The Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-10-22, Page 71 '■'Jfcea SessSes- not eom- rrot. kill,. shaft not With, the- ©hi World seething- with unrest and wart Ike preparations, Canada, has much to be thankEiil Sir at -tilts-. time; feat already ft fa time for you to awake out of sleep;. The sentence simply .means that fee eonifitious. of tie fem® cfemaH® thfe ' befevers sfesuM be alert ar® at work- Fife naw is salvatfom nearer to us feam feheni -we fifefc beEevedi .The safea- itikini here referred! to & feat affiSnafe eunsumroation-- of fear fedempitora which will occur- an fee' Tno-rmng-' of jougresumectiam . | 12 ‘The .night is fat- spent,, and’ fee ■ | day is efc hauriL ((See I Thesm 5c 5t> This passage pfeba-My refers to fee seeqmi. etHsfiig of fee. . H^ofd Jesus -. Christ-. Itfe us .therefore cast off -fee- works. e< datfcness,, and: Bet, us put on fee armor of light- The Lonffs j return: is ever in fee New Testa- |menti. nq£ an- excuse for imkffergnee jar carefe^sniess,, but an incentive‘for- an ever-increasing- hofiness of ‘Efe ((see Hieb;: Iftc 25, ST; I Coe.-Tz'^; E Pkti fc Th- 'f Mme ;io Dsliciouis Meal ’Than . • Legs wi jKB (C&oips' . ** g. . I T—..."]- Sd fam-frigr afe dnaat -.hoasfewtoea wife fee phrase o*feEmhj” that it1 seifejra. oreiarg to' them -to enguire into the pasfojKtEes ef utilizing rrfe’to rygq -feto .ffeHcsoEE and • EJI-. . trfcisiiss .yrre-at. "• . There are, ■ by actual -coimt, -ntsae ferm <10 ways in yfetoh tn to ^gpefezhng tut ineEpersEte*' itejEeai^' ’ can he serve®. besides the “aid 33&- fehle^’'- sgefe s-g'uob lehaops and leg. raaste Many esf feese -ufeer methods age-.Jess espensive gm® nriake 5t'"v^y • •.. sfegde far fee ifaumemaSrer to' fetes- fege /terne -vegy 1 -pto-^-^wr . cifenary s-i-r arises to -her' tensgsy fantny. The whede fare-pant uf fee^ aver­ age feefe hanfo weighs fetom ife to . Ii6 nriTm<to 2md' ermfemrs. fte taltow-. ing desirable citis. neck, sheuhfer/. .fesnk, and hressn. Lamb neck slices, age defotitauiS'”f or btesing or easser- 1 ale dishes, than- .'fee equally nuxrftiaus .and izing. The shank, ^tme inexpensive frefe. lamb an exeeBenh piece for ing, er 'stew, and rhe I great delicacy whife many hocse-' i wives owerhtote; It tsgy be purchased tor very Ihfee- and -ma-ftes. a delect-' ■feto and tasty -.dish, when sruffed an® roasted ar- when.' -stewed. ■ A -paint ghaut .fresh terib which •' ‘ . ■appeals to most., haasewiwes is- that ;• fe - outs af lamb are ' tender. The young housewife, who perhaps •- not had tench experience in conking meats -feat rfetfere -spirafel .tseaimfer* can • always- feel- safe :fn'. terving Jymrd ■ to her family and guesteL . AR tomb cuts niay he ctofeed by dry heat; feat is, 'toy ruasting, 'fem-il- ing or jjan-bmuHng. and since Iamb cnmhmfe sb well with refeetab tes. ft to eEceSfeut tog. stewing .White, tomb to never sentfed re ■ ss to beef, it to delicious if - eemtre to deftfotirely -ptek - <Cbo.' I to ■ rhe wed-done stage ft sinfe • niiich moire than. if . cooked to- the . /proper medium stage. Tt.should be j eoafed ihra stow orvfen fS0& fey F^ : and, csf course, ’like .aS gfeii guasts^ • should never he •Esvere® while cwJito -..ing r Lamb ■ sh'cmld always he serve-® , piping hot, on Lot ptetes— or -toise t Quite cold.. The unpairdoimhte sin to to serve' it luke-warm. ■ s . ■ yw; .EOWE,'. X*-D> ;TE.WFB- ANC-E. fEni!es^Kt4fi<Hia;£ TemptHrmrcE: Sunday ft. — tounana EX?E-.E1L_ <&aG$feni Textt—fit! ist jpto® unit toetot ffiesto • anrjlto t&itoc wine,.' natr to' ®h», anything to|b*refty fey hrofeer stuiw- B&C&- f&miam*: hS; 2®_ .Etovotimial Rerniingr Edmans E-fc ' EX2T ■ ■-.<■' .- Biginner Topic: -A En® Nhighboti. .. . % Eesson itorerito.- Etomuna E35= .' a-HL ; Sfemory Verse i Love .thy md-gb— hor- Rhnutmi E3t 9<i_ ■ Erimgry Topto*-. . Why We. Keep ■ '.Rtiles. ( •" • Lesson Stotortolt Egfe ■ - id,, rd’.;' ‘" ■' - Stoma ry ’ Terser EEe ..that keepefe -' the- tow,. Itoppy is h®_ Proverbs E&u. . ... Jiiuior Taplct Jtmioir Fiti rens. Lesson! Stoteriuir Rinnans $&:. ; - - I-o,. K Sfemory Verse-:: Enve.- workefe no« ill to- his neighbor:: therefore love is ■ the fulfilling tow- Rfow- ans III; Ito - Ehtermedtote- an® Senior Th pie- What Shall We Dd-, Ahaut Drink-- '■ ■.’.'.' ■' ib-'■■ Topic For .Taung People ■ surf AduBsr Lawt Lovey, an® Temper-, antce^ - • ' ; ■ THE' EE9S00E ENl EES SKTTTiNU; . Time.-—-The Epistle to the J£aur- ®ns -was .written. 'JLD) 5jZL IMmie: The Epistle: to fee Hitmans was written! to fee church st Ebmek firuuE fee city a£ Cminife^ to (Greece. . L Eefc'every souf be to sufiieetaani to fee ftfgfrer- powers.. These are alE the higher officers of fee Empire-, not duly fee Emmgar; hut fease repre­ senting die Emperor tiirougiiuut fee provinces a£ fee Rinnan; Empire? Far there to no power but of Gad; mr® » fee powers- feat-.he are arrtoine® a.f Ga® ®at anty to framarr gavehmmsit » divine mstitutfom. but fee form, to which feati’ gpvp-rn merit etotots am£ fee persons by whom! its functhms afe '‘exercise® ate determipe® by his providence.- - —^^^^therefore he feat resisrefe. ■ the power,, withstamleth. the ordinance . af Gddr an® they feat withstnmt shall receive to themselves jmlg^ meat.. “JtofgmentT' to feto verse means fee judgment af the gpvem.- nnmt resisted;-- punishment for <fisabedience?' to .fee goyerannmifs tows.. •■' . 3L For rotors are not a terror to fee goadi warit but to fee eviL Sa- government- even. though, it to cor­ rupt.. ever funiiamentully ' arts co' punish, 'fee' .toad and favor wrong And wouhtost four of fee power grrad. ■ and-' tiiou from the ame. •t F»r he 's a mini. thee for -gnod. As much as we m; disagree with: the policies af a. ; ernmenr. even*, at times, with. a<vn_ w-j know that tie -.ijt.mgte jRitti whether ir'be acn.ev-'-i or af gpv'*m<’nnil ’.cg.storfou . s weifo.-> >d tiiar C'lvernmeur’s jests. Bur !f “ton. -io than whi evii. be af":id; fir he bearerh not • fee sward in rain: for he is a min­ ister of. God. an avenger for wrath fe him that doerh »vil.- The B var I is here -toed as a( symbol of .•iilthorirv and especia !y'4if the rgh p-.ms’fm. -.: jfeia very thing,. The woe® here foram- | slate® ‘ttrfbute” refers? especially to I,teases? opxiu: houses;. land®, an® pst— isons^ an® particufexiy to aruuiaE tas- . es ((see ILu.ke^2flt 22; 23r- 2i)L ?•• I X EJendeir to aO fesfe ®uest •trib­ ute whpm tribute is doe- festom- Ito wiidm custom- The whir® “'custom"' [has a great many various meanings uoi- fee Jfaw Testament,, but; here ra- fersj- especially to “‘(mstomi ®uties;’*? “tolEs/” (see Mhfti ITi 25^. Fear to whom fear.. “SeE as is diie to- an j aftfeoritei avenger of wrong;”" EEan- lar; -to wham honor.. ■ It. i^-. ,a very ba® • sign, m any country whJjthose. .win ■are in authority are spoken of in a light wayr an® when men “set at nought dnnnnmn and! rail, at dignf- jties”' Jijtijde 8; 21 Per. 2t T0fe ‘ .8^-f3.we na-Jman^- anything.. . Thfe^ fundamentally^ . refers- to the prece®- Erig verses. Lea we age not to-..a^e to men what it is euar business to- pay— taxes,, customs., fear, haunt; but,, af (■course,, fee verse • also covers the j matter of debts to general as welL l-Sawe to* love; 'one smothers tor. he j-feai . tovetfc Ks neighbor harlr fui- fiHe® the tow.. Tills- ®ebt we are al­ ways- '.owing to men; The next verse explains this firndtonentai principle of are,. .91. For this,- Thou; shaft mit adultery,., TIiou shaft Than, shaft not steal,. Thau: divto; an® if there- be any ether crnrrmTmtlTnenk,. it to Summe® up: to fefe wnriF, TTaTneJy Thon shalt. love fey neighbor as thyself- Koyet al­ ways to .enrnrerned- with fee wetoame eff the one loye®. Eave can never to— temtionadly harm fee tove® ane^ EQ; Eave warketfc nn .31 to hto TfprgfrFirrr— lave therefore to the fel- fflnrenr of the tow. The tow here re- forre® to’ to- of course; fetor part of tow whihfi has to <fn- with: the reto- tfmTs between one man, an® another to fe& We- EE all' met toncerely Bove® enefr ather- thousands of tows- cm ator statute beaks coui® be can- ctdTe®,, far they would be .Mxtomatie- aHy to® entiiusiastically a \’. EL An® this,- knftwi The fea-ulder costs les leg, .and.- makes- a ■ reast- - ■very appet- ed tee mast. featfe hrajs- bjreast is a net tons of fell in Que- .nhe largest before I9LL F '■fr ji to tire food have mo­ tto tiiat which is shalt have m.-atoe of Go® te re OTV- aur oh- not. I itos. ■• t> « <» iI .1 -he C Sir Gtooi oil m 9 41 IT.-r- (I; IC'S? if rirto off Akutan tsiii-nc a sale, wits re . ffiilly-wau® ip^ plmfograpliera; tite& mem win® gn> avecywhes.-^. see- eymiytlUlig an® fate yictraresratf every- • body,. aeTecte® thes® film starlets? as? hasting tfie greatest d&fec» ttwi; Lfei totinfet Jtapy: 0wrf»Mt p?n-far tRrfto Hurgras;. Jlmica Jarratt;. Kkg'Hugfteg; Joke Ptoic Bottom: Mary (SffimL Hbrnna; EawrencaEt, l&aHwmte Ehlen Was® Ml® JUnet TSssesUr. With commendable . . caution Eirs. ■ eynold C. "-Fcsmi ■ and ftobert F. “niwersny of IHmais Efp- Qfaauic Chemistry ah- week tteongh' "the me-' ee thin they imd made irate chemical eompnund. is not actually ^yntimtic erp-tiBly hekaweg like ft The jimmral ’’vteamir. is y round ' in safe verm- ■ rnys. spinach. -. wnu -, >-s, ofe.-as those esrtinred ‘ -rs fe the cod and rhe til “hi? Hu-ems like a 'toe- ‘ tvnrk tiTom—fee' man’s ' point new eampncz yiia min- A :ri.~ to of teifi- The whaler Wespurt pftotugrs^he® as fee pounding surf broke her up on Bight 'Reef, th fee Aleutimi toltoids; The crew of fee- 95®oot ‘‘Killer boot.” wftnffi went on reef in seise® By the Cbsst Guard! cutter Chtoaud, and taken te Seattto - - ■ d anti dv.iiii evil. .7. . Wa.a: ■ subjection. i wravhi but “If tile, Pai means of punish in er. ■ ‘..re y" must need not oniv be-niise ■ at also fir ’ conscience’ smte. were miy armed. ‘w;rh _____ ___t ’ . it' would he enough: to regard it wife tear, but 3: is- rhe representative of God tn as­ sert justice- among men and hence it is^.&dm a gottstognc^ that submission' must be given ta »t. ff For feto cause' ye pat tribute also; for they are ministers af Golts service, attending continually upon —rtfliiw “;TT-fee person nf Offi-rrr Tvan TTjlTer. carehe^ nn with 3:ye:;r-aid (hM-tinn Hurise- after his wild”das!i rhrnnsh traffic litoirs in a. mam business street, on ’‘borrnwetU tricycle. EFe wandered tram mother and had a wild time of to ' tA—3 I TOB0.1vTO'.—The q.uestian Of what women have' done. with suffrage came up., recently at the. meeting- of Enrma- nnei College .Alumni Association, and brought from' De. Stanley EpsseL .-of' Deer Path. United Church, the remark char “the thing ahbur women's su£-. • V.- ‘ '■ •--“’m.’c - ..rt lx 11 . C ’ S I’."ins of rie- nr."---off ms' .i : <>; -•-.-r.c . ft <! <: r ■• on ru:*ur:.'! ■ ti ■; ■“ ■ t ' -■‘Wn •‘■(i ]v '?y-“ure. ‘Fuson ' uiui '"‘fir. wife ^,1-a- c- -'ior-rr..; v-lx. h hcare s-nr • .»-• mb- nil resens blur!/*• ti> oil nr’'smn. Prior ro rhe election of1 the new Lord Staynr of London Lord Slayor and' Mayor-elect attended a <emcf> bridge, tire' Lord Staynr-elecr, in the pro on. ♦ :>■ ■ v. , ‘ ■ ■ .' / ‘ I . ^MauaiL-iBauin............ til nioternu^s rt£ compound hF’H-tnff tire naw '' dimethyl: > c'’,!'' me.” whiir lnote£= su.irhr 'V’sty- syn-he-ic vftantin A, ft is dll were much- like addife a "wing *r> < house and cii’digtiur the whole' arciif- ,ie fed function nf.« tin# How -many nfotherg hsv-e- rehidfeut- rhe crmclusinn'thnr their child .a- mine tn be color blind when, at fen- yenre old he cdimint tot nma color from', another ®e will say that red '*ta' not fete same” as green. “T- don’t rhmk it's hlue.” or feat ba -itinks- that it’s “like mammie s hug”; Tin fact, anvthing feat will avoid iffifefc* imr a def nite statement as to -wbat- color he -hinfes it is. He-pteha-bJy &n»Wa- fee writer very well, birr, the mere fact fesft . his. ni'fi-feer'has' snaftt 'tJWEjf- .and-'over agwfrii- tiiar one is red. umrttter - blue, snffi another -yellnw' hag fifeirjflTr .npper^ most the narmml instinct, of ftia to refuse tn use his menfel enWiftiTent. :md he Just cnrEVH-ninntly. when any- tiling iii the way of drmWeutruthig' starto. make his mind & blank. It is’ hard work for a tired mother tn ftrarift _ these _ early ■ iessnus. but fee result i» worth the ptTnrt. f