuestt,. U nirfennw- wffll have- its mtoili tonndughfen® fijmi parti off tods esst- west. Bigiiwjgy" * PtertQr and! Watetohm eouutaes Bad jeaarntep- agreed tto. the- piton and fefe «wee& ai d!” Iter before _____________ _ ________ jrainKhi guppnrtsd toe mnvt. These i tore® go unities and pnofifl’ " (Tho (Cbunlty will send! m di „ . Toronto Bate- tois rmanth-to imgness- jitpum toe Gtoxernment toe, irnpontanue- toff tofe; iraadL . > ’ ’ I The proposed highway would! Eitrifc ‘ upi Oftitopfe HDlmirm.. IDbrlEmg;., Fite- ' s-foweH. Wihghnnr. and! ILuKfcnrpv,. omr-' inectihgr witoi toe- EUuewatear Highway I aft .Amherrey.. fo would! afford! these ; distorts as main, aartety ta< Taranto-, | : ■ ■ ' J'I Aft to® Efeaendisr meeting o£ toe-- Efee- (Col,...toe- amratonr aft zeai aper; Janin- nihfc was agaim brought ,u$i. ©href /( Stoma? was ai. ffittaug sunpenter ,' of : ffite pihm t®- fegRte ai snail pnrtiism off -i toe-, aremar site- ffnodedi to aHifedi a safe- ; |pfeGte finr smaffi ahSkfoem to sfcato. airj| 'Usaanr to- shEat® and! urged! toot tifter; . work get umder way.. ■’ ' _________. •■ ll • ' j ■ Bect^ fa ActfcM-: Emiiaindl .Ikifinfeom Efeatedi To> Reeve- Simp) And (SIBeirt Fnaiyne lLepftiKeH i Swunmiyfl Shenwondi As Dtepufty—. ©ftBjr 2ft) Votes DSferemote Em To*- tails FtiUhdl Bfc 35 Efecte® Comnrdh ! 1 Ihrs ■ ’ ■'! ■ tom’ feidi toe- mat- jR »ni .County gtnmtoi!,,! • Wattasr- udons to. . FL0JWEE B©WLS CHESCESK/' LELEES CHIBSE^E 't’te'A—Inn Afifinaicfifee Hand! Madte Ehs&ed^ Anri! Many ©their SSftis SPECIAL BDUBS SEMIAM .Hoast Bunfe or - Oyster? BhendteS EHmner __«MiFC * SAVE ot» cowoks 3i Vafenfete Ptfes; ©foeni Ayfay Stew 'S'eaur’s- Ha®ELkthard: Jlafinstori former eouneifi- . or and deputy neev® was- elected: peeve of Astiffeld an Monday, defeat—1 ! tag Mundo Matheson; who ha® gtouc- , pied the neeuefo ahtar for the past four years. M?. - Johnstonl's* nraijoriiy was ESI votes, Two years ago he was defeated. by M?„ Matheson who - at . that tone had: ai mdiiirity off 30 votes . in. a Keen aoutesta ©U Monrihy ffiene were roughly ., KTO votes iiaastL/ 2IH) less than the near record vr'ite, pnlled two' yeans ago.. Gilbert Frayne, '.with two •council experience. Uh® tov-iii® dhvoiiaedl, Mrs..-Wmllih-Sime for- ai ninmiuit tout ai womnin, off Mrs. psam. aroused! wanlkfl-widte inter- Slmpsoui’s type- shnufiil Be eitevafedf (isft. A puffl off Doumll opiiiinm gtaong&y fo’ to® gpemroftipi. fewiredj ahdicaiahg. ghuufifi he- persist _ )-n.. tttrt-All. IL. A-—u hm: in- tuft- airaoiraitm to® immnmg®. Sun® off to® am®- ♦“ re™, PiiimK- Mhisten;. Mu. Stairi’ey EhiHL wihi,. a® expresseiB id. Decent state ments fin fo® House- off Commons.. . A Farmer—-*Tbefievd> this strange- <riiaiatibri. has .diuften our- fiaitii. in. toe King:. E has.-® mm atnnment ta< mafte- hliiiuft Mis. Sinip-sm..'” A sihiio!" boy-—‘'©Eh B dbnft Snows, he’s oni^t liumam. ami! iff gfivem time wifi] see He diuuikta't marty her:. The. forts ar® Efedy not aft Baril as what we Hear:.”' ' . A Clknigymam—“A very' urifortum- aft® and! taafeu eumlition'. tout * ha® M@)VEE» T©> WBfiKO©)! _ ' ■ " • ; Site S. HP. ■•1 Wha&y and! family moved: ta< Weston an. ^edhesdhy. wliiHifr amraurfingr tia their present in- ten toms they will make their homie . fojt the- winter. Tire- move will Bd mure aonwenisit for the family' as 1W. Wliufey is npt . ennoying grand; ‘frerrlTto' and is iieceiwingi ttceatorent in. nhfe- city. Their daughter;. Flora,, is a hespiitai patient in’ the. criity;. having above toe feneex. .about; two rminittfeidiity.. Stt. Hfefems Jinw- . r toft vfeii; to® positions taftesr. By tote Bbitotoitote- Smtmidl .ntenHweifl am to® jmhl sungewt wen®: Htrawm Snyttjft fearfcfi to® puffl fifer-tok Mrpsfey touuldi haw® gwoni th® anumriH, raitfii m Guuntt off -IffiE. mflgiter ^rqorg serious; (wnsiifenai- Tlh \Kefisfear nnttannidr cKfiteir oHfinife Ite ffianttgteul t&nnne^. ’ Bfldhgr auft tone® years wiifih m vote A ffmateiry Warfteir thihlkr Effis aff 3?77tL Cashnter Aitohisum puffed! 3SB Mtjjisty has th® niitoft ten maamy wihmn amB AIliiHft (CJirnmi® 2ffH votes to n®- ■ B® pfeiseg, sp lhmg as th® maanriag® ttunm to to® Hoard! fiur toeah- 7ftfe i» surnfttfimedl By,to® feiitsh: Empire;, term.- |;“ffivem aii aommonfer wouiffl thiiift: Utoviii! BIhmiltani wiiSi 23S ami! Hmr-1 ttwiiig bag5 mannyihgr a womaau twine1 dij.vmaedl'?/ hit dBm® ai &ihgt”’ Am ©Idl ■ Cbunftny Hlafiuren:—“Utts aa Bund! job. to gst to to® Bottom jaff iff. ___ __________________ ___ ___ fur- E «am’t undfestandi iff off ©Tur shaft®® th® Ehupire. E Bafeve we ail' Kihg>:. W® pretty neorfe worshipped!' apiee1 toere are only two' alternatives hiim. sqTeetihgr hiim to foffirra irr. His gitoer that Kin«r Hftwurdl give hei? up- feffiBtos footsteps,. But E diinit lihune ar 'abdicate: E dJmr't Bfemte .Mrft Sims T!h*>. King? a® much, as T .dfe Mrs, psiur -go muidh. for- sii® toi® eviiftarttly Simpsoni. Utts oi .tefiniiiiy BmB tthiiig. Beem fed! to Believe she- atraidl beenme , yitdr. to® war hi! im sucFn am uproar' oft. queen-.”' . j u ... ,na. __ . SfchwE (S.r3! — “U dfert aare.J Hut it w-auM Be terrifed iff they wane ------ -- married! and! then nu one nespetfod. rartr butter toffee., totem*.. '(drips-;. V^ofttiedi about whu ' A Mtenrited! Woman—“U tftihil. toe- tea that old. ■ffinend!?! Why no King shuullfi not He! hurried! into maft-, Efeid’s- home made Horeh iiuft as (fetdsiou; Between; His Uwe- aafti’j Efeid’s (Christmas cafe®, nJ. n-.. ., As for- Mis Simpson..] whoiteHom® fruits and! nuts. ny GLeaeftimim witift H7® Rates wer® tdie- ttw» Bbw mem. Em tote pafe sirs yeans Wash Wawane crslii Buss stogmfl tone® (dhetomte. -But aft tofe torn SJ1W (ChumaaB ham anfe- ante immrBmr wfer was nut am tote Bntpndi siftt shafts' agm. Efeawte Stewinft, (Caihns- Aitehiiwni amfl AIBuntt (GJmnnite one? arrnimtemrihgr tifteair 7rtilh axjTrseautivte term. . Thne® yeums auuiutiillm;, Thomas Websteir ^ateuroiesfrijulhy amrtestell ttife nedwte- iSfhfet Hee was negferahfl By Cimmdilior Snytoi. This y®nr MH. WTtoster ih 'nfeiumteffl tovfffB tom wmamay aaustetd By 5I5r. Snat®uilirri anrrtesttihgr toe? natewssfejj). ‘ Wffihgr ‘ suBdlviHioms H nhiiigannont; Sin. 2, JtaBunm:: X Tfewmdbip Hidll;; Sin. A. Sft. ffidhns;: m. Hhiftonfs ffidE;: 3£tn. (fi. Sft. Am- gUHtntae. Vattihg By suiiifiivibiinis was as SrilbrasR: IBtar H3rsv® W-- JI. Stewart ■ - . Jhihn BM&iiinhi .....',-.ft. iffarr (Cauniriflhns ©fifol sESinrani SSiiyiffii .-_L,;.,„ THumus Wtrifeten* .__ (Dhw AteHiteon ,~^— lAllientt (Stannri® .____ IBtevirii Htaniikim ;.... iffiiiniiy Leitainuim ipitesent andi, iif mightt oveni wneaife to® iffiiipihe-..”- i -Faiinn Jfenageir—“E toihik to® whiiFe- ttftihgr villi fentofiy itsftlff im m short fttim® ail'd! ev®:ytoihgr will; He- (01-K. 1 ' Am eHgiiir® young fed}y„ im (Sugustt.. !u*Iffan>'Siinpwan) is BauRdiigr tiuft rmw ‘Beouus® to® Rms to.’’’ As for Hiis Jfedi- esty toe- BuliiiWtB “H® wiiulUl atime- ten illi® senates.’’' . “• _ .............________; ......................■■■■ _______ '■ ......— I_______ — ■■ .... ....-....................... Hl. __ 11 . 22 .T 4i hi .■,fi?' ■ teittril JffHi W 3T 4d 23P 2K • :w ' HD ■Un 4fh 2ir 214® bn* etertetfOi) 7»TH str.5<T!4nw . SJP.fifi)5$;fiF ST 2&3VT .Th ffin '42!•SK . 2S 3J5F . 28?54?.TP fiffi 721 Ed 2711 . 4S TO3 E7 M 2JF |23B 2®1K6- «? • ■ ,BT 4ffl fcfl ■ * unritegtine- m serious bane apenatainn- 'Sherwood . fear the (feputilship.. . Mr. afiow toe fenee;. . about ■ two weekte' -Frayne’s • hnsjority' was, 4Q. • votes apn. This is ffie- second! aperatoan. than . M*. Sherwood, who was Flbrai has had- and: is- piragressiim. efected. deputy tvgy- years ago in “ . My But sfew-iy. Her mother i® tefootog Wilfred ‘Farrish. .........-nn^ nnu.iv-,J Alex MucJDuntad popular , Lociitash _______1________1 l with, a Ita’ge vote off AiO; ' Two new A- t'uihert found nut Ashfieidrs,guv- forfeg quintette High hgwmnnteTate ©VTSTERS ABE, ES SEAS» Efey Them Here Aft Aniytiine- When® Pinkies Are Hieasingtofe. APPKEOATiKHt Same- E opened! mw feuHrnes® tones years ago; I have- found! my aus- toimens most yemyrran® Amrept our' far yww pwttmiinsgp- and toot we aim to times. Flkirai i ... Suvprahiy ... ___ with, her andi yesferdhy Sfc Whaley ~ ------ ---- and! dliushter PMSy refit tai join fen. ( OhunuiUnr. was te-elerted: to ; •___________________ ’ I with. a. large vote off 4£»0; ' Two newTHME SEASONS SESS.ATI]©^r * TUrne ! ......... XXLX*..'tX XUU- 1 tried: fit? Then just tafie some Home , iitonigfe. Andi^&r falling Christmas-, " AnI' : goon .™ KWB- -Johnston, an ex-serviite mon., -rtoGSUigs amt (Uimstnms trees, we van[have evetytoing wanted! — oanesiSj® Wt ” L. __________________ toekegjR. .fowlbgs. fudge,, peanut uJfert ifpSSto “hHrs aTP.ears to ,he-a feeling font ) some sff |femi or j hmfe of| Hi® Empire;. -. go step, is dragging Iter- into die mire * wiiuttiiuir right ar wrong. , " 1 " . ......... -• . r ©T3'ffMESf©S^-Bi. Winglitam Hkr^-! .» LITTLE MOSTOPAL SEEK > ' .......- '____: »’ ». f With' noiniiiatinn day in Einlow and Luukhow fettle inure than two iipta affairs seem ' tie attention and weeks tin be - - - - - -- nutii rnuTriuTpaiities. There was “no eleettmn -in either piuxtK limt year and Prahn®sujutj-wmns one-: L Ddm -n lt wa& untteEtain for a tone mmntm; _ jx Sr-- to 1 if a full 4 quota wouiiE „-qutefey to Pbirt Alheru, ^Knushridge: h» K ■ rapjg1e Village Hoard. Famish,s house-. JLawtner: with the , OQWEEST4 ST JMSte j Thte toamfin® in; Trahpieton’s Phiz® j -ranttest is- q® foilbws:-' ' ■ ■ ( CrnCTEi^GS^-Eti Wmghuim Ho«- Eifeen. ©teighegau ——Sind - ,. pifedl. W. Tuesday;. Ddcember- fftot. to , ■ .^emtu EfeHrmeft .---------- ITftff' ; W. ami! ®nsi MI Cummings. £ 21, Afegaf WWan. -----------_Efino Euuknow,. ai (ftiughten- • ' ' IDbris Tayior -------——.EftW1 '-. '• Wry Saikeikfi ......:.................,,, IJffift CHEHHOILIHI—At Altewindftg Efet- Bbrthft, Stimson 725- ' I pita’ll ©odteriufi;. on Siindkty,, ' , EEfembfeh Spaffibnaidi' ______ _ ; j heft- 2Jh. ter 3©‘* add! SBrst. Stem.: (Chis- ! ‘ ’Vtar.gnret Theiteteyrni.'......_ ■ .2W- 1 ho fete.. Onee Btessi® Chant)',,' KIRI ,74.|: Margaret MkSftQ Ito’ i ‘ (Ckidfeieih. ai sum. Miry (Chin -.-............' - .. E50> i*. and; Mrs M. Cummings.. & 21, 'far—rt__. n., _ . ' ( ..L-J8 a, Kingsbridire-. FT* EL I vote by diyieiuns ate follows.tat__ _ GSeeVe ' •I.'2'1 3 S’--ff.7 tntaf EL JbiijiHton ............-__. ST nrr'se •54 Ai rr*-• 35 ft7»; M Mmheson-..... 4ST. '25 .75 ■21 fiT 'S&71 Sto ©tepiity ffieewe 0 • ) & Wayne .’__54 51 34- " S. Sloicwnori .fin 70 . .21 .4&Sit ■35t| CflUiminbrh ((first three elected) L-. , .fohiTHtiUl 71.. .J3(m ST -fill 57 fin :48 fiO *.4JH1 W. A Cuiberr' ...___ _ so 8«97 fin 42’'48 4ifi».i A MidfonnJri .....-4S1 iJO'•78 2B ■si -m 41m 'E. (Sx 25nu ...____-rr .'S3 07 20 H9 si 11!318 % t t