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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-11-19, Page 5
trials ivi® (GOStla- yoursriif. [ A BITTS IF ARM "who 3Si> i (Gmmty fllas Big EBills To Bay Ifiur .; Administration ®ff JbEdfice . ARH1FWTJD COUNCILLOR LATD to bs^-wednhesdat Cam? empty-hanileti asking ffott a 1K ‘ < Mr. AbtirhnTt, is not the first ^uan of Course. who out of a bank after loan. | .' 5 ‘WOIAW KILLED ®? 1’ENTNBULA IN PAST MONTH r 'THUBSDAX WtflEMBER M, H936.WPF, aiDEEM' .WgWfflTWB OiSE TO • 7. W. SMITH’S (iCrnifinnerl Ttjojh IRage 3D) nT 'A^hfield TSnijnieil ms giallbEar- aeto. 3tn±erment in tDiingannon offime- '■ ' to3P«. '• Mr. Hlonalfl BentHamd mnffimefl itoj Ttetrriit on Sunday and wms memmpaiH led by Mrs. HL X'Ohwffntol, wiffiD will spend ihe winter anontte there. Mrs. IE. Trilib snfl Miss ®em spent sa ffew (fi^s Hast week smiting fhe Honnef k sinm, Chas, mnfl firihn Bribh, .Amberley. «Miss Belle Swan, who ife (employed: mt Mr. -Quaidk, Tort Albert, suffered1 with a sore Hoot, when a giieee iff ne-< ament Hell am fit ieguiring aneflical mf-[ ‘ rtenfinn. ' ■’ ™~ | Misrtnrs End Acaflent ■ ' | Mr. mnfl Mrs. Stanley Hlughes rif|: Toronto are whiting ffheTattefls gpar-l gents, Mr. mnfl Mrs. ID. IE.' BEhonngfon,] on tfhe 'fith (Eone^sion, ML Mfawanosh. Th^&nafle Hhe ixxp hy anntor ont Simfl^r tanfl fit (appeared wery?’ miEfi| . wpyrthor when ffh^y Heft Tmonto, hut I tas ffhriy Hfaveltefl hlong, ffounfl tthfij highway wefy -slippery tanfl unpleasant j Id finve rin.. 3S5ear Arthur Hheir gear| skiriflefl and tomefl tppsifle down fin! tthe flitch. Mr. tHughes was table jto crawl out nnd nelease Ms wifi was tpinnefl beneafh tfhe -wheel damage was done to tthe ear and tthe. •occupants only suffered shock .and Toqnired firy clothing. After a Hew hours irest, tfli^y were :able to eou- firiue nn fheir journey. f The w. A. of tthe United Church as Huflfling their ^November meeting ■anH -tea at toe home iff Mrs. [Nellie Stewart, 3Friday ^afternoon of tthis week. ■ Mr. David Campbell, Oklahoma, runele of Mr. J- D- Bichardson, "tele phone lineman, galled tto visit, ffor a flay, kefoi^ his netum Journey, after la tthree monfhs’ visit among ffriends here and at Hteggus. . . Miss tCrnzier *1. X DRr«iflent The -Junior Institute held toe 3Nov-j. ember -meeting at tthe ’home of one: Dff tthe members, Mijss Cora (Finnigan., The meeting ppenefl' in toe usual wajj and J.after toe regular routine iff. ' -himwiests, Miss (Frances drozier was appointed president .in plate of Miss Bernice Uloach, mow .off .Goderich. A. * piano sblo was (given by Miss-Crozier and lunch was tthen served. The mem- lim spent tthe remainder iff tthe ttime k mt toe residence off Dr. Tokes and aenjoyed interesting slides on toe work done ffor crippled ciiildren in London hospital. Miss 'Verna Anderson ex- tended am invitation ffor toe next . meeting mt her place. Mr -H; J. IL. BEedy is able tto be up ' . again, .after bis Tecent illness. Mrs Thus. Dark spent tthe week- end with friends at AVingham and Distowel. . The T.P.U. iff toe United Church met ffor toe Tegular meeting 'Wednes day might of last week, with Miss Bvelyn Ciilbert in charge. After a hymn janfl prayer iiy toe leader, Miss Clare. Tentianfl Tead toe Scripture lesson. The topic iff “Peace and War” Was given by llugta McWhinney, citi- zenship convenor; toe first, off a' series on Peace and War to fee carried ; throughout ^November meetings. The minutes off toe last meeting were read anfl adopted. Alter a business djseus- aifflNfllt Was decided tthat tthfe T. T- U | meeting tiff this Week be cancelled, tthat all might attend toe "S'- T. Con- -®ress at TJile on Wednesday night of tthis week. Beverdl games arid con tests were beld before the meeting closed. Of SaramDunt O.1 »W. O . J ((Bnunflary West Mswrij) ‘ The ^November meeting off toe Par amount SL®. W.(EL was (held at toe home rif Mrs. James Webster am Tuesday, toe Hfto. There was a 'meal! jgDofl attendance. The meriting was wpenrifl by all singing The M^dei Deaf, after which toe iLonife grrayer was -repeated iip rmfeim. The minutes off tthe last meeting were read and adopted. The roll (call was ariswEBad; by Something tto make life Hieauffful. Sending a delegate tn toe annualUJ., 3?jD. .Convention ah Torririto dwasf 1 discussed anfl ifleciflefl to mrit send aa' delegate this year. The ttre^urefe: report of tthe past arear was Toad fiarj fe. (Grant McDiarniifl with aa Han: .balance on /hand. Tfe attention off aiffi- tsers ffdlloweiL The president, Mrs. McGill -vacated the affiair (and Miss Ethel Martin acted cas gmesiflent dur ing tthe selection <iff offfieers. (Officers ( ffor tthe coming geear are .ns ffrinovBs. (president, Mrs. -Jack SEtendriEson; ^toe president, Mrs. Alox McNay^^Ecre- tta^c, Mrs • Wm. BKeriptton; treasurer, . Miss Thoda Cobk; ladies to select toe . homes ffor tthe meeting are /Mes. Clair Twin, Mrs. Dldpn Benderson ( .and Mrs. James T. Webster, tftan&t,, Mrs. Grant MeDiarnfifl -with Mrs. Dr- ; Hand. BRiehards as iher assistant, A , sick committee was appointee! sas . follows, Mrs. .Eldon Menderson. Mrs. Albert Cook, Mrs. James McDonalfl and Mrs. Derb /Ensign. A copper.<.edl- lectioii at each meeting lo defray toe , expenses of. toe -sirikLcommittee. A hearty vote of ttharilss was .given to all the officers. The program ronsisted of a reading b Miss /Ethel ■Martin; harp instrumental, Mrs.-Jas. Welister; ’«olo, Mrs. Alex WdNay; reading, Mrs. Grant MeDiarmid; reading., Miss -Grace (Webster. A hearty vote of thanks was extended to Mrs. Welister ffor toe use iff her home. The meeting was closed 'fiy sail singing tthe /National. Anthem and lunch was served.. Mr. aiitf Mrs. Gecil Webster off London, spent, Bunday at toe home of the former’s patents, Mr. amfl Mrs. James T. Wribster. \ Barrfl ’Family 'Bereaved We extend our sincere sympathy tto the Baird family in their recent and sad bereavement through toe •fleath of their sister Jean, Mrs. Wm. Mac intosh, iff Flaxcombe. Bask, flier death occurred on Thursday last m Kindersiy Dospital, after an .opera tion for appendicitis. We are soirrj’ tto rejiort that 3fe. Melvin (Twin of 2nd con., has had .an operation ffor appendicitis in Wing ham Bospital. Her many -friends -hope for a speedy recovery. Mrs. D. H. Alton iff. Lucknow^ spent a day last week with Mrs. Jas. T. Webster, Miss Myrtle Webster of Wellesley j . spent Bunday at tthe home of her . parents. Mrs. James Webster off 1 Ashfield. 7 That solves are becoming more numerous’ bn the 'Truce peninsula, or they are becoming bolder, - is evident bv the number of pelfe being brought -to the Wolf Bounty Officer at War ton. in support of applications Tor the bounty offered by the T’rovincial Gov ernment and the Toivnsfiips of 'that district. The bounty-for no less dhan five wolves has been claimed. ■ withiu the - past month. . Certain townships in "the Nprtn pay a bounty of $5,00 -f or each wolf killed in addition to the ^1». paid by the ■ province. , ) Mr. dRrefl /Forsythe, ■& former Dis- ttriet Agricultural Bepresentative for Bruce.who left a couple iff years ggo •to take a similar position ffor toe combined counties tiff Dundas, -Stor mont • and ‘Glengarry, has -purchased an excellent Harm. property in Iarr STkCounty. U1WGWB GBITVAKY \Weddipg Hiellfi ome Bringing- Mrs, Amiitow IKoWih (([EflnaH, [Kitchener, spent tfhe weelwend with rher rpareiito, Mr. mnfl 3fcs. H. IB. Mrir- unson. | TEhe cflahte gnrt rnn Hjy tfhe EEmasteto iin tthe HuiU Hast IFiiiflay <ewening, wps wrill arttendefi mnd rill Iflafl m een- jjDyafile mveiihtg-- This Hhfifl^ teveriing -the (Chib will Ehrilfl ttheir iihssi ssoriiril ■eveiiiiig, which wlll ffie a (fiance. 0 • W.. .EL (Qiuli Hhaw i The Whitedhurdh' Wrimmife Hnsfit- ute ihelfi tfheir (ppnn rnieriting Hast EFnii- fiay (evening. The rpresident, Mrs.- W&'lley mwgitefl chhair. Brill call was aiiswenii Hjy—ffhe tftiing H onpst (fiidMe on IhousewiuHc. Ht was, .also Ldetiiflefl tto mot zask ffnr tthe {grant. Mr. Thus. Monpe was (then oiskefl tto rpreside ffnr tfhe girngram. ^Silin siQlos were ighaen ffoy Mrs. Ezra SShrilfcz mind f CIliffnrfl IRataiien; srilcs 9^ (Etoville Tiilin :anfl Miss' HSiffiy (Dunn; nrstteu- onentols Hjy. Miss MeiHp Wilson, Bert (Giillimor^; Heading, Mis. Mowbray.;! FHarmoiiica, Tred Haiti, Hoe rnnfl Thin ■ Tiffin. A ■debate ‘Htesolved That ffhe ffinmes off {pioneer dtayk. iin (Ganafla vflere nnore gonfliiripm tto (Character grnwtti Than aiie [present ffagy Hnnre^”. Missesf lfean ILngan tanfl Atehpa SSenit upheld The aaffiumatbae, while Messas. HtuCk EPoThHk ornfl Milan Moors aijiheld the piegative. The judges, iCamian EEarrier, Tom Wilson rind ILanse eGrain ifleciiiefi Hn ffavnr <xff *±he-mega- * tire. The (drawing riff" (the tt'icltet am . the coniforter was <flune Eby HitQe Miss iteanie Mclrmes, who amme tto tthe ijflaiffmrm mnfl glutting Hoir Ehanfl tin The ’brfcx “iff Tibkeis, Hurth acme hearingtthe mame off Mto. EEzra WrilJ- wnod. Mrs. W. Hiadrtt rreeeivefl tfhe prize Tor celling tfhe imost Tickets mn “the igiifli.. The Tnsfitiite uaedlizefi SJS2EJ ffrom The -sale ifiiSeets am The oenm- fforter -and tfhe rdllection llHifiigy rnieeB- ing was -W-31, Heaving ^27. eelear. Miss ELoma McGtenn^han teetarneii Ehome am Monflay mffter ^assisting Miss. [R. Tiffin Tor The [past ttwri rmontlis. «ff (Owing /largely to toe crrminal seec- .tixms against 3- IL MiiggariL fformer Beafmtth ilaivyer, t£..(G. WadLaten and B. S. LFHeteher, Toronto Hirbkers, and ttori lErnest cons ins. iff Wrilkertori, joists 'rif tthe auniinKtmtion iff jjpstipe! :in fllurbn aroun^y will Hae ffar above tthe (-estimate att toe eenfl , riff toe Seear. To toe tend off ©etdber gustes were dbo.ve the testhnate ffor toe syear <itff| •StffkWO,. Having meatfhefl toe aum affi BT5.3B0, itoirih was :S£JOI) tnrare ttoanj •for toe same sperio'd Hast geear<—/ : (Goderich Signdlj They tritk moh fyfio have leant ho H ^wefl rnnee cm Uffiat <canm ffmm Hn tfearfiil theat iits TEemiffie Epressnre DEt was s» _ Hlfl ffain ssee ill uipim sunir ffianfl. H llnnkefl uxpnn <a .afccing off gieaifls. Eafffi.omawm^wpffhedtegffhsviffsfia tnru rui .And aeadfa was ffadiiiimefl aurt affgaaifi, ^®ton cmilyja munffiis Stottdte b^pJmb to one. I’tjiaj!® 'S55L ™‘5f1 J*_“.I^:^) II gflucklfl aa onse from (riff m liuriffi, A noise ssudh sas ame ssdlflnm jsees. . ... „ ffiteaiito mnfl wisent supreme Htaeause ■ ttwu iriipnths iin (CKCssing cfise Adflamto; '^Sifesnd djy mam anfl n;^a w^. •, tDEEEZSe. pt was :SD WDnflejffiills7 svsaff EE ffain wniilfl Hay iit tett your ffeet. Hi rieens tto mm ttiwse fflnweK sanfl gewdhs 1' '■.■.■■ Wifirih we so Ihnae tto samrill mr ssa^, conr lto®s fleece thdlriw s^^vefi ffih ^ipwittua^figp ias m HilaciJ-. Wtt. SKjRXSWW ©n Tuesday,/November Sxfl, HfiSog, i (there gmssefl mw^y ifii ihfe [home iin jfitneswatteji;,, Mlllhim MilBurney, ame off tf-fle (rilflmt BEBJiiihmte off t&he asrim-j rmuriity omit gfiimeei off HSHB- 0 j HihiKeasefl was thorn iin Mon^diar- trdtj. (Gointty EEtewp, Ifatelanfl, am JUQy iwxc uai« uxiie .......Liu <came with his ffathfil- amfl There ws mo ^mdltesf ffiaw am Lfledk. , amfl Anfthnr. tto tthe mew Hand iin (£mn- ! ,tafia. t&Pfing ssall Shorn Hrriltmfl iin ta.'l ..-sailing westel, wthiiih ttorik ippwasfi off ' (to rnvnwsvnir rfrto, fhey lianflefl arit Tifctte Tm&v, mow Tor-'' ontto rnpfl ttodk tup ffheir fftstt rreslifamiee’ ■ ■.mt LBeveihy/, aurt ffnr ffrom Wiiwihrtiuh, 1 'ffrnm wthiiffi gflaise tthiay (.came iit tto tffipj woods .iin tfhe ssmr off ttoe “SBiile off tithe: ELticnfl!*’ hand assttfifefl am Ihrt 351,\ aaaiiEfissiim 85, EEprilois. / i Wmi. MiEBurngy. iin ‘ his eeatfly I'lif.r ■ ——— s'jenvefi his tapprmtf Lcehup tas aa HLUxgdi- Anfl rmoxe Hike heayhi tto aopi mnfi one. ^jmithwito Mr. ©toham off Mih^iunn, Bitt ^lihsem tftowei-hiring with tfteem aH,terwarfl {griujg iittto thasiness ffnr Amfl ifiner fer tfhan mngy ggem.- ■ -............. -- — •' The ffahosi {gem im hdl tfhe wmilfi ' ftiinutelf att EHine Hiimr ffig steverdl years. Me Huiiit Hite Hiouae sanfl ttilari-k-te“ ,■ «W>. *“» te Dtt ® iM «mfl to SS ESI 8..-' . ... .< n .i .> ....--------\ ------------------------------- ------------------------7—-® CEBIT At MILE IkyirilWpfe^gafe. FARES. Mhiinuim Hearns J&fliHts TZnt (EHillils -fflir. TSHflSEM feen IPffiW arfdBa&tntCM*.Stans' ywf 'iWffKW' •W9 4fc,r. - Whitby, (<lh}hum{, fBiwmanMiilig, .Bfantt Efige}, w»Xs 3HW£*Wb» «Js plM (foibnmg, 'T&n t ou Jbn.,, Stdlhuillb;, bSepantae. ffimigston, (Chmanngne,; HtaufijAiille, Huasnaritt,, Md&iKiiupg, (Gimxvaill, ffklhkifl«pj. Hiiidfciay, Trfttekbirrp, /Ganiirhdl^nrfl, Ttewnmifeff, ASIhm- (tiriln, fftenritarjg, (Grillnjgwiwfl, Metffmdj, (Slilliin, Miflhxnfi, (Ch^tinihurst, ffibnd •v'.iil^. OUhndter;, BKiutSh Hk®, RAjbs’ tSonufl, Suiburv:. ALU ttovrns un'flinv (Ontonuo am line eff TemtHflanriing <& L^nitthmm (iiiitarm EHbUi ®P' .'migr (Tteirmil EHiy;; EEtegnskasiirg., • EEan^hto, (GavdlitUn;, JMliiicies, ftteaxiiiniuffi. J Wf. W CGhfidhjy, • (GJnriim, Ttattetm, . dbffeKt^r. fffflryn^. CGfdtenujh, (Giteliih], Bfltoiiiitan, EHanovsn,-,, Hlewisttor', ttpgaKwilt. T'incartime. ffiHtafttBnay,’ itomfiim, Hikttiivtej, Mttdhrill, Mte»- anira Tdlh, GDtwpn i&innfl, H^j^ley. ifelmmstom, ffiafis Shutt Sfigh}, .to.. T;ai8hfMint*sj.,.St. Mm®Sj, Stemuup Siutfiianpitim. SintoffiBdl, Sfestflfi- nrijy; MtM-hstrtap, Wiartan, Winriimni. MtowfiPtmlk.. I AiroiKAnm®®s> — trsbwji^ ~ sKwn.. . wwkkskjshi mm. (G-MLEBT (TLEF T5M0NTG— Edhliittiftn off gairtth^ Hjy tSn ffamogs sutthtt MT^KEJNtr WASS' ©M£HL fftorteh HfrsttHngrestehiritet. ■ The -stmwhfg iiniliuifes smih rna-s te pi ecess att • ■ *STNffLffiWffiH®’/, ■ ^‘aanDGE ait abiiwst “LWiitssksl wwaw:. ,. Seen hhy HfiJQOMffi jperglfe iin (Clfiiajgp ini a sihgih manto. 'nahii^al niEmi® msktw Toronto -‘MtgUfc Lea^*' vss. • Minrmto ‘(faiafiteisT- merits ffor tfhe eeaafiy ssttters. • Hn tfhe -■'ar UST Ihe tmarrtefl Mean Mriifl, ngfitter off Mr. apd, Mrs. Hteter Hid id i _ iin mS." " f? I I Thste (remains tto annum Hfis Hisss, ithtee 551ms, Jlrihn aanfl Marry off Tasss- amjjfiKx.- wnk.ui rKiMtnisffpr writer, anil Steffi off Msmudfe:. Sask. ' T__ i . ■ • bmleumosj® wilh .and Jhssigib Arthur, diiefl ssaieerril —------- Mr. Miffinrnpy wks', a pir^byttei-; - ■ijan ffatfip off miffirisi rteiirmg ma* , /heart Anfl makes <xm® ’life (Seem more 3 'wiUiile ' ■ ' '**"■ - — ~—•— s~^’' i•Wife^n ^aaamsmir..®® HKBil®SPSdl M™ AndtlteaniTTve ffnnnfi iin them sagriti H /listened tto toe afcylark amse Singing itte songaip iin the ritey. ,._T _ ___ ________—__w.„ __,—. The meiriiry oaf topse .glorious motes (toe ifiaigfllter anfl «snn, Htohril Mdl-.- Efe ome, Him sure will mever <flie, ".Ji/ -A'v rt But ssince Tve 'heard your sweet yriil® yeaass Htefnxe.. ufeg '.. ■■ H meed mo toylark mnw to sing. iWiJ ^^te,ffllmffim®,fftwmflfl s®m; fetheraiffi ta».a« IBrifh 'bird and ffioweeranfi gem tto one. MT“ rrw* !m Him (Cheered eearih time H ’hear yonr ssxngj; ■ - ------------ _ . -------------w a_______ Hrmglaffileited-.vriienyoin entile Hssee. han oihuteh. Hkillhearers, Delations off .'janil litem Hi. Sldlhmhlii. Aiifl'jjLSt tto salt tanfl wah£h scour enyss. weere JJnsMii? rn«n^ — .. .. — ..— _ IMakes mm M cdtese tto paraifee. Wfhitechnxefi; BP. ®. Iffihn *. vwixux. rr^roaiLEuan.. i J^anemiyer, H3. (EL ’ -. . .' ■ -1 11 Hinritey., EBeme^.; (Bmtiiim Hlidhwin', . —~” ■ ' . ." HeeiBswEtteer. '• . 4 CM|« M3<OSS. , S&rBztteg} ^Examnlltoik ,7^tuay[MieTKaxtani .TE££feeta ^oactui £ t ,SSm’ V^vtr^Vif.l CANADIAN NATIONAL Wf --- - - ' ' “ - - “ ‘ • 2Jto’’£enkher TUh,. llflibj The (Gomniissionaks off tthe EHnron EKirihss Miuiienjal . Jltehgihinte tm mtitt. iin The Secteta^sj' afffige ., ... .. ;i gnssiifiant iin dfie edhriir. and iHfigflffinr. , ■ - , au tfe Mitivte eflrite gut S:M) ff m/Mail A ssemim wns osonfluittefl Hjy toe MurMay, gnssuftent iin toe aflteix. - ■ 30awffi. H®y BSeail MadEa^y, ssecoidieii u —J^hfin W- (Grilvtefi; rihat toe minutes ' WML TABADAM te aibgtteii aa iterifl.J Miffiumev. ffimearfimp; (Ginflim Mr- (AlhwvrirfM, rrltYn TSlirKfewnir); r; ■ • ‘~~ - , Moved Hjy Jlrifin W, (GdhtelJ, sssjom- -nw. Hfeffi d®- •' Mdshiiffilfl - tout, toe > Sxfflmtoig affitiumte Hte gmifl; Bgitey ---------- S&sstenh iWtt sassuoai,, ^$4; ■ Mr. (Gilbert ffianiilton xrpeitt toe 5S^’ Chapter.'iteitt aff shun;. tolOffiQ:'M-.'J.WiJ Trikgtonm Chmgsn^/^teS tfiiRs (Cemetery. Tin doss.—Teeswnter, j^dife ffi. MMitehrifi, ffctejjto ■ • '■ ■ ■ . ' jaiffi.oEritog^, -Aterite MiTar- ■ > ’- ' 1______ ’ ; Hane. gaihs 3871175);; SitronHengt (Gatti- week-end nn Toronto. Miss Taurine Martin Lis pending ra few (fi^Ss stt- St. BEtelers. ■. • ' _________ -__-• - —____-____□= -_7— wu- ir..,™ ,-u. Lssim .TdhgffiittiB (Gnnganys, imfise,, ET.Mr. Marry Hsavis, wtoo ffias 'been 1,T) n™inMW BRxanriis C&mintell. wood& am tfhe Wngffiam iho^iitel Sur seterril . ■.dH^.^M|..®oa>;Tsseoffaar®£3Sr|. -wfieks, Ehas .usEKoverefl .sufficiently ’to.-’ ■ . • ’ ffiaxdlfl LEnuiteittini. wocnkk an/ ffie Itemmeefl to this drome. • ’ , Ttepmtment W Agtoifl-! Lina? :®S]W (Sorttim (Gem- Miss Dnrntop (Grtoam visited . Lhl ■ tore ■ ttias ireceiven nunriter off tee-, SSPL Tnrmttn over toe wanfl-enfl. - * : tor rmriihnfe off Iletepmg.townnuronto caver ttee weekend, , arijury pariLCUlarly am wuung Mrs. MriL Hrwin, tvflw umflerveertt orchards. The tfrillnwiiig vasfe fiianeei Hl. Lam an ajperatirm ’reeently iis iinprmvmg. Hjffien'teeiamniEenfefia^ wirfihj7 off ttridl,TFT rr h m tor' n Thmdlly dme amplication off tins G^HSttwr'’ Mr. (Guylfir Damage ucff Si. BEtetens to, , ISKfeiMt; HSatittoaim TUsstteic (fomgaapy apeitt a few (flays at Mr. (G. Daniil- fa anafle as HriUcws Merit' SKasHsay. ngfc' ^ato^:ghm- i£ SE3Tver sgronf Sunday im Toronto. unless tori Ml iis Htitt tto asusse! • The Moteiriher rmeefing off tfhe ®. ttiie ^lifiihmtiomiix with iit. (Sine woqiilii 3L W.©.' -iis tto Lfee Htrilfl on toe ©rripge Mrillv wffien eearih member iis tto Hiring an article Hot tthe ssdte—sanfl tonitt fforgrit tthe St--Andrew^ (fiance con.tfhe ■_27tth off /Noveniteer. Miss Mary McGromrill vvisttefi with unitess tike odil ife Stitt eenni^h tto ceaisse!_ii_n_ * • ■ ..sill, ♦iix racx..': ____ the \wdll ;aiivjEsefl tto Hteat tftte ooH sti sa gilaee Wfefflee ttfee tftee Jhaamfl is s^ij^ht. Hffibs wash eean flee ^nipiieii with aa. wttiito'wadh thnssh tto tfitee ftetanik aanfl rmain khraniffi^ off t±te ttoeses iin sb. ttfiin cmat. (E^aee rmisrt tfe ttdten tthat iit iss mitt t^pilinfl iin m. tthMk-’CEaat. ', -___ Another -Avasii oaonsiitte off misting ffrtenfls .in Hfnroitin tthe Hast off tthe; ^ontaer imibonate with rzaw Tlrmeeetl week. ‘ . odil uritiil sb ggxmfl {paint omnsintffiiev &, -nw nr ■ rrr.- -!,■ •• Dfeeadteefl. TEhen gsaiitt rtfijs am ttfiirily.The easiest grerson tto deceive i^1 i®r‘ EBamitton, was sa wts- rEenmnfteeraffl fl _____ ------.' t • Jtor on tthe lime ireceirtiy. tthat ccign^ (naibimate iis aa gtosson. liron tihem otttt. . Utettt^tSemnedn, comveitiinn, ®x, ra&ftte am Minnie ®2i3»’ ; ElfinmetGimiiainv. ttrilOlhmii^r (fccaarmflil. TIHte jssrrgfea?s’ nee^^aoriDssgHn^enM nee naefliettinn off watss. Il tigging _ t, ____________ _ _ _______________ _ mop, rtehrite am ttrilh Btell Ifafe- rimfl Mass/ .ffiffin .Sttmymn •nfc sanatoy cmTHwnnfena.. Loom The ©ntarm Mimbigsil ffiriarfl Msmrite Thwin .off Writer- nee rtefiutttam off nates. ■ , ' , toxfl rtetomeefl vwitfi tfitenp tenfl att Meetiigr tften afijnumefl tto metet lltetseertf aa gnestt at ttte,. gsrsionigte- ’ ^riiin (on Hhmmilror Sth at tfhe nsuri) A num&er fiatm flrote eeonestt ttoMt- Hmnr . iwai ttte rftem®' esesnSes tfie . . , Hl. BH. Matt^yn, Secretary. Tvamiiig Massa-gs off 'tthe EBrw® •BSmwiss -mnkfees wirnllttes, snriitee '"^tosy iin Sxutfhangttoi)., ebn Hhafipy ” teteriipg off tftiis wes&.