HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-10-29, Page 5\ /‘ // t / * V -'..-'I-1 ■ ' •«■ I , w '! X * GANA&J4N5 AND .and mm bamk. ™URSDAY, OCTOBER 29TH, 1936 •FIRST IN CANADA’S INTERNATIONAL TRADE • THE TOURIST INDUSTRY - ' A national asset worthy of the most intelligent cultiva­ tion is the tourist business, which brought $202,000,000 into Canada last year and is estimated to bring at least $250,000,000'this year. In our international trade its monetary value to Canada now ranks ahead of that of any of our exports, not excepting those important exportable commodities, wheat and newsprint. But the tourist/ industry has potential values beyond its annual money, income: • it fosters exchange of ideas between neighbour?, inter-r national understanding and co-operation, tolerance and goodwill; , • it accelerates betterment of railway, waterway and air-. way service, of motor roads .and hotel accommodation; • it awakens interest in Canadian products and oppor­ tunities for capital investment. v Through its offices abroad and more than 500 brandies ; distributed throughout Canada, rue Bank of Montreal is ■ one of die leading factors in providing service for the j ' tourist trade. Its office abroad and in Canada are centres -~to which countless tourists turn for information and guidance. These offices not only extend financial hospitality which facilitate^. d«.c- exchange and transfer of . I i . i 1ii BANK OF MONTREAL HEAD OKFJCE. MOJJTREAl f3BE LUCKNOW SENTim VISIT ____AT--, WlN^HAM aS* Miss Myrtle WebsterLof Wellesley j spent tfhe week-end with filer pafeitts'l Mr. mid Mrs. Hames Webster, MAh- ‘ field. . . Mx.and Mrs. IE. M Merner iff Stan- ley sjieni a day recently .with Mr. and Mrs. Has. T. Webster. Mr... Albert (Codk made eh tfcrip Toronto over the week-end. I money-, but contribute in many other ways to make the visits of tourists comfortable, happy and profitable. Thousands of customers of the Batik of Montreal do business with’ visitors from other countries—hotels, transportation lines, service stations, stores, er cetera— and .they tod find the kind , of banking service theynred in the Bank of Montreal. ' } ■ ; ~ ■ 'i Trom die General Manager’s address at -the annual meeting of the stockholders cof theBarik, T935:‘ | “Canada has unexcelled railway and hoteLfacilities to ! attract tourists the whole year round, and .year by year,. as. our automobile roads are improved and extended, more and more American cars will, be seen in Canada • “Railway and steamship lines, tourist agencies and news- papas have done a great, deal towards cultivating this important trade in the general interest. “Country hotels,boardinghousesand tourists camps are > coming to realize the necessity of improving acconuno- : dationsand service. 1 ’ “If rourists are given a-warm welcome, ore comfortably1 accommodated and treated courteously and fairly;-their + number will increase annually." J j ESTABLISHED 1817 I. •■• •••.•'■ " Lucknow Branch: S. D. WHALEY, -Manager MODFRN. EXPERIENCED BA Ng TNG 119 YEARS' SLTCCESSFUI OPERATION WHY SUFFER? YOU CAN-EAT. WHAT YOU LIKE IF YOU _______________________ • take GASTRONOX GASTRONOX knocks 5533, heartburn and that heavy ' feeling-—relieves dyspepsia. If you are afraid to eat, get this wonderful stomach powder today. GASTRONOX will help you to immediate relief as it has helped thousands. -At all drug stores. / McKIM*S DRUG STORE FROM DAMAGE CAUSED BY LEAKY ROOFS II APPLY TI1Z-UP OVER YOUR OLD ROOF Xastfnmttu^ndrought mid blistering weather spoilt many Bhingle roofe. Re-roof with Tite- Lap or Rib-Roll, the durablemetal roofingthat goes on right over your old roof! Comes in large sheets, easy to handle. The end laps are so tight toeyVealmorfinvisible.IHteRGllroojff ing is specially'suited for roofing over light framework. Will not warp, shrink, curl or bulge. Send ridge and rafter measurements for fine estimate and full instructions. OTHER EASTERN STEEL PRODUCTS JameswayPoultry Equipmen t s ’ i? the most modem and practi- , cal on the market. “Jamestmy- • batched'' means finer chicks, more chicks, at least cost. Write ' for complete folder. The Preston Fertilator is an ■ inexpensive attachment for i your old seed d rill which makes ; it into a combination seed and' i fertiliser wnver. Mixes fertiliser ! tn.th seed. Send for booklet « Gmlpb Stent. * HESTON, ONTARIO MONTREAL and TORONTO ZION X others. Election and installation cer­ emonies were conducted by Bro. - ..i. Miller. ^Following are the officers Visitors during the past week with elected; W. M. Bro Alfred Ritchie- Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gardner were n, »»__ , r,.. , . ’ W and Mrs. §£>,; Harold Gardnsb£ Mark Gariier, Wingham, Mt. James, / /'• - Mar~ Heid. Dungmnum. ?T‘’ r.E‘i<at Eltclue; Lecturer, « -r « xr jY««t Bros' C' E. McDonagh and Will , Mr. and Mrs. Jas. MdKay and Jack , Ritchie; com., Bros. Robt. Helm, C. of paisley visited Zion friend^ on Gardner, P. Cook, F. Ritchie and S. Sunday. i ** *. Rev. WyKe of Benmiller had charge | • . ;of the setvictes On AShfield 'Circuit I on Sunday, as our pastor. Rev. W. J.' Patton wa? Hie guest speaker for the anniver^By services st Benmiller. Miss EUeda Hunter of Stratford We)«* Ntwrf 1^0^ aa^e:1 Mr. and Mrs. Will Ritchie visited MAteatr friends at Varna on Sunday. axrs. luxipn ivixon. airs, lvixon is not Maple Grove ,,L« O. L. No. 1.W4, gaining strength as rapidly as might held their annual election of officers ; wished fof. “ r ■ last Tuesday evening. A number, of visitors from Lucknow and other lod­ ges were present including Bro. Jno. Millei* of Lucknow, W# Master of West Bruce County LO.L.; Bro. Thhs, Miller, Wingham, W.M. of North Huron L.O. L.; Bro. Peter Carter, W*'M* of Kinlough; Bro. Bert Ward, W.j Mn Lucknow L. O. L; and ■ ■ .» \ ' ■ .• - '■ ' ' u . ’Reid. -"Ti.” T~ I It ’s the intention Of the members of the services on Ashfield Circuit I of lft44 t6 hoW a foW] fop I the members and their lady friends I oh "Friday evening, November 6th. , ’ , Mr? Frank Ritchie had part' of bis house re-shingled Jast week with Mr. Mrs. Margaret McKay has spent the past few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Nixon. Mrs. Nixon is not Mrs. R. Robertson of Lucknow, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gibsob;, of Loehalsih, visited with Miss Myrtle Ritchie on Wednesday last. Mr. and Mrs. Alex McCarroll, and Miss Audrey Foster of Seaforth, Spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Will Gardner. ■ ■ W ' . " ( - MAFEKfflG Mr. ranii Mrs. Melvin (Owens Detroit owero ^recent jgnesis act (the home df Mrs. Owen’s jarents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bhillips. , Mr. Wm. MjiSUdll pf Lucknow spent ] sb few days Hast week with Mr. ®nd Mrs. Wan. Irvine. . I Miss Jean Anderson attended fhe | Brucfi! tieachef sg (EpnvenfiQn iin Turon- i rtq, Thursday japd Friday, rotuniing on Sunday. Mr. rand Mrs. Hiram Moffat and -sons Keith and Donald -iff (Onion, wero week-end guests with (the lady’s par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. (Richard Hriiin- stan. Mrs. Wan. (Blake fimd tfhe tm'isTor-1 (tune to fall (Sunday, fracturing (her arm hear the shoulder. Her .anany friends willfiiear of this necident with ' regret, and (hope for <a quick recovery Rev. (George Wylie iff Benmiller was iin chaise off fifie ^service am, tfhe , Ashfield (Circuit Sunday, iin fhe Ate ; fsenee off Bev, Wm. IRattcp, Adio gnsea- cehefl anniversary sermons 'art IRen- nriiller i Church. 1 Mr. and Mrs. M.-JI# UTkmnor sand _________________ _____________________Norman ©TJormor <df Kingsbridge, Paramount hall, and rthat the ladies were recent (guests off Mr zanj fife intend fo serve <dinner. Three ladies jgw jy. Rilpatiick. ■; ~ ^^MdNay^IUtefi kjSeMa^!m^ Mr. Sidney Brown off (Benmiller, nnriiversaiy Services iin Blakeys aid and Mrs. W. McGill and fhe meet- called on Mafeking friends Saturfliy. .church Sunday afternoon and eeven­ ing elosed >i?y singing fhe National ' Mr. and Mts. Kenney (Campbdll and iiqg (Ddt. I®fh. jRav? (C. SffiKenzie affj S.hei^ 4 I,016 ^en 3amily ©fitroft, visited t at tthe jRipley preached ffieljffiil, eearnest ser- Ba3).'Cm:ra" « anfl 3fc. Sage ®f Stenparilton (is rto (be held at Mrs. Hohn FBfemril- weeS^end. assisted tike ochdir,/singing solos at fioh^. JLarge 'congregations attended tfhe Timstigy averiing 3dl- October 29-30-31 Special hollar bay BARGAINS ' WEST/.', The Paramount U.K. W. Q. rmet at. the home of Mrs. ‘Oliver McChafles on Tuesday afternoon, October :20th. There (was about (twenty (ladies -an­ swered rthe roll call by (How to -make a home, nfleasant for a family. The meeting was opened by All singing ‘The Majde Deaf Forever” followed by the Lord’s prayer (repeated fin uni­ son. We were all (very mneh (pleased to have Mrs. Hind and Mrs. Ander­ son tiake part fin fhe program which (consisted off a roading :fiy Mis. Alexf < McNj^y; aceordian selection by Miss, , (Graces Webster- Mis. Hind (gave'an ; address and (time and place to fiidld'2 Hie 1936 Ridiiig (Convention was dis- , cussed, fit was decided to hrilfl fit an r** . ru 1 W . rn Vw.' intend to serve (dinner. Three ladies y* rr. TKihmtridk ixrxk'r*** ilnrilr . iriTTmaav' 7 * ,-tr**^****-> * •* TWO DAYS ONLY &- October 30 -JI / MR MW DEEN .SDGOESSHUL IBS .ARRANGING WITH -ONE (OF TORONTO'S ’(LARGEST; (GliQAK iffl^MTACMKRBS ■ HORTHIS ANNEAL ((TEARAN.GE S^IUB:. ' •- fin tthc Newest (CIuihB with Beautiful flRur - jfcAJk ifrJlUP (Odllaro off Wtilf asnfl fifox, eftte. 'Sizes flfi-32, - ■ DON’T AEB8S WK (Qj^OimiUNJIIW (OF. (faiHING WERSF. . ' (GARMENTS ". " ' ' > '■ “ S Sowing, a oehieken gate supper 'was ser.veil fin tfhe lhriT|t »mfl t&e TRHirmfllgf TA (Noble (Chitcast”, tto ffiill ihuiise. Dramatic (fliiib proseriiefi tfhe gilagl Those (taking part taro tin dm arongrat- uiated.npxni ’their octoeer iinterproia- ttiun off tike Ttey- w: Renewals, 5,000 Votes per J Arrears, .ST. HELENS' ■ I ’ Mrs. Donald Rutherford and her ' brother, Mr. Holm Salkeld of Geraia, , Sask., and Miss Mary E. Salkeld M Goderich^ were visitors with Mrs.IR. K. Miller. This is Mrs. Rutherford’s first visit East since the family ilrft- this community 53 years ago. i The Sacrament of the Rorfl^ Sup- per^was observed, in the United Church on. Sunday morning. On Wi- ' day evening, Preparatory services j were held when Rev. Mr. Townsend i of Belgrave was the -speaker. An iim- J pressive part of the sendee rwas the • induction of the new elders, Mr. Johii i Cameron and Mr. Lome Woods by {Rev. H. M. Wright, assisted by Rev. Townsend. Mrl and Mrs. Harry Torrance xS North Bay, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Blue, ’ Helen and Margaret of Detroit and Mr. Torrance Anderson pf-Toronto, were home for the funeral off Mrs Torrance Sr., on Thursday. - The November meeting of the Wo­ men’s Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. Lorne Woods on Thurs­ day, November 5th. Roll call “Peace Mottoes”. Subject “What Women can do to Prevent War”, in charge off Airs. John Cameron. Hostesses—Miss Lila Humphrey/ Mrs. Will Hunaph- !rey and Mrs. Will Rutherford. Mrs. Archie Aitdhison left on Sat­ urday for a week’s visit with her sister, Mrs.. Ward Shickluna and Mr, Sehickluna, Port Colborne. . With the missionary committee in charge, the meeting of the Y.R.U. was held, on Sunday evening. The scripture lesson was read by Mrs. E. W. Rice. The ^missionary topic was taken by Rbv, H. M. Wright Messrs. Hugh and Wil] Rutherford Charles and Allan Dutnin attended the sale of cattle from the King’s Ranch at Downsview on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Boles, Mr. El Boles and Mrs. J. Taylor and son of Guelph were recent guests oi Mrs. John Webster. A masquerade Hallowe’en social will be held under auspices of the Y. P. U. on Friday evening, when a penalty of 5c jvill be imposed upon those not clomihg in eoshime. Mem­ bers of the Whitechurch society will be guests and a pleasant tune is, an­ ticipated. 2 <M Xliitstasuiiag Accoimts. before ■ Every DoUar - ' (TEN WMES (OIMGINAL BOHEnU^ e (WHERE THE CHUB MERCHANT WILL PRESENT 500. (VOTES RGB EACH DOLLAR (ON FAAMENT • OF THESE AGCOUNTS AND MARK ON RECEIPT ‘fGOOD FOR SPECHAL VOTES;” ME WHL JSTDI) BONUS VOTES TO THE BAME AMOUNT, WHEN RECEIPTED PILL JS PRESENTED MT ICHE SEN­ TINEL OFFICE). , 1OOO Votes for (TEN TIMES ORIGIN AL SCHEDULE) (WHERE THE CLUB MERCHANT WILL PRESENT offO WQTES FOR EACH DOLLAR (QN MLIte ■ADVANCE (BUSINESS, AND MARK ON CREDIT HLH>, ‘fGOOD tFORSPEGlAL VOTES,” WE WEIL .ADD ♦ BONUS VOTES TO THE EAWE AMOUNT, WHEN CREDIT BLIP IIS PRESENTED AT THE SENTINEL OFFICE). Maia*■WtSW. Mr. and Mrs. George Saunders of Mafeking visited Zion friends re­ cently.