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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-11-19, Page 6
with. Jumps $4,819,843 UWE WOKE® ATT EAKGE / ' fc> t&S d(Sn£ - S' Hfere? &> mn lieae fixuw Gitawss tour csr-thiiily' fb ’oranfi; tfe sttarKbm off tfee Oaiadisto people teasy t: Gfttswsi aftSfe fflnplaree& see buying o£ Brine®- Etwsnt. Island! S4T Band® f&ri their sagasnnnsttonj fundi I l SjgMg CMK®M ' "■-'TB® SWIRE eeS he matter EL Reqpixtng- IT years tn he- tsuilt, ar a cost aS SW.twtJ.uao. Japan's new ParijanPKit Bdilding in Tokto. shown ^ju-ve;. .was.campietsd recently. Japan ceiebrste^ the eyent which, was featured; by Emserur jffiroklto dedtoattos the new fbrum with.' Siinto puriScattou rites. ——------4 - o Corners ©jminsEeKfc, serving- an 'ollector of the cu»t Stums, Justice of the Peace, coroner, ) innnigratloii officer and income tax • connnlraloner, ! When Major Kemp was In com- rmand of th< Western Arctic sub-divl- ; 3ion to; f5ZT-T29^ he was known among ithe Eskimos as the /‘Many of Many !, Jobs." Ctak the midnight sun Ma joi- Kemp' i» etiH remembered as a many- elded Solomon who took on die diffi culties of the Eskimo natives a gratifying alacrity. 30 Nurses Found To Be Tuber ci Thirty Cases Among Those In Training; Twenty-Three Among Teachers Toronto—Thirty cases of active tuberculosis among- nurses in train ing and 23 cases among - training 'school teachers were discovered as a ;result of examinations conducted by the Government during the past two years, Hon. to. L. J. '' October Collections In Cus toms and! Excise Continue .- '■ *■' Gains ; Tyiiri** ister of education, stable! recently. •Necessity of suchi examination .was- stressed by Or. son who stated that if medical was essential for teariiers, and re vealed such results,, surely it was necessary for student riutses. '“You know what tills condition means in exposure, to children to »:-: the instances .of the teachers,” ..said Df. Simpson. '"jn one high school we found free active cases of tuber culosis.” . Necessity, of matriculation req-uire- mqnts for the was questioned by JDt. Simpson, who said he believed II ____ _ non-essential subject a of a matricu lation eertificate be dropped in favor of work » suited to the .' adoption of a . ?c in nursing. j While matricuiatioii nas been the ' yardstick.to nursing standards in the [ past,, he- doubted if it were the eurr j reet yardstick. But, he warned, f standards mdst .be maintained' in * whatever course of training or re- OTTAWA — Customs- excise re- vsiue showed- a steady gain, for Oe- &ber, amexm-ring- 'to ' ^64^,H22 .as against ■ S21.428,779- collected during October. 1935. a n^: increase of SA- 819-^43. A ■ gratomeat issued last week by .1^ S&iistor of Nation al Beveaae, .shows that the heaviest' .: increase was ,ma& to- excise tar -re-, estots wfech. jumped • from . $lfl-,4S3r S35 to..'SM3^5^, & dSerenee of $3,- ' «•'■'•’ r''/ ■ 'Other 'zesetoes- were: customs: dsries STS»£5Z!33. increase. 3496^^71; -- ----------- --- --------- ---------;-excise duties 3A21-5/E2A increase £e,’.Betoer Theatre Guild, -of- ssEsiry- ^5t.72O-,' sor. Border Cxriea-. "Eggaa^se Arts 1 '•gg-^.,Vt. * - ' dcrlag .Jse, seveix co-urse ©1 lEaanmg or re- . r—s momis.. parisd, Asmi 1 to? ouirements that, might be followed. profession "i' fit' ’■I- seei aduptod. m -serna sas^. - Airway, ■; r' 3S'W S^,^eso^. Md, Idgsradl Little ST'of : V^tt to-'hsass§« fertototo fer 2^ T^^us PIayeKj, jsarisg - a®- far ■feraitora.. win', ba al- tirama Le^ae, Gdm--->^sag5*2s yfear, a nee increase •■ef nsst rmy Ssr jgff. sseeuiive. to • -.GsSii,,.-Lssoddn, - g2LSS8-5*55. ■■ 1 kto5 hfe^ankfe ur-'ms. ku r m 'dacaZ were: Cuetozhs-. sharp caru-ef sis wgsast ur tosnug^; Dstos~ &r. tixe praausn^se® --ses . 34S”.T3S_a52, mersase SZ987,- ’ asy ■' ds^. S -se- tosse usw -accac^xi. ss toitow® —— £^,4,L-iay, ay-fe' fixr itis ' ’ - - -dasasry 2.. Gam; SZbuday. ^ss^ry .•Badto. eabPS-eas-' few- .tsss. esr- ..s^tohsssr-Wacericsc ■ Tness^',..--^mj- ss®.. ss. ■•wtitoh. ■ gsga:c~L ax ' a, Beaora . . Gstild. •ry^y -gnn -tiSEy are feSAiuri-pg' tSse- ..rasgriiton1 Wessessd^-^ j&aisafera- 6, t^wer ^yfe-af hariEg' toe- ^2a risstej- ThurBaar T. .t^y-gAr- vrttopur 'ssfephZ •.•-,■ ' tfaasi;. Shrssay -ss& Satorday-, ^spsrj Z^bai' fernstore feciErfes are .hum-, 3’2Sto.&. Luafeu: B-easy. Xenusrj' X*. &■ 3toe pf* w~ yrasstar -tt— radto '. irre^ Chivgrstty of We^asg; -Outorig ?toe . egmssuctotog tPlBS;. SayHousewives • ' | ■ ■ ------------------- ,:••■■■ Toronto Bakers Dumfouirded . . Over Opinions Voiced Ar Meeting rnisg-.i 1 men- were chosen L.d and Cake Bak- zi’ve represen^a- bp. quality T.-e issociatian, is - cabfcfe’ ■ntosr, USto lito ■ 3£2SBeCJl-Z: nee? as .Janus? 3»5d SSS5S3U ao ivWflrt jig ’■&%} '& 73@3S*. 5S rEhjliSh-g- esse ’S^'peesi. a&fe 3® 2a. ss£ ■ wasg wZ -3S‘ ent, mnrv ri^'g-r- the be£ V3CTE. Jmrr&rsre fiesS^ser.- era. nr=?P-'' rr v^ agrees; .phEr herfe' finmtee Etkffi' es wanxw end .m^m-iSErv nr? El“ rigfcK 3© -riisr" rio±i5&- 'mt- -ebe; wuei; sstor j® vazr.etr" riaa1' am' aeafen e .mix, As ' nf '.bs- vniierriur sSv-tri if a isaSe- iiffleur- n- assnr©.. nm ieiffis .ec ErEV*arr.y"s mmr. ' ~r cariri” ctf ft.-.’-amxre Sdse? , cm -Ewpr sfe ®.1 “.?■ saww -hse g-nn .tir TiSSaZnis u. sp st & way a? :.c’shE * me*’ -AP'our 300; Ontario bak- zb-founiied tods> .as, a yf htosetoves,' business, women iiirly informed them . very good, their better, rnd their Ep-esTioa iiar=i. • 3f.rE^ryi£., pH&s are ‘‘not' .worth z s. Csanee .on.” said me erffitc. ' ■r"Ges' =he was “cembl; let down p*e©=- of p-impkin pie once and a piece of minee pie re of what ybu're- eat- rime I .ever took a hafr- pae toene. ”. =sid a housewife,. • “our tog uai •-. good feed.” Another said sse was afraid to. take a pie home ■peceto- ape “might get thrown out.” The. ■ “ton-" agreed that buns and -'daaii'.he done a little py pa - ' r-ummercial' bakers. Packages Ako urZardized' . Cartons ezei'To'Attract,;; . <■> 3 1 C V ■■g’ . <5^ aac "te , s.*’e*“-u".’ v •'**'■eute'**! Ta’-,; nW'► .tg •■t/’-nif. "pwr \r^'f v-'-i*T mer u.uoeir. vt-wrr.» a* IT WAS! ■ !’■* n. '••■' V'TI-ajL'H" ■‘biTrtHtW" « ' ,P*V>.MW Vni' e*"?r.’ tr* -'wtr-v. tn> ETTJnnc. wu" . i»e»siu«» I'"- - Um- ■ uastmv. ’ •**. ■ sujM—'jri MrritM-13 ytertn: sa» r s'*mei'pa attc '.**. V :>ws- •“nej «rwt • -**■■ 1 (JteMT ■> j-f/o'r* > /?.c ':m .‘Mif* 4' >T- ZWV- ‘ w* t* > IT* 4>' ■ '. tF-mcHMn tM’MTnuMrt. SIH’V*; <i ItM tn " iv*- peiin*.e-( •# 1 .Mpjfn ■ >' MtilidiUtJJ. • '“Vhh w-nMirlittJ ri’. ' H«i** »m> ■ «' '.'int'Jt'tj'.Mtrfri. b * , V> »F '/immm’ t 1 VI ■ <#;, t -zoyt »f i d ,e» -jfcs<- t. ie- ; ■.>• ft VW Sate. •-(> UH • .ifttrh?- ' \r‘'r ' ‘ .-rr, v’tt/Ci ''l mi- . 11 ■ -«•> H1H «jxnri I •St*;, «#*»■ %*’2av«is, :«i ireful ;*r to * and.' resign. to. women's- "vojou&ly and am- 5- ,4arbhn. New rx-rt says. iztry oi packages manifests this f nut "Outstand-. u rxtrfcme, cosmet- Ztoh standardized • ttcws and paridy • -..g rtolect to fre- sr‘-,.-»-F.e and" cto vrptoeed that more and y staple pack- • ve enjoy | the be of the ' -to to fit thp ” torn a, label ’■ asgie, at store-- made ■ with nan- • also contain . f-’r the use of bocbnse most r.e Instructions being oma- . “cannot es- . change in Homo change freouently in J 4 e i f <=&• ? £ LiC ? c£' v - X*s'* iCiurlu*” ,»- jr ■■ pfc Wi ' w h*W ’u- jr, (<!>»»- ’•»- ’> «■> > t rtitt - | e*rf*neiM* ■' Pm- M' .Wpdff' /Z. iajy*t » c . t **•« a* n>p t> r# * • ir ’. r. * ? »f V-. «53'u»e. •fisMis-.-; u 5fi. . ■'? hjF'J &r*« > _ HBGKIS - ■ MM | xafiifai. SS'—:3fe.. Zccrneg 35wa5*a§?sir' ^.|-=atfe ® sssrrer- s£ ifessaa? ^jgEa&a; d®.' wsassrs 3®s=pE5Si®3^--ss£- wttur ss. ^'■F-agg^Shggg af £xs»s® 'fersJopeti., ' I Tse 5&s&£ iasrr ^.1 Eies-hEe Mh ssx r&s- dfel-' . ...» . —» j.ras. ■ .«/ ciai.;.«^s ti.?” ■ wL»r“» -’Wfesferz / * -as-.-'t-- -tSsaSr ext r?* '■ «tesS' tfc&E ;X&V :s>* sesss- -'"-7 ■ eBttJSsiS&r 1 SeetJ tiuec jtsd r4 <i«- ‘utt*to Thrift nf