The Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-11-19, Page 7aat^^te -inteiSiMnd*X^pt. W..iS‘ew^ three /daysraridadfter-.lbatishessiTUEk * f1-TDpr /Antonia wilhvnnch'fbrrihatj snow.to/the ^3Wf Jtf 3St. ILawrenee 1 j -He brought Xus rainp into sport ree| /and /rain rat I-Muirgy 93ay/furthei rap raeniiy—days rafter .it 4eft •U^te’’i ■/pool—and in ’the interim "there was ■ J LASHES has x. intersected aft tihiiid quartz vein, ■?■ 1/aRunriH L / .upd (JGiris’ ferm/Clubs thmti FFroviiiees Will dGompe^ ivrins-bf 28,,55ajHSd--i4'ft. wjdtiri-riLt&s ■ i croMcut. ■ The eection itniffiirated ‘■Jdiymifri. tidriEHiug: as' ^expected, t to ■ ■ PfiiiB ' fTr<*nimi^T,ed in the cjrosscut by ’.the' ' ’atud Mf ttfce wedd Tlhe /first raeiri ;in' jfhe ddriin hhoie raoaisheast ffwjm the1 /..^f /the -135^11.. tevel '-whihh- ’ ^gafvera-.:-sfazdgerassgy ■- of d$7 ■ over ra - BQ ; ■'ft. width is beiigg cheeked by -~i- rassays-JThis'weaaM line up wihh /first v^n in the 302 crosscut, ■ IRain reports. ■ ' ■. ■ ■ . C0I9B the Mr. sum -.. IZflOTOB, ' ENG-.—"This , is ? not ■ a statement-asking: for mercy, but ra re- Oguest that 1 shall, receive penal servi­ tude for: four ./years, 'in .pteferegee '> to - to' '/ '■'' ' *"1' • ■ 7' This i® an« extract. fromra plea oyra, ry set|. Gfiargedirat J&piidtpn .;Sessiohs,. and tithis isi the/reasaux -’■ 3 : •^- “The raniy job the three-year '.rian tean have is sewing maiibags rand'Mo bone- outside iris^ will'etoploy^you- At tihat. A faui’-year man has. ia chanee opf' learning a trade. - • - s -Stated by a defective to have ^e- >yen: previous, convictions,, the mam Was ^sentenced to four years’ 'penal servi- ‘jsude by the chairman. Sir Percival Clarke, who remarked: “If you think that you would be better off, I will make it four years to oblige you.’’ The man, Clifflord D. WSiams,- 32, ra. fitter, appeared on two charges of housebreakiiig arid 'theft. Que-On ' Mines has. piaeed' the . of $80,000 in- the treasury of Dorval Siseee Gold iMtoes for development ■stoee -enteringinto:.:■&&. arranjfcineut with the latter company last /inly. . “Another payment,, which will bring the total;invested by .Que-On /to' $100x000 , i ds-toie■ <£n November 15th. ■Provided rail /the .options are fully -exercised ,-jQi^Gn--'wffl have acquired rafiOper ? eenti control of ■-Borval /Sis- coe. .A three-comparrmeBt: is-plan­ ned -for the No- 6 island to .explore the’contact .zonerat.depth. Hncour- ragiug assays , have been obtained from, /drillingon ,.No? 6 .and T islands.: IThree'/dianiiCHid .drills .are» engaged. m /the "to^esent work. . ...-.-.. ' ( TYauiRimAgrigpriti^ idi^y ..represented itMs >,year ra.; 11936 TBqjral Agricultural Writer EEgir, 'Toronto, when -31 teams wrih /two '•/members eeaeh bf the tBpys* rarid ' (Giris’ HKarm CCinbs Of CCanada, ffroto raaeh odf . the /nine pprqvinees wall she • tfcfaiBbt/totrpos^ptejK' imjfc^fapatidnileqdn- /•tegts to ^projects ideairirg with live :stoek,:pouitry, raiid field crops. TEhe jnembers -these /teptos' rare'- the iwinners fin the provincial contests- ^Eherteara^rare/irarie-w '56<:bpys ■jrahd six ..giris. . TEhe Bgiris rare: JJean, LBrown, :20, qf Heffiey Creek, qKam- idops, IBiC. (bebf cattie); gEthel Ferguson /rand ILRlias /Ferguson, ;18. twins, of Conjuring. Creek, -Alberta, (swine); 'Marguerite iSmitii,. 18, of Arborg; 'Manitoba, and Ahee (JahB- ispn, "18, yrtonipeg //Beach, 'Manitoba, / ( poudtry);/Mary Coixurn, LT7, 'Mquth /df Kesuaiek, near /Fredertctcm, '"MB.', I (poultry). •/Boys’rand Giris’.Farm Clubs have to . recent years .grown into one of / the largest -rand /most' constructive of : the national organizations. ' tn .1931 there were .1^15 ciub,s with ra /total membership pf _21;142; Now there rare -2,09h clubs rand 34-,457 members. ■ ■■' "'Leiteh.' Gold,?'Mines- is. offipiaiHy re- pported: to ‘have' encountered. ,a. harr®^ rein, one-ft. wide, at -a. .depth of 450 ] ::feet. in the ’shaft, which ; is . being | steepened: id 550 feet ■ to allow for | •the opening :®p of two new levels. I "Karri Springer, ‘president, in report^ | ing the find, stated that advice from I the property claimed the .vein to be * •showing 'visibte xgold-j ■ 'This '"ftay posv | :sibiy be the downward extension . of 1 ,er.-2 vein'--systems f ttTKBttl ^musemettt&ez>y ' ’■■ ■ '• ‘ ''' ■ TQRGNTE0 — Hiqh. Ehmaan -Mzr- the rriver. .. Then ras =she was "/nearing Three Lewmrgh raxcitfement / to ./make rai fipxl /Rivers'/the.Antonia collided-wiih/tee l - --------■—--x-------------------- *A -**—“*■ eeastel sSjfeeainer ' Gaspe CGomriy. BEiut there was mot -/much / to Wl^- ^urinaasserihd. . ” *We 5W.ere ggoing zfaiiiy /'fast rand j. thought we were -passing .ther/’ -tee cap Vain -rfWte./iiad- slowed /down Then we struck her—;we did too /great /damage?” i . iit.'was'n6teevenra-sli,'ght^E?hae,.^e.. /added? . rather. to :. passionate ^tissf’ The .An toniawirelessed Three toivers for ra ■ tug And - stood ;.by ./to see - the Gaspfe .Cquniy was in -,no " if autde .be- fore.continuing.an;toward Montreal. bgi score • df. quiet -voyages. AA /three? .day'storm, conversatian w/ithra/iielpi less.- vessel in mid-Atianticrandi-a/col-- Rsion with ranother -ship 90 /mitoS /from '-Montreal, were -stone -;<5f 'the radvsntures'tbe toner experienced. .■ 7T.he' Antonia istruck / the worst of rand.-then/picked -up/ra littie. fiast week’s,, stonn" that raged across . the Atlantic rand.'in ; the mids. of it., -'received A- vrireless xirassage" from1 the4 stranded British tramp /asking for ra tow. Tins liner could not : pap.ta.Tn, because , you ra/pra passenger line like Argaan/sian. f' 3 Ifhasii __J'l___■■>j j ;>41 a »-*3 (WiTd ~«Qsrnt^-~Froin -.Galiiaiid.' Tlailf-, • camps ra wistful ^gustatory rramtitosc- raneertoom,<ra teWe tiEod sSfegteee. Mt. veponteras tithe ^practice o.€f eeatigg aide ffor tereariast. *We ratwgys tedd sfie &1dt 'jtoreafcfart;" yvmes ifltaB. Anna rBonxne.: JohnsoR. “Puddtog’lordfltoBer, cake/for rappper” • | ' HEjtoaintog /the "breakfast rirontiBe, .rahissay e/‘>ltiwe/irad?rarara«2©JteaciMi ras teas rappJe^pifc- tit x^e ghad /znrinee v toe 3?te teiway^itaad -.aeast rand ixaffee irandrtofherdrindb'iDfffrultjtons"-” .Mrs. -.JoiLBSlnn rrerabfe '/tearing = seen ra /dxizeji, pies-.on.ra ra-riggiJB^ijBhfilf .../in . the-:teharjpf-tee-r raid .GapeCCadahaxee ■ ■ jjny^finter.They were? frozen .rand/tead -a' : to :bb thawed opt/.fprtoreakfasi.-, k ■ The - baking -was f-done -tee cterizk ovenraf,?liirs..;JohssotoszgraiidfateciE^ " : .house—tile was ra 2Bnrhai/ -tot’ 'Sand- - - wish?-.bar .dnT&Ofi. .Anobvento'f-tea's ‘.sori-^YasrQnerafiteetoKt.Yhakers’.ttas ■ w-I^Ty--has-?(terkkPp^. 'S'^P- -.-teave-eve-r' .-ii&e-draae swil],ragre£. The cookiiig was/doBe/tey retatoedteeht-^-s •tee-raven .was-rantargly vUEft-hent ratodet'’ ■ •pneerteeMOor ywas'--.!eitffiri^r ( in '•br^er/-idteeatEit^.j.hEiiEk ®oven ssa fire of tywgSr.andi.stiri^was-iaid'/.oiiTii.. 'The ■ door .was toft -o.pen --wirile /Mtis., ■ hBrned ■•'tariski.y se -teat'toe tsinpke would -H-Sweep rap -tee .rafiiraBey gflee.. .. : tee .'-.fir^ idled idowai rand tee (.bricks -.had -soaked fin 'tee iblazir?" ; , • j heati" tee -'rash* $ mere ■» swep t ■:• out’. ..and i teetoyeik.-cto^fuliy^irieahed, A.-.4/arttiil i -:'teai?:?Tto^Mn'’-a^l ! Newy.EBitianif. a Trirf^ry s^o-sngidtit • • t-event add ■ a iinri.g-..ofr4eate-s''to/5mktee.'1 1 MAW When T ilex as at Work, it r Will Be Over , : '. MONTPEA L— ‘‘Nature .will take care of unemployment when security is found/ for .unemployed ‘-.-youth,” :F.“ II. Clarke, man^ypr of" theFProtestant Employment /Bureau, "told Bions’ Club ’ ajaembers. .here. ‘ Mr. Clarke • estimated these were 115,4)60.ranempipyed MontfeMer . be- : tween theragesbf. 16.and_24, a figure ■i out of all proportion to the number ' employed. Nowadays, -instead of “too old-at ;40f ’ the slogan seemed ■to • be “too ydungsrat ALL”. ’ ,Mj. Clarke thought that, emphasis [should be on piacinp young mem* .{"•^Ftod them, jobs with adequate pay. | and security’ rand they will cure the- prmemployment problem quite snnpiy” he said. “There isra large percent; rage of the, unemployed.vgiris .under _25, so find 'the boys jobsn rand let [ nature take its course. lYqu will 'fill [your empty houses—rand build .new. j ’onesyou will • start your ; factories nlaking.furniture.rand boHseffurnish- J ingsragain.” J Mr. Clarke believed it jwa's "not ’ i-until he reached 60 . that ra "mais . chances, of obtaining employment I were slight, .particuiariy if be bad learnedratrade. rHowever.aa woman ; of 50, -UBemployedxand with no: reia- /ttees" to support "her, "bad no choied but-tovgo “on relief.-” ;N^v • insfrxnnent. -Esiimafes • JExacrJJose. Required ...’ . J? it is "n ow 'possible' to "measure trae- cuteteiy tberamoiwt bf -energy-given tp-.the .to (hyi dual •receiving sum treat- maeni, • write'sMto*. -Ethel browmug. fin New Health"Magazine, ..and./also’.the '/way -in 'which, each individual reacts to this.amount. Instead of exposing /'any weakly iiidividug7haphazard-to ■Nd. 'certainly not',dBm -how -Irafiy source of'iight: fordany '-.. lengtii . of ■ time, r,the-exposure 4s .carefully of tregulated ;.'according to the'type of (iarnp and-,the.-xeaction-. <5f- the-to^ti-ent- ITo'.‘ measuring ■ tee fiattej. /.Hii- ' Leon-. > lard H ill rand .iiidinwv.”have 'tot.rbduc- |ed ra method of '•estinaatiiag1" the-ex- j.rac-1 /.dose’ ..required^ .using, ran .ifistn:- .iteaeut '■ called ra ’tehsitoirieter.” This consists of ra round raluminium ..plate to Which dis .-.attache '' ra 'clockwork mechanism -which gradnaHy -mnVosra small -.screen covering ra -..hole ji‘ tee ' ' ■ plate. . Therapparatus Ts yplneed ■'over the - skin rand -tee/figSt ranea - expoEed “ for .different ^peribfls - to -tee / from"tee /damp ; '.tee -erythema, ,et ■ redneBs.7Pf/tee-skinr/pradU£edsis -used f, ’;4o teptermiBe r tee raster t ramqnzit 2 • which-swilLhe mast beneficial.' TTiris ^Exactitude, Girich sras affl- Anown --to /.tee /pioneers .fin - tips .Inraitohtofratientifii'-ti/eatiBeni, fis off ' Sometimes' we wonder why . people Jiave to have ^.a ..daylight saving. piaii with clocks ' turned /-forward „to-/order to /get ..up in. the jjnorntog. Wouldn’t it be less, confusing .as ■ to "time, the ■nation over, ■ if people would /get up when .dpyligbt.comes? ■ i ■ ■. ■ b ' A married to an. buttonholed, another "and told him - terrible scandal. liarry—dDon't let' fids .go .any . fur- ther, ■ Gedrge, , ~ George—1 . ( __ •.did’ you1 happem to hear it? .Hairy—Oh, ’ ' from the ’. .wife, icourse. -She's., .just like al!'-wornem— can't keep" a, secret. i su^ewf epecfelessiEeFs, ‘ • dWhen th-e.-pies- and abteansrand We taead ' .had .-been ide^y regniaved -.heat «Of -itoe oteritk ovetoihpy coateed .tbra^avcrsnme^pbr- ieciann..' i-Pies’, produced rander .to£$e -.conditions/toisht fee-staicked-rap..to- ike ' cellar untji they? froae-tsolato,taut -when ’ theyVwprv •■•thawed, out --they.s®tfirl<thd<^t- teesT0avor, o:' the, wh<d^pOf?bn3hmier. ■■ shut umitf. dn tee, ' Evffr since a Greek slave 225600 years ’ago r tried : to imitate ra -IffiscHS ■! thrower . with a horseshoe, .during the.games-gptog on, hdrseshc piteh- tog has been in existence. As is-the ease in rail pastimes, it has .had' its bps and dowss. but with the. intro­ duction of tee :madern>pitehing shoes rand standardizing of the rides,' the rgamae is enjoying ra heyday. /Dominion Championships rat "the, (Royal Wtotef Fair.’have always held- ^greatest interest to ■ the horseshoe pitcher. . 'Tins year, 'Senior /B. ■ piay- ;ers start’ the show an ’'Nov. I23rdrand :24th, rat 77 p;m. "Ttos .as ra. - special /.event instituted / for the befifit - bf organized pjflayras considered raotyyet ? ready* for. championship play. SSperial rultogs«yprovided by therDominion of qCana^a HEforseshee Fletchers’ Assoeia- /itouggovernttimsggraQp. Adhtosritee •rejgstered meihbersrand ra -record ifif their Lgames -must be recorded. ‘On Nov. 225th rand 26th "Senior AA. /play- _ Ters-wfilhli^as»way;to“their\ssuaIIDe- securi±ies, ras 0f December .31, 1935. acntoion CShamphjBstop events, inrall .r—------ J^itisT^rsik^pinidrrohtonplaywafli - i'Btodactiqn'/f^KItojHe’JSiHe^-ior De- ^nfees-evettJ^jatg,,. completed eaciEertoi- ato* Aroror’-, 6fi^ffinv. ~24th: H'nrl 25th <irrny»<a • ^S1 bepp^yed Sto which piaysre wxl] 'aa' reduced - entry / fee should ranake tlHS . yearis -events one /'happy -gathm-mg'. - "•Most "pr'inntoent ih^rany rdoriil. rad- raanees has Aamteho -ro-nggwhijjtkni of the Tooratorand /ttistrigt bnafeh, which is enmpaeed of A-evripy -Jmawn properly constituted. club dfwver?25 "membets.' TKdsggroup- hag boon-parg*/nary --will be "published in these col- tictoarfy suceessful to conducting 22 leagues which provided • the /players with /much -/keen competitibi. rari'd rarnHseaaent. JBave Davitewh?« SBun- /gymejfe Club- team-wasteheSSeniorEB. ^toier, whfleSBeacfees.TWveri^b ratid Rutin yiuede rare - still ~fightibg.it put for tops to ^Senior A* ./ft has been the fortune of the writer to have been :dirertiy to'touch wrth rail tifte .reeent^deveJopmp&ts idn ihe$orgtomtiag7^ih^ame^idti^ ■Net earnings of international Nie-* tee 1... Company ’, .oT- Canada'. for the /quarter ended "September 30th .last established >a new hj^h reqord ‘for the company r being,-$8y5 72.106, -equal ;to G2c'ra share. Thi^ compares with the ■ previous /high set -to the. tiune Jjuhrter when net totalled ■$9r.676,- 1187, or 59c ra share. For the "first an^TOterj^Bggw^ ^^sso^eowpared frPizx b J- "t; .-'"Mi" , ,< ■ !•«/ ii- iy—Well, by jove. "Jones. ■ how you? How you .have changed? .IX-riEm niy .name isn't'.'Jones,:" FProiec/i vd'. x^Le3strf£s ’AVhidh ..’• ’SiiuXilJ-fee SMa<t - ...' ", ■ ■ aat^Zj5985fi37iinciuffingS$4S537^3ii ' Benefits raecrimuig -ras ?ra resolt will liiy cash raiid government - "eCTritTes, wjtaiissian tideets, he sadd, adding tears were “glad to do to” :7The ramusement tax is also being bemoved wherever it applies to rany «£Tthe fall 'fairs, he aadd. The tax not • been levied on .general rad-j radymms for some time bn^ has been ^tijaod to same -grandstand tickets. 1 ft '-WV3 be -dropped .aitogriiher in ■future. These: ^gxtrte compare xrfth <. current rassris • of $60Ui09;936, ihriud^rg £$32;,Z26;Q24 to cash.rand gavernment Itowiase .----------— Wwr suffer rimn pains; of neuritis '"‘Asporiri” iaMetfi/grve qtnricw- for tore reason, because ihey - WJBtdve or dimntegraie almost to- ,teey touftha moisture. (Note Wii triftiun ilimc.) ( Wence—-when you take, an ‘Aspi- rwH”"' tenfefc it Starts'* to dissolve al- -iitetnsE/fimcyy' as you swallow it. thus toready to start working Abnost instantly . , . headaches* totetaralgia and neuritis pains start Aastag; almost at once. W*’Aspnto” tablets are made in EStooda. “Aspirto” is the registered • i&de-mflsfc of the Bayer Company, » ' limited, of Windsor; Ontario. Look tJd the name Bayer; in the form ofra efass an every tablet. .TTry i^XouTl say it’s marvelous. ;<jf -48,obotanficf OFerrancLcoinparea draw partners. These 'facts rand with recovevyof: $647,17.’/ to Sep- reduced - entry fee should unaketl temberwhen-45;800" tansweretreat- ;ed. Tor the 10 months of "• the cur- sentyear' the company treaied 463-,- TOOtons of ore -ncith production val- .Hed -dat' ’'$5;677i462?- equivalent • to w- covery of $12;91 per" ton. AA. well -/.known /citizen came .told : tins dfiieerand ratopped /his - paper,/' for : the 'reason, be -said, tihat /it .did raot •smti^HS "fancy. ^¥e raan ypictnzeraww iheuDOtetof * sunJriBesari^s/faeera&n . wegmtetshim - ondkherateeet to.raffew jiays. rHeT 1 be ranrptieed ■ that WEe'te still ran -existence sinee tee “stopped ’ tiris /-paper” ■ £Some day—sooner or dater-^that rananwflJ be-noranore. SHdsrbeartwil! . be «sillied /forever, rffis /*friends rand neighbours will carry- teas Jifhless : clay t^o -the -silent cityt rand day tixhp <io-rest among * the ^flowers. -An obto- Giris with romantic -./minds shouid mot. jmnprat concisstams just :. because this as -LeapTear, —-e—' ■' Itmrawf nliy disconra, d about xsny riramatie- pprrfrrrmane.e, rS¥ell.yy|ou -wereiftifired, wereyyotf? .’No,/but /Heather was the.audience. ../ o — ,■' Some -persons ;pursue ideals tall their lives without ^/catGin^^pp with .them. ~, • .' N-jext to jinportane tr t<x the. kn-ntion . of ’ 'tee''"' fart 1. wpll. ;wfaich should- --be far toewoved/ from- 'likely ^soun^e-m-cf ' • eontiuninatton. iase /tee snrcteeG^e /me^B/ris ywiricb' ~may • tee staten :<to ‘safcg/Bard -tee' purify /pf-gtee . TheSfH^t ^stepteftenfitoggteg rai dte id- jfipg fithe vvftdl .fis'/xo //protect fit- ifirom ' ■ ■ the-Entrance . of "the--sn/ffaee .ewaler. ' • The -swell ~mcst-have teragooc cover .-'.Of epntreie.-stope.*<» «w«*oxi. dilutee TWel]’d^:drap.nt-!shQUldteextntted*wlth ra ggaivatozed .iron -jpipe -^eacmnn :te • 'xL._d’T itedteottoni. .-cato.btontoteteirtee ’ •■ great value ana obiannng/.tGe best rc- .. . ,-»■ ■ i _ liowEi-Efld of’tee /pipe -i.-toftreaentiy suits:Irom-Exposure to:-.axtif/icaatisun-1___, . . • ■. Jfght wnooot ^wenfiforteer injury r >'to-teeteatriut. b • Jp^ ^aied-.tofitee^urar. .a- ■, - «©teerwige surfat’e vwatei oaay- t.ndGe , - ■ -rr----—ti-—--ra. • lodowfrtee. tnF® fintb-tee tranil. -... 1 ‘ ' .. t iflf the .w-el) .ss-staauw^ .juab «-«ad£. : - .sMtosrasr-EatiBg -toP; the//.bread A^"i|tee - vt abs ■ o f~ teevwel kishouidtet' .»yiHb Morris Kiiritoecnd Gold Mines has encountered ote on each of theJfour new levels with- 50 feet of' the shaft, laccordipg- tb-X. ,fi. Watts,-secretary­ treasurer. Thewiost intere^ixEg devel repotted isxjKt 1,000 feet whetd fite ore has been located right bn . the break and where values .of- $20,65 across 5.1 feet were encountered. On the 868 crosscut the following values haye also been obtained, $28iWwcr0ss-4k8 feetyilLSKwcross ’ _ t -----—----------------- J4&6 'feet; .300aacrbss-4.6: feet, iand ®e rto amnswer .-any gtte&jondi14^6 feet; >39120 aaroess -4.6: feet, aand the last' faee/gsve? $20.65 acrassk5t ft. Geraldionlrangtac Gold 'Mines, through ‘tins -olumn. mnns • telling whatra --good -neighbour and beloved citizen he was, rand in short time be will -be/ forgotten. ’.-As xhe hes out in : the cemetery wrapped in the Silent siumbeitef:death,"heiM]l /never . kn'ow that? the fast kind word spoken of him was by the-editor :6f the-paper he so. spitefully stopped. -Did you ./ever -stop; to think that ; your r editor, who - ever /he may be, Will write your, obituary some dayf '•—^Sunnyside/Sun. J. ikSigii i t j f I toted raj-peaee&lsEOTtrttf J&e; oh, I "wasggay -andfifrcc • f Until’the day. you / came / along tadd changed the world t lor /me. "Now daysLareifilied with lhoughts .pf yyou;: I /dreamtiM. youratraight And tithese' I Eked,tbefore you tape, ktaBpire ^ffisgsstrat isigtet. .. - LTo -steal; one's teearv to rapjebsa vvay ,.- is. surbiy .an Offense. -A crinriaal I 'That’s . what-youiare, Tib seek recompense. I’ll fake/any case-io some- kind judge and /ask ‘.tor. • this /decree: •'■ “fYonr ’Honor, won't . you hang that ‘:toihf’ppon.my’'ti1nuiy:toee?'' • e— The / photographer was tafciDg sa picture bf ra father rand /his college boy ison. The, photographer suggest- •ed that tfaethpykntand with /iris-.hand l-mining.issue•■iit-neajEnrent. we,.uanaie,natnwg ! W- frphi. using 4ertftizrr - wjtinn-,t®e oD tiris *:lhei?s shottlder. Aidtn/e $sih ' * propriafe;” Ytorggentod the fritesfr. ffif -he-stood withtiristeand an/mypppicket;*’ xEnropcass. “Has tosa-t*ivit -Jxppente ■ /draws'.- resources -which , ought :.togo .to -eschocds rand 'reads rand "<to building Of homes rand toe,/destruc­ tion Of poverty.-” LimprevioB.' io ran radeuaate .eepth. ITep or X2 feetnsteerasuairaEptiriteat ifi« ...................." wall, idled , osepass Lfijahieis. <TVaJ1 _______i_______________■ i one rground. -By.this mean rinust - fi/itet .through * a .depth oir«uto, before nt xan teeram/lii->>in conditioi) - the otudftofi. rare^. tee 1 Ittfcf* ______ma.v.wasted t , ■■ ■ jfiag fcf -'tee .area ■ .itomedaattyy'»sto«, to^DEBilAN.-WANTED—Fl.\A.NC1A.E Douse ‘ rounding the A'e.ll, leOJClCg tn; prp<ve«^*1*' ,____________________vt “ ‘Xnan jbe.approach c/' ammai.c,;and .rtf ra;n- . toifcfcrtsent/Uumtor-.-tois taefidra. Weraaveia . , ■ , ^... ... . —^t^“f^o.tusafeaviwfr.i>abe«taiMre'jri<n'nitv., ^withr.tMiej-vnrpettieanin,4>rotiucuun;- cnmnihSstoD ' itmais. i AppiysBox-!B9 Whsuti-JEhibitthiDg-Co.. "a3radelaWe-/fit.W..tl'ornntc>. XjiasiifeeH 4Arrlv=grfwitg .. recommende;: tor • .toe tmtpei'Muas -which laaytoe oi concrete ;oud- eiay or, .cemented"lite, TEtee ■‘should’A»e conuocted ,u+Hi&rds •foot above ’ too • surda.ee of the iutfare- &atrr t -:br .1'2 •■fptt I 'pf rearlh —■------7------------ *enter the uel-j. and -ij JCTAMaffiRlNG • enrecied Wrtte — tree,ia j^asonabiv eiean Aieiplui -.booklet. ‘sWl'Uianj .Oennisrx. M9 . ‘Il • -'/. CiaritongfitMet.. ~rti?nrrteii,. ate-i th-u s becomes ]• .' , """ ' ■■' '—( FEirrtoei' sategiiards ling .Of "tee .area The ragent tio-fiifeappDiirtedf former PERSONAE ,.’USVSS.TeB81 ■ ■ ■ - ■ l ' ff'corr' <£»aaxxfl Wiillil ideveioping/''jugroup of -Hgmua., dfljnjn- ®ch - find . on" the Mutcinsm Aiake teg the-HatcUeon Xahecpropayytto ^H^Tm^ih^hasaigppaii^ed, ticnw.Mfc’. WoetetHF hy«ideft5fof thg ^^n^®^e£**1^kble;sgte8meai^ddxri®. elion./eugtoeertoi charge bfeppeta- is. reported: to'-JuKve /been-jnade ri^c 4$dthe^iGenddton botuidayy ree> sdjHtafrtafellr. rproperty where .heWfll. earry outw rproggunnue of systematic sampling of the' main vein which has xibeen ■traced*add teat-pitted, for /a distance of 600 fee client}--fiVell,: I/sold yoirtee business A° -torHiak/to;.every /inventor. ratet *tearaoin\<»neem."Wofc’«-±h ' rirrmnhJn vf?W^tgo -4nvrathMisuaoc- lnn .-ixUagBattt)n . stetem .ttttamss, m3 -Rar it --ewiet. •-e»S«^ . SCpiMHla. g rasrargnin ’.coneem.?Wot'sto Ygrnmbje j , —1-dts.fcgofie,-ain’t it? . ‘ t —re— • • I J J SShe-^-Mttaat rarakes the -leaves ~ turn 1 bteddin-the’fan? . v '. IHc TThey *are ■ blushing - to think bow ^green - they 'hate ■ been -± Ml J *sum- raier. jMBtrfiKC. /THE RAMS SY Onaway,/VHcmM Mccquhuhi is in -HmxuT \^f ‘iMaiiiinie TTo .h&rgiie We^ds ?«ETWTOEK ' ' almostat once. -VOTE ire»l cutdccrEKht-UMit- rfoeiiisfctwurlextoand • HtalriHWX-fe&f tatt/Hiilk , ftotts«waxs3«e«idtafe>t ’ Hjfrfatfcifr enttasrea, Mta, ASK YOBH DEALER ! sfor a <tenWH»teatiort’Br wit^fiiVEBEErFOLD*. t ER, ptatntwa tha V8r- I iMKmbdelH. AjwfewrwwcO-* tM. ■ T'r?’. ■ TWMSE» 'NhWWK-KIBa. MitiililiiilMH iii'Miiimli'fnr ................ nw i«' ................. of 600 feet it will be recajled thntTprdetediiyrtepidflywifcfavaiadjierre- ., 4 sttltsrbeirrg ObtainedJ/So. 5 dfill hbJe, put down.200 ft-east-of the No.44 intersected -22 feet of quartz rat ra /depth of-225 feet, V. M. -Ryan, con­ suming engineer, report?' to local in­ terests. in tihe No. -4 hole 10 feet j'fif -'Ore w*b -ent .tohich tetifrhed ran • j^terage vilue -Of . better than $20; to,n.' Core/assuys" from the latest JteJe are expected’ to- be available rat . .it "was nothing but ,a ros .her— . Koithing but ra roaie . -wind ranght rob 6f \ . ragvor; j' ' • “When -sb© "took it ffi trembhng'fingers “Wfthia hatadras. chilk— Ah. the flying touch upon them lingers, yStays.rand thrills ihewstiU! Withered, faded,-pressed between the pages. Crumpled fold on fold—T Once it lay upon her breast, rand . .ages ' ’ ' Cannotmakedt bld | —Harriot Prescott SSpOiffordi f .j i 7|, ^6p».r llmeetteertt: ! ■ is to’ -. Wjoirrs&if !A jfernzx wxfCJeL? lr ' ■XIA'CE _ _ ____ - .,.. . O ' ' ' Wrlte"-'for->--wheiesal<> -prieei> TEhe.raianvfehofaays be welcomes .^' 2 •^•ra" constiuctiFe/critirism is rasnaiiy look- iSATNT j-CBjlN'. NiBr-reA ^'suggestion tee .'.’Mar.time •' Provtaees *staoii3d /Vatin for ra' ‘ sym patent! c . undersianfiieg T©f . ’Tost -eeceIVee i A;<rTKEK /MaritiiBe reqiriremeiMs orr .teeupssrt'Xf .liazge-ahtputient t>f Ganarje? -troir. E-urwpe. I ....rtte’'-fr.r-»-wfieiesaie -pi/tce.® ’-Gwod ipppoKtiifiny i the people t>f .^Quebec rand .tintarjo '■ EHtJrer«■**«*««*». of ^Bin-vronf. ffiaEgWetr-je taite 3® 'Co»u - taHT '-UHtttt .............. V U«aeNo.^7— ’36 ............./...... L,-,.,..... ..........■.................... '’I Speciaireed' rs-ining - will enable yen Bvercome IVEERTORTTY COMFLEX. yoarseif. fr r better thing? In. life. Write fr r particulars c>f our special er.1 in menta, training. TFhe I Instiitite :<>f FFraciite.1 rand applied ^Psychology &l<t t- Bieg- * Mrrht- ) 'p.Q to ----------------- ---------—____ .to developj3fKXT?AL POWER.. v«ttd •t'd-tcpilp ing: fOT’-sbmebodj’ to. agree with -htm: , ■...’ •_ ■■—o- Gharies-^^^Tha t' feiiowraius t liv e im a yriT’rinan apartment. . Trank—-How can you Jen? . dfiiiriries—T¥by, haven’t'-you- noticed lhat tills . dog 1bs - tail <pp idowp, insteafbpfcsidewayg? ’ i, ■ ■"[WO1"1 ■ ’•' . TFauT—They’re tiboking titor sa'tiril-i 'fo6n,;idaneerifor aa i.ew 3Broadwry i sihow., , • ! Amos—Tben- -maybv you car. shire j 'my-wife. ' ■- .■Watob«M3h,’is sheia'dabtef? '■ Amps—‘•No, but, she’s shaped libera balloon. ■ 'Some people are:so tenderhearted they can't hurt any ^living' creator^ except relatives. ’ itozmake Amnej*. «a-»y jtamntttty‘•staipcM■ any-^generally ‘ was“iteideihere5byir81 «.*sK3Sl ‘1 u° ' *'1 "tV£'L' 1 Ammine. Ckarmvbtowr. ?f£E.L. *ibiu- * ■ ’ —-Idem c: <eiritjtvtw»ebpT©iite»si.aJ!»<ira r-meme.f’r bf tet-” Canadian rSoeagty ;©f; C-crei...Accountants • ' H*1 urged creshioi ofMarittaaae p»- ’"n'n-aRCiat ;• ■ suppmteti by .tee • ab-i leading ymtmtsi-. . aS* einpHmite.a r-e- eenttri" Caaaiu with gv::’ icr1- 1: eaek Cf ' V ST AMT' COLLECTeRS - amoms %C<II.VEH -JEBILEES. COVMEM0RA~JVr.S- j ’ PictexiaiF ' Uohmlals, - tiBwck*. ‘ .. •-AitF. .Furor "tliSra., ^Fratanstiis:. -S-'feribp | three pro tint ■C'- . anri I thing htn&est/x ■ TWhrfumendsd ’utSKrer-e .jiraaki't i ftfiy cent* ' • fShsinn-’t’r Wadena-Sf“- Itafchewar Mntnhsfi \ Oanadja;’’ ?4Statop fed ^-.. • tie? . , . snaoixiRNME hddr mHWMSRD 'Ckw? .aren't -machines. ""They esm nget sick. or ■ hurt.. ‘•But ■Minard's /.Liniment,.makes jy easy to care' fvr .their, ills. Mrs.. Thos ..Biiimrt fcf found one of her her/. ,with k.a .iurup in ‘her Wddtr. •'"1' rubbed it With’ Minard's ,.Liniment". Joe^I hear that •'SpiHinan has por.-*- she shys,-“and it soonygei bettor,’’•• to Alaska to settle. .Adake^No; .the trhth of the iurrttei ds that, 'he has gbfi'j there to kev; from settling.. ' ' • • ■ ■ I • ife lasgo v er nm«H. : presentst :v- ii. < - as'socia-’to ( iacc • teejjprryjjcev ■T^iiL stay . t. ua; eemtu obisato i,? te> Mr.tit i v no ; ■ > t 'nr at 1 - », r; 1' '• r- -. ¥<• , .i• . * i • - : sbtn' wbi-it-..and ?ma i expendjuir-. ? f istactor? alik-’' t; • ■ r.f •? - s :f.» ax tn too Oepntown as s.'i> Jji' .: i lb- - cm o.:,. M :. r.: j: i •< .( Hemming who to studyinc pox:- rvititTonsbto'0 b*- •: lpf»f-r ,Can<> *> /■ 'Minard'/?: is 'best1 frr..'Guts,' Bruises, ‘GhHc^'Distqm-jper,-. ■etc.^ah d equatty -good, in •stable to in house. -Wen - named vK~ing tf' ftait.’’. •.«« T . • V X A»4 H 0*. /fi X I ;d a chan!-' t- . .♦t" I-.1.1