HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-11-19, Page 6with. Jumps $4,819,843 UWE WOKE® ATT EAKGE / ' fc> t&S d(Sn£ - S' Hfere? &> mn lieae fixuw Gitawss tour csr-thiiily' fb ’oranfi; tfe sttarKbm off tfee Oaiadisto people teasy t: Gfttswsi aftSfe fflnplaree& see buying o£ Brine®- Etwsnt. Island! S4T Band® f&ri their sagasnnnsttonj fundi I l SjgMg CMK®M ' "■-'TB® SWIRE eeS he matter EL Reqpixtng- IT years tn he- tsuilt, ar a cost aS SW.twtJ.uao. Japan's new ParijanPKit Bdilding in Tokto. shown ^ju-ve;. .was.campietsd recently. Japan ceiebrste^ the eyent which, was featured; by Emserur jffiroklto dedtoattos the new fbrum with.' Siinto puriScattou rites. ——------4 - o Corners ©jminsEeKfc, serving- an 'ollector of the cu»t Stums, Justice of the Peace, coroner, ) innnigratloii officer and income tax • connnlraloner, ! When Major Kemp was In com- rmand of th< Western Arctic sub-divl- ; 3ion to; f5ZT-T29^ he was known among ithe Eskimos as the /‘Many of Many !, Jobs." Ctak the midnight sun Ma joi- Kemp' i» etiH remembered as a many- elded Solomon who took on die diffi­ culties of the Eskimo natives a gratifying alacrity. 30 Nurses Found To Be Tuber ci Thirty Cases Among Those In Training; Twenty-Three Among Teachers Toronto—Thirty cases of active tuberculosis among- nurses in train­ ing and 23 cases among - training 'school teachers were discovered as a ;result of examinations conducted by the Government during the past two years, Hon. to. L. J. '' October Collections In Cus­ toms and! Excise Continue .- '■ *■' Gains ; Tyiiri** ister of education, stable! recently. •Necessity of suchi examination .was- stressed by Or. son who stated that if medical was essential for teariiers, and re­ vealed such results,, surely it was necessary for student riutses. '“You know what tills condition means in exposure, to children to »:-: the instances .of the teachers,” ..said Df. Simpson. '"jn one high school we found free active cases of tuber­ culosis.” . Necessity, of matriculation req-uire- mqnts for the was questioned by JDt. Simpson, who said he believed II ____ _ non-essential subject a of a matricu­ lation eertificate be dropped in favor of work » suited to the .' adoption of a . ?c in nursing. j While matricuiatioii nas been the ' yardstick.to nursing standards in the [ past,, he- doubted if it were the eurr j reet yardstick. But, he warned, f standards mdst .be maintained' in * whatever course of training or re- OTTAWA — Customs- excise re- vsiue showed- a steady gain, for Oe- &ber, amexm-ring- 'to ' ^64^,H22 .as against ■ S21.428,779- collected during October. 1935. a n^: increase of SA- 819-^43. A ■ gratomeat issued last week by .1^ S&iistor of Nation­ al Beveaae, .shows that the heaviest' .: increase was ,ma& to- excise tar -re-, estots wfech. jumped • from . $lfl-,4S3r S35 to..'SM3^5^, & dSerenee of $3,- ' «•'■'•’ r''/ ■ 'Other 'zesetoes- were: customs: dsries STS»£5Z!33. increase. 3496^^71; -- ----------- --- --------- ---------;-excise duties 3A21-5/E2A increase £e,’.Betoer Theatre Guild, -of- ssEsiry- ^5t.72O-,' sor. Border Cxriea-. "Eggaa^se Arts 1 '•gg-^.,Vt. * - ' dcrlag .Jse, seveix co-urse ©1 lEaanmg or re- . r—s momis.. parisd, Asmi 1 to? ouirements that, might be followed. profession "i' fit' ’■I- seei aduptod. m -serna sas^. - Airway, ■; r' 3S'W S^,^eso^. Md, Idgsradl Little ST'of : V^tt to-'hsass§« fertototo fer 2^ T^^us PIayeKj, jsarisg - a®- far ■feraitora.. win', ba al- tirama Le^ae, Gdm--->^sag5*2s yfear, a nee increase •■ef nsst rmy Ssr jgff. sseeuiive. to • -.GsSii,,.-Lssoddn, - g2LSS8-5*55. ■■ 1 kto5 hfe^ankfe ur-'ms. ku r m 'dacaZ were: Cuetozhs-. sharp caru-ef sis wgsast ur tosnug^; Dstos~ &r. tixe praausn^se® --ses . 34S”.T3S_a52, mersase SZ987,- ’ asy ■' ds^. S -se- tosse usw -accac^xi. ss toitow® —— £^,4,L-iay, ay-fe' fixr itis ' ’ - - -dasasry 2.. Gam; SZbuday. ^ss^ry .•Badto. eabPS-eas-' few- .tsss. esr- ..s^tohsssr-Wacericsc ■ Tness^',..--^mj- ss®.. ss. ■•wtitoh. ■ gsga:c~L ax ' a, Beaora . . Gstild. •ry^y -gnn -tiSEy are feSAiuri-pg' tSse- ..rasgriiton1 Wessessd^-^ j&aisafera- 6, t^wer ^yfe-af hariEg' toe- ^2a risstej- ThurBaar T. .t^y-gAr- vrttopur 'ssfephZ •.•-,■ ' tfaasi;. Shrssay -ss& Satorday-, ^spsrj Z^bai' fernstore feciErfes are .hum-, 3’2Sto.&. Luafeu: B-easy. Xenusrj' X*. &■ 3toe pf* w~ yrasstar -tt— radto '. irre^ Chivgrstty of We^asg; -Outorig ?toe . egmssuctotog tPlBS;. SayHousewives • ' | ■ ■ ------------------- ,:••■■■ Toronto Bakers Dumfouirded . . Over Opinions Voiced Ar Meeting rnisg-.i 1 men- were chosen L.d and Cake Bak- zi’ve represen^a- bp. quality T.-e issociatian, is - cabfcfe’ ■ntosr, USto lito ■ 3£2SBeCJl-Z: nee? as .Janus? 3»5d SSS5S3U ao ivWflrt jig ’■&%} '& 73@3S*. 5S rEhjliSh-g- esse ’S^'peesi. a&fe 3® 2a. ss£ ■ wasg wZ -3S‘ ent, mnrv ri^'g-r- the be£ V3CTE. Jmrr&rsre fiesS^ser.- era. nr=?P-'' rr v^ agrees; .phEr herfe' finmtee Etkffi' es wanxw end .m^m-iSErv nr? El“ rigfcK 3© -riisr" rio±i5&- 'mt- -ebe; wuei; sstor j® vazr.etr" riaa1' am' aeafen e .mix, As ' nf '.bs- vniierriur sSv-tri if a isaSe- iiffleur- n- assnr©.. nm ieiffis .ec ErEV*arr.y"s mmr. ' ~r cariri” ctf ft.-.’-amxre Sdse? , cm -Ewpr sfe ®.1 “.?■ saww -hse g-nn .tir TiSSaZnis u. sp st & way a? :.c’shE * me*’ -AP'our 300; Ontario bak- zb-founiied tods> .as, a yf htosetoves,' business, women iiirly informed them . very good, their better, rnd their Ep-esTioa iiar=i. • 3f.rE^ryi£., pH&s are ‘‘not' .worth z s. Csanee .on.” said me erffitc. ' ■r"Ges' =he was “cembl; let down p*e©=- of p-impkin pie once and a piece of minee pie re of what ybu're- eat- rime I .ever took a hafr- pae toene. ”. =sid a housewife,. • “our tog uai •-. good feed.” Another said sse was afraid to. take a pie home ■peceto- ape “might get thrown out.” The. ■ “ton-" agreed that buns and -'daaii'.he done a little py pa - ' r-ummercial' bakers. Packages Ako urZardized' . Cartons ezei'To'Attract,;; . <■> 3 1 C V ■■g’ . <5^ aac "te , s.*’e*“-u".’ v •'**'■eute'**! Ta’-,; nW'► .tg •■t/’-nif. "pwr \r^'f v-'-i*T mer u.uoeir. vt-wrr.» a* IT WAS! ■ !’■* n. '••■' V'TI-ajL'H" ■‘biTrtHtW" « ' ,P*V>.MW Vni' e*"?r.’ tr* -'wtr-v. tn> ETTJnnc. wu" . i»e»siu«» I'"- - Um- ■ uastmv. ’ •**. ■ sujM—'jri MrritM-13 ytertn: sa» r s'*mei'pa attc '.**. V :>ws- •“nej «rwt • -**■■ 1 (JteMT ■> j-f/o'r* > /?.c ':m .‘Mif* 4' >T- ZWV- ‘ w* t* > IT* 4>' ■ '. tF-mcHMn tM’MTnuMrt. SIH’V*; <i ItM tn " iv*- peiin*.e-( •# 1 .Mpjfn ■ >' MtilidiUtJJ. • '“Vhh w-nMirlittJ ri’. ' H«i** »m> ■ «' '.'int'Jt'tj'.Mtrfri. b * , V> »F '/immm’ t 1 VI ■ <#;, t -zoyt »f i d ,e» -jfcs<- t. ie- ; ■.>• ft VW Sate. •-(> UH • .ifttrh?- ' \r‘'r ' ‘ .-rr, v’tt/Ci ''l mi- . 11 ■ -«•> H1H «jxnri I •St*;, «#*»■ %*’2av«is, :«i ireful ;*r to * and.' resign. to. women's- "vojou&ly and am- 5- ,4arbhn. New rx-rt says. iztry oi packages manifests this f nut "Outstand-. u rxtrfcme, cosmet- Ztoh standardized • ttcws and paridy • -..g rtolect to fre- sr‘-,.-»-F.e and" cto vrptoeed that more and y staple pack- • ve enjoy | the be of the ' -to to fit thp ” torn a, label ’■ asgie, at store-- made ■ with nan- • also contain . f-’r the use of bocbnse most r.e Instructions being oma- . “cannot es- . change in Homo change freouently in J 4 e i f <=&• ? £ LiC ? c£' v - X*s'* iCiurlu*” ,»- jr ■■ pfc Wi ' w h*W ’u- jr, (<!>»»- ’•»- ’> «■> > t rtitt - | e*rf*neiM* ■' Pm- M' .Wpdff' /Z. iajy*t » c . t **•« a* n>p t> r# * • ir ’. r. * ? »f V-. «53'u»e. •fisMis-.-; u 5fi. . ■'? hjF'J &r*« > _ HBGKIS - ■ MM | xafiifai. SS'—:3fe.. Zccrneg 35wa5*a§?sir' ^.|-=atfe ® sssrrer- s£ ifessaa? ^jgEa&a; d®.' wsassrs 3®s=pE5Si®3^--ss£- wttur ss. ^'■F-agg^Shggg af £xs»s® 'fersJopeti., ' I Tse 5&s&£ iasrr ^.1 Eies-hEe Mh ssx r&s- dfel-' . ...» . —» j.ras. ■ .«/ ciai.;.«^s ti.?” ■ wL»r“» -’Wfesferz / * -as-.-'t-- -tSsaSr ext r?* '■ «tesS' tfc&E ;X&V :s>* sesss- -'"-7 ■ eBttJSsiS&r 1 SeetJ tiuec jtsd r4 <i«- ‘utt*to Thrift nf