HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-11-19, Page 3ffim (iwi uh animal I tnignafimni off ISinmliunneais; into? smitoenm winter uesmrtSt. Minnii, Bhimlh. BTliniiHu. its malfeijig nerni^- with! ftnuslh andl lirarim. sai that ttiwtm will] limit iist ttestt wliem wisiixnrF aarnwe3.. VKarikmem aiiinrihist^r emit aff praiia tin 3HiisihH’f£ hnttdi miw.’blhnlfe arid! Dime;. 1 4 ¥ . 0 I . / • Queen of J fr- »/ *> f t. I# a <•' n I \ ■ -> a ft- or a sa w coast and Mexico. I serious” a ■lane1* ’VIS ■ . Alfter . ................._______ __ ___ _____ _ witliiS&& ’Steel, is- retiring Cok. Steel was- a member, of filo now defunct • Canadian IIridio> Chmmission and was mainly- concerned with the’, tcchni-j A atol pliases- afi it® work. 1 A—Sf chop suev signs from Canada was no long; 23- years dC publto ser.vibe; Lieut.-Col. ,W' A. 'SIerr, stuiwn American® ■ suey eVer Jiuty King, prominent' ttorsewoman •of Atlanta* is seen, with wtonliig pair. Knight Bac.liellor and Dupbreak Princess, who took first honors in Hamess Class suitable Cor ladies at National Horseshow to Madison.’! Square Gorden.in Mew itorlx. ■■ HWAflK ML BEOMSOK ’ ’"ffHnfo fflhiwai aanil Hawe Sritt Mtoto hjy SShr Ufemnouan Amgeffl ((Eiei ffitosssn) ffimffilk.. .^hmnpuuiy,, flJritratok,. • 1Hriranto))M ^L58L . Saxinmr air totor,,.- wfimn s& ®®au® caff jpesgilej gatfitoir togtofD^r totts^,, ' fi&ffi ttHJMmmito Mttumttirim atogffi as$ at togpto . off (nmffluiiSEliirijtn—ami! Wr, ' gniiSHHEtt . -wiMl affieur tflteiir ®ri jjnslt wikutt ■ to: wmun® nmnril files; ’’off -wont. TTIhe nesutlltt; to ui ffiataffinHrim* off iiiiiius ararii mm 0IIB2 to /dkwnrMF am ttlfeto erngirrom, sw'ir^ tmifriiywtt- att filhe end! aiff ttby> djs- ’ . S&r tommi AngeiM iim ttfito lfiitttfe dtsfito wiHih ev.euy angjte off toe edxumniito tottuirttuiriL.' dtorrih-rmey ‘e „ toene; to ©KBB® (dhaigjHr off anar mniiHmnigEaiwiriqg ffium- cftEtntorteEllIlg' toe mattrnr? off wtttmflf toces u^, off uffi- ■ffiErrifepg itt tEffi ome mnmmily ’ flnff ttlhe ae(ffiEttniitatttoai off ‘‘ipwnrily"' -Uue&r toes “iimvtto’’ amil toe “fiaw®-. ■ nwfisi.'” „ Th) putt nEBtohnsll amfl smrimll vwlilE® 5® djnrnwgt. ittmiflHnfi wciiflh ffmnioHiiiirp rreeffk to-.tt® nntoe <nmffiin- ifam ..wuuse (nuiifiaumifail. - - ~ THye ■ (fiHigfflr tt® toe-wcariHi tot toto nmnn- ®rit to matt ffll wffll, matt’ nmahke matt-, ■ -vKmftHtftnffgy —- itt is CHmtosEuam. ,Siu& qimsTtiirnu aa; toe sBOHnBlltafl OJVBsr-piijpitoliiiiiii off toetnmen®^ Jto&y aunl JJfnguan ante: dEHuuHsall,, esptoto- edl. . ■ Bm the cltopiieir etotifflledi “Wit 1 TTwuitifti to ©m ’ kite MLunehfttltome piffrititoyrnt (Hrndhuhm® aaie! nmdteh •((!)) ©MiqjitEgu off ' tomittany to matt wmHgfHiny’ to ffiosnaje adte^mto Mfippttiires. of maw nmteariailt ■ ■ ((21)) Staices^M waar dbe® matt" 'iwwnMjffi ai mattiiMn to dtoposm off, ttkes tfflw mmpfeK tthntt cuaxmott Ihi soikfl alt ifainnfi., ■ . 1 * '. . ((3J)) Wanr to matt, mauesaaaiy ffim ttHnre pwapiffiffiffi <®ff operoihg new auiuias ' diff iinwEtommitt.. ~ , ((4)) w.aor „ dries nntt (tnwlilte a mattihui to tmOriiitt drifito.- Amfl im kto ffiumll sumamairjy,, Slir Anggtill wnto^: ©tour pndiUenn to matt to nmiitotaffiMto pnaperity butt to air- gflmrire b psuues®- Bit to pnectorfly Utot ijUhtoans off “ijjwnids&ip/’’ mmdl “SiwiffinwmP pjittgBartiy’”’ wHiihiii imBiiifly torora? stonfl nu ttite W&& aS. pcg^iito- mm lilhcit. pnmse^s uh itbw> pustt,, snril imgy di» a®ain. ffit to ass tthau^i a (nmmnimitly,, MtolUhy dhpenrihntt mgoaui »mri«p»dhrfl Unaffin: am ttom ftfigjijways—a® mastt madtenn stum* mamfiitos nine—w.euee toryiirg to siDutffi fflhp pirrofifem liy esixrhi “towifr- mg*” m bitt off tom mimdi amfl ttoeaii qpaamellnrg ailioutt tffi® awnieush£px. » iimtoriS o£ emdh drinTTg ftto pmntt to mmkm ttnaffiir' uullss wanfcBhife.”’ Anntoer neeordi was nesting peaceably lira tfte bag off (Capt. Jliinany Mdil-Bsqm, British air ace,, a® lie arrived) at C’foydou* airport, London; after necmidl liep? ffiionu America!.. Bfef® seem elfurbiirg ffijomi eockpiiL ’ * Italiw Friendship Desired Desired By Britain ___ LONDON — Viscount Halifax, Lord Privy Seal7 said the House of Lords recently “so far as we are con­ cerned,. we are always ready to ,re-. . turn: to- full relations of friendship1 with Italy,” . Speaking on the address!, to reply to the Speech from the Throne, Lord! Halifax deplored, war talk as dangerous,, undesirable and making peace efforts more difficult. He said that with general goodwill and1 de­ termination for peace he was. con­ vinced no difficulties would be insup­ erable to the pursuit of peace. Dealing with.. Italy and the Medi- . ." terranean,, he emphasized’ that there had never been on the British side , any- Anglo.-Italiah- differences. -DiffL-' cultjes were due. to .the attempt of' .. Great y&ritato loyally to- discharge ■ her international obligations. A® far as. Britain was concerned!,, he saw no reason why it should! not be possible to reach a complete un­ derstanding,. where1 misunderstanding, to some quarters existed. ' History ' showed that Anglo-Italian: interest® to the Mediterranean were apt diver­ gent,. but complementary. Arid the greatest of those* interests for both countries was peace. W W'' "■' - Jlk Two? Sir- separated! ages- met when- tilth plioto? wae taken am Portugese Iul'and off Macao 'air China Coast,. showing: Philippine Clipper winging over Macao Hothouse, Qlkfest light on; China Coast during; recent flight of Clipper from. Hawaii: to? Ear East.. It to common knowledge that chop suey to not a real Chinese dish; but am American product. “Chop? suey to ptoih ‘hodge-podge' in name an<f fact,” says Leong Gor Yun, a Chinese (in. his interesting book on Chinatown, ‘‘Chinatown Lnside Out.”) “Ita. origin^ however, to anything but ordinary.” explains Mr. Leong. “Tm 1896 Li EEung-ehang. a great Chinese statesman, toured Europe and America. Wherever he went he was . feted. A week before his arrival in Chicago*, a. wealthy Chinese merchant prepared to give a banquet in his hon? pur; The merchant impressed on. his cook the fact that Li. Hunq-'chang. be­ ing an. officer high in the imperial court, had ’ tasted .dainty dishes of - every kind, arid -that something un­ usual'must .be created to please him. The cook taxed his ingenuLy. arid when the rim? came served a s'-e-'-i-ii dish Cor Li-chang , alone. Hi-s Ex-ryl- ■ lency enjoyed it so much that he vio--’ lated: etiquette. amT’asked his Ihof-i. t'ct name of the dish. The host asked the cook, and rhe Cook. Cor lack of fancy names, or becarse ail fancy names had been used before, said ;Just tell, His Excellency that is chop suey.’ and tlte fame of chop suey spread, with the feme- ot Lil EEung-ehang..'* have- been eating, chop {since,: “Brit/' adds Mr. Leong, Gkrsh to 'Irnnfan Mode is off ths dnaonatinn® wliiMh wiili adlii coiouit to* the* streets- on. the nnute off toe* (farottattibnj processiom am May m have been. ereatecL im-a ward! lielhngjngr to tike1 VPestminsteir (dLondiom) Corporation so> that nieni- ben® off th e- Council’ and! atoeir affMalk may gain: some idea of How they will! appeur.. Tlito ■areiiiteett cftoseii) by de* Council to pi an its decora? tfionn; is- G~. Grey Worndim. This; picture- shows decorations for lamp' standimdk. "it no more resembles the original dish (made of $I00-a-pound. jasmina tea. soaked in (boiling water for days until no re a. ifaste is left, then mixed- with finely chopped: chiclten),- than hot water re­ sembles tea," - . Unfortunately chop suey is the only dish Americans know as Chinese." adds Mr. Leong. “In China I was sur- prised at being asked’ by some Ameri­ can; soldiers where they could find a chop: suey house. When I came to America and ftom coast to td> the Gulf of er surprised."’ The former to New York recalls an anecdote. Mar got Asquith—the Countess of Okford —tells of her tin “More or Less About Myself.") . - “The Queen of Spajn said ro me one day last year when L-.'was sitting next to1 Her at a- musical party.' says Mar got, “that site was convinced from the way° she had observed how long elderly foreign women kept their lov­ ers, that looks were merelv a good introduction. I replied that person­ ally I valued, appearance, and would , like to have' been beautiful. as T was certain I could have made a good job of it. I thought it a mistake tor nurses, and. governesses to say that beauty is but skin ieep but the skiri- is what you. see first, and I think ii is a Sign of stupidity not to care .tor clothes." Lady Oxford relates with glee how at the fashionable Ascot races a ‘‘fine Looking young man mistook her for ’ j£trS. Arthur Sassoon—r“one’ of the most delightful women 1 have dyer known," Which reminds her that Lady Constance' Leslie, “who was ex­ ceptionally good looking,/’ had’, once t been'taken for a very, plain.and welb known1 lady in society. “Yon have made a mistake,” said - Lady C.mstane\ •'but I have; prayed all iny'life that Cod should make me liufrible. and today, lie ha? answered thy* prayer." W.itdi,' •»iiilHiruie ceromonips? ® new pulilitr short: anti was- presented fxrrlie CCJ.it? off Ilnnrtnm, mr St gifh Chuff; tfiicr 13 knife off IShgUmtil at tttto Tivoli' curnejr off ttlhr- Biui lk. Quit rjirrtiiitcr slirrws- ® general] view off rite- (terenxoinifto. showing Siir' Bhrujy Uirivraitt. Lord NG&crit off Eondbriv tordl Mbntugrii SRn- mam. (&X*’6iyim! liff tte Btrnlfe of? EhglhntH. - , , . . ■ , , , Already Junior ( ’brim pion <i >.T -ait| e- usui of Sonia Reniijt. Olympic Skating <-!i:i:npion. p» act ices for to-h< omr.m .meet at indoor rink th London; ' ( iaaM8Mt«ttnasMiMi«te