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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-10-29, Page 6
& J®® tto n Tfeey ttdlil mte (DWSS SHJnKSJHI HSJUHTESSS O&irnEW- to'. sa be Ife-xy IfefeeBtott feer tteiuteHy. ‘‘Hto ggiaii aw uss» Unite’,’ fee soup, te His’ dtew, tiMiliiijg vvdest. ;‘II lln'ee''sau;|! ■dtepBsri:” . ■ ■ Site wceitt iiurnee tiitet nigfex ;iiu ® Htnnrs. H dbtettwant sb ssiuget sfeailmv am tfeepi^’ \ ‘‘H^.ntgeife sa mipxeseittiUw tticree. SE&Ssb sanding; mte” . i. 4<®h, Jfennjy.- Him san gjfeil nw jjicu?’ Tills Sikdenis To View Fu- I Tiarpid — Gtw&s . H?^.-■Oaia-ir^i “H fenmv. oIEte tetase nuaisgsex. tiftirik <£&xnl is iin Hate wtfeHi Hinn’.” **5Ehte® tite edterp. J. , “' wfeese H wfeufflnbdl yynii. (Caxiil wuuife- mtt feeife^ep goan Hiaiiriti saisyjemiii -mjy fetter. V^fer. diimiti ywu??*’ “H—H cuwIHria, ILdla ffefereeB. Bt ■was ggrimg ttolte lhak&Brtfean sate t&aigfet, telling Hiim. k”Sanilll unreal Sfa^iwinte, Jhsns*\,” " ' ” “Hfergive geau wiHstf?*’- Hfetm fee Hteffi um His feanfi tto step Heer aaisveer. *®fc. dtoiif tell mee. SHmttwigritt. Him fetehgr Snr (Ghteag© iin ttoto litfclfe li^ite off Itemrihess. ffltesee Wditoj,' ss8am«il itor awasi, SSitoHi sa’ff wimti sfee cauiBl fi-xnm Hear ssihim}' artel ggte ® diixnixee. (Sir obuifii site?? SSte weem top ssferr \svxnftexnig. ante wcdte iin tote nitete Sfgiirbeiete. (fhti afi tite gsasU Wii&yss vvtest! fete5 fetoten iiirto Hair resanss. ’’Wfeaiteaf sum lijece iit <nr note, som.aaoee no®’ wto&£ ’’ j BSte Bta& weertt iiitto sa ^rmtenij;, ax^eer ifee mnfinjg off Wntoeffi fi (Gnniifissiniss wtete arg, festete ( uemmi^Bte. '. ” ' , ■ , .. |L t* —- ,, ■ , • .'. ’ ' ' -' ul' •• : '■ W’i.Ul 4.4.«®»3f- \TeSW- l-ULMS? <w. _',Uia'. COXILI tKp ilitts-s' SlMlWSaisaf: wutaj; . Hama sat jjn iterr steminn£g|-r dtami. Hteterai XE^<enji»uinmte -raiis'te nxrterEiirtertteKirtPris^ EIF^: n IE> ■ r&teteliy liuininingr” • ------xi_..——— .«s—-------------- ----------- ■ Site tetostoeH.' Xto amewatenesar. , .: motet ftogjteen^i, site list feessiix mm ' uip ante dxnvzr. tfee sssate. . ' . |*-- ’Hfete gftoariraim t$ste fenteteli txiniffi-: __ Sy am tite dbaar afi t£te pmSc maiEgtes: j offsite. EBh weetomteB' feer wiiii' sb ; smite ‘ ", . ,||' '■■ ' ' .• ' « “Wfeni asan H dto ffar xyni£?” ite sssk-w , •‘Wltefe sum Hite jit <w nostt, jjuui.arE? no®’ waSd!’ ’J j' . .“lEteb.y.,’h'*v;esi boerfeiteBii W.I& aafis nnteii .ipsfite ass yunSUe^ee tfiliss same- dte- ligbituil giege: a®: nesteterecq^;, atese yunlw1 tenitarititeteii lit itewass= ssxtite . ani giilbw- ear rhiteute. Kerites ai nasal gift! si^gaStimiL ttim. tor. tite earning: itali tfeyss. Uteitie^s^gractexiU k-ittens -ite wuoil. silfe ar cant an. abssi Tteyhte P" . esigy; ante ^.illttete VW®-littlte off youti'tijitegHdl ite most'' imxMteite wrieni > j' ■ iiiL-itesv mniee-tsil reagiireameiis;: illbsirfefiniss off alll ssitehe* neseihrty outer rliarnaaiiii.fe®.'. • . , . ..-<,.. •- . .' Ssetel. 2te cseiiBs no Stsxmjss or. ctein < eoite giWfentesli ffiw trite Etsxterixn- tto Meteileictoffi.Etegii.. Wiisaau Huinis’iiiig:Go.',,733 WtesiAdtohiuh Sit.-.ISonntte. glsiiiliy TAJSTHRM! MQZSHERi. y.-rarr MASSES ami: AQDIIESS:I “ffieasse’,” site feggfeetL ‘-K&a. <fef j Sxoy Wneentt tto giree me am sairiiii inn-’ 1 yWShte Hiaimeuyn ntestt, waniffi sivraays 'TT TEfe yifesssntr snu siiines an xSe Bills Jftite ssresm& scmsss iny bed; Gemniums^ op) the wtodbwrSilli AEree teiiomiiig; witetetete nedi.. H cstohi ai giimpse.:- aft c-hinmey-wps Aggxiiite rhe. tooraing stey. ' / te tfeiis- tto ite mj^gnsowiteifte ' ~ HmW ttte'dhy f teef live fhtendidiips;. books mid: . ■ ■ Sbivers. • ■ r 1 . ,. ; • A’ Si ssow the hunts- pass. Stoibng;; ft-om earfiy tjEWatte THU tite £bo®r iies.an: the -grass. TSte ssafifemsg’s nor sto rianj'. tE», basr-— p dto nor ennge ftonn psiii.—. BhK,® drssn Hordi. jjisr grant- me tins— Th.' walli< die- Bills- again!’ ■ TtJHt^X'-TO — Smartens atoi 'grad- tiar.es ,«’f V.c:ur a Unjversst'j’ nwent- ly' Ztiuketi ».cx' '.Le w t.s a ’*seaw£«ietl epuii-O’’ '. .If ;Lcy furoi’A-.- lhi» s«iri*-e Canada's gcnA.-ms-gtmgcU. (.todly F:gr ; ry i^r m oEiv.-’idtj' teuiivr , •! ILpisi 'TH'eiMrniiitr xljteri ' tfr*y ' rnusr w<uk out fbr item, -eltk-s a «te »cartel pbito*0jjhr .m'-'.-fei by-a nni~ wrs:ir shtua hi be '*o»t t&e o®r slide -------L “ ■ i ami' .ALwiltr fr?ai; auu on '• the .other a «*os!.. sane ami rb-ar— ?rmund / , i_ r----------------- ; ■ $ Sj»; ' . * .Wsetfes- itie 'Earontb . FetoSrism- - tliiiarto moitjrisis at«i -irell served ay . reveir-nee rtie srssem oF £M®al'. signs tudicsttng. 'l the apunmeh ito earves, texersimtams'■ tegfeed att.iude xm ite yrarM andi xSjrKxnga'. itenmyhTsrest ' • These.' us. ’ signs- tea simple, ’lisifnci and geuer- f ^SV-e stnist'' -tocto m'&H ■ me ally off good, visibi ty. fons<do^tite; wateux f^r.” he satd.' sges snrtoess Has' alsto .-mended toe eSorts ;,iw oft ibe HigtoTsr EM^nmenr m suter-j vduc^ Jrai. tiiiirae merely adroitEsing •ffgss fliar They, do mm torFtfere ■diree'ion signs; . ’ . ■ . • ■ ttieoitv rJtel psss 3ai. t<^s-1 ilvj&g" COitUTL*” Juiimi S_ Haste s HTEtfa and why T • Simniy be“a-*»Ss- ttnesn;I sine -siienr car and conitetot. ifeasnSr.'ssd- ■te -the oarajm- canfus -.-n 'tteto'.tensr Apr ’ something ■ Sv»hi 1wterto- thuy.. can jay hold, of 'U'e muss p,e fidt-' h-ss-EM*-^ give 'and dtet "’ ■Wb'er. men <i-r .hai'. tor to os''U'sse tour:. -.Tulia: xfaeir age."*.» aausiis.tfe«iy have ’ived :t»0' ’oug.“tewi Tw;"•C'Mlls- . jBuir • -ate 'tsuniirtteg "n. :*ii3ir-i‘sf ■ tiif! terminal ion tberam ,”'te ote-.ft.FiSMO3- ed xfOr’-Li -fe" my teny;te -d." B-wn stf at 'was. s^eitlnnnx., htft .'.yn. '’T3iu prop- '-■■r ' are was to ■/as;-;‘tte ebhmT bar® ard •?.>:£ tLer ^htyr ;r "..'I guru thrjv» is .n toe fe~i -rtor ■■' fdUi■- . : AteB go striding. bV;; , i£»> gar tier.' maple ijraucher; wtiesn Tfefe' feint across; tite s&gr ■ t. Ihi itegiw SteRembtw. SSiw msy He- Wha> matte the tooter ■ '. Give me swew rest:..snm pekoe ttite ingin;. AmUrieiii me *h forge: 7 —H. Anne Hyan. «IU thick( iSVCffS ? I /fide Bimr< SaxmeGjvjn'gjYiKjr cmn Uimrcwsr, PtontosHi' any to»rt»‘r '--ah. -dll 5sprn: “23«jr’’.'-.j'irv’•■•w^'r f jysr./eics ' j&.rrc' Jrte.'’ ' Warn .1 ■’asjp? a -far hiteir-r:"temre’ :te: tetm. liri'i'-'i- iisity «ir*rti>; 35a'utber ■"”. iwra HIPS’ ?• Trters y» ■ (Srf-i'tte j xtiuii ■ JBniiin. te apX'vmirn ••.'ur jwrte Sia^ w®®?. jaaeiSA Ha) KmE sb Nftsdi Hteariicy j ■ Merer minto How. '■ininxerEssiligt tite .iisst k-tMirse ar -ijm3er risss bessx. titere- ' sanee . aiwar?; -ikvs _ whosr , femsewtxfe Eies w -jlss titL fete ;ff yow seenre ar C v cfeur. ‘T'restori! A’ngse. HfewB dsate- 5wr dtosert;, tite fnrst' cauise? will >e ti\-»is£«iE2r tete iffangivea <-smi fern: er ^roxoenroeei’ sb *■"-• ‘‘‘tircessl'.' . . I. tens tt»aihsso'ne--oek.ng. ' is* r.xyit ba torn? naw trif tite«-f ami; sE^eeil ........................ - ■ ’.grfxSet ;.r ntefivt. T5i& Bro'KTr- ;r Jjastt grhes- •ghr pofJitmRxj'to *’ie .x'n^E Cate* ;s • vcey.' dteoiTtere. > .• Gorxumti (&estfesii KnnB GLtee 1’ -on <sift*ri cste tite r. • f '-an epyga whites* . ' ■ , ” ' ’♦. 'I'ssnyffli . 1. '.ES5SMMB01 L’L -tins sstesar. . ratEarmfeer-' site besr,. Hake in eersdfe oven in. 2. -.veil-greased, paste tins.. • ■ . Ohtfee Kilins*:-—- Z can temped iiziw- E cap white sugar. Wdaw to mdi'.'to; cook- tb s g gier'vtonf • f <f tfcfe- neowL ttete ito .tftej morteet. This- tostesf lit eereri. sghceei *. teteur toerrt?- mrt ?entt af the toories , r ttese to; -.hit peonte. . I U. <»c-. tvju«^. . **« j '£ . ... . .. cwfto.tr teirceteifess lisyee lost* efflramjn i,**‘*&1 -'’tej-Est i? nert»?r.. gmne?. to -xsrc: iepiOTfhjg tite aw- *“fJ' IP"^muin- ■'swied.'ax'otn: emxritess-. »f itelege fioittteL , • ills gidt.tnjg- ifeftr.j-ir tensECrip tite ■*Wt insaanw .n -rfeih. Htrilywwiir -an.' wniw Bfcsf =ti»'7-'-" iin sb ••*ay to tmte ran, thinfe y«u hsaii* tiesw -wn *tie- S-wt:niF ’ fiiSTZ. ■ EEL-r: --'.ottos tBsarr-' -htUi. .nm;"vpc; HESs^Erne-s <if t: ereenuteir te felm. with ^xare® icir. ’life ' if»ys vfer grtyw in to ;tew toen. «• Hy<jetoJTw»«iv ' n Htoinse. -efens .wrei? -fter Tremsar.- ria -tot. i j*tf' .-»s?''h,rc!T ■ to *he «3)ynmg-s thar ;i*. wiil. mak-c* to-.’-i ---.r -.ins wear a /tte" •niO'e. -rtoWJ.-iii an -jitogtoir*—tef&. , . ' lew Tto? A: WEtee- ami' spremi bfevreen Ifaiiig’-— Hear .w :«aiisaia- -.o' a. pulp: add 1 leap icing sagsr ami g£»r««-te±ed peos* <te tositvr «r a little cresan. and; toe ;torjr ami ^stes of -ate.—STm. IL J£ Arlen. Jaj-y?. Ont. toii M xir ;vJtr- ri*5*TKt >ite ecHSte to tor* Pustiariipg *.■ *-**ri iirFtad ;1. ■ s£» 3 :l;e. tt* Erie !.;•;. *«f jwpte fflt' ■«»+■** ■ - w; «jRX»rt3 sbczn* >•3 ■»*•« .s ;®w«a sap hss?- '’siacsiQ^. SSttSks. ’lit iss essseriijsi. :tisit wef ArtneziL us temiiffi sapupfe' ouistehesF s^sswte- dtesjy annfi tinte&sfeiy ttx rpjxtfrrg’ w s> .'terg’riEy knwr. fensee iir orriter7’ i He£ ^ssje-Me?® J ..-ct«3 -fe sfwtifc .»• <r *5«rw“r Tfdtih Sfofiail "^Ei£& Kzgfey; (tfnff '*!- ®Ttei Tpcas: (Cs&se saw tite azng? drx S^sast, Polity grajiteCtaH Hjy imfiitoaiteO. tetei^te‘wraagpEs.'I]te&3teiirESSEfe5&- Hnw iff-gfesess! ante rypTfw’ ?feawrimy BBy-ZT'ttimex-ym TFtefafcnte- ' mte 'f’TTzTrsirrs.-7iiiBa'/5-hss.iif^znxy- ,, ■mwixer 77 aatt tef Si.toteizriiiar Hnsisw- 5PTce? fete uses C&5?- j^seSat dfenteite -' Htwte?? m jytofewgp Farm- -. 11 ^niUjhsT ffBSW ssswlsni! ■ ‘'TRE&RrsjdT^eBar S&ife'iEwkk'' ■r£ctasrtsa±? IRkjsaaJ SSyrngbe Hftetfjjzs,? ffcrrr rtiw Streaalfes ^«^rnaa*m“?'aasSJ mrant .-rrCiesTsa.. teaxgtefcM; ■.<s& HSW ’■•5?.n»cN. oxa; MiA. toirais. falE W. « «satt .•ream fe” 'sitter. • . sifefe grrnnteaedf -.*? -i&!s.iijuan rsaniia. 't. '^ss-toiot fenwnd orttstte ‘ ’’ L -on ■ .-amnia. ’nrF-m.ani. stoEsil. Litt'' tfnur omte 'Ttc^sirp*. su'd' sl-f te r.ow. tirnte. , Sesa* esgri wbires’_ ..... ___ ___________ ______ __ . in -Sit Wt’h. fha' --tofp- wzitet... W/terJ ttoq^tfte~ .teh rtaaue seisd^ ^tsnt^sx- tfac '-' err. teiti c'esarn ' if tsrrste. and; EHoisePfeii5 Srfesrrts 73 W«4- A«h?*-« nttone -.esxing *£f.:ii esg? ste.--iif.a^dfe-Srwt: Twxmtto Gist: ;r»':Lb to, hold gp to pftete. imr gtor- f-irr.. Hnid to ssagsr 'srpfuil^. *hw ‘ ■ .-ai>,'.f«5w«n? sa.-»s time, toiil tel tk.. j r <to .n tXKXtonrc.. Then ?srr-. ri.a.1 ar v tot f S j mer “iriittnr'• j :tea tfed. .p. -totoftotot .••rtofinfie in- ’ | *11 .'1L K .if.JPt'j. S ’gte&sftfi srfrj »• ip^irsw »;* thean «i<v}iar- tw ■ tea** tbe ' L ■’• - !&:. 2 hrrdw. ..■‘■••sSirattv wftj ■■nipjura, aaair-- Isis* \V<to-M ■ iVhste ttotov' Wth ■•Xfehs’ F-ilsttgs TSE ®EEAT EHWT F&O® wesS) tfc <fe&»ua'> FUavotf ■ \ _..........' fas* <• -Pteducr oFTSte STifttECH' G&imii'iVf