HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-10-29, Page 4The mother of ftorma Shearer, the
Canajdian-born movie (actress, was
once a resident hf Stsynsr. Her
A ’’
meeting at the home | trict.
G. MacKenzie-
MaeGillivary occupied I United Church was held at the home
Lyceum Theatre
Show Starts at 8.00 P.M. Q
’The Bride Walks Out’
A Picture Packed with Comedy
' With Ruth Etting
Day”. A full account of the meeting
will be given next week.
Messrs. Harvey and Wilmer Robb
of Ashfield were Sunday visitors at
TllliRSDAY, OCTOBER 29TH, 1936
......... .. J,,...,., ' . ...........' T'.................... .
“Under Two Flags”
- , ’
slides of work
I London Children’s Hospital wfll be
who are thinking of joining are in-
1937 registration plates commemorate Co
Year with crowns and white figures/ on red back
ground. Each plate carries onfy-orie series, letter.
tO the advance in the new car purchasing season
and the fact that increasingly large numbers of used
cars and trucks are now purchased at this time of year,
1937 Motor Vehicle Permits and Operators’ Licenses are
being made available November 2nd.
1937 Permits available November 2nd save the pur-
chaserofa new car or truck the expense o€1,936 registration.
They save the purchaser of a used car or truck the
fee for transferring the 1936 registration (1937 Permit
can be procured without transfer fee).
This advance sale of 1937 Motor Vehicle Permits and
Qperatocs” Licenses is for your copvenience^ . Take adyan-
, tage of ft. There are one hundred Conveniently located
Issuing offices throughout the Province. You will receive,
quick, efficient service at the one nearest you.
Sunday guests with Mrs. EAfaabeth
Robb were Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Robb
and son Howard of Ar Kerley, Mr.
and Mrs. Robt. Milla pnd son and
daughter of Cleveland, a«d Mrs.
George Hodgins daughter of
Ripley and Mr. an<j jjrsu Brown
and daughter '£TOj)y of Ashfield.
Mr. and, yv. R. Andrew are
spending a week visiting friendsat
Ailsa C’-aig and ParkhilL
Arthur Culbert, soi^th of Dun-\
guenon was returned to ; his home
From Goderich Hospital on Monday
■ after a week’s treatment. I Mr. and Mrs. Ben Mole and. child
ren were Sunday visitors with Mr.
I and Mrs. J. D. Richardson.
I We extend our sympathy to Mr.
__ ______ _____2 ’ . * J
I Young) on the death of their day-old
'son^on Thursday, October 22nd. Rev.
■*■ ■ , I.’- . , •' I A* A. 1UIIICI WMUMvvyu w.vnow, who survives him with one dau-1 service from the home of the child’s
ghter, Miss Myra, at home. He is the I grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B.
last of a family of nine. T Young with burial in Djingahnon
The first six yews his “^^patsy Nivens youngest dan-
life were spent on the homestead | ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Niv-
farm. He then moved to Dungannon I ens of Saltford, is staying for a few
where he conducted a livery business I days with her grandparents, Mr. and I
eondng to Goderichin IMO to entor Avis'S Men^S
the employ of the .Western Canada t ^arningt/m.
Flour Mills, and retired two years The Dungannon Women’s Institute
ago. He was a staunch Liberal, a are holding their regular . meeting
member of Knox Presbyterian I this Thursday at the home of Mrs.
CtoeBUmd of
dian Order of Foresters.—Godench I mothers and called “Grandmothers’
Star. ■ I Dav”. A full account of the meeting I
Injuries In Fall Prove _
Fatal Tn Ashfield Lady I te, °IMr-and Mrs- G- Rant‘
■ . 11 I Mr- and Mrs. Robt. Wilson, Mildred
Mrs. Agnes McNain Of Ashfield DiedllLN., and Robt. Jr., were Sunday
In West While Visiting At Cal-1 visitors with Mrs. David Sproule.
gary—Locfealsh Young Man Passed I Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Savage of
Away Monday I Ridgeway visited the latter’s sister
Mrs. L. F. Stingel oh Saturday.
Mrs. John Barkley and daughter,
z ” * _ ' >
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Barkley of Echo
Bay, were week-end
Mr. Jas. Ebner Nivens of Calgary
.. I has been visiting his sister, Mrs. John
held I Foster, Shepherdton and- other rel-
> “Motives and acquaintances in this dis-
Death claimed Mr. Donald McNev
in, a citizen who during his . residence
of 26 years in Goderich had endeared
himself to a large circle of friends,
and particularly to little children.
Though his illness extended over
eight weary months; he bore, it with
Christian resignation and was always
cheerful and hopeful. He died at his
home on Trafalgar Street, on Wed
nesday morning, thejsnd coming very
unexpectedly. He was laid to rest in
Maitland Cemetery on Friday after
Mr. McNevin was born 79 yWars
ago at Glenn’s Hill in Ashfield ^’own
ship, a son ,of Donald McNevin and
Catherine McKaig, he beinjf of Scotch I and Mrs. Stanley Orser^ (nee Amy
descent. Forty-six years ago he mar-1 - * ' ?' " ' „ ? '
tied Miss Frances Smett^r of Loetf
(ASHFIELD NEWS) . - « ,,Mr. and Mrs. John MacRae had|Mrs. & Fitzgerald withtheirguests,
. . • • . .. . j I Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Barkley of Echoas their guests over the week-end, I were week-end guests with Mr.
Mr. Neil MacKenzie and his daugh- and Mra. Albert Campbell, Westfield,
ter Mary, Mr. Jamie and Miss Jessie I Mr. Jas. Elmer Nivens of Calgary
MacRae all of Toronto.
■The Presbyterian W.M.S.
their October
of Mrs, Neil
(Rev.) J. K.
Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
October 29-30-31
Thousands of sufferers from
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Tri-Lax will cleanse the
Blood andgivle yon relief. Get
the Combined Treatment at
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K. ■ ’ ’ ' /'
■ ■ ’ -i—~
I Mr. John Garton of Leamington
I and Miss Simpson of Detroit, spent °
| the week-end with the former's fa-
I ther, Mr. George-Garton, Sr.-
I Mr. and Mrs. Angus Vol! and
I daughter Jean of Crosshill, and Mrs.
I Annetta . Knight of Linwood, ppent
the week-end with the latter’s fattier
Mr. Wm. J. Fisher.
Mr. and Mrs.^ Edgar Gaunt and
two children visited on Sunday with
Mrs. Gaunt’s mother, Mrs. Fred Dav
I Mrs. Golly of Stratford is staying,
with Mrs. Clarence Cox who is sick-.
The Young Women’s Auxiliary of
the .Presbyterian Church are holding
their thankoffering meeting on Fri
day evening, with a 'good program -
being prepared. Everybody welcome.
Miss Tena Laidlaw spent the week
end at. Powassan -with; her relatives
there. . . •
Mr. and. Mrs. Dunean Kennedy og
Wingham spent i Sunday with thmr.
parents Mr. and- Mrs. Dave Kennedy.
Mr. Thos. ■ Wilson has . commenced
teaching on S. S. No. 9, Kinloss; We
wish him success.
. Mrs. Pierson spent lpst week with
Mrs. M. McLean. 1J
! A number from here attended the
funeral of the late Mrs. Geo. Ban?,
nerman at Kinloss;? Sympathy ig ex
tended to the family.
1 Misseg jean Anderson, Ellen Mc^
Bride and Anne Colwell attended the
teacher’s convention At Toronto last
. Thursday and Friday.
Miss Mary Cox and friend, Miss
Helen' Fair of Guelph, spent the week
end at Wm. Cox’s.
Mr. R. Neil, Mr. and Mrs.. Art
Simpson Spent a few days at W.
Boyle’s; , .
I Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McBurney
spent Sunday at Bert ..McLean’s.
Mrs. E. Simpson returned to her
home at Mooresville after visiting
the past three weeks with her sister, Mrs. W. Boyle. j.. \
Keep in mind tl|e box social in the
Orange hall on November 5th.
.Mrs. Herb Ensign spent last week
with her sister; Mrs. Frank Fellows
in Goderich. Mrs. Fellows has re
turned this .week to Sarnia to live.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Macintosh spent
Monday evening with Mrs. Mary
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie", Wilson and
baby, returned to their home in Sas
katoon last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Martin, Ethel
and Goldie were recent visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. R. Martin, 4th con.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MacGill spent
the week-end with friends at Mit
chell. <
We are sorry to report the contin
ued illness of Mrs. John Jamieson
and hope to hear of an improvement
sohn. »
Miss Sarah MacAuley returned
home after spending the past two
weeks with relatives^ in Detroit. Mrs.
Dr. Tapert accompanied her home
and spent the week-end with relatives
here and at Ripley.
1, A ... • ■ ■ * V
P riie^Presentation
. ■ , . . X.
. . ■ ■........... ...——a——■ *• •
Dancing After ’
McCartney’s, orchestra■ ' ■ t
ADMISSION 25c Ttax included)
Misses Bernice and Lorraine
zier visited friends in Lucknow
Sunday. ,
Mr. John Martin' spent the week
end at his home at'Paramount. \
Y. P. S. of Crewe are having a
Hallowe’en social on Friday evening.
Come and enjoy a good time.
’ Miss Margaret Lednor spent
week-end at her hdme near Port
• . A number from here attended
chicken pie supper at Blake’s and
hot fowl supper at Dungannon dur
ing the - week. -
i Mr. and Mrs. Crozier and Lorhe
were Sunday Visitors, at Donnybrook.
They were accompanied home . by.
Miss Frances who had spent a few
days With1' friends there.
• ’ Mr. Bill French returned from the
1 "West on Friday.
I Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Finnigan, - . .. . .. .
and children visited her mothm? Mrs.? ’visited on Sunday at Tyndal
• Chamney, whom wo are sorty to say ■ Robinson’s.-
WoSld like**11 W jhany friends J Miss Frieda McDougall visited on
j Mrs. Watt spent Tuesday ’with ■ Sunday at. Wm. McIntyre’s.
maiden name Was Edith Fisher and WhiiUv artd', Mr3- and ] their missionary tea on . vThursday
Mr. W. G. Irwin has been engaged
the last couple of weeks packing Ap
ples for Wallace Miller and Kenneth
Cameron. •
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kempton and
Mrs. Kempton Sr., of Ripley, were
Sunday visitors at Mel. Irwin’s?
Miss Ruby Irwin visited for a
couple of days with her grandmother
Mrs. Hudson. I
Mr* aiid Mrs* D.A. McDonald vis^
ited oir Monday evening at K. R.
Mr. and Mrs. Mel. Irwin and
The weekly prayer meeting of-the
theT chair and K Mae-lot Mto. Jas. Finnigan on Tuesday
Lean, Presbyterial president, was CTj£^rton Roach has sold his res-
the guest speaker. Miss R. MacDon-1 jdence to Miss Sarah Maize, who will
aid sang a solo.- There were thirty-1 shortly move to it, since selling her
five ladies present and a veiy profit-1 Boach then purchased, the
. > I third house and lot south, owned byable afternoon was spent. I George Glenn, Goderich, and oc-
November 1st being Communion I copied by Miss Sally Polly. Miss
Sunday, preparatory services are an-1 Roily is moving this week to the res-
nouncod for Thursday, when Rev. K-1 j^nee at .the rear of D. MacMillaifs
MaeUan of Wingtam wffl bo in ■**» “d ’waed * N‘ F'j
charge. Friday evening Rev. Robt. I Miss Margaret Elliott of Goderich
MacConnell of Ripley and Saturday I was home with her parents, Mr. and1!
when Rev. C, H, MacDonald of Luck- Mrs. Arthur Elliott on Sunday.
| Mrs. Ken. Kennedy and two child-1
Iren of Dundalk and Mrs. Olive Mac-
j The death of Mrs. Agnes McNain j Auley of Flesherton, visited Monday
in a Calgary Hospital came as a I with Mr; and Mrs. George Irwin.
. shock to her family and friends here. I Miss Frances Biydges of the 'west,
Mrs. McNain had been visiting her|who accompanied them is remaining
son Hugh and had gone to Calgary | for a longer visit with her aunt, Mrs.
to visit friends when she fell downjDwin.
stairs in the .house where she was ! Hpme & Schooi anb wfllhold
spending the afternoon, receiving in-1 ^ejj. monthly meeting at the home
which resul^dni her death on I the vice-president, Mrs. Rev; T. I
Friday, October 23rd. Thejremams U Turner. Lantern " _ '
were brought home for burial, *0*1 done for the crippled children in the
companiol by her son Hugh. London Children’s Hospital wfll be
Mrs. McNam, who brfore her mar-1 AH members and any others
nasre was Agnes MacDonald, a dau-1 wbo thinking of joining are ni-
ij ’ and ™ra* J?”?es I vited to come Thursday, November
MacDonald of Huron, was juxty- 5tb• 8 pjn.
mght years of age. Mr. McNmn died I Many from the village and district
eight years ago. She is survived by I attended the funeral of the late Don-
three sons and two daughters: Hugh l aId McNevin in Goderich On Friday
m, the Wwt; James of Amberley and 11^. his home on Trafalgar street. ’
Atan at home; Mrs. WesI^ JrobbiMj., McNevin conducted a livery
of Lodialsh^and Mrs. Roy MeBnde I hnsinfess in Dungannon a number of
of Zurich. The funeral was held on I yonyg ago and How occupied by a Tuesifay afternoon, with her pastor I nephew, Mr. Donald Fowler. He was
Key. J. K. MacGilhvary m charge and I of .Scotch ancestry and a staunch
interment m Kincardine ^cemetery. I grit. He lived practically all his life
occurred m Byrpn Host (around these parts and gained many
p;tal, London, on Monday, (Etober I friends. He will be long remembered
26th..of Farquhar Finlayson. Farqu- |by them of his good-hearted and
£ son, °f Donald Finlayson of I jovial nature- He leaves to mourn,
Lochalsh and .was m ms twenty-sec-1 hi3 wife, formerly Frances Smeltzer
ond year. Heiis survived 4>y his. rath-1 daughter Myra at home. The
er, ninq . brotiiers . and wree peters. I funeral service was conducted bjrll
The funeral is to be held .on Thurs-1 ReV. Lane and interment in Maitland
day, October 29th, ..with interment I cemetery
in Lofchalsh cemetery. /J ' Thompson—Irwin
D” J;venmF w^e Kmtail I a quiet wedding was solemnized
branch of the Women s Institute held I on Monday at Clinton parsonage by I
a masquerade party in Lochalsh hall, the United Church pastbr, Rev. G.
MacKenzie’s orchestra provided the I Burton, When Miss Margaret Pearl
music. There was a good attendance Irwin, youngest daughter of Mrs.
and all present seemed to enjoy Thos. Irwin arid the late Thos. Irwin,
themselves. ^Master Douglas Mac- Belgrave, became the bride of Mr.
Kendnck and Kathleen MacKendnck Hugh Malcolm Thompson second
were awarded the prize for the tot sOn of Mrs. Neil Thompson and the
masked couple to pay at the. door. I ]ate Neil Thompson of Blyth. The
The prize for the fancy dressed gent I bride was becomingly gowned in a l
to. Mr. Harry MacDonald of}navy, blue costume with accessories]
Kmtafl; tor the fancy dressed lady, to match. After a short honeymoon]
Miss Sadie Famsh was the winner, trip, the young couple are taking up I
Comic dressed gent, Mr^ Finlay Me-| residence in Dungannon, where the
Donald; comic dressed lady, Mr. Mau-1 groom conducts a shoe<-repairing |
rice Bowler,, dressed as a lady. The I hn«me«a. . s I
prizes for old fashioned dress werejW. M. S. Sectional Meeting I
won byMrs.Wm. Johnston and Ruth '■ A .sectional meeting was held on
England. In the ballroom dance. Mr. Tuesday afternoon in the Erskine
Wm. Drennan and Donalda MacKen-1 Presbyterian church with ‘ South ]
drick were the winners. | Kinloss. Lucknow and Ashfield con-
■_.J —'Z.____~~~ . | gregations present Mrs. Rich. Mc-
. _ _ __ _ _ ] Whinney, president-of Erskine W. M. ]
| S. opened the .meeting and extended ]
| welcome to visitors. Mrs. ReV. K. |
| McLean of Wingham gave an inter- ]
| esting address on the work of a re- ]
turned missionary Miss Jessie Mc-
Bean, who has done Splendid Work in ]
| the foreign- mission 'fields of China, ] . .
I but owing to ill health has returned hmnnon ladies served refreshments
| to Toronto. Mrs. R. Davidson, vice- ] h the basement.
president of the Maitland Presbyter-1 The October meeting of the '^?^- •
ial presided for the program. Mrs. men’s Association of Dungannon
A. P. Stewart, Lucknow read the United Church was held at the' home
scripture lesson; Miss Len'ore Sto- pf Mrs. Robt. Bere. opening with de-
thers favored with a local number; I motional exercises. Roll call was re
Mrs. Philip Stewart of Lucknow also ppnded to by 12 members and- 17
sang a solo. * ......
ijgave an account of the Slimmer
! School at Camp Kin tail this year*
Reports' were given by the various
auxiliaries, showing a good interest
taken* in the work. A vocal trio by
Mrs. A. Stewart, Mrs. F. Jones arid
Miss Beth Park, was enjoyed with
Mrs. Herb Stothers at the organ and
for the hymns which interspersed.
Mrs. McWhinney closed the meeting
with prayer, after which the Duh-
Miss Reba Marshall spent, the
week-end with friends in Toronto.
Mra. .Robert Stewart and Donald
spent the week-end' with her sister
Mary near Powassin. '
Miss Wilda Mclnnes of Teeswater
is spending.a few weeks with Mr.I
and Mrs. John Mclnnes.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown, Mr. and-
Mrs. Wesley Tiffin and Mr. Jim Scott
spent Friday last in London.
Mr. and Mrs. George Tiffin and Mr.
and Mrs. Lester Falconer spent Satd
urday evening with Mr. and ' Mrs.
Frank Rising* of Sheppardton. - I
The ladies of. the United <W. M. ,S. I
of the 2nd and! 4th Con., will hold!
Mrs. Howard Hanis has been with
(her mother at Paramount for the
I past two weeks on account of Mrs.
] Jamieson’s illness.
Mr., and Mrs. Farrel and Mr. and
| Mrs. Miller of Alienford spent Sun-
I day at Clarence Farrel’sl
I The regular meeting‘s of the H. W.
11., will he held, on November 4th, at
Mrs. Will McLean’s, Kinlough. The .
motto is “In Flander’s Field the
I the Poppies Grow”. Directors are
I Mrs. Earl Hodgins and Mrs. Levi
Eckenswiller. Peace education is the
I theme and the topic on “Peace” will
| be taken by Mrs. Aimer AckerL Stor
ing of Vegetables for Winter Use
I by Mrs. Thos. Harris and a contest
I “Naming Leaaves”. Roll call to be
I answered by “1,0 words about a noted
character”. Lunch Com., Mrs. Bert
McLean, Mrs. Art' Graham, Mrs.
I Thus. Hodgins.
I Miss Jennie Pierce spent the week-
1 end m Hamilton. ■ * ’
I The sympathy of the community-
I goes out to Albert Thompson iri the
death of his sister, Mrs. George
Bannerman. /
Mr. and Mrs. McLellafnd” and Mr.
and Mrs, Hays, the men (being hydro
tree trimmers, spent Thursday even
ing at William Eadie’s.
Holyrood Community Club win
hold an organization. meeting on
Monday night, in the Township Hall.
■ Burglar (on being arrested)—Just *
[ my bloomin’ luck. I spend ’aif the
night making friends with the dog,
and then go ah’ step on the catl r
Mrs. Arthur Stewart visitors. Minutes of the last meeting ’
—-— was read arid adopted. Mrs. J. Mc-
WhmneyWroduced an article of the
.F13?0/” Pipets Which will
be dealt with later. Mrs; R. A.^Mc-
• <'nnj1$'RaVe a *Cry profitabale read
ing. The topic for the month “How
5,tulV nur Bible” ws taken by Rev
T. R; Turner. The meeting was clos
ed by the pastor. The November
meeting will be in..charge of Mrs R. .
A. McKenzie and Mrs. Arthur Roach.