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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-11-19, Page 2
.?■ r ■?: bi lit. |. '.’! r, ■: ■ ' :: //' ? ■; v-..'c-' ': -I'v. " ■•. “ Woman MP. SaysBr t.../ ^Wj.ini-nnutjSf j *„•" -r . • '. ■ .*SL By MARJORIE B. PEREGRINE .The ..Ett^fite-jpefigfl© atte’it '. tested 3in -tee IKfajgfa gnwttte a'Wf» | nam'd tfa matt dfacpffp teem, ©icciirdmg to iWRffip Itrene Wiamd, ®ne tee attne ■women yrihp.tet fa. Eingfandls Stoase __ w _ _ _._ ''©if Commpns, wte©t& 'wtateag fa 3W “It^ true, asrftt at? Yarn WfaWU Yarik mad os ihtterraewed by’ 4fe«D wafat to many me ©Ufa wmfld ywn?',}11™»«-f tenMNew Ytek Snn. a?Be! ^. yOT sw=«-«» tomXwwT^Sir«ac , .ftimmfag iteiha fa ■ {England 'tofasy,; 3pg me wo&ld Ibe a stepdown,” •Leila was shocked. ©an youT she exdhinjed. * ■ ---It -T 71,-(.'■ . . •■■''■'' < 1 '■' ': ‘ >1 - Isa it r ~ •» Says Stirnihis ' , Result of ®am‘ Twe^SsnmiiflMr Sujs Rew Off 1HM©)bj’’!5 Gnotts Unn G©@4 He* “^Suetsess ibecomes fee said. ■ih5|y, -as *thidy sat te a ^qinei ®atmer iin an t1” ‘ *■“ “*’* “ 3 ine st ihas iphanged y®srr . idea ,W” . • "‘What do yon ;TThe tease ■xT'Im' virace’ frigSzttoiea ligila. inEan, yon^re- 'ithe’ toap.^ aEny S2id snnply. “TTrajn where yaa iar® it’s ea^ytoto Idk idowi) said ^nek End >chopse your wen. 3 Qove you, !> efffa, IjKhen yon were jfflhDlibdy, tniarflage to me woidd 'have been a step -up ’tor-yoib-'O^S' iffiEEerentt''®iow. Stony- 163 ©attain.:—-WoPrhinll OTioilfsB jpamltetHS ntfsoaittly tee ‘'^ufatemm^gHEsitt’’ tee- urrffi mitoKuwwwil iijy. ffjwnil- Twsfudvmillfa, (fflfBTgfWTTmrrJitomigntnTl off ©miHflh. wfa> (te” idtmiwi '“mj!’ few off tee ©ifflHtt W- tem® fa litotody 'araai® .teelitBry annfl rnqmrrTBjr gxeifae.5” „ . h Hffiritoriimai Fifaws®- (Diafag wfatt te tesmtesfi ass' “4n ate tfflhrriVqgfann sote to iBliUBOHtt ©WS15F ffinnD- (aiss ltafetoafafill tfigjnfa-” ILoKfl Ttomate- nnfaf toffiB ttte BssibII ©fate®® fa ffttofa- (rihiiTO qnpfjl Shgngffitma fa ©tofan:: '“Wtorit fa teems famous teJWtSB (ffiifl ■ ttlhte‘. \wfflirfe mmiBsir ©ravs® irhysHhiiill fann- iffitaBgre fair reflate ttteto w©® m® imaiffi- (£©11 ufaifa. “-Ywaii Ihfa JJiu15mk ©tesiiii Awiite Item ■ . • mwstoatisiufi '® “ihuiW’-- Ysw tetfl ^bfirajtt ffilniKte" ywisnUT © fpnihfiuU s&to dhuofneHe. feu hail ©mmrrefa) ireiiifli m® ue .feim fa isTjUitrai ttnwi^iite. W<eui liifa VSTafiltoir Scott ' reihlh '®alffl Siam?®-”' \.. ’' . fae sniifl '.uii) llitte ‘toirewHncw’ fa Air- ©ttiih, bi® ailfl ' ffiitefa. tefl . Union te'dit?’ ffinfa' wiaw © ©fall ittinnilmitt ffimfl ■ hiidiuHiif. liwlff liiis. imsjMiuMhsin iin. Ifaiis cotefayttfa wtaiHEim?1 e«njlirittsi .-im Ajt- . iBiKtti' ilny fa ttte ijeatr • te woei fajrihg- gffiiTi- <-cfa ttte’ tom? y.iitoi irhhi '©mfl sixte- dAtt- -nite- sninie tomfu. liwreicresr. ILmnil 'Twtefemiuttr (WiniiteH-iizsll hsfa tefflifa. . 1 ttltet viriHite1 lJ©fa myaw Itafa tt<® tgenius, mKiffitiite lite taoisgjktt ■ liMonnaifay © ‘faioar jgnifa” li® ■ awmyir' ® nBWfa fa ttte jyrpiw sf‘ ‘D sr ifcmtffis (reihiiih. im ttte ■ ni&st. .'MwrarwiEasifa “teane fa ttte terifa wfaft: fa he wteidli teto fa axfaifa ©m.fi ntemgtav”' . ., ' (Esises ©nrirtecan- 'i „•«Wfofa m©v;. te' © sffiimhlitet to.ttte ’ imilifl.’’'' te*_ sKaill. '“flictt iitt fa acaiJite fa . atotfiEsiam ©mil te’.wiiiflhtni.'nft. fa Ihiinss ttte' gHiisjiOTttrare. idtec mo® ttte scthjs aft' iptermuten ©mil (fifettiuittr «urn Ik:"-. .■n,.<rtP. 7jT w® .k:hb isfa- ufa fa fa. gEfaitep "Ite ■ reiEsf Snr . !'b . mmrea Itetel hj'rtitenpnr. xafl. ©, sente ipsismsfttiia®?’ I"."ikiteir- .teilSr fptehteite.--toffoyv.te ; itihrit ^he wnfaid. teSifme ste weht fiutoo jidSfics, te a ipnrtef® ste tetany- ,■ She fcnu®® ttte nndtetpr wdH- ssxd tes auafie a gwtt&Eritar sttudy fa sifote site ,®5SB gfttehgfl on 33SUL Tlte siteme fa am®, dte escrilatoBsa, <®fa3g®- ®d if© ttlhe Snihstay Ate ?4te- £tels ttihntt. uftmi texdtel. wffll' ten® , ffit tfibe ? nrihier {by' fawreassfag ‘ fats ■yegges fand' tgikiing item bfamter ®m- •jdqymtet Jfifas -Wate fa’ -Butt"in ttte fatet ' by iSSr ©swulld Mosteyfa Htedk Stettss, mor by ttte (jCtemswtete ““Ultey ,'aaire, teflh bte ssaifl.' S9fa' 3s <ewmi sisrpfassd’tt© ffind tfflfat tote?' Elack ‘ ISterte tew. imadx. Yonlkfa' ifiwxrit, pages. ' !Ste tefera® titett toteir ©attics ©ire llatjgbly ter jniS>- 'Ificfay?—toihgit tttey teUd-. titeffir nneete^; ©ady fa tttese jpHan® where tttey Ikmoww totene faffl te some meaitthfaj— tear totey .©£©11^". IShp © goad fatttfa gt © aneetofag. . Bitt sthe (doefalt ©snfamer tohem © paifay amd mmfti Hess © imen- tee.' “THhey .fasit fateafU fa^jaritaasV'’ ste Ute' OBnumimisfa, ton, ©me - ■ ®Kss Waamd fe‘/tagwreiW-. » tern gnjIBficwsn. . Wlhen she was atdfced wind * “^Soit tomorrow, • JenyL 1 tesftt inurrry you tomorrow!?” ‘ . 'Where Ifaadirfit .■ Iheeri ispy *; sihe tohopgfa <iff tote trecento IteaffBues tefas. Jerry wteldsTto have totem. Ete' 'fa ®»s (corastiy intent EEfag BBdroaffifl setotfed tohenr- scjiper. <ctedk, famr8tod <and 35ms. Sm^pspn, idte En^wssred, her fate in '^•vi.' paid tote <dterer, ^d laifiter severa3 imometes <of df^teratem sent ter home aUone. '{I bo Songer surprised, ait saw-. EtHrufag with the' fatteSJieHS ®ff • toteng.’” 1 ' , fcis tecitem, 'tela stepped ©nt ©if tee } (Que - ©tf - tote seutets ©to temocraty tetol <elevstor — too ©motto tecs too ‘ fa iQnento tefaafa, iWs? Waird' tetes’^S» - tees lofab Chass ^tey.' WWj ’a ’ «kF tery, Lola rusted at .fam. I tote toact” site steL,‘4<test ttite, tend off •, ■1<^Get ©ut ©f ■••tereT’’ ste choked, tote stoto, who fa tote Kfag, 3s <b£ub- ihanamerhig wildly toSt' fas ctesL ■ -j-jfatohy (divorced ffirotm poBitiics. 'IHtere- Oiase, knew temporary . tetoal (wre (dissatofatectem wiitoh tote igwenn- witein fa. saw st. Better too' tetreeit, ‘anesst idoesn’it fatortoere wisth tee ireall. End fiHght agafa. He hacked Jtoward " ” tone-btecatms. - ■ MAKE SOME TOT A PRESENT OF TUB ' CTDIKK TOY, SAYS LAURA WHEELFR / f ■ i t- imritifMijp- toff toe- (iwtostoy-. Th nit, 3 fae- Uieye, fe 'ome ©if lOinr igreait ©tsfas.’” ®er >fommrila. tor toe tpreserretom ojff democotey fa'sdteall Ifa^totom ©md mo - wair. . Thfc ibitode-Siaiired, tfeeen- <i^ed, 3fi^year--fad.. woman prifitojmh- ital&ed '.wSto ©eatetol (te'Hiieifamiiess snl toe faibhy aft toe Stotol 3tow Wofafism, .’wihere ttoe 'wiiSJ ^6gy nmntl31 toe .^nesn. 3da^" tokes ter Ubtek. to Hh^lsaid im .Stoveihter She fa © (Cteserwfafito-r- a progrefafa®'©te. 1 A® ©Sasses - ““8 teteve ijn {patente temtergirfae;’” toe smd. ■ Burt fa sesns to me torit. a' fave 'dteaici^ey srtet imetafe fad oflasses «k toe tcammEhity^ lEteigr sec tom "must ifitel tost it- tes smtettepg wixito iprestesipg. Hif warn texie sa ©up- tontod .meqpte .yomr cffitomcreis? ' fa soinht'” * '. . ''.'■. Stos'. W©ite ■ (Climes tfitom. ua intel immmg ©inti toiphmiffimg icanimujiitty.. She irepnessuis 3OM® -neagde iin ttte fapnraniggh (off WfaDteehd-auteTwie, “ttwtiiito yoc fin tofa. ©oisHfiy ..will irememher,”’ toe .said, faas. toe ipte®. -tatere toe' Stamtettarnia. ifaas teiitt?? ' ; . 'A gstet-faisw aft' Site mttoteis ad' ter manfastoetey m® rntel aniners air wrtekers fin toe to^teijidipg'’ yfawfe. And ste tefe«K. toht toese 'tepplle toblild - 'te jgjsien snmp <rtf . vwlhnit s4hp tells toe (COHterys [pliKms. Wteu tofl^ (Esnne to ’iter, muse, far to 3^ (tfiSBce 77-tas to®y fao lessry tone she fa fin Wfalfaend— ©tosng fasr iiff tSb^sz ussjj 'gdt am (edntetoan tor QSfifa Bhiiiw axr a-jjto'tor teg Benny, she. w©aiis fa te '( fable to tfiesSl ttifaem togf.togy' ten~ I. .fa. imgHBttentt. to jgfaeES totse faefapte tefitor teitopg jirog rains, tetttor'tealto services, san. tfcaaeutom 'Off equal asppammifies tor ednsafiun ■ mid tor .®sxto?g ifc-aESTsfeare ofif toe "■ ■ fatenffl ®ff tfifa tetetry,” ste said. . "U, (do mte todl tote H,. wste Hast® fal-wgys ■ fagfl. ifise rrfatTwns If ■ TtHgrilfry mtewrefl . fin | Iffifa. <Esn ftjstore & ^graanp odr gjemte • I fate> Iks®® SkiiMMfaj irefal' miwerty mod '. •{ say. “^Sfato tor me tor toe @atel. fat toe (Ctnnstagc’ : 3 imngt m^ag ■ tosm tofal tost toe rprugifain oif aep (pas^y •will realg- mman smtefiteg in toter owm.' Sites.’* Hi fa tor iter gnal' mntetts, .ton, tfifat" 32fas Ward !tas teen “CTefaeSy tefix® ; . i f T” toe helfteas. Bdt ttitene fare \ toe icaSte ttfoe "(exitinHiBe Sfintalites,’” too fame sttminigar.,, “Uff we toohlfl te ipfansgad .iretfatetoly ante fa meedfess Wss Wfamifl'sseiifl. ““iflhasri. I. te- tfete, ttlhstt ttte .ffimmlhitomts ®ff <fie- tmosEiity. to®hIU1 imlteed Ite todtem. .jtetfl iin tfitett ei®rit„ H too matt tatw reihatt wisuiM tegsgisn. HtowitMoh. U Ute. Iferae’/iSt wwoiltd te tmome IHkeiky tttett Ifite. testtmeme SooiElfidfc reiMilld ttrfe csattotoJ tfham ttifcfat ttte Bladk- ShirrttsR WWfald.’*’ ■ Such fa ^estitoii ms ifieminism,. tfite' mumfewr <toF wosman iin BmhlimiTyto ©ml! trite jpantt TOsnuan. jjdlgy iin jirijiffiils; snyrm (EO I bar irnttter ttirntfllijft^g mi tnwrqppiriHwm too ttfloe jgwato terne ad preserwiapg (fie- imoQKaxy- . .. ■ -.■_'■ "‘S mn n® ffiemjosj^t,,'” 4te said. ‘“©ff 'course, 3 stesdd fee hiigj^g? to see I’rnmwp nritet | (mitwwn ftn fftatffameitt— bitt mitt am CirH"n> mwwflnm faaStfaten.’*’ SJte bmseQff was sdtented by Iter jwnfijy to jrato" far affifinse pEtttflJy Ih®- icwitop yrfte wrens © wrammn aautd tee ©iffi- sematot® Bartty msefad to be niejpne- ssmtoiil by onia® waten. . She fcail/lteto wwfakfajg far in nunm- her toif yomas- utaitifr gjiilteiians Iteffon® she tfeijgtt mam far ffifSffae Iteiseiffi. ■ Ami tfihfa tee ffoxute^ bi to© aaannfaghs ■ bffifai© tee wins, (tentett, ay iin gtoSitiics seem I ■ ...4— ■ •■-■».■ " Torae . fti^ferf <fc ■ Tirozs. f ■ ’ ^ ^ . . ’ ■ Asc saiin ©s (chlil \wHitther Ihfa^fas- tfiOFysffl ttte ' gnaaan wigfttattiam mpte.: (j^dsidh aniice amifi naalkiiiite toe ii,, 'ttlhfjy rcmllll te fai&fag adtaewteto ter shffiirii-. writ, ffinufi. 'Sfamg ffirte ttases ©nie fa ■ Jbmqgfir, ©Star . titeto gjfahs 'teiu; amffl? tftetofl. ttte fail^y' tenlk. ©a® nietefa afan'-gjatfite © (finton-.tattffis fa © (fay imtew; gntaernttimis ©to token ' tto gnffi- wht fa.: fffofrftte; ©Htodk tfceaBs .tifatt ©me ffiranh teto yeaaiT to bixi vwinns; bld;; wMfe tnfine fafato atoes ©ff uray ©ge-’ ffit' fa tetitor0 amfl arnnfti (dhefigier to gnatedt ■ttte three taunite'tfBis-lFmffl- ttihian to tiny4i to. sssre igrrflit'd threes. Spring Sy fanidge g*raffintog. ^o^e9 Stood OUse Btor Wftornnnn Tea inhere fa m® num© faoaiEffiod wiitegH? iin mritmn rlhnm HffiiatmntRiim iim IBotennouslb- i&re faiies . fflnrau tfite Snfttto ’hmfaar.' Zfae ccamniit gstit ra® «ir 1 Stem BaKciEntteii liSF n®fai< Sot to© mtatfil Hine apile lare sn’l jpHiimrig- ni'pETT ■ toheitf? fa ' in® ghilh •fanfl m© ©fairtoh. Wlhensroar ih (to fa :,ire0Ufasd. Ite (nomes u.® tote wffl iin a ^jeciailfe- idtentReieid (fingme.. Sin___ tofan^i EiicBEirKH® fa a naamstee fafa (HE itnmhiniHiir jjimflMm aft tote IL, is; Iff! g?.^ aahfi (toll Unit time aft- iifa nunte ite liaffiitHHa wotok am tote iraafavaey. Hite ■pffiffqyriwir fa tote sdhoriimteter. ©n Snnfi^s tote gjstegfe ie-e titoten W •dhmttfh urffllterr iin 2SteWEtefite ism fay ‘gyteiril ttstoim. ttaawtel. Sirese Egmqpr tote ssiteiiirnnteBr. 1D|]6b Ste toirninmrEH«BRr fa ome off tote nnostt ijngpnte- aantt gtsoffte tin tote wiiliEgse;; Ite fa adfao gmEttunatoter,, HEsWsEgEftet,, innfl © aainmim ofi tfite ^R3JIkhs ffihHL Un whiter few teinijugwre, an® asean, ■ Snr ffijinramfen fa aitoten Sour air lfisee fl&seatt (itegt iin ammrc. irnftti- wenenfaMte aiSiifaan, Wir iin fate duress tfite Htttttor Ite afipriOttd tt® . “ffitann iff ite <nfflpftite toftte' to ttte atofTcunte ■ finrtt off ttte retoffl.’’.’' ’ ■ . Lfflifl ITwtoifeTmrifr,. ‘farmvto ttatth me fan liiiHMJjiiHir fanfi rusitelistL. n®®eii««{ti ltetnnifaiw feUpreteiap) iin apteteme fanll jHuiiseiw iin (lainiPEnTy wiitlfa !--ir. Hfefey (OteiirttiiEin. ffitereS-, [ptt-Hfeesnr afi Bfateir fat ffiarwaarfS Ofemisity. Go Wiesi^ Go&f \ Ste terrtehs tote faatea-s, Abd fays tote Sners sfe®ght. A 3KHD SB. 'CESS^BEBt faSCgy ____ ____________________________ _________ 3s. tthl^yrmg toifa ig^e, „ ■ m ^Eramteate a 3farm o»r ..y ■ riammfl- ste exjfafaed. gigt itejwte sleeps gg&mte -q^ was tfite ite I—— .. I '“^tester fear, my tear wcste. 3W {tetter, yon tagain. Ann when 3 ofca. -it 'will'ne'tpteit&ir?” l' Ai? tote*, fagfat, fate tSnsed Mfr^Fp- ’ fatejy ’ Ste, ted So jght igwagr Sreim ; Otese. WSfay.'! ®e wtelteX ©S’ ©umse, ••dare .tetter .ter 'st Sffi' supper oih&. ' ■. wotefalt 'dare jeopardize tote temnw •lif ter toncimm fand fife foltekrnml. But ste ted So ®nd aa anew ijtere too X'we—® bfalSB ®D linifa- .3fext atermng, ste m&iii. igpatt- unsfii famfipg. -She f&nmis amae ste li .-— ** ■ •• ■ ta • **- ■■- ■tJ>- ' - i>*hs- • ! “UiB ntntee iin Smmmtew,,’” ste Sdid The tezsses .fall their ’fastor, • The jinehs dead .and dim, "The' .fa^» Sght spates teehfa , And teteis ^faer 'ttm, . 'wlhah* ^te in terrEr <hfalfa fan- .tere, ('‘Lest. Trimfag facm Tte saufii ■ >S&e lose tote -fete sfiB tremifa^ • Tjpte her jfaidfid meoafii ; t- . .' • . .... f • t 1 ) *,« m 1 '*»)«*&» * Phillips’ -ga *■ irons y AgEXttB .4? I ■ . ■ ■ . ©» retet. woMifig reannan, ©nw num ® ■. . hhf«u) i!©mdh, uistt;, Itennil Mfas. ffifailh- ltem Stetem ait Hfefete. Wnilttete. fanfaB neaeaitfily.. 5 " " "IK's mitt ® <ci®55y iiflna. D intean flit’*’ . ttte tEtttnaafffiwffi ssfOTtehAi-ttresEteiesr off tfite ISOtetHnH Wtnri] ffiiawoafa’ fifiraoarite tfiinn Iteaitefl. ..(1 ... . .... . -..; "iniiKtoHiflta;. H (fftettjUHttin . fall (SOin^g wTinnHn. Unn ttEffidirg fall uit sun® fat ttfarffle iirfelaigeitt, wfalteipiffllBafl esEEEtt- i; (rirtn anfl^Be wkuhesh. rate Ihr-nijiuii ttb Ite l!jjtet njuam ttmreaff. far reth® fare sadkfeg h mn ihterefttfae oiarehr. reiifih flmffte. I j “fl tfiiiiiik © liitt off tfiteam amrilfl anmre; jamt Itere mifi nndte.©. ®d aft fatefap .. ■ TJEinriiiifiE.' ILrtfa off Xffanteraa reamrah II 1 sare (flnnjg ill aonfi liifciipg iff..’” I SEre. SSiriteHifa istHcandfe fahnw mum- I asrpiffi .WinteuB reoanmn '«ui< ,'tetilwfato’ : miEaiBne nmnifii pi%npBittiiefi. “fanfl (&» © 1 thmjiHup Jiiin off itt. turn:*’- site sfaffl. ! "Steatite1 -mw tmrnlten- reiill- miimit. iff I J5<nu pirere ftjim. ttite Itife reifie .ife ttte Ihifaite? aft ttte anpffiL” 5 ■ FuataS T© Wmr. EeskA fflhr 3» jjeanrs tfite Waaimsh off tfite JEirigbs Boitejgfaattil, whw fare uastfiiiGOG smgmaifannptiiire ;ute reaitpeuiifa, limte {teen ffimoMaii fay' [fagfafattuns ta> wear ttearfa. Alimnftt fall ccff tfiferm Itete fafitej- affimgteSinnF aee retell, aanil fa®- crfaiEEte IteHKte mfate tfitem ltedk rriWte;' lifate gBafateBHiifite fftetjifiiinEad tfite to fallow tfitem to teteree. Suipgg ffijH- remiril fare faratedxdi to tfiteir .nwqptete- There fare fateitty off aifitecr smv- ysfasE iin \vnnwiff gmite off tflh_ wnrilil relfaifa still! ' rampiiire faaanite to Ite . wonni.- UhifiB fa fahnitt toons fagn tfite if.’B tmaaniiteff (ennihsaiil Un tfite HHum- ^aiifan IfaWBi (Ghanilw oh Htefaitefat wtere atrjrppjilteu to [taare/ftteaMfe aanil inmifitorltes, Ihiit mow-togy, toip, nn^y fahare. .-SirtB 'retanatilte' (Gnmmrte ''fatten IXiteirp. {Stepper faf fthJiiiit nterffnrny iin fheriiT'mfaU, tiajgHn ;a aairrptejgn fagatett fonuTfite. 'Tte IBjitoib ^teajy ite fa tenwifeie ttte: fahnwE faenfate. hutt airily re-tih ttifa^jFirniwsinii aiT tfite aaflttito (ttf’ atafa to ttte tthfw fare to- tom. IJJumte to*-. ’Wt fa liifitlte Iiitomte wjh- falnretet. mrdi tfitette wretre . ffiniir ..I'afarii'd! ’iijScato . tfite llito ■liuhpE’ 'terror, tonrefa; ^mrthi. '.-ftiugujtluw . Iblhh fL.h.. ©ml: (GmH. Wiliutettomh i; tth fatten- i(tto"r relhn ftetermpiniteB ‘toe .tru-nfa? BiJLff..(Qime^BiWhnv *'.’■■: nn»:--nfatto -small qpymriahy aft ffhmr fafar irtohrntp SeSA fa. ofateteJlys, nnittnms lunfil toU fa ntefl-, ffhmr Ifrmitor fato ©mgrernffifl .•prrgPffll fioitfi rpHIS amfi thrite rrtf Ttefrit OttEe rfamai fa sfaw axwen. Etegfa fa 23^ (fag. E. send ©Saer -®D ifainitfasB iimtosoaste tedt . (fSS> (fag; IE.)) aafa tefa 3D msTmtes ~mrgTPT. TEatmmte Stem (faeil rprnfi nrrxmrtt gasn ter H Hunfa, (inr ufafil aolfl.. ' ' ' Utec 'waesSfa Winuxar ffiafafa EFfa $ ongs ‘tesefitess uMMhBt, U% ougE muBfa wsaston, % oixg) stegar. 22 toiiie- spiicns aft ©rnnfatmafa'll ttfatemnim ifannm nihfa, 3 ttfafa^phuxs Ifannm fame. Ondk tefaite fa foriilfag wfaer ■far ;5 miniites. Sfit sugar xwiifii annm htardh aanfi hfar fata toiritn infafture. (tfafe (irritii tfiiifa, aaftfl ”®mnn tori! liasfl. (Gnril. fftpnr fatt® gfe gfatte- lfaesfi wnifih rafaSe. (Gower wifih tagi anustt sand fodte fa © fait anttil ftnrnwm. * Wamfar Chfae n ang) off mjgar, % aum off fatter. (Ei<p aft sour mriilk. U% ougis ©ff ffimtt. Il «ng> (dhqppeti toiefas, 3 ®®g?>, H ttaen- ■mifnn aft sofa, H temgHrnn off annfa- mnm, % teatgiuon off irattmeg. Hhfee nwim^twR.. Srimg. ® toifasgrooiffi off-fafag sigfar aand-3 .totitegmoTHR nnff rprwJhawR fattote:. —IEfapilH IHrtttt, (&m ffiL HfidL HUR. 4L IJtofafafa ■©&£. . ■MRjiLM«yjaMlT} . i®Pe ■wudl Efay ^EDLIUD am gfadlifafixm far dte fasti: mfarn uaxmse <2®, gfa, afafee hr gnasfiry® nfaiph 'ntEtetesfl. ■ HKSJW W ItJrtlffiQE OBSlIffiSSir EPIhindty wfito <nr gnfat omit -tfite iin- 'gprefifarifa tefl ttefiteB-andl rasidl iit tto- Igrtfiter tmifih tmniM* faifl arifitesi far: SHoutefaftil Sawnne, Hteum 4J2H, 723 )%fatt hfafaife Stefa nanante. * ShiMAs liiw. ft®. nazatl dliManmT ttamin ikiaii&uTOiiinig/'stt a ^lanut* ijBj PS*-? mSOrpl tWl 1^8 tfl nin "WbSt / li —- ' f . ** - - ■■*-*1 t ■ HtSiygi 1 vw..-' ■ ’ “Hid moi® fa ttor - ; a^HB rex&Htff a^geitLr ■ t UThaft apjwrifag1 dfrap 'jjntj -•| wondering ® .Ihaay wpl Ji«ened fa fas 7*“. t______ ___ ; ■23IZ?Ejy .IK WDliMr JiUttUB /pnw 'wofad itet Iter tell hnn tote.ttmth. ■ (■’tens ■dr'essfag when farnritefi’ on tohe door <sjtd ■ can® fa. *'*rfSay. fad.'”1 'Sfadejyn began, “litet teliow yon had bfe medt '.hast fa^itt teHed pp b .'date tsdife nmon. H®w shorn fa* Sfeal’ 3 fate fa?” ' ' ?The tooth swEin h^ore 'Lofa’s *^yes. ' • . .' <Tr» 3*-1 f oryihuec)) I %» sasmo iwiiKE *jtiOT.tt xapfi chcrrsces ot. b ^.Inssi —r. ‘■m&7 teac *r, • IPnettmania. , A ■ pwftfae faad* ’ up' .ctt tow toahlfapbons rtf ffieraa -ahd ©.to^&spottr. rft ffiifatord WEmgg •mar/fc'fiei rfautes. . ffit remowfig '■MjfaesttiOT -and heafe .faifannitatoiim—■ bhitorerihg. ••nang'ft 'tote ’I**3''"'© ^iir^.rrer*. ;? F.oic cy a*s.—£;,< . <"7 ,. Ir. fietere ciatek twice ' -dapy. all drug- 3 he and ■ ® ( ** ■( r •> 1 A>‘ Mh firilfiig l|p —------- -- I fee tHatettfite;, FHtefph®r—j ILW ULajT®BX. | | vRapw, ^•’ts ssr tji*. , 1'Tr MB Tterre b 'mrfmmWr '> (fPoitsiK .-ann 'n«TnRis» -ftirmuMiK. -nnB -Btunttir . tttax wlli' 'him. ffrihK -TdUr -tree .-ynassi* -rnAttat n«l&r»ns= .'anti arffH ithstt rtrw rnnw 7tu .imstr." '-vittf. nturtiniute tth itrneae )y*»ixi .-mtt , ©. iv.’. pAittrw: «{» 'ntte nfcttt: ,. -' hist: 'HSfc "miir 'rl-stetfitt ffifr faun Stettin • ‘ ‘EiHsrftem 'Cl. <Csnm6s*-4Bm. wstns -aitH t$sr. ;rnnx) aasnivn^-rti^ir tom uiHEritem -tn i£tw. ©anil totter -tyrmnwmF >ti wiedfe. i«tttrWT» iam\ Wts^ttet; ififearitter terre- inttWtunre -iw-; 'tip -iirttinm. fttMJtt rpdn&s 'hUTri'tns nt viirft* j flfsesra^ife. /; 1 TJUr MREFWWnD CsO^&izIk^rii ' Shim' . OOdhfifeSLW.. nfFV-. .■-..*». .ffldKtOliw 1 FABNEB BO? <£^ ’iettt • . farnwn mettimiii i mett. :ir tihr Hjritt-tf! ' .toiittte- -.vai- ffirr IP.. V?.-.. SitBircE.- <ih' BltfL : ttdir,. Sw. Ynik. ’.vhtn ■we? farm <w. ■hfarnvir I??a [SI; rnrrntt 'daiU- :n. 4is- .4 , metotd ^rrwliw :naar/- r£r ■r,ir-(wr«>r.-uH<rtr*. irrnuar*t/frtrtt r<*«» taws; ant n-'i- -mir. s t(!tr JlSfUVW. .}'■ ..... Effifa.iw, *. <'Jr: .J’«r .IT ;'**•■• 11 'trim ta? • tvm. '-mu.” nr<r now ■si'£mnin.w.‘ rn/t <>'.1 jartil ttrirvlt.. .. jr •TTwrivr’'- )r-!7. .aptt* .K«u«. i3‘. “I sata^ii. S; ...................... •<- ’,6'tt*T ’JiNttt-^l-. »rrc.. hL a tfrrn .ftirrtt- r»uitt.. ’rnrr—t t. ""'hnr' rrCt iJrr+nJttU it "" r.' , -fr-. ■ ■"r*U-- (T*r.rC citTTs'trav*. rr, -■cm- dr'C-t/m-*' in‘fa ■Htr-t)- ’■ITU’.-- d(T(i: 1 -W- 'fftr' w A rtmi n>, 4.» ,lutHt.fjj iBiriffiiWHw niy. ta t-;,.-! tHiinr dnufa. tfihrjj ;h«< *• •■!{(,<>. 'ibmt.q.' ;«-<{■ tinvfuirlk: dim- 'iir-.itc if*-tom. tonht rfeiporfe fihlll (iff. nrr«s- ('•■(III.!',-' ■ ' ■ ' ' •totfr -,^‘vrr ;T(» lhnw-< rn« >Hrrn*ri ,r fi-’-'cne-r iC'i.gr ■it .into! ny, fjiHwnjjj .'nnfiu-r , tfiru'fff- - wlrani ii’tii '*!r<<>r itiyulJ* puvufa'riH* ■;ri‘ []lip- I'l'.'iap/lgt’n <* - • A. /