HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-10-22, Page 6■fo. i 4 Hi mirmsmi ransr. •1 ft / i z o F' t i‘ii rlTp nij an 1TXiCmrss 0' ✓. -d - I 1. EACH CAKE SEALED T i» hr h; IK ft. I OH m nti ‘hi tint IT, ta Hi?- ttis m, til® >« h> •it nib 'tare tie s nm ;r c i tar .ft will lie .is ■hl 'Krw?x j , li Tta, S3 ess am • rifo-rny.'TTcarft, ■ ^,Aili.ta.s.W- Ehtakuit—tSdutiteE Ulins te~u rata an; life- tan^murar. ■’fesptatek: HEfetrti. So. Jsfetafi- fieas gagrar. nnrana- fetitasz, dteE white frteifiaptag iters r F-nm: hi ta niter rhe '.ata matt February ar. * reftrri cftey., <?n<£ ft drift tiiUW ;tii" axtto ttuTTitey raid 3J*»w ’'teirrte rr ten iter [Mmm,. UhuSbrffeaP 'rente* tftift tn* . EE Hie wur, fetofr- Butt Jto> dlEy lttC af ,t forte in. town ae geut earinnitete toe niirnifht hi aaaasdr- •SALAM Wtmsflfiafi H85d^y A 11 rite ngEY. TBindte)) ’ Hknnimg StEsilfe' ^mnr ttaufin . modi „ '^mfing fitestell sfifl- ffinamiig x Bssk to stum '' ' ten ■te -.v I Wcwife.•Ife Ljffiia Has Mno- asteM fen .fcRasgiEos fa- Wair£--~O^sip$®$ aft 3fe\ws ; ■ . ■ J1 " MSDOCT2KW—Ibjdna <QnBdl<, ■|.jwSn> gmfixE&Cy wt3B tenmte Otogiters (jifisst ffimStoma wmnnEii, .tnniBtetL , ® a&mE .raft ftw srafl aaHugW?^ ,kt®S; mrilprik itihy.' HwnpftrfE Ytrui’ijfl Sbaat" ~ ~ ~ rter ggfi: rte Fhefl H~idfwnp jsm troftrfh gmp.n- . TWftjma'Mns. ffifennus _ <Ganiffi am •m. tfiffi Tmmnnpg, ate toimd Halin im teSL, Site wfih fessa^ aaafl amUmg Snr snmenne- irremed Jfeiay.. . . ' ^Fte' tfflfise. dkgs, ILidn nsras gam^y ‘“J35sb ®newtasri.r” gagped tite ®s- ttmffitefl tagirt raterftrniErn. “Witeittoe yarn dkHpg Ktaa gfisnurefl towata ate <E2X. “fi iWH iHdteEgaT’ rite Tmnrannft. “MSh, fitfe 3feg”s, Jam ®d atafifi” i2EBE uu.Kea, sees ater ilmsh® <*iui -uu= . islzax, jus- iiftast CHtfiEimfe wamffim. nvnutofr, ® fflEBfls' Ste tetotes .as Mb tedkefl ratt iter toteopi^. “Gune JBmfffe, afitihrngfa ftnnm fin ■-. awt feager wfifih a SHEBU-fen®' tftefiteU •”'!’««- ™=WU, ™«=r« ,«s-<zr»«. triTwmnrilnr un. , n n ■- "" -' ■■• *• ifcrfr srnfl rm^fctta <g.nttfl. iSte wrirtow tot Jteuy to ■'•ell Bran thanf to Iter, ' iCHMUSM W3K ?•'' '"lEhe. ■mifHer umasfer ffte-nysti -JHfep a adk&tetam an t£he tegfat^ Ste Odfii tfite gteh gm fl wn towate nt HHwee w® an. tengiigr' tear rstenffinjg' te tfite sfflififl? Jffeg 'rterfe Irrterr^ m rehaflrOT am tfhp swift.., sate (PKOTa irnin n±. - - - . ffiriln OSWlfts} ■dhrauftrnp- vBUffil auiliL UHie. flxte teen waunp, tert mwi, a <euM igm wens gunirteg iflavm. Hafla. tfiBwtefl feunh Ute (ebo^ ter teeffib irteirtie'mT^. ^' A' ^rae*te'ieesj- etet smfl - tehte. teamed tet aS ttte ferr ■.<■■'. -:'■- AIR-TIGHT Sltxsart. fimmr was am rite llfte off .P^eamnit, sufifing, cgnteft otiA .-ffimg. Btemfifl, ter . nhdte yaun^er tfflnm few f2 ywras mnfl wms.pteteBfl, ® mitt ®e- «3tefl, wfiffin wantfl earrmo '-fmrrTr.i. ©Sfewa ifltett ter -'ffiiifitofl OmBte wms to ife fete fin (OETiidfri ttn amfiton ’ wht»hth uLuxa^ sut rjira vyn**x> HilitljftfeL nil. ■ TIThffin stfte fh^gHD to. nrffimfl. WEern-jj ■ ■ Hnpmfl,Lfiur tffitet fiar 01 fiffiEB, of tite antestera fimntefl fin to. m rrhnrfftp ffirn- Iter . IFhtemte ran rite gmrik i SHHt.fin ffllKWE138 tertfl ermrill. gydl-k. Tfirif.'. cnrwft. rrrrrtiTl rite Tteft. dtey off to® tmrdtetr torte iHi^^Hingitt fin tifie gfet, afiflr Guise MAte^r 'jp^ a teH . . J . Bfe dtnnfl fin. rite’ dJntetoy, totearh® ■ fba.Efc . grnfl ffimrih am' fite '. 3ddln| ’ Wmf 'mffterrgr fin ®Efiy ritera^ ■ Jteir. THlrtp wmifly niter ifllrite teumtt Iter riternrft. .,..'■ feiE mete yaaufiwe ®ntt,'yunirsdS . firtoJ” rmmmmffflfi un^mptefiEtt- fitoTfe, ‘tiltoiyi^feS H siggnsE. yam-; Wi.w wtewe giit aiteiSiHrteqgsr?’ finfia mnflfisfl ztetonnafKttofe. Grass .tend to ffimnfej ‘GKfnw Thrmg te fit gwfhrfi to Be dbafica® sflte -«ram topgtT” ' ". '• Wlte^ JF&nrTriy -ftterfe Iter iterdL “Site ffigrit eteen HtePr' y®L Sim rnfiyte mever' fiffi s&te fip tefoy ram dm ’’’ ' , n ' ■ G-tewn teaatefl! tteft “dPhte Aterite; fit,-” fine astel; Untefrrg frraifc tot Utola. i “YcDUBiE rmn w53hb tot rme, ,rarnfi yuUUlCEifit; Stig. Yanfto c&oigi3£to]y womiBikss to' mm. WtiH, toni^ ynnr Bramfl BufeHn^-i 'far' ,te Hun trrmnernef yum.' oraai!.' tefft fur yamtodE.’” • ■ ‘ ■ Htehto firte. tpramr tot Iterng • .■fthwry-. fernefl-fiy Grass ■'^Viiky term gave wmy ■' to ra1 feeling of toBsf . tt Being fees ( off ‘ BfmL fit was rafimnsi wantfii .tite; IJrsS off Brar gnsrSms. .teigfing wmie. fflur rite wriive was ggrrwp, Sfr® seprite. 'ws3ffli ffiSnulty- snS ten udtompt to; ssing firffrrn^te. fmtffli anfly Bransfe na^r fing ftnrmffe. \“5&.tefi toy ®ton to to1!! '” rite i-Rteftwr rafltilsfifl Eten, “fif yurar; tfinatei te <gi>- 5ng to get wdK IH 'fit. feft, yurnr; toynpg to sing wSB anfly mtote rrnntiens1 'wansp.-’T’ . “fifet ITto 'ggiit to term m ■ fefifig?* UtoOn pmtosiefl. “11 amorts±ny Iterae fin: tfie ptenk Brtejnitol any UrrngHr.'*’ Wts. HfemfiR gtetefl Iter temfifiter- “Yam aran nnmp ranfl lftw^ wiTfrn me rim- ra.wftulE, fimiHSk” site shuT tomSfeiYIte tell telmyp ignfl filfl IIdv® to team yam. -shwe tfite Sfim Mihths mtete to ratefrte. H 'guuffR yam tiinflfl Brate tftte pub nf yam wrarrtt nt’” dLDte fimmfl fee Stefl Bfe^ a^ter fur tife Hum Eddse. SnrrteuTneg rflte tfiERHinefl af dfemy tenfl riterr rfirte to- titeiter. rate' tfte BraauiirFin mmmHifc; site ttefl spent wfrfij HmnJ vd'lten® was te’miw-? Tffie tefte tnatetemr off tfie Hum JBntee, wfiw tegit ifite toxtefepg Eter- otefe rate Bnflftei Wjte rptes ferrp- . ferae, ararr® cap rate Iteraefl tegfitett tfte aratefefs ajtofii, “iStows yarnr 'rihmrrt tern-1”” “fif sraitely ewer Binfiffto □te.T’ILiito n^ftofl fin to® Unw, gfentites ^esfe • site. Hrafl teartefl to eemjflpy. “II otefiy tfifinh fifto agate well” Well, esmipit torr' tter sTngfrng vafiira. Ste snntefl teratefc. “‘Yfiraf’s mew toflHyl?’1 “IHrarairi wdd stem rite jirssirs'r’' Kula steak ter teafi. j “3E.itel msv/fti .ifefirgy ’^teno-nfs <uy titestra 5s grriing to pilsy teri ra wfinte week flraing AnfeiHte” “tefiry. Yinufini?” tHxcteinte BLrite. “*AViiy te’s' tite tom. 33xw flreri te iteppsn to te .^toying BjhiseT” I ‘^Grossumimtiy toux;T' tite, rmtetenv m? espftetnBfi. ' J late teitefl ratoer te fispratting rite ;" E mily Iter wnite remiflfl ■ nnme c ■ttete.’.’ E nfe- ste-CTiilfl geri am rmfe -Ste Qniitefi am. storr^tefl. '“ffenry'."ti fenr. v-fe Jefltera Tin rent! Ste sigtefl. Uyte urnwfl wis tihicter. to wras UtomsfiEy- • ITrnyv tfinte” ste srafi, totefegg tEtett ' • ste auaptetefl Bier tfflteliiginEn titifes: frn “BI fen™ fit.wauilfi come feme Home” t~ *■ -.'.- Ster fixys' camfinrtefl fenrte. -ssrfeiesR torr yesto, pmitefipiffi^ rannrpg msw GsnaStens nn , Safentotewram sfeifie- mwrrftK smtfia ras Hrrferfcfflrr;, fin rite Ymrft ton' dtetoid^ '^± Wt^E^fin. Eteasrate mm3 Wdtesrc, Wn^iteE^, Wmitheiib aanfl Htorpgrarjgrs ftrawe ferrom iter fin- fetente. fltffifar Eter irnrflitoftfnTm trite wnffl Ite gwiiBiritirff. to. atefe™ rnimuteges, rafl- TTrirnfitor storrantete amfl (dStemto. rat teritisite — pntottegBE nuif ptei mow ■ fiffiritrimg Htette torirrn H2 yewrri oflfl . ■ fee tetentefl Ssafiurf ILaftef’ (Drill T;ge„ STFFSRft, 'TFn-gjtenfl, ffinr Stair yetes, tfften eentereefl rite ®mfita cnvffl serwite ras ra rritetftr fin Homfirm sawing.' Fbafte ton H®r, trite, rararre' to (Gtrnnun rafifil iter fefier ramfl Stair isiriimr^., t-wedrrng ahi Statetemg, Stek. Hrter anntiter iffisfl wfiute (Drmrfhy wins .ferffi U1 sBfilfL ■ She mffivfflt! ter rrnrrmtal. sfiroifl, unmtafefy .ranfl riterilnpfirril tearnrqg mill. fin StehteniHL . . . “ V j — ■ ' --- < 'Wrtiriri-s Dfegtai rafirponti. SEtt Guy- te ../HfinglranH, wffll Brave ra.nudfui Bate- EHitewtei gantifes ten® to te ter­ ete ffinn, ©tea te®£ to estoames amfi mtens 'irafl tenUEte ifj^ramnirnTsR unto miffinis. aannnuHto. “ Ute uncm® am- .qftrrrdn tffte fijBBfi rite tetttea^; wmfi wgte- fite® ffim ate nrunwing sates naan %g®- tttes. ©ff diurse, .toe ctrilnr tetenss ara resflhte orsEne®, firwrem ate ffltefe. PPI ate man te wuim Sy tfte gugwr WB- dtes, omito arte atete, Hutt crrm<gy ate firawim tentefl iicffliinufnato fin toe cotes ate oanfils. , • TTrny tef ©tetrwffi fffernrite ccnfisgE> @te-' ■ifirm tengfe-nte-, ® ffines gfiigsaifironril. “tonite spins? cotes, teiictexto ate an- Mg a® taita ffiaffing Sn ffi®"™* ■^ •“Sbs. nte EMto- USB gmm ai® Dtei^anfl mr Rm torn 5e nn teereL . H ttmm, ItevdilitetorL S-mnwiing .Titez ■ nmr Weed!—- Exjur sum aie^.gung. gm® Shrum nre trite toe sona VU'hTnfimg oimss tflhe- sinteiftes off tffiw ' ™ G^H" 11(11 .•■ . teorrtffh 'ITffimfrng fi± anfl fiTTiffl'g- H ffine Qmsf&HT ome . ; Qj^niAWrA^-Bl£P<iet& af ai eannnte- am ttosalagHialj ■ .aultogte ante aif ai.iKgtot aw ttoi ardfnutmm of wamfii wen® Ltotovedi negcuW &-Y fc^e' ^Sto- tote Caiumnl af tit® Ztotete Ctotrulii' af Canudte. . * - (Qiptxnmgr. aff' f&e nrirnstey tai wanton am temte af equality wfito aieni ftm Efqem ogftfttete Sir year®.' TTwt years ogo> rite ©tmerafl (touneiX adteptete tefi® jmrimdnFfe ante nentotiite tiie qjiesflnim 'tfrn..ajll dtfre pretoyfatoes of tife HtofitoB 4 (toin-irteh -torr ga^-oiitfitoitfe dtofetoi! am ftyrorfiinTg DegtotofonL |‘ ■ Stoe rite last (tonerafl ©lutofll t&ffi 1 ■gnrirrjrr fins tatom place to tfie pretoy— i.tlsifeffi am . tfie tollhxvtog neniter “Ttoif te® rnfnistipy sfcteE . &te apem to fiatto • i irrintf ante w.amen*-”' to was dlselnsete pttrdfry tfrnjfr SO) pretoyterito vatete to toroug af titis rhgfaltoidm ante prfist • fty&stito wen® appagete. -to resirftt ’was; avuflhlilte feanr tegfit preto’y- twtee ■■“ ----- IlheuiiBgfcal! ediuiatium . to . toe , afinrtto was tiie suhjeto of a tfiorougfo ;@ring report - by a cainnnssfiirE of j wfifiifo Efevt EtoRt Pt. Ekiw.Qte is c&oite ■mum. ©He repurt strifes tfiat reteto- " itinm to tfie numfieir af colleges ante 1 a uestiuns af' aurnfinitonij ante sradiiirtes . of examun-tiam Itove caused! “touted |p (fimuHsfiun ante aoptoidra^Ite dflssutis^ l.eais^ wflto St- Attfceys' (College^, jI earn ncadutiinr femtimiE '1 sttyte Sn ariun gs aaum is wry eiteffiGtes amfl tmitfistinui. tor aafins eiiiter finite car wmw-itf • Brrrrm aiTRHMg dtsss neatoes yiw emu •J atense stuns tewifes ciiau .will! gteiss ! eessm tfine must i fyfagmrrnrFi guss-n — p ute .smesi wfiw Him' earns aur^wafext ■•fin afl] nte canmsis air naris toemn toe h teh-off many Bites.- Ttese aafiss ‘refill •iguil aiirn fin fifidip gate annurit I ufl csajp 2 <nigj® taBwn gafe- 5 nn^ num gpn^ S offiSBt tewuom citesEmtag, —H ttasponin frufettg soiife fi> ong® ffiter GssHtg, sfinntenfe®' asuBteugfe. aafifl eggs, vfem TUten ftrtefi tauitJ ssOi ranfl snifia. E&ridte nn ttwpp pants rate ruIE nfetauuiite stag®. Efiffi wfto ____ __I ________________ (fiiG® tflTTngg rate naED frite ftfrEw' -cate. ImmTifly m frarrgitefoy policy af meejg- Utet taranfl aw®!' rrfiftte. Sliiie ita M "* ’ nrrrrfh srifewe: mill rudite fin qtaciE aven. tfHitrrg-- 3^ ph, (tetefi. ate fine- H tap finawni B aup W£g taiute ".' dtaafe. rrrrrffp tiTfirfe. (Ttali amfl rafifi 11 tap niiEs. tan' fee frefepe staeafete.! ___ Stose W_. IL. SEtetitews:, (raffruEUH-,. Gnr,/ wnrfi Cfessr Erssdi 2 digs rifrtta aaite tfiiurr ;2 uausjfiuns nteirnr gowiter ' toisgaiiw smite ’2 toxsgjuniff titar U mssguoiB cinrriB- miim. .to tso&guuiL silfe D-$ «ugj EtuiEsr (w cotes' sfiiirtujiiiiis. to onni ainraxJ H egS. nsteunsii. ihU 'cugs nmiteses. cup. sumr. nmlk an terrmniirTRr' Sifc ffiiulr amiffi, teE teltous gtiwter,. site, suites ate tete. anfl sHl ui- gstes-' mte® hirmffs, fftetHTn rnrrnffi- ttestnigSiP;^ a<6£ sagrirr krmnnriTvr smt anffiam ai^atear uinill iiiaiii amf ffirffy.. J£dffi tesH cm2 Et®Et *wHt towr mnite- SHS. ’Afifi ffhmr, rd to-TTTO mfer rafrfrh rnnir a santfTI onimmr. on a tems, teatSig: ofifer earls * tenftfam mute snnnirte Etesr.nn assossdl giHH 8r st 8B m 2 unites. Sii muitento cccs^an <GEiI’' HO) ST tthii- usees Ssrse gfliux air itefii 'wtiipgte msHm ffiEvraste nniSissES .Irtotoy EfesSW IFeuoS Caafee 22 dugs srirteif: utoto ffiny, 2—^. Osm- sqjtnrrTff; Fhteter- guxwEto; mmqyrirm istefi,. B%’ suns sugurt, S- egoist weLE firauton. 3S sousres imawgeftrnyte trftnrp- aitefe. nielhaE. ®uj* nrOfet B tEusgoom wmiTTfe. ' • ; Sufi ffiiur artee. nregenp® sififi Thrift firge pareteto- ante salt, ante swift ragerfi.- tor tillite times. Gnenrrn fruiter- rinr- mnto&r. ia&E sutom gradimfly- ante arffinm togetoear unEffl fttofi ante fluffy, iiAfifi mte Beat:-went; riimr. cfiacn- •’ EhtH? ante'Benn until! smoorto. ABC ffiuirr uiitsriiEtELy wJ5b, miilt a emtolj am- onnt -on. .as titae fieiitiipr totor eoufri tot- . fiitfim untill smofitiL. j£cfifi wrafilin. , Bate fin ipvu gr^sseiL Hdtn-rfi : toyer" puns- _ fin toiBitecire■ ovens Ghto' Hto .‘ITT mm- xiigrzBm of audit to teip mrtaige; -nus. on until itane.. Sprjsite Grunge ---------.------—. —==-------— —:—• SEtott Bnuertoxc &grwe«m Ihyers. ante on. p tite pnotes omfi sngjsteE com- o tqp mite totos of gate 11 • -' .. 1. h. ■ ©bangs ffiSsfi Ifmtofiiig R 22 uigr whites. cup® sngai.-„ 45% txuiitenawns:- ■mange- jjiite. % tufilte ___I_______ _____ : _. "f spamr hHiKitt. niihe.. B tteisgaml gntofete E mto ter' wnte -wntiifl edit® “ilntoE TTeill me fifs rtefiy yntitoj • „ ,. araugg? tiiufi. -r __- ?Sfe Ennhsfl unu xtebfl. “5Tsni3"‘< • ’ ■■***? (Etojteny <Mngf?” . __ stoteton aumete Ate ffitetohto ' i ' ‘ 3T'- StoteE tot wtote-fito stoto wife .uK- nmy -mtetoifemg to- tote nfito amffi ■ ate, slifi to® State® aantot. 1 toe (pesumSsfl m totonfl to tote ter nite® mto tm sraw®. tte fir ■' mm to tile tiifitei Hmito Sir- pmji 'if -'grrsnE—rite smte gimtofimemi nniw fitej}' mg' eviiuirw:. ’ _ fin? totesfl aim to utey' sjeatofettirsL. ’ Jfetiy was toHinnr .nuiijiiix. “3 .vas 4 SfrurSsr is mo ae 'fiKjirto! dffiente to» fearite ' wter H tonnfl ynr wertehq -ft Rtiteir 'm-rtep 'suite 'tatisrte of to®- ‘ Starfe. fe fifitoDwetl EE tote mte tefifl ‘ totoE to tel .Uisegfr, Storm fie wmiRE 1 teEte Sarte r feint sgutel EBrK tite ft illtor: if mi1 w'zfie te Dily ® aum&- partedtey n.w —She Hfem- " ntei'te'grrmuin.. ■ ,' 1 . .' raowshaip arauiEY EiSenMipi YfeSky—a tpifflt nnafie anarnjy tiff smogs -Easy to gtese —riteiEP mire aiif&- ffis® gWtoh giisUfs—jawUl Sinfi tfte wmitey ajff toe. sctKEQS rrndteE wnar wni!& as wffl te rmHiihung ixirflli- nnmit fitefiin- terny. IJm ailflfm tfifiHs nhtonite aanitniiiunafi smogs sfidr .ajiiits- toeir- rnrrmy.. Ute . mffiisuiHS 3D mutes. Hteseto 113232? grrnres; to ynn mito aamgteto' smgite ntetouimnis fear »rnwirng. seremjg aanfi Sm- Twflfrng, toigtoteir writo yasflte2 atete. toEgnagm "_-uu- -------- ate Mmte fer single .amfl- <iliaiiQe terfl stei am to a diiassam off Shiite retete-serws ^•agaite nnr jiteSr^ " ’ __ „ Ssrtfl 223) aaariiss Su sdizrmjis car, qxudxi ((ctud gwfemngeBlj) Saar tftuE ua-EUirm fto JSjffixfeiirEffii Hihgft., ^Salsnii ffhfitteftiirgi (Dp*, 'zZiS ^KfeESt A^fidlsife Si*, ■ Hy Tananto- ’’SSaiife? gfeuaffey ghW-Him' SRamflent, gamr BSpnffi asncH Afi&asas-- ■ H ?■»...... nCTjjTft-H.,.■ai'f*,;., ,’... ■ , _. _....,— —TTIfiB&l y¥¥lXX2SEW33E2j^J'CjE-v!3sMQjEEZl rarastaiiiiiy jgitizHg; 'Russ. air tauiessj, n HaSvmgjnreefi S-Ukceb ate urrtai^bite Hradter. U cnanRiit.gsEaiee lit tea feg^oMdg. <5® ‘ MECCA CW7WE.W1 fiactom.'”' Tffi ® commissi dm necomr .. jStesifaaoig, to serve as rite one- cental® aft toeutegicaE, ■ ediuiatSsri. am rite Queen’® IffiealiigicuE Galtege;. a£ . Kingston,, te t3a» 'seek: ea-apeaiatfiiir . j —LJL , EmmamieL Cfiilege,, TTaEoirto?, MTT«FETsnnMraRnw i mmarefingr tu tins cepauto Ifc is ceaauL- ■ ■. . | mentfite tout ai council an tiieafligiiiai! ■ SgmE fiii . yamr fihvumte- recipe tor ®inaoriuiL lie fiirnretfi to Have.- nver- ptim' m^Hg. uuumeaims® (fish.i sir ffiefr-i sigiit afi igurrfi;ur sefiutershipte- sa-wjO'. 'we ar®1 aftorfius'JSniLte finr eater :postgraiteute wank: ante ph® qjteiifr- uesnp® pnuitedL , auribns- of' praJessars-- ' Em ardteir riteh . . ^Hbar to Enfer_ CuteSu’' '.■ ' ^greater care fie ttetor to toe iteftrite BRanEy write Or pninE anu toe fir- sfiim jpf uunng- men to ciiiiiiiifittes tor gnedtoms ate mm&nfi ante sente ' jtoa nsme irate adtoms® .to: na— ftlir u^edl' A „ or T *"■ retirement tor ora- Wemi Afiteaite Sto Tfcnninn , tossed is recammemieto ' ' -------—------------ . J Tpie aannmssiiiiL on sedoudtoy Tjfrrrm rm tomh-fterte rearedl to Bute- :=rtI^tea& reaianmnsuts- tout a smaLL es-' torn- anif termite. nr. Fiiirmp-m, maw—‘ 9®^^ earnunEtee fie fiirimid. in. aaaarte- fite pretty Jfeam Btocstolk has ihmfiafl auc® wflto ■ t&® JTht isey Faunitotonr a ffitoywotite urmfin ■ conmum ■Rsu.gte' Ktimmillito' renurt tu have av^s- tot ten-' off me fctoantsar to rite Rte-fte tiiese mstitiinans*. Ulie ct®irtosJte&. West Emfie^, tiie stores®". real tram® tfet tiiese saiiaais be dteEtoetfl to Ktouto • ' Snuncially unitor de at ’ “af t&e ' ■ utortto .'.'■',' ©nnnSiHr tHEg- whites? snjsnr omfi as angs ramfi aemim ijiiiis m. tug dfi dinitefe teilte. teattesr' often witte nattam- egg' teaser umhE siarriiicfilW mitefi' fflhare awnr rzEgSii&r teiiiite wanei,. tete <mn?- maartiy wtifij gnupu ■ <errr hehten;, grnfi CKKite 7T mmmvs air anrili ftnstSiiF will stonE fin gRiSSi.' ELtenni'e? Stnm. fto? am.fi- teal unrSL ttete-emnigfi. tti< sgrteat: afifitellaEfimXf?' ^tefi fiefiira -jgjyjmiimr am asite. JSMk 2 sgisEte' 'litevaftoHL- «fS atetehte wfiit 2 teas-naans tetter Ytean tontonjy is ft1-", rrmir afinraiani- intsstute- arftc amte ’tertemr :t am , TI3^£Rmtu3TSuSil£‘^ff^jQiffsf'’Wa^; Ute way to jgnni atensfi temfiBte (taitaitata, foxnn sttmutar teiudiifiim onsite fitam avcmdifii^, is, tin allia- Qzee tfie? sttnnuta (giicjfiy with! Btai- lijta Stale off fitagnesta- Yam thte editerr torn tteispoonft af tfiee Hqjiiifi SffillipsT afitetr rnealsc air tiwri> ffmiliita’ Stalk off fitagnefe Ete- ttfe jjytnustt instantly ‘hicjdi untiues- tenT gae$,, gie Sxum fiypernwih'tv,,. ^b«Tiii3--Iije£a<iiirTticL*rr’2——Srrjrrii av.eE=-m- dhiteictfi iw Site an smakimE—and! namseau are relieve? It. Yam- feteii mode- av®~ ffnsgdi ww tete a> stbsmfe. : Uny tSfe PtelW’ Way ftvata^ivc any ante sftnnrarfu npsefedSfeti either tte liigite “Ptiillips” atr tfieteniariiA i ffitwy si (alniiom. ■. im Qnr Bmnfij ■teimufe »writes:.—Wiien. w& toete am ;a 'finan in. rite Sldiite West mnrry rem'® aga- we ihut a. Iieiaitifiii’ rnntiiear ■ent mante “(Sii^em ’' Site was- sweoffi- . ■ jotfi Because of lien gepr Elite was? numii- fijsC an affi aec.iwi<in<F ! ■ (Eiuier was perfeatiy beffiareeifi. PF-ranr. ’ hffir fefir&nliaflifi was murltet By eansfifi^ erteum. iIje Her- Lirr’u QllLymxtrefm mte 1 she seUfnnr gat rmigfi. air nrrmnnr^n- alite.. .. 1 Ql die yarn there, was m fiaxstefer fcse tote ttanse'ffi a. fiinute of caBiusL . Qmd- (finy E caugte Ginger- eyeing tite . aesr Longingly fimn tfie granite and! , rite- next riling fi immw site Bite startite • to efimft tfie tree. .The .parent: fiirrte,. af* .tetrse... were Besides ttmmselW® ■. With .amenity ami tecrar. j Rushing- ru toe cor C puiTite' her i tn wo. ate cniSte her awnv geiitfy„ -Eft was effinnefii never tfite tb» lie ^i-fihnniikte twice. But, tile' nsifi Stilt a£ that nailiL’ teastisemenf came? -l.fi.ein tried riinse fill', :K toe A'mL ftjr days aeQfig toned hemelf fietur guarl rfie ftuitoeretl J&uiriter iiiHtonua mitetebte vigilance _____ Site iBite meunriy given birtii. to' a. Ute ti'i- afi Iiittens arte die Hitter lilted^ to wutl’fi. white E m.iltete rile, an wo. Qnef- avwifiig- nvrj te 'tdte tteliics' tried to .dlin.fr' up rite pail tti taste to® wurnn BevdrOgp. But (finger aDwayy fifate miififtfi town --<1. vignncmsly rtmt they'' nefvgr renewte trite attempt She ®iewr toot 'tinner time liaiL not artutet-E m&- ril... E pminitfi satn® o^/rtie millfc intu a pan file rtB> .efite' .ate she rtwfe tti® «ml$r mentis she knew nf infurmiug toe frifi- . tuns ctt rijitr ■’i'fpft. .anrrtfiwr af anm cuts. “Bessie,.” t» wry inn* hb»:i» sirnilitiir tm nt: (finger, Etessie did nut get iwever. Sir (fintmr wuufrt mie lee irhcr fidine allinli tile ririita tree- that Ghigeir sta­ rtle tonite! <feir to . iiduu.rirun.ta of Ginger's; rs- ecnnes to nrihiLL THE GREAT ENERGY FOOD ■ . ( with the t^eisas Flasivjir Ir H m::u. v-'n mr-’v .’‘ar bt> •h-’l-1-o <"nnr.-u-.- ,t x:v"n 'lit’ mimiliw u> ■'ClliS iw m-riup of gcaple a IT ,*Cs ttiii year ‘teiinjp iufe«w I pjJlr naw ;{0 fttfc.’.*e evwyv -ear rterw’ will tow 'terr will ftej af tift nrhpr wnpgcwtein ■m i gilt Be tttete • Between Der^rtrtoer Bayt —xFonimiti of Xew Eirite.